--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+use Algorithm::Diff;
+use Getopt::Long;
+our ($VERBOSE) = 0; # Verbosity of output
+our (@TESTS); # Tests to run.
+my ($clean) = 0;
+my ($grade) = 0;
+GetOptions ("v|verbose+" => \$VERBOSE,
+ "h|help" => sub { usage (0) },
+ "t|test=s" => \@TESTS,
+ "c|clean" => \$clean,
+ "g|grade" => \$grade)
+ or die "Malformed command line; use --help for help.\n";
+die "Non-option argument not supported; use --help for help.\n"
+ if @ARGV > 0;
+sub usage {
+ my ($exitcode) = @_;
+ print "run-tests, for grading Pintos multiprogramming projects.\n\n";
+ print "Invoke from a directory containing a student tarball named by\n";
+ print "the submit script, e.g. username.Oct.\n";
+ print "In normal usage, no options are needed.\n\n";
+ print "Output is produced in tests.out and details.out.\n\n";
+ print "Options:\n";
+ print " -c, --clean Remove old output files before starting\n";
+ print " -t, --test=TEST Execute TEST only (allowed multiple times)\n";
+ print " -g, --grade Instead of running tests, compose grade.out\n";
+ print " -v, --verbose Print commands before executing them\n";
+ print " -h, --help Print this help message\n";
+ exit $exitcode;
+# Default set of tests.
+@TESTS = ("alarm-single", "alarm-multiple", "alarm-zero", "alarm-negative",
+ "join-simple",
+ "join-quick", "join-multiple", "join-nested",
+ "join-dummy", "join-invalid", "join-no",
+ "priority-preempt", "priority-fifo", "priority-donate-one",
+ "priority-donate-multiple", "priority-donate-nest",
+ "mlfqs-on", "mlfqs-off")
+ unless @TESTS > 0;
+# Handle final grade mode.
+if ($grade) {
+ open (OUT, ">grade.out") or die "grade.out: create: $!\n";
+ open (GRADE, "<grade.txt") or die "grade.txt: open: $!\n";
+ while (<GRADE>) {
+ last if /^\s*$/;
+ print OUT;
+ }
+ close (GRADE);
+ my (@tests) = snarf ("tests.out");
+ my ($p_got, $p_pos) = $tests[0] =~ m%\((\d+)/(\d+)\)% or die;
+ my (@review) = snarf ("review.txt");
+ my ($part_lost) = (0, 0);
+ for (my ($i) = $#review; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ local ($_) = $review[$i];
+ if (my ($loss) = /^\s*([-+]\d+)/) {
+ $part_lost += $loss;
+ } elsif (my ($out_of) = m%\[\[/(\d+)\]\]%) {
+ my ($got) = $out_of + $part_lost;
+ $got = 0 if $got < 0;
+ $review[$i] =~ s%\[\[/\d+\]\]%($got/$out_of)% or die;
+ $part_lost = 0;
+ $p_got += $got;
+ $p_pos += $out_of;
+ }
+ }
+ die "Lost points outside a section\n" if $part_lost;
+ for (my ($i) = 1; $i <= $#review; $i++) {
+ if ($review[$i] =~ /^-{3,}\s*$/ && $review[$i - 1] !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ $review[$i] = '-' x (length ($review[$i - 1]));
+ }
+ }
+ print OUT "\nOVERALL SCORE\n";
+ print OUT "-------------\n";
+ print OUT "$p_got points out of $p_pos total\n\n";
+ print OUT map ("$_\n", @tests), "\n";
+ print OUT map ("$_\n", @review), "\n";
+ print OUT "DETAILS\n";
+ print OUT "-------\n\n";
+ print OUT map ("$_\n", snarf ("details.out"));
+ exit 0;
+# Find the directory that contains the grading files.
+our ($GRADES_DIR);
+($GRADES_DIR = $0) =~ s#/[^/]+$##;
+-d $GRADES_DIR or die "$GRADES_DIR: stat: $!\n";
+if ($clean) {
+ # Verify that we're roughly in the correct directory
+ # before we go blasting away files.
+ choose_tarball ();
+ xsystem ("rm -rf output pintos", VERBOSE => 1);
+ xsystem ("rm -f details.out tests.out", VERBOSE => 1);
+# Create output directory, if it doesn't already exist.
+-d ("output") || mkdir ("output") or die "output: mkdir: $!\n";
+# Extract submission.
+extract_tarball () if ! -d "pintos";
+# Verify that the proper directory was submitted.
+-d "pintos/src/threads" or die "pintos/src/threads: stat: $!\n";
+# Run and grade the tests.
+our $test;
+our %result;
+our %details;
+our %extra;
+for $test (@TESTS) {
+ print "$test: ";
+ my ($result) = run_test ($test);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $result = grade_test ($test);
+ $result =~ s/\n$//;
+ }
+ print "$result\n";
+ $result{$test} = $result;
+# MLFQS takes results from mlfqs-on and mlfqs-off.
+grade_mlfqs_speedup ();
+grade_mlfqs_priority ();
+# Write output.
+write_grades ();
+write_details ();
+sub choose_tarball {
+ my (@tarballs)
+ = grep (/^[a-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d+\.tar\.gz$/,
+ glob ("*.tar.gz"));
+ die "no pintos dir and no source tarball\n" if scalar (@tarballs) == 0;
+ # Sort tarballs in reverse order by time.
+ @tarballs = sort { ext_mdyHMS ($b) cmp ext_mdyHMS ($a) } @tarballs;
+ print "Multiple tarballs: choosing $tarballs[0]\n"
+ if scalar (@tarballs) > 1;
+ return $tarballs[0];
+sub extract_tarball {
+ my ($tarball) = choose_tarball ();
+ mkdir "pintos" or die "pintos: mkdir: $!\n";
+ mkdir "pintos/src" or die "pintos: mkdir: $!\n";
+ print "Extracting $tarball...\n";
+ xsystem ("cd pintos/src && tar xzf ../../$tarball",
+ DIE => "extraction failed\n");
+ print "Patching...\n";
+ xsystem ("patch -fs pintos/src/lib/debug.c < $GRADES_DIR/panic.diff",
+ LOG => "patch",
+ DIE => "patch failed\n");
+sub ext_mdyHMS {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ my ($ms, $d, $y, $H, $M, $S) =
+ $s =~ /.([A-Za-z]+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)\.tar\.gz$/
+ or die;
+ my ($m) = index ("janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec", lc $ms) / 3
+ or die;
+ return sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S;
+sub test_source {
+ my ($test) = @_;
+ my ($src) = "$GRADES_DIR/$test.c";
+ $src = "$GRADES_DIR/mlfqs.c" if $test =~ /^mlfqs/;
+ -e $src or die "$src: stat: $!\n";
+ return $src;
+sub test_constants {
+ my ($defines) = "";
+ $defines .= "#define MLFQS 1\n" if $test eq 'mlfqs-on';
+ return $defines;
+ }
+sub run_test {
+ my ($test) = @_;
+ # Reuse older results if any.
+ if (open (DONE, "<output/$test/done")) {
+ my ($status);
+ $status = <DONE>;
+ chomp $status;
+ close (DONE);
+ return $status;
+ }
+ # Really run the test.
+ my ($status) = really_run_test ($test);
+ # Save the results for later.
+ open (DONE, ">output/$test/done") or die "output/$test/done: create: $!\n";
+ print DONE "$status\n";
+ close (DONE);
+ return $status;
+sub really_run_test {
+ # Need to run it.
+ # If there's residue from an earlier test, move it to .old.
+ # If there's already a .old, delete it.
+ xsystem ("rm -rf output/$test.old", VERBOSE => 1) if -d "output/$test.old";
+ rename "output/$test", "output/$test.old" or die "rename: $!\n"
+ if -d "output/$test";
+ # Make output directory.
+ mkdir "output/$test";
+ # Change constants.h if necessary.
+ my ($defines) = test_constants ($test);
+ if ($defines ne snarf ("pintos/src/constants.h")) {
+ open (CONSTANTS, ">pintos/src/constants.h");
+ print CONSTANTS $defines;
+ close (CONSTANTS);
+ }
+ # Changes devices/timer.c if necessary.
+ my ($new_time_slice) = $test eq 'priority-fifo' ? 100 : 1;
+ my (@timer) = snarf ("pintos/src/devices/timer.c");
+ if (!grep (/^\#define TIME_SLICE $new_time_slice$/, @timer)) {
+ @timer = grep (!/^\#define TIME_SLICE/, @timer);
+ unshift (@timer, "#define TIME_SLICE $new_time_slice");
+ open (TIMER, ">pintos/src/devices/timer.c");
+ print TIMER map ("$_\n", @timer);
+ close (TIMER);
+ }
+ # Copy in the new test.c and delete enough files to ensure a full rebuild.
+ my ($src) = test_source ($test);
+ xsystem ("cp $src pintos/src/threads/test.c", DIE => "cp failed\n");
+ unlink ("pintos/src/threads/build/threads/test.o");
+ unlink ("pintos/src/threads/build/kernel.o");
+ unlink ("pintos/src/threads/build/kernel.bin");
+ unlink ("pintos/src/threads/build/os.dsk");
+ # Build.
+ xsystem ("cd pintos/src/threads && make", LOG => "$test/make")
+ or return "compile error";
+ # Copy out files for backtraces later.
+ xsystem ("cp pintos/src/threads/build/kernel.o output/$test");
+ xsystem ("cp pintos/src/threads/build/os.dsk output/$test");
+ # Run.
+ my ($timeout) = 10;
+ $timeout = 600 if $test =~ /^mlfqs/;
+ xsystem ("cd pintos/src/threads/build && pintos -v run -q",
+ LOG => "$test/run",
+ TIMEOUT => $timeout)
+ or return "Bochs error";
+ return "ok";
+sub grade_test {
+ my ($test) = @_;
+ my (@output) = snarf ("output/$test/run.out");
+ if (-e "$GRADES_DIR/$test.exp") {
+ eval {
+ verify_common (@output);
+ compare_output ("$GRADES_DIR/$test.exp", @output);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($grade_func);
+ ($grade_func = $test) =~ s/-/_/g;
+ eval "grade_$grade_func (\@output)";
+ }
+ if ($@) {
+ die $@ if $@ =~ /at \S+ line \d+$/;
+ return $@;
+ }
+ return "ok";
+sub grade_alarm_single {
+ verify_alarm (1, @_);
+sub grade_alarm_multiple {
+ verify_alarm (7, @_);
+sub verify_alarm {
+ my ($iterations, @output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ my (@products);
+ for (my ($i) = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
+ for (my ($t) = 0; $t < 5; $t++) {
+ push (@products, ($i + 1) * ($t + 1) * 10);
+ }
+ }
+ @products = sort {$a <=> $b} @products;
+ local ($_);
+ foreach (@output) {
+ die $_ if /Out of order/;
+ my ($p) = /product=(\d+)$/;
+ next if !defined $p;
+ my ($q) = shift (@products);
+ die "Too many wakeups.\n" if !defined $q;
+ die "Out of order wakeups ($p vs. $q).\n" if $p != $q; # FIXME
+ }
+ die scalar (@products) . " fewer wakeups than expected.\n"
+ if @products != 0;
+sub grade_alarm_zero {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ die "Crashed in timer_sleep()\n" if !grep (/^Success\.$/, @output);
+sub grade_alarm_negative {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ die "Crashed in timer_sleep()\n" if !grep (/^Success\.$/, @output);
+sub grade_join_invalid {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ grep (/Testing invalid join/, @output) or die "Test didn't start\n";
+ grep (/Invalid join test done/, @output) or die "Test didn't complete\n";
+sub grade_join_no {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ grep (/Testing no join/, @output) or die "Test didn't start\n";
+ grep (/No join test done/, @output) or die "Test didn't complete\n";
+sub grade_join_multiple {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ my (@t);
+ $t[4] = $t[5] = $t[6] = -1;
+ local ($_);
+ foreach (@output) {
+ my ($idx) = /^Thread (\d+)/ or next;
+ my ($iter) = /iteration (\d+)$/;
+ $iter = 5 if /done!$/;
+ die "Malformed output\n" if !defined $iter;
+ if ($idx == 6) {
+ die "Thread 6 started before either other thread finished\n"
+ if $t[4] < 5 && $t[5] < 5;
+ die "Thread 6 started before thread 4 finished\n"
+ if $t[4] < 5;
+ die "Thread 6 started before thread 5 finished\n"
+ if $t[5] < 5;
+ }
+ die "Thread $idx out of order output\n" if $t[$idx] != $iter - 1;
+ $t[$idx] = $iter;
+ }
+ my ($err) = "";
+ for my $idx (4, 5, 6) {
+ if ($t[$idx] == -1) {
+ $err .= "Thread $idx did not run at all\n";
+ } elsif ($t[$idx] != 5) {
+ $err .= "Thread $idx only completed $t[$idx] iterations\n";
+ }
+ }
+ die $err if $err ne '';
+sub grade_priority_fifo {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ my ($thread_cnt) = 10;
+ my ($iter_cnt) = 5;
+ my (@order);
+ my (@t) = (-1) x $thread_cnt;
+ local ($_);
+ foreach (@output) {
+ my ($idx) = /^Thread (\d+)/ or next;
+ my ($iter) = /iteration (\d+)$/;
+ $iter = $iter_cnt if /done!$/;
+ die "Malformed output\n" if !defined $iter;
+ if (@order < $thread_cnt) {
+ push (@order, $idx);
+ die "Thread $idx repeated within first $thread_cnt iterations: "
+ . join (' ', @order) . ".\n"
+ if grep ($_ == $idx, @order) != 1;
+ } else {
+ die "Thread $idx ran when $order[0] should have.\n"
+ if $idx != $order[0];
+ push (@order, shift @order);
+ }
+ die "Thread $idx out of order output.\n" if $t[$idx] != $iter - 1;
+ $t[$idx] = $iter;
+ }
+ my ($err) = "";
+ for my $idx (0..$#t) {
+ if ($t[$idx] == -1) {
+ $err .= "Thread $idx did not run at all.\n";
+ } elsif ($t[$idx] != $iter_cnt) {
+ $err .= "Thread $idx only completed $t[$idx] iterations.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ die $err if $err ne '';
+sub grade_mlfqs_on {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ our (@mlfqs_on_stats) = mlfqs_stats (@output);
+sub grade_mlfqs_off {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ verify_common (@output);
+ our (@mlfqs_off_stats) = mlfqs_stats (@output);
+sub grade_mlfqs_speedup {
+ our (@mlfqs_off_stats);
+ our (@mlfqs_on_stats);
+ eval {
+ check_mlfqs ();
+ my ($off_ticks) = $mlfqs_off_stats[1];
+ my ($on_ticks) = $mlfqs_on_stats[1];
+ die "$off_ticks ticks without MLFQS, $on_ticks with MLFQS\n"
+ if $on_ticks >= $off_ticks;
+ die "ok\n";
+ };
+ chomp $@;
+ $result{'mlfqs-speedup'} = $@;
+sub grade_mlfqs_priority {
+ our (@mlfqs_off_stats);
+ our (@mlfqs_on_stats);
+ eval {
+ check_mlfqs () if !defined (@mlfqs_on_stats);
+ for my $cat qw (CPU IO MIX) {
+ die "Priority changed away from PRI_DEFAULT (29) without MLFQS\n"
+ if $mlfqs_off_stats[0]{$cat}{MIN} != 29
+ || $mlfqs_off_stats[0]{$cat}{MAX} != 29;
+ die "Minimum priority never changed from PRI_DEFAULT (29) "
+ . "with MLFQS\n"
+ if $mlfqs_on_stats[0]{$cat}{MIN} == 29;
+ die "Maximum priority never changed from PRI_DEFAULT (29) "
+ . "with MLFQS\n"
+ if $mlfqs_on_stats[0]{$cat}{MAX} == 29;
+ }
+ die "ok\n";
+ };
+ chomp $@;
+ $result{'mlfqs-priority'} = $@;
+sub check_mlfqs {
+ our (@mlfqs_off_stats);
+ our (@mlfqs_on_stats);
+ die "p1-4 didn't finish with MLFQS on or off\n"
+ if !defined (@mlfqs_off_stats) && !defined (@mlfqs_on_stats);
+ die "p1-4 didn't finish with MLFQS on\n"
+ if !defined (@mlfqs_on_stats);
+ die "p1-4 didn't finish with MLFQS off\n"
+ if !defined (@mlfqs_off_stats);
+sub mlfqs_stats {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ my (%stats) = (CPU => {}, IO => {}, MIX => {});
+ my (%map) = ("CPU intensive" => 'CPU',
+ "IO intensive" => 'IO',
+ "Alternating IO/CPU" => 'MIX');
+ my (%rmap) = reverse %map;
+ my ($ticks);
+ local ($_);
+ foreach (@output) {
+ $ticks = $1 if /Timer: (\d+) ticks/;
+ my ($thread, $pri) = /^([A-Za-z\/ ]+): (\d+)$/ or next;
+ my ($t) = $map{$thread} or next;
+ my ($s) = $stats{$t};
+ $$s{N}++;
+ $$s{SUM} += $pri;
+ $$s{SUM2} += $pri * $pri;
+ $$s{MIN} = $pri if !defined ($$s{MIN}) || $pri < $$s{MIN};
+ $$s{MAX} = $pri if !defined ($$s{MAX}) || $pri > $$s{MAX};
+ }
+ my (%expect_n) = (CPU => 5000, IO => 1000, MIX => 12000);
+ for my $cat (values (%map)) {
+ my ($s) = $stats{$cat};
+ die "$rmap{$cat} printed $$s{N} times, not $expect_n{$cat}\n"
+ if $$s{N} != $expect_n{$cat};
+ die "$rmap{$cat} priority dropped to $$s{MIN}, below PRI_MIN (0)\n"
+ if $$s{MIN} < 0;
+ die "$rmap{$cat} priority rose to $$s{MAX}, above PRI_MAX (59)\n"
+ if $$s{MAX} > 59;
+ $$s{MEAN} = $$s{SUM} / $$s{N};
+ }
+ return (\%stats, $ticks);
+sub verify_common {
+ my (@output) = @_;
+ my (@assertion) = grep (/PANIC/, @output);
+ if (@assertion != 0) {
+ my ($details) = "Kernel panic:\n $assertion[0]\n";
+ my (@stack_line) = grep (/Call stack:/, @output);
+ if (@stack_line != 0) {
+ $details .= " $stack_line[0]\n\n";
+ $details .= "Translation of backtrace:\n";
+ my (@addrs) = $stack_line[0] =~ /Call stack:((?: 0x[0-9a-f]+)+)/;
+ my ($A2L);
+ if (`uname -m`
+ =~ /i.86|pentium.*|[pk][56]|nexgen|viac3|6x86|athlon.*/) {
+ $A2L = "addr2line";
+ } else {
+ $A2L = "i386-elf-addr2line";
+ }
+ open (A2L, "$A2L -fe output/$test/kernel.o @addrs|");
+ for (;;) {
+ my ($function, $line);
+ last unless defined ($function = <A2L>);
+ $line = <A2L>;
+ chomp $function;
+ chomp $line;
+ $details .= " $function ($line)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $extra{$test} = $details;
+ die "Kernel panic. Details at end of file.\n"
+ }
+ die "No output at all\n" if @output == 0;
+ die "Didn't start up properly: no \"Pintos booting\" startup message\n"
+ if !grep (/Pintos booting with.*kB RAM\.\.\./, @output);
+ die "Didn't start up properly: no \"Boot complete\" startup message\n"
+ if !grep (/Boot complete/, @output);
+ die "Didn't shut down properly: no \"Timer: # ticks\" shutdown message\n"
+ if !grep (/Timer: \d+ ticks/, @output);
+ die "Didn't shut down properly: no \"Powering off\" shutdown message\n"
+ if !grep (/Powering off/, @output);
+sub compare_output {
+ my ($exp_file, @actual) = @_;
+ my (@expected) = snarf ($exp_file);
+ @actual = map ("$_\n", @actual);
+ @expected = map ("$_\n", @expected);
+ # Trim header and trailer from @actual.
+ while (scalar (@actual) && $actual[0] ne $expected[0]) {
+ shift (@actual);
+ }
+ die "First line of expected output was not present.\n" if !@actual;
+ while (scalar (@actual) && $actual[$#actual] ne $expected[$#expected]) {
+ pop (@actual);
+ }
+ die "Final line of expected output was not present.\n" if !@actual;
+ # Check whether they're the same.
+ if ($#actual == $#expected) {
+ my ($eq) = 1;
+ for (my ($i) = 0; $i <= $#expected; $i++) {
+ $eq = 0 if $actual[$i] ne $expected[$i];
+ }
+ return if $eq;
+ }
+ # They differ. Output a diff.
+ my (@diff) = "";
+ my ($d) = Algorithm::Diff->new (\@expected, \@actual);
+ while ($d->Next ()) {
+ my ($ef, $el, $af, $al) = $d->Get (qw (min1 max1 min2 max2));
+ if ($d->Same ()) {
+ push (@diff, map (" $_", $d->Items (1)));
+ } else {
+ push (@diff, map ("- $_", $d->Items (1))) if $d->Items (1);
+ push (@diff, map ("+ $_", $d->Items (2))) if $d->Items (2);
+ }
+ }
+ my ($details) = "";
+ $details .= "$test actual output:\n";
+ $details .= join ('', map (" $_", @actual));
+ $details .= "\n$test expected output:\n";
+ $details .= join ('', map (" $_", @expected));
+ $details .= "\nOutput differences in `diff -u' format:\n";
+ $details .= join ('', @diff) . "\n";
+ $details{$test} = $details;
+ die "Output differs from expected. Details at end of file.\n";
+sub write_grades {
+ my (@summary) = snarf ("$GRADES_DIR/tests.txt");
+ my ($ploss) = 0;
+ my ($tloss) = 0;
+ my ($total) = 0;
+ for (my ($i) = 0; $i <= $#summary; $i++) {
+ local ($_) = $summary[$i];
+ if (my ($loss, $test) = /^ -(\d+) ([-a-zA-Z0-9]+):/) {
+ my ($result) = $result{$test} || "Not tested.";
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ splice (@summary, $i, 1);
+ $i--;
+ } else {
+ $ploss += $loss;
+ $tloss += $loss;
+ splice (@summary, $i + 1, 0,
+ map (" $_", split ("\n", $result)));
+ }
+ } elsif (my ($ptotal) = /^Score: \/(\d+)$/) {
+ $total += $ptotal;
+ $summary[$i] = "Score: " . ($ptotal - $ploss) . "/$ptotal";
+ splice (@summary, $i, 0, " All tests passed.") if $ploss == 0;
+ $ploss = 0;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($ts) = "(" . ($total - $tloss) . "/" . $total . ")";
+ $summary[0] =~ s/\[\[total\]\]/$ts/;
+ open (SUMMARY, ">tests.out");
+ print SUMMARY map ("$_\n", @summary);
+ close (SUMMARY);
+sub write_details {
+ open (DETAILS, ">details.out");
+ my ($n) = 0;
+ for my $test (@TESTS) {
+ next if $result{$test} eq 'ok';
+ my ($details) = $details{$test};
+ next if !defined ($details) && ! -e "output/$test/run.out";
+ print DETAILS "\n" if $n++;
+ print DETAILS "--- $test details ", '-' x (50 - length ($test));
+ print DETAILS "\n\n";
+ if (!defined $details) {
+ $details = "Output:\n\n" . snarf ("output/$test/run.out");
+ }
+ print DETAILS $details;
+ print DETAILS "\n", "-" x 10, "\n\n$extra{$test}"
+ if defined $extra{$test};
+ }
+ close (DETAILS);
+sub xsystem {
+ my ($command, %options) = @_;
+ print "$command\n" if $VERBOSE || $options{VERBOSE};
+ my ($log) = $options{LOG};
+ if (defined ($log)) {
+ $command = "($command) >output/$log.out 2>output/$log.err";
+ }
+ my ($pid, $status);
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+ alarm $options{TIMEOUT} if defined $options{TIMEOUT};
+ $pid = fork;
+ die "fork: $!\n" if !defined $pid;
+ exec ($command), die "$command: exec: $!\n" if !$pid;
+ waitpid ($pid, 0);
+ $status = $?;
+ alarm 0;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
+ print "Timed out.\n";
+ kill SIGTERM, $pid;
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ if (WIFSIGNALED ($status)) {
+ my ($signal) = WTERMSIG ($status);
+ die "Interrupted\n" if $signal == SIGINT;
+ print "Child terminated with signal $signal\n";
+ }
+ unlink ("output/$log.err") if defined ($log) && $status == 0;
+ return $status == 0;
+sub snarf {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open (OUTPUT, $file) or die "$file: open: $!\n";
+ my (@lines) = <OUTPUT>;
+ chomp (@lines);
+ close (OUTPUT);
+ return wantarray ? @lines : join ('', map ("$_\n", @lines));
+sub files_equal {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ my ($equal);
+ open (A, "<$a") or die "$a: open: $!\n";
+ open (B, "<$b") or die "$b: open: $!\n";
+ if (-s A != -s B) {
+ $equal = 0;
+ } else {
+ my ($sa, $sb);
+ for (;;) {
+ sysread (A, $sa, 1024);
+ sysread (B, $sb, 1024);
+ $equal = 0, last if $sa ne $sb;
+ $equal = 1, last if $sa eq '';
+ }
+ }
+ close (A);
+ close (B);
+ return $equal;
+sub file_contains {
+ my ($file, $expected) = @_;
+ open (FILE, "<$file") or die "$file: open: $!\n";
+ my ($actual);
+ sysread (FILE, $actual, -s FILE);
+ my ($equal) = $actual eq $expected;
+ close (FILE);
+ return $equal;
+sub number_lines {
+ my ($ln, $lines) = @_;
+ my ($out);
+ for my $line (@$lines) {
+ chomp $line;
+ $out .= sprintf "%4d %s\n", $ln++, $line;
+ }
+ return $out;