our ($jitter, $realtime);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order bundling);
+unshift (@ARGV, split (' ', $ENV{PINTOSOPTS}))
+ if defined $ENV{PINTOSOPTS};
GetOptions ("sim=s" => sub { set_sim (@_) },
"bochs" => sub { set_sim ("bochs") },
"qemu" => sub { set_sim ("qemu") },
my (@cmd) = ("-ci", $guestfn, $size, "-q");
unshift (@cmd, "-f") if $format;
run_vm ('EXEC', @cmd);
+ exit 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'get') {
usage () if @ARGV != 1 && @ARGV != 2;
my ($guestfn, $hostfn) = @ARGV;
print DST $src or die "$hostfn: write error\n";
close (DST);
close (SRC);
+ exit 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'help') {
usage (0);
} else {
undef $disks[$i] if ! -e $disks[$i];
- my ($project) = `pwd` =~ /\b(threads|userprog|vm|filesys)\b/;
- if (($project eq 'userprog' || $project eq 'vm' || $project eq 'filesys')
- && !defined $disks[1]) {
- print STDERR "warning: it looks like you're running the $project project, "
- . "but no file system disk is present\n";
- }
- if ($project eq 'vm' && !defined $disks[3]) {
- print STDERR "warning: it looks like you're running the $project project, "
- . "but no swap disk is present\n";
+ if (my ($project) = `pwd` =~ /\b(threads|userprog|vm|filesys)\b/) {
+ if ((grep ($project eq $_, qw (userprog vm filesys)))
+ && !defined ($disks[1])) {
+ print STDERR "warning: it looks like you're running the $project ";
+ print STDERR "project, but no file system disk is present\n";
+ }
+ if ($project eq 'vm' && !defined $disks[3]) {
+ print STDERR "warning: it looks like you're running the $project ";
+ print STDERR "project, but no swap disk is present\n";
+ }
write_cmd_line ($disks[0], @_);
push (@cmd, '-S') if $debug eq 'monitor';
push (@cmd, '-s') if $debug eq 'gdb';
run_command (@cmd);
+ exit 1;
} elsif ($sim eq 'gsx') {
print "warning: VMware GSX Server doesn't support --$debug\n"
if $debug ne 'no-debug';
print VMX "guestOS = \"linux\"\n";
print VMX "floppy0.present = FALSE\n";
+ unlink ("pintos.out");
+ print VMX "serial0.present = TRUE\n";
+ print VMX "serial0.fileType = \"file\"\n";
+ print VMX "serial0.fileName = \"pintos.out\"\n";
if (! -e 'null.bin') {
open (NULL, ">null.bin") or die "null.bin: create: $!\n";
close (NULL);
system ("vmware-cmd $vmx stop hard >&/dev/null");
system ("vmware -l -G -x -q $vmx");
system ("vmware-cmd $vmx stop hard >&/dev/null");
+ exit 1;