3 # This program tests for a bug which caused UNIFORM(x) to always return zero.
6 TEMPDIR=/tmp/pspp-tst-$$
7 TESTFILE=$TEMPDIR/`basename $0`.sps
11 # ensure that top_srcdir is absolute
12 cd $top_srcdir; top_srcdir=`pwd`
14 STAT_CONFIG_PATH=$top_srcdir/config
52 activity="create program"
54 data list list /ID * ABC *.
71 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
73 $SUPERVISOR $here/../src/pspp -o raw-ascii $TESTFILE
74 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
77 perl -pi -e s/^\s*\$//g $TEMPDIR/pspp.list
78 diff -b -w $TEMPDIR/pspp.list - << EOF | perl -e 's/^\s*$//g'
79 1.1 DATA LIST. Reading free-form data from the command file.
87 2.1 DESCRIPTIVES. Valid cases = 6; cases with missing value(s) = 0.
88 +--------#-+-----+-------+-------+-------+
89 |Variable#N| Mean|Std Dev|Minimum|Maximum|
90 #========#=#=====#=======#=======#=======#
91 |ABC #6|3.000| .837| 2.000| 4.000|
92 +--------#-+-----+-------+-------+-------+
94 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi