Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA. */
+ Exported C code for a regression model. The EXPORT subcommand causes PSPP
+ to save a model as a small C program. This file contains some of the code
+ of that saved program.
+ */
const char reg_preamble[] = "/*\n This program contains functions which return estimates\n"
" and confidence intervals for a linear model. The EXPORT subcommand\n"
" of the REGRESSION procedure of GNU PSPP generated this program.\n*/\n\n";
const char reg_mean_cmt[] = "/*\n Estimate the mean of Y, the dependent variable for\n"
" the linear model of the form \n\n"
" Y = b0 + b1 * X1 + b2 * X2 + ... + bk * Xk + error\n\n"
" as known by PSPP, are stored in var_names. The estimated \n"
" regression coefficients (i.e., the estimates of b0,...,bk) \n"
" are stored in model_coeffs.\n*/\n";
+const char reg_getvar[] = "{\n\t\tj = pspp_reg_getvar (var_names[i]);\n"
+"\t\testimate += var_vals[j] * model_coeffs[j];\n"
+"\t}\n\t\n\treturn estimate;\n}\n\n"
+"/*\n Variance of an estimated mean of this form:\n\t"
+"Y = b0 + b1 * X1 + ... + bk * Xk\n where X1,...Xk are the dependent variables,"
+" stored in\n var_vals and b0,...,bk are the estimated regression coefficients.\n*/\n"
+"double\npspp_reg_variance (const double *var_vals, "
+"const char *var_names[])\n{\n\t";
+const char reg_export_t_quantiles_1[] = "/*\n Quantiles for the T distribution.\n*/\n"
+"static int\npspp_reg_t_quantile "
+"(double prob)\n{\n\n\tint i;\n\tdouble quantiles[] = {\n\t\t";
+const char reg_export_t_quantiles_2[] = "i = (int) 100.0 * prob;\n\treturn quantiles[i];\n}\n";
+const char reg_variance[] = "double result = 0.0;\n\n\tfor(i = 0; i < n_vars; i++)\n\t"
+"{\n\t\tj = pspp_reg_getvar (var_names[i]);\n\t\t"
+"unshuffled_vals[j] = var_vals[i];\n\t}\n\t"
+"for (i = 0; i < n_vars; i++)\n\t"
+"{\n\t\tresult += cov[i][i] * unshuffled_vals[i] * unshuffled_vals[i];\n\t\t"
+"for (j = i + 1; j < n_vars; j++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t"
+"result += 2.0 * cov[i][j] * unshuffled_vals[i] * unshuffled_vals[j];"
+"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n}\n";
+const char reg_export_confidence_interval[] = "/*\n Upper confidence limit for an "
+"estimated mean b0 + b1 * X1 + ... + bk * Xk.\n The confidence interval is a "
+"100 * p percent confidence interval.\n*/\n"
+"double pspp_reg_confidence_interval_U "
+"(const double *var_vals, const char *var_names[], double p)\n{\n\t"
+"double result;\n\t"
+"result = sqrt (pspp_reg_variance (var_vals, var_names);\n\treturn result;\n\t"
+"result *= pspp_reg_t_quantile ((1.0 + p) / 2.0);\n\t"
+"result += pspp_reg_estimate (var_vals, var_names);\n}\n"
+"/*\n Lower confidence limit for an "
+"estimated mean b0 + b1 * X1 + ... + bk * Xk.\n The confidence interval is a "
+"100 * p percent confidence interval.\n*/\n"
+"double pspp_reg_confidence_interval_L "
+"(const double *var_vals, const char *var_names[], double p)\n{\n\t"
+"double result;\n\t"
+"result = -sqrt (pspp_reg_variance (var_vals, var_names);\n\treturn result;\n\t"
+"result *= pspp_reg_t_quantile ((1.0 + p) / 2.0);\n\t"
+"result += pspp_reg_estimate (var_vals, var_names);\n}\n";
+const char reg_export_prediction_interval[] = "/*\n Upper prediction limit for a "
+"predicted value b0 + b1 * X1 + ... + bk * Xk.\n The prediction interval is a "
+"100 * p percent prediction interval.\n*/\n"
+"double pspp_reg_prediction_interval_U "
+"(const double *var_vals, const char *var_names[], double p)\n{\n\t"
+"double result;\n\t"
+"result = 1 + sqrt (pspp_reg_variance (var_vals, var_names);\n\treturn result;\n\t"
+"result *= pspp_reg_t_quantile ((1.0 + p) / 2.0);\n\t"
+"result += pspp_reg_estimate (var_vals, var_names);\n}\n"
+"/*\n Lower prediction limit for a "
+"predicted value b0 + b1 * X1 + ... + bk * Xk.\n The prediction interval is a "
+"100 * p percent prediction interval.\n*/\n"
+"double pspp_reg_prediction_interval_L "
+"(const double *var_vals, const char *var_names[], double p)\n{\n\t"
+"double result;\n\t"
+"result = -1.0 - sqrt (pspp_reg_variance (var_vals, var_names);\n\treturn result;\n\t"
+"result *= pspp_reg_t_quantile ((1.0 + p) / 2.0);\n\t"
+"result += pspp_reg_estimate (var_vals, var_names);\n}\n";
FILE *fp;
size_t i;
+ size_t j;
+ int n_quantiles = 100;
+ double increment;
+ double tmp;
struct pspp_linreg_coeff coeff;
if (export)
fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_preamble);
fprintf (fp, "#include <string.h>\n\n");
reg_print_getvar (fp, c);
+ fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_export_t_quantiles_1);
+ increment = 0.5 / (double) increment;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_quantiles - 1; i++)
+ {
+ tmp = 0.5 + 0.005 * (double) i;
+ fprintf (fp, "%.15e,\n\t\t", gsl_cdf_tdist_Pinv (tmp, c->n_obs - c->n_indeps));
+ }
+ fprintf (fp, "%.15e};\n\t", gsl_cdf_tdist_Pinv (.9995, c->n_obs - c->n_indeps));
+ fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_export_t_quantiles_2);
fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_mean_cmt);
fprintf (fp, "double\npspp_reg_estimate (const double *var_vals,");
fprintf (fp, "const char *var_names[])\n{\n\t");
fprintf (fp, "double estimate = %.15e;\n\t", coeff.estimate);
fprintf (fp, "int i;\n\tint j;\n\n\t");
fprintf (fp, "for (i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n\t", c->n_indeps);
- fprintf (fp, "{\n\t\tj = pspp_reg_getvar (var_names[i]);\n");
- fprintf (fp, "\t\testimate += var_vals[j] * model_coeffs[j];\n");
- fprintf (fp, "\t}\n\t\n\treturn estimate;\n}\n\n");
- fprintf (fp, "double\npspp_reg_standard_error (const double *var_vals,");
- fprintf (fp, "const char *var_names[])\n{\n\t");
+ fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_getvar);
+ fprintf (fp, "const double cov[%d][%d] = {\n\t",c->n_indeps, c->n_indeps);
+ for (i = 0; i < c->cov->size1 - 1; i++)
+ {
+ fprintf (fp, "{");
+ for (j = 0; j < c->cov->size2 - 1; j++)
+ {
+ fprintf (fp, "%.15e, ", gsl_matrix_get (c->cov, i, j));
+ }
+ fprintf (fp, "%.15e},\n\t", gsl_matrix_get (c->cov, i, j));
+ }
+ fprintf (fp, "{");
+ for (j = 0; j < c->cov->size2 - 1; j++)
+ {
+ fprintf (fp, "%.15e, ", gsl_matrix_get (c->cov, c->cov->size1 - 1, j));
+ }
+ fprintf (fp, "%.15e}\n\t", gsl_matrix_get (c->cov, c->cov->size1 - 1, c->cov->size2 - 1));
+ fprintf (fp, "};\n\tint n_vars = %d;\n\tint i;\n\tint j;\n\t", c->n_indeps);
+ fprintf (fp, "double unshuffled_vals[%d];\n\t",c->n_indeps);
+ fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_variance);
+ fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_export_confidence_interval);
+ fprintf (fp, "%s", reg_export_prediction_interval);
fclose (fp);