+* Most code written by Ben Pfaff <>.
* The structure and form of this operating system is inspired by the
Nachos system from the University of California, Berkeley. A few of
the source files are more-or-less literal translations of the Nachos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's 6.828 advanced operating
systems course. These files bear the original MIT license notice.
-* All other code written by Ben Pfaff <>.
* The projects are derived from those designed for Nachos by current
and former CS140 teaching assistants at Stanford University,
- including at least the following people: Yu Ping
- <>, Greg Hutchins, Kelly Shaw <kashaw (at)
->, Paul Twohey <twohey AT cs DOT stanford DOT edu>,
- Sameer Qureshi <>, John Rector. (If you're
- not on this list but should be, please let me know.)
+ including at least the following people:
+ - Yu Ping <>
+ - Greg Hutchins
+ - Kelly Shaw <kashaw (at)>,
+ - Paul Twohey <twohey AT cs DOT stanford DOT edu>
+ - Sameer Qureshi <>
+ - John Rector
+ If you're not on this list but should be, please let me know.
* The section on multilevel feedback schedulers in the threads project
is adapted from a handout written by Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau