tab_vline (t, TAL_1, 1, heading_rows, nr - 1);
+ /* Row Headers */
for (r = 0 ; r < corr->n_vars1 ; ++r)
tab_text (t, 0, 1 + r * rows_per_variable, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE,
tab_hline (t, TAL_1, 0, nc - 1, r * rows_per_variable + 1);
+ /* Column Headers */
for (c = 0 ; c < matrix_cols ; ++c)
const struct variable *v = corr->n_vars_total > corr->n_vars1 ?
unsigned char flags = 0;
const int col_index = corr->n_vars_total > corr->n_vars1 ?
- corr->n_vars_total - corr->n_vars1 - 1 + c :
+ corr->n_vars1 + c :
double pearson = gsl_matrix_get (cm, r, col_index);
double w = gsl_matrix_get (samples, r, col_index);
if ( opts->missing_type != CORR_LISTWISE )
tab_double (t, c + heading_columns, row + rows_per_variable - 1, 0, w, wfmt);
- if ( c != r)
+ if ( col_index != r)
tab_double (t, c + heading_columns, row + 1, 0, sig, NULL);
- if ( opts->sig && c != r && sig < 0.05)
+ if ( opts->sig && col_index != r && sig < 0.05)
flags = TAB_EMPH;
tab_double (t, c + heading_columns, row, flags, pearson, NULL);
Table: Correlations
foo,Pearson Correlation,1.000,-1.000
-,Sig. (2-tailed),,.000
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.000,.000
+dnl Checks for bug #40661
+AT_SETUP([CORRELATIONS -- incorrect subtable selection])
+AT_DATA([correlations.sps], [dnl
+set format = F12.4.
+set decimal = dot.
+data list notable list /var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 *.
+begin data.
+end data.
+ /VARIABLES = var1 var2 var3 WITH var4 var5
+ /VARIABLES = var3 var4 var5 WITH var1 var2
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv correlations.sps], [0],
+[Table: Correlations
+var1,Pearson Correlation,.5693,-.0519
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.0000,.6232
+var2,Pearson Correlation,.3792,-.0407
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.0002,.6985
+var3,Pearson Correlation,.3699,-.0543
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.0002,.6029
+Table: Correlations
+var3,Pearson Correlation,.6964,.5615
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.0000,.0000
+var4,Pearson Correlation,.5693,.3792
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.0000,.0002
+var5,Pearson Correlation,-.0519,-.0407
+,Sig. (2-tailed),.6232,.6985