Rename lib/gtksheet to lib/gtk-contrib
authorJohn Darrington <>
Mon, 15 Dec 2008 06:06:07 +0000 (15:06 +0900)
committerJohn Darrington <>
Mon, 15 Dec 2008 06:06:07 +0000 (15:06 +0900)
24 files changed:
lib/gtk-contrib/COPYING.LESSER [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/OChangeLog [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/README [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/ [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/gtkextra-sheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/gtksheet/COPYING.LESSER [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/OChangeLog [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/README [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/ [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/gtkextra-sheet.h [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.c [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.h [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.c [deleted file]
lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.h [deleted file]

index 9197da9742569acb1baed6b933e74a409b3e66f8..7cd9c9f477da0fd0b76359225d88dbc0f4edec62 100644 (file)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/lib/linreg/
 include $(top_srcdir)/lib/misc/
-include $(top_srcdir)/lib/gtksheet/
+include $(top_srcdir)/lib/gtk-contrib/
 EXTRA_DIST += lib/OChangeLog
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/COPYING.LESSER b/lib/gtk-contrib/COPYING.LESSER
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8add30a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+                      Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+                           Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+                           NO WARRANTY
+                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/OChangeLog b/lib/gtk-contrib/OChangeLog
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5ba1c8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+2008-05-08  Ben Pfaff  <>
+       Patch #6506.  Reviewed by John Darrington.
+       * gtksheet.c (gtk_sheet_unrealize): Don't call gtk_widget_unparent
+       on sheet->button if it's null.
+2008-05-06  Ben Pfaff  <>
+       * gtksheet.c (gtk_sheet_dispose): Set the sheet's entry_container
+       and button members to NULL after unref'ing them, so that a later
+       call to gtk_sheet_for_all will not try to dereference a dangling
+       pointer.
+2008-03-06 John Darrington <>
+       * gsheet-row-iface.c gsheet-row-iface.h: Delete unused, unneccesary
+       gpointer variable from the interface.
+       * gtksheet.c: Update to match new gsheet-row-iface
+2008-02-27 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Corrected some leaks and other problems
+       related to de-allocating the sheet.
+2008-02-27 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c: (gtk_sheet_expose) Don't queue a redraw on the entry
+       widget.  Fixes bug #21073
+2008-02-20 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed some unused signals.
+       Made the models properties of the widget.
+2008-02-08 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c: Removed the sheet_locked feature, which we never
+       used, and interfered with the editability of the entry widget.
+       * gtksheet.c: Add one to the row to which we scroll. Seems like
+       the best way to cope with granularity problems.
+21 Septempber 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c (range_update_callback): Scroll to cell 0,0 if the
+       current position is outside the model's range.
+24 July 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed the `clip' feature, which IMO 
+       is a croc, and we're unlikely to use.  In its place, added a primary 
+       selection which supports text and html targets.
+16 July 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed some legacy functions called from 
+       gtk_sheet_finalize which caused unnecessary delays when shutting down.
+12 July 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed view member and replaced with 
+        function call.  Removed hadjustment_changed and vadjustment_changed 
+        functions which did nothing.  Added some whitespace arount != 
+        operators.
+09 July 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h (gtk_sheet_get_active_cell): Allowed row,
+       column  to be NULL.
+07 July 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-column-iface.h gsheet-row-iface.c
+       gsheet-row-iface.h gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Added a "subtitle"
+       feature on row/column titles, which shows tooltip-like popups.  
+03 July 2007 John Darrington <>
+       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed the autoscroll-on-select feature 
+       that was causing us grief.
+28 June 2007 John Darrington <>
+        * gtksheet.c: Removed some features that we dont use, to get better 
+       speed.
+Sat Feb 17 17:36:56 2007  Ben Pfaff  <>
+       * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-hetero-column.c gsheet-row-iface.c
+       gsheet-uniform-column.c gsheet-uniform-row.c gsheetmodel.c
+       gtkextra-marshal.c gtkextra.c gtkiconlist.c gtkitementry.c
+       gtksheet.c: Add "#include <config.h>".
+Mon Jun 19 18:03:21 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+       * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-column-iface.h
+       gsheet-hetero-column.c gsheet-row-iface.c gsheet-row-iface.h
+       gsheet-uniform-column.c gsheet-uniform-row.c gtksheet.c
+       gtksheet.h:  Fixed some warnings.  Corrected errors updating
+               row/column titles
+Di Mai 30 19:51:19 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: constness. Removed dependence on glib2.10
+Sat May 27 16:29:36 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gtksheet.c: Removed call to gtk_entry_set_text, which caused warnings 
+       and was unnecessary.
+Thu May 25 17:58:51 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-column-iface.h gsheet-hetero-column.c
+    gsheet-row-iface.c gsheet-row-iface.h gsheet-uniform-row.c
+    gtksheet-extra.h gtksheet.c:  Plugged memory leaks.  Rationalised the way
+    that GtkSheetButtons are created.
+Sat May 20 21:02:03 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gsheetmodel.c gsheetmodel.h: Added columns-inserted and columns-deleted 
+    signals.  Added g_sheet_get_{row,column}_count functions.
+    * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Allowed -1 to be passed to
+    gtk_sheet_set_active_cell to indicate no active cell.
+Mon May 15 16:10:49 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gtksheet.c: Removed code which rendered the title buttons a second 
+    time.  Cut and Paste error ?
+Sat May 13 07:58:32 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+        * gsheetmodel.c gsheetmodel.h gtksheet.c gtksheeet.h: Added
+       free_strings flag to tell the sheet whether to free the string
+       data passed from the model.
+Thu May 11 22:20:04 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gtksheet.c, gtksheet.h: Fixed broken deallocation of sheet->pixmap.
+Thu May  4 17:55:48 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
+    * gtksheet.c: Added callback on inserted rows.
+Sat Jan 28 08:48:08 2006 UTC John Darrington <>
+    * Separated the data out of the GtkSheet.  The gtksheet should now be
+    regarded as a way of looking into the data.  The data is represented by a
+    GSheetModel and the rows and columns by  GSheetRow and GSheetColumn.
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/README b/lib/gtk-contrib/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e6e23d9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This is not part of the GNU PSPP program, but is used with GNU PSPP.
+This directory contains a version of the GtkXPaned widget.  It includes
+minor modifications. GtkXPaned is licensed under the GNU Lesser
+General Public License.  See COPYING.LESSER. 
+This directory also contains the PsppireSheet widget which is a very
+heavily modified version of GtkSheet widget.  This modified version if
+licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/ b/lib/gtk-contrib/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c78e61f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce  -*- makefile -*-
+noinst_LIBRARIES += lib/gtk-contrib/libgtksheet.a
+lib_gtk_contrib_libgtksheet_a_CFLAGS = $(GTK_CFLAGS) -Wall -DGDK_MULTIHEAD_SAFE=1
+lib_gtk_contrib_libgtksheet_a_SOURCES = \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/gtkextra-sheet.h \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.c \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.h \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.c \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.h
+EXTRA_DIST += lib/gtk-contrib/OChangeLog \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/README
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/gtkextra-sheet.h b/lib/gtk-contrib/gtkextra-sheet.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..16d6b5b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* This version of GtkSheet has been heavily modified, for the specific
+ *  requirements of PSPPIRE.
+ *
+ * GtkSheet widget for Gtk+.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Adrian E. Feiguin <>
+ *
+ * Based on GtkClist widget by Jay Painter, but major changes.
+ * Memory allocation routines inspired on SC (Spreadsheet Calculator)
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+struct _PsppireSheet ;
+typedef struct _PsppireSheet PsppireSheet;
+struct _PsppireSheetButton
+  GtkStateType state;
+  gchar *label;
+  gboolean label_visible;
+  GtkJustification justification;
+struct _PsppireSheetCell
+  gint row;
+  gint col;
+typedef struct _PsppireSheetButton PsppireSheetButton;
+typedef struct _PsppireSheetCell PsppireSheetCell;
+PsppireSheetButton * psppire_sheet_button_new (void);
+void psppire_sheet_button_free (PsppireSheetButton *button);
+#endif /* PSPPIRE_EXTRA_SHEET_H__ */
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.c b/lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5db3cce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3260 @@
+**3456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 
+**      10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
+**  library for GtkXPaned-widget, a 2x2 grid-like variation of GtkPaned of gtk+
+**  Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mirco "MacSlow" Müller <>
+**  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+**  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+**  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+**  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+**  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+**  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+**  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+**  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+**  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+**  GtkXPaned is based on GtkPaned which was done by...
+**  "Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald"
+**  and later modified by...
+**  "the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000"
+#include "gtkxpaned.h"
+#include <ui/gui/psppire-marshal.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkbindings.h>
+#include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>
+enum WidgetProperties
+       PROP_0,
+enum ChildProperties
+       CHILD_PROP_0,
+enum WidgetSignals
+       MOVE_HANDLE,
+static void gtk_xpaned_class_init (GtkXPanedClass* klass);
+static void gtk_xpaned_init (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+static void gtk_xpaned_size_request (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                        GtkRequisition* requisition);
+static void gtk_xpaned_size_allocate (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                         GtkAllocation* allocation);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_property (GObject* object,
+                                                                        guint prop_id,
+                                                                        const GValue* value,
+                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec);
+static void gtk_xpaned_get_property (GObject* object,
+                                                                        guint prop_id,
+                                                                        GValue* value,
+                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
+                                                                                  guint property_id,
+                                                                                  const GValue* value,
+                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec);
+static void gtk_xpaned_get_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
+                                                                                  guint property_id,
+                                                                                  GValue* value,
+                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec);
+static void gtk_xpaned_finalize (GObject* object);
+static void gtk_xpaned_realize (GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_unrealize (GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_map (GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_unmap (GtkWidget* widget);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_expose (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_enter (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_leave (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_press (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                                GdkEventButton* event);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_release (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                                  GdkEventButton* event);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_motion (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_focus (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                 GtkDirectionType direction);
+static void gtk_xpaned_add (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_remove (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_forall (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                          gboolean include_internals,
+                                                          GtkCallback callback,
+                                                          gpointer callback_data);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_focus_child (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                                           GtkWidget* child);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                GtkXPaned* first_xpaned);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                         GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                          GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                                GtkWidget* widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                                 GtkWidget* widget);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                         gboolean reverse);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                          gboolean reverse);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_move_handle (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                           GtkScrollType scroll);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_accept_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cancel_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_toggle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+static GType gtk_xpaned_child_type (GtkContainer* container);
+static GtkContainerClass* parent_class = NULL;
+struct _GtkXPanedPrivate
+       GtkWidget *saved_focus;
+       GtkXPaned *first_xpaned;
+GType gtk_xpaned_get_type (void)
+       static GType xpaned_type = 0;
+       if (!xpaned_type)
+       {
+               static const GTypeInfo xpaned_info =
+               {
+                       sizeof (GtkXPanedClass),
+                       NULL,           /* base_init */
+                       NULL,           /* base_finalize */
+                       (GClassInitFunc) gtk_xpaned_class_init,
+                       NULL,           /* class_finalize */
+                       NULL,           /* class_data */
+                       sizeof (GtkXPaned),
+                       0,              /* n_preallocs */
+                       (GInstanceInitFunc) gtk_xpaned_init
+               };
+               xpaned_type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER,
+                                                                                         "GtkXPaned",
+                                                                                         &xpaned_info,
+                                                                                         0);
+       }
+       return xpaned_type;
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_new (void)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
+       xpaned = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_XPANED, NULL);
+       return GTK_WIDGET (xpaned);
+static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
+static void add_tab_bindings (GtkBindingSet* binding_set,
+                                                         GdkModifierType modifiers)
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_Tab,
+                                                                 modifiers,
+                                                                 "toggle_handle_focus",
+                                                                 0);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_KP_Tab,
+                                                                 modifiers,
+                                                                 "toggle_handle_focus",
+                                                                 0);
+static void add_move_binding (GtkBindingSet* binding_set,
+                                                         guint keyval,
+                                                         GdkModifierType mask,
+                                                         GtkScrollType scroll)
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 keyval,
+                                                                 mask,
+                                                                 "move_handle",
+                                                                 1,
+                                                                 GTK_TYPE_SCROLL_TYPE,
+                                                                 scroll);
+static void gtk_xpaned_class_init (GtkXPanedClass* class)
+       GObjectClass* object_class;
+       GtkWidgetClass* widget_class;
+       GtkContainerClass* container_class;
+       GtkXPanedClass* xpaned_class;
+       GtkBindingSet* binding_set;
+       object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
+       widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) class;
+       container_class = (GtkContainerClass *) class;
+       xpaned_class = (GtkXPanedClass *) class;
+       parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
+       object_class->set_property = gtk_xpaned_set_property;
+       object_class->get_property = gtk_xpaned_get_property;
+       object_class->finalize = gtk_xpaned_finalize;
+       widget_class->realize = gtk_xpaned_realize;
+       widget_class->unrealize = gtk_xpaned_unrealize;
+       widget_class->map = gtk_xpaned_map;
+       widget_class->unmap = gtk_xpaned_unmap;
+       widget_class->expose_event = gtk_xpaned_expose;
+       widget_class->focus = gtk_xpaned_focus;
+       widget_class->enter_notify_event = gtk_xpaned_enter;
+       widget_class->leave_notify_event = gtk_xpaned_leave;
+       widget_class->button_press_event = gtk_xpaned_button_press;
+       widget_class->button_release_event = gtk_xpaned_button_release;
+       widget_class->motion_notify_event = gtk_xpaned_motion;
+       widget_class->size_request = gtk_xpaned_size_request;
+       widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_xpaned_size_allocate;
+       container_class->add = gtk_xpaned_add;
+       container_class->remove = gtk_xpaned_remove;
+       container_class->forall = gtk_xpaned_forall;
+       container_class->child_type = gtk_xpaned_child_type;
+       container_class->set_focus_child = gtk_xpaned_set_focus_child;
+       container_class->set_child_property = gtk_xpaned_set_child_property;
+       container_class->get_child_property = gtk_xpaned_get_child_property;
+       xpaned_class->cycle_child_focus = gtk_xpaned_cycle_child_focus;
+       xpaned_class->toggle_handle_focus = gtk_xpaned_toggle_handle_focus;
+       xpaned_class->move_handle = gtk_xpaned_move_handle;
+       xpaned_class->cycle_handle_focus = gtk_xpaned_cycle_handle_focus;
+       xpaned_class->accept_position = gtk_xpaned_accept_position;
+       xpaned_class->cancel_position = gtk_xpaned_cancel_position;
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_X_POSITION,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("x-position",
+                                                                                                          ("x-Position"),
+                                                                                                          ("x-Position of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the left)"),
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_Y_POSITION,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("y-position",
+                                                                                                          "y-Position",
+                                                                                                          "y-Position of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the top)",
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_POSITION_SET,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_boolean ("position-set",
+                                                                                                                  "Position Set",
+                                                                                                                  "TRUE if the Position property should be used",
+                                                                                                                  FALSE,
+                                                                                                                  G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
+       gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
+                                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("handle-size",
+                                                                                                                          "Handle Size",
+                                                                                                                          "Width of handle",
+                                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                                          3,
+                                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
+       /**
+       * GtkXPaned:min-x-position:
+       *
+       * The smallest possible value for the x-position property. This property is derived from the
+       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
+       *
+       * Since: 2.4
+       */
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_MIN_X_POSITION,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("min-x-position",
+                                                                                                          "Minimal x-Position",
+                                                                                                          "Smallest possible value for the \"x-position\" property",
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
+       /**
+       * GtkXPaned:min-y-position:
+       *
+       * The smallest possible value for the y-position property. This property is derived from the
+       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
+       *
+       * Since: 2.4
+       */
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_MIN_Y_POSITION,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("min-y-position",
+                                                                                                          "Minimal y-Position",
+                                                                                                          "Smallest possible value for the \"y-position\" property",
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
+       /**
+       * GtkPaned:max-x-position:
+       *
+       * The largest possible value for the x-position property. This property is derived from the
+       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
+       *
+       * Since: 2.4
+       */
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_MAX_X_POSITION,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("max-x-position",
+                                                                                                          "Maximal x-Position",
+                                                                                                          "Largest possible value for the \"x-position\" property",
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
+       /**
+       * GtkPaned:max-y-position:
+       *
+       * The largest possible value for the y-position property. This property is derived from the
+       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
+       *
+       * Since: 2.4
+       */
+       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                                                        PROP_MAX_Y_POSITION,
+                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("max-y-position",
+                                                                                                          "Maximal y-Position",
+                                                                                                          "Largest possible value for the \"y-position\" property",
+                                                                                                          0,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
+                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
+       /**
+       * GtkPaned:resize:
+       *
+       * The "resize" child property determines whether the child expands and 
+       * shrinks along with the paned widget.
+       * 
+       * Since: 2.4 
+       */
+       gtk_container_class_install_child_property (container_class,
+                                                                                               CHILD_PROP_RESIZE,
+                                                                                               g_param_spec_boolean ("resize",
+                                                                                                                                         "Resize",
+                                                                                                                                         "If TRUE, the child expands and shrinks along with the paned widget",
+                                                                                                                                         TRUE,
+                                                                                                                                         G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+       /**
+       * GtkPaned:shrink:
+       *
+       * The "shrink" child property determines whether the child can be made 
+       * smaller than its requisition.
+       * 
+       * Since: 2.4 
+       */
+       gtk_container_class_install_child_property (container_class,
+                                                                                               CHILD_PROP_SHRINK,
+                                                                                               g_param_spec_boolean ("shrink", 
+                                                                                                                                         "Shrink",
+                                                                                                                                         "If TRUE, the child can be made smaller than its requisition",
+                                                                                                                                         TRUE,
+                                                                                                                                         G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+       signals [CYCLE_CHILD_FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("cycle-child-focus",
+                                                                                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                                                                                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
+                                                                                               G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, cycle_child_focus),
+                                                                                               NULL, NULL,
+                                                                                               psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOOLEAN,
+                                                                                               G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
+                                                                                               G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+       signals [TOGGLE_HANDLE_FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("toggle-handle-focus",
+                                                                                                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                                                                                                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
+                                                                                                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, toggle_handle_focus),
+                                                                                                 NULL, NULL,
+                                                                                                 psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__VOID,
+                                                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0);
+       signals[MOVE_HANDLE] = g_signal_new ("move-handle",
+                                                                                G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                                                                                G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
+                                                                                G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, move_handle),
+                                                                                NULL, NULL,
+                                                                                psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__ENUM,
+                                                                                G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
+                                                                                GTK_TYPE_SCROLL_TYPE);
+       signals [CYCLE_HANDLE_FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("cycle-handle-focus",
+                                                                                                G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                                                                                                G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
+                                                                                                G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, cycle_handle_focus),
+                                                                                                NULL, NULL,
+                                                                                                psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOOLEAN,
+                                                                                                G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
+                                                                                                G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+       signals [ACCEPT_POSITION] = g_signal_new ("accept-position",
+                                                                                         G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                                                                                         G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
+                                                                                         G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, accept_position),
+                                                                                         NULL, NULL,
+                                                                                         psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__VOID,
+                                                                                         G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0);
+       signals [CANCEL_POSITION] = g_signal_new ("cancel-position",
+                                                                                         G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                                                                                         G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
+                                                                                         G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, cancel_position),
+                                                                                         NULL, NULL,
+                                                                                         psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__VOID,
+                                                                                         G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0);
+       binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class (class);
+       /* F6 and friends */
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_F6, 0,
+                                                                 "cycle-child-focus", 1, 
+                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_F6, GDK_SHIFT_MASK,
+                                                                 "cycle-child-focus", 1,
+                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE);
+       /* F8 and friends */
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_F8, 0,
+                                                                 "cycle-handle-focus", 1,
+                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_F8, GDK_SHIFT_MASK,
+                                                                 "cycle-handle-focus", 1,
+                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE);
+       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, 0);
+       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, GDK_CONTROL_MASK);
+       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
+       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
+       /* accept and cancel positions */
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_Escape, 0,
+                                                                 "cancel-position", 0);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_Return, 0,
+                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_KP_Enter, 0,
+                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_space, 0,
+                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
+                                                                 GDK_KP_Space, 0,
+                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
+       /* move handle */
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Left, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Left, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Left, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Left, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Right, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Right, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Right, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Right, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Up, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Up, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Page_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Page_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Down, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Down, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Page_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Page_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Home, 0, GTK_SCROLL_START);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Home, 0, GTK_SCROLL_START);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_End, 0, GTK_SCROLL_END);
+       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_End, 0, GTK_SCROLL_END);
+static GType gtk_xpaned_child_type (GtkContainer* container)
+       if (!GTK_XPANED (container)->top_left_child || 
+               !GTK_XPANED (container)->top_right_child ||
+               !GTK_XPANED (container)->bottom_left_child || 
+               !GTK_XPANED (container)->bottom_right_child)
+               return GTK_TYPE_WIDGET;
+         else
+               return G_TYPE_NONE;
+static void gtk_xpaned_init (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       xpaned->top_left_child = NULL;
+       xpaned->top_right_child = NULL;
+       xpaned->bottom_left_child = NULL;
+       xpaned->bottom_right_child = NULL;
+       xpaned->handle_east = NULL;
+       xpaned->handle_west = NULL;
+       xpaned->handle_north = NULL;
+       xpaned->handle_south = NULL;
+       xpaned->handle_middle = NULL;
+       xpaned->xor_gc = NULL;
+       xpaned->cursor_type_east = GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW;
+       xpaned->cursor_type_west = GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW;
+       xpaned->cursor_type_north = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW;
+       xpaned->cursor_type_south = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW;
+       xpaned->cursor_type_middle = GDK_FLEUR;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width = 5;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height = 5;
+       xpaned->position_set = FALSE;
+       xpaned->last_allocation.width = -1;
+       xpaned->last_allocation.height = -1;
+       xpaned->in_drag_vert = FALSE;
+       xpaned->in_drag_horiz = FALSE;
+       xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz = FALSE;
+       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] = FALSE;
+       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] = FALSE;
+       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] = FALSE;
+       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = FALSE;
+       xpaned->priv = g_new0 (GtkXPanedPrivate, 1);
+       xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus = NULL;
+       xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus = NULL;
+       xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus = NULL;
+       xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus = NULL;
+       xpaned->in_recursion = FALSE;
+       xpaned->handle_prelit = FALSE;
+       xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
+       xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
+       xpaned->unmaximized_position.x = -1;
+       xpaned->unmaximized_position.y = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x = -1;
+       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y = -1;
+       xpaned->drag_pos.x = -1;
+       xpaned->drag_pos.y = -1;
+static void gtk_xpaned_size_request (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                        GtkRequisition* requisition)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       GtkRequisition child_requisition;
+       requisition->width = 0;
+       requisition->height = 0;
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child))
+       {
+               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->top_left_child, &child_requisition);
+               requisition->width = child_requisition.width;
+               requisition->height = child_requisition.height;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child))
+       {
+               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->top_right_child, &child_requisition);
+               requisition->width += child_requisition.width;
+               requisition->height = MAX (requisition->height, child_requisition.height);
+       }
+       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child))
+       {
+               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->bottom_left_child, &child_requisition);
+               requisition->width = MAX (requisition->width, child_requisition.width);
+               requisition->height += child_requisition.height;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
+       {
+               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->bottom_right_child, &child_requisition);
+               requisition->width = MAX (requisition->width, child_requisition.width);
+               requisition->height = MAX (requisition->height, child_requisition.height);
+       }
+       /* add 2 times the set border-width to the GtkXPaneds requisition */
+       requisition->width += GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width * 2;
+       requisition->height += GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width * 2;
+       /* also add the handle "thickness" to GtkXPaneds width- and height-requisitions */
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
+       {
+               gint handle_size;
+               gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
+               requisition->width += handle_size;
+               requisition->height += handle_size;
+       }
+gtk_xpaned_compute_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                            const GtkAllocation* allocation,
+                            GtkRequisition* top_left_child_req,
+                            GtkRequisition* top_right_child_req,
+                            GtkRequisition* bottom_left_child_req,
+                            GtkRequisition* bottom_right_child_req);
+static void gtk_xpaned_size_allocate (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                         GtkAllocation* allocation)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       gint border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
+       GtkAllocation top_left_child_allocation;
+       GtkAllocation top_right_child_allocation;
+       GtkAllocation bottom_left_child_allocation;
+       GtkAllocation bottom_right_child_allocation;
+       GtkRequisition top_left_child_requisition;
+       GtkRequisition top_right_child_requisition;
+       GtkRequisition bottom_left_child_requisition;
+       GtkRequisition bottom_right_child_requisition;
+       gint handle_size;
+       /* determine size of handle(s) */
+       gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
+       widget->allocation = *allocation;
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
+    {
+               /* what sizes do the children want to be at least at */
+               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->top_left_child,
+                                                                                 &top_left_child_requisition);
+               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->top_right_child,
+                                                                                 &top_right_child_requisition);
+               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->bottom_left_child,
+                                                                                 &bottom_left_child_requisition);
+               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->bottom_right_child,
+                                                                                 &bottom_right_child_requisition);
+               /* determine the total requisition-sum of all requisitions of borders,
+                * handles, children etc. */
+               gtk_xpaned_compute_position (xpaned,
+                                                                        allocation,
+                                                                        &top_left_child_requisition,
+                                                                        &top_right_child_requisition,
+                                                                        &bottom_left_child_requisition,
+                                                                        &bottom_right_child_requisition);
+               /* calculate the current positions and sizes of the handles */
+               xpaned->handle_pos_east.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width + xpaned->top_left_child_size.width + handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_east.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width + xpaned->top_left_child_size.height;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_east.width = widget->allocation.width - xpaned->top_left_child_size.width - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_east.height = handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_west.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_west.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_west.width = widget->allocation.width - xpaned->handle_pos_east.width - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_west.height = handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_north.x = xpaned->handle_pos_east.x - handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_north.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_north.width = handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_north.height = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y - widget->allocation.y - border_width;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_south.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_south.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y + handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_south.width = handle_size;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_south.height = widget->allocation.height - xpaned->handle_pos_north.height - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
+#define CENTRUM 20
+               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x ;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y ;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width = handle_size + CENTRUM ;
+               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height = handle_size + CENTRUM;
+               /* set allocation for top-left child */
+               top_left_child_allocation.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;
+               top_left_child_allocation.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
+               top_left_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width;
+               top_left_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height;
+               /* set allocation for top-right child */
+               top_right_child_allocation.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width + handle_size + top_left_child_allocation.width;
+               top_right_child_allocation.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
+               top_right_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
+               top_right_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height;
+               /* set allocation for bottom-left child */
+               bottom_left_child_allocation.x = xpaned->handle_pos_west.x;
+               bottom_left_child_allocation.y = xpaned->handle_pos_south.y;
+               bottom_left_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width;
+               bottom_left_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
+               /* set allocation for bottom-right child */
+               bottom_right_child_allocation.x = top_right_child_allocation.x;
+               bottom_right_child_allocation.y = bottom_left_child_allocation.y;
+               bottom_right_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
+               bottom_right_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
+               if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
+               {
+                       if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
+                       {
+                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_east);
+                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_west);
+                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_north);
+                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_south);
+                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_middle);
+                       }
+                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_east,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height);
+                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_west,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height);
+                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_north,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height);
+                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_south,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height);
+                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_middle,
+                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x,
+                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y,
+                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width,
+                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height);
+               }
+               /* Now allocate the childen, making sure, when resizing not to
+               * overlap the windows
+               */
+               if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
+               {
+                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->top_right_child, &top_right_child_allocation);
+                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->top_left_child, &top_left_child_allocation);
+                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->bottom_left_child, &bottom_left_child_allocation);
+                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->bottom_right_child, &bottom_right_child_allocation);
+               }
+       }
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_property (GObject* object,
+                                                                        guint prop_id,
+                                                                        const GValue* value,
+                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (object);
+       switch (prop_id)
+       {
+               case PROP_X_POSITION:
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, g_value_get_int (value));
+               break;
+               case PROP_Y_POSITION:
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, g_value_get_int (value));
+               break;
+               case PROP_POSITION_SET:
+                       xpaned->position_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
+                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+               break;
+               default:
+                       G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+               break;
+       }
+static void gtk_xpaned_get_property (GObject* object,
+                                                                        guint prop_id,
+                                                                        GValue* value,
+                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (object);
+       switch (prop_id)
+       {
+               case PROP_X_POSITION:
+                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->top_left_child_size.width);
+               break;
+               case PROP_Y_POSITION:
+                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->top_left_child_size.height);
+               break;
+               case PROP_POSITION_SET:
+                       g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->position_set);
+               break;
+               case PROP_MIN_X_POSITION:
+                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->min_position.x);
+               break;
+               case PROP_MIN_Y_POSITION:
+                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->min_position.y);
+               break;
+               case PROP_MAX_X_POSITION:
+                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->max_position.x);
+               break;
+               case PROP_MAX_Y_POSITION:
+                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->max_position.y);
+               break;
+               default:
+                       G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+               break;
+       }
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
+                                                                                  guint property_id,
+                                                                                  const GValue* value,
+                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
+       gboolean old_value = FALSE;
+       gboolean new_value = FALSE;
+       g_assert (child == xpaned->top_left_child ||
+                         child == xpaned->top_right_child ||
+                         child == xpaned->bottom_left_child ||
+                         child == xpaned->bottom_right_child);
+       new_value = g_value_get_boolean (value);
+       switch (property_id)
+       {
+               case CHILD_PROP_RESIZE:
+                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->top_left_child_resize;
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_resize = new_value;
+                       }
+                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->top_right_child_resize;
+                               xpaned->top_right_child_resize = new_value;
+                       }
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize;
+                               xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize = new_value;
+                       }
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize;
+                               xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize = new_value;
+                       }
+               break;
+               case CHILD_PROP_SHRINK :
+                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->top_left_child_shrink;
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_shrink = new_value;
+                       }
+                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->top_right_child_shrink;
+                               xpaned->top_right_child_shrink = new_value;
+                       }
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink;
+                               xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink = new_value;
+                       }
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+                       {
+                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink;
+                               xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink = new_value;
+                       }
+               break;
+               default:
+                       GTK_CONTAINER_WARN_INVALID_CHILD_PROPERTY_ID (container,
+                                                                                                                 property_id,
+                                                                                                                 pspec);
+                       old_value = -1; /* quiet gcc */
+               break;
+       }
+       if (old_value != new_value)
+               gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
+static void gtk_xpaned_get_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
+                                                                                  guint property_id,
+                                                                                  GValue* value,
+                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
+       g_assert (child == xpaned->top_left_child ||
+                         child == xpaned->top_right_child ||
+                         child == xpaned->bottom_left_child ||
+                         child == xpaned->bottom_right_child);
+       switch (property_id)
+       {
+               case CHILD_PROP_RESIZE :
+                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_left_child_resize);
+                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_right_child_resize);
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize);
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize);                 
+               break;
+               case CHILD_PROP_SHRINK :
+                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_left_child_shrink);
+                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_right_child_shrink);
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink);
+                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink);
+               break;
+               default:
+                       GTK_CONTAINER_WARN_INVALID_CHILD_PROPERTY_ID (container,
+                                                                                                                 property_id,
+                                                                                                                 pspec);
+               break;
+       }
+static void gtk_xpaned_finalize (GObject* object)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (object);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
+       g_free (xpaned->priv);
+       G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void gtk_xpaned_realize (GtkWidget* widget)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
+       GdkWindowAttr attributes_east;
+       GdkWindowAttr attributes_west;
+       GdkWindowAttr attributes_north;
+       GdkWindowAttr attributes_south;
+       GdkWindowAttr attributes_middle;
+       gint attributes_mask_east;
+       gint attributes_mask_west;
+       gint attributes_mask_north;
+       gint attributes_mask_south;
+       gint attributes_mask_middle;
+       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       widget->window = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget);
+       g_object_ref (widget->window);
+       attributes_east.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
+       attributes_west.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
+       attributes_north.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
+       attributes_south.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
+       attributes_middle.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
+       attributes_east.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
+       attributes_west.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
+       attributes_north.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
+       attributes_south.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
+       attributes_middle.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
+       attributes_east.x = xpaned->handle_pos_east.x;
+       attributes_east.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y;
+       attributes_east.width = xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
+       attributes_east.height = xpaned->handle_pos_east.height;
+       attributes_west.x = xpaned->handle_pos_west.x;
+       attributes_west.y = xpaned->handle_pos_west.y;
+       attributes_west.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width;
+       attributes_west.height = xpaned->handle_pos_west.height;
+       attributes_north.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x;
+       attributes_north.y = xpaned->handle_pos_north.y;
+       attributes_north.width = xpaned->handle_pos_north.width;
+       attributes_north.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height;
+       attributes_south.x = xpaned->handle_pos_south.x;
+       attributes_south.y = xpaned->handle_pos_south.y;
+       attributes_south.width = xpaned->handle_pos_south.width;
+       attributes_south.height = xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
+       attributes_middle.x = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x;
+       attributes_middle.y = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y;
+       attributes_middle.width = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width;
+       attributes_middle.height = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height;
+       attributes_east.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_east);
+       attributes_west.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_west);
+       attributes_north.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_north);
+       attributes_south.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_south);
+       attributes_middle.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_middle);
+       attributes_east.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
+       attributes_west.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
+       attributes_north.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
+       attributes_south.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
+       attributes_middle.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
+       attributes_east.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
+       attributes_west.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
+       attributes_north.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
+       attributes_south.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
+       attributes_middle.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
+       attributes_mask_east = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
+       attributes_mask_west = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
+       attributes_mask_north = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
+       attributes_mask_south = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
+       attributes_mask_middle = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
+       xpaned->handle_east = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                                                                 &attributes_east,
+                                                                                 attributes_mask_east);
+       xpaned->handle_west = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                                                                 &attributes_west,
+                                                                                 attributes_mask_west);
+       xpaned->handle_north = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                                                                 &attributes_north,
+                                                                                 attributes_mask_north);
+       xpaned->handle_south = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                                                                 &attributes_south,
+                                                                                 attributes_mask_south);
+       xpaned->handle_middle = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                                                                 &attributes_middle,
+                                                                                 attributes_mask_middle);
+       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_east, xpaned);
+       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_west, xpaned);
+       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_north, xpaned);
+       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_south, xpaned);
+       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_middle, xpaned);
+       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_east.cursor);
+       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_west.cursor);
+       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_north.cursor);
+       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_south.cursor);
+       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_middle.cursor);
+       widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widget->window);
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
+       {
+               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_east);
+               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_west);
+               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_north);
+               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_south);
+               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_middle);
+       }
+static void gtk_xpaned_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       if (xpaned->xor_gc)
+       {
+               g_object_unref (xpaned->xor_gc);
+               xpaned->xor_gc = NULL;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->handle_east)
+       {
+               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_east, NULL);
+               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_east);
+               xpaned->handle_east = NULL;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->handle_west)
+       {
+               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_west, NULL);
+               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_west);
+               xpaned->handle_west = NULL;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->handle_north)
+       {
+               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_north, NULL);
+               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_north);
+               xpaned->handle_north = NULL;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->handle_south)
+       {
+               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_south, NULL);
+               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_south);
+               xpaned->handle_south = NULL;
+       }
+       if (xpaned->handle_middle)
+       {
+               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_middle, NULL);
+               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_middle);
+               xpaned->handle_middle = NULL;
+       }
+       gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
+       if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize)
+               (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) (widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_map (GtkWidget* widget)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_east);
+       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_west);
+       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_north);
+       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_south);
+       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_middle);
+       GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->map (widget);
+static void gtk_xpaned_unmap (GtkWidget* widget)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_east);
+       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_west);
+       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_north);
+       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_south);
+       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_middle);
+       GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unmap (widget);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_expose (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                  GdkEventExpose* event)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       gint handle_size;
+       GdkRectangle horizontalClipArea;
+       GdkRectangle verticalClipArea;
+       /* determine size of handle(s) */
+       gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
+       /* I want the handle-"thickness" to be at least 3 */
+       g_assert (handle_size >= 3);
+       if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (widget) && GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget) &&
+               xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
+    {
+               GtkStateType state;
+               if (gtk_widget_is_focus (widget))
+                       state = GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
+               else if (xpaned->handle_prelit)
+                       state = GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
+               else
+                       state = GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget);
+               horizontalClipArea.x = xpaned->handle_pos_west.x;
+               horizontalClipArea.y = xpaned->handle_pos_west.y;
+               horizontalClipArea.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
+               horizontalClipArea.height = handle_size;
+               verticalClipArea.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x;
+               verticalClipArea.y = xpaned->handle_pos_north.y;
+               verticalClipArea.width = handle_size;
+               verticalClipArea.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
+               gtk_paint_handle (widget->style,
+                                                 widget->window,
+                                                 state,
+                                                 GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
+                                                 &horizontalClipArea,
+                                                 widget,
+                                                 "paned",
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_east.x - handle_size - 256 / 2,
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_west.y + 1,
+                                                 256 + handle_size,
+                                                 handle_size - 2,
+                                                 /*xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_west.y + 1,
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_west.width + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
+                                                 handle_size - 2,*/
+                                                 GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
+               gtk_paint_handle (widget->style,
+                                                 widget->window,
+                                                 state,
+                                                 GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
+                                                 &verticalClipArea,
+                                                 widget,
+                                                 "paned",
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_north.x + 1,
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_south.y - handle_size - 256 / 2,
+                                                 handle_size - 2,
+                                                 256 + handle_size,
+                                                 /*xpaned->handle_pos_north.x + 1,
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
+                                                 handle_size - 2,
+                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_north.height + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_south.height,*/
+                                                 GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
+       }
+       /* Chain up to draw children */
+       GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_event (widget, event);
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean is_rtl (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       if (gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+               return TRUE;
+       return FALSE;
+static void update_drag (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       GdkPoint pos;
+       gint handle_size;
+       GtkRequisition size;
+       gtk_widget_get_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned), &pos.x, &pos.y);
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert)
+       {
+               pos.y -= xpaned->drag_pos.y;
+               if (is_rtl (xpaned))
+           {
+                       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned),
+                                                                 "handle-size", &handle_size,
+                                                                 NULL);
+                       size.height = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.height - pos.y - handle_size;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       size.height = pos.y;
+               }
+               size.height -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
+               size.height = CLAMP (size.height, xpaned->min_position.y, xpaned->max_position.y);
+               if (size.height != xpaned->top_left_child_size.height)
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, size.height);
+       }
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_horiz)
+       {
+               pos.x -= xpaned->drag_pos.x;
+               if (is_rtl (xpaned))
+           {
+                       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned),
+                                                                 "handle-size", &handle_size,
+                                                                 NULL);
+                       size.width = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.width - pos.x - handle_size;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       size.width = pos.x;
+               }
+               size.width -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
+               size.width = CLAMP (size.width, xpaned->min_position.x, xpaned->max_position.x);
+               if (size.width != xpaned->top_left_child_size.width)
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, size.width);
+       }
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
+       {
+               pos.x -= xpaned->drag_pos.x;
+               pos.y -= xpaned->drag_pos.y;
+               if (is_rtl (xpaned))
+           {
+                       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned),
+                                                                 "handle-size", &handle_size,
+                                                                 NULL);
+                       size.width = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.width - pos.x - handle_size;
+                       size.height = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.height - pos.y - handle_size;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       size.width = pos.x;
+                       size.height = pos.y;
+               }
+               size.width -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
+               size.height -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
+               size.width = CLAMP (size.width, xpaned->min_position.x, xpaned->max_position.x);
+               size.height = CLAMP (size.height, xpaned->min_position.y, xpaned->max_position.y);
+               if (size.width != xpaned->top_left_child_size.width)
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, size.width);
+               if (size.height != xpaned->top_left_child_size.height)
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, size.height);
+       }
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_enter (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert ||
+               xpaned->in_drag_horiz ||
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
+               update_drag (xpaned);
+       else
+       {
+               xpaned->handle_prelit = TRUE;
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height);
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_leave (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert ||
+               xpaned->in_drag_horiz ||
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
+               update_drag (xpaned);
+       else
+       {
+               xpaned->handle_prelit = FALSE;
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height);
+               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width,
+                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height);
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_focus (GtkWidget* widget, GtkDirectionType direction)
+       gboolean retval;
+       /* This is a hack, but how can this be done without
+       * excessive cut-and-paste from gtkcontainer.c?
+       */
+       retval = (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->focus) (widget, direction);
+  return retval;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_press (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                                GdkEventButton* event)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       /* if any child is currently maximized, jump right back */
+       if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT]    ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT]   ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               return FALSE;
+       /* if user is dragging the handles around */
+       if (!xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
+                        event->window == xpaned->handle_middle &&
+                        event->button == 1)
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz = TRUE;
+               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
+               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
+               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_middle,
+                                                         FALSE,
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
+               {
+               }
+               xpaned->drag_pos.x = event->x;
+               xpaned->drag_pos.y = event->y;
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_vert &&
+               event->window == xpaned->handle_east &&
+               event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
+               event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
+               event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
+               event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
+               event->button == 1)
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert = TRUE;
+               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
+               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
+               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_east,
+                                                         FALSE,
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
+               {
+               }
+               xpaned->drag_pos.y = event->y;
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_vert &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
+                        event->window == xpaned->handle_west &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
+                        event->button == 1)
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert = TRUE;
+               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
+               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
+               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_west,
+                                                         FALSE,
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
+               {
+               }
+               xpaned->drag_pos.y = event->y;
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_horiz &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
+                        event->window == xpaned->handle_north &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
+                        event->button == 1)
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_horiz = TRUE;
+               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
+               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
+               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_north,
+                                                         FALSE,
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
+               {
+               }
+               xpaned->drag_pos.x = event->x;
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_horiz &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
+                        event->window == xpaned->handle_south &&
+                        event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
+                        event->button == 1)
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_horiz = TRUE;
+               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
+               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
+               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_south,
+                                                         FALSE,
+                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
+                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
+               {
+               }
+               xpaned->drag_pos.x = event->x;
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_release (GtkWidget* widget,
+                                                                                  GdkEventButton* event)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert && (event->button == 1))
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert = FALSE;
+               xpaned->drag_pos.y = -1;
+               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
+               gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                       event->time);
+               return TRUE;
+    }
+       else if (xpaned->in_drag_horiz && (event->button == 1))
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_horiz = FALSE;
+               xpaned->drag_pos.x = -1;
+               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
+               gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                       event->time);
+               return TRUE;
+    }
+       else if (xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz && (event->button == 1))
+       {
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz = FALSE;
+               xpaned->drag_pos.x = -1;
+               xpaned->drag_pos.y = -1;
+               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
+               gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+                                                                       event->time);
+               return TRUE;
+    }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_motion (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert ||
+               xpaned->in_drag_horiz ||
+               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
+       {
+               update_drag (xpaned);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+void gtk_xpaned_add_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
+       gtk_xpaned_pack_top_left (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
+       gtk_xpaned_pack_top_right (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
+       gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_left (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
+       gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_right (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                          GtkWidget* child,
+                                                          gboolean   resize,
+                                                          gboolean   shrink)
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
+       if (!xpaned->top_left_child)
+       {
+               xpaned->top_left_child = child;
+               xpaned->top_left_child_resize = resize;
+               xpaned->top_left_child_shrink = shrink;
+               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+       }
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                               GtkWidget* child,
+                                                               gboolean   resize,
+                                                               gboolean   shrink)
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
+       if (!xpaned->top_right_child)
+       {
+               xpaned->top_right_child = child;
+               xpaned->top_right_child_resize = resize;
+               xpaned->top_right_child_shrink = shrink;
+               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+       }
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                 GtkWidget* child,
+                                                                 gboolean   resize,
+                                                                 gboolean   shrink)
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
+       if (!xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+       {
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child = child;
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize = resize;
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink = shrink;
+               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+       }
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
+                                                                  gboolean   resize,
+                                                                  gboolean   shrink)
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
+       if (!xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+       {
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child = child;
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize = resize;
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink = shrink;
+               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+       }
+static void gtk_xpaned_add (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (container));
+       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
+       if (!xpaned->top_left_child)
+               gtk_xpaned_add_top_left (xpaned, widget);
+       else if (!xpaned->top_right_child)
+               gtk_xpaned_add_top_right (xpaned, widget);
+       else if (!xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+               gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_left (xpaned, widget);
+       else if (!xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+               gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_right (xpaned, widget);
+       else
+               g_warning ("GtkXPaned cannot have more than 4 children\n");
+static void gtk_xpaned_remove (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
+       gboolean was_visible;
+       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
+       was_visible = GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (widget);
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child == widget)
+       {
+               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
+               xpaned->top_left_child = NULL;
+               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
+                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
+       }
+       else if (xpaned->top_right_child == widget)
+       {
+               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
+               xpaned->top_right_child = NULL;
+               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
+                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
+       }
+       else if (xpaned->bottom_left_child == widget)
+       {
+               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
+               xpaned->bottom_left_child = NULL;
+               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
+                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
+       }
+       else if (xpaned->bottom_right_child == widget)
+       {
+               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
+               xpaned->bottom_right_child = NULL;
+               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
+                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
+       }
+       else
+               g_warning ("GtkXPaned has no more children attached\n");
+static void gtk_xpaned_forall (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                          gboolean      include_internals,
+                                                          GtkCallback   callback,
+                                                          gpointer      callback_data)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
+       g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);
+       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child)
+       (*callback) (xpaned->top_left_child, callback_data);
+       if (xpaned->top_right_child)
+               (*callback) (xpaned->top_right_child, callback_data);
+       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+       (*callback) (xpaned->bottom_left_child, callback_data);
+       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+               (*callback) (xpaned->bottom_right_child, callback_data);
+ * gtk_xpaned_get_position_x:
+ * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * 
+ * Obtains the x-position of the divider.
+ * 
+ * Return value: x-position of the divider
+ **/
+gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), 0);
+       return xpaned->top_left_child_size.width;
+ * gtk_xpaned_get_position_y:
+ * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * 
+ * Obtains the y-position of the divider.
+ * 
+ * Return value: y-position of the divider
+ **/
+gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), 0);
+       return xpaned->top_left_child_size.height;
+ * gtk_xpaned_set_position_x:
+ * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * @xposition: pixel x-position of divider, a negative values
+ *                        of a component mean that the position is unset.
+ * 
+ * Sets the x-position of the divider between the four panes.
+ **/
+void gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint xposition)
+       GObject* object;
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       /* if any child is currently maximized, jump right back */
+       if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT]    ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT]   ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               return;
+       object = G_OBJECT (xpaned);
+       if (xposition >= 0)
+       {
+               /* We don't clamp here - the assumption is that
+               * if the total allocation changes at the same time
+               * as the position, the position set is with reference
+               * to the new total size. If only the position changes,
+               * then clamping will occur in gtk_paned_compute_position()
+               */
+               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = xposition;
+               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               xpaned->position_set = FALSE;
+       }
+       g_object_freeze_notify (object);
+       g_object_notify (object, "x-position");
+       g_object_notify (object, "position-set");
+       g_object_thaw_notify (object);
+       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+ * gtk_xpaned_set_position_y:
+ * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * @yposition: pixel y-position of divider, a negative values
+ *                        of a component mean that the position is unset.
+ * 
+ * Sets the y-position of the divider between the four panes.
+ **/
+void gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint yposition)
+       GObject* object;
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       /* if any child is currently maximized, jump right back */
+       if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT]    ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT]   ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] ||
+               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               return;
+       object = G_OBJECT (xpaned);
+       if (yposition >= 0)
+       {
+               /* We don't clamp here - the assumption is that
+               * if the total allocation changes at the same time
+               * as the position, the position set is with reference
+               * to the new total size. If only the position changes,
+               * then clamping will occur in gtk_paned_compute_position()
+               */
+               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = yposition;
+               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               xpaned->position_set = FALSE;
+       }
+       g_object_freeze_notify (object);
+       g_object_notify (object, "y-position");
+       g_object_notify (object, "position-set");
+       g_object_thaw_notify (object);
+       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
+void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       xpaned->unmaximized_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (xpaned);
+/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
+void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       xpaned->unmaximized_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (xpaned);
+/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
+gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       return xpaned->unmaximized_position.x;
+/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
+gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       return xpaned->unmaximized_position.y;
+ * gtk_xpaned_get_top_left_child:
+ * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * 
+ * Obtains the top-left child of the xpaned widget.
+ * 
+ * Return value: top-left child, or %NULL if it is not set.
+ *
+ * Since: 2.4
+ **/
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
+       return xpaned->top_left_child;
+ * gtk_xpaned_get_top_right_child:
+ * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * 
+ * Obtains the top-right child of the xpaned widget.
+ * 
+ * Return value: top-right child, or %NULL if it is not set.
+ *
+ * Since: 2.4
+ **/
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
+       return xpaned->top_right_child;
+ * gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_left_child:
+ * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * 
+ * Obtains the bottom-left child of the xpaned widget.
+ * 
+ * Return value: bottom-left child, or %NULL if it is not set.
+ *
+ * Since: 2.4
+ **/
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
+       return xpaned->bottom_left_child;
+ * gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_right_child:
+ * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
+ * 
+ * Obtains the bottom-right child of the xpaned widget.
+ * 
+ * Return value: bottom-right child, or %NULL if it is not set.
+ *
+ * Since: 2.4
+ **/
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
+       return xpaned->bottom_right_child;
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
+       if (maximize)
+       {
+               /* see if any child is already maximized */
+               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               {
+                       /* save current position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
+                       /* set new maximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.x);
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.y);
+                       /* mark maximized flag for top-left child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] = TRUE;
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* already one child maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               /* verify that top-left child is really currently maximized */
+               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT])
+               {
+                       /* clear maximized flat for top-left child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] = FALSE;
+                       /* restore unmaximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* top-left child is currently not maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
+       if (maximize)
+       {
+               /* see if any child is already maximized */
+               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               {
+                       /* save current position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
+                       /* set new maximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.x);
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.y);
+                       /* mark maximized flag for top-right child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] = TRUE;
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* already one child maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               /* verify that top-right child is really currently maximized */
+               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT])
+               {
+                       /* clear maximized flat for top-right child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] = FALSE;
+                       /* restore unmaximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* top-right child is currently not maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
+       if (maximize)
+       {
+               /* see if any child is already maximized */
+               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               {
+                       /* save current position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
+                       /* set new maximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.x);
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.y);
+                       /* mark maximized flag for bottom-left child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] = TRUE;
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* already one child maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               /* verify that bottom-left child is really currently maximized */
+               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT])
+               {
+                       /* clear maximized flat for bottom-left child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] = FALSE;
+                       /* restore unmaximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* bottom-left child is currently not maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
+       if (maximize)
+       {
+               /* see if any child is already maximized */
+               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
+                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               {
+                       /* save current position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
+                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
+                       /* set new maximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.x);
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.y);
+                       /* mark maximized flag for bottom-right child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = TRUE;
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* already one child maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               /* verify that bottom-right child is really currently maximized */
+               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
+               {
+                       /* clear maximized flat for bottom-right child */
+                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = FALSE;
+                       /* restore unmaximized position */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* bottom-right child is currently not maximized, report error */
+               else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+gtk_xpaned_compute_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                            const GtkAllocation* allocation,
+                            GtkRequisition* top_left_child_req,
+                            GtkRequisition* top_right_child_req,
+                            GtkRequisition* bottom_left_child_req,
+                            GtkRequisition* bottom_right_child_req)
+  GdkPoint old_position;
+  GdkPoint old_min_position;
+       GdkPoint old_max_position;
+       gint handle_size;
+       gint border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
+       float fX;
+       float fY;
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
+       old_position.x = xpaned->top_left_child_size.width;
+       old_position.y = xpaned->top_left_child_size.height;
+       old_min_position.x = xpaned->min_position.x;
+       old_min_position.y = xpaned->min_position.y;
+       old_max_position.x = xpaned->max_position.x;
+       old_max_position.y = xpaned->max_position.y;
+       fX = 100.0f * (float) old_position.x / (float) allocation->width;
+       fY = 100.0f * (float) old_position.y / (float) allocation->height;
+       xpaned->min_position.x = xpaned->top_left_child_shrink ? 0 : top_left_child_req->width;
+       xpaned->min_position.y = xpaned->top_left_child_shrink ? 0 : top_left_child_req->height;
+       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned), "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
+       xpaned->max_position.x = allocation->width - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
+       xpaned->max_position.y = allocation->height - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
+       if (!xpaned->top_left_child_shrink)
+               xpaned->max_position.x = MAX (1, xpaned->max_position.x - top_left_child_req->width);
+       xpaned->max_position.x = MAX (xpaned->min_position.x, xpaned->max_position.x);
+       if (!xpaned->position_set)
+       {
+               if (xpaned->top_left_child_resize && !xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
+               {
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = MAX (0, allocation->width - top_right_child_req->width);
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = MAX (0, allocation->height - top_right_child_req->height);
+               }
+               else if (!xpaned->top_left_child_resize && xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
+               {
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = top_left_child_req->width;
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = top_left_child_req->height;
+               }
+               else if (top_left_child_req->width + top_right_child_req->width != 0)
+               {
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width * ((gdouble)top_left_child_req->width / (top_left_child_req->width + top_right_child_req->width)) + 0.5;
+               }
+               else if (top_left_child_req->height + top_right_child_req->height != 0)
+               {
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height * ((gdouble)top_left_child_req->height / (top_left_child_req->height + top_right_child_req->height)) + 0.5;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width * 0.5 + 0.5;
+                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height * 0.5 + 0.5;
+               }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               /* If the position was set before the initial allocation.
+               ** (paned->last_allocation <= 0) just clamp it and leave it. */
+               if (xpaned->last_allocation.width > 0)
+               {
+                       if (xpaned->top_left_child_resize && !xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
+                       {
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width += allocation->width
+                                                                                                        - xpaned->last_allocation.width;
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height += allocation->height
+                                                                                                         - xpaned->last_allocation.height;
+                       }
+                       else if (!(!xpaned->top_left_child_resize && xpaned->top_right_child_resize))
+                       {
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width
+                                                                                                       * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.width / (xpaned->last_allocation.width))
+                                                                                                       + 0.5;
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height
+                                                                                                        * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.height / (xpaned->last_allocation.height))
+                                                                                                        + 0.5;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (xpaned->last_allocation.height > 0)
+               {
+                       if (xpaned->top_left_child_resize && !xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
+                       {
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width += allocation->width - xpaned->last_allocation.width;
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height += allocation->height - xpaned->last_allocation.height;
+                       }
+                       else if (!(!xpaned->top_left_child_resize && xpaned->top_right_child_resize))
+                       {
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.width / (xpaned->last_allocation.width)) + 0.5;
+                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.height / (xpaned->last_allocation.height)) + 0.5;
+                       }
+               }
+    }
+       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->top_left_child_size.width,
+                                                                                          xpaned->min_position.x,
+                                                                                          xpaned->max_position.x);
+       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->top_left_child_size.height,
+                                                                                               xpaned->min_position.y,
+                                                                                               xpaned->max_position.y);
+       xpaned->top_right_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->top_right_child_size.width,
+                                                                                               xpaned->min_position.x,
+                                                                                               xpaned->max_position.x);
+       xpaned->top_right_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->top_right_child_size.height,
+                                                                                                xpaned->min_position.y,
+                                                                                                xpaned->max_position.y);
+       xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.width,
+                                                                                                 xpaned->min_position.x,
+                                                                                                 xpaned->max_position.x);
+       xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.height,
+                                                                                                  xpaned->min_position.y,
+                                                                                                  xpaned->max_position.y);
+       xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.width,
+                                                                                                  xpaned->min_position.x,
+                                                                                                  xpaned->max_position.x);
+       xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.height,
+                                                                                                       xpaned->min_position.y,
+                                                                                                       xpaned->max_position.y);
+       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->top_left_child, TRUE);
+       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->top_right_child, TRUE);
+       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->bottom_left_child, TRUE);
+       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->bottom_right_child, TRUE);
+       g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned));
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child_size.width != old_position.x)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
+       if (xpaned->top_left_child_size.height != old_position.y)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
+       if (xpaned->top_right_child_size.width != old_position.x)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
+       if (xpaned->top_right_child_size.height != old_position.y)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
+       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.width != old_position.x)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
+       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.height != old_position.y)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
+       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.width != old_position.x)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
+       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.height != old_position.y)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
+       if (xpaned->min_position.x != old_min_position.x)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "min-x-position");
+       if (xpaned->min_position.y != old_min_position.y)
+               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "min-y-position");
+       if (xpaned->max_position.x != old_max_position.x)
+       g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "max-y-position");
+       if (xpaned->max_position.y != old_max_position.y)
+       g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "max-y-position");
+       g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned));
+       xpaned->last_allocation.width = allocation->width;
+       xpaned->last_allocation.height = allocation->height;
+       fX = 100.0f * (float) old_position.x / (float) allocation->width;
+       fY = 100.0f * (float) old_position.y / (float) allocation->height;
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* widget)
+       if (xpaned->priv->saved_focus)
+               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->saved_focus),
+                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->saved_focus));
+       xpaned->priv->saved_focus = widget;
+       if (xpaned->priv->saved_focus)
+               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->saved_focus),
+                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->saved_focus));
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                GtkXPaned* first_xpaned)
+       if (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
+               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned),
+                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->first_xpaned));
+       xpaned->priv->first_xpaned = first_xpaned;
+       if (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
+               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned),
+                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->first_xpaned));
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                         GtkWidget* widget)
+       if (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus)
+               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus),
+                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus));
+       xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus = widget;
+       if (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus)
+               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus),
+                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus));
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                          GtkWidget *widget)
+       if (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus)
+               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus),
+                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus));
+       xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus = widget;
+       if (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus)
+               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus),
+                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus));
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                                GtkWidget *widget)
+       if (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus)
+               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus),
+                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus));
+       xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus = widget;
+       if (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus)
+               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus),
+                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus));
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                                                GtkWidget *widget)
+       if (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus)
+               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus),
+                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus));
+       xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus = widget;
+       if (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus)
+               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus),
+                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus));
+static GtkWidget* xpaned_get_focus_widget (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       GtkWidget* toplevel;
+       toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+       if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (toplevel))
+               return GTK_WINDOW (toplevel)->focus_widget;
+       return NULL;
+static void gtk_xpaned_set_focus_child (GtkContainer* container,
+                                                                               GtkWidget* focus_child)
+       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
+       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (container));
+       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
+       if (focus_child == NULL)
+       {
+               GtkWidget* last_focus;
+               GtkWidget* w;
+               last_focus = xpaned_get_focus_widget (xpaned);
+               if (last_focus)
+               {
+                       /* If there is one or more paned widgets between us and the
+                       * focus widget, we want the topmost of those as last_focus
+                       */
+                       for (w = last_focus; w != GTK_WIDGET (xpaned); w = w->parent)
+                               if (GTK_IS_XPANED (w))
+                                       last_focus = w;
+                       if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
+                       else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
+                       else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
+                       else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
+               }
+       }
+       if (parent_class->set_focus_child)
+               (* parent_class->set_focus_child) (container, focus_child);
+static void gtk_xpaned_get_cycle_chain (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                               GtkDirectionType direction,
+                                                                               GList** widgets)
+       GtkContainer* container = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned);
+       GtkWidget* ancestor = NULL;
+       GList* temp_list = NULL;
+       GList* list;
+       if (xpaned->in_recursion)
+               return;
+       g_assert (widgets != NULL);
+       if (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus &&
+               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus,
+                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       }
+       if (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus &&
+               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus,
+                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       }
+       if (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus &&
+               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus,
+                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       }
+       if (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus &&
+               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus,
+                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+       }
+       if (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->parent)
+               ancestor = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->parent,
+                                                                                       GTK_TYPE_XPANED);
+       /* The idea here is that temp_list is a list of widgets we want to cycle
+       * to. The list is prioritized so that the first element is our first
+       * choice, the next our second, and so on.
+       *
+       * We can't just use g_list_reverse(), because we want to try
+       * paned->last_child?_focus before paned->child?, both when we
+       * are going forward and backward.
+       */
+       if (direction == GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD)
+       {
+               if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_right_child);
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_left_child);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_right_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+               }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_right_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_left_child);
+                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
+               }
+       }
+       /* Walk the list and expand all the paned widgets. */
+       for (list = temp_list; list != NULL; list = list->next)
+       {
+               GtkWidget *widget = list->data;
+               if (widget)
+               {
+                       if (GTK_IS_XPANED (widget))
+                       {
+                               xpaned->in_recursion = TRUE;
+                               gtk_xpaned_get_cycle_chain (GTK_XPANED (widget),
+                                                                                       direction,
+                                                                                       widgets);
+                               xpaned->in_recursion = FALSE;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               *widgets = g_list_append (*widgets, widget);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       g_list_free (temp_list);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                         gboolean reversed)
+       GList* cycle_chain = NULL;
+       GList* list;
+       GtkDirectionType direction = reversed ? GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD : GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD;
+       /* ignore f6 if the handle is focused */
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+               return TRUE;
+       /* we can't just let the event propagate up the hierarchy,
+       * because the paned will want to cycle focus _unless_ an
+       * ancestor paned handles the event
+       */
+       gtk_xpaned_get_cycle_chain (xpaned, direction, &cycle_chain);
+       for (list = cycle_chain; list != NULL; list = list->next)
+               if (gtk_widget_child_focus (GTK_WIDGET (list->data), direction))
+                       break;
+       g_list_free (cycle_chain);
+       return TRUE;
+static void get_child_xpanes (GtkWidget* widget, GList** xpanes)
+       if (GTK_IS_XPANED (widget))
+       {
+               GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
+               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->top_left_child, xpanes);
+               *xpanes = g_list_prepend (*xpanes, widget);
+               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->top_right_child, xpanes);
+               *xpanes = g_list_prepend (*xpanes, widget);
+               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->bottom_left_child, xpanes);
+               *xpanes = g_list_prepend (*xpanes, widget);
+               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->bottom_right_child, xpanes);
+       }
+       else if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget))
+       {
+               gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER (widget),
+                                                          (GtkCallback)get_child_xpanes,
+                                                          xpanes);
+       }
+static GList* get_all_xpanes (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       GtkXPaned* topmost = NULL;
+       GList* result = NULL;
+       GtkWidget* w;
+       for (w = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned); w != NULL; w = w->parent)
+       {
+               if (GTK_IS_XPANED (w))
+                       topmost = GTK_XPANED (w);
+       }
+       g_assert (topmost);
+       get_child_xpanes (GTK_WIDGET (topmost), &result);
+       return g_list_reverse (result);
+static void gtk_xpaned_find_neighbours (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                               GtkXPaned** next,
+                                                                               GtkXPaned** prev)
+       GList* all_xpanes;
+       GList* this_link;
+       all_xpanes = get_all_xpanes (xpaned);
+       g_assert (all_xpanes);
+       this_link = g_list_find (all_xpanes, xpaned);
+       g_assert (this_link);
+       if (this_link->next)
+               *next = this_link->next->data;
+       else
+               *next = all_xpanes->data;
+       if (this_link->prev)
+               *prev = this_link->prev->data;
+       else
+               *prev = g_list_last (all_xpanes)->data;
+       g_list_free (all_xpanes);
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_move_handle (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkScrollType scroll)
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               GdkPoint old_position;
+               GdkPoint new_position;
+               gint increment;
+               enum
+               {
+                       SINGLE_STEP_SIZE = 1,
+                       PAGE_STEP_SIZE   = 75
+               };
+               new_position.x = old_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (xpaned);
+               new_position.y = old_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (xpaned);
+               increment = 0;
+               switch (scroll)
+               {
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_BACKWARD:
+                               increment = - SINGLE_STEP_SIZE;
+                       break;
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_FORWARD:
+                               increment = SINGLE_STEP_SIZE;
+                       break;
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD:
+                               increment = - PAGE_STEP_SIZE;
+                       break;
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN:
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_FORWARD:
+                               increment = PAGE_STEP_SIZE;
+                       break;
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_START:
+                               new_position.x = xpaned->min_position.x;
+                               new_position.y = xpaned->min_position.y;
+                       break;
+                       case GTK_SCROLL_END:
+                               new_position.x = xpaned->max_position.x;
+                               new_position.y = xpaned->max_position.y;
+                       break;
+                       default:
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (increment)
+               {
+                       if (is_rtl (xpaned))
+                               increment = -increment;
+                       new_position.x = old_position.x + increment;
+                       new_position.y = old_position.y + increment;
+               }
+               new_position.x = CLAMP (new_position.x,
+                                                               xpaned->min_position.x,
+                                                               xpaned->max_position.x);
+               new_position.y = CLAMP (new_position.y,
+                                                               xpaned->min_position.y,
+                                                               xpaned->max_position.y);
+               if (old_position.x != new_position.x)
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, new_position.x);
+               if (old_position.y != new_position.y)
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, new_position.y);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static void gtk_xpaned_restore_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               if (xpaned->priv->saved_focus &&
+                       GTK_WIDGET_SENSITIVE (xpaned->priv->saved_focus))
+               {
+                       gtk_widget_grab_focus (xpaned->priv->saved_focus);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       /* the saved focus is somehow not available for focusing,
+                       * try
+                       *   1) tabbing into the paned widget
+                       * if that didn't work,
+                       *   2) unset focus for the window if there is one
+                       */
+                       if (!gtk_widget_child_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned), GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD))
+                       {
+                               GtkWidget *toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+                               if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
+                                       gtk_window_set_focus (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), NULL);
+                       }
+               }
+               gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
+    }
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_accept_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
+               xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
+               gtk_xpaned_restore_focus (xpaned);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cancel_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               if (xpaned->original_position.x != -1)
+               {
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->original_position.x);
+                       xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
+               }
+               if (xpaned->original_position.y != -1)
+               {
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->original_position.y);
+                       xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
+               }
+               gtk_xpaned_restore_focus (xpaned);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                                                                          gboolean reversed)
+       GtkXPaned* next;
+       GtkXPaned* prev;
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+       {
+               GtkXPaned* focus = NULL;
+               if (!xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
+               {
+                       /* The first_pane has disappeared. As an ad-hoc solution,
+                       * we make the currently focused paned the first_paned. To the
+                       * user this will seem like the paned cycling has been reset.
+                       */
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, xpaned);
+               }
+               gtk_xpaned_find_neighbours (xpaned, &next, &prev);
+               if (reversed && prev &&
+                       prev != xpaned && xpaned != xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
+               {
+                       focus = prev;
+               }
+               else if (!reversed &&
+                                next &&
+                                next != xpaned &&
+                                next != xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
+               {
+                       focus = next;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       gtk_xpaned_accept_position (xpaned);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               g_assert (focus);
+               gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (focus, xpaned->priv->saved_focus);
+               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (focus, xpaned->priv->first_xpaned);
+               gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
+               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
+               gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (focus));
+               if (!gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+               {
+                       xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
+                       xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
+                       focus->original_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (focus);
+                       focus->original_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (focus);
+               }
+       }
+       else
+    {
+               GtkContainer* container = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned);
+               GtkXPaned* focus;
+               GtkXPaned* first;
+               GtkXPaned* prev;
+               GtkXPaned* next;
+               GtkWidget* toplevel;
+               gtk_xpaned_find_neighbours (xpaned, &next, &prev);
+               if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
+               {
+                       if (reversed)
+                       {
+                               focus = prev;
+                               first = xpaned;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               focus = xpaned;
+                               first = xpaned;
+                       }
+               }
+               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
+               {
+                       if (reversed)
+                       {
+                               focus = xpaned;
+                               first = next;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               focus = next;
+                               first = next;
+                       }
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       /* Focus is not inside this xpaned, and we don't have focus.
+                       * Presumably this happened because the application wants us
+                       * to start keyboard navigating.
+                       */
+                       focus = xpaned;
+                       if (reversed)
+                               first = xpaned;
+                       else
+                               first = next;
+               }
+               toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
+               if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
+                       gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (focus, GTK_WINDOW (toplevel)->focus_widget);
+               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (focus, first);
+               focus->original_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (focus);
+               focus->original_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (focus); 
+               gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (focus));
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+static gboolean gtk_xpaned_toggle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
+       /* This function/signal has the wrong name. It is called when you
+       * press Tab or Shift-Tab and what we do is act as if
+       * the user pressed Return and then Tab or Shift-Tab
+       */
+       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
+               gtk_xpaned_accept_position (xpaned);
+  return FALSE;
+/*#define __GTK_XPANED_C__*/
+/*#include "gtkaliasdef.c"*/
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.h b/lib/gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..47e752e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+**3456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 
+**      10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
+**  library for GtkXPaned-widget, a 2x2 grid-like variation of GtkPaned of gtk+
+**  Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mirco "MacSlow" Müller <>
+**  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+**  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+**  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+**  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+**  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+**  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+**  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+**  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+**  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+**  GtkXPaned is based on GtkPaned which was done by...
+**  "Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald"
+**  and later modified by...
+**  "the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000"
+#ifndef GTK_XPANED_H
+#define GTK_XPANED_H
+#include <gtk/gtkcontainer.h>
+#define GTK_TYPE_XPANED                  (gtk_xpaned_get_type ())
+#define GTK_XPANED(obj)                  (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XPANED, GtkXPaned))
+#define GTK_XPANED_CLASS(klass)          (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_XPANED, GtkXPanedClass))
+#define GTK_IS_XPANED(obj)               (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XPANED))
+#define GTK_XPANED_GET_CLASS(obj)        (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XPANED, GtkXPanedClass))
+typedef struct _GtkXPaned        GtkXPaned;
+typedef struct _GtkXPanedClass   GtkXPanedClass;
+typedef struct _GtkXPanedPrivate GtkXPanedPrivate;
+typedef enum _GtkXPanedChild
+       GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT = 0,
+} GtkXPanedChild;
+struct _GtkXPaned
+       GtkContainer container;
+       GtkWidget* top_left_child;
+       GtkWidget* top_right_child;
+       GtkWidget* bottom_left_child;
+       GtkWidget* bottom_right_child;
+       GdkWindow* handle_east;
+       GdkWindow* handle_west;
+       GdkWindow* handle_north;
+       GdkWindow* handle_south;
+       GdkWindow* handle_middle;
+       GdkGC* xor_gc;
+       GdkCursorType cursor_type_east;
+       GdkCursorType cursor_type_west;
+       GdkCursorType cursor_type_north;
+       GdkCursorType cursor_type_south;
+       GdkCursorType cursor_type_middle;
+       /*< private >*/
+       GdkRectangle handle_pos_east;
+       GdkRectangle handle_pos_west;
+       GdkRectangle handle_pos_north;
+       GdkRectangle handle_pos_south;
+       GdkRectangle handle_pos_middle;
+       GtkRequisition top_left_child_size;
+       GtkRequisition top_right_child_size;
+       GtkRequisition bottom_left_child_size;
+       GtkRequisition bottom_right_child_size;
+       GtkRequisition last_allocation;
+       GdkPoint min_position;
+       GdkPoint max_position;
+       gboolean maximized[4];
+       guint position_set : 1;
+       guint in_drag_vert : 1;
+       guint in_drag_horiz : 1;
+       guint in_drag_vert_and_horiz : 1;
+       guint top_left_child_shrink : 1;
+       guint top_left_child_resize : 1;
+       guint top_right_child_shrink : 1;
+       guint top_right_child_resize : 1;
+       guint bottom_left_child_shrink : 1;
+       guint bottom_left_child_resize : 1;
+       guint bottom_right_child_shrink : 1;
+       guint bottom_right_child_resize : 1;
+       guint in_recursion : 1;
+       guint handle_prelit : 1;
+       GtkWidget* last_top_left_child_focus;
+       GtkWidget* last_top_right_child_focus;
+       GtkWidget* last_bottom_left_child_focus;
+       GtkWidget* last_bottom_right_child_focus;
+       GtkXPanedPrivate* priv;
+       GdkPoint drag_pos;
+       GdkPoint original_position;
+       GdkPoint unmaximized_position;
+struct _GtkXPanedClass
+       GtkContainerClass parent_class;
+       gboolean (*cycle_child_focus)   (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean reverse); 
+       gboolean (*toggle_handle_focus) (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+       gboolean (*move_handle)                 (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkScrollType scroll);
+       gboolean (*cycle_handle_focus)  (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean reverse);
+       gboolean (*accept_position)             (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+       gboolean (*cancel_position)     (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+GType gtk_xpaned_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_new (void);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
+void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
+void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
+gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+void gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint xposition);
+void gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint yposition);
+void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
+gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
+/* Internal function */
+void gtk_xpaned_compute_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
+                                 const GtkAllocation* allocation,
+                                 GtkRequisition* top_left_child_req,
+                                 GtkRequisition* top_right_child_req,
+                                 GtkRequisition* bottom_left_child_req,
+                                 GtkRequisition* bottom_right_child_req);
+#define        gtk_xpaned_gutter_size(p,s) (void) 0
+#define        gtk_xpaned_set_gutter_size(p,s) (void) 0
+#endif /* GTK_XPANED_H */
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.c b/lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dac561a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5465 @@
+   Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ This file is derived from the gtksheet.c and extensively modified for the
+ requirements of PSPPIRE.  The changes are copyright by the
+ Free Software Foundation.  The copyright notice for the original work is
+ below.
+/* GtkSheet widget for Gtk+.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Adrian E. Feiguin <>
+ *
+ * Based on GtkClist widget by Jay Painter, but major changes.
+ * Memory allocation routines inspired on SC (Spreadsheet Calculator)
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * SECTION:psppiresheet
+ * @short_description: spreadsheet widget for gtk2
+ *
+ * PsppireSheet is a matrix widget for GTK+. It consists of an scrollable grid of
+ * cells where you can allocate text. Cell contents can be edited interactively
+ * through a specially designed entry, GtkItemEntry.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gdk/gdk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkadjustment.h>
+#include <gtk/gtktypeutils.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkcontainer.h>
+#include <pango/pango.h>
+#include "psppire-sheet.h"
+#include <ui/gui/psppire-marshal.h>
+#include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-sheetmodel.h>
+#include <libpspp/misc.h>
+#include <math.h>
+/* sheet flags */
+  {
+    PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG = 1 << 3,
+  };
+#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_FLAGS(sheet) (PSPPIRE_SHEET (sheet)->flags)
+#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_SET_FLAGS(sheet,flag) (PSPPIRE_SHEET_FLAGS (sheet) |= (flag))
+#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_UNSET_FLAGS(sheet,flag) (PSPPIRE_SHEET_FLAGS (sheet) &= ~ (flag))
+#define CELL_SPACING 1
+#define TIMEOUT_HOVER 300
+#define COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH 10
+static void set_entry_widget_font (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void draw_column_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint n);
+static void draw_row_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint n);
+static void redraw_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range);
+static void set_row_height (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                           gint row,
+                           gint height);
+static void destroy_hover_window (PsppireSheetHoverTitle *);
+static PsppireSheetHoverTitle *create_hover_window (void);
+static GtkStateType psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col);
+static inline  void
+dispose_string (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gchar *text)
+  PsppireSheetModel *model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
+  if ( ! model )
+    return;
+  if (psppire_sheet_model_free_strings (model))
+    g_free (text);
+/* FIXME: Why bother with these two ? */
+/* returns the column index from a pixel location */
+static inline gint
+column_from_xpixel (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint pixel)
+  return psppire_axis_unit_at_pixel (sheet->haxis, pixel);
+static inline gint
+row_from_ypixel (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint pixel)
+  return psppire_axis_unit_at_pixel (sheet->vaxis, pixel);
+/* Return the lowest row number which is wholly or partially on
+   the visible range of the sheet */
+static inline glong
+min_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  return row_from_ypixel (sheet, sheet->vadjustment->value);
+static inline glong
+min_fully_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  glong row = min_visible_row (sheet);
+  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row) < sheet->vadjustment->value)
+    row++;
+  return row;
+static inline glong
+max_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  return row_from_ypixel (sheet, sheet->vadjustment->value + sheet->vadjustment->page_size);
+static inline glong
+max_fully_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  glong row = max_visible_row (sheet);
+  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row)
+       +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, row)
+       > sheet->vadjustment->value)
+    row--;
+  return row;
+/* Returns the lowest column number which is wholly or partially
+   on the sheet */
+static inline glong
+min_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  return column_from_xpixel (sheet, sheet->hadjustment->value);
+static inline glong
+min_fully_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  glong col = min_visible_column (sheet);
+  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col) < sheet->hadjustment->value)
+    col++;
+  return col;
+/* Returns the highest column number which is wholly or partially
+   on the sheet */
+static inline glong
+max_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  return column_from_xpixel (sheet, sheet->hadjustment->value + sheet->hadjustment->page_size);
+static inline glong
+max_fully_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  glong col = max_visible_column (sheet);
+  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col)
+       +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, col)
+       > sheet->hadjustment->value)
+    col--;
+  return col;
+/* The size of the region (in pixels) around the row/column boundaries
+   where the height/width may be grabbed to change size */
+#define DRAG_WIDTH 6
+static gboolean
+on_column_boundary (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint x, gint *column)
+  gint col;
+  gint pixel;
+  x += sheet->hadjustment->value;
+  if ( x < 0)
+    return FALSE;
+  col = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+  pixel = x - DRAG_WIDTH / 2;
+  if (pixel < 0)
+    pixel = 0;
+  if ( column_from_xpixel (sheet, pixel) < col )
+    {
+      *column = col - 1;
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if  ( column_from_xpixel (sheet, x + DRAG_WIDTH / 2) > col )
+    {
+      *column = col;
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+on_row_boundary (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint y, gint *row)
+  gint r;
+  gint pixel;
+  y += sheet->vadjustment->value;
+  if ( y < 0)
+    return FALSE;
+  r = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+  pixel = y - DRAG_WIDTH / 2;
+  if (pixel < 0)
+    pixel = 0;
+  if ( row_from_ypixel (sheet, pixel) < r )
+    {
+      *row = r - 1;
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if  ( row_from_ypixel (sheet, y + DRAG_WIDTH / 2) > r )
+    {
+      *row = r;
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  return FALSE;
+static inline gboolean
+POSSIBLE_DRAG (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint x, gint y,
+              gint *drag_row, gint *drag_column)
+  gint ydrag, xdrag;
+  /* Can't drag if nothing is selected */
+  if ( sheet->range.row0 < 0 || sheet->range.rowi < 0 ||
+       sheet->range.col0 < 0 || sheet->range.coli < 0 )
+    return FALSE;
+  *drag_column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+  *drag_row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+  if (x >= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.col0) - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 &&
+      x <= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli) +
+      psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli) + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
+    {
+      ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.row0);
+      if (y >= ydrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && y <= ydrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
+       {
+         *drag_row = sheet->range.row0;
+         return TRUE;
+       }
+      ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi);
+      if (y >= ydrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && y <= ydrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
+       {
+         *drag_row = sheet->range.rowi;
+         return TRUE;
+       }
+    }
+  if (y >= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.row0) - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 &&
+      y <= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) +
+      psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
+    {
+      xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.col0);
+      if (x >= xdrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && x <= xdrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
+       {
+         *drag_column = sheet->range.col0;
+         return TRUE;
+       }
+      xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli) +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli);
+      if (x >= xdrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && x <= xdrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
+       {
+         *drag_column = sheet->range.coli;
+         return TRUE;
+       }
+    }
+  return FALSE;
+static inline gboolean
+POSSIBLE_RESIZE (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint x, gint y,
+                gint *drag_row, gint *drag_column)
+  gint xdrag, ydrag;
+  /* Can't drag if nothing is selected */
+  if ( sheet->range.row0 < 0 || sheet->range.rowi < 0 ||
+       sheet->range.col0 < 0 || sheet->range.coli < 0 )
+    return FALSE;
+  xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli)+
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli);
+  ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) +
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi);
+  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_COLUMN_SELECTED)
+    ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, min_visible_row (sheet));
+  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_ROW_SELECTED)
+    xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, min_visible_column (sheet));
+  *drag_column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+  *drag_row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+  if (x >= xdrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && x <= xdrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2 &&
+      y >= ydrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && y <= ydrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2) return TRUE;
+  return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+rectangle_from_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, const PsppireSheetRange *range,
+                     GdkRectangle *r)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (range, FALSE);
+  r->x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range->col0);
+  r->x -= round (sheet->hadjustment->value);
+  r->y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range->row0);
+  r->y -= round (sheet->vadjustment->value);
+  r->width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range->coli) -
+    psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range->col0) +
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, range->coli);
+  r->height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range->rowi) -
+    psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range->row0) +
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, range->rowi);
+  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    {
+      r->y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
+    }
+  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    {
+      r->x += sheet->row_title_area.width;
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+rectangle_from_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col,
+                    GdkRectangle *r)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, FALSE);
+  range.row0 = range.rowi = row;
+  range.col0 = range.coli = col;
+  return rectangle_from_range (sheet, &range, r);
+static void psppire_sheet_class_init            (PsppireSheetClass *klass);
+static void psppire_sheet_init                          (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void psppire_sheet_dispose                       (GObject *object);
+static void psppire_sheet_finalize                      (GObject *object);
+static void psppire_sheet_style_set             (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GtkStyle *previous_style);
+static void psppire_sheet_realize                       (GtkWidget *widget);
+static void psppire_sheet_unrealize             (GtkWidget *widget);
+static void psppire_sheet_map                   (GtkWidget *widget);
+static void psppire_sheet_unmap                         (GtkWidget *widget);
+static gint psppire_sheet_expose                        (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GdkEventExpose *event);
+static void psppire_sheet_forall                        (GtkContainer *container,
+                                                 gboolean include_internals,
+                                                 GtkCallback callback,
+                                                 gpointer callback_data);
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_set_scroll_adjustments  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
+                                                 GtkAdjustment *vadjustment);
+static gint psppire_sheet_button_press                  (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GdkEventButton *event);
+static gint psppire_sheet_button_release                (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GdkEventButton *event);
+static gint psppire_sheet_motion                        (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GdkEventMotion *event);
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_crossing_notify           (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                    GdkEventCrossing *event);
+static gint psppire_sheet_entry_key_press               (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GdkEventKey *key);
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_key_press                 (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GdkEventKey *key);
+static void psppire_sheet_size_request                  (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GtkRequisition *requisition);
+static void psppire_sheet_size_allocate                 (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 GtkAllocation *allocation);
+/* Sheet queries */
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (const PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                          const PsppireSheetRange *range);
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_cell_isvisible  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                          gint row, gint column);
+/* Drawing Routines */
+/* draw cell */
+static void psppire_sheet_cell_draw (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column);
+/* draw visible part of range. */
+static void draw_sheet_region (PsppireSheet *sheet, GdkRegion *region);
+/* highlight the visible part of the selected range */
+static void psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 PsppireSheetRange range);
+/* Selection */
+static void psppire_sheet_real_select_range     (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 const PsppireSheetRange *range);
+static void psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range   (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 const PsppireSheetRange *range);
+static void psppire_sheet_extend_selection              (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 gint row, gint column);
+static void psppire_sheet_new_selection                 (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 PsppireSheetRange *range);
+static void psppire_sheet_draw_border           (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 PsppireSheetRange range);
+/* Active Cell handling */
+static void psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void change_active_cell  (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col);
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell  (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static gboolean psppire_sheet_click_cell                (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 gint row,
+                                                 gint column);
+/* Scrollbars */
+static void adjust_scrollbars                   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void vadjustment_value_changed           (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
+                                                 gpointer data);
+static void hadjustment_value_changed           (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
+                                                 gpointer data);
+static void draw_xor_vline                      (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void draw_xor_hline                      (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void draw_xor_rectangle                  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 PsppireSheetRange range);
+/* Sheet Button */
+static void create_global_button                (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void global_button_clicked               (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                 gpointer data);
+/* Sheet Entry */
+static void create_sheet_entry                  (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+/* Sheet button gadgets */
+static void draw_column_title_buttons   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void draw_row_title_buttons      (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void size_allocate_global_button         (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+static void psppire_sheet_button_size_request   (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 const PsppireSheetButton *button,
+                                                 GtkRequisition *requisition);
+static void psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear               (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                                 gint row,
+                                                 gint column);
+/* Signals */
+  {
+  };
+static GtkContainerClass *parent_class = NULL;
+static guint sheet_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
+psppire_sheet_get_type ()
+  static GType sheet_type = 0;
+  if (!sheet_type)
+    {
+      static const GTypeInfo sheet_info =
+       {
+         sizeof (PsppireSheetClass),
+         NULL,
+         NULL,
+         (GClassInitFunc) psppire_sheet_class_init,
+         NULL,
+         NULL,
+         sizeof (PsppireSheet),
+         0,
+         (GInstanceInitFunc) psppire_sheet_init,
+         NULL,
+       };
+      sheet_type =
+       g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_BIN, "PsppireSheet",
+                               &sheet_info, 0);
+    }
+  return sheet_type;
+static PsppireSheetRange*
+psppire_sheet_range_copy (const PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  PsppireSheetRange *new_range;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (range != NULL, NULL);
+  new_range = g_new (PsppireSheetRange, 1);
+  *new_range = *range;
+  return new_range;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_range_free (PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  g_return_if_fail (range != NULL);
+  g_free (range);
+psppire_sheet_range_get_type (void)
+  static GType sheet_range_type = 0;
+  if (!sheet_range_type)
+    {
+      sheet_range_type =
+       g_boxed_type_register_static ("PsppireSheetRange",
+                                     (GBoxedCopyFunc) psppire_sheet_range_copy,
+                                     (GBoxedFreeFunc) psppire_sheet_range_free);
+    }
+  return sheet_range_type;
+static PsppireSheetCell*
+psppire_sheet_cell_copy (const PsppireSheetCell *cell)
+  PsppireSheetCell *new_cell;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (cell != NULL, NULL);
+  new_cell = g_new (PsppireSheetCell, 1);
+  *new_cell = *cell;
+  return new_cell;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_cell_free (PsppireSheetCell *cell)
+  g_return_if_fail (cell != NULL);
+  g_free (cell);
+psppire_sheet_cell_get_type (void)
+  static GType sheet_cell_type = 0;
+  if (!sheet_cell_type)
+    {
+      sheet_cell_type =
+       g_boxed_type_register_static ("PsppireSheetCell",
+                                     (GBoxedCopyFunc) psppire_sheet_cell_copy,
+                                     (GBoxedFreeFunc) psppire_sheet_cell_free);
+    }
+  return sheet_cell_type;
+/* Properties */
+  {
+    PROP_0,
+  };
+static void
+resize_column (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint unit, glong size)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  range.col0 = unit;
+  range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
+  range.row0 = min_visible_row (sheet);
+  range.rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
+  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
+  draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet, range.col0, range.coli);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_set_horizontal_axis (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireAxis *a)
+  if ( sheet->haxis )
+    g_object_unref (sheet->haxis);
+  sheet->haxis = a;
+  g_signal_connect_swapped (a, "resize-unit", G_CALLBACK (resize_column), sheet);
+  if ( sheet->haxis )
+    g_object_ref (sheet->haxis);
+static void
+resize_row (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint unit, glong size)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  range.col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
+  range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
+  range.row0 = unit;
+  range.rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
+  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
+  draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, range.row0, range.rowi);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_set_vertical_axis (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireAxis *a)
+  if ( sheet->vaxis )
+    g_object_unref (sheet->vaxis);
+  sheet->vaxis = a;
+  g_signal_connect_swapped (a, "resize-unit", G_CALLBACK (resize_row), sheet);
+  if ( sheet->vaxis )
+    g_object_ref (sheet->vaxis);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_set_property (GObject         *object,
+                       guint            prop_id,
+                       const GValue    *value,
+                       GParamSpec      *pspec)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
+  switch (prop_id)
+    {
+    case PROP_VAXIS:
+      psppire_sheet_set_vertical_axis (sheet, g_value_get_pointer (value));
+      break;
+    case PROP_HAXIS:
+      psppire_sheet_set_horizontal_axis (sheet, g_value_get_pointer (value));
+      break;
+    case PROP_MODEL:
+      psppire_sheet_set_model (sheet, g_value_get_pointer (value));
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+      break;
+    };
+static void
+psppire_sheet_get_property (GObject         *object,
+                       guint            prop_id,
+                       GValue          *value,
+                       GParamSpec      *pspec)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
+  switch (prop_id)
+    {
+    case PROP_VAXIS:
+      g_value_set_pointer (value, sheet->vaxis);
+      break;
+    case PROP_HAXIS:
+      g_value_set_pointer (value, sheet->haxis);
+      break;
+    case PROP_MODEL:
+      g_value_set_pointer (value, sheet->model);
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+      break;
+    };
+static void
+psppire_sheet_class_init (PsppireSheetClass *klass)
+  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+  GParamSpec *haxis_spec ;
+  GParamSpec *vaxis_spec ;
+  GParamSpec *model_spec ;
+  GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
+  GtkContainerClass *container_class = GTK_CONTAINER_CLASS (klass);
+  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+  /**
+   * PsppireSheet::select-row
+   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
+   * @row: the newly selected row index
+   *
+   * A row has been selected.
+   */
+  sheet_signals[SELECT_ROW] =
+    g_signal_new ("select-row",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, select_row),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 1,
+                 G_TYPE_INT);
+  /**
+   * PsppireSheet::select - column
+   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
+   * @column: the newly selected column index
+   *
+   * A column has been selected.
+   */
+  sheet_signals[SELECT_COLUMN] =
+    g_signal_new ("select-column",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, select_column),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 1,
+                 G_TYPE_INT);
+  /**
+   * PsppireSheet::double-click-row
+   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
+   * @row: the row that was double clicked.
+   *
+   * A row's title button has been double clicked
+   */
+  sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_ROW] =
+    g_signal_new ("double-click-row",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 0,
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 1,
+                 G_TYPE_INT);
+  /**
+   * PsppireSheet::double-click-column
+   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
+   * @column: the column that was double clicked.
+   *
+   * A column's title button has been double clicked
+   */
+  sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_COLUMN] =
+    g_signal_new ("double-click-column",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 0,
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 1,
+                 G_TYPE_INT);
+  /**
+   * PsppireSheet::button-event-column
+   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
+   * @column: the column on which the event occured.
+   *
+   * A button event occured on a column title button
+   */
+  sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_COLUMN] =
+    g_signal_new ("button-event-column",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 0,
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_VOID__INT_POINTER,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 2,
+                 G_TYPE_INT,
+                 G_TYPE_POINTER
+                 );
+  /**
+   * PsppireSheet::button-event-row
+   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
+   * @column: the column on which the event occured.
+   *
+   * A button event occured on a row title button
+   */
+  sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_ROW] =
+    g_signal_new ("button-event-row",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 0,
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_VOID__INT_POINTER,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 2,
+                 G_TYPE_INT,
+                 G_TYPE_POINTER
+                 );
+  sheet_signals[SELECT_RANGE] =
+    g_signal_new ("select-range",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, select_range),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 1,
+                 PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_RANGE);
+  sheet_signals[RESIZE_RANGE] =
+    g_signal_new ("resize-range",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, resize_range),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_VOID__BOXED_BOXED,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 2,
+                 );
+  sheet_signals[MOVE_RANGE] =
+    g_signal_new ("move-range",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, move_range),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_VOID__BOXED_BOXED,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE,
+                 2,
+                 );
+  sheet_signals[TRAVERSE] =
+    g_signal_new ("traverse",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, traverse),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_POINTER,
+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 2,
+                 PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_CELL,
+                 G_TYPE_POINTER);
+  sheet_signals[ACTIVATE] =
+    g_signal_new ("activate",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, activate),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_VOID__INT_INT_INT_INT,
+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 4,
+                 G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT,
+                 G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT);
+  widget_class->set_scroll_adjustments_signal =
+    g_signal_new ("set-scroll-adjustments",
+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
+                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, set_scroll_adjustments),
+                 NULL, NULL,
+                 psppire_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT,
+  container_class->add = NULL;
+  container_class->remove = NULL;
+  container_class->forall = psppire_sheet_forall;
+  object_class->dispose = psppire_sheet_dispose;
+  object_class->finalize = psppire_sheet_finalize;
+  vaxis_spec =
+    g_param_spec_pointer ("vertical-axis",
+                         "Vertical Axis",
+                         "A pointer to the PsppireAxis object for the rows",
+                         G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE );
+  haxis_spec =
+    g_param_spec_pointer ("horizontal-axis",
+                         "Horizontal Axis",
+                         "A pointer to the PsppireAxis object for the columns",
+                         G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE );
+  model_spec =
+    g_param_spec_pointer ("model",
+                         "Model",
+                         "A pointer to the data model",
+                         G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE );
+  object_class->set_property = psppire_sheet_set_property;
+  object_class->get_property = psppire_sheet_get_property;
+  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                   PROP_VAXIS,
+                                   vaxis_spec);
+  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                   PROP_HAXIS,
+                                   haxis_spec);
+  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+                                   PROP_MODEL,
+                                   model_spec);
+  widget_class->realize = psppire_sheet_realize;
+  widget_class->unrealize = psppire_sheet_unrealize;
+  widget_class->map = psppire_sheet_map;
+  widget_class->unmap = psppire_sheet_unmap;
+  widget_class->style_set = psppire_sheet_style_set;
+  widget_class->button_press_event = psppire_sheet_button_press;
+  widget_class->button_release_event = psppire_sheet_button_release;
+  widget_class->motion_notify_event = psppire_sheet_motion;
+  widget_class->enter_notify_event = psppire_sheet_crossing_notify;
+  widget_class->leave_notify_event = psppire_sheet_crossing_notify;
+  widget_class->key_press_event = psppire_sheet_key_press;
+  widget_class->expose_event = psppire_sheet_expose;
+  widget_class->size_request = psppire_sheet_size_request;
+  widget_class->size_allocate = psppire_sheet_size_allocate;
+  widget_class->focus_in_event = NULL;
+  widget_class->focus_out_event = NULL;
+  klass->set_scroll_adjustments = psppire_sheet_set_scroll_adjustments;
+  klass->select_row = NULL;
+  klass->select_column = NULL;
+  klass->select_range = NULL;
+  klass->resize_range = NULL;
+  klass->move_range = NULL;
+  klass->traverse = NULL;
+  klass->activate = NULL;
+  klass->changed = NULL;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_init (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  sheet->model = NULL;
+  sheet->haxis = NULL;
+  sheet->vaxis = NULL;
+  sheet->flags = 0;
+  sheet->selection_mode = GTK_SELECTION_NONE;
+  sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
+  sheet->column_title_window = NULL;
+  sheet->column_title_area.x = 0;
+  sheet->column_title_area.y = 0;
+  sheet->column_title_area.width = 0;
+  sheet->column_title_area.height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
+  sheet->row_title_window = NULL;
+  sheet->row_title_area.x = 0;
+  sheet->row_title_area.y = 0;
+  sheet->row_title_area.width = DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
+  sheet->row_title_area.height = 0;
+  sheet->active_cell.row = 0;
+  sheet->active_cell.col = 0;
+  sheet->selection_cell.row = 0;
+  sheet->selection_cell.col = 0;
+  sheet->range.row0 = 0;
+  sheet->range.rowi = 0;
+  sheet->range.col0 = 0;
+  sheet->range.coli = 0;
+  sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
+  sheet->sheet_window = NULL;
+  sheet->entry_widget = NULL;
+  sheet->button = NULL;
+  sheet->hadjustment = NULL;
+  sheet->vadjustment = NULL;
+  sheet->cursor_drag = NULL;
+  sheet->xor_gc = NULL;
+  sheet->fg_gc = NULL;
+  sheet->bg_gc = NULL;
+  sheet->x_drag = 0;
+  sheet->y_drag = 0;
+  sheet->show_grid = TRUE;
+  sheet->motion_timer = 0;
+  sheet->row_titles_visible = TRUE;
+  sheet->row_title_area.width = DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
+  sheet->column_titles_visible = TRUE;
+  /* create sheet entry */
+  sheet->entry_type = GTK_TYPE_ENTRY;
+  create_sheet_entry (sheet);
+  /* create global selection button */
+  create_global_button (sheet);
+/* Cause RANGE to be redrawn. If RANGE is null, then the
+   entire visible range will be redrawn.
+ */
+static void
+redraw_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  GdkRectangle rect;
+  if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
+    return;
+  if ( NULL != range )
+    rectangle_from_range (sheet, range, &rect);
+  else
+    {
+      GdkRegion *r = gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (sheet->sheet_window);
+      gdk_region_get_clipbox (r, &rect);
+      if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+       {
+         rect.y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
+         rect.height -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
+       }
+      if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+       {
+         rect.x += sheet->row_title_area.width;
+         rect.width -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
+       }
+    }
+  gdk_window_invalidate_rect (sheet->sheet_window, &rect, FALSE);
+/* Callback which occurs whenever columns are inserted / deleted in the model */
+static void
+columns_inserted_deleted_callback (PsppireSheetModel *model, gint first_column,
+                                  gint n_columns,
+                                  gpointer data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  gint model_columns = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_count (model);
+  /* Need to update all the columns starting from the first column and onwards.
+   * Previous column are unchanged, so don't need to be updated.
+   */
+  range.col0 = first_column;
+  range.row0 = 0;
+  range.coli = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
+  range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
+  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+  if (sheet->active_cell.col >= model_columns)
+    change_active_cell (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row, model_columns - 1);
+  draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet,
+                                  first_column, max_visible_column (sheet));
+  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
+/* Callback which occurs whenever rows are inserted / deleted in the model */
+static void
+rows_inserted_deleted_callback (PsppireSheetModel *model, gint first_row,
+                               gint n_rows, gpointer data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  gint model_rows = psppire_sheet_model_get_row_count (model);
+  /* Need to update all the rows starting from the first row and onwards.
+   * Previous rows are unchanged, so don't need to be updated.
+   */
+  range.row0 = first_row;
+  range.col0 = 0;
+  range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
+  range.coli = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
+  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+  if (sheet->active_cell.row >= model_rows)
+    change_active_cell (sheet, model_rows - 1, sheet->active_cell.col);
+  draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, first_row, max_visible_row (sheet));
+  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
+  If row0 or rowi are negative, then all rows will be updated.
+  If col0 or coli are negative, then all columns will be updated.
+static void
+range_update_callback (PsppireSheetModel *m, gint row0, gint col0,
+                      gint rowi, gint coli, gpointer data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  range.row0 = row0;
+  range.col0 = col0;
+  range.rowi = rowi;
+  range.coli = coli;
+    return;
+  if ( ( row0 < 0 && col0 < 0 ) || ( rowi < 0 && coli < 0 ) )
+    {
+      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
+      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+      draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_row (sheet),
+                                      max_visible_row (sheet));
+      draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_column (sheet),
+                                      max_visible_column (sheet));
+      return;
+    }
+  else if ( row0 < 0 || rowi < 0 )
+    {
+      range.row0 = min_visible_row (sheet);
+      range.rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
+    }
+  else if ( col0 < 0 || coli < 0 )
+    {
+      range.col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
+      range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
+    }
+  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
+ * psppire_sheet_new:
+ * @rows: initial number of rows
+ * @columns: initial number of columns
+ * @title: sheet title
+ * @model: the model to use for the sheet data
+ *
+ * Creates a new sheet widget with the given number of rows and columns.
+ *
+ * Returns: the new sheet widget
+ */
+GtkWidget *
+psppire_sheet_new (PsppireSheetModel *model)
+  GtkWidget *widget = g_object_new (PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET,
+                                   "model", model,
+                                   NULL);
+  return widget;
+ * psppire_sheet_set_model
+ * @sheet: the sheet to set the model for
+ * @model: the model to use for the sheet data
+ *
+ * Sets the model for a PsppireSheet
+ *
+ */
+psppire_sheet_set_model (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetModel *model)
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (sheet->model ) g_object_unref (sheet->model);
+  sheet->model = model;
+  if ( model)
+    {
+      g_object_ref (model);
+      sheet->update_handler_id = g_signal_connect (model, "range_changed",
+                                                  G_CALLBACK (range_update_callback),
+                                                  sheet);
+      g_signal_connect (model, "rows_inserted",
+                       G_CALLBACK (rows_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
+      g_signal_connect (model, "rows_deleted",
+                       G_CALLBACK (rows_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
+      g_signal_connect (model, "columns_inserted",
+                       G_CALLBACK (columns_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
+      g_signal_connect (model, "columns_deleted",
+                       G_CALLBACK (columns_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
+    }
+psppire_sheet_change_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkType entry_type)
+  gint state;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  state = sheet->state;
+  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget (sheet);
+  sheet->entry_type = entry_type;
+  create_sheet_entry (sheet);
+  if (state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (sheet);
+    }
+psppire_sheet_show_grid (PsppireSheet *sheet, gboolean show)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (show == sheet->show_grid) return;
+  sheet->show_grid = show;
+  redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
+psppire_sheet_grid_visible (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
+  return sheet->show_grid;
+psppire_sheet_get_columns_count (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
+  return psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis);
+static void set_column_width (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                             gint column,
+                             gint width);
+psppire_sheet_show_column_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
+  sheet->column_titles_visible = TRUE;
+    return;
+  gdk_window_show (sheet->column_title_window);
+  gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->column_title_window,
+                         sheet->column_title_area.x,
+                         sheet->column_title_area.y,
+                         sheet->column_title_area.width,
+                         sheet->column_title_area.height);
+  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+  if (sheet->vadjustment)
+    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->vadjustment,
+                          "value_changed");
+  size_allocate_global_button (sheet);
+  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    gtk_widget_show (sheet->button);
+psppire_sheet_show_row_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
+  sheet->row_titles_visible = TRUE;
+    {
+      gdk_window_show (sheet->row_title_window);
+      gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->row_title_window,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.x,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.y,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.width,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.height);
+      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+    }
+  if (sheet->hadjustment)
+    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->hadjustment,
+                          "value_changed");
+  size_allocate_global_button (sheet);
+  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    gtk_widget_show (sheet->button);
+psppire_sheet_hide_column_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
+  sheet->column_titles_visible = FALSE;
+    {
+      if (sheet->column_title_window)
+       gdk_window_hide (sheet->column_title_window);
+      gtk_widget_hide (sheet->button);
+      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+    }
+  if (sheet->vadjustment)
+    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->vadjustment,
+                          "value_changed");
+psppire_sheet_hide_row_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
+  sheet->row_titles_visible = FALSE;
+    {
+      if (sheet->row_title_window)
+       gdk_window_hide (sheet->row_title_window);
+      gtk_widget_hide (sheet->button);
+      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+    }
+  if (sheet->hadjustment)
+    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->hadjustment,
+                          "value_changed");
+/* Scroll the sheet so that the cell ROW, COLUMN is visible.
+   If {ROW,COL}_ALIGN is zero, then the cell will be placed
+   at the {top,left} of the sheet.  If it's 1, then it'll
+   be placed at the {bottom,right}.
+   ROW or COL may be -1, in which case scrolling in that dimension
+   does not occur.
+ */
+psppire_sheet_moveto (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                 gint row,
+                 gint col,
+                 gfloat row_align,
+                 gfloat col_align)
+  gint width, height;
+  g_return_if_fail (row_align >= 0);
+  g_return_if_fail (col_align >= 0);
+  g_return_if_fail (row_align <= 1);
+  g_return_if_fail (col_align <= 1);
+  g_return_if_fail (col <
+                   psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis));
+  g_return_if_fail (row <
+                   psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis));
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, &width, &height);
+  if (row >= 0)
+    {
+      gint y =  psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row);
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment, y - height * row_align);
+    }
+  if (col >= 0)
+    {
+      gint x =  psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col);
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->hadjustment, x - width * col_align);
+    }
+psppire_sheet_select_row (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (row < 0 || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return;
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+  sheet->range.row0 = row;
+  sheet->range.col0 = 0;
+  sheet->range.rowi = row;
+  sheet->range.coli = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
+  sheet->active_cell.row = row;
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_ROW], 0, row);
+  psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, NULL);
+psppire_sheet_select_column (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint column)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (column < 0 || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return;
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+  sheet->range.row0 = 0;
+  sheet->range.col0 = column;
+  sheet->range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
+  sheet->range.coli = column;
+  sheet->active_cell.col = column;
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_COLUMN], 0, column);
+  psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, NULL);
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (const PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                          const PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, FALSE);
+  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->row0 >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->rowi < 0 || range->rowi >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->col0 >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->coli < 0 || range->coli >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->rowi < min_visible_row (sheet))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->row0 > max_visible_row (sheet))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->coli < min_visible_column (sheet))
+    return FALSE;
+  if (range->col0 > max_visible_column (sheet))
+    return FALSE;
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_cell_isvisible (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                         gint row, gint column)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  range.row0 = row;
+  range.col0 = column;
+  range.rowi = row;
+  range.coli = column;
+  return psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &range);
+psppire_sheet_get_visible_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet)) ;
+  g_return_if_fail (range != NULL);
+  range->row0 = min_visible_row (sheet);
+  range->col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
+  range->rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
+  range->coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_set_scroll_adjustments (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                 GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
+                                 GtkAdjustment *vadjustment)
+  if ( sheet->vadjustment != vadjustment )
+    {
+      if (sheet->vadjustment)
+       g_object_unref (sheet->vadjustment);
+      sheet->vadjustment = vadjustment;
+      if ( vadjustment)
+       {
+         g_object_ref (vadjustment);
+         g_signal_connect (sheet->vadjustment, "value_changed",
+                           G_CALLBACK (vadjustment_value_changed),
+                           sheet);
+       }
+    }
+  if ( sheet->hadjustment != hadjustment )
+    {
+      if (sheet->hadjustment)
+       g_object_unref (sheet->hadjustment);
+      sheet->hadjustment = hadjustment;
+      if ( hadjustment)
+       {
+         g_object_ref (hadjustment);
+         g_signal_connect (sheet->hadjustment, "value_changed",
+                           G_CALLBACK (hadjustment_value_changed),
+                           sheet);
+       }
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_finalize (GObject *object)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (object));
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
+  if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize)
+    (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize) (object);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_dispose  (GObject *object)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
+  g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (object));
+  if ( sheet->dispose_has_run )
+    return ;
+  sheet->dispose_has_run = TRUE;
+  if (sheet->model) g_object_unref (sheet->model);
+  if (sheet->vaxis) g_object_unref (sheet->vaxis);
+  if (sheet->haxis) g_object_unref (sheet->haxis);
+  g_object_unref (sheet->button);
+  sheet->button = NULL;
+  /* unref adjustments */
+  if (sheet->hadjustment)
+    {
+      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (sheet->hadjustment,
+                                           G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+                                           0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                           sheet);
+      g_object_unref (sheet->hadjustment);
+      sheet->hadjustment = NULL;
+    }
+  if (sheet->vadjustment)
+    {
+      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (sheet->vadjustment,
+                                           G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+                                           0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                           sheet);
+      g_object_unref (sheet->vadjustment);
+      sheet->vadjustment = NULL;
+    }
+  if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose)
+    (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_style_set (GtkWidget *widget,
+                    GtkStyle *previous_style)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set)
+    (*GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set) (widget, previous_style);
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
+    {
+      gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->window, widget->state);
+    }
+  set_entry_widget_font (sheet);
+#define BORDER_WIDTH 3
+static void
+psppire_sheet_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  GdkWindowAttr attributes;
+  const gint attributes_mask =
+  GdkGCValues values;
+  GdkColormap *colormap;
+  GdkDisplay *display;
+  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget);
+  display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
+  attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
+  attributes.x = widget->allocation.x;
+  attributes.y = widget->allocation.y;
+  attributes.width = widget->allocation.width;
+  attributes.height = widget->allocation.height;
+  attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
+  attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);
+  attributes.colormap = colormap;
+  attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
+  attributes.event_mask |= (GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK |
+                           GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
+                           GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
+                           GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK |
+                           GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                           GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
+                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
+  attributes.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW);
+  /* main window */
+  widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget), &attributes, attributes_mask);
+  gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, sheet);
+  widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widget->window);
+  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->window, GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
+  gdk_color_parse ("white", &sheet->color[BG_COLOR]);
+  gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, &sheet->color[BG_COLOR], FALSE,
+                           TRUE);
+  gdk_color_parse ("gray", &sheet->color[GRID_COLOR]);
+  gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, &sheet->color[GRID_COLOR], FALSE,
+                           TRUE);
+  attributes.x = 0;
+  attributes.y = 0;
+  attributes.width = sheet->column_title_area.width;
+  attributes.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  /* column - title window */
+  sheet->column_title_window =
+    gdk_window_new (widget->window, &attributes, attributes_mask);
+  gdk_window_set_user_data (sheet->column_title_window, sheet);
+  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, sheet->column_title_window,
+                           GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
+  attributes.x = 0;
+  attributes.y = 0;
+  attributes.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  attributes.height = sheet->row_title_area.height;
+  /* row - title window */
+  sheet->row_title_window = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                           &attributes, attributes_mask);
+  gdk_window_set_user_data (sheet->row_title_window, sheet);
+  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, sheet->row_title_window,
+                           GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
+  /* sheet - window */
+  attributes.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_PLUS);
+  attributes.x = 0;
+  attributes.y = 0;
+  sheet->sheet_window = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
+                                       &attributes, attributes_mask);
+  gdk_window_set_user_data (sheet->sheet_window, sheet);
+  gdk_cursor_unref (attributes.cursor);
+  gdk_window_set_background (sheet->sheet_window, &widget->style->white);
+  gdk_window_show (sheet->sheet_window);
+  /* GCs */
+  sheet->fg_gc = gdk_gc_new (widget->window);
+  sheet->bg_gc = gdk_gc_new (widget->window);
+  values.foreground = widget->style->white;
+  values.function = GDK_INVERT;
+  values.subwindow_mode = GDK_INCLUDE_INFERIORS;
+  values.line_width = BORDER_WIDTH;
+  sheet->xor_gc = gdk_gc_new_with_values (widget->window,
+                                         &values,
+                                         GDK_GC_FOREGROUND |
+                                         GDK_GC_FUNCTION |
+                                         GDK_GC_SUBWINDOW |
+                                         GDK_GC_LINE_WIDTH
+                                         );
+  gtk_widget_set_parent_window (sheet->entry_widget, sheet->sheet_window);
+  gtk_widget_set_parent (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+  gtk_widget_set_parent_window (sheet->button, sheet->sheet_window);
+  gtk_widget_set_parent (sheet->button, GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+  sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_PLUS);
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    gdk_window_show (sheet->column_title_window);
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    gdk_window_show (sheet->row_title_window);
+  sheet->hover_window = create_hover_window ();
+  draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
+  draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
+  psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (sheet);
+static void
+create_global_button (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  sheet->button = gtk_button_new_with_label (" ");
+  g_object_ref_sink (sheet->button);
+  g_signal_connect (sheet->button,
+                   "pressed",
+                   G_CALLBACK (global_button_clicked),
+                   sheet);
+static void
+size_allocate_global_button (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  GtkAllocation allocation;
+  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
+  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
+  gtk_widget_size_request (sheet->button, NULL);
+  allocation.x = 0;
+  allocation.y = 0;
+  allocation.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  allocation.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  gtk_widget_size_allocate (sheet->button, &allocation);
+static void
+global_button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
+  psppire_sheet_click_cell (PSPPIRE_SHEET (data), -1, -1);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+  sheet->cursor_drag = NULL;
+  gdk_colormap_free_colors (gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget),
+                           sheet->color, n_COLORS);
+  g_object_unref (sheet->xor_gc);
+  g_object_unref (sheet->fg_gc);
+  g_object_unref (sheet->bg_gc);
+  destroy_hover_window (sheet->hover_window);
+  gdk_window_destroy (sheet->sheet_window);
+  gdk_window_destroy (sheet->column_title_window);
+  gdk_window_destroy (sheet->row_title_window);
+  gtk_widget_unparent (sheet->entry_widget);
+  if (sheet->button != NULL)
+    gtk_widget_unparent (sheet->button);
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize)
+    (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) (widget);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_map (GtkWidget *widget)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
+    {
+      gdk_window_show (widget->window);
+      gdk_window_show (sheet->sheet_window);
+      if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+       {
+         draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
+         gdk_window_show (sheet->column_title_window);
+       }
+      if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+       {
+         draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
+         gdk_window_show (sheet->row_title_window);
+       }
+      if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->entry_widget)
+         && sheet->active_cell.row >= 0
+         && sheet->active_cell.col >= 0 )
+       {
+         gtk_widget_show (sheet->entry_widget);
+         gtk_widget_map (sheet->entry_widget);
+       }
+      if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->button))
+       {
+         gtk_widget_show (sheet->button);
+         gtk_widget_map (sheet->button);
+       }
+      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
+      change_active_cell (sheet,
+                    sheet->active_cell.row,
+                    sheet->active_cell.col);
+    }
+static void
+psppire_sheet_unmap (GtkWidget *widget)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
+    return;
+  gdk_window_hide (sheet->sheet_window);
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    gdk_window_hide (sheet->column_title_window);
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    gdk_window_hide (sheet->row_title_window);
+  gdk_window_hide (widget->window);
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->entry_widget))
+    gtk_widget_unmap (sheet->entry_widget);
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->button))
+    gtk_widget_unmap (sheet->button);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_cell_draw (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
+  PangoLayout *layout;
+  PangoRectangle text;
+  PangoFontDescription *font_desc = GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->font_desc;
+  gint font_height;
+  gchar *label;
+  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes;
+  GdkRectangle area;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  /* bail now if we aren't yet drawable */
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (sheet)) return;
+  if (row < 0 ||
+      row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return;
+  if (col < 0 ||
+      col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return;
+  psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, row, col, &attributes);
+  /* select GC for background rectangle */
+  gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->fg_gc, &attributes.foreground);
+  gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->bg_gc, &attributes.background);
+  rectangle_from_cell (sheet, row, col, &area);
+  gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (sheet->fg_gc, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+  if (sheet->show_grid)
+    {
+      gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->bg_gc, &sheet->color[GRID_COLOR]);
+      gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                         sheet->bg_gc,
+                         FALSE,
+                         area.x, area.y,
+                         area.width, area.height);
+    }
+  label = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, row, col);
+  if (NULL == label)
+    return;
+  layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), label);
+  dispose_string (sheet, label);
+  pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, font_desc);
+  pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout, NULL, &text);
+  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->fg_gc, &area);
+  font_height = pango_font_description_get_size (font_desc);
+  if ( !pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute (font_desc))
+    font_height /= PANGO_SCALE;
+  /* Centre the text vertically */
+  area.y += (area.height - font_height) / 2.0;
+  switch (attributes.justification)
+    {
+      area.x += area.width - text.width;
+      break;
+      area.x += (area.width - text.width) / 2.0;
+      break;
+      /* Do nothing */
+      break;
+    default:
+      g_critical ("Unhandled justification %d in column %d\n",
+                attributes.justification, col);
+      break;
+    }
+  gdk_draw_layout (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->fg_gc,
+                  area.x,
+                  area.y,
+                  layout);
+  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->fg_gc, NULL);
+  g_object_unref (layout);
+static void
+draw_sheet_region (PsppireSheet *sheet, GdkRegion *region)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  GdkRectangle area;
+  gint y, x;
+  gint i, j;
+  PsppireSheetRange drawing_range;
+  gdk_region_get_clipbox (region, &area);
+  y = area.y + sheet->vadjustment->value;
+  x = area.x + sheet->hadjustment->value;
+  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    y -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    x -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  maximize_int (&x, 0);
+  maximize_int (&y, 0);
+  range.row0 = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+  range.rowi = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y + area.height);
+  range.col0 = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+  range.coli = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x + area.width);
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  drawing_range.row0 = MAX (range.row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
+  drawing_range.col0 = MAX (range.col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
+  drawing_range.rowi = MIN (range.rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
+  drawing_range.coli = MIN (range.coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
+  g_return_if_fail (drawing_range.rowi >= drawing_range.row0);
+  g_return_if_fail (drawing_range.coli >= drawing_range.col0);
+  for (i = drawing_range.row0; i <= drawing_range.rowi; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = drawing_range.col0; j <= drawing_range.coli; j++)
+       psppire_sheet_cell_draw (sheet, i, j);
+    }
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL &&
+      psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
+    psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, drawing_range);
+  if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL &&
+      sheet->active_cell.row >= drawing_range.row0 &&
+      sheet->active_cell.row <= drawing_range.rowi &&
+      sheet->active_cell.col >= drawing_range.col0 &&
+      sheet->active_cell.col <= drawing_range.coli)
+    psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (sheet);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange range)
+  GdkRectangle area;
+  gint i, j;
+  PsppireSheetRange aux;
+  if (range.col0 > sheet->range.coli || range.coli < sheet->range.col0 ||
+      range.row0 > sheet->range.rowi || range.rowi < sheet->range.row0)
+    return;
+  if (!psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &range)) return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  aux = range;
+  range.col0 = MAX (sheet->range.col0, range.col0);
+  range.coli = MIN (sheet->range.coli, range.coli);
+  range.row0 = MAX (sheet->range.row0, range.row0);
+  range.rowi = MIN (sheet->range.rowi, range.rowi);
+  range.col0 = MAX (range.col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
+  range.coli = MIN (range.coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
+  range.row0 = MAX (range.row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
+  range.rowi = MIN (range.rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
+  for (i = range.row0; i <= range.rowi; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = range.col0; j <= range.coli; j++)
+       {
+         if (psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j) == GTK_STATE_SELECTED)
+           {
+             rectangle_from_cell (sheet, i, j, &area);
+             if (i == sheet->range.row0)
+               {
+                 area.y = area.y + 2;
+                 area.height = area.height - 2;
+               }
+             if (i == sheet->range.rowi) area.height = area.height - 3;
+             if (j == sheet->range.col0)
+               {
+                 area.x = area.x + 2;
+                 area.width = area.width - 2;
+               }
+             if (j == sheet->range.coli) area.width = area.width - 3;
+             if (i != sheet->active_cell.row || j != sheet->active_cell.col)
+               {
+                 gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                     sheet->xor_gc,
+                                     TRUE,
+                                     area.x + 1, area.y + 1,
+                                     area.width, area.height);
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  psppire_sheet_draw_border (sheet, sheet->range);
+static inline gint
+safe_strcmp (const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2)
+  if ( !s1 && !s2) return 0;
+  if ( !s1) return -1;
+  if ( !s2) return +1;
+  return strcmp (s1, s2);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_set_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col,
+                   GtkJustification justification,
+                   const gchar *text)
+  PsppireSheetModel *model ;
+  gchar *old_text ;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis)
+      || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return;
+  if (col < 0 || row < 0) return;
+  model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
+  old_text = psppire_sheet_model_get_string (model, row, col);
+  if (0 != safe_strcmp (old_text, text))
+    {
+      g_signal_handler_block    (sheet->model, sheet->update_handler_id);
+      psppire_sheet_model_set_string (model, text, row, col);
+      g_signal_handler_unblock  (sheet->model, sheet->update_handler_id);
+    }
+  if ( psppire_sheet_model_free_strings (model))
+    g_free (old_text);
+psppire_sheet_cell_clear (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) ||
+      row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)) return;
+  if (column < 0 || row < 0) return;
+  range.row0 = row;
+  range.rowi = row;
+  range.col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
+  range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
+  psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear (sheet, row, column);
+  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
+  PsppireSheetModel *model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
+  gchar *old_text = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, row, column);
+  if (old_text && strlen (old_text) > 0 )
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_model_datum_clear (model, row, column);
+    }
+  dispose_string (sheet, old_text);
+gchar *
+psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
+  PsppireSheetModel *model;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), NULL);
+  if (col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return NULL;
+  if (col < 0 || row < 0) return NULL;
+  model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
+  if ( !model )
+    return NULL;
+  return psppire_sheet_model_get_string (model, row, col);
+static GtkStateType
+psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
+  gint state;
+  PsppireSheetRange *range;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
+  if (col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)) return 0;
+  if (col < 0 || row < 0) return 0;
+  state = sheet->state;
+  range = &sheet->range;
+  switch (state)
+    {
+      return GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+      break;
+      if (row >= range->row0 && row <= range->rowi)
+       return GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
+      break;
+      if (col >= range->col0 && col <= range->coli)
+       return GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
+      break;
+      if (row >= range->row0 && row <= range->rowi && \
+         col >= range->col0 && col <= range->coli)
+       return GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
+      break;
+    }
+/* Convert X, Y (in pixels) to *ROW, *COLUMN
+   If the function returns FALSE, then the results will be unreliable.
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                         gint x,
+                         gint y,
+                         gint *row,
+                         gint *column)
+  gint trow, tcol;
+  *row = -G_MAXINT;
+  *column = -G_MAXINT;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
+  /* bounds checking, return false if the user clicked
+     on a blank area */
+  if (y < 0)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (x < 0)
+    return FALSE;
+  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    y -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  y += sheet->vadjustment->value;
+  if ( y < 0 && sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    {
+      trow = -1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      trow = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+      if (trow > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+       return FALSE;
+    }
+  *row = trow;
+  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    x -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  x += sheet->hadjustment->value;
+  if ( x < 0 && sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    {
+      tcol = -1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      tcol = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+      if (tcol > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+       return FALSE;
+    }
+  *column = tcol;
+  return TRUE;
+psppire_sheet_get_cell_area (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                        gint row,
+                        gint column,
+                        GdkRectangle *area)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
+  if (row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return FALSE;
+  area->x = (column == -1) ? 0 : psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, column);
+  area->y = (row == -1)    ? 0 : psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row);
+  area->width= (column == -1) ? sheet->row_title_area.width
+    : psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, column);
+  area->height= (row == -1) ? sheet->column_title_area.height
+    : psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, row);
+  return TRUE;
+psppire_sheet_set_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (row < -1 || col < -1)
+    return;
+  if (row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)
+      ||
+      col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return;
+    return;
+  if ( row == -1 || col == -1)
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget (sheet);
+      return;
+    }
+  change_active_cell (sheet, row, col);
+psppire_sheet_get_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint *row, gint *column)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if ( row ) *row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+  if (column) *column = sheet->active_cell.col;
+static void
+entry_load_text (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint row, col;
+  const char *text;
+  GtkJustification justification;
+  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (sheet->entry_widget)) return;
+  if (sheet->state != GTK_STATE_NORMAL) return;
+  row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+  col = sheet->active_cell.col;
+  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return;
+  text = gtk_entry_get_text (psppire_sheet_get_entry (sheet));
+  if (text && strlen (text) > 0)
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, row, col, &attributes);
+      justification = attributes.justification;
+      psppire_sheet_set_cell (sheet, row, col, justification, text);
+    }
+static void
+psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+    return;
+  if (sheet->active_cell.row < 0 ||
+      sheet->active_cell.col < 0) return;
+  gtk_widget_hide (sheet->entry_widget);
+  gtk_widget_unmap (sheet->entry_widget);
+static void
+change_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
+  gint old_row, old_col;
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (row < 0 || col < 0)
+    return;
+  if ( row > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)
+       || col > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return;
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    {
+      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
+      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+    }
+  old_row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+  old_col = sheet->active_cell.col;
+  /* Erase the old cell */
+  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
+  entry_load_text (sheet);
+  sheet->range.row0 = row;
+  sheet->range.col0 = col;
+  sheet->range.rowi = row;
+  sheet->range.coli = col;
+  sheet->active_cell.row = row;
+  sheet->active_cell.col = col;
+  sheet->selection_cell.row = row;
+  sheet->selection_cell.col = col;
+  GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_HAS_FOCUS);
+  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
+  psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (sheet);
+  GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_HAS_FOCUS);
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals [ACTIVATE], 0,
+                row, col, old_row, old_col);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  GtkEntry *sheet_entry;
+  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes;
+  gint row, col;
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+  col = sheet->active_cell.col;
+  /* Don't show the active cell, if there is no active cell: */
+  if (! (row >= 0 && col >= 0)) /* e.g row or coll == -1. */
+    return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL) return;
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet)) return;
+  GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (GTK_WIDGET (sheet->entry_widget), GTK_VISIBLE);
+  sheet_entry = psppire_sheet_get_entry (sheet);
+  psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, row, col, &attributes);
+  if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (sheet_entry))
+    {
+      gchar *text = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, row, col);
+      const gchar *old_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry));
+      if ( ! text )
+       text = g_strdup ("");
+      if (strcmp (old_text, text) != 0)
+       gtk_entry_set_text (sheet_entry, text);
+      dispose_string (sheet, text);
+       {
+         switch (attributes.justification)
+           {
+           case GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
+             gtk_entry_set_alignment (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry), 1.0);
+             break;
+           case GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER:
+             gtk_entry_set_alignment (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry), 0.5);
+             break;
+           case GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:
+           default:
+             gtk_entry_set_alignment (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry), 0.0);
+             break;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (sheet);
+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (sheet_entry),
+                           psppire_sheet_model_is_editable (sheet->model,
+                                                      row, col));
+  gtk_widget_map (sheet->entry_widget);
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint row, col;
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+  col = sheet->active_cell.col;
+  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return FALSE;
+  if (!psppire_sheet_cell_isvisible (sheet, row, col))
+    return FALSE;
+  range.col0 = range.coli = col;
+  range.row0 = range.rowi = row;
+  psppire_sheet_draw_border (sheet, range);
+  return FALSE;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_new_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  gint i, j, mask1, mask2;
+  gint state, selected;
+  gint x, y, width, height;
+  PsppireSheetRange new_range, aux_range;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  if (range == NULL) range=&sheet->range;
+  new_range=*range;
+  range->row0 = MIN (range->row0, sheet->range.row0);
+  range->rowi = MAX (range->rowi, sheet->range.rowi);
+  range->col0 = MIN (range->col0, sheet->range.col0);
+  range->coli = MAX (range->coli, sheet->range.coli);
+  range->row0 = MAX (range->row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
+  range->rowi = MIN (range->rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
+  range->col0 = MAX (range->col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
+  range->coli = MIN (range->coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
+  aux_range.row0 = MAX (new_range.row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
+  aux_range.rowi = MIN (new_range.rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
+  aux_range.col0 = MAX (new_range.col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
+  aux_range.coli = MIN (new_range.coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
+  for (i = range->row0; i <= range->rowi; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = range->col0; j <= range->coli; j++)
+       {
+         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
+         selected= (i <= new_range.rowi && i >= new_range.row0 &&
+                    j <= new_range.coli && j >= new_range.col0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+         if (state == GTK_STATE_SELECTED && selected &&
+             (i == sheet->range.row0 || i == sheet->range.rowi ||
+              j == sheet->range.col0 || j == sheet->range.coli ||
+              i == new_range.row0 || i == new_range.rowi ||
+              j == new_range.col0 || j == new_range.coli))
+           {
+             mask1 = i == sheet->range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
+             mask1 = i == sheet->range.rowi ? mask1 + 2 : mask1;
+             mask1 = j == sheet->range.col0 ? mask1 + 4 : mask1;
+             mask1 = j == sheet->range.coli ? mask1 + 8 : mask1;
+             mask2 = i == new_range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
+             mask2 = i == new_range.rowi ? mask2 + 2 : mask2;
+             mask2 = j == new_range.col0 ? mask2 + 4 : mask2;
+             mask2 = j == new_range.coli ? mask2 + 8 : mask2;
+             if (mask1 != mask2)
+               {
+                 x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
+                 y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
+                 width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j)- x+
+                   psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
+                 height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
+                 if (i == sheet->range.row0)
+                   {
+                     y = y - 3;
+                     height = height + 3;
+                   }
+                 if (i == sheet->range.rowi) height = height + 3;
+                 if (j == sheet->range.col0)
+                   {
+                     x = x - 3;
+                     width = width + 3;
+                   }
+                 if (j == sheet->range.coli) width = width + 3;
+                 if (i != sheet->active_cell.row || j != sheet->active_cell.col)
+                   {
+                     x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
+                     y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
+                     width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j)- x+
+                       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
+                     height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
+                     if (i == new_range.row0)
+                       {
+                         y = y+2;
+                         height = height - 2;
+                       }
+                     if (i == new_range.rowi) height = height - 3;
+                     if (j == new_range.col0)
+                       {
+                         x = x+2;
+                         width = width - 2;
+                       }
+                     if (j == new_range.coli) width = width - 3;
+                     gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                         sheet->xor_gc,
+                                         TRUE,
+                                         x + 1, y + 1,
+                                         width, height);
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  for (i = range->row0; i <= range->rowi; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = range->col0; j <= range->coli; j++)
+       {
+         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
+         selected= (i <= new_range.rowi && i >= new_range.row0 &&
+                    j <= new_range.coli && j >= new_range.col0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+         if (state == GTK_STATE_SELECTED && !selected)
+           {
+             x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
+             y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
+             width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j) - x + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
+             height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
+             if (i == sheet->range.row0)
+               {
+                 y = y - 3;
+                 height = height + 3;
+               }
+             if (i == sheet->range.rowi) height = height + 3;
+             if (j == sheet->range.col0)
+               {
+                 x = x - 3;
+                 width = width + 3;
+               }
+             if (j == sheet->range.coli) width = width + 3;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  for (i = range->row0; i <= range->rowi; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = range->col0; j <= range->coli; j++)
+       {
+         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
+         selected= (i <= new_range.rowi && i >= new_range.row0 &&
+                    j <= new_range.coli && j >= new_range.col0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+         if (state != GTK_STATE_SELECTED && selected &&
+             (i != sheet->active_cell.row || j != sheet->active_cell.col))
+           {
+             x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
+             y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
+             width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j) - x + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
+             height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
+             if (i == new_range.row0)
+               {
+                 y = y+2;
+                 height = height - 2;
+               }
+             if (i == new_range.rowi) height = height - 3;
+             if (j == new_range.col0)
+               {
+                 x = x+2;
+                 width = width - 2;
+               }
+             if (j == new_range.coli) width = width - 3;
+             gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                 sheet->xor_gc,
+                                 TRUE,
+                                 x + 1, y + 1,
+                                 width, height);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  for (i = aux_range.row0; i <= aux_range.rowi; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = aux_range.col0; j <= aux_range.coli; j++)
+       {
+         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
+         mask1 = i == sheet->range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
+         mask1 = i == sheet->range.rowi ? mask1 + 2 : mask1;
+         mask1 = j == sheet->range.col0 ? mask1 + 4 : mask1;
+         mask1 = j == sheet->range.coli ? mask1 + 8 : mask1;
+         mask2 = i == new_range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
+         mask2 = i == new_range.rowi ? mask2 + 2 : mask2;
+         mask2 = j == new_range.col0 ? mask2 + 4 : mask2;
+         mask2 = j == new_range.coli ? mask2 + 8 : mask2;
+         if (mask2 != mask1 || (mask2 == mask1 && state != GTK_STATE_SELECTED))
+           {
+             x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
+             y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
+             width = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
+             height = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
+             if (mask2 & 1)
+               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                   sheet->xor_gc,
+                                   TRUE,
+                                   x + 1, y - 1,
+                                   width, 3);
+             if (mask2 & 2)
+               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                   sheet->xor_gc,
+                                   TRUE,
+                                   x + 1, y + height - 1,
+                                   width, 3);
+             if (mask2 & 4)
+               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                   sheet->xor_gc,
+                                   TRUE,
+                                   x - 1, y + 1,
+                                   3, height);
+             if (mask2 & 8)
+               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                                   sheet->xor_gc,
+                                   TRUE,
+                                   x + width - 1, y + 1,
+                                   3, height);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  *range = new_range;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_draw_border (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange new_range)
+  GdkRectangle area;
+  rectangle_from_range (sheet, &new_range, &area);
+  gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                     sheet->xor_gc,
+                     FALSE,
+                     area.x, area.y,
+                     area.width, area.height);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_real_select_range (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                            const PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  gint state;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  if (range == NULL) range = &sheet->range;
+  memcpy (&sheet->range, range, sizeof (*range));
+  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->rowi < 0) return;
+  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->coli < 0) return;
+  state = sheet->state;
+#if 0
+  if (range->coli != sheet->range.coli || range->col0 != sheet->range.col0 ||
+      range->rowi != sheet->range.rowi || range->row0 != sheet->range.row0)
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_new_selection (sheet, &sheet->range);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, sheet->range);
+    }
+  psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (sheet);
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_RANGE], 0, &sheet->range);
+psppire_sheet_get_selected_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  *range = sheet->range;
+psppire_sheet_select_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, const PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  if (range == NULL) range=&sheet->range;
+  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->rowi < 0) return;
+  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->coli < 0) return;
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+  sheet->range.row0 = range->row0;
+  sheet->range.rowi = range->rowi;
+  sheet->range.col0 = range->col0;
+  sheet->range.coli = range->coli;
+  sheet->active_cell.row = range->row0;
+  sheet->active_cell.col = range->col0;
+  sheet->selection_cell.row = range->rowi;
+  sheet->selection_cell.col = range->coli;
+  psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, NULL);
+psppire_sheet_unselect_range (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+    return;
+  psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+  sheet->state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+  change_active_cell (sheet,
+                sheet->active_cell.row, sheet->active_cell.col);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                              const PsppireSheetRange *range)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)));
+  if ( range == NULL)
+    range = &sheet->range;
+  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->rowi < 0) return;
+  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->coli < 0) return;
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_COLUMN], 0, -1);
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_ROW], 0, -1);
+  sheet->range.row0 = -1;
+  sheet->range.rowi = -1;
+  sheet->range.col0 = -1;
+  sheet->range.coli = -1;
+static gint
+psppire_sheet_expose (GtkWidget *widget,
+                 GdkEventExpose *event)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget))
+    return FALSE;
+  /* exposure events on the sheet */
+  if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window &&
+      sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    {
+      draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet,
+                                   min_visible_row (sheet),
+                                   max_visible_row (sheet));
+    }
+  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window &&
+      sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    {
+      draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet,
+                                      min_visible_column (sheet),
+                                      max_visible_column (sheet));
+    }
+  if (event->window == sheet->sheet_window)
+    {
+      draw_sheet_region (sheet, event->region);
+#if 0
+      if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+       {
+         if (psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
+           psppire_sheet_range_draw (sheet, &sheet->range);
+         if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet) || PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
+           psppire_sheet_range_draw (sheet, &sheet->drag_range);
+         if (psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
+           psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, sheet->range);
+         if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet) || PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
+           draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+       }
+      if ((!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet)) && (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet)))
+       {
+         GdkRectangle rect;
+         PsppireSheetRange range;
+         range.row0 = range.rowi =  sheet->active_cell.row;
+         range.col0 = range.coli =  sheet->active_cell.col;
+         rectangle_from_range (sheet, &range, &rect);
+             gdk_region_rect_in (event->region, &rect))
+           {
+             psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_event) (widget, event);
+  return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_button_press (GtkWidget *widget,
+                       GdkEventButton *event)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  GdkModifierType mods;
+  gint x, y;
+  gint  row, column;
+  gboolean veto;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget), FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  /* Cancel any pending tooltips */
+  if (sheet->motion_timer)
+    {
+      g_source_remove (sheet->motion_timer);
+      sheet->motion_timer = 0;
+    }
+  gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
+  psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column);
+  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
+    {
+      sheet->x_drag = event->x;
+      g_signal_emit (sheet,
+                    sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_COLUMN], 0,
+                    column, event);
+      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_column_sensitivity (sheet->model, column))
+       {
+         if ( event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS && event->button == 1)
+           g_signal_emit (sheet,
+                          sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_COLUMN], 0, column);
+       }
+    }
+  else if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
+    {
+      g_signal_emit (sheet,
+                    sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_ROW], 0,
+                    row, event);
+      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_row_sensitivity (sheet->model, row))
+       {
+         if ( event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS && event->button == 1)
+           g_signal_emit (sheet,
+                          sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_ROW], 0, row);
+       }
+    }
+  gdk_window_get_pointer (widget->window, NULL, NULL, &mods);
+  if (! (mods & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) return TRUE;
+  /* press on resize windows */
+  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
+    {
+      sheet->x_drag = event->x;
+      if (on_column_boundary (sheet, sheet->x_drag, &sheet->drag_cell.col))
+       {
+         gdk_pointer_grab (sheet->column_title_window, FALSE,
+                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK |
+                           GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK |
+                           GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK,
+                           NULL, NULL, event->time);
+         draw_xor_vline (sheet);
+         return TRUE;
+       }
+    }
+  if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
+    {
+      sheet->y_drag = event->y;
+      if (on_row_boundary (sheet, sheet->y_drag, &sheet->drag_cell.row))
+       {
+         gdk_pointer_grab (sheet->row_title_window, FALSE,
+                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK |
+                           GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK |
+                           GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK,
+                           NULL, NULL, event->time);
+         draw_xor_hline (sheet);
+         return TRUE;
+       }
+    }
+  /* the sheet itself does not handle other than single click events */
+  if (event->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) return FALSE;
+  /* selections on the sheet */
+  if (event->window == sheet->sheet_window)
+    {
+      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
+      psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column);
+      gdk_pointer_grab (sheet->sheet_window, FALSE,
+                       GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK |
+                       GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK |
+                       GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK,
+                       NULL, NULL, event->time);
+      gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+      if (sheet->selection_mode != GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE &&
+         sheet->selection_mode != GTK_SELECTION_NONE &&
+         sheet->cursor_drag->type == GDK_SIZING &&
+       {
+         if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL)
+           {
+             row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+             column = sheet->active_cell.col;
+             sheet->active_cell.row = row;
+             sheet->active_cell.col = column;
+             sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
+             sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
+             psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->drag_range);
+           }
+         sheet->x_drag = x;
+         sheet->y_drag = y;
+         if (row > sheet->range.rowi) row--;
+         if (column > sheet->range.coli) column--;
+         sheet->drag_cell.row = row;
+         sheet->drag_cell.col = column;
+         sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
+         draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+       }
+      else if (sheet->cursor_drag->type == GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW &&
+              !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet)
+              && ! PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet)
+              && sheet->active_cell.row >= 0
+              && sheet->active_cell.col >= 0
+              )
+       {
+         if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL)
+           {
+             row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+             column = sheet->active_cell.col;
+             sheet->active_cell.row = row;
+             sheet->active_cell.col = column;
+             sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
+             sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
+             psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->drag_range);
+           }
+         sheet->x_drag = x;
+         sheet->y_drag = y;
+         if (row < sheet->range.row0) row++;
+         if (row > sheet->range.rowi) row--;
+         if (column < sheet->range.col0) column++;
+         if (column > sheet->range.coli) column--;
+         sheet->drag_cell.row = row;
+         sheet->drag_cell.col = column;
+         sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
+         draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         veto = psppire_sheet_click_cell (sheet, row, column);
+       }
+    }
+  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
+    {
+      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
+      if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+       x -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
+      x += sheet->hadjustment->value;
+      column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_column_sensitivity (sheet->model, column))
+       {
+         veto = psppire_sheet_click_cell (sheet, -1, column);
+         gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+       }
+    }
+  if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
+    {
+      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
+      if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+       y -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
+      y += sheet->vadjustment->value;
+      row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_row_sensitivity (sheet->model, row))
+       {
+         veto = psppire_sheet_click_cell (sheet, row, -1);
+         gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+       }
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_click_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
+  PsppireSheetCell cell;
+  gboolean forbid_move;
+  cell.row = row;
+  cell.col = column;
+  if (row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)
+      || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    {
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[TRAVERSE], 0,
+                &sheet->active_cell,
+                &cell,
+                &forbid_move);
+  if (forbid_move)
+    {
+      if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL)
+       return FALSE;
+      row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+      column = sheet->active_cell.col;
+      change_active_cell (sheet, row, column);
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  if (row == -1 && column >= 0)
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_select_column (sheet, column);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (column == -1 && row >= 0)
+    {
+      psppire_sheet_select_row (sheet, row);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (row == -1 && column == -1)
+    {
+      sheet->range.row0 = 0;
+      sheet->range.col0 = 0;
+      sheet->range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
+      sheet->range.coli =
+       psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
+      sheet->active_cell.row = 0;
+      sheet->active_cell.col = 0;
+      psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, NULL);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    {
+      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
+      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      change_active_cell (sheet, row, column);
+    }
+  sheet->active_cell.row = row;
+  sheet->active_cell.col = column;
+  sheet->selection_cell.row = row;
+  sheet->selection_cell.col = column;
+  sheet->range.row0 = row;
+  sheet->range.col0 = column;
+  sheet->range.rowi = row;
+  sheet->range.coli = column;
+  sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
+  gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (sheet->entry_widget));
+  return TRUE;
+static gint
+psppire_sheet_button_release (GtkWidget *widget,
+                         GdkEventButton *event)
+  GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  /* release on resize windows */
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet))
+    {
+      gint width;
+      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
+      draw_xor_vline (sheet);
+      width = event->x -
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->drag_cell.col)
+       + sheet->hadjustment->value;
+      set_column_width (sheet, sheet->drag_cell.col, width);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet))
+    {
+      gint height;
+      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
+      draw_xor_hline (sheet);
+      height = event->y -
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->drag_cell.row) +
+       sheet->vadjustment->value;
+      set_row_height (sheet, sheet->drag_cell.row, height);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
+    {
+      PsppireSheetRange old_range;
+      draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
+      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+      sheet->active_cell.row = sheet->active_cell.row +
+       (sheet->drag_range.row0 - sheet->range.row0);
+      sheet->active_cell.col = sheet->active_cell.col +
+       (sheet->drag_range.col0 - sheet->range.col0);
+      sheet->selection_cell.row = sheet->selection_cell.row +
+       (sheet->drag_range.row0 - sheet->range.row0);
+      sheet->selection_cell.col = sheet->selection_cell.col +
+       (sheet->drag_range.col0 - sheet->range.col0);
+      old_range = sheet->range;
+      sheet->range = sheet->drag_range;
+      sheet->drag_range = old_range;
+      g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[MOVE_RANGE], 0,
+                    &sheet->drag_range, &sheet->range);
+      psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->range);
+    }
+    {
+      PsppireSheetRange old_range;
+      draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
+      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+      sheet->active_cell.row = sheet->active_cell.row +
+       (sheet->drag_range.row0 - sheet->range.row0);
+      sheet->active_cell.col = sheet->active_cell.col +
+       (sheet->drag_range.col0 - sheet->range.col0);
+      if (sheet->drag_range.row0 < sheet->range.row0)
+       sheet->selection_cell.row = sheet->drag_range.row0;
+      if (sheet->drag_range.rowi >= sheet->range.rowi)
+       sheet->selection_cell.row = sheet->drag_range.rowi;
+      if (sheet->drag_range.col0 < sheet->range.col0)
+       sheet->selection_cell.col = sheet->drag_range.col0;
+      if (sheet->drag_range.coli >= sheet->range.coli)
+       sheet->selection_cell.col = sheet->drag_range.coli;
+      old_range = sheet->range;
+      sheet->range = sheet->drag_range;
+      sheet->drag_range = old_range;
+      if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL) sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
+      g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[RESIZE_RANGE], 0,
+                    &sheet->drag_range, &sheet->range);
+      psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->range);
+    }
+  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL && PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet))
+    {
+      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
+      change_active_cell (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row,
+                              sheet->active_cell.col);
+    }
+    gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
+  gtk_grab_remove (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+  return TRUE;
+/* Shamelessly lifted from gtktooltips */
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_subtitle_paint_window (GtkWidget *tip_window)
+  GtkRequisition req;
+  gtk_widget_size_request (tip_window, &req);
+  gtk_paint_flat_box (tip_window->style, tip_window->window,
+                     GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
+                     NULL, GTK_WIDGET(tip_window), "tooltip",
+                     0, 0, req.width, req.height);
+  return FALSE;
+static void
+destroy_hover_window (PsppireSheetHoverTitle *h)
+  gtk_widget_destroy (h->window);
+  g_free (h);
+static PsppireSheetHoverTitle *
+create_hover_window (void)
+  PsppireSheetHoverTitle *hw = g_malloc (sizeof (*hw));
+  hw->window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 9, 0)
+  gtk_window_set_type_hint (GTK_WINDOW (hw->window),
+                           GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP);
+  gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (hw->window, TRUE);
+  gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (hw->window), FALSE);
+  gtk_widget_set_name (hw->window, "gtk-tooltips");
+  gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hw->window), 4);
+  g_signal_connect (hw->window,
+                   "expose_event",
+                   G_CALLBACK (psppire_sheet_subtitle_paint_window),
+                   NULL);
+  hw->label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+  gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (hw->label), TRUE);
+  gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (hw->label), 0.5, 0.5);
+  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hw->window), hw->label);
+  gtk_widget_show (hw->label);
+  g_signal_connect (hw->window,
+                   "destroy",
+                   G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),
+                   &hw->window);
+  return hw;
+static void
+show_subtitle (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column, const gchar *subtitle)
+  gint x, y;
+  gint px, py;
+  gint width;
+  if ( ! subtitle )
+    return;
+  gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (sheet->hover_window->label),
+                     subtitle);
+  sheet->hover_window->row = row;
+  sheet->hover_window->column = column;
+  gdk_window_get_origin (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->window, &x, &y);
+  gtk_widget_get_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), &px, &py);
+  gtk_widget_show (sheet->hover_window->window);
+  width = GTK_WIDGET (sheet->hover_window->label)->allocation.width;
+  if (row == -1 )
+    {
+      x += px;
+      x -= width / 2;
+      y += sheet->column_title_area.y;
+      y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
+    }
+  if ( column == -1 )
+    {
+      y += py;
+      x += sheet->row_title_area.x;
+      x += sheet->row_title_area.width * 2 / 3.0;
+    }
+  gtk_window_move (GTK_WINDOW (sheet->hover_window->window),
+                  x, y);
+static gboolean
+motion_timeout_callback (gpointer data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  gint x, y;
+  gint row, column;
+  gtk_widget_get_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), &x, &y);
+  if ( psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) )
+    {
+      if (sheet->row_title_under && row >= 0)
+       {
+         gchar *text = psppire_sheet_model_get_row_subtitle (sheet->model, row);
+         show_subtitle (sheet, row, -1, text);
+         g_free (text);
+       }
+      if (sheet->column_title_under && column >= 0)
+       {
+         gchar *text = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_subtitle (sheet->model,
+                                                          column);
+         show_subtitle (sheet, -1, column, text);
+         g_free (text);
+       }
+    }
+  return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_motion (GtkWidget *widget,  GdkEventMotion *event)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  GdkModifierType mods;
+  GdkCursorType new_cursor;
+  gint x, y;
+  gint row, column;
+  GdkDisplay *display;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
+  display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
+  /* selections on the sheet */
+  x = event->x;
+  y = event->y;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (sheet->hover_window->window))
+    {
+      if ( sheet->motion_timer > 0 )
+       g_source_remove (sheet->motion_timer);
+      sheet->motion_timer =
+       g_timeout_add (TIMEOUT_HOVER, motion_timeout_callback, sheet);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      gint row, column;
+      gint wx, wy;
+      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &wx, &wy);
+      if ( psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, wx, wy, &row, &column) )
+       {
+         if ( row != sheet->hover_window->row ||
+              column != sheet->hover_window->column)
+           {
+             gtk_widget_hide (sheet->hover_window->window);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
+    {
+      if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet) &&
+         on_column_boundary (sheet, x, &column))
+       {
+         new_cursor = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW;
+         if (new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+           {
+             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+             sheet->cursor_drag =
+               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
+             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->column_title_window,
+                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
+           }
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         new_cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW;
+         if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet) &&
+             new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+           {
+             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+             sheet->cursor_drag =
+               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
+             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->column_title_window,
+                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  else if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
+    {
+      if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet) &&
+         on_row_boundary (sheet, y, &row))
+       {
+         new_cursor = GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW;
+         if (new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+           {
+             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+             sheet->cursor_drag =
+               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
+             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->row_title_window,
+                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
+           }
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         new_cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW;
+         if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet) &&
+             new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+           {
+             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+             sheet->cursor_drag =
+               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
+             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->row_title_window,
+                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  new_cursor = GDK_PLUS;
+  if ( event->window == sheet->sheet_window &&
+       !POSSIBLE_DRAG (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) &&
+       !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet) &&
+       !POSSIBLE_RESIZE (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) &&
+       !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet) &&
+       new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+    {
+      gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+      sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_PLUS);
+      gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->cursor_drag);
+    }
+  new_cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW;
+  if ( event->window == sheet->sheet_window &&
+       ! (POSSIBLE_RESIZE (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) ||
+         PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet)) &&
+       (POSSIBLE_DRAG (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) ||
+       PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet)) &&
+       new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+    {
+      gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+      sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW);
+      gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->cursor_drag);
+    }
+  new_cursor = GDK_SIZING;
+  if ( event->window == sheet->sheet_window &&
+       sheet->selection_mode != GTK_SELECTION_NONE &&
+       !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet) &&
+       (POSSIBLE_RESIZE (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) ||
+       PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet)) &&
+       new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
+    {
+      gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
+      sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_SIZING);
+      gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->cursor_drag);
+    }
+  gdk_window_get_pointer (widget->window, &x, &y, &mods);
+  if (! (mods & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) return FALSE;
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet))
+    {
+      if (event->x != sheet->x_drag)
+       {
+         draw_xor_vline (sheet);
+         sheet->x_drag = event->x;
+         draw_xor_vline (sheet);
+       }
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet))
+    {
+      if (event->y != sheet->y_drag)
+       {
+         draw_xor_hline (sheet);
+         sheet->y_drag = event->y;
+         draw_xor_hline (sheet);
+       }
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
+    {
+      PsppireSheetRange aux;
+      column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x)- sheet->drag_cell.col;
+      row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y) - sheet->drag_cell.row;
+      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_COLUMN_SELECTED) row = 0;
+      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_ROW_SELECTED) column = 0;
+      sheet->x_drag = x;
+      sheet->y_drag = y;
+      aux = sheet->range;
+      if (aux.row0 + row >= 0 && aux.rowi + row < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) &&
+         aux.col0 + column >= 0 && aux.coli + column < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+       {
+         aux = sheet->drag_range;
+         sheet->drag_range.row0 = sheet->range.row0 + row;
+         sheet->drag_range.col0 = sheet->range.col0 + column;
+         sheet->drag_range.rowi = sheet->range.rowi + row;
+         sheet->drag_range.coli = sheet->range.coli + column;
+         if (aux.row0 != sheet->drag_range.row0 ||
+             aux.col0 != sheet->drag_range.col0)
+           {
+             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, aux);
+             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+           }
+       }
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+    {
+      PsppireSheetRange aux;
+      gint v_h, current_col, current_row, col_threshold, row_threshold;
+      v_h = 1;
+      if (abs (x - psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->drag_cell.col)) >
+         abs (y - psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->drag_cell.row))) v_h = 2;
+      current_col = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
+      current_row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
+      column = current_col - sheet->drag_cell.col;
+      row = current_row - sheet->drag_cell.row;
+      /*use half of column width resp. row height as threshold to
+       expand selection*/
+      col_threshold = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, current_col) +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, current_col) / 2;
+      if (column > 0)
+       {
+         if (x < col_threshold)
+           column -= 1;
+       }
+      else if (column < 0)
+       {
+         if (x > col_threshold)
+           column +=1;
+       }
+      row_threshold = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, current_row) +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, current_row)/2;
+      if (row > 0)
+       {
+         if (y < row_threshold)
+           row -= 1;
+       }
+      else if (row < 0)
+       {
+         if (y > row_threshold)
+           row +=1;
+       }
+      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_COLUMN_SELECTED) row = 0;
+      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_ROW_SELECTED) column = 0;
+      sheet->x_drag = x;
+      sheet->y_drag = y;
+      aux = sheet->range;
+      if (v_h == 1)
+       column = 0;
+      else
+       row = 0;
+      if (aux.row0 + row >= 0 && aux.rowi + row < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) &&
+         aux.col0 + column >= 0 && aux.coli + column < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+       {
+         aux = sheet->drag_range;
+         sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
+         if (row < 0) sheet->drag_range.row0 = sheet->range.row0 + row;
+         if (row > 0) sheet->drag_range.rowi = sheet->range.rowi + row;
+         if (column < 0) sheet->drag_range.col0 = sheet->range.col0 + column;
+         if (column > 0) sheet->drag_range.coli = sheet->range.coli + column;
+         if (aux.row0 != sheet->drag_range.row0 ||
+             aux.rowi != sheet->drag_range.rowi ||
+             aux.col0 != sheet->drag_range.col0 ||
+             aux.coli != sheet->drag_range.coli)
+           {
+             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, aux);
+             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
+           }
+       }
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column);
+  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL && row == sheet->active_cell.row &&
+      column == sheet->active_cell.col) return TRUE;
+    psppire_sheet_extend_selection (sheet, row, column);
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_crossing_notify (GtkWidget *widget,
+                          GdkEventCrossing *event)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
+    sheet->column_title_under = event->type == GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY;
+  else if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
+    sheet->row_title_under = event->type == GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY;
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_extend_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  gint state;
+  gint r, c;
+  if (row == sheet->selection_cell.row && column == sheet->selection_cell.col)
+    return;
+  if (sheet->selection_mode == GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE) return;
+  gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet)) return;
+  state = sheet->state;
+  switch (sheet->state)
+    {
+      column = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
+      break;
+      row = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
+      break;
+      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
+      r = sheet->active_cell.row;
+      c = sheet->active_cell.col;
+      sheet->range.col0 = c;
+      sheet->range.row0 = r;
+      sheet->range.coli = c;
+      sheet->range.rowi = r;
+      psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, sheet->range);
+      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
+    }
+  sheet->selection_cell.row = row;
+  sheet->selection_cell.col = column;
+  range.col0 = MIN (column, sheet->active_cell.col);
+  range.coli = MAX (column, sheet->active_cell.col);
+  range.row0 = MIN (row, sheet->active_cell.row);
+  range.rowi = MAX (row, sheet->active_cell.row);
+  if (range.row0 != sheet->range.row0 || range.rowi != sheet->range.rowi ||
+      range.col0 != sheet->range.col0 || range.coli != sheet->range.coli ||
+      state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
+    psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, &range);
+static gint
+psppire_sheet_entry_key_press (GtkWidget *widget,
+                          GdkEventKey *key)
+  gboolean focus;
+  g_signal_emit_by_name (widget, "key_press_event", key, &focus);
+  return focus;
+/* Number of rows in a step-increment */
+#define ROWS_PER_STEP 1
+static void
+page_vertical (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkScrollType dir)
+  gint old_row = sheet->active_cell.row ;
+  glong vpixel = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, old_row);
+  gint new_row;
+  vpixel -= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
+                                    min_visible_row (sheet));
+  switch ( dir)
+    {
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
+                               sheet->vadjustment->value +
+                               sheet->vadjustment->page_increment);
+      break;
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
+                               sheet->vadjustment->value -
+                               sheet->vadjustment->page_increment);
+      break;
+    default:
+      g_assert_not_reached ();
+      break;
+    }
+  vpixel += psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
+                                    min_visible_row (sheet));
+  new_row =  row_from_ypixel (sheet, vpixel);
+  change_active_cell (sheet, new_row,
+                          sheet->active_cell.col);
+static void
+step_sheet (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkScrollType dir)
+  gint current_row = sheet->active_cell.row;
+  gint current_col = sheet->active_cell.col;
+  PsppireSheetCell new_cell ;
+  gboolean forbidden = FALSE;
+  new_cell.row = current_row;
+  new_cell.col = current_col;
+  switch ( dir)
+    {
+      new_cell.row++;
+      break;
+      new_cell.row--;
+      break;
+      new_cell.col++;
+      break;
+      new_cell.col--;
+      break;
+    default:
+      g_assert_not_reached ();
+      break;
+    }
+  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[TRAVERSE], 0,
+                &sheet->active_cell,
+                &new_cell,
+                &forbidden);
+  if (forbidden)
+    return;
+  maximize_int (&new_cell.row, 0);
+  maximize_int (&new_cell.col, 0);
+  minimize_int (&new_cell.row,
+               psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1);
+  minimize_int (&new_cell.col,
+               psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1);
+  change_active_cell (sheet, new_cell.row, new_cell.col);
+  if ( new_cell.col > max_fully_visible_column (sheet))
+    {
+      glong hpos  =
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis,
+                                   new_cell.col + 1);
+      hpos -= sheet->hadjustment->page_size;
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->hadjustment,
+                               hpos);
+    }
+  else if ( new_cell.col < min_fully_visible_column (sheet))
+    {
+      glong hpos  =
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis,
+                                   new_cell.col);
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->hadjustment,
+                               hpos);
+    }
+  if ( new_cell.row > max_fully_visible_row (sheet))
+    {
+      glong vpos  =
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
+                                   new_cell.row + 1);
+      vpos -= sheet->vadjustment->page_size;
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
+                               vpos);
+    }
+  else if ( new_cell.row < min_fully_visible_row (sheet))
+    {
+      glong vpos  =
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
+                                   new_cell.row);
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
+                               vpos);
+    }
+  gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (sheet->entry_widget));
+static gboolean
+psppire_sheet_key_press (GtkWidget *widget,
+                    GdkEventKey *key)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  switch (key->keyval)
+    {
+    case GDK_Tab:
+    case GDK_Right:
+      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT);
+      break;
+    case GDK_ISO_Left_Tab:
+    case GDK_Left:
+      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT);
+      break;
+    case GDK_Return:
+    case GDK_Down:
+      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN);
+      break;
+    case GDK_Up:
+      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP);
+      break;
+    case GDK_Page_Down:
+      page_vertical (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN);
+      break;
+    case GDK_Page_Up:
+      page_vertical (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
+      break;
+    case GDK_Home:
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
+                               sheet->vadjustment->lower);
+      change_active_cell (sheet,  0,
+                              sheet->active_cell.col);
+      break;
+    case GDK_End:
+      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
+                               sheet->vadjustment->upper -
+                               sheet->vadjustment->page_size -
+                               sheet->vadjustment->page_increment);
+      /*
+       change_active_cellx (sheet,
+       psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1,
+       sheet->active_cell.col);
+      */
+      break;
+    case GDK_Delete:
+      psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row, sheet->active_cell.col);
+      break;
+    default:
+      return FALSE;
+      break;
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_size_request (GtkWidget *widget,
+                       GtkRequisition *requisition)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
+  g_return_if_fail (requisition != NULL);
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  requisition->width = 3 * DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
+  requisition->height = 3 * DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
+  /* compute the size of the column title area */
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    requisition->height += sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  /* compute the size of the row title area */
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    requisition->width += sheet->row_title_area.width;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget,
+                        GtkAllocation *allocation)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet;
+  GtkAllocation sheet_allocation;
+  gint border_width;
+  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
+  g_return_if_fail (allocation != NULL);
+  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
+  widget->allocation = *allocation;
+  border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_width;
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
+    gdk_window_move_resize (widget->window,
+                           allocation->x + border_width,
+                           allocation->y + border_width,
+                           allocation->width - 2 * border_width,
+                           allocation->height - 2 * border_width);
+  sheet_allocation.x = 0;
+  sheet_allocation.y = 0;
+  sheet_allocation.width = allocation->width - 2 * border_width;
+  sheet_allocation.height = allocation->height - 2 * border_width;
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
+    gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->sheet_window,
+                           sheet_allocation.x,
+                           sheet_allocation.y,
+                           sheet_allocation.width,
+                           sheet_allocation.height);
+  /* position the window which holds the column title buttons */
+  sheet->column_title_area.x = 0;
+  sheet->column_title_area.y = 0;
+  sheet->column_title_area.width = sheet_allocation.width ;
+  /* position the window which holds the row title buttons */
+  sheet->row_title_area.x = 0;
+  sheet->row_title_area.y = 0;
+  sheet->row_title_area.height = sheet_allocation.height;
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    sheet->column_title_area.x += sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    sheet->row_title_area.y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget) && sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->column_title_window,
+                           sheet->column_title_area.x,
+                           sheet->column_title_area.y,
+                           sheet->column_title_area.width,
+                           sheet->column_title_area.height);
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget) && sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->row_title_window,
+                           sheet->row_title_area.x,
+                           sheet->row_title_area.y,
+                           sheet->row_title_area.width,
+                           sheet->row_title_area.height);
+  size_allocate_global_button (sheet);
+  if (sheet->haxis)
+    {
+      gint width = sheet->column_title_area.width;
+      if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+       width -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
+      g_object_set (sheet->haxis,
+                   "minimum-extent", width,
+                   NULL);
+    }
+  if (sheet->vaxis)
+    {
+      gint height = sheet->row_title_area.height;
+      if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
+       height -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
+      g_object_set (sheet->vaxis,
+                   "minimum-extent", height,
+                   NULL);
+    }
+  /* set the scrollbars adjustments */
+  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+static void
+draw_column_title_buttons (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint x, width;
+  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
+    return;
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, &width, NULL);
+  x = 0;
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    {
+      x = sheet->row_title_area.width;
+    }
+  if (sheet->column_title_area.width != width || sheet->column_title_area.x != x)
+    {
+      sheet->column_title_area.width = width;
+      sheet->column_title_area.x = x;
+      gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->column_title_window,
+                             sheet->column_title_area.x,
+                             sheet->column_title_area.y,
+                             sheet->column_title_area.width,
+                             sheet->column_title_area.height);
+    }
+  if (max_visible_column (sheet) ==
+      psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1)
+    gdk_window_clear_area (sheet->column_title_window,
+                          0, 0,
+                          sheet->column_title_area.width,
+                          sheet->column_title_area.height);
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (sheet)) return;
+  draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_column (sheet), 
+                                  max_visible_column (sheet));
+static void
+draw_row_title_buttons (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint y = 0;
+  gint height;
+  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
+    return;
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, NULL, &height);
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    {
+      y = sheet->column_title_area.height;
+    }
+  if (sheet->row_title_area.height != height || sheet->row_title_area.y != y)
+    {
+      sheet->row_title_area.y = y;
+      sheet->row_title_area.height = height;
+      gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->row_title_window,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.x,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.y,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.width,
+                             sheet->row_title_area.height);
+    }
+  if (max_visible_row (sheet) == psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1)
+    gdk_window_clear_area (sheet->row_title_window,
+                          0, 0,
+                          sheet->row_title_area.width,
+                          sheet->row_title_area.height);
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (sheet)) return;
+  draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_row (sheet),
+                               max_visible_row (sheet));
+static void
+psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  GtkAllocation entry_alloc;
+  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes = { 0 };
+  GtkEntry *sheet_entry;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  sheet_entry = psppire_sheet_get_entry (sheet);
+  if ( ! psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row,
+                                  sheet->active_cell.col,
+                                  &attributes) )
+    return ;
+  if ( GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet->entry_widget) )
+    {
+      GtkStyle *style = GTK_WIDGET (sheet_entry)->style;
+      style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = attributes.background;
+      style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = attributes.foreground;
+      style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = attributes.foreground;
+      style->bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = attributes.background;
+      style->fg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = attributes.foreground;
+      style->text[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = attributes.foreground;
+    }
+  rectangle_from_cell (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row,
+                      sheet->active_cell.col, &entry_alloc);
+  entry_alloc.width -= BORDER_WIDTH ;
+  entry_alloc.height -= BORDER_WIDTH ;
+  entry_alloc.x += DIV_RND_UP (BORDER_WIDTH, 2);
+  entry_alloc.y += DIV_RND_UP (BORDER_WIDTH, 2);
+  gtk_widget_set_size_request (sheet->entry_widget, entry_alloc.width,
+                              entry_alloc.height);
+  gtk_widget_size_allocate (sheet->entry_widget, &entry_alloc);
+/* Copy the sheet's font to the entry widget */
+static void
+set_entry_widget_font (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  GtkRcStyle *style = gtk_widget_get_modifier_style (sheet->entry_widget);
+  pango_font_description_free (style->font_desc);
+  style->font_desc = pango_font_description_copy (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->font_desc);
+  gtk_widget_modify_style (sheet->entry_widget, style);
+static void
+create_sheet_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  if (sheet->entry_widget)
+    {
+      gtk_widget_unparent (sheet->entry_widget);
+    }
+  sheet->entry_widget = g_object_new (sheet->entry_type, NULL);
+  g_object_ref_sink (sheet->entry_widget);
+  gtk_widget_size_request (sheet->entry_widget, NULL);
+  if ( GTK_IS_ENTRY (sheet->entry_widget))
+    {
+      g_object_set (sheet->entry_widget,
+                   "has-frame", FALSE,
+                   NULL);
+    }
+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
+    {
+      gtk_widget_set_parent_window (sheet->entry_widget, sheet->sheet_window);
+      gtk_widget_set_parent (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+      gtk_widget_realize (sheet->entry_widget);
+    }
+  g_signal_connect_swapped (sheet->entry_widget, "key_press_event",
+                           G_CALLBACK (psppire_sheet_entry_key_press),
+                           sheet);
+  set_entry_widget_font (sheet);
+  gtk_widget_show (sheet->entry_widget);
+/* Finds the last child widget that happens to be of type GtkEntry */
+static void
+find_entry (GtkWidget *w, gpointer user_data)
+  GtkWidget **entry = user_data;
+  if ( GTK_IS_ENTRY (w))
+    {
+      *entry = w;
+    }
+GtkEntry *
+psppire_sheet_get_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  GtkWidget *w = sheet->entry_widget;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet->entry_widget != NULL, NULL);
+  while (! GTK_IS_ENTRY (w))
+    {
+      GtkWidget *entry = NULL;
+      if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (w))
+       {
+         gtk_container_forall (GTK_CONTAINER (w), find_entry, &entry);
+         if (NULL == entry)
+           break;
+         w = entry;
+       }
+    }
+  return GTK_ENTRY (w);
+static void
+draw_button (PsppireSheet *sheet, GdkWindow *window,
+                      PsppireSheetButton *button, gboolean is_sensitive,
+                      GdkRectangle allocation)
+  GtkShadowType shadow_type;
+  gint text_width = 0, text_height = 0;
+  PangoAlignment align = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
+  gboolean rtl ;
+  gint state = 0;
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (button != NULL);
+  rtl = gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL;
+  gdk_window_clear_area (window,
+                        allocation.x, allocation.y,
+                        allocation.width, allocation.height);
+  gtk_widget_ensure_style (sheet->button);
+  gtk_paint_box (sheet->button->style, window,
+                &allocation, GTK_WIDGET (sheet->button),
+                "buttondefault",
+                allocation.x, allocation.y,
+                allocation.width, allocation.height);
+  state = button->state;
+  if (!is_sensitive) state = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
+  if (state == GTK_STATE_ACTIVE)
+    shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_IN;
+  else
+    shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
+  if (state != GTK_STATE_NORMAL && state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
+    gtk_paint_box (sheet->button->style, window,
+                  button->state, shadow_type,
+                  &allocation, GTK_WIDGET (sheet->button),
+                  "button",
+                  allocation.x, allocation.y,
+                  allocation.width, allocation.height);
+  if (button->label_visible)
+    {
+      text_height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT -
+      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->fg_gc[button->state],
+                                &allocation);
+      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->white_gc,
+                                &allocation);
+      allocation.y += 2 * sheet->button->style->ythickness;
+      if (button->label && strlen (button->label) > 0)
+       {
+         PangoRectangle rect;
+         gchar *line = button->label;
+         PangoLayout *layout = NULL;
+         gint real_x = allocation.x;
+         gint real_y = allocation.y;
+         layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), line);
+         pango_layout_get_extents (layout, NULL, &rect);
+         text_width = PANGO_PIXELS (rect.width);
+         switch (button->justification)
+           {
+           case GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:
+             real_x = allocation.x + COLUMN_TITLES_HEIGHT;
+             align = rtl ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT : PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
+             break;
+           case GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
+             real_x = allocation.x + allocation.width - text_width - COLUMN_TITLES_HEIGHT;
+             align = rtl ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT : PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+             break;
+           case GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER:
+           default:
+             real_x = allocation.x + (allocation.width - text_width)/2;
+             align = rtl ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT : PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
+             pango_layout_set_justify (layout, TRUE);
+           }
+         pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, align);
+         gtk_paint_layout (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style,
+                           window,
+                           state,
+                           FALSE,
+                           &allocation,
+                           GTK_WIDGET (sheet),
+                           "label",
+                           real_x, real_y,
+                           layout);
+         g_object_unref (layout);
+       }
+      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->fg_gc[button->state],
+                                NULL);
+      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->white_gc, NULL);
+    }
+  psppire_sheet_button_free (button);
+/* Draw the column title buttons FIRST through to LAST */
+static void
+draw_column_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint last)
+  GdkRectangle rect;
+  gint col;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
+  g_return_if_fail (first >= min_visible_column (sheet));
+  g_return_if_fail (last <= max_visible_column (sheet));
+  rect.y = 0;
+  rect.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  rect.x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, first) + CELL_SPACING;
+  rect.width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, last) + CELL_SPACING
+    + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, last);
+  rect.x -= sheet->hadjustment->value;
+  minimize_int (&rect.width, sheet->column_title_area.width);
+  maximize_int (&rect.x, 0);
+  gdk_window_begin_paint_rect (sheet->column_title_window, &rect);
+  for (col = first ; col <= last ; ++col)
+    {
+      GdkRectangle allocation;
+      gboolean is_sensitive = FALSE;
+      PsppireSheetButton *
+       button = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_button (sheet->model, col);
+      allocation.y = 0;
+      allocation.x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col)
+       + CELL_SPACING;
+      allocation.x -= sheet->hadjustment->value;
+      allocation.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
+      allocation.width = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, col);
+      is_sensitive = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_sensitivity (sheet->model, col);
+      draw_button (sheet, sheet->column_title_window,
+                  button, is_sensitive, allocation);
+    }
+  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->column_title_window);
+static void
+draw_row_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint last)
+  GdkRectangle rect;
+  gint row;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
+  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
+  g_return_if_fail (first >= min_visible_row (sheet));
+  g_return_if_fail (last <= max_visible_row (sheet));
+  rect.x = 0;
+  rect.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  rect.y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, first) + CELL_SPACING;
+  rect.height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, last) + CELL_SPACING
+    + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, last);
+  rect.y -= sheet->vadjustment->value;
+  minimize_int (&rect.height, sheet->row_title_area.height);
+  maximize_int (&rect.y, 0);
+  gdk_window_begin_paint_rect (sheet->row_title_window, &rect);
+  for (row = first; row <= last; ++row)
+    {
+      GdkRectangle allocation;
+      gboolean is_sensitive = FALSE;
+      PsppireSheetButton *button =
+       psppire_sheet_model_get_row_button (sheet->model, row);
+      allocation.x = 0;
+      allocation.y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row)
+       + CELL_SPACING;
+      allocation.y -= sheet->vadjustment->value;
+      allocation.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
+      allocation.height = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, row);
+      is_sensitive = psppire_sheet_model_get_row_sensitivity (sheet->model, row);
+      draw_button (sheet, sheet->row_title_window,
+                  button, is_sensitive, allocation);
+    }
+  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->row_title_window);
+ *
+ * functions:
+ * adjust_scrollbars
+ * vadjustment_value_changed
+ * hadjustment_value_changed */
+static void
+update_adjustment (GtkAdjustment *adj, PsppireAxis *axis, gint page_size)
+  double position =
+    (adj->value + adj->page_size)
+    /
+    (adj->upper - adj->lower);
+  const glong last_item = psppire_axis_unit_count (axis) - 1;
+  if (isnan (position) || position < 0)
+    position = 0;
+  adj->upper =
+    psppire_axis_start_pixel (axis, last_item)
+    +
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (axis, last_item)
+    ;
+  adj->lower = 0;
+  adj->page_size = page_size;
+#if 0
+  adj->value = position * (adj->upper - adj->lower) - adj->page_size;
+  if ( adj->value < adj->lower)
+    adj->value = adj->lower;
+  gtk_adjustment_changed (adj);
+static void
+adjust_scrollbars (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint width, height;
+    return;
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, &width, &height);
+  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    width -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    height -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  if (sheet->vadjustment)
+    {
+      glong last_row = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
+      sheet->vadjustment->step_increment =
+       ROWS_PER_STEP *
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, last_row);
+      sheet->vadjustment->page_increment =
+       height -
+       sheet->column_title_area.height -
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, last_row);
+      update_adjustment (sheet->vadjustment, sheet->vaxis, height);
+    }
+  if (sheet->hadjustment)
+    {
+      gint last_col = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
+      sheet->hadjustment->step_increment = 1;
+      sheet->hadjustment->page_increment = width;
+      sheet->hadjustment->upper =
+       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, last_col)
+       +
+       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, last_col)
+       ;
+      update_adjustment (sheet->hadjustment, sheet->haxis, width);
+    }
+/* Subtracts the region of WIDGET from REGION */
+static void
+subtract_widget_region (GdkRegion *region, GtkWidget *widget)
+  GdkRectangle rect;
+  GdkRectangle intersect;
+  GdkRegion *region2;
+  gdk_region_get_clipbox (region, &rect);
+  gtk_widget_intersect (widget,
+                       &rect,
+                       &intersect);
+  region2 = gdk_region_rectangle (&intersect);
+  gdk_region_subtract (region, region2);
+  gdk_region_destroy (region2);
+static void
+vadjustment_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
+                          gpointer data)
+  GdkRegion *region;
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  g_return_if_fail (adjustment != NULL);
+  if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet)) return;
+  gtk_widget_hide (sheet->entry_widget);
+  region =
+    gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (GDK_DRAWABLE (sheet->sheet_window));
+  subtract_widget_region (region, sheet->button);
+  gdk_window_begin_paint_region (sheet->sheet_window, region);
+  draw_sheet_region (sheet, region);
+  draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
+  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
+  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->sheet_window);
+  gdk_region_destroy (region);
+static void
+hadjustment_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
+                          gpointer data)
+  GdkRegion *region;
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  g_return_if_fail (adjustment != NULL);
+  if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet)) return;
+  gtk_widget_hide (sheet->entry_widget);
+  region =
+    gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (GDK_DRAWABLE (sheet->sheet_window));
+  subtract_widget_region (region, sheet->button);
+  gdk_window_begin_paint_region (sheet->sheet_window, region);
+  draw_sheet_region (sheet, region);
+  draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
+  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
+  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->sheet_window);
+  gdk_region_destroy (region);
+static void
+draw_xor_vline (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint height;
+  gint xpos = sheet->x_drag;
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window,
+                        NULL, &height);
+  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
+    xpos += sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  gdk_draw_line (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->window, sheet->xor_gc,
+                xpos,
+                sheet->column_title_area.height,
+                xpos,
+                height + CELL_SPACING);
+static void
+draw_xor_hline (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint width;
+  gint ypos = sheet->y_drag;
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window,
+                        &width, NULL);
+  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
+    ypos += sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  gdk_draw_line (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->window, sheet->xor_gc,
+                sheet->row_title_area.width,
+                ypos,
+                width + CELL_SPACING,
+                ypos);
+static void
+draw_xor_rectangle (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange range)
+  gint i = 0;
+  GdkRectangle clip_area, area;
+  GdkGCValues values;
+  area.x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range.col0);
+  area.y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range.row0);
+  area.width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range.coli)- area.x+
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, range.coli);
+  area.height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range.rowi)- area.y +
+    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, range.rowi);
+  clip_area.x = sheet->row_title_area.width;
+  clip_area.y = sheet->column_title_area.height;
+  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window,
+                        &clip_area.width, &clip_area.height);
+  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) clip_area.x = 0;
+  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) clip_area.y = 0;
+  if (area.x < 0)
+    {
+      area.width = area.width + area.x;
+      area.x = 0;
+    }
+  if (area.width > clip_area.width) area.width = clip_area.width + 10;
+  if (area.y < 0)
+    {
+      area.height = area.height + area.y;
+      area.y = 0;
+    }
+  if (area.height > clip_area.height) area.height = clip_area.height + 10;
+  clip_area.x--;
+  clip_area.y--;
+  clip_area.width += 3;
+  clip_area.height += 3;
+  gdk_gc_get_values (sheet->xor_gc, &values);
+  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->xor_gc, &clip_area);
+  gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
+                     sheet->xor_gc,
+                     FALSE,
+                     area.x + i, area.y + i,
+                     area.width - 2 * i, area.height - 2 * i);
+  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->xor_gc, NULL);
+  gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->xor_gc, &values.foreground);
+static void
+set_column_width (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                 gint column,
+                 gint width)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (column < 0 || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
+    return;
+  if ( width <= 0)
+    return;
+  psppire_axis_resize (sheet->haxis, column, width);
+    {
+      draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
+      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+      psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (sheet);
+      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
+    }
+static void
+set_row_height (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+               gint row,
+               gint height)
+  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
+  if (row < 0 || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
+    return;
+  if (height <= 0)
+    return;
+  psppire_axis_resize (sheet->vaxis, row, height);
+    {
+      draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
+      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
+      psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (sheet);
+      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
+    }
+psppire_sheet_get_attributes (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col,
+                         PsppireSheetCellAttr *attr)
+  GdkColor *fg, *bg;
+  const GtkJustification *j ;
+  GdkColormap *colormap;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), FALSE);
+  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return FALSE;
+  attr->foreground = GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->black;
+  attr->background = sheet->color[BG_COLOR];
+  attr->border.width = 0;
+  attr->border.line_style = GDK_LINE_SOLID;
+  attr->border.cap_style = GDK_CAP_NOT_LAST;
+  attr->border.join_style = GDK_JOIN_MITER;
+  attr->border.mask = 0;
+  attr->border.color = GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->black;
+  attr->is_editable = psppire_sheet_model_is_editable (sheet->model, row, col);
+  colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
+  fg = psppire_sheet_model_get_foreground (sheet->model, row, col);
+  if ( fg )
+    {
+      gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, fg, TRUE, TRUE);
+      attr->foreground = *fg;
+    }
+  bg = psppire_sheet_model_get_background (sheet->model, row, col);
+  if ( bg )
+    {
+      gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, bg, TRUE, TRUE);
+      attr->background = *bg;
+    }
+  attr->justification =
+    psppire_sheet_model_get_column_justification (sheet->model, col);
+  j = psppire_sheet_model_get_justification (sheet->model, row, col);
+  if (j)
+    attr->justification = *j;
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+psppire_sheet_button_size_request       (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                 const PsppireSheetButton *button,
+                                 GtkRequisition *button_requisition)
+  GtkRequisition requisition;
+  GtkRequisition label_requisition;
+  label_requisition.height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
+  label_requisition.width = COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH;
+  requisition.height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
+  requisition.width = COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH;
+  *button_requisition = requisition;
+  button_requisition->width = MAX (requisition.width, label_requisition.width);
+  button_requisition->height = MAX (requisition.height, label_requisition.height);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_forall (GtkContainer *container,
+                 gboolean include_internals,
+                 GtkCallback callback,
+                 gpointer callback_data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (container);
+  g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);
+  if (sheet->button && sheet->button->parent)
+    (* callback) (sheet->button, callback_data);
+  if (sheet->entry_widget && GTK_IS_CONTAINER (sheet->entry_widget))
+    (* callback) (sheet->entry_widget, callback_data);
+PsppireSheetModel *
+psppire_sheet_get_model (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), NULL);
+  return sheet->model;
+PsppireSheetButton *
+psppire_sheet_button_new (void)
+  PsppireSheetButton *button = g_malloc (sizeof (PsppireSheetButton));
+  button->state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+  button->label = NULL;
+  button->label_visible = TRUE;
+  button->justification = GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL;
+  return button;
+psppire_sheet_button_free (PsppireSheetButton *button)
+  if (!button) return ;
+  g_free (button->label);
+  g_free (button);
+static void
+append_cell_text (GString *string, const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint r, gint c)
+  gchar *celltext = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, r, c);
+  if ( NULL == celltext)
+    return;
+  g_string_append (string, celltext);
+  g_free (celltext);
+static GString *
+range_to_text (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint r, c;
+  GString *string;
+  if ( !psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
+    return NULL;
+  string = g_string_sized_new (80);
+  for (r = sheet->range.row0; r <= sheet->range.rowi; ++r)
+    {
+      for (c = sheet->range.col0; c < sheet->range.coli; ++c)
+       {
+         append_cell_text (string, sheet, r, c);
+         g_string_append (string, "\t");
+       }
+      append_cell_text (string, sheet, r, c);
+      if ( r < sheet->range.rowi)
+       g_string_append (string, "\n");
+    }
+  return string;
+static GString *
+range_to_html (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  gint r, c;
+  GString *string;
+  if ( !psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
+    return NULL;
+  string = g_string_sized_new (480);
+  g_string_append (string, "<html>\n");
+  g_string_append (string, "<body>\n");
+  g_string_append (string, "<table>\n");
+  for (r = sheet->range.row0; r <= sheet->range.rowi; ++r)
+    {
+      g_string_append (string, "<tr>\n");
+      for (c = sheet->range.col0; c <= sheet->range.coli; ++c)
+       {
+         g_string_append (string, "<td>");
+         append_cell_text (string, sheet, r, c);
+         g_string_append (string, "</td>\n");
+       }
+      g_string_append (string, "</tr>\n");
+    }
+  g_string_append (string, "</table>\n");
+  g_string_append (string, "</body>\n");
+  g_string_append (string, "</html>\n");
+  return string;
+enum {
+static void
+primary_get_cb (GtkClipboard     *clipboard,
+               GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
+               guint             info,
+               gpointer          data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+  GString *string = NULL;
+  switch (info)
+    {
+    case SELECT_FMT_TEXT:
+      string = range_to_text (sheet);
+      break;
+    case SELECT_FMT_HTML:
+      string = range_to_html (sheet);
+      break;
+    default:
+      g_assert_not_reached ();
+    }
+  gtk_selection_data_set (selection_data, selection_data->target,
+                         8,
+                         (const guchar *) string->str, string->len);
+  g_string_free (string, TRUE);
+static void
+primary_clear_cb (GtkClipboard *clipboard,
+                 gpointer      data)
+  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
+    return;
+  psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
+static void
+psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet)
+  static const GtkTargetEntry targets[] = {
+    { "UTF8_STRING",   0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
+    { "STRING",        0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
+    { "TEXT",          0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
+    { "text/plain;charset=utf-8", 0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
+    { "text/plain",    0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
+    { "text/html",     0, SELECT_FMT_HTML }
+  };
+  GtkClipboard *clipboard;
+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
+    return;
+  clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (sheet),
+                                       GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY);
+  if (psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
+    {
+      if (!gtk_clipboard_set_with_owner (clipboard, targets,
+                                        G_N_ELEMENTS (targets),
+                                        primary_get_cb, primary_clear_cb,
+                                        G_OBJECT (sheet)))
+       primary_clear_cb (clipboard, sheet);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (gtk_clipboard_get_owner (clipboard) == G_OBJECT (sheet))
+       gtk_clipboard_clear (clipboard);
+    }
diff --git a/lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.h b/lib/gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..82de87b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+   Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ This file is derived from the gtksheet.c and extensively modified for the
+ requirements of PSPPIRE.  The changes are copyright by the
+ Free Software Foundation.  The copyright notice for the original work is
+ below.
+ GtkSheet widget for Gtk+.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Adrian E. Feiguin <>
+ *
+ * Based on GtkClist widget by Jay Painter, but major changes.
+ * Memory allocation routines inspired on SC (Spreadsheet Calculator)
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+#ifndef __PSPPIRE_SHEET_H__
+#define __PSPPIRE_SHEET_H__
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "gtkextra-sheet.h"
+#include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-sheetmodel.h>
+#include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-axis.h>
+/* sheet->state */
+#define PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_RANGE (psppire_sheet_range_get_type ())
+#define PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_CELL (psppire_sheet_cell_get_type ())
+#define PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET (psppire_sheet_get_type ())
+#define PSPPIRE_SHEET(obj)          GTK_CHECK_CAST (obj, psppire_sheet_get_type (), PsppireSheet)
+#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_CLASS(klass)  GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST (klass, psppire_sheet_get_type (), PsppireSheetClass)
+#define PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET(obj)       GTK_CHECK_TYPE (obj, psppire_sheet_get_type ())
+typedef struct _PsppireSheetClass PsppireSheetClass;
+typedef struct _PsppireSheetCellAttr     PsppireSheetCellAttr;
+typedef struct _PsppireSheetHoverTitle PsppireSheetHoverTitle;
+struct _PsppireSheetCellAttr
+  GtkJustification justification;
+  GdkColor foreground;
+  GdkColor background;
+  PsppireSheetCellBorder border;
+  gboolean is_editable;
+struct _PsppireSheetHoverTitle
+  GtkWidget *window;
+  GtkWidget *label;
+  gint row, column;
+  {
+    BG_COLOR,
+    n_COLORS
+  };
+struct _PsppireSheet
+  GtkBin parent;
+  gboolean dispose_has_run;
+  PsppireAxis *haxis;
+  PsppireAxis *vaxis;
+  guint16 flags;
+  PsppireSheetModel *model;
+  GtkSelectionMode selection_mode;
+  /* Component colors */
+  GdkColor color[n_COLORS];
+  gboolean show_grid;
+  /* active cell */
+  PsppireSheetCell active_cell;
+  /* The GtkEntry used for editing the cells */
+  GtkWidget *entry_widget;
+  /* The type of entry_widget */
+  GtkType entry_type;
+  /* expanding selection */
+  PsppireSheetCell selection_cell;
+  /* global selection button */
+  GtkWidget *button;
+  /* sheet state */
+  gint state;
+  /* selected range */
+  PsppireSheetRange range;
+  /* the scrolling window and its height and width to
+   * make things a little speedier */
+  GdkWindow *sheet_window;
+  /* border shadow style */
+  GtkShadowType shadow_type;
+  /* Column Titles */
+  GdkRectangle column_title_area;
+  GdkWindow *column_title_window;
+  gboolean column_titles_visible;
+  /* TRUE if the cursor is over the column title window */
+  gboolean column_title_under;
+  /* Row Titles */
+  GdkRectangle row_title_area;
+  GdkWindow *row_title_window;
+  gboolean row_titles_visible;
+  /* TRUE if the cursor is over the row title window */
+  gboolean row_title_under;
+  /*scrollbars*/
+  GtkAdjustment *hadjustment;
+  GtkAdjustment *vadjustment;
+  /* xor GC for the verticle drag line */
+  GdkGC *xor_gc;
+  /* gc for drawing unselected cells */
+  GdkGC *fg_gc;
+  GdkGC *bg_gc;
+  /* cursor used to indicate dragging */
+  GdkCursor *cursor_drag;
+  /* the current x-pixel location of the xor-drag vline */
+  gint x_drag;
+  /* the current y-pixel location of the xor-drag hline */
+  gint y_drag;
+  /* current cell being dragged */
+  PsppireSheetCell drag_cell;
+  /* current range being dragged */
+  PsppireSheetRange drag_range;
+  /* Used for the subtitle (popups) */
+  gint motion_timer;
+  PsppireSheetHoverTitle *hover_window;
+  gulong update_handler_id;
+struct _PsppireSheetClass
+  GtkBinClass parent_class;
+ gboolean (*set_scroll_adjustments) (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
+                                GtkAdjustment *vadjustment);
+ void (*select_row)            (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row);
+ void (*select_column)                 (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint column);
+ void (*select_range)          (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range);
+ void (*resize_range)          (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                               PsppireSheetRange *old_range,
+                               PsppireSheetRange *new_range);
+ void (*move_range)                    (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                               PsppireSheetRange *old_range,
+                               PsppireSheetRange *new_range);
+ gboolean (*traverse)          (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                               gint row, gint column,
+                               gint *new_row, gint *new_column);
+ gboolean (*activate)          (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                               gint row, gint column);
+ void (*changed)               (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                               gint row, gint column);
+GType psppire_sheet_get_type (void);
+GtkType psppire_sheet_range_get_type (void);
+/* create a new sheet */
+GtkWidget * psppire_sheet_new (PsppireSheetModel *model);
+/* create a new sheet with custom entry */
+GtkWidget *
+psppire_sheet_new_with_custom_entry (GtkType entry_type);
+/* Change entry */
+void psppire_sheet_change_entry                (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkType entry_type);
+GtkEntry *psppire_sheet_get_entry    (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+void psppire_sheet_get_selected_range (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                        PsppireSheetRange *range);
+void psppire_sheet_show_grid     (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                        gboolean show);
+gboolean psppire_sheet_grid_visible   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+/* scroll the viewing area of the sheet to the given column
+ * and row; row_align and col_align are between 0-1 representing the
+ * location the row should appear on the screen, 0.0 being top or left,
+ * 1.0 being bottom or right; if row or column is negative then there
+ * is no change */
+void psppire_sheet_moveto (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                 gint row,
+                 gint column,
+                 gfloat row_align,
+                  gfloat col_align);
+void psppire_sheet_show_row_titles             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+void psppire_sheet_hide_row_titles             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+void psppire_sheet_show_column_titles       (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+void psppire_sheet_hide_column_titles  (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+/* select the row. The range is then highlighted, and the bounds are stored
+ * in sheet->range  */
+void psppire_sheet_select_row    (PsppireSheet * sheet,  gint row);
+/* select the column. The range is then highlighted, and the bounds are stored
+ * in sheet->range  */
+void psppire_sheet_select_column (PsppireSheet * sheet,  gint column);
+/* highlight the selected range and store bounds in sheet->range */
+void psppire_sheet_select_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, const PsppireSheetRange *range);
+void psppire_sheet_get_visible_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range);
+/* obvious */
+void psppire_sheet_unselect_range              (PsppireSheet *sheet);
+/* set active cell where the entry will be displayed */
+void psppire_sheet_set_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                               gint row, gint column);
+/* Sets *ROW and *COLUMN to be the coordinates of the active cell.
+   ROW and/or COLUMN may be null if the caller is not interested in their
+   values */
+void psppire_sheet_get_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                       gint *row, gint *column);
+/* get cell contents */
+gchar *psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col);
+/* get cell attributes of the given cell */
+/* TRUE means that the cell is currently allocated */
+gboolean psppire_sheet_get_attributes       (const PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                       gint row, gint col,
+                                       PsppireSheetCellAttr *attributes);
+void psppire_sheet_set_model (PsppireSheet *sheet,
+                                  PsppireSheetModel *model);
+PsppireSheetModel * psppire_sheet_get_model (const PsppireSheet *sheet);
+#endif /* __PSPPIRE_SHEET_H__ */
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/COPYING.LESSER b/lib/gtksheet/COPYING.LESSER
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8add30a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-                      Version 2.1, February 1999
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
- as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
- the version number 2.1.]
-                           Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
-  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
-Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
-can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
-this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
-strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
-not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
-you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
-for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
-it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
-it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
-these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
-rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
-you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
-with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
-library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
-  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
-there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
-modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
-that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
-author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
-introduced by others.
-  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
-any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
-effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
-restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
-any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
-consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
-  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
-ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
-General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
-is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
-this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
-libraries into non-free programs.
-  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
-a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
-combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
-General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
-entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
-Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
-the library.
-  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
-does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
-Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
-of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
-are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
-libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
-  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
-encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
-a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
-allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
-library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
-case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
-software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
-  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
-programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
-free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
-non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
-operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
-  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
-users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
-linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
-that program using a modified version of the Library.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
-former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
-be combined with the library in order to run.
-  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
-program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
-other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
-this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
-Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
-  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
-  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
-  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
-  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
-    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
-    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
-    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
-    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
-    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
-    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
-    in the event an application does not supply such function or
-    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
-    its purpose remains meaningful.
-    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
-    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
-    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
-    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
-    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
-    root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
-  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
-  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
-  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
-  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
-  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
-  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
-  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
-  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
-  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
-  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
-of these things:
-    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
-    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
-    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
-    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
-    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
-    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
-    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
-    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
-    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
-    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
-    to use the modified definitions.)
-    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
-    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
-    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
-    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
-    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
-    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
-    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
-    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
-    least three years, to give the same user the materials
-    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
-    than the cost of performing this distribution.
-    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
-    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
-    specified materials from the same place.
-    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
-    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
-  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
-the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
-normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
-  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
-  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
-    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
-    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
-    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
-    Sections above.
-    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
-    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
-    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
-  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
-  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
-this License.
-  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
-  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
-  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
-                           NO WARRANTY
-                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
-           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
-  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
-  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/OChangeLog b/lib/gtksheet/OChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b5ba1c8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-2008-05-08  Ben Pfaff  <>
-       Patch #6506.  Reviewed by John Darrington.
-       * gtksheet.c (gtk_sheet_unrealize): Don't call gtk_widget_unparent
-       on sheet->button if it's null.
-2008-05-06  Ben Pfaff  <>
-       * gtksheet.c (gtk_sheet_dispose): Set the sheet's entry_container
-       and button members to NULL after unref'ing them, so that a later
-       call to gtk_sheet_for_all will not try to dereference a dangling
-       pointer.
-2008-03-06 John Darrington <>
-       * gsheet-row-iface.c gsheet-row-iface.h: Delete unused, unneccesary
-       gpointer variable from the interface.
-       * gtksheet.c: Update to match new gsheet-row-iface
-2008-02-27 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Corrected some leaks and other problems
-       related to de-allocating the sheet.
-2008-02-27 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c: (gtk_sheet_expose) Don't queue a redraw on the entry
-       widget.  Fixes bug #21073
-2008-02-20 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed some unused signals.
-       Made the models properties of the widget.
-2008-02-08 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c: Removed the sheet_locked feature, which we never
-       used, and interfered with the editability of the entry widget.
-       * gtksheet.c: Add one to the row to which we scroll. Seems like
-       the best way to cope with granularity problems.
-21 Septempber 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c (range_update_callback): Scroll to cell 0,0 if the
-       current position is outside the model's range.
-24 July 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed the `clip' feature, which IMO 
-       is a croc, and we're unlikely to use.  In its place, added a primary 
-       selection which supports text and html targets.
-16 July 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed some legacy functions called from 
-       gtk_sheet_finalize which caused unnecessary delays when shutting down.
-12 July 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed view member and replaced with 
-        function call.  Removed hadjustment_changed and vadjustment_changed 
-        functions which did nothing.  Added some whitespace arount != 
-        operators.
-09 July 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h (gtk_sheet_get_active_cell): Allowed row,
-       column  to be NULL.
-07 July 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-column-iface.h gsheet-row-iface.c
-       gsheet-row-iface.h gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Added a "subtitle"
-       feature on row/column titles, which shows tooltip-like popups.  
-03 July 2007 John Darrington <>
-       * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Removed the autoscroll-on-select feature 
-       that was causing us grief.
-28 June 2007 John Darrington <>
-        * gtksheet.c: Removed some features that we dont use, to get better 
-       speed.
-Sat Feb 17 17:36:56 2007  Ben Pfaff  <>
-       * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-hetero-column.c gsheet-row-iface.c
-       gsheet-uniform-column.c gsheet-uniform-row.c gsheetmodel.c
-       gtkextra-marshal.c gtkextra.c gtkiconlist.c gtkitementry.c
-       gtksheet.c: Add "#include <config.h>".
-Mon Jun 19 18:03:21 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-       * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-column-iface.h
-       gsheet-hetero-column.c gsheet-row-iface.c gsheet-row-iface.h
-       gsheet-uniform-column.c gsheet-uniform-row.c gtksheet.c
-       gtksheet.h:  Fixed some warnings.  Corrected errors updating
-               row/column titles
-Di Mai 30 19:51:19 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: constness. Removed dependence on glib2.10
-Sat May 27 16:29:36 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gtksheet.c: Removed call to gtk_entry_set_text, which caused warnings 
-       and was unnecessary.
-Thu May 25 17:58:51 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gsheet-column-iface.c gsheet-column-iface.h gsheet-hetero-column.c
-    gsheet-row-iface.c gsheet-row-iface.h gsheet-uniform-row.c
-    gtksheet-extra.h gtksheet.c:  Plugged memory leaks.  Rationalised the way
-    that GtkSheetButtons are created.
-Sat May 20 21:02:03 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gsheetmodel.c gsheetmodel.h: Added columns-inserted and columns-deleted 
-    signals.  Added g_sheet_get_{row,column}_count functions.
-    * gtksheet.c gtksheet.h: Allowed -1 to be passed to
-    gtk_sheet_set_active_cell to indicate no active cell.
-Mon May 15 16:10:49 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gtksheet.c: Removed code which rendered the title buttons a second 
-    time.  Cut and Paste error ?
-Sat May 13 07:58:32 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-        * gsheetmodel.c gsheetmodel.h gtksheet.c gtksheeet.h: Added
-       free_strings flag to tell the sheet whether to free the string
-       data passed from the model.
-Thu May 11 22:20:04 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gtksheet.c, gtksheet.h: Fixed broken deallocation of sheet->pixmap.
-Thu May  4 17:55:48 WST 2006 John Darrington <>
-    * gtksheet.c: Added callback on inserted rows.
-Sat Jan 28 08:48:08 2006 UTC John Darrington <>
-    * Separated the data out of the GtkSheet.  The gtksheet should now be
-    regarded as a way of looking into the data.  The data is represented by a
-    GSheetModel and the rows and columns by  GSheetRow and GSheetColumn.
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/README b/lib/gtksheet/README
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e6e23d9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-This is not part of the GNU PSPP program, but is used with GNU PSPP.
-This directory contains a version of the GtkXPaned widget.  It includes
-minor modifications. GtkXPaned is licensed under the GNU Lesser
-General Public License.  See COPYING.LESSER. 
-This directory also contains the PsppireSheet widget which is a very
-heavily modified version of GtkSheet widget.  This modified version if
-licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/ b/lib/gtksheet/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d91b6db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce  -*- makefile -*-
-noinst_LIBRARIES += lib/gtksheet/libgtksheet.a
-lib_gtksheet_libgtksheet_a_CFLAGS = $(GTK_CFLAGS) -Wall -DGDK_MULTIHEAD_SAFE=1
-lib_gtksheet_libgtksheet_a_SOURCES = \
-       lib/gtksheet/gtkextra-sheet.h \
-       lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.c \
-       lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.h \
-       lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.c \
-       lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.h
-EXTRA_DIST += lib/gtksheet/OChangeLog \
-       lib/gtksheet/README
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/gtkextra-sheet.h b/lib/gtksheet/gtkextra-sheet.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 16d6b5b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* This version of GtkSheet has been heavily modified, for the specific
- *  requirements of PSPPIRE.
- *
- * GtkSheet widget for Gtk+.
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Adrian E. Feiguin <>
- *
- * Based on GtkClist widget by Jay Painter, but major changes.
- * Memory allocation routines inspired on SC (Spreadsheet Calculator)
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- */
-struct _PsppireSheet ;
-typedef struct _PsppireSheet PsppireSheet;
-struct _PsppireSheetButton
-  GtkStateType state;
-  gchar *label;
-  gboolean label_visible;
-  GtkJustification justification;
-struct _PsppireSheetCell
-  gint row;
-  gint col;
-typedef struct _PsppireSheetButton PsppireSheetButton;
-typedef struct _PsppireSheetCell PsppireSheetCell;
-PsppireSheetButton * psppire_sheet_button_new (void);
-void psppire_sheet_button_free (PsppireSheetButton *button);
-#endif /* PSPPIRE_EXTRA_SHEET_H__ */
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.c b/lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5db3cce..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3260 +0,0 @@
-**3456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 
-**      10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
-**  library for GtkXPaned-widget, a 2x2 grid-like variation of GtkPaned of gtk+
-**  Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mirco "MacSlow" Müller <>
-**  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-**  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-**  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-**  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-**  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-**  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-**  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-**  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-**  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-**  GtkXPaned is based on GtkPaned which was done by...
-**  "Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald"
-**  and later modified by...
-**  "the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000"
-#include "gtkxpaned.h"
-#include <ui/gui/psppire-marshal.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkbindings.h>
-#include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>
-enum WidgetProperties
-       PROP_0,
-enum ChildProperties
-       CHILD_PROP_0,
-enum WidgetSignals
-       MOVE_HANDLE,
-static void gtk_xpaned_class_init (GtkXPanedClass* klass);
-static void gtk_xpaned_init (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-static void gtk_xpaned_size_request (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                        GtkRequisition* requisition);
-static void gtk_xpaned_size_allocate (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                         GtkAllocation* allocation);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_property (GObject* object,
-                                                                        guint prop_id,
-                                                                        const GValue* value,
-                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec);
-static void gtk_xpaned_get_property (GObject* object,
-                                                                        guint prop_id,
-                                                                        GValue* value,
-                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
-                                                                                  guint property_id,
-                                                                                  const GValue* value,
-                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec);
-static void gtk_xpaned_get_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
-                                                                                  guint property_id,
-                                                                                  GValue* value,
-                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec);
-static void gtk_xpaned_finalize (GObject* object);
-static void gtk_xpaned_realize (GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_unrealize (GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_map (GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_unmap (GtkWidget* widget);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_expose (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_enter (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_leave (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_press (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                                GdkEventButton* event);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_release (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                                  GdkEventButton* event);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_motion (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_focus (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                 GtkDirectionType direction);
-static void gtk_xpaned_add (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_remove (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_forall (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                          gboolean include_internals,
-                                                          GtkCallback callback,
-                                                          gpointer callback_data);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_focus_child (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                                           GtkWidget* child);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                GtkXPaned* first_xpaned);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                         GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                          GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                                GtkWidget* widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                                 GtkWidget* widget);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                         gboolean reverse);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                          gboolean reverse);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_move_handle (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                           GtkScrollType scroll);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_accept_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cancel_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_toggle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-static GType gtk_xpaned_child_type (GtkContainer* container);
-static GtkContainerClass* parent_class = NULL;
-struct _GtkXPanedPrivate
-       GtkWidget *saved_focus;
-       GtkXPaned *first_xpaned;
-GType gtk_xpaned_get_type (void)
-       static GType xpaned_type = 0;
-       if (!xpaned_type)
-       {
-               static const GTypeInfo xpaned_info =
-               {
-                       sizeof (GtkXPanedClass),
-                       NULL,           /* base_init */
-                       NULL,           /* base_finalize */
-                       (GClassInitFunc) gtk_xpaned_class_init,
-                       NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-                       NULL,           /* class_data */
-                       sizeof (GtkXPaned),
-                       0,              /* n_preallocs */
-                       (GInstanceInitFunc) gtk_xpaned_init
-               };
-               xpaned_type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER,
-                                                                                         "GtkXPaned",
-                                                                                         &xpaned_info,
-                                                                                         0);
-       }
-       return xpaned_type;
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_new (void)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
-       xpaned = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_XPANED, NULL);
-       return GTK_WIDGET (xpaned);
-static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-static void add_tab_bindings (GtkBindingSet* binding_set,
-                                                         GdkModifierType modifiers)
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_Tab,
-                                                                 modifiers,
-                                                                 "toggle_handle_focus",
-                                                                 0);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_KP_Tab,
-                                                                 modifiers,
-                                                                 "toggle_handle_focus",
-                                                                 0);
-static void add_move_binding (GtkBindingSet* binding_set,
-                                                         guint keyval,
-                                                         GdkModifierType mask,
-                                                         GtkScrollType scroll)
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 keyval,
-                                                                 mask,
-                                                                 "move_handle",
-                                                                 1,
-                                                                 GTK_TYPE_SCROLL_TYPE,
-                                                                 scroll);
-static void gtk_xpaned_class_init (GtkXPanedClass* class)
-       GObjectClass* object_class;
-       GtkWidgetClass* widget_class;
-       GtkContainerClass* container_class;
-       GtkXPanedClass* xpaned_class;
-       GtkBindingSet* binding_set;
-       object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-       widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) class;
-       container_class = (GtkContainerClass *) class;
-       xpaned_class = (GtkXPanedClass *) class;
-       parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
-       object_class->set_property = gtk_xpaned_set_property;
-       object_class->get_property = gtk_xpaned_get_property;
-       object_class->finalize = gtk_xpaned_finalize;
-       widget_class->realize = gtk_xpaned_realize;
-       widget_class->unrealize = gtk_xpaned_unrealize;
-       widget_class->map = gtk_xpaned_map;
-       widget_class->unmap = gtk_xpaned_unmap;
-       widget_class->expose_event = gtk_xpaned_expose;
-       widget_class->focus = gtk_xpaned_focus;
-       widget_class->enter_notify_event = gtk_xpaned_enter;
-       widget_class->leave_notify_event = gtk_xpaned_leave;
-       widget_class->button_press_event = gtk_xpaned_button_press;
-       widget_class->button_release_event = gtk_xpaned_button_release;
-       widget_class->motion_notify_event = gtk_xpaned_motion;
-       widget_class->size_request = gtk_xpaned_size_request;
-       widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_xpaned_size_allocate;
-       container_class->add = gtk_xpaned_add;
-       container_class->remove = gtk_xpaned_remove;
-       container_class->forall = gtk_xpaned_forall;
-       container_class->child_type = gtk_xpaned_child_type;
-       container_class->set_focus_child = gtk_xpaned_set_focus_child;
-       container_class->set_child_property = gtk_xpaned_set_child_property;
-       container_class->get_child_property = gtk_xpaned_get_child_property;
-       xpaned_class->cycle_child_focus = gtk_xpaned_cycle_child_focus;
-       xpaned_class->toggle_handle_focus = gtk_xpaned_toggle_handle_focus;
-       xpaned_class->move_handle = gtk_xpaned_move_handle;
-       xpaned_class->cycle_handle_focus = gtk_xpaned_cycle_handle_focus;
-       xpaned_class->accept_position = gtk_xpaned_accept_position;
-       xpaned_class->cancel_position = gtk_xpaned_cancel_position;
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_X_POSITION,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("x-position",
-                                                                                                          ("x-Position"),
-                                                                                                          ("x-Position of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the left)"),
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_Y_POSITION,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("y-position",
-                                                                                                          "y-Position",
-                                                                                                          "y-Position of paned separator in pixels (0 means all the way to the top)",
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_POSITION_SET,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_boolean ("position-set",
-                                                                                                                  "Position Set",
-                                                                                                                  "TRUE if the Position property should be used",
-                                                                                                                  FALSE,
-                                                                                                                  G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
-       gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
-                                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("handle-size",
-                                                                                                                          "Handle Size",
-                                                                                                                          "Width of handle",
-                                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                                          3,
-                                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
-       /**
-       * GtkXPaned:min-x-position:
-       *
-       * The smallest possible value for the x-position property. This property is derived from the
-       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
-       *
-       * Since: 2.4
-       */
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_MIN_X_POSITION,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("min-x-position",
-                                                                                                          "Minimal x-Position",
-                                                                                                          "Smallest possible value for the \"x-position\" property",
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
-       /**
-       * GtkXPaned:min-y-position:
-       *
-       * The smallest possible value for the y-position property. This property is derived from the
-       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
-       *
-       * Since: 2.4
-       */
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_MIN_Y_POSITION,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("min-y-position",
-                                                                                                          "Minimal y-Position",
-                                                                                                          "Smallest possible value for the \"y-position\" property",
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
-       /**
-       * GtkPaned:max-x-position:
-       *
-       * The largest possible value for the x-position property. This property is derived from the
-       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
-       *
-       * Since: 2.4
-       */
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_MAX_X_POSITION,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("max-x-position",
-                                                                                                          "Maximal x-Position",
-                                                                                                          "Largest possible value for the \"x-position\" property",
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
-       /**
-       * GtkPaned:max-y-position:
-       *
-       * The largest possible value for the y-position property. This property is derived from the
-       * size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
-       *
-       * Since: 2.4
-       */
-       g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                                                        PROP_MAX_Y_POSITION,
-                                                                        g_param_spec_int ("max-y-position",
-                                                                                                          "Maximal y-Position",
-                                                                                                          "Largest possible value for the \"y-position\" property",
-                                                                                                          0,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          G_MAXINT,
-                                                                                                          G_PARAM_READABLE));
-       /**
-       * GtkPaned:resize:
-       *
-       * The "resize" child property determines whether the child expands and 
-       * shrinks along with the paned widget.
-       * 
-       * Since: 2.4 
-       */
-       gtk_container_class_install_child_property (container_class,
-                                                                                               CHILD_PROP_RESIZE,
-                                                                                               g_param_spec_boolean ("resize",
-                                                                                                                                         "Resize",
-                                                                                                                                         "If TRUE, the child expands and shrinks along with the paned widget",
-                                                                                                                                         TRUE,
-                                                                                                                                         G_PARAM_READWRITE));
-       /**
-       * GtkPaned:shrink:
-       *
-       * The "shrink" child property determines whether the child can be made 
-       * smaller than its requisition.
-       * 
-       * Since: 2.4 
-       */
-       gtk_container_class_install_child_property (container_class,
-                                                                                               CHILD_PROP_SHRINK,
-                                                                                               g_param_spec_boolean ("shrink", 
-                                                                                                                                         "Shrink",
-                                                                                                                                         "If TRUE, the child can be made smaller than its requisition",
-                                                                                                                                         TRUE,
-                                                                                                                                         G_PARAM_READWRITE));
-       signals [CYCLE_CHILD_FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("cycle-child-focus",
-                                                                                               G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                                                                                               G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
-                                                                                               G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, cycle_child_focus),
-                                                                                               NULL, NULL,
-                                                                                               psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOOLEAN,
-                                                                                               G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
-                                                                                               G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
-       signals [TOGGLE_HANDLE_FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("toggle-handle-focus",
-                                                                                                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                                                                                                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
-                                                                                                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, toggle_handle_focus),
-                                                                                                 NULL, NULL,
-                                                                                                 psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__VOID,
-                                                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0);
-       signals[MOVE_HANDLE] = g_signal_new ("move-handle",
-                                                                                G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                                                                                G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
-                                                                                G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, move_handle),
-                                                                                NULL, NULL,
-                                                                                psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__ENUM,
-                                                                                G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
-                                                                                GTK_TYPE_SCROLL_TYPE);
-       signals [CYCLE_HANDLE_FOCUS] = g_signal_new ("cycle-handle-focus",
-                                                                                                G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                                                                                                G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
-                                                                                                G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, cycle_handle_focus),
-                                                                                                NULL, NULL,
-                                                                                                psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOOLEAN,
-                                                                                                G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
-                                                                                                G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
-       signals [ACCEPT_POSITION] = g_signal_new ("accept-position",
-                                                                                         G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                                                                                         G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
-                                                                                         G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, accept_position),
-                                                                                         NULL, NULL,
-                                                                                         psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__VOID,
-                                                                                         G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0);
-       signals [CANCEL_POSITION] = g_signal_new ("cancel-position",
-                                                                                         G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                                                                                         G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION,
-                                                                                         G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkXPanedClass, cancel_position),
-                                                                                         NULL, NULL,
-                                                                                         psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__VOID,
-                                                                                         G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0);
-       binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class (class);
-       /* F6 and friends */
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_F6, 0,
-                                                                 "cycle-child-focus", 1, 
-                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_F6, GDK_SHIFT_MASK,
-                                                                 "cycle-child-focus", 1,
-                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE);
-       /* F8 and friends */
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_F8, 0,
-                                                                 "cycle-handle-focus", 1,
-                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_F8, GDK_SHIFT_MASK,
-                                                                 "cycle-handle-focus", 1,
-                                                                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE);
-       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, 0);
-       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, GDK_CONTROL_MASK);
-       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
-       add_tab_bindings (binding_set, GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
-       /* accept and cancel positions */
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_Escape, 0,
-                                                                 "cancel-position", 0);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_Return, 0,
-                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_KP_Enter, 0,
-                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_space, 0,
-                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
-       gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set,
-                                                                 GDK_KP_Space, 0,
-                                                                 "accept-position", 0);
-       /* move handle */
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Left, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Left, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Left, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Left, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Right, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Right, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Right, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Right, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Up, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Up, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Page_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Page_Up, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Down, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Down, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Page_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Page_Down, 0, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_Home, 0, GTK_SCROLL_START);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_Home, 0, GTK_SCROLL_START);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_End, 0, GTK_SCROLL_END);
-       add_move_binding (binding_set, GDK_KP_End, 0, GTK_SCROLL_END);
-static GType gtk_xpaned_child_type (GtkContainer* container)
-       if (!GTK_XPANED (container)->top_left_child || 
-               !GTK_XPANED (container)->top_right_child ||
-               !GTK_XPANED (container)->bottom_left_child || 
-               !GTK_XPANED (container)->bottom_right_child)
-               return GTK_TYPE_WIDGET;
-         else
-               return G_TYPE_NONE;
-static void gtk_xpaned_init (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       xpaned->top_left_child = NULL;
-       xpaned->top_right_child = NULL;
-       xpaned->bottom_left_child = NULL;
-       xpaned->bottom_right_child = NULL;
-       xpaned->handle_east = NULL;
-       xpaned->handle_west = NULL;
-       xpaned->handle_north = NULL;
-       xpaned->handle_south = NULL;
-       xpaned->handle_middle = NULL;
-       xpaned->xor_gc = NULL;
-       xpaned->cursor_type_east = GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW;
-       xpaned->cursor_type_west = GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW;
-       xpaned->cursor_type_north = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW;
-       xpaned->cursor_type_south = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW;
-       xpaned->cursor_type_middle = GDK_FLEUR;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width = 5;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height = 5;
-       xpaned->position_set = FALSE;
-       xpaned->last_allocation.width = -1;
-       xpaned->last_allocation.height = -1;
-       xpaned->in_drag_vert = FALSE;
-       xpaned->in_drag_horiz = FALSE;
-       xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz = FALSE;
-       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] = FALSE;
-       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] = FALSE;
-       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] = FALSE;
-       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = FALSE;
-       xpaned->priv = g_new0 (GtkXPanedPrivate, 1);
-       xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus = NULL;
-       xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus = NULL;
-       xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus = NULL;
-       xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus = NULL;
-       xpaned->in_recursion = FALSE;
-       xpaned->handle_prelit = FALSE;
-       xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
-       xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
-       xpaned->unmaximized_position.x = -1;
-       xpaned->unmaximized_position.y = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x = -1;
-       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y = -1;
-       xpaned->drag_pos.x = -1;
-       xpaned->drag_pos.y = -1;
-static void gtk_xpaned_size_request (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                        GtkRequisition* requisition)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       GtkRequisition child_requisition;
-       requisition->width = 0;
-       requisition->height = 0;
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child))
-       {
-               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->top_left_child, &child_requisition);
-               requisition->width = child_requisition.width;
-               requisition->height = child_requisition.height;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child))
-       {
-               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->top_right_child, &child_requisition);
-               requisition->width += child_requisition.width;
-               requisition->height = MAX (requisition->height, child_requisition.height);
-       }
-       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child))
-       {
-               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->bottom_left_child, &child_requisition);
-               requisition->width = MAX (requisition->width, child_requisition.width);
-               requisition->height += child_requisition.height;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
-       {
-               gtk_widget_size_request (xpaned->bottom_right_child, &child_requisition);
-               requisition->width = MAX (requisition->width, child_requisition.width);
-               requisition->height = MAX (requisition->height, child_requisition.height);
-       }
-       /* add 2 times the set border-width to the GtkXPaneds requisition */
-       requisition->width += GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width * 2;
-       requisition->height += GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width * 2;
-       /* also add the handle "thickness" to GtkXPaneds width- and height-requisitions */
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
-       {
-               gint handle_size;
-               gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
-               requisition->width += handle_size;
-               requisition->height += handle_size;
-       }
-gtk_xpaned_compute_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                            const GtkAllocation* allocation,
-                            GtkRequisition* top_left_child_req,
-                            GtkRequisition* top_right_child_req,
-                            GtkRequisition* bottom_left_child_req,
-                            GtkRequisition* bottom_right_child_req);
-static void gtk_xpaned_size_allocate (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                         GtkAllocation* allocation)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       gint border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
-       GtkAllocation top_left_child_allocation;
-       GtkAllocation top_right_child_allocation;
-       GtkAllocation bottom_left_child_allocation;
-       GtkAllocation bottom_right_child_allocation;
-       GtkRequisition top_left_child_requisition;
-       GtkRequisition top_right_child_requisition;
-       GtkRequisition bottom_left_child_requisition;
-       GtkRequisition bottom_right_child_requisition;
-       gint handle_size;
-       /* determine size of handle(s) */
-       gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
-       widget->allocation = *allocation;
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
-    {
-               /* what sizes do the children want to be at least at */
-               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->top_left_child,
-                                                                                 &top_left_child_requisition);
-               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->top_right_child,
-                                                                                 &top_right_child_requisition);
-               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->bottom_left_child,
-                                                                                 &bottom_left_child_requisition);
-               gtk_widget_get_child_requisition (xpaned->bottom_right_child,
-                                                                                 &bottom_right_child_requisition);
-               /* determine the total requisition-sum of all requisitions of borders,
-                * handles, children etc. */
-               gtk_xpaned_compute_position (xpaned,
-                                                                        allocation,
-                                                                        &top_left_child_requisition,
-                                                                        &top_right_child_requisition,
-                                                                        &bottom_left_child_requisition,
-                                                                        &bottom_right_child_requisition);
-               /* calculate the current positions and sizes of the handles */
-               xpaned->handle_pos_east.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width + xpaned->top_left_child_size.width + handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_east.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width + xpaned->top_left_child_size.height;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_east.width = widget->allocation.width - xpaned->top_left_child_size.width - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_east.height = handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_west.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_west.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_west.width = widget->allocation.width - xpaned->handle_pos_east.width - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_west.height = handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_north.x = xpaned->handle_pos_east.x - handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_north.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_north.width = handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_north.height = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y - widget->allocation.y - border_width;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_south.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_south.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y + handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_south.width = handle_size;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_south.height = widget->allocation.height - xpaned->handle_pos_north.height - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
-#define CENTRUM 20
-               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x ;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y ;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width = handle_size + CENTRUM ;
-               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height = handle_size + CENTRUM;
-               /* set allocation for top-left child */
-               top_left_child_allocation.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width;
-               top_left_child_allocation.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
-               top_left_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width;
-               top_left_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height;
-               /* set allocation for top-right child */
-               top_right_child_allocation.x = widget->allocation.x + border_width + handle_size + top_left_child_allocation.width;
-               top_right_child_allocation.y = widget->allocation.y + border_width;
-               top_right_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
-               top_right_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height;
-               /* set allocation for bottom-left child */
-               bottom_left_child_allocation.x = xpaned->handle_pos_west.x;
-               bottom_left_child_allocation.y = xpaned->handle_pos_south.y;
-               bottom_left_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width;
-               bottom_left_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
-               /* set allocation for bottom-right child */
-               bottom_right_child_allocation.x = top_right_child_allocation.x;
-               bottom_right_child_allocation.y = bottom_left_child_allocation.y;
-               bottom_right_child_allocation.width = xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
-               bottom_right_child_allocation.height = xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
-               if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
-               {
-                       if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
-                       {
-                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_east);
-                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_west);
-                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_north);
-                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_south);
-                               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_middle);
-                       }
-                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_east,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height);
-                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_west,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height);
-                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_north,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height);
-                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_south,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height);
-                       gdk_window_move_resize (xpaned->handle_middle,
-                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x,
-                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y,
-                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width,
-                                               xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height);
-               }
-               /* Now allocate the childen, making sure, when resizing not to
-               * overlap the windows
-               */
-               if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
-               {
-                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->top_right_child, &top_right_child_allocation);
-                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->top_left_child, &top_left_child_allocation);
-                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->bottom_left_child, &bottom_left_child_allocation);
-                       gtk_widget_size_allocate (xpaned->bottom_right_child, &bottom_right_child_allocation);
-               }
-       }
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_property (GObject* object,
-                                                                        guint prop_id,
-                                                                        const GValue* value,
-                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (object);
-       switch (prop_id)
-       {
-               case PROP_X_POSITION:
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, g_value_get_int (value));
-               break;
-               case PROP_Y_POSITION:
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, g_value_get_int (value));
-               break;
-               case PROP_POSITION_SET:
-                       xpaned->position_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-               break;
-               default:
-                       G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-               break;
-       }
-static void gtk_xpaned_get_property (GObject* object,
-                                                                        guint prop_id,
-                                                                        GValue* value,
-                                                                        GParamSpec* pspec)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (object);
-       switch (prop_id)
-       {
-               case PROP_X_POSITION:
-                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->top_left_child_size.width);
-               break;
-               case PROP_Y_POSITION:
-                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->top_left_child_size.height);
-               break;
-               case PROP_POSITION_SET:
-                       g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->position_set);
-               break;
-               case PROP_MIN_X_POSITION:
-                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->min_position.x);
-               break;
-               case PROP_MIN_Y_POSITION:
-                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->min_position.y);
-               break;
-               case PROP_MAX_X_POSITION:
-                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->max_position.x);
-               break;
-               case PROP_MAX_Y_POSITION:
-                       g_value_set_int (value, xpaned->max_position.y);
-               break;
-               default:
-                       G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-               break;
-       }
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
-                                                                                  guint property_id,
-                                                                                  const GValue* value,
-                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
-       gboolean old_value = FALSE;
-       gboolean new_value = FALSE;
-       g_assert (child == xpaned->top_left_child ||
-                         child == xpaned->top_right_child ||
-                         child == xpaned->bottom_left_child ||
-                         child == xpaned->bottom_right_child);
-       new_value = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-       switch (property_id)
-       {
-               case CHILD_PROP_RESIZE:
-                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->top_left_child_resize;
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_resize = new_value;
-                       }
-                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->top_right_child_resize;
-                               xpaned->top_right_child_resize = new_value;
-                       }
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize;
-                               xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize = new_value;
-                       }
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize;
-                               xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize = new_value;
-                       }
-               break;
-               case CHILD_PROP_SHRINK :
-                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->top_left_child_shrink;
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_shrink = new_value;
-                       }
-                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->top_right_child_shrink;
-                               xpaned->top_right_child_shrink = new_value;
-                       }
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink;
-                               xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink = new_value;
-                       }
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-                       {
-                               old_value = xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink;
-                               xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink = new_value;
-                       }
-               break;
-               default:
-                       GTK_CONTAINER_WARN_INVALID_CHILD_PROPERTY_ID (container,
-                                                                                                                 property_id,
-                                                                                                                 pspec);
-                       old_value = -1; /* quiet gcc */
-               break;
-       }
-       if (old_value != new_value)
-               gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
-static void gtk_xpaned_get_child_property (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
-                                                                                  guint property_id,
-                                                                                  GValue* value,
-                                                                                  GParamSpec* pspec)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
-       g_assert (child == xpaned->top_left_child ||
-                         child == xpaned->top_right_child ||
-                         child == xpaned->bottom_left_child ||
-                         child == xpaned->bottom_right_child);
-       switch (property_id)
-       {
-               case CHILD_PROP_RESIZE :
-                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_left_child_resize);
-                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_right_child_resize);
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize);
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize);                 
-               break;
-               case CHILD_PROP_SHRINK :
-                       if (child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_left_child_shrink);
-                       else if (child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->top_right_child_shrink);
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink);
-                       else if (child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-                               g_value_set_boolean (value, xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink);
-               break;
-               default:
-                       GTK_CONTAINER_WARN_INVALID_CHILD_PROPERTY_ID (container,
-                                                                                                                 property_id,
-                                                                                                                 pspec);
-               break;
-       }
-static void gtk_xpaned_finalize (GObject* object)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (object);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
-       g_free (xpaned->priv);
-       G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
-static void gtk_xpaned_realize (GtkWidget* widget)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
-       GdkWindowAttr attributes_east;
-       GdkWindowAttr attributes_west;
-       GdkWindowAttr attributes_north;
-       GdkWindowAttr attributes_south;
-       GdkWindowAttr attributes_middle;
-       gint attributes_mask_east;
-       gint attributes_mask_west;
-       gint attributes_mask_north;
-       gint attributes_mask_south;
-       gint attributes_mask_middle;
-       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       widget->window = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget);
-       g_object_ref (widget->window);
-       attributes_east.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-       attributes_west.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-       attributes_north.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-       attributes_south.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-       attributes_middle.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-       attributes_east.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
-       attributes_west.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
-       attributes_north.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
-       attributes_south.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
-       attributes_middle.wclass = GDK_INPUT_ONLY;
-       attributes_east.x = xpaned->handle_pos_east.x;
-       attributes_east.y = xpaned->handle_pos_east.y;
-       attributes_east.width = xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
-       attributes_east.height = xpaned->handle_pos_east.height;
-       attributes_west.x = xpaned->handle_pos_west.x;
-       attributes_west.y = xpaned->handle_pos_west.y;
-       attributes_west.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width;
-       attributes_west.height = xpaned->handle_pos_west.height;
-       attributes_north.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x;
-       attributes_north.y = xpaned->handle_pos_north.y;
-       attributes_north.width = xpaned->handle_pos_north.width;
-       attributes_north.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height;
-       attributes_south.x = xpaned->handle_pos_south.x;
-       attributes_south.y = xpaned->handle_pos_south.y;
-       attributes_south.width = xpaned->handle_pos_south.width;
-       attributes_south.height = xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
-       attributes_middle.x = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x;
-       attributes_middle.y = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y;
-       attributes_middle.width = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width;
-       attributes_middle.height = xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height;
-       attributes_east.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_east);
-       attributes_west.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_west);
-       attributes_north.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_north);
-       attributes_south.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_south);
-       attributes_middle.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                                                       xpaned->cursor_type_middle);
-       attributes_east.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
-       attributes_west.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
-       attributes_north.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
-       attributes_south.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
-       attributes_middle.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
-       attributes_east.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
-       attributes_west.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
-       attributes_north.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
-       attributes_south.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
-       attributes_middle.event_mask |= (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
-       attributes_mask_east = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
-       attributes_mask_west = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
-       attributes_mask_north = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
-       attributes_mask_south = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
-       attributes_mask_middle = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_CURSOR;
-       xpaned->handle_east = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                                                                 &attributes_east,
-                                                                                 attributes_mask_east);
-       xpaned->handle_west = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                                                                 &attributes_west,
-                                                                                 attributes_mask_west);
-       xpaned->handle_north = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                                                                 &attributes_north,
-                                                                                 attributes_mask_north);
-       xpaned->handle_south = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                                                                 &attributes_south,
-                                                                                 attributes_mask_south);
-       xpaned->handle_middle = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                                                                 &attributes_middle,
-                                                                                 attributes_mask_middle);
-       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_east, xpaned);
-       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_west, xpaned);
-       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_north, xpaned);
-       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_south, xpaned);
-       gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_middle, xpaned);
-       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_east.cursor);
-       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_west.cursor);
-       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_north.cursor);
-       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_south.cursor);
-       gdk_cursor_unref (attributes_middle.cursor);
-       widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widget->window);
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
-       {
-               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_east);
-               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_west);
-               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_north);
-               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_south);
-               gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_middle);
-       }
-static void gtk_xpaned_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       if (xpaned->xor_gc)
-       {
-               g_object_unref (xpaned->xor_gc);
-               xpaned->xor_gc = NULL;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->handle_east)
-       {
-               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_east, NULL);
-               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_east);
-               xpaned->handle_east = NULL;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->handle_west)
-       {
-               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_west, NULL);
-               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_west);
-               xpaned->handle_west = NULL;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->handle_north)
-       {
-               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_north, NULL);
-               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_north);
-               xpaned->handle_north = NULL;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->handle_south)
-       {
-               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_south, NULL);
-               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_south);
-               xpaned->handle_south = NULL;
-       }
-       if (xpaned->handle_middle)
-       {
-               gdk_window_set_user_data (xpaned->handle_middle, NULL);
-               gdk_window_destroy (xpaned->handle_middle);
-               xpaned->handle_middle = NULL;
-       }
-       gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
-       if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize)
-               (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) (widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_map (GtkWidget* widget)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_east);
-       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_west);
-       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_north);
-       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_south);
-       gdk_window_show (xpaned->handle_middle);
-       GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->map (widget);
-static void gtk_xpaned_unmap (GtkWidget* widget)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_east);
-       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_west);
-       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_north);
-       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_south);
-       gdk_window_hide (xpaned->handle_middle);
-       GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unmap (widget);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_expose (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                  GdkEventExpose* event)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       gint handle_size;
-       GdkRectangle horizontalClipArea;
-       GdkRectangle verticalClipArea;
-       /* determine size of handle(s) */
-       gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
-       /* I want the handle-"thickness" to be at least 3 */
-       g_assert (handle_size >= 3);
-       if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (widget) && GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget) &&
-               xpaned->top_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->top_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->top_right_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_left_child) &&
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (xpaned->bottom_right_child))
-    {
-               GtkStateType state;
-               if (gtk_widget_is_focus (widget))
-                       state = GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
-               else if (xpaned->handle_prelit)
-                       state = GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT;
-               else
-                       state = GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget);
-               horizontalClipArea.x = xpaned->handle_pos_west.x;
-               horizontalClipArea.y = xpaned->handle_pos_west.y;
-               horizontalClipArea.width = xpaned->handle_pos_west.width + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_east.width;
-               horizontalClipArea.height = handle_size;
-               verticalClipArea.x = xpaned->handle_pos_north.x;
-               verticalClipArea.y = xpaned->handle_pos_north.y;
-               verticalClipArea.width = handle_size;
-               verticalClipArea.height = xpaned->handle_pos_north.height + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_south.height;
-               gtk_paint_handle (widget->style,
-                                                 widget->window,
-                                                 state,
-                                                 GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
-                                                 &horizontalClipArea,
-                                                 widget,
-                                                 "paned",
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_east.x - handle_size - 256 / 2,
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_west.y + 1,
-                                                 256 + handle_size,
-                                                 handle_size - 2,
-                                                 /*xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_west.y + 1,
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_west.width + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
-                                                 handle_size - 2,*/
-                                                 GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
-               gtk_paint_handle (widget->style,
-                                                 widget->window,
-                                                 state,
-                                                 GTK_SHADOW_NONE,
-                                                 &verticalClipArea,
-                                                 widget,
-                                                 "paned",
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_north.x + 1,
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_south.y - handle_size - 256 / 2,
-                                                 handle_size - 2,
-                                                 256 + handle_size,
-                                                 /*xpaned->handle_pos_north.x + 1,
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
-                                                 handle_size - 2,
-                                                 xpaned->handle_pos_north.height + handle_size + xpaned->handle_pos_south.height,*/
-                                                 GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
-       }
-       /* Chain up to draw children */
-       GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_event (widget, event);
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean is_rtl (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       if (gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
-               return TRUE;
-       return FALSE;
-static void update_drag (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       GdkPoint pos;
-       gint handle_size;
-       GtkRequisition size;
-       gtk_widget_get_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned), &pos.x, &pos.y);
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert)
-       {
-               pos.y -= xpaned->drag_pos.y;
-               if (is_rtl (xpaned))
-           {
-                       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned),
-                                                                 "handle-size", &handle_size,
-                                                                 NULL);
-                       size.height = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.height - pos.y - handle_size;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       size.height = pos.y;
-               }
-               size.height -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
-               size.height = CLAMP (size.height, xpaned->min_position.y, xpaned->max_position.y);
-               if (size.height != xpaned->top_left_child_size.height)
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, size.height);
-       }
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_horiz)
-       {
-               pos.x -= xpaned->drag_pos.x;
-               if (is_rtl (xpaned))
-           {
-                       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned),
-                                                                 "handle-size", &handle_size,
-                                                                 NULL);
-                       size.width = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.width - pos.x - handle_size;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       size.width = pos.x;
-               }
-               size.width -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
-               size.width = CLAMP (size.width, xpaned->min_position.x, xpaned->max_position.x);
-               if (size.width != xpaned->top_left_child_size.width)
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, size.width);
-       }
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
-       {
-               pos.x -= xpaned->drag_pos.x;
-               pos.y -= xpaned->drag_pos.y;
-               if (is_rtl (xpaned))
-           {
-                       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned),
-                                                                 "handle-size", &handle_size,
-                                                                 NULL);
-                       size.width = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.width - pos.x - handle_size;
-                       size.height = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->allocation.height - pos.y - handle_size;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       size.width = pos.x;
-                       size.height = pos.y;
-               }
-               size.width -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
-               size.height -= GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
-               size.width = CLAMP (size.width, xpaned->min_position.x, xpaned->max_position.x);
-               size.height = CLAMP (size.height, xpaned->min_position.y, xpaned->max_position.y);
-               if (size.width != xpaned->top_left_child_size.width)
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, size.width);
-               if (size.height != xpaned->top_left_child_size.height)
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, size.height);
-       }
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_enter (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert ||
-               xpaned->in_drag_horiz ||
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
-               update_drag (xpaned);
-       else
-       {
-               xpaned->handle_prelit = TRUE;
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height);
-       }
-       return TRUE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_leave (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* event)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert ||
-               xpaned->in_drag_horiz ||
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
-               update_drag (xpaned);
-       else
-       {
-               xpaned->handle_prelit = FALSE;
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_east.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_west.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_north.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_south.height);
-               gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (widget,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.x,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.y,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.width,
-                                                                       xpaned->handle_pos_middle.height);
-       }
-       return TRUE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_focus (GtkWidget* widget, GtkDirectionType direction)
-       gboolean retval;
-       /* This is a hack, but how can this be done without
-       * excessive cut-and-paste from gtkcontainer.c?
-       */
-       retval = (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->focus) (widget, direction);
-  return retval;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_press (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                                GdkEventButton* event)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       /* if any child is currently maximized, jump right back */
-       if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT]    ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT]   ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               return FALSE;
-       /* if user is dragging the handles around */
-       if (!xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
-                        event->window == xpaned->handle_middle &&
-                        event->button == 1)
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz = TRUE;
-               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
-               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
-               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_middle,
-                                                         FALSE,
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
-               {
-               }
-               xpaned->drag_pos.x = event->x;
-               xpaned->drag_pos.y = event->y;
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_vert &&
-               event->window == xpaned->handle_east &&
-               event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
-               event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
-               event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
-               event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
-               event->button == 1)
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert = TRUE;
-               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
-               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
-               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_east,
-                                                         FALSE,
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
-               {
-               }
-               xpaned->drag_pos.y = event->y;
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_vert &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
-                        event->window == xpaned->handle_west &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
-                        event->button == 1)
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert = TRUE;
-               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
-               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
-               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_west,
-                                                         FALSE,
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
-               {
-               }
-               xpaned->drag_pos.y = event->y;
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_horiz &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
-                        event->window == xpaned->handle_north &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_south &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
-                        event->button == 1)
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_horiz = TRUE;
-               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
-               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
-               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_north,
-                                                         FALSE,
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
-               {
-               }
-               xpaned->drag_pos.x = event->x;
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if (!xpaned->in_drag_horiz &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_east &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_west &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_north &&
-                        event->window == xpaned->handle_south &&
-                        event->window != xpaned->handle_middle &&
-                        event->button == 1)
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_horiz = TRUE;
-               /* We need a server grab here, not gtk_grab_add(), since
-               * we don't want to pass events on to the widget's children */
-               if (gdk_pointer_grab (xpaned->handle_south,
-                                                         FALSE,
-                                                         GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
-                                                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         event->time) == GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
-               {
-               }
-               xpaned->drag_pos.x = event->x;
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_button_release (GtkWidget* widget,
-                                                                                  GdkEventButton* event)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert && (event->button == 1))
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert = FALSE;
-               xpaned->drag_pos.y = -1;
-               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
-               gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                       event->time);
-               return TRUE;
-    }
-       else if (xpaned->in_drag_horiz && (event->button == 1))
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_horiz = FALSE;
-               xpaned->drag_pos.x = -1;
-               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
-               gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                       event->time);
-               return TRUE;
-    }
-       else if (xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz && (event->button == 1))
-       {
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz = FALSE;
-               xpaned->drag_pos.x = -1;
-               xpaned->drag_pos.y = -1;
-               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
-               gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
-                                                                       event->time);
-               return TRUE;
-    }
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_motion (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-       if (xpaned->in_drag_vert ||
-               xpaned->in_drag_horiz ||
-               xpaned->in_drag_vert_and_horiz)
-       {
-               update_drag (xpaned);
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-void gtk_xpaned_add_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
-       gtk_xpaned_pack_top_left (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
-       gtk_xpaned_pack_top_right (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
-       gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_left (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget *widget)
-       gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_right (xpaned, widget, FALSE, TRUE);
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                          GtkWidget* child,
-                                                          gboolean   resize,
-                                                          gboolean   shrink)
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
-       if (!xpaned->top_left_child)
-       {
-               xpaned->top_left_child = child;
-               xpaned->top_left_child_resize = resize;
-               xpaned->top_left_child_shrink = shrink;
-               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-       }
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                               GtkWidget* child,
-                                                               gboolean   resize,
-                                                               gboolean   shrink)
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
-       if (!xpaned->top_right_child)
-       {
-               xpaned->top_right_child = child;
-               xpaned->top_right_child_resize = resize;
-               xpaned->top_right_child_shrink = shrink;
-               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-       }
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                 GtkWidget* child,
-                                                                 gboolean   resize,
-                                                                 gboolean   shrink)
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
-       if (!xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-       {
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child = child;
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child_resize = resize;
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child_shrink = shrink;
-               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-       }
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                  GtkWidget* child,
-                                                                  gboolean   resize,
-                                                                  gboolean   shrink)
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
-       if (!xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-       {
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child = child;
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child_resize = resize;
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child_shrink = shrink;
-               gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-       }
-static void gtk_xpaned_add (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (container));
-       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
-       if (!xpaned->top_left_child)
-               gtk_xpaned_add_top_left (xpaned, widget);
-       else if (!xpaned->top_right_child)
-               gtk_xpaned_add_top_right (xpaned, widget);
-       else if (!xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-               gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_left (xpaned, widget);
-       else if (!xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-               gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_right (xpaned, widget);
-       else
-               g_warning ("GtkXPaned cannot have more than 4 children\n");
-static void gtk_xpaned_remove (GtkContainer* container, GtkWidget* widget)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
-       gboolean was_visible;
-       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
-       was_visible = GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (widget);
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child == widget)
-       {
-               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
-               xpaned->top_left_child = NULL;
-               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
-                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
-       }
-       else if (xpaned->top_right_child == widget)
-       {
-               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
-               xpaned->top_right_child = NULL;
-               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
-                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
-       }
-       else if (xpaned->bottom_left_child == widget)
-       {
-               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
-               xpaned->bottom_left_child = NULL;
-               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
-                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
-       }
-       else if (xpaned->bottom_right_child == widget)
-       {
-               gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
-               xpaned->bottom_right_child = NULL;
-               if (was_visible && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (container))
-                       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (container));
-       }
-       else
-               g_warning ("GtkXPaned has no more children attached\n");
-static void gtk_xpaned_forall (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                          gboolean      include_internals,
-                                                          GtkCallback   callback,
-                                                          gpointer      callback_data)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
-       g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);
-       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child)
-       (*callback) (xpaned->top_left_child, callback_data);
-       if (xpaned->top_right_child)
-               (*callback) (xpaned->top_right_child, callback_data);
-       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-       (*callback) (xpaned->bottom_left_child, callback_data);
-       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-               (*callback) (xpaned->bottom_right_child, callback_data);
- * gtk_xpaned_get_position_x:
- * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * 
- * Obtains the x-position of the divider.
- * 
- * Return value: x-position of the divider
- **/
-gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), 0);
-       return xpaned->top_left_child_size.width;
- * gtk_xpaned_get_position_y:
- * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * 
- * Obtains the y-position of the divider.
- * 
- * Return value: y-position of the divider
- **/
-gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), 0);
-       return xpaned->top_left_child_size.height;
- * gtk_xpaned_set_position_x:
- * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * @xposition: pixel x-position of divider, a negative values
- *                        of a component mean that the position is unset.
- * 
- * Sets the x-position of the divider between the four panes.
- **/
-void gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint xposition)
-       GObject* object;
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       /* if any child is currently maximized, jump right back */
-       if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT]    ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT]   ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               return;
-       object = G_OBJECT (xpaned);
-       if (xposition >= 0)
-       {
-               /* We don't clamp here - the assumption is that
-               * if the total allocation changes at the same time
-               * as the position, the position set is with reference
-               * to the new total size. If only the position changes,
-               * then clamping will occur in gtk_paned_compute_position()
-               */
-               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = xposition;
-               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               xpaned->position_set = FALSE;
-       }
-       g_object_freeze_notify (object);
-       g_object_notify (object, "x-position");
-       g_object_notify (object, "position-set");
-       g_object_thaw_notify (object);
-       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
- * gtk_xpaned_set_position_y:
- * @paned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * @yposition: pixel y-position of divider, a negative values
- *                        of a component mean that the position is unset.
- * 
- * Sets the y-position of the divider between the four panes.
- **/
-void gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint yposition)
-       GObject* object;
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       /* if any child is currently maximized, jump right back */
-       if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT]    ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT]   ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] ||
-               xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               return;
-       object = G_OBJECT (xpaned);
-       if (yposition >= 0)
-       {
-               /* We don't clamp here - the assumption is that
-               * if the total allocation changes at the same time
-               * as the position, the position set is with reference
-               * to the new total size. If only the position changes,
-               * then clamping will occur in gtk_paned_compute_position()
-               */
-               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = yposition;
-               xpaned->position_set = TRUE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               xpaned->position_set = FALSE;
-       }
-       g_object_freeze_notify (object);
-       g_object_notify (object, "y-position");
-       g_object_notify (object, "position-set");
-       g_object_thaw_notify (object);
-       gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
-void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       xpaned->unmaximized_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (xpaned);
-/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
-void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       xpaned->unmaximized_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (xpaned);
-/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
-gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       return xpaned->unmaximized_position.x;
-/* this call is private and only intended for internal use! */
-gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       return xpaned->unmaximized_position.y;
- * gtk_xpaned_get_top_left_child:
- * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * 
- * Obtains the top-left child of the xpaned widget.
- * 
- * Return value: top-left child, or %NULL if it is not set.
- *
- * Since: 2.4
- **/
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
-       return xpaned->top_left_child;
- * gtk_xpaned_get_top_right_child:
- * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * 
- * Obtains the top-right child of the xpaned widget.
- * 
- * Return value: top-right child, or %NULL if it is not set.
- *
- * Since: 2.4
- **/
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
-       return xpaned->top_right_child;
- * gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_left_child:
- * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * 
- * Obtains the bottom-left child of the xpaned widget.
- * 
- * Return value: bottom-left child, or %NULL if it is not set.
- *
- * Since: 2.4
- **/
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
-       return xpaned->bottom_left_child;
- * gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_right_child:
- * @xpaned: a #GtkXPaned widget
- * 
- * Obtains the bottom-right child of the xpaned widget.
- * 
- * Return value: bottom-right child, or %NULL if it is not set.
- *
- * Since: 2.4
- **/
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned), NULL);
-       return xpaned->bottom_right_child;
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
-       if (maximize)
-       {
-               /* see if any child is already maximized */
-               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               {
-                       /* save current position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
-                       /* set new maximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.x);
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.y);
-                       /* mark maximized flag for top-left child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] = TRUE;
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* already one child maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               /* verify that top-left child is really currently maximized */
-               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT])
-               {
-                       /* clear maximized flat for top-left child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] = FALSE;
-                       /* restore unmaximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* top-left child is currently not maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
-       if (maximize)
-       {
-               /* see if any child is already maximized */
-               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               {
-                       /* save current position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
-                       /* set new maximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.x);
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.y);
-                       /* mark maximized flag for top-right child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] = TRUE;
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* already one child maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               /* verify that top-right child is really currently maximized */
-               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT])
-               {
-                       /* clear maximized flat for top-right child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] = FALSE;
-                       /* restore unmaximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* top-right child is currently not maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
-       if (maximize)
-       {
-               /* see if any child is already maximized */
-               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               {
-                       /* save current position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
-                       /* set new maximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->max_position.x);
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.y);
-                       /* mark maximized flag for bottom-left child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] = TRUE;
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* already one child maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               /* verify that bottom-left child is really currently maximized */
-               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT])
-               {
-                       /* clear maximized flat for bottom-left child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] = FALSE;
-                       /* restore unmaximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* bottom-left child is currently not maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize)
-       if (maximize)
-       {
-               /* see if any child is already maximized */
-               if (!xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_TOP_RIGHT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_LEFT] &&
-                       !xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               {
-                       /* save current position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (xpaned);
-                       gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (xpaned);
-                       /* set new maximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.x);
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->min_position.y);
-                       /* mark maximized flag for bottom-right child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = TRUE;
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* already one child maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               /* verify that bottom-right child is really currently maximized */
-               if (xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT])
-               {
-                       /* clear maximized flat for bottom-right child */
-                       xpaned->maximized[GTK_XPANED_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = FALSE;
-                       /* restore unmaximized position */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (xpaned));
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (xpaned));
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               /* bottom-right child is currently not maximized, report error */
-               else
-                       return FALSE;
-       }
-gtk_xpaned_compute_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                            const GtkAllocation* allocation,
-                            GtkRequisition* top_left_child_req,
-                            GtkRequisition* top_right_child_req,
-                            GtkRequisition* bottom_left_child_req,
-                            GtkRequisition* bottom_right_child_req)
-  GdkPoint old_position;
-  GdkPoint old_min_position;
-       GdkPoint old_max_position;
-       gint handle_size;
-       gint border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned)->border_width;
-       float fX;
-       float fY;
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (xpaned));
-       old_position.x = xpaned->top_left_child_size.width;
-       old_position.y = xpaned->top_left_child_size.height;
-       old_min_position.x = xpaned->min_position.x;
-       old_min_position.y = xpaned->min_position.y;
-       old_max_position.x = xpaned->max_position.x;
-       old_max_position.y = xpaned->max_position.y;
-       fX = 100.0f * (float) old_position.x / (float) allocation->width;
-       fY = 100.0f * (float) old_position.y / (float) allocation->height;
-       xpaned->min_position.x = xpaned->top_left_child_shrink ? 0 : top_left_child_req->width;
-       xpaned->min_position.y = xpaned->top_left_child_shrink ? 0 : top_left_child_req->height;
-       gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned), "handle-size", &handle_size, NULL);
-       xpaned->max_position.x = allocation->width - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
-       xpaned->max_position.y = allocation->height - 2 * border_width - handle_size;
-       if (!xpaned->top_left_child_shrink)
-               xpaned->max_position.x = MAX (1, xpaned->max_position.x - top_left_child_req->width);
-       xpaned->max_position.x = MAX (xpaned->min_position.x, xpaned->max_position.x);
-       if (!xpaned->position_set)
-       {
-               if (xpaned->top_left_child_resize && !xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
-               {
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = MAX (0, allocation->width - top_right_child_req->width);
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = MAX (0, allocation->height - top_right_child_req->height);
-               }
-               else if (!xpaned->top_left_child_resize && xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
-               {
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = top_left_child_req->width;
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = top_left_child_req->height;
-               }
-               else if (top_left_child_req->width + top_right_child_req->width != 0)
-               {
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width * ((gdouble)top_left_child_req->width / (top_left_child_req->width + top_right_child_req->width)) + 0.5;
-               }
-               else if (top_left_child_req->height + top_right_child_req->height != 0)
-               {
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height * ((gdouble)top_left_child_req->height / (top_left_child_req->height + top_right_child_req->height)) + 0.5;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width * 0.5 + 0.5;
-                       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height * 0.5 + 0.5;
-               }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               /* If the position was set before the initial allocation.
-               ** (paned->last_allocation <= 0) just clamp it and leave it. */
-               if (xpaned->last_allocation.width > 0)
-               {
-                       if (xpaned->top_left_child_resize && !xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
-                       {
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width += allocation->width
-                                                                                                        - xpaned->last_allocation.width;
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height += allocation->height
-                                                                                                         - xpaned->last_allocation.height;
-                       }
-                       else if (!(!xpaned->top_left_child_resize && xpaned->top_right_child_resize))
-                       {
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width
-                                                                                                       * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.width / (xpaned->last_allocation.width))
-                                                                                                       + 0.5;
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height
-                                                                                                        * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.height / (xpaned->last_allocation.height))
-                                                                                                        + 0.5;
-                       }
-               }
-               if (xpaned->last_allocation.height > 0)
-               {
-                       if (xpaned->top_left_child_resize && !xpaned->top_right_child_resize)
-                       {
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width += allocation->width - xpaned->last_allocation.width;
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height += allocation->height - xpaned->last_allocation.height;
-                       }
-                       else if (!(!xpaned->top_left_child_resize && xpaned->top_right_child_resize))
-                       {
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = allocation->width * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.width / (xpaned->last_allocation.width)) + 0.5;
-                               xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = allocation->height * ((gdouble) xpaned->top_left_child_size.height / (xpaned->last_allocation.height)) + 0.5;
-                       }
-               }
-    }
-       xpaned->top_left_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->top_left_child_size.width,
-                                                                                          xpaned->min_position.x,
-                                                                                          xpaned->max_position.x);
-       xpaned->top_left_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->top_left_child_size.height,
-                                                                                               xpaned->min_position.y,
-                                                                                               xpaned->max_position.y);
-       xpaned->top_right_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->top_right_child_size.width,
-                                                                                               xpaned->min_position.x,
-                                                                                               xpaned->max_position.x);
-       xpaned->top_right_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->top_right_child_size.height,
-                                                                                                xpaned->min_position.y,
-                                                                                                xpaned->max_position.y);
-       xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.width,
-                                                                                                 xpaned->min_position.x,
-                                                                                                 xpaned->max_position.x);
-       xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.height,
-                                                                                                  xpaned->min_position.y,
-                                                                                                  xpaned->max_position.y);
-       xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.width = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.width,
-                                                                                                  xpaned->min_position.x,
-                                                                                                  xpaned->max_position.x);
-       xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.height = CLAMP (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.height,
-                                                                                                       xpaned->min_position.y,
-                                                                                                       xpaned->max_position.y);
-       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->top_left_child, TRUE);
-       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->top_right_child, TRUE);
-       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->bottom_left_child, TRUE);
-       gtk_widget_set_child_visible (xpaned->bottom_right_child, TRUE);
-       g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned));
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child_size.width != old_position.x)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
-       if (xpaned->top_left_child_size.height != old_position.y)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
-       if (xpaned->top_right_child_size.width != old_position.x)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
-       if (xpaned->top_right_child_size.height != old_position.y)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
-       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.width != old_position.x)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
-       if (xpaned->bottom_left_child_size.height != old_position.y)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
-       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.width != old_position.x)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "x-position");
-       if (xpaned->bottom_right_child_size.height != old_position.y)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "y-position");
-       if (xpaned->min_position.x != old_min_position.x)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "min-x-position");
-       if (xpaned->min_position.y != old_min_position.y)
-               g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "min-y-position");
-       if (xpaned->max_position.x != old_max_position.x)
-       g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "max-y-position");
-       if (xpaned->max_position.y != old_max_position.y)
-       g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned), "max-y-position");
-       g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (xpaned));
-       xpaned->last_allocation.width = allocation->width;
-       xpaned->last_allocation.height = allocation->height;
-       fX = 100.0f * (float) old_position.x / (float) allocation->width;
-       fY = 100.0f * (float) old_position.y / (float) allocation->height;
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* widget)
-       if (xpaned->priv->saved_focus)
-               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->saved_focus),
-                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->saved_focus));
-       xpaned->priv->saved_focus = widget;
-       if (xpaned->priv->saved_focus)
-               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->saved_focus),
-                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->saved_focus));
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                GtkXPaned* first_xpaned)
-       if (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
-               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned),
-                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->first_xpaned));
-       xpaned->priv->first_xpaned = first_xpaned;
-       if (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
-               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->priv->first_xpaned),
-                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->priv->first_xpaned));
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                         GtkWidget* widget)
-       if (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus)
-               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus),
-                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus));
-       xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus = widget;
-       if (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus)
-               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus),
-                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus));
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                          GtkWidget *widget)
-       if (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus)
-               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus),
-                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus));
-       xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus = widget;
-       if (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus)
-               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus),
-                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus));
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                                GtkWidget *widget)
-       if (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus)
-               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus),
-                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus));
-       xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus = widget;
-       if (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus)
-               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus),
-                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus));
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                                                GtkWidget *widget)
-       if (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus)
-               g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus),
-                                                                         (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus));
-       xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus = widget;
-       if (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus)
-               g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus),
-                                                                  (gpointer *)&(xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus));
-static GtkWidget* xpaned_get_focus_widget (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       GtkWidget* toplevel;
-       toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-       if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (toplevel))
-               return GTK_WINDOW (toplevel)->focus_widget;
-       return NULL;
-static void gtk_xpaned_set_focus_child (GtkContainer* container,
-                                                                               GtkWidget* focus_child)
-       GtkXPaned* xpaned;
-       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_XPANED (container));
-       xpaned = GTK_XPANED (container);
-       if (focus_child == NULL)
-       {
-               GtkWidget* last_focus;
-               GtkWidget* w;
-               last_focus = xpaned_get_focus_widget (xpaned);
-               if (last_focus)
-               {
-                       /* If there is one or more paned widgets between us and the
-                       * focus widget, we want the topmost of those as last_focus
-                       */
-                       for (w = last_focus; w != GTK_WIDGET (xpaned); w = w->parent)
-                               if (GTK_IS_XPANED (w))
-                                       last_focus = w;
-                       if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
-                       else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
-                       else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
-                       else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-                               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (xpaned, last_focus);
-               }
-       }
-       if (parent_class->set_focus_child)
-               (* parent_class->set_focus_child) (container, focus_child);
-static void gtk_xpaned_get_cycle_chain (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                               GtkDirectionType direction,
-                                                                               GList** widgets)
-       GtkContainer* container = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned);
-       GtkWidget* ancestor = NULL;
-       GList* temp_list = NULL;
-       GList* list;
-       if (xpaned->in_recursion)
-               return;
-       g_assert (widgets != NULL);
-       if (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus &&
-               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus,
-                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       }
-       if (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus &&
-               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus,
-                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               gtk_xpaned_set_last_top_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       }
-       if (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus &&
-               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus,
-                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_left_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       }
-       if (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus &&
-               !gtk_widget_is_ancestor (xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus,
-                                                                GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               gtk_xpaned_set_last_bottom_right_child_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-       }
-       if (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->parent)
-               ancestor = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)->parent,
-                                                                                       GTK_TYPE_XPANED);
-       /* The idea here is that temp_list is a list of widgets we want to cycle
-       * to. The list is prioritized so that the first element is our first
-       * choice, the next our second, and so on.
-       *
-       * We can't just use g_list_reverse(), because we want to try
-       * paned->last_child?_focus before paned->child?, both when we
-       * are going forward and backward.
-       */
-       if (direction == GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD)
-       {
-               if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_left_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_right_child);
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_left_child);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_right_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-               }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->bottom_right_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_right_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_bottom_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->bottom_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_right_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_right_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->last_top_left_child_focus);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, xpaned->top_left_child);
-                       temp_list = g_list_append (temp_list, ancestor);
-               }
-       }
-       /* Walk the list and expand all the paned widgets. */
-       for (list = temp_list; list != NULL; list = list->next)
-       {
-               GtkWidget *widget = list->data;
-               if (widget)
-               {
-                       if (GTK_IS_XPANED (widget))
-                       {
-                               xpaned->in_recursion = TRUE;
-                               gtk_xpaned_get_cycle_chain (GTK_XPANED (widget),
-                                                                                       direction,
-                                                                                       widgets);
-                               xpaned->in_recursion = FALSE;
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               *widgets = g_list_append (*widgets, widget);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       g_list_free (temp_list);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_child_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                         gboolean reversed)
-       GList* cycle_chain = NULL;
-       GList* list;
-       GtkDirectionType direction = reversed ? GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD : GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD;
-       /* ignore f6 if the handle is focused */
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-               return TRUE;
-       /* we can't just let the event propagate up the hierarchy,
-       * because the paned will want to cycle focus _unless_ an
-       * ancestor paned handles the event
-       */
-       gtk_xpaned_get_cycle_chain (xpaned, direction, &cycle_chain);
-       for (list = cycle_chain; list != NULL; list = list->next)
-               if (gtk_widget_child_focus (GTK_WIDGET (list->data), direction))
-                       break;
-       g_list_free (cycle_chain);
-       return TRUE;
-static void get_child_xpanes (GtkWidget* widget, GList** xpanes)
-       if (GTK_IS_XPANED (widget))
-       {
-               GtkXPaned* xpaned = GTK_XPANED (widget);
-               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->top_left_child, xpanes);
-               *xpanes = g_list_prepend (*xpanes, widget);
-               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->top_right_child, xpanes);
-               *xpanes = g_list_prepend (*xpanes, widget);
-               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->bottom_left_child, xpanes);
-               *xpanes = g_list_prepend (*xpanes, widget);
-               get_child_xpanes (xpaned->bottom_right_child, xpanes);
-       }
-       else if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget))
-       {
-               gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER (widget),
-                                                          (GtkCallback)get_child_xpanes,
-                                                          xpanes);
-       }
-static GList* get_all_xpanes (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       GtkXPaned* topmost = NULL;
-       GList* result = NULL;
-       GtkWidget* w;
-       for (w = GTK_WIDGET (xpaned); w != NULL; w = w->parent)
-       {
-               if (GTK_IS_XPANED (w))
-                       topmost = GTK_XPANED (w);
-       }
-       g_assert (topmost);
-       get_child_xpanes (GTK_WIDGET (topmost), &result);
-       return g_list_reverse (result);
-static void gtk_xpaned_find_neighbours (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                               GtkXPaned** next,
-                                                                               GtkXPaned** prev)
-       GList* all_xpanes;
-       GList* this_link;
-       all_xpanes = get_all_xpanes (xpaned);
-       g_assert (all_xpanes);
-       this_link = g_list_find (all_xpanes, xpaned);
-       g_assert (this_link);
-       if (this_link->next)
-               *next = this_link->next->data;
-       else
-               *next = all_xpanes->data;
-       if (this_link->prev)
-               *prev = this_link->prev->data;
-       else
-               *prev = g_list_last (all_xpanes)->data;
-       g_list_free (all_xpanes);
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_move_handle (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkScrollType scroll)
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               GdkPoint old_position;
-               GdkPoint new_position;
-               gint increment;
-               enum
-               {
-                       SINGLE_STEP_SIZE = 1,
-                       PAGE_STEP_SIZE   = 75
-               };
-               new_position.x = old_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (xpaned);
-               new_position.y = old_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (xpaned);
-               increment = 0;
-               switch (scroll)
-               {
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_BACKWARD:
-                               increment = - SINGLE_STEP_SIZE;
-                       break;
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_STEP_FORWARD:
-                               increment = SINGLE_STEP_SIZE;
-                       break;
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD:
-                               increment = - PAGE_STEP_SIZE;
-                       break;
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN:
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_FORWARD:
-                               increment = PAGE_STEP_SIZE;
-                       break;
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_START:
-                               new_position.x = xpaned->min_position.x;
-                               new_position.y = xpaned->min_position.y;
-                       break;
-                       case GTK_SCROLL_END:
-                               new_position.x = xpaned->max_position.x;
-                               new_position.y = xpaned->max_position.y;
-                       break;
-                       default:
-                       break;
-               }
-               if (increment)
-               {
-                       if (is_rtl (xpaned))
-                               increment = -increment;
-                       new_position.x = old_position.x + increment;
-                       new_position.y = old_position.y + increment;
-               }
-               new_position.x = CLAMP (new_position.x,
-                                                               xpaned->min_position.x,
-                                                               xpaned->max_position.x);
-               new_position.y = CLAMP (new_position.y,
-                                                               xpaned->min_position.y,
-                                                               xpaned->max_position.y);
-               if (old_position.x != new_position.x)
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, new_position.x);
-               if (old_position.y != new_position.y)
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, new_position.y);
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-static void gtk_xpaned_restore_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               if (xpaned->priv->saved_focus &&
-                       GTK_WIDGET_SENSITIVE (xpaned->priv->saved_focus))
-               {
-                       gtk_widget_grab_focus (xpaned->priv->saved_focus);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       /* the saved focus is somehow not available for focusing,
-                       * try
-                       *   1) tabbing into the paned widget
-                       * if that didn't work,
-                       *   2) unset focus for the window if there is one
-                       */
-                       if (!gtk_widget_child_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned), GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD))
-                       {
-                               GtkWidget *toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-                               if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
-                                       gtk_window_set_focus (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), NULL);
-                       }
-               }
-               gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
-    }
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_accept_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
-               xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
-               gtk_xpaned_restore_focus (xpaned);
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cancel_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               if (xpaned->original_position.x != -1)
-               {
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (xpaned, xpaned->original_position.x);
-                       xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
-               }
-               if (xpaned->original_position.y != -1)
-               {
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (xpaned, xpaned->original_position.y);
-                       xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
-               }
-               gtk_xpaned_restore_focus (xpaned);
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_cycle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                                                                          gboolean reversed)
-       GtkXPaned* next;
-       GtkXPaned* prev;
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-       {
-               GtkXPaned* focus = NULL;
-               if (!xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
-               {
-                       /* The first_pane has disappeared. As an ad-hoc solution,
-                       * we make the currently focused paned the first_paned. To the
-                       * user this will seem like the paned cycling has been reset.
-                       */
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, xpaned);
-               }
-               gtk_xpaned_find_neighbours (xpaned, &next, &prev);
-               if (reversed && prev &&
-                       prev != xpaned && xpaned != xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
-               {
-                       focus = prev;
-               }
-               else if (!reversed &&
-                                next &&
-                                next != xpaned &&
-                                next != xpaned->priv->first_xpaned)
-               {
-                       focus = next;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       gtk_xpaned_accept_position (xpaned);
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               g_assert (focus);
-               gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (focus, xpaned->priv->saved_focus);
-               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (focus, xpaned->priv->first_xpaned);
-               gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (xpaned, NULL);
-               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (xpaned, NULL);
-               gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (focus));
-               if (!gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-               {
-                       xpaned->original_position.x = -1;
-                       xpaned->original_position.y = -1;
-                       focus->original_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (focus);
-                       focus->original_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (focus);
-               }
-       }
-       else
-    {
-               GtkContainer* container = GTK_CONTAINER (xpaned);
-               GtkXPaned* focus;
-               GtkXPaned* first;
-               GtkXPaned* prev;
-               GtkXPaned* next;
-               GtkWidget* toplevel;
-               gtk_xpaned_find_neighbours (xpaned, &next, &prev);
-               if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_left_child)
-               {
-                       if (reversed)
-                       {
-                               focus = prev;
-                               first = xpaned;
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               focus = xpaned;
-                               first = xpaned;
-                       }
-               }
-               else if (container->focus_child == xpaned->top_right_child)
-               {
-                       if (reversed)
-                       {
-                               focus = xpaned;
-                               first = next;
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               focus = next;
-                               first = next;
-                       }
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       /* Focus is not inside this xpaned, and we don't have focus.
-                       * Presumably this happened because the application wants us
-                       * to start keyboard navigating.
-                       */
-                       focus = xpaned;
-                       if (reversed)
-                               first = xpaned;
-                       else
-                               first = next;
-               }
-               toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned));
-               if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
-                       gtk_xpaned_set_saved_focus (focus, GTK_WINDOW (toplevel)->focus_widget);
-               gtk_xpaned_set_first_xpaned (focus, first);
-               focus->original_position.x = gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (focus);
-               focus->original_position.y = gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (focus); 
-               gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (focus));
-       }
-       return TRUE;
-static gboolean gtk_xpaned_toggle_handle_focus (GtkXPaned* xpaned)
-       /* This function/signal has the wrong name. It is called when you
-       * press Tab or Shift-Tab and what we do is act as if
-       * the user pressed Return and then Tab or Shift-Tab
-       */
-       if (gtk_widget_is_focus (GTK_WIDGET (xpaned)))
-               gtk_xpaned_accept_position (xpaned);
-  return FALSE;
-/*#define __GTK_XPANED_C__*/
-/*#include "gtkaliasdef.c"*/
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.h b/lib/gtksheet/gtkxpaned.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 47e752e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-**3456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 
-**      10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
-**  library for GtkXPaned-widget, a 2x2 grid-like variation of GtkPaned of gtk+
-**  Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mirco "MacSlow" Müller <>
-**  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-**  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-**  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-**  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-**  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-**  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-**  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-**  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-**  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-**  GtkXPaned is based on GtkPaned which was done by...
-**  "Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald"
-**  and later modified by...
-**  "the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000"
-#ifndef GTK_XPANED_H
-#define GTK_XPANED_H
-#include <gtk/gtkcontainer.h>
-#define GTK_TYPE_XPANED                  (gtk_xpaned_get_type ())
-#define GTK_XPANED(obj)                  (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XPANED, GtkXPaned))
-#define GTK_XPANED_CLASS(klass)          (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_XPANED, GtkXPanedClass))
-#define GTK_IS_XPANED(obj)               (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XPANED))
-#define GTK_XPANED_GET_CLASS(obj)        (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_XPANED, GtkXPanedClass))
-typedef struct _GtkXPaned        GtkXPaned;
-typedef struct _GtkXPanedClass   GtkXPanedClass;
-typedef struct _GtkXPanedPrivate GtkXPanedPrivate;
-typedef enum _GtkXPanedChild
-       GTK_XPANED_TOP_LEFT = 0,
-} GtkXPanedChild;
-struct _GtkXPaned
-       GtkContainer container;
-       GtkWidget* top_left_child;
-       GtkWidget* top_right_child;
-       GtkWidget* bottom_left_child;
-       GtkWidget* bottom_right_child;
-       GdkWindow* handle_east;
-       GdkWindow* handle_west;
-       GdkWindow* handle_north;
-       GdkWindow* handle_south;
-       GdkWindow* handle_middle;
-       GdkGC* xor_gc;
-       GdkCursorType cursor_type_east;
-       GdkCursorType cursor_type_west;
-       GdkCursorType cursor_type_north;
-       GdkCursorType cursor_type_south;
-       GdkCursorType cursor_type_middle;
-       /*< private >*/
-       GdkRectangle handle_pos_east;
-       GdkRectangle handle_pos_west;
-       GdkRectangle handle_pos_north;
-       GdkRectangle handle_pos_south;
-       GdkRectangle handle_pos_middle;
-       GtkRequisition top_left_child_size;
-       GtkRequisition top_right_child_size;
-       GtkRequisition bottom_left_child_size;
-       GtkRequisition bottom_right_child_size;
-       GtkRequisition last_allocation;
-       GdkPoint min_position;
-       GdkPoint max_position;
-       gboolean maximized[4];
-       guint position_set : 1;
-       guint in_drag_vert : 1;
-       guint in_drag_horiz : 1;
-       guint in_drag_vert_and_horiz : 1;
-       guint top_left_child_shrink : 1;
-       guint top_left_child_resize : 1;
-       guint top_right_child_shrink : 1;
-       guint top_right_child_resize : 1;
-       guint bottom_left_child_shrink : 1;
-       guint bottom_left_child_resize : 1;
-       guint bottom_right_child_shrink : 1;
-       guint bottom_right_child_resize : 1;
-       guint in_recursion : 1;
-       guint handle_prelit : 1;
-       GtkWidget* last_top_left_child_focus;
-       GtkWidget* last_top_right_child_focus;
-       GtkWidget* last_bottom_left_child_focus;
-       GtkWidget* last_bottom_right_child_focus;
-       GtkXPanedPrivate* priv;
-       GdkPoint drag_pos;
-       GdkPoint original_position;
-       GdkPoint unmaximized_position;
-struct _GtkXPanedClass
-       GtkContainerClass parent_class;
-       gboolean (*cycle_child_focus)   (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean reverse); 
-       gboolean (*toggle_handle_focus) (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-       gboolean (*move_handle)                 (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkScrollType scroll);
-       gboolean (*cycle_handle_focus)  (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean reverse);
-       gboolean (*accept_position)             (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-       gboolean (*cancel_position)     (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-GType gtk_xpaned_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_new (void);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
-void gtk_xpaned_add_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child);
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
-void gtk_xpaned_pack_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, GtkWidget* child, gboolean resize, gboolean shrink);
-gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-gint gtk_xpaned_get_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-void gtk_xpaned_set_position_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint xposition);
-void gtk_xpaned_set_position_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gint yposition);
-void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-void gtk_xpaned_save_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_x (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-gint gtk_xpaned_fetch_unmaximized_y (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_top_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_right_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-GtkWidget* gtk_xpaned_get_bottom_left_child (GtkXPaned* xpaned);
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_top_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_left (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
-gboolean gtk_xpaned_maximize_bottom_right (GtkXPaned* xpaned, gboolean maximize);
-/* Internal function */
-void gtk_xpaned_compute_position (GtkXPaned* xpaned,
-                                 const GtkAllocation* allocation,
-                                 GtkRequisition* top_left_child_req,
-                                 GtkRequisition* top_right_child_req,
-                                 GtkRequisition* bottom_left_child_req,
-                                 GtkRequisition* bottom_right_child_req);
-#define        gtk_xpaned_gutter_size(p,s) (void) 0
-#define        gtk_xpaned_set_gutter_size(p,s) (void) 0
-#endif /* GTK_XPANED_H */
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.c b/lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dac561a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5465 +0,0 @@
-   Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation
-   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- This file is derived from the gtksheet.c and extensively modified for the
- requirements of PSPPIRE.  The changes are copyright by the
- Free Software Foundation.  The copyright notice for the original work is
- below.
-/* GtkSheet widget for Gtk+.
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Adrian E. Feiguin <>
- *
- * Based on GtkClist widget by Jay Painter, but major changes.
- * Memory allocation routines inspired on SC (Spreadsheet Calculator)
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- * SECTION:psppiresheet
- * @short_description: spreadsheet widget for gtk2
- *
- * PsppireSheet is a matrix widget for GTK+. It consists of an scrollable grid of
- * cells where you can allocate text. Cell contents can be edited interactively
- * through a specially designed entry, GtkItemEntry.
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <gdk/gdk.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
-#include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkbutton.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkadjustment.h>
-#include <gtk/gtktypeutils.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkentry.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkcontainer.h>
-#include <pango/pango.h>
-#include "psppire-sheet.h"
-#include <ui/gui/psppire-marshal.h>
-#include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-sheetmodel.h>
-#include <libpspp/misc.h>
-#include <math.h>
-/* sheet flags */
-  {
-    PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG = 1 << 3,
-  };
-#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_FLAGS(sheet) (PSPPIRE_SHEET (sheet)->flags)
-#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_SET_FLAGS(sheet,flag) (PSPPIRE_SHEET_FLAGS (sheet) |= (flag))
-#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_UNSET_FLAGS(sheet,flag) (PSPPIRE_SHEET_FLAGS (sheet) &= ~ (flag))
-#define CELL_SPACING 1
-#define TIMEOUT_HOVER 300
-#define COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH 10
-static void set_entry_widget_font (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void draw_column_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint n);
-static void draw_row_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint n);
-static void redraw_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range);
-static void set_row_height (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                           gint row,
-                           gint height);
-static void destroy_hover_window (PsppireSheetHoverTitle *);
-static PsppireSheetHoverTitle *create_hover_window (void);
-static GtkStateType psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col);
-static inline  void
-dispose_string (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gchar *text)
-  PsppireSheetModel *model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
-  if ( ! model )
-    return;
-  if (psppire_sheet_model_free_strings (model))
-    g_free (text);
-/* FIXME: Why bother with these two ? */
-/* returns the column index from a pixel location */
-static inline gint
-column_from_xpixel (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint pixel)
-  return psppire_axis_unit_at_pixel (sheet->haxis, pixel);
-static inline gint
-row_from_ypixel (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint pixel)
-  return psppire_axis_unit_at_pixel (sheet->vaxis, pixel);
-/* Return the lowest row number which is wholly or partially on
-   the visible range of the sheet */
-static inline glong
-min_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  return row_from_ypixel (sheet, sheet->vadjustment->value);
-static inline glong
-min_fully_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  glong row = min_visible_row (sheet);
-  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row) < sheet->vadjustment->value)
-    row++;
-  return row;
-static inline glong
-max_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  return row_from_ypixel (sheet, sheet->vadjustment->value + sheet->vadjustment->page_size);
-static inline glong
-max_fully_visible_row (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  glong row = max_visible_row (sheet);
-  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row)
-       +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, row)
-       > sheet->vadjustment->value)
-    row--;
-  return row;
-/* Returns the lowest column number which is wholly or partially
-   on the sheet */
-static inline glong
-min_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  return column_from_xpixel (sheet, sheet->hadjustment->value);
-static inline glong
-min_fully_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  glong col = min_visible_column (sheet);
-  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col) < sheet->hadjustment->value)
-    col++;
-  return col;
-/* Returns the highest column number which is wholly or partially
-   on the sheet */
-static inline glong
-max_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  return column_from_xpixel (sheet, sheet->hadjustment->value + sheet->hadjustment->page_size);
-static inline glong
-max_fully_visible_column (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  glong col = max_visible_column (sheet);
-  if ( psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col)
-       +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, col)
-       > sheet->hadjustment->value)
-    col--;
-  return col;
-/* The size of the region (in pixels) around the row/column boundaries
-   where the height/width may be grabbed to change size */
-#define DRAG_WIDTH 6
-static gboolean
-on_column_boundary (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint x, gint *column)
-  gint col;
-  gint pixel;
-  x += sheet->hadjustment->value;
-  if ( x < 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  col = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-  pixel = x - DRAG_WIDTH / 2;
-  if (pixel < 0)
-    pixel = 0;
-  if ( column_from_xpixel (sheet, pixel) < col )
-    {
-      *column = col - 1;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if  ( column_from_xpixel (sheet, x + DRAG_WIDTH / 2) > col )
-    {
-      *column = col;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-on_row_boundary (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint y, gint *row)
-  gint r;
-  gint pixel;
-  y += sheet->vadjustment->value;
-  if ( y < 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  r = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-  pixel = y - DRAG_WIDTH / 2;
-  if (pixel < 0)
-    pixel = 0;
-  if ( row_from_ypixel (sheet, pixel) < r )
-    {
-      *row = r - 1;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if  ( row_from_ypixel (sheet, y + DRAG_WIDTH / 2) > r )
-    {
-      *row = r;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-static inline gboolean
-POSSIBLE_DRAG (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint x, gint y,
-              gint *drag_row, gint *drag_column)
-  gint ydrag, xdrag;
-  /* Can't drag if nothing is selected */
-  if ( sheet->range.row0 < 0 || sheet->range.rowi < 0 ||
-       sheet->range.col0 < 0 || sheet->range.coli < 0 )
-    return FALSE;
-  *drag_column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-  *drag_row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-  if (x >= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.col0) - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 &&
-      x <= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli) +
-      psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli) + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
-    {
-      ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.row0);
-      if (y >= ydrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && y <= ydrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
-       {
-         *drag_row = sheet->range.row0;
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-      ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi);
-      if (y >= ydrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && y <= ydrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
-       {
-         *drag_row = sheet->range.rowi;
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-    }
-  if (y >= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.row0) - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 &&
-      y <= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) +
-      psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
-    {
-      xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.col0);
-      if (x >= xdrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && x <= xdrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
-       {
-         *drag_column = sheet->range.col0;
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-      xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli) +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli);
-      if (x >= xdrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && x <= xdrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2)
-       {
-         *drag_column = sheet->range.coli;
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-static inline gboolean
-POSSIBLE_RESIZE (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint x, gint y,
-                gint *drag_row, gint *drag_column)
-  gint xdrag, ydrag;
-  /* Can't drag if nothing is selected */
-  if ( sheet->range.row0 < 0 || sheet->range.rowi < 0 ||
-       sheet->range.col0 < 0 || sheet->range.coli < 0 )
-    return FALSE;
-  xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli)+
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, sheet->range.coli);
-  ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi) +
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, sheet->range.rowi);
-  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_COLUMN_SELECTED)
-    ydrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, min_visible_row (sheet));
-  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_ROW_SELECTED)
-    xdrag = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, min_visible_column (sheet));
-  *drag_column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-  *drag_row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-  if (x >= xdrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && x <= xdrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2 &&
-      y >= ydrag - DRAG_WIDTH / 2 && y <= ydrag + DRAG_WIDTH / 2) return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-rectangle_from_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, const PsppireSheetRange *range,
-                     GdkRectangle *r)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (range, FALSE);
-  r->x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range->col0);
-  r->x -= round (sheet->hadjustment->value);
-  r->y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range->row0);
-  r->y -= round (sheet->vadjustment->value);
-  r->width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range->coli) -
-    psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range->col0) +
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, range->coli);
-  r->height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range->rowi) -
-    psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range->row0) +
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, range->rowi);
-  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    {
-      r->y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
-    }
-  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    {
-      r->x += sheet->row_title_area.width;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-rectangle_from_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col,
-                    GdkRectangle *r)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (row >= 0, FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (col >= 0, FALSE);
-  range.row0 = range.rowi = row;
-  range.col0 = range.coli = col;
-  return rectangle_from_range (sheet, &range, r);
-static void psppire_sheet_class_init            (PsppireSheetClass *klass);
-static void psppire_sheet_init                          (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void psppire_sheet_dispose                       (GObject *object);
-static void psppire_sheet_finalize                      (GObject *object);
-static void psppire_sheet_style_set             (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GtkStyle *previous_style);
-static void psppire_sheet_realize                       (GtkWidget *widget);
-static void psppire_sheet_unrealize             (GtkWidget *widget);
-static void psppire_sheet_map                   (GtkWidget *widget);
-static void psppire_sheet_unmap                         (GtkWidget *widget);
-static gint psppire_sheet_expose                        (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GdkEventExpose *event);
-static void psppire_sheet_forall                        (GtkContainer *container,
-                                                 gboolean include_internals,
-                                                 GtkCallback callback,
-                                                 gpointer callback_data);
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_set_scroll_adjustments  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
-                                                 GtkAdjustment *vadjustment);
-static gint psppire_sheet_button_press                  (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GdkEventButton *event);
-static gint psppire_sheet_button_release                (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GdkEventButton *event);
-static gint psppire_sheet_motion                        (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GdkEventMotion *event);
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_crossing_notify           (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                    GdkEventCrossing *event);
-static gint psppire_sheet_entry_key_press               (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GdkEventKey *key);
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_key_press                 (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GdkEventKey *key);
-static void psppire_sheet_size_request                  (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GtkRequisition *requisition);
-static void psppire_sheet_size_allocate                 (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 GtkAllocation *allocation);
-/* Sheet queries */
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (const PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                          const PsppireSheetRange *range);
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_cell_isvisible  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                          gint row, gint column);
-/* Drawing Routines */
-/* draw cell */
-static void psppire_sheet_cell_draw (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column);
-/* draw visible part of range. */
-static void draw_sheet_region (PsppireSheet *sheet, GdkRegion *region);
-/* highlight the visible part of the selected range */
-static void psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 PsppireSheetRange range);
-/* Selection */
-static void psppire_sheet_real_select_range     (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 const PsppireSheetRange *range);
-static void psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range   (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 const PsppireSheetRange *range);
-static void psppire_sheet_extend_selection              (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 gint row, gint column);
-static void psppire_sheet_new_selection                 (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 PsppireSheetRange *range);
-static void psppire_sheet_draw_border           (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 PsppireSheetRange range);
-/* Active Cell handling */
-static void psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void change_active_cell  (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col);
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell  (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static gboolean psppire_sheet_click_cell                (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 gint row,
-                                                 gint column);
-/* Scrollbars */
-static void adjust_scrollbars                   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void vadjustment_value_changed           (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
-                                                 gpointer data);
-static void hadjustment_value_changed           (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
-                                                 gpointer data);
-static void draw_xor_vline                      (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void draw_xor_hline                      (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void draw_xor_rectangle                  (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 PsppireSheetRange range);
-/* Sheet Button */
-static void create_global_button                (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void global_button_clicked               (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                 gpointer data);
-/* Sheet Entry */
-static void create_sheet_entry                  (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-/* Sheet button gadgets */
-static void draw_column_title_buttons   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void draw_row_title_buttons      (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void size_allocate_global_button         (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-static void psppire_sheet_button_size_request   (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 const PsppireSheetButton *button,
-                                                 GtkRequisition *requisition);
-static void psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear               (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                                 gint row,
-                                                 gint column);
-/* Signals */
-  {
-  };
-static GtkContainerClass *parent_class = NULL;
-static guint sheet_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-psppire_sheet_get_type ()
-  static GType sheet_type = 0;
-  if (!sheet_type)
-    {
-      static const GTypeInfo sheet_info =
-       {
-         sizeof (PsppireSheetClass),
-         NULL,
-         NULL,
-         (GClassInitFunc) psppire_sheet_class_init,
-         NULL,
-         NULL,
-         sizeof (PsppireSheet),
-         0,
-         (GInstanceInitFunc) psppire_sheet_init,
-         NULL,
-       };
-      sheet_type =
-       g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_BIN, "PsppireSheet",
-                               &sheet_info, 0);
-    }
-  return sheet_type;
-static PsppireSheetRange*
-psppire_sheet_range_copy (const PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  PsppireSheetRange *new_range;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (range != NULL, NULL);
-  new_range = g_new (PsppireSheetRange, 1);
-  *new_range = *range;
-  return new_range;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_range_free (PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  g_return_if_fail (range != NULL);
-  g_free (range);
-psppire_sheet_range_get_type (void)
-  static GType sheet_range_type = 0;
-  if (!sheet_range_type)
-    {
-      sheet_range_type =
-       g_boxed_type_register_static ("PsppireSheetRange",
-                                     (GBoxedCopyFunc) psppire_sheet_range_copy,
-                                     (GBoxedFreeFunc) psppire_sheet_range_free);
-    }
-  return sheet_range_type;
-static PsppireSheetCell*
-psppire_sheet_cell_copy (const PsppireSheetCell *cell)
-  PsppireSheetCell *new_cell;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (cell != NULL, NULL);
-  new_cell = g_new (PsppireSheetCell, 1);
-  *new_cell = *cell;
-  return new_cell;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_cell_free (PsppireSheetCell *cell)
-  g_return_if_fail (cell != NULL);
-  g_free (cell);
-psppire_sheet_cell_get_type (void)
-  static GType sheet_cell_type = 0;
-  if (!sheet_cell_type)
-    {
-      sheet_cell_type =
-       g_boxed_type_register_static ("PsppireSheetCell",
-                                     (GBoxedCopyFunc) psppire_sheet_cell_copy,
-                                     (GBoxedFreeFunc) psppire_sheet_cell_free);
-    }
-  return sheet_cell_type;
-/* Properties */
-  {
-    PROP_0,
-  };
-static void
-resize_column (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint unit, glong size)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  range.col0 = unit;
-  range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
-  range.row0 = min_visible_row (sheet);
-  range.rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
-  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
-  draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet, range.col0, range.coli);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_set_horizontal_axis (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireAxis *a)
-  if ( sheet->haxis )
-    g_object_unref (sheet->haxis);
-  sheet->haxis = a;
-  g_signal_connect_swapped (a, "resize-unit", G_CALLBACK (resize_column), sheet);
-  if ( sheet->haxis )
-    g_object_ref (sheet->haxis);
-static void
-resize_row (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint unit, glong size)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  range.col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
-  range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
-  range.row0 = unit;
-  range.rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
-  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
-  draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, range.row0, range.rowi);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_set_vertical_axis (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireAxis *a)
-  if ( sheet->vaxis )
-    g_object_unref (sheet->vaxis);
-  sheet->vaxis = a;
-  g_signal_connect_swapped (a, "resize-unit", G_CALLBACK (resize_row), sheet);
-  if ( sheet->vaxis )
-    g_object_ref (sheet->vaxis);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_set_property (GObject         *object,
-                       guint            prop_id,
-                       const GValue    *value,
-                       GParamSpec      *pspec)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_VAXIS:
-      psppire_sheet_set_vertical_axis (sheet, g_value_get_pointer (value));
-      break;
-    case PROP_HAXIS:
-      psppire_sheet_set_horizontal_axis (sheet, g_value_get_pointer (value));
-      break;
-    case PROP_MODEL:
-      psppire_sheet_set_model (sheet, g_value_get_pointer (value));
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    };
-static void
-psppire_sheet_get_property (GObject         *object,
-                       guint            prop_id,
-                       GValue          *value,
-                       GParamSpec      *pspec)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_VAXIS:
-      g_value_set_pointer (value, sheet->vaxis);
-      break;
-    case PROP_HAXIS:
-      g_value_set_pointer (value, sheet->haxis);
-      break;
-    case PROP_MODEL:
-      g_value_set_pointer (value, sheet->model);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    };
-static void
-psppire_sheet_class_init (PsppireSheetClass *klass)
-  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-  GParamSpec *haxis_spec ;
-  GParamSpec *vaxis_spec ;
-  GParamSpec *model_spec ;
-  GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
-  GtkContainerClass *container_class = GTK_CONTAINER_CLASS (klass);
-  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-  /**
-   * PsppireSheet::select-row
-   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
-   * @row: the newly selected row index
-   *
-   * A row has been selected.
-   */
-  sheet_signals[SELECT_ROW] =
-    g_signal_new ("select-row",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, select_row),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 1,
-                 G_TYPE_INT);
-  /**
-   * PsppireSheet::select - column
-   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
-   * @column: the newly selected column index
-   *
-   * A column has been selected.
-   */
-  sheet_signals[SELECT_COLUMN] =
-    g_signal_new ("select-column",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, select_column),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 1,
-                 G_TYPE_INT);
-  /**
-   * PsppireSheet::double-click-row
-   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
-   * @row: the row that was double clicked.
-   *
-   * A row's title button has been double clicked
-   */
-  sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_ROW] =
-    g_signal_new ("double-click-row",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 0,
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 1,
-                 G_TYPE_INT);
-  /**
-   * PsppireSheet::double-click-column
-   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
-   * @column: the column that was double clicked.
-   *
-   * A column's title button has been double clicked
-   */
-  sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_COLUMN] =
-    g_signal_new ("double-click-column",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 0,
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 1,
-                 G_TYPE_INT);
-  /**
-   * PsppireSheet::button-event-column
-   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
-   * @column: the column on which the event occured.
-   *
-   * A button event occured on a column title button
-   */
-  sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_COLUMN] =
-    g_signal_new ("button-event-column",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 0,
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_VOID__INT_POINTER,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 2,
-                 G_TYPE_INT,
-                 G_TYPE_POINTER
-                 );
-  /**
-   * PsppireSheet::button-event-row
-   * @sheet: the sheet widget that emitted the signal
-   * @column: the column on which the event occured.
-   *
-   * A button event occured on a row title button
-   */
-  sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_ROW] =
-    g_signal_new ("button-event-row",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 0,
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_VOID__INT_POINTER,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 2,
-                 G_TYPE_INT,
-                 G_TYPE_POINTER
-                 );
-  sheet_signals[SELECT_RANGE] =
-    g_signal_new ("select-range",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, select_range),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 1,
-                 PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_RANGE);
-  sheet_signals[RESIZE_RANGE] =
-    g_signal_new ("resize-range",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, resize_range),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_VOID__BOXED_BOXED,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 2,
-                 );
-  sheet_signals[MOVE_RANGE] =
-    g_signal_new ("move-range",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, move_range),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_VOID__BOXED_BOXED,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE,
-                 2,
-                 );
-  sheet_signals[TRAVERSE] =
-    g_signal_new ("traverse",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, traverse),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_POINTER,
-                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 2,
-                 PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_CELL,
-                 G_TYPE_POINTER);
-  sheet_signals[ACTIVATE] =
-    g_signal_new ("activate",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, activate),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_VOID__INT_INT_INT_INT,
-                 G_TYPE_NONE, 4,
-                 G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT,
-                 G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT);
-  widget_class->set_scroll_adjustments_signal =
-    g_signal_new ("set-scroll-adjustments",
-                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                 offsetof (PsppireSheetClass, set_scroll_adjustments),
-                 NULL, NULL,
-                 psppire_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT,
-  container_class->add = NULL;
-  container_class->remove = NULL;
-  container_class->forall = psppire_sheet_forall;
-  object_class->dispose = psppire_sheet_dispose;
-  object_class->finalize = psppire_sheet_finalize;
-  vaxis_spec =
-    g_param_spec_pointer ("vertical-axis",
-                         "Vertical Axis",
-                         "A pointer to the PsppireAxis object for the rows",
-                         G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE );
-  haxis_spec =
-    g_param_spec_pointer ("horizontal-axis",
-                         "Horizontal Axis",
-                         "A pointer to the PsppireAxis object for the columns",
-                         G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE );
-  model_spec =
-    g_param_spec_pointer ("model",
-                         "Model",
-                         "A pointer to the data model",
-                         G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE );
-  object_class->set_property = psppire_sheet_set_property;
-  object_class->get_property = psppire_sheet_get_property;
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                   PROP_VAXIS,
-                                   vaxis_spec);
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                   PROP_HAXIS,
-                                   haxis_spec);
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
-                                   PROP_MODEL,
-                                   model_spec);
-  widget_class->realize = psppire_sheet_realize;
-  widget_class->unrealize = psppire_sheet_unrealize;
-  widget_class->map = psppire_sheet_map;
-  widget_class->unmap = psppire_sheet_unmap;
-  widget_class->style_set = psppire_sheet_style_set;
-  widget_class->button_press_event = psppire_sheet_button_press;
-  widget_class->button_release_event = psppire_sheet_button_release;
-  widget_class->motion_notify_event = psppire_sheet_motion;
-  widget_class->enter_notify_event = psppire_sheet_crossing_notify;
-  widget_class->leave_notify_event = psppire_sheet_crossing_notify;
-  widget_class->key_press_event = psppire_sheet_key_press;
-  widget_class->expose_event = psppire_sheet_expose;
-  widget_class->size_request = psppire_sheet_size_request;
-  widget_class->size_allocate = psppire_sheet_size_allocate;
-  widget_class->focus_in_event = NULL;
-  widget_class->focus_out_event = NULL;
-  klass->set_scroll_adjustments = psppire_sheet_set_scroll_adjustments;
-  klass->select_row = NULL;
-  klass->select_column = NULL;
-  klass->select_range = NULL;
-  klass->resize_range = NULL;
-  klass->move_range = NULL;
-  klass->traverse = NULL;
-  klass->activate = NULL;
-  klass->changed = NULL;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_init (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  sheet->model = NULL;
-  sheet->haxis = NULL;
-  sheet->vaxis = NULL;
-  sheet->flags = 0;
-  sheet->selection_mode = GTK_SELECTION_NONE;
-  sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
-  sheet->column_title_window = NULL;
-  sheet->column_title_area.x = 0;
-  sheet->column_title_area.y = 0;
-  sheet->column_title_area.width = 0;
-  sheet->column_title_area.height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
-  sheet->row_title_window = NULL;
-  sheet->row_title_area.x = 0;
-  sheet->row_title_area.y = 0;
-  sheet->row_title_area.width = DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
-  sheet->row_title_area.height = 0;
-  sheet->active_cell.row = 0;
-  sheet->active_cell.col = 0;
-  sheet->selection_cell.row = 0;
-  sheet->selection_cell.col = 0;
-  sheet->range.row0 = 0;
-  sheet->range.rowi = 0;
-  sheet->range.col0 = 0;
-  sheet->range.coli = 0;
-  sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
-  sheet->sheet_window = NULL;
-  sheet->entry_widget = NULL;
-  sheet->button = NULL;
-  sheet->hadjustment = NULL;
-  sheet->vadjustment = NULL;
-  sheet->cursor_drag = NULL;
-  sheet->xor_gc = NULL;
-  sheet->fg_gc = NULL;
-  sheet->bg_gc = NULL;
-  sheet->x_drag = 0;
-  sheet->y_drag = 0;
-  sheet->show_grid = TRUE;
-  sheet->motion_timer = 0;
-  sheet->row_titles_visible = TRUE;
-  sheet->row_title_area.width = DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
-  sheet->column_titles_visible = TRUE;
-  /* create sheet entry */
-  sheet->entry_type = GTK_TYPE_ENTRY;
-  create_sheet_entry (sheet);
-  /* create global selection button */
-  create_global_button (sheet);
-/* Cause RANGE to be redrawn. If RANGE is null, then the
-   entire visible range will be redrawn.
- */
-static void
-redraw_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  GdkRectangle rect;
-  if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
-    return;
-  if ( NULL != range )
-    rectangle_from_range (sheet, range, &rect);
-  else
-    {
-      GdkRegion *r = gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (sheet->sheet_window);
-      gdk_region_get_clipbox (r, &rect);
-      if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-       {
-         rect.y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
-         rect.height -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
-       }
-      if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-       {
-         rect.x += sheet->row_title_area.width;
-         rect.width -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
-       }
-    }
-  gdk_window_invalidate_rect (sheet->sheet_window, &rect, FALSE);
-/* Callback which occurs whenever columns are inserted / deleted in the model */
-static void
-columns_inserted_deleted_callback (PsppireSheetModel *model, gint first_column,
-                                  gint n_columns,
-                                  gpointer data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  gint model_columns = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_count (model);
-  /* Need to update all the columns starting from the first column and onwards.
-   * Previous column are unchanged, so don't need to be updated.
-   */
-  range.col0 = first_column;
-  range.row0 = 0;
-  range.coli = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
-  range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
-  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-  if (sheet->active_cell.col >= model_columns)
-    change_active_cell (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row, model_columns - 1);
-  draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet,
-                                  first_column, max_visible_column (sheet));
-  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
-/* Callback which occurs whenever rows are inserted / deleted in the model */
-static void
-rows_inserted_deleted_callback (PsppireSheetModel *model, gint first_row,
-                               gint n_rows, gpointer data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  gint model_rows = psppire_sheet_model_get_row_count (model);
-  /* Need to update all the rows starting from the first row and onwards.
-   * Previous rows are unchanged, so don't need to be updated.
-   */
-  range.row0 = first_row;
-  range.col0 = 0;
-  range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
-  range.coli = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
-  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-  if (sheet->active_cell.row >= model_rows)
-    change_active_cell (sheet, model_rows - 1, sheet->active_cell.col);
-  draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, first_row, max_visible_row (sheet));
-  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
-  If row0 or rowi are negative, then all rows will be updated.
-  If col0 or coli are negative, then all columns will be updated.
-static void
-range_update_callback (PsppireSheetModel *m, gint row0, gint col0,
-                      gint rowi, gint coli, gpointer data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  range.row0 = row0;
-  range.col0 = col0;
-  range.rowi = rowi;
-  range.coli = coli;
-    return;
-  if ( ( row0 < 0 && col0 < 0 ) || ( rowi < 0 && coli < 0 ) )
-    {
-      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
-      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-      draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_row (sheet),
-                                      max_visible_row (sheet));
-      draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_column (sheet),
-                                      max_visible_column (sheet));
-      return;
-    }
-  else if ( row0 < 0 || rowi < 0 )
-    {
-      range.row0 = min_visible_row (sheet);
-      range.rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
-    }
-  else if ( col0 < 0 || coli < 0 )
-    {
-      range.col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
-      range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
-    }
-  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
- * psppire_sheet_new:
- * @rows: initial number of rows
- * @columns: initial number of columns
- * @title: sheet title
- * @model: the model to use for the sheet data
- *
- * Creates a new sheet widget with the given number of rows and columns.
- *
- * Returns: the new sheet widget
- */
-GtkWidget *
-psppire_sheet_new (PsppireSheetModel *model)
-  GtkWidget *widget = g_object_new (PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET,
-                                   "model", model,
-                                   NULL);
-  return widget;
- * psppire_sheet_set_model
- * @sheet: the sheet to set the model for
- * @model: the model to use for the sheet data
- *
- * Sets the model for a PsppireSheet
- *
- */
-psppire_sheet_set_model (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetModel *model)
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (sheet->model ) g_object_unref (sheet->model);
-  sheet->model = model;
-  if ( model)
-    {
-      g_object_ref (model);
-      sheet->update_handler_id = g_signal_connect (model, "range_changed",
-                                                  G_CALLBACK (range_update_callback),
-                                                  sheet);
-      g_signal_connect (model, "rows_inserted",
-                       G_CALLBACK (rows_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
-      g_signal_connect (model, "rows_deleted",
-                       G_CALLBACK (rows_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
-      g_signal_connect (model, "columns_inserted",
-                       G_CALLBACK (columns_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
-      g_signal_connect (model, "columns_deleted",
-                       G_CALLBACK (columns_inserted_deleted_callback), sheet);
-    }
-psppire_sheet_change_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkType entry_type)
-  gint state;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  state = sheet->state;
-  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget (sheet);
-  sheet->entry_type = entry_type;
-  create_sheet_entry (sheet);
-  if (state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (sheet);
-    }
-psppire_sheet_show_grid (PsppireSheet *sheet, gboolean show)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (show == sheet->show_grid) return;
-  sheet->show_grid = show;
-  redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
-psppire_sheet_grid_visible (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
-  return sheet->show_grid;
-psppire_sheet_get_columns_count (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
-  return psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis);
-static void set_column_width (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                             gint column,
-                             gint width);
-psppire_sheet_show_column_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
-  sheet->column_titles_visible = TRUE;
-    return;
-  gdk_window_show (sheet->column_title_window);
-  gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->column_title_window,
-                         sheet->column_title_area.x,
-                         sheet->column_title_area.y,
-                         sheet->column_title_area.width,
-                         sheet->column_title_area.height);
-  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-  if (sheet->vadjustment)
-    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->vadjustment,
-                          "value_changed");
-  size_allocate_global_button (sheet);
-  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    gtk_widget_show (sheet->button);
-psppire_sheet_show_row_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
-  sheet->row_titles_visible = TRUE;
-    {
-      gdk_window_show (sheet->row_title_window);
-      gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->row_title_window,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.x,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.y,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.width,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.height);
-      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-    }
-  if (sheet->hadjustment)
-    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->hadjustment,
-                          "value_changed");
-  size_allocate_global_button (sheet);
-  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    gtk_widget_show (sheet->button);
-psppire_sheet_hide_column_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
-  sheet->column_titles_visible = FALSE;
-    {
-      if (sheet->column_title_window)
-       gdk_window_hide (sheet->column_title_window);
-      gtk_widget_hide (sheet->button);
-      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-    }
-  if (sheet->vadjustment)
-    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->vadjustment,
-                          "value_changed");
-psppire_sheet_hide_row_titles (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
-  sheet->row_titles_visible = FALSE;
-    {
-      if (sheet->row_title_window)
-       gdk_window_hide (sheet->row_title_window);
-      gtk_widget_hide (sheet->button);
-      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-    }
-  if (sheet->hadjustment)
-    g_signal_emit_by_name (sheet->hadjustment,
-                          "value_changed");
-/* Scroll the sheet so that the cell ROW, COLUMN is visible.
-   If {ROW,COL}_ALIGN is zero, then the cell will be placed
-   at the {top,left} of the sheet.  If it's 1, then it'll
-   be placed at the {bottom,right}.
-   ROW or COL may be -1, in which case scrolling in that dimension
-   does not occur.
- */
-psppire_sheet_moveto (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                 gint row,
-                 gint col,
-                 gfloat row_align,
-                 gfloat col_align)
-  gint width, height;
-  g_return_if_fail (row_align >= 0);
-  g_return_if_fail (col_align >= 0);
-  g_return_if_fail (row_align <= 1);
-  g_return_if_fail (col_align <= 1);
-  g_return_if_fail (col <
-                   psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis));
-  g_return_if_fail (row <
-                   psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis));
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, &width, &height);
-  if (row >= 0)
-    {
-      gint y =  psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row);
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment, y - height * row_align);
-    }
-  if (col >= 0)
-    {
-      gint x =  psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col);
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->hadjustment, x - width * col_align);
-    }
-psppire_sheet_select_row (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (row < 0 || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return;
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-  sheet->range.row0 = row;
-  sheet->range.col0 = 0;
-  sheet->range.rowi = row;
-  sheet->range.coli = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
-  sheet->active_cell.row = row;
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_ROW], 0, row);
-  psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, NULL);
-psppire_sheet_select_column (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint column)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (column < 0 || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return;
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-  sheet->range.row0 = 0;
-  sheet->range.col0 = column;
-  sheet->range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
-  sheet->range.coli = column;
-  sheet->active_cell.col = column;
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_COLUMN], 0, column);
-  psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, NULL);
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (const PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                          const PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, FALSE);
-  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->row0 >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->rowi < 0 || range->rowi >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->col0 >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->coli < 0 || range->coli >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->rowi < min_visible_row (sheet))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->row0 > max_visible_row (sheet))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->coli < min_visible_column (sheet))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (range->col0 > max_visible_column (sheet))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_cell_isvisible (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                         gint row, gint column)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  range.row0 = row;
-  range.col0 = column;
-  range.rowi = row;
-  range.coli = column;
-  return psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &range);
-psppire_sheet_get_visible_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet)) ;
-  g_return_if_fail (range != NULL);
-  range->row0 = min_visible_row (sheet);
-  range->col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
-  range->rowi = max_visible_row (sheet);
-  range->coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_set_scroll_adjustments (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                 GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
-                                 GtkAdjustment *vadjustment)
-  if ( sheet->vadjustment != vadjustment )
-    {
-      if (sheet->vadjustment)
-       g_object_unref (sheet->vadjustment);
-      sheet->vadjustment = vadjustment;
-      if ( vadjustment)
-       {
-         g_object_ref (vadjustment);
-         g_signal_connect (sheet->vadjustment, "value_changed",
-                           G_CALLBACK (vadjustment_value_changed),
-                           sheet);
-       }
-    }
-  if ( sheet->hadjustment != hadjustment )
-    {
-      if (sheet->hadjustment)
-       g_object_unref (sheet->hadjustment);
-      sheet->hadjustment = hadjustment;
-      if ( hadjustment)
-       {
-         g_object_ref (hadjustment);
-         g_signal_connect (sheet->hadjustment, "value_changed",
-                           G_CALLBACK (hadjustment_value_changed),
-                           sheet);
-       }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_finalize (GObject *object)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (object));
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
-  if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize)
-    (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize) (object);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_dispose  (GObject *object)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (object);
-  g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (object));
-  if ( sheet->dispose_has_run )
-    return ;
-  sheet->dispose_has_run = TRUE;
-  if (sheet->model) g_object_unref (sheet->model);
-  if (sheet->vaxis) g_object_unref (sheet->vaxis);
-  if (sheet->haxis) g_object_unref (sheet->haxis);
-  g_object_unref (sheet->button);
-  sheet->button = NULL;
-  /* unref adjustments */
-  if (sheet->hadjustment)
-    {
-      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (sheet->hadjustment,
-                                           G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
-                                           0, 0, 0, 0,
-                                           sheet);
-      g_object_unref (sheet->hadjustment);
-      sheet->hadjustment = NULL;
-    }
-  if (sheet->vadjustment)
-    {
-      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (sheet->vadjustment,
-                                           G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
-                                           0, 0, 0, 0,
-                                           sheet);
-      g_object_unref (sheet->vadjustment);
-      sheet->vadjustment = NULL;
-    }
-  if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose)
-    (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose) (object);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_style_set (GtkWidget *widget,
-                    GtkStyle *previous_style)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set)
-    (*GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->style_set) (widget, previous_style);
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
-    {
-      gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->window, widget->state);
-    }
-  set_entry_widget_font (sheet);
-#define BORDER_WIDTH 3
-static void
-psppire_sheet_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  GdkWindowAttr attributes;
-  const gint attributes_mask =
-  GdkGCValues values;
-  GdkColormap *colormap;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget);
-  display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
-  attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-  attributes.x = widget->allocation.x;
-  attributes.y = widget->allocation.y;
-  attributes.width = widget->allocation.width;
-  attributes.height = widget->allocation.height;
-  attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
-  attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);
-  attributes.colormap = colormap;
-  attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget);
-  attributes.event_mask |= (GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK |
-                           GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
-                           GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
-                           GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK |
-                           GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                           GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
-                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
-                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
-  attributes.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW);
-  /* main window */
-  widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget), &attributes, attributes_mask);
-  gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, sheet);
-  widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widget->window);
-  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->window, GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
-  gdk_color_parse ("white", &sheet->color[BG_COLOR]);
-  gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, &sheet->color[BG_COLOR], FALSE,
-                           TRUE);
-  gdk_color_parse ("gray", &sheet->color[GRID_COLOR]);
-  gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, &sheet->color[GRID_COLOR], FALSE,
-                           TRUE);
-  attributes.x = 0;
-  attributes.y = 0;
-  attributes.width = sheet->column_title_area.width;
-  attributes.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  /* column - title window */
-  sheet->column_title_window =
-    gdk_window_new (widget->window, &attributes, attributes_mask);
-  gdk_window_set_user_data (sheet->column_title_window, sheet);
-  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, sheet->column_title_window,
-                           GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
-  attributes.x = 0;
-  attributes.y = 0;
-  attributes.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  attributes.height = sheet->row_title_area.height;
-  /* row - title window */
-  sheet->row_title_window = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                           &attributes, attributes_mask);
-  gdk_window_set_user_data (sheet->row_title_window, sheet);
-  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, sheet->row_title_window,
-                           GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
-  /* sheet - window */
-  attributes.cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_PLUS);
-  attributes.x = 0;
-  attributes.y = 0;
-  sheet->sheet_window = gdk_window_new (widget->window,
-                                       &attributes, attributes_mask);
-  gdk_window_set_user_data (sheet->sheet_window, sheet);
-  gdk_cursor_unref (attributes.cursor);
-  gdk_window_set_background (sheet->sheet_window, &widget->style->white);
-  gdk_window_show (sheet->sheet_window);
-  /* GCs */
-  sheet->fg_gc = gdk_gc_new (widget->window);
-  sheet->bg_gc = gdk_gc_new (widget->window);
-  values.foreground = widget->style->white;
-  values.function = GDK_INVERT;
-  values.subwindow_mode = GDK_INCLUDE_INFERIORS;
-  values.line_width = BORDER_WIDTH;
-  sheet->xor_gc = gdk_gc_new_with_values (widget->window,
-                                         &values,
-                                         GDK_GC_FOREGROUND |
-                                         GDK_GC_FUNCTION |
-                                         GDK_GC_SUBWINDOW |
-                                         GDK_GC_LINE_WIDTH
-                                         );
-  gtk_widget_set_parent_window (sheet->entry_widget, sheet->sheet_window);
-  gtk_widget_set_parent (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-  gtk_widget_set_parent_window (sheet->button, sheet->sheet_window);
-  gtk_widget_set_parent (sheet->button, GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-  sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_PLUS);
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    gdk_window_show (sheet->column_title_window);
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    gdk_window_show (sheet->row_title_window);
-  sheet->hover_window = create_hover_window ();
-  draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
-  draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
-  psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (sheet);
-static void
-create_global_button (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  sheet->button = gtk_button_new_with_label (" ");
-  g_object_ref_sink (sheet->button);
-  g_signal_connect (sheet->button,
-                   "pressed",
-                   G_CALLBACK (global_button_clicked),
-                   sheet);
-static void
-size_allocate_global_button (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  GtkAllocation allocation;
-  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
-  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
-  gtk_widget_size_request (sheet->button, NULL);
-  allocation.x = 0;
-  allocation.y = 0;
-  allocation.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  allocation.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  gtk_widget_size_allocate (sheet->button, &allocation);
-static void
-global_button_clicked (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
-  psppire_sheet_click_cell (PSPPIRE_SHEET (data), -1, -1);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-  sheet->cursor_drag = NULL;
-  gdk_colormap_free_colors (gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget),
-                           sheet->color, n_COLORS);
-  g_object_unref (sheet->xor_gc);
-  g_object_unref (sheet->fg_gc);
-  g_object_unref (sheet->bg_gc);
-  destroy_hover_window (sheet->hover_window);
-  gdk_window_destroy (sheet->sheet_window);
-  gdk_window_destroy (sheet->column_title_window);
-  gdk_window_destroy (sheet->row_title_window);
-  gtk_widget_unparent (sheet->entry_widget);
-  if (sheet->button != NULL)
-    gtk_widget_unparent (sheet->button);
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize)
-    (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->unrealize) (widget);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_map (GtkWidget *widget)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
-    {
-      gdk_window_show (widget->window);
-      gdk_window_show (sheet->sheet_window);
-      if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-       {
-         draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
-         gdk_window_show (sheet->column_title_window);
-       }
-      if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-       {
-         draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
-         gdk_window_show (sheet->row_title_window);
-       }
-      if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->entry_widget)
-         && sheet->active_cell.row >= 0
-         && sheet->active_cell.col >= 0 )
-       {
-         gtk_widget_show (sheet->entry_widget);
-         gtk_widget_map (sheet->entry_widget);
-       }
-      if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->button))
-       {
-         gtk_widget_show (sheet->button);
-         gtk_widget_map (sheet->button);
-       }
-      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
-      change_active_cell (sheet,
-                    sheet->active_cell.row,
-                    sheet->active_cell.col);
-    }
-static void
-psppire_sheet_unmap (GtkWidget *widget)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget))
-    return;
-  gdk_window_hide (sheet->sheet_window);
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    gdk_window_hide (sheet->column_title_window);
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    gdk_window_hide (sheet->row_title_window);
-  gdk_window_hide (widget->window);
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->entry_widget))
-    gtk_widget_unmap (sheet->entry_widget);
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (sheet->button))
-    gtk_widget_unmap (sheet->button);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_cell_draw (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
-  PangoLayout *layout;
-  PangoRectangle text;
-  PangoFontDescription *font_desc = GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->font_desc;
-  gint font_height;
-  gchar *label;
-  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes;
-  GdkRectangle area;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  /* bail now if we aren't yet drawable */
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (sheet)) return;
-  if (row < 0 ||
-      row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return;
-  if (col < 0 ||
-      col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return;
-  psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, row, col, &attributes);
-  /* select GC for background rectangle */
-  gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->fg_gc, &attributes.foreground);
-  gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->bg_gc, &attributes.background);
-  rectangle_from_cell (sheet, row, col, &area);
-  gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (sheet->fg_gc, 1, 0, 0, 0);
-  if (sheet->show_grid)
-    {
-      gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->bg_gc, &sheet->color[GRID_COLOR]);
-      gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                         sheet->bg_gc,
-                         FALSE,
-                         area.x, area.y,
-                         area.width, area.height);
-    }
-  label = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, row, col);
-  if (NULL == label)
-    return;
-  layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), label);
-  dispose_string (sheet, label);
-  pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, font_desc);
-  pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout, NULL, &text);
-  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->fg_gc, &area);
-  font_height = pango_font_description_get_size (font_desc);
-  if ( !pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute (font_desc))
-    font_height /= PANGO_SCALE;
-  /* Centre the text vertically */
-  area.y += (area.height - font_height) / 2.0;
-  switch (attributes.justification)
-    {
-      area.x += area.width - text.width;
-      break;
-      area.x += (area.width - text.width) / 2.0;
-      break;
-      /* Do nothing */
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_critical ("Unhandled justification %d in column %d\n",
-                attributes.justification, col);
-      break;
-    }
-  gdk_draw_layout (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->fg_gc,
-                  area.x,
-                  area.y,
-                  layout);
-  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->fg_gc, NULL);
-  g_object_unref (layout);
-static void
-draw_sheet_region (PsppireSheet *sheet, GdkRegion *region)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  GdkRectangle area;
-  gint y, x;
-  gint i, j;
-  PsppireSheetRange drawing_range;
-  gdk_region_get_clipbox (region, &area);
-  y = area.y + sheet->vadjustment->value;
-  x = area.x + sheet->hadjustment->value;
-  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    y -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    x -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  maximize_int (&x, 0);
-  maximize_int (&y, 0);
-  range.row0 = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-  range.rowi = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y + area.height);
-  range.col0 = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-  range.coli = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x + area.width);
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  drawing_range.row0 = MAX (range.row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
-  drawing_range.col0 = MAX (range.col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
-  drawing_range.rowi = MIN (range.rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
-  drawing_range.coli = MIN (range.coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
-  g_return_if_fail (drawing_range.rowi >= drawing_range.row0);
-  g_return_if_fail (drawing_range.coli >= drawing_range.col0);
-  for (i = drawing_range.row0; i <= drawing_range.rowi; i++)
-    {
-      for (j = drawing_range.col0; j <= drawing_range.coli; j++)
-       psppire_sheet_cell_draw (sheet, i, j);
-    }
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL &&
-      psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
-    psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, drawing_range);
-  if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL &&
-      sheet->active_cell.row >= drawing_range.row0 &&
-      sheet->active_cell.row <= drawing_range.rowi &&
-      sheet->active_cell.col >= drawing_range.col0 &&
-      sheet->active_cell.col <= drawing_range.coli)
-    psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (sheet);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange range)
-  GdkRectangle area;
-  gint i, j;
-  PsppireSheetRange aux;
-  if (range.col0 > sheet->range.coli || range.coli < sheet->range.col0 ||
-      range.row0 > sheet->range.rowi || range.rowi < sheet->range.row0)
-    return;
-  if (!psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &range)) return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  aux = range;
-  range.col0 = MAX (sheet->range.col0, range.col0);
-  range.coli = MIN (sheet->range.coli, range.coli);
-  range.row0 = MAX (sheet->range.row0, range.row0);
-  range.rowi = MIN (sheet->range.rowi, range.rowi);
-  range.col0 = MAX (range.col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
-  range.coli = MIN (range.coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
-  range.row0 = MAX (range.row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
-  range.rowi = MIN (range.rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
-  for (i = range.row0; i <= range.rowi; i++)
-    {
-      for (j = range.col0; j <= range.coli; j++)
-       {
-         if (psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j) == GTK_STATE_SELECTED)
-           {
-             rectangle_from_cell (sheet, i, j, &area);
-             if (i == sheet->range.row0)
-               {
-                 area.y = area.y + 2;
-                 area.height = area.height - 2;
-               }
-             if (i == sheet->range.rowi) area.height = area.height - 3;
-             if (j == sheet->range.col0)
-               {
-                 area.x = area.x + 2;
-                 area.width = area.width - 2;
-               }
-             if (j == sheet->range.coli) area.width = area.width - 3;
-             if (i != sheet->active_cell.row || j != sheet->active_cell.col)
-               {
-                 gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                     sheet->xor_gc,
-                                     TRUE,
-                                     area.x + 1, area.y + 1,
-                                     area.width, area.height);
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  psppire_sheet_draw_border (sheet, sheet->range);
-static inline gint
-safe_strcmp (const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2)
-  if ( !s1 && !s2) return 0;
-  if ( !s1) return -1;
-  if ( !s2) return +1;
-  return strcmp (s1, s2);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_set_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col,
-                   GtkJustification justification,
-                   const gchar *text)
-  PsppireSheetModel *model ;
-  gchar *old_text ;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis)
-      || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return;
-  if (col < 0 || row < 0) return;
-  model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
-  old_text = psppire_sheet_model_get_string (model, row, col);
-  if (0 != safe_strcmp (old_text, text))
-    {
-      g_signal_handler_block    (sheet->model, sheet->update_handler_id);
-      psppire_sheet_model_set_string (model, text, row, col);
-      g_signal_handler_unblock  (sheet->model, sheet->update_handler_id);
-    }
-  if ( psppire_sheet_model_free_strings (model))
-    g_free (old_text);
-psppire_sheet_cell_clear (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) ||
-      row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)) return;
-  if (column < 0 || row < 0) return;
-  range.row0 = row;
-  range.rowi = row;
-  range.col0 = min_visible_column (sheet);
-  range.coli = max_visible_column (sheet);
-  psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear (sheet, row, column);
-  redraw_range (sheet, &range);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
-  PsppireSheetModel *model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
-  gchar *old_text = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, row, column);
-  if (old_text && strlen (old_text) > 0 )
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_model_datum_clear (model, row, column);
-    }
-  dispose_string (sheet, old_text);
-gchar *
-psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
-  PsppireSheetModel *model;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), NULL);
-  if (col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return NULL;
-  if (col < 0 || row < 0) return NULL;
-  model = psppire_sheet_get_model (sheet);
-  if ( !model )
-    return NULL;
-  return psppire_sheet_model_get_string (model, row, col);
-static GtkStateType
-psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
-  gint state;
-  PsppireSheetRange *range;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
-  if (col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)) return 0;
-  if (col < 0 || row < 0) return 0;
-  state = sheet->state;
-  range = &sheet->range;
-  switch (state)
-    {
-      return GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
-      break;
-      if (row >= range->row0 && row <= range->rowi)
-       return GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
-      break;
-      if (col >= range->col0 && col <= range->coli)
-       return GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
-      break;
-      if (row >= range->row0 && row <= range->rowi && \
-         col >= range->col0 && col <= range->coli)
-       return GTK_STATE_SELECTED;
-      break;
-    }
-/* Convert X, Y (in pixels) to *ROW, *COLUMN
-   If the function returns FALSE, then the results will be unreliable.
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                         gint x,
-                         gint y,
-                         gint *row,
-                         gint *column)
-  gint trow, tcol;
-  *row = -G_MAXINT;
-  *column = -G_MAXINT;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
-  /* bounds checking, return false if the user clicked
-     on a blank area */
-  if (y < 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (x < 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    y -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  y += sheet->vadjustment->value;
-  if ( y < 0 && sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    {
-      trow = -1;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      trow = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-      if (trow > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-       return FALSE;
-    }
-  *row = trow;
-  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    x -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  x += sheet->hadjustment->value;
-  if ( x < 0 && sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    {
-      tcol = -1;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      tcol = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-      if (tcol > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-       return FALSE;
-    }
-  *column = tcol;
-  return TRUE;
-psppire_sheet_get_cell_area (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                        gint row,
-                        gint column,
-                        GdkRectangle *area)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, 0);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), 0);
-  if (row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return FALSE;
-  area->x = (column == -1) ? 0 : psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, column);
-  area->y = (row == -1)    ? 0 : psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row);
-  area->width= (column == -1) ? sheet->row_title_area.width
-    : psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, column);
-  area->height= (row == -1) ? sheet->column_title_area.height
-    : psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, row);
-  return TRUE;
-psppire_sheet_set_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (row < -1 || col < -1)
-    return;
-  if (row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)
-      ||
-      col >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return;
-    return;
-  if ( row == -1 || col == -1)
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget (sheet);
-      return;
-    }
-  change_active_cell (sheet, row, col);
-psppire_sheet_get_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint *row, gint *column)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if ( row ) *row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-  if (column) *column = sheet->active_cell.col;
-static void
-entry_load_text (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint row, col;
-  const char *text;
-  GtkJustification justification;
-  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (sheet->entry_widget)) return;
-  if (sheet->state != GTK_STATE_NORMAL) return;
-  row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-  col = sheet->active_cell.col;
-  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return;
-  text = gtk_entry_get_text (psppire_sheet_get_entry (sheet));
-  if (text && strlen (text) > 0)
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, row, col, &attributes);
-      justification = attributes.justification;
-      psppire_sheet_set_cell (sheet, row, col, justification, text);
-    }
-static void
-psppire_sheet_hide_entry_widget (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-    return;
-  if (sheet->active_cell.row < 0 ||
-      sheet->active_cell.col < 0) return;
-  gtk_widget_hide (sheet->entry_widget);
-  gtk_widget_unmap (sheet->entry_widget);
-static void
-change_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
-  gint old_row, old_col;
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (row < 0 || col < 0)
-    return;
-  if ( row > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)
-       || col > psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return;
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    {
-      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
-      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-    }
-  old_row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-  old_col = sheet->active_cell.col;
-  /* Erase the old cell */
-  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
-  entry_load_text (sheet);
-  sheet->range.row0 = row;
-  sheet->range.col0 = col;
-  sheet->range.rowi = row;
-  sheet->range.coli = col;
-  sheet->active_cell.row = row;
-  sheet->active_cell.col = col;
-  sheet->selection_cell.row = row;
-  sheet->selection_cell.col = col;
-  GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_HAS_FOCUS);
-  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
-  psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (sheet);
-  GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_HAS_FOCUS);
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals [ACTIVATE], 0,
-                row, col, old_row, old_col);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_show_entry_widget (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  GtkEntry *sheet_entry;
-  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes;
-  gint row, col;
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-  col = sheet->active_cell.col;
-  /* Don't show the active cell, if there is no active cell: */
-  if (! (row >= 0 && col >= 0)) /* e.g row or coll == -1. */
-    return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL) return;
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet)) return;
-  GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (GTK_WIDGET (sheet->entry_widget), GTK_VISIBLE);
-  sheet_entry = psppire_sheet_get_entry (sheet);
-  psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, row, col, &attributes);
-  if (GTK_IS_ENTRY (sheet_entry))
-    {
-      gchar *text = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, row, col);
-      const gchar *old_text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry));
-      if ( ! text )
-       text = g_strdup ("");
-      if (strcmp (old_text, text) != 0)
-       gtk_entry_set_text (sheet_entry, text);
-      dispose_string (sheet, text);
-       {
-         switch (attributes.justification)
-           {
-           case GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
-             gtk_entry_set_alignment (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry), 1.0);
-             break;
-           case GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER:
-             gtk_entry_set_alignment (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry), 0.5);
-             break;
-           case GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:
-           default:
-             gtk_entry_set_alignment (GTK_ENTRY (sheet_entry), 0.0);
-             break;
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (sheet);
-  gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (sheet_entry),
-                           psppire_sheet_model_is_editable (sheet->model,
-                                                      row, col));
-  gtk_widget_map (sheet->entry_widget);
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint row, col;
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-  col = sheet->active_cell.col;
-  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return FALSE;
-  if (!psppire_sheet_cell_isvisible (sheet, row, col))
-    return FALSE;
-  range.col0 = range.coli = col;
-  range.row0 = range.rowi = row;
-  psppire_sheet_draw_border (sheet, range);
-  return FALSE;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_new_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  gint i, j, mask1, mask2;
-  gint state, selected;
-  gint x, y, width, height;
-  PsppireSheetRange new_range, aux_range;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  if (range == NULL) range=&sheet->range;
-  new_range=*range;
-  range->row0 = MIN (range->row0, sheet->range.row0);
-  range->rowi = MAX (range->rowi, sheet->range.rowi);
-  range->col0 = MIN (range->col0, sheet->range.col0);
-  range->coli = MAX (range->coli, sheet->range.coli);
-  range->row0 = MAX (range->row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
-  range->rowi = MIN (range->rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
-  range->col0 = MAX (range->col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
-  range->coli = MIN (range->coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
-  aux_range.row0 = MAX (new_range.row0, min_visible_row (sheet));
-  aux_range.rowi = MIN (new_range.rowi, max_visible_row (sheet));
-  aux_range.col0 = MAX (new_range.col0, min_visible_column (sheet));
-  aux_range.coli = MIN (new_range.coli, max_visible_column (sheet));
-  for (i = range->row0; i <= range->rowi; i++)
-    {
-      for (j = range->col0; j <= range->coli; j++)
-       {
-         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
-         selected= (i <= new_range.rowi && i >= new_range.row0 &&
-                    j <= new_range.coli && j >= new_range.col0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-         if (state == GTK_STATE_SELECTED && selected &&
-             (i == sheet->range.row0 || i == sheet->range.rowi ||
-              j == sheet->range.col0 || j == sheet->range.coli ||
-              i == new_range.row0 || i == new_range.rowi ||
-              j == new_range.col0 || j == new_range.coli))
-           {
-             mask1 = i == sheet->range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
-             mask1 = i == sheet->range.rowi ? mask1 + 2 : mask1;
-             mask1 = j == sheet->range.col0 ? mask1 + 4 : mask1;
-             mask1 = j == sheet->range.coli ? mask1 + 8 : mask1;
-             mask2 = i == new_range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
-             mask2 = i == new_range.rowi ? mask2 + 2 : mask2;
-             mask2 = j == new_range.col0 ? mask2 + 4 : mask2;
-             mask2 = j == new_range.coli ? mask2 + 8 : mask2;
-             if (mask1 != mask2)
-               {
-                 x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
-                 y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
-                 width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j)- x+
-                   psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
-                 height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
-                 if (i == sheet->range.row0)
-                   {
-                     y = y - 3;
-                     height = height + 3;
-                   }
-                 if (i == sheet->range.rowi) height = height + 3;
-                 if (j == sheet->range.col0)
-                   {
-                     x = x - 3;
-                     width = width + 3;
-                   }
-                 if (j == sheet->range.coli) width = width + 3;
-                 if (i != sheet->active_cell.row || j != sheet->active_cell.col)
-                   {
-                     x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
-                     y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
-                     width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j)- x+
-                       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
-                     height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
-                     if (i == new_range.row0)
-                       {
-                         y = y+2;
-                         height = height - 2;
-                       }
-                     if (i == new_range.rowi) height = height - 3;
-                     if (j == new_range.col0)
-                       {
-                         x = x+2;
-                         width = width - 2;
-                       }
-                     if (j == new_range.coli) width = width - 3;
-                     gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                         sheet->xor_gc,
-                                         TRUE,
-                                         x + 1, y + 1,
-                                         width, height);
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  for (i = range->row0; i <= range->rowi; i++)
-    {
-      for (j = range->col0; j <= range->coli; j++)
-       {
-         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
-         selected= (i <= new_range.rowi && i >= new_range.row0 &&
-                    j <= new_range.coli && j >= new_range.col0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-         if (state == GTK_STATE_SELECTED && !selected)
-           {
-             x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
-             y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
-             width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j) - x + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
-             height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
-             if (i == sheet->range.row0)
-               {
-                 y = y - 3;
-                 height = height + 3;
-               }
-             if (i == sheet->range.rowi) height = height + 3;
-             if (j == sheet->range.col0)
-               {
-                 x = x - 3;
-                 width = width + 3;
-               }
-             if (j == sheet->range.coli) width = width + 3;
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  for (i = range->row0; i <= range->rowi; i++)
-    {
-      for (j = range->col0; j <= range->coli; j++)
-       {
-         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
-         selected= (i <= new_range.rowi && i >= new_range.row0 &&
-                    j <= new_range.coli && j >= new_range.col0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-         if (state != GTK_STATE_SELECTED && selected &&
-             (i != sheet->active_cell.row || j != sheet->active_cell.col))
-           {
-             x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
-             y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
-             width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j) - x + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
-             height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i) - y + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
-             if (i == new_range.row0)
-               {
-                 y = y+2;
-                 height = height - 2;
-               }
-             if (i == new_range.rowi) height = height - 3;
-             if (j == new_range.col0)
-               {
-                 x = x+2;
-                 width = width - 2;
-               }
-             if (j == new_range.coli) width = width - 3;
-             gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                 sheet->xor_gc,
-                                 TRUE,
-                                 x + 1, y + 1,
-                                 width, height);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  for (i = aux_range.row0; i <= aux_range.rowi; i++)
-    {
-      for (j = aux_range.col0; j <= aux_range.coli; j++)
-       {
-         state = psppire_sheet_cell_get_state (sheet, i, j);
-         mask1 = i == sheet->range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
-         mask1 = i == sheet->range.rowi ? mask1 + 2 : mask1;
-         mask1 = j == sheet->range.col0 ? mask1 + 4 : mask1;
-         mask1 = j == sheet->range.coli ? mask1 + 8 : mask1;
-         mask2 = i == new_range.row0 ? 1 : 0;
-         mask2 = i == new_range.rowi ? mask2 + 2 : mask2;
-         mask2 = j == new_range.col0 ? mask2 + 4 : mask2;
-         mask2 = j == new_range.coli ? mask2 + 8 : mask2;
-         if (mask2 != mask1 || (mask2 == mask1 && state != GTK_STATE_SELECTED))
-           {
-             x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, j);
-             y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, i);
-             width = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, j);
-             height = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, i);
-             if (mask2 & 1)
-               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                   sheet->xor_gc,
-                                   TRUE,
-                                   x + 1, y - 1,
-                                   width, 3);
-             if (mask2 & 2)
-               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                   sheet->xor_gc,
-                                   TRUE,
-                                   x + 1, y + height - 1,
-                                   width, 3);
-             if (mask2 & 4)
-               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                   sheet->xor_gc,
-                                   TRUE,
-                                   x - 1, y + 1,
-                                   3, height);
-             if (mask2 & 8)
-               gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                                   sheet->xor_gc,
-                                   TRUE,
-                                   x + width - 1, y + 1,
-                                   3, height);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  *range = new_range;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_draw_border (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange new_range)
-  GdkRectangle area;
-  rectangle_from_range (sheet, &new_range, &area);
-  gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                     sheet->xor_gc,
-                     FALSE,
-                     area.x, area.y,
-                     area.width, area.height);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_real_select_range (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                            const PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  gint state;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  if (range == NULL) range = &sheet->range;
-  memcpy (&sheet->range, range, sizeof (*range));
-  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->rowi < 0) return;
-  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->coli < 0) return;
-  state = sheet->state;
-#if 0
-  if (range->coli != sheet->range.coli || range->col0 != sheet->range.col0 ||
-      range->rowi != sheet->range.rowi || range->row0 != sheet->range.row0)
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_new_selection (sheet, &sheet->range);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, sheet->range);
-    }
-  psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (sheet);
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_RANGE], 0, &sheet->range);
-psppire_sheet_get_selected_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  *range = sheet->range;
-psppire_sheet_select_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, const PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  if (range == NULL) range=&sheet->range;
-  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->rowi < 0) return;
-  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->coli < 0) return;
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-  sheet->range.row0 = range->row0;
-  sheet->range.rowi = range->rowi;
-  sheet->range.col0 = range->col0;
-  sheet->range.coli = range->coli;
-  sheet->active_cell.row = range->row0;
-  sheet->active_cell.col = range->col0;
-  sheet->selection_cell.row = range->rowi;
-  sheet->selection_cell.col = range->coli;
-  psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, NULL);
-psppire_sheet_unselect_range (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-    return;
-  psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-  sheet->state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
-  change_active_cell (sheet,
-                sheet->active_cell.row, sheet->active_cell.col);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                              const PsppireSheetRange *range)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)));
-  if ( range == NULL)
-    range = &sheet->range;
-  if (range->row0 < 0 || range->rowi < 0) return;
-  if (range->col0 < 0 || range->coli < 0) return;
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_COLUMN], 0, -1);
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[SELECT_ROW], 0, -1);
-  sheet->range.row0 = -1;
-  sheet->range.rowi = -1;
-  sheet->range.col0 = -1;
-  sheet->range.coli = -1;
-static gint
-psppire_sheet_expose (GtkWidget *widget,
-                 GdkEventExpose *event)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* exposure events on the sheet */
-  if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window &&
-      sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    {
-      draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet,
-                                   min_visible_row (sheet),
-                                   max_visible_row (sheet));
-    }
-  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window &&
-      sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    {
-      draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet,
-                                      min_visible_column (sheet),
-                                      max_visible_column (sheet));
-    }
-  if (event->window == sheet->sheet_window)
-    {
-      draw_sheet_region (sheet, event->region);
-#if 0
-      if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-       {
-         if (psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
-           psppire_sheet_range_draw (sheet, &sheet->range);
-         if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet) || PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
-           psppire_sheet_range_draw (sheet, &sheet->drag_range);
-         if (psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
-           psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, sheet->range);
-         if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet) || PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
-           draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-       }
-      if ((!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet)) && (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet)))
-       {
-         GdkRectangle rect;
-         PsppireSheetRange range;
-         range.row0 = range.rowi =  sheet->active_cell.row;
-         range.col0 = range.coli =  sheet->active_cell.col;
-         rectangle_from_range (sheet, &range, &rect);
-             gdk_region_rect_in (event->region, &rect))
-           {
-             psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->expose_event) (widget, event);
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_button_press (GtkWidget *widget,
-                       GdkEventButton *event)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  GdkModifierType mods;
-  gint x, y;
-  gint  row, column;
-  gboolean veto;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget), FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  /* Cancel any pending tooltips */
-  if (sheet->motion_timer)
-    {
-      g_source_remove (sheet->motion_timer);
-      sheet->motion_timer = 0;
-    }
-  gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
-  psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column);
-  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
-    {
-      sheet->x_drag = event->x;
-      g_signal_emit (sheet,
-                    sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_COLUMN], 0,
-                    column, event);
-      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_column_sensitivity (sheet->model, column))
-       {
-         if ( event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS && event->button == 1)
-           g_signal_emit (sheet,
-                          sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_COLUMN], 0, column);
-       }
-    }
-  else if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
-    {
-      g_signal_emit (sheet,
-                    sheet_signals[BUTTON_EVENT_ROW], 0,
-                    row, event);
-      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_row_sensitivity (sheet->model, row))
-       {
-         if ( event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS && event->button == 1)
-           g_signal_emit (sheet,
-                          sheet_signals[DOUBLE_CLICK_ROW], 0, row);
-       }
-    }
-  gdk_window_get_pointer (widget->window, NULL, NULL, &mods);
-  if (! (mods & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) return TRUE;
-  /* press on resize windows */
-  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
-    {
-      sheet->x_drag = event->x;
-      if (on_column_boundary (sheet, sheet->x_drag, &sheet->drag_cell.col))
-       {
-         gdk_pointer_grab (sheet->column_title_window, FALSE,
-                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK |
-                           GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK |
-                           GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK,
-                           NULL, NULL, event->time);
-         draw_xor_vline (sheet);
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-    }
-  if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
-    {
-      sheet->y_drag = event->y;
-      if (on_row_boundary (sheet, sheet->y_drag, &sheet->drag_cell.row))
-       {
-         gdk_pointer_grab (sheet->row_title_window, FALSE,
-                           GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK |
-                           GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK |
-                           GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK,
-                           NULL, NULL, event->time);
-         draw_xor_hline (sheet);
-         return TRUE;
-       }
-    }
-  /* the sheet itself does not handle other than single click events */
-  if (event->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) return FALSE;
-  /* selections on the sheet */
-  if (event->window == sheet->sheet_window)
-    {
-      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
-      psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column);
-      gdk_pointer_grab (sheet->sheet_window, FALSE,
-                       GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK |
-                       GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK |
-                       GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK,
-                       NULL, NULL, event->time);
-      gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-      if (sheet->selection_mode != GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE &&
-         sheet->selection_mode != GTK_SELECTION_NONE &&
-         sheet->cursor_drag->type == GDK_SIZING &&
-       {
-         if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL)
-           {
-             row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-             column = sheet->active_cell.col;
-             sheet->active_cell.row = row;
-             sheet->active_cell.col = column;
-             sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
-             sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
-             psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->drag_range);
-           }
-         sheet->x_drag = x;
-         sheet->y_drag = y;
-         if (row > sheet->range.rowi) row--;
-         if (column > sheet->range.coli) column--;
-         sheet->drag_cell.row = row;
-         sheet->drag_cell.col = column;
-         sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
-         draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-       }
-      else if (sheet->cursor_drag->type == GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW &&
-              !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet)
-              && ! PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet)
-              && sheet->active_cell.row >= 0
-              && sheet->active_cell.col >= 0
-              )
-       {
-         if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL)
-           {
-             row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-             column = sheet->active_cell.col;
-             sheet->active_cell.row = row;
-             sheet->active_cell.col = column;
-             sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
-             sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
-             psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->drag_range);
-           }
-         sheet->x_drag = x;
-         sheet->y_drag = y;
-         if (row < sheet->range.row0) row++;
-         if (row > sheet->range.rowi) row--;
-         if (column < sheet->range.col0) column++;
-         if (column > sheet->range.coli) column--;
-         sheet->drag_cell.row = row;
-         sheet->drag_cell.col = column;
-         sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
-         draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         veto = psppire_sheet_click_cell (sheet, row, column);
-       }
-    }
-  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
-    {
-      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
-      if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-       x -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
-      x += sheet->hadjustment->value;
-      column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_column_sensitivity (sheet->model, column))
-       {
-         veto = psppire_sheet_click_cell (sheet, -1, column);
-         gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-       }
-    }
-  if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
-    {
-      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y);
-      if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-       y -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
-      y += sheet->vadjustment->value;
-      row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-      if (psppire_sheet_model_get_row_sensitivity (sheet->model, row))
-       {
-         veto = psppire_sheet_click_cell (sheet, row, -1);
-         gtk_grab_add (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-       }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_click_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
-  PsppireSheetCell cell;
-  gboolean forbid_move;
-  cell.row = row;
-  cell.col = column;
-  if (row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis)
-      || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    {
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[TRAVERSE], 0,
-                &sheet->active_cell,
-                &cell,
-                &forbid_move);
-  if (forbid_move)
-    {
-      if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL)
-       return FALSE;
-      row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-      column = sheet->active_cell.col;
-      change_active_cell (sheet, row, column);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (row == -1 && column >= 0)
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_select_column (sheet, column);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (column == -1 && row >= 0)
-    {
-      psppire_sheet_select_row (sheet, row);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (row == -1 && column == -1)
-    {
-      sheet->range.row0 = 0;
-      sheet->range.col0 = 0;
-      sheet->range.rowi = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
-      sheet->range.coli =
-       psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
-      sheet->active_cell.row = 0;
-      sheet->active_cell.col = 0;
-      psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, NULL);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (sheet->state != PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    {
-      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
-      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      change_active_cell (sheet, row, column);
-    }
-  sheet->active_cell.row = row;
-  sheet->active_cell.col = column;
-  sheet->selection_cell.row = row;
-  sheet->selection_cell.col = column;
-  sheet->range.row0 = row;
-  sheet->range.col0 = column;
-  sheet->range.rowi = row;
-  sheet->range.coli = column;
-  sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL;
-  gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (sheet->entry_widget));
-  return TRUE;
-static gint
-psppire_sheet_button_release (GtkWidget *widget,
-                         GdkEventButton *event)
-  GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  /* release on resize windows */
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet))
-    {
-      gint width;
-      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
-      draw_xor_vline (sheet);
-      width = event->x -
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->drag_cell.col)
-       + sheet->hadjustment->value;
-      set_column_width (sheet, sheet->drag_cell.col, width);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet))
-    {
-      gint height;
-      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
-      draw_xor_hline (sheet);
-      height = event->y -
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->drag_cell.row) +
-       sheet->vadjustment->value;
-      set_row_height (sheet, sheet->drag_cell.row, height);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
-    {
-      PsppireSheetRange old_range;
-      draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
-      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-      sheet->active_cell.row = sheet->active_cell.row +
-       (sheet->drag_range.row0 - sheet->range.row0);
-      sheet->active_cell.col = sheet->active_cell.col +
-       (sheet->drag_range.col0 - sheet->range.col0);
-      sheet->selection_cell.row = sheet->selection_cell.row +
-       (sheet->drag_range.row0 - sheet->range.row0);
-      sheet->selection_cell.col = sheet->selection_cell.col +
-       (sheet->drag_range.col0 - sheet->range.col0);
-      old_range = sheet->range;
-      sheet->range = sheet->drag_range;
-      sheet->drag_range = old_range;
-      g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[MOVE_RANGE], 0,
-                    &sheet->drag_range, &sheet->range);
-      psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->range);
-    }
-    {
-      PsppireSheetRange old_range;
-      draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
-      psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-      sheet->active_cell.row = sheet->active_cell.row +
-       (sheet->drag_range.row0 - sheet->range.row0);
-      sheet->active_cell.col = sheet->active_cell.col +
-       (sheet->drag_range.col0 - sheet->range.col0);
-      if (sheet->drag_range.row0 < sheet->range.row0)
-       sheet->selection_cell.row = sheet->drag_range.row0;
-      if (sheet->drag_range.rowi >= sheet->range.rowi)
-       sheet->selection_cell.row = sheet->drag_range.rowi;
-      if (sheet->drag_range.col0 < sheet->range.col0)
-       sheet->selection_cell.col = sheet->drag_range.col0;
-      if (sheet->drag_range.coli >= sheet->range.coli)
-       sheet->selection_cell.col = sheet->drag_range.coli;
-      old_range = sheet->range;
-      sheet->range = sheet->drag_range;
-      sheet->drag_range = old_range;
-      if (sheet->state == GTK_STATE_NORMAL) sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
-      g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[RESIZE_RANGE], 0,
-                    &sheet->drag_range, &sheet->range);
-      psppire_sheet_select_range (sheet, &sheet->range);
-    }
-  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL && PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet))
-    {
-      gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
-      change_active_cell (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row,
-                              sheet->active_cell.col);
-    }
-    gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, event->time);
-  gtk_grab_remove (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-  return TRUE;
-/* Shamelessly lifted from gtktooltips */
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_subtitle_paint_window (GtkWidget *tip_window)
-  GtkRequisition req;
-  gtk_widget_size_request (tip_window, &req);
-  gtk_paint_flat_box (tip_window->style, tip_window->window,
-                     GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
-                     NULL, GTK_WIDGET(tip_window), "tooltip",
-                     0, 0, req.width, req.height);
-  return FALSE;
-static void
-destroy_hover_window (PsppireSheetHoverTitle *h)
-  gtk_widget_destroy (h->window);
-  g_free (h);
-static PsppireSheetHoverTitle *
-create_hover_window (void)
-  PsppireSheetHoverTitle *hw = g_malloc (sizeof (*hw));
-  hw->window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
-#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 9, 0)
-  gtk_window_set_type_hint (GTK_WINDOW (hw->window),
-                           GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP);
-  gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (hw->window, TRUE);
-  gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (hw->window), FALSE);
-  gtk_widget_set_name (hw->window, "gtk-tooltips");
-  gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hw->window), 4);
-  g_signal_connect (hw->window,
-                   "expose_event",
-                   G_CALLBACK (psppire_sheet_subtitle_paint_window),
-                   NULL);
-  hw->label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
-  gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (hw->label), TRUE);
-  gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (hw->label), 0.5, 0.5);
-  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hw->window), hw->label);
-  gtk_widget_show (hw->label);
-  g_signal_connect (hw->window,
-                   "destroy",
-                   G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),
-                   &hw->window);
-  return hw;
-static void
-show_subtitle (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column, const gchar *subtitle)
-  gint x, y;
-  gint px, py;
-  gint width;
-  if ( ! subtitle )
-    return;
-  gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (sheet->hover_window->label),
-                     subtitle);
-  sheet->hover_window->row = row;
-  sheet->hover_window->column = column;
-  gdk_window_get_origin (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->window, &x, &y);
-  gtk_widget_get_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), &px, &py);
-  gtk_widget_show (sheet->hover_window->window);
-  width = GTK_WIDGET (sheet->hover_window->label)->allocation.width;
-  if (row == -1 )
-    {
-      x += px;
-      x -= width / 2;
-      y += sheet->column_title_area.y;
-      y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
-    }
-  if ( column == -1 )
-    {
-      y += py;
-      x += sheet->row_title_area.x;
-      x += sheet->row_title_area.width * 2 / 3.0;
-    }
-  gtk_window_move (GTK_WINDOW (sheet->hover_window->window),
-                  x, y);
-static gboolean
-motion_timeout_callback (gpointer data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  gint x, y;
-  gint row, column;
-  gtk_widget_get_pointer (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), &x, &y);
-  if ( psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) )
-    {
-      if (sheet->row_title_under && row >= 0)
-       {
-         gchar *text = psppire_sheet_model_get_row_subtitle (sheet->model, row);
-         show_subtitle (sheet, row, -1, text);
-         g_free (text);
-       }
-      if (sheet->column_title_under && column >= 0)
-       {
-         gchar *text = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_subtitle (sheet->model,
-                                                          column);
-         show_subtitle (sheet, -1, column, text);
-         g_free (text);
-       }
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_motion (GtkWidget *widget,  GdkEventMotion *event)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  GdkModifierType mods;
-  GdkCursorType new_cursor;
-  gint x, y;
-  gint row, column;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-  display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
-  /* selections on the sheet */
-  x = event->x;
-  y = event->y;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (sheet->hover_window->window))
-    {
-      if ( sheet->motion_timer > 0 )
-       g_source_remove (sheet->motion_timer);
-      sheet->motion_timer =
-       g_timeout_add (TIMEOUT_HOVER, motion_timeout_callback, sheet);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      gint row, column;
-      gint wx, wy;
-      gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &wx, &wy);
-      if ( psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, wx, wy, &row, &column) )
-       {
-         if ( row != sheet->hover_window->row ||
-              column != sheet->hover_window->column)
-           {
-             gtk_widget_hide (sheet->hover_window->window);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
-    {
-      if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet) &&
-         on_column_boundary (sheet, x, &column))
-       {
-         new_cursor = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW;
-         if (new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-           {
-             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-             sheet->cursor_drag =
-               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
-             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->column_title_window,
-                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
-           }
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         new_cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW;
-         if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet) &&
-             new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-           {
-             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-             sheet->cursor_drag =
-               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
-             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->column_title_window,
-                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  else if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
-    {
-      if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_SELECTION (sheet) &&
-         on_row_boundary (sheet, y, &row))
-       {
-         new_cursor = GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW;
-         if (new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-           {
-             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-             sheet->cursor_drag =
-               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
-             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->row_title_window,
-                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
-           }
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         new_cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW;
-         if (!PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet) &&
-             new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-           {
-             gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-             sheet->cursor_drag =
-               gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, new_cursor);
-             gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->row_title_window,
-                                    sheet->cursor_drag);
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  new_cursor = GDK_PLUS;
-  if ( event->window == sheet->sheet_window &&
-       !POSSIBLE_DRAG (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) &&
-       !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet) &&
-       !POSSIBLE_RESIZE (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) &&
-       !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet) &&
-       new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-    {
-      gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-      sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_PLUS);
-      gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->cursor_drag);
-    }
-  new_cursor = GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW;
-  if ( event->window == sheet->sheet_window &&
-       ! (POSSIBLE_RESIZE (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) ||
-         PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet)) &&
-       (POSSIBLE_DRAG (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) ||
-       PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet)) &&
-       new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-    {
-      gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-      sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_TOP_LEFT_ARROW);
-      gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->cursor_drag);
-    }
-  new_cursor = GDK_SIZING;
-  if ( event->window == sheet->sheet_window &&
-       sheet->selection_mode != GTK_SELECTION_NONE &&
-       !PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet) &&
-       (POSSIBLE_RESIZE (sheet, x, y, &row, &column) ||
-       PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_RESIZE (sheet)) &&
-       new_cursor != sheet->cursor_drag->type)
-    {
-      gdk_cursor_unref (sheet->cursor_drag);
-      sheet->cursor_drag = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_SIZING);
-      gdk_window_set_cursor (sheet->sheet_window, sheet->cursor_drag);
-    }
-  gdk_window_get_pointer (widget->window, &x, &y, &mods);
-  if (! (mods & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) return FALSE;
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_XDRAG (sheet))
-    {
-      if (event->x != sheet->x_drag)
-       {
-         draw_xor_vline (sheet);
-         sheet->x_drag = event->x;
-         draw_xor_vline (sheet);
-       }
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_YDRAG (sheet))
-    {
-      if (event->y != sheet->y_drag)
-       {
-         draw_xor_hline (sheet);
-         sheet->y_drag = event->y;
-         draw_xor_hline (sheet);
-       }
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet))
-    {
-      PsppireSheetRange aux;
-      column = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x)- sheet->drag_cell.col;
-      row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y) - sheet->drag_cell.row;
-      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_COLUMN_SELECTED) row = 0;
-      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_ROW_SELECTED) column = 0;
-      sheet->x_drag = x;
-      sheet->y_drag = y;
-      aux = sheet->range;
-      if (aux.row0 + row >= 0 && aux.rowi + row < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) &&
-         aux.col0 + column >= 0 && aux.coli + column < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-       {
-         aux = sheet->drag_range;
-         sheet->drag_range.row0 = sheet->range.row0 + row;
-         sheet->drag_range.col0 = sheet->range.col0 + column;
-         sheet->drag_range.rowi = sheet->range.rowi + row;
-         sheet->drag_range.coli = sheet->range.coli + column;
-         if (aux.row0 != sheet->drag_range.row0 ||
-             aux.col0 != sheet->drag_range.col0)
-           {
-             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, aux);
-             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-           }
-       }
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-    {
-      PsppireSheetRange aux;
-      gint v_h, current_col, current_row, col_threshold, row_threshold;
-      v_h = 1;
-      if (abs (x - psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, sheet->drag_cell.col)) >
-         abs (y - psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, sheet->drag_cell.row))) v_h = 2;
-      current_col = column_from_xpixel (sheet, x);
-      current_row = row_from_ypixel (sheet, y);
-      column = current_col - sheet->drag_cell.col;
-      row = current_row - sheet->drag_cell.row;
-      /*use half of column width resp. row height as threshold to
-       expand selection*/
-      col_threshold = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, current_col) +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, current_col) / 2;
-      if (column > 0)
-       {
-         if (x < col_threshold)
-           column -= 1;
-       }
-      else if (column < 0)
-       {
-         if (x > col_threshold)
-           column +=1;
-       }
-      row_threshold = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, current_row) +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, current_row)/2;
-      if (row > 0)
-       {
-         if (y < row_threshold)
-           row -= 1;
-       }
-      else if (row < 0)
-       {
-         if (y > row_threshold)
-           row +=1;
-       }
-      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_COLUMN_SELECTED) row = 0;
-      if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_ROW_SELECTED) column = 0;
-      sheet->x_drag = x;
-      sheet->y_drag = y;
-      aux = sheet->range;
-      if (v_h == 1)
-       column = 0;
-      else
-       row = 0;
-      if (aux.row0 + row >= 0 && aux.rowi + row < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) &&
-         aux.col0 + column >= 0 && aux.coli + column < psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-       {
-         aux = sheet->drag_range;
-         sheet->drag_range = sheet->range;
-         if (row < 0) sheet->drag_range.row0 = sheet->range.row0 + row;
-         if (row > 0) sheet->drag_range.rowi = sheet->range.rowi + row;
-         if (column < 0) sheet->drag_range.col0 = sheet->range.col0 + column;
-         if (column > 0) sheet->drag_range.coli = sheet->range.coli + column;
-         if (aux.row0 != sheet->drag_range.row0 ||
-             aux.rowi != sheet->drag_range.rowi ||
-             aux.col0 != sheet->drag_range.col0 ||
-             aux.coli != sheet->drag_range.coli)
-           {
-             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, aux);
-             draw_xor_rectangle (sheet, sheet->drag_range);
-           }
-       }
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  psppire_sheet_get_pixel_info (sheet, x, y, &row, &column);
-  if (sheet->state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL && row == sheet->active_cell.row &&
-      column == sheet->active_cell.col) return TRUE;
-    psppire_sheet_extend_selection (sheet, row, column);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_crossing_notify (GtkWidget *widget,
-                          GdkEventCrossing *event)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  if (event->window == sheet->column_title_window)
-    sheet->column_title_under = event->type == GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY;
-  else if (event->window == sheet->row_title_window)
-    sheet->row_title_under = event->type == GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY;
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_extend_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint column)
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  gint state;
-  gint r, c;
-  if (row == sheet->selection_cell.row && column == sheet->selection_cell.col)
-    return;
-  if (sheet->selection_mode == GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE) return;
-  gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-  if (PSPPIRE_SHEET_IN_DRAG (sheet)) return;
-  state = sheet->state;
-  switch (sheet->state)
-    {
-      column = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
-      break;
-      row = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
-      break;
-      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
-      r = sheet->active_cell.row;
-      c = sheet->active_cell.col;
-      sheet->range.col0 = c;
-      sheet->range.row0 = r;
-      sheet->range.coli = c;
-      sheet->range.rowi = r;
-      psppire_sheet_range_draw_selection (sheet, sheet->range);
-      sheet->state = PSPPIRE_SHEET_RANGE_SELECTED;
-    }
-  sheet->selection_cell.row = row;
-  sheet->selection_cell.col = column;
-  range.col0 = MIN (column, sheet->active_cell.col);
-  range.coli = MAX (column, sheet->active_cell.col);
-  range.row0 = MIN (row, sheet->active_cell.row);
-  range.rowi = MAX (row, sheet->active_cell.row);
-  if (range.row0 != sheet->range.row0 || range.rowi != sheet->range.rowi ||
-      range.col0 != sheet->range.col0 || range.coli != sheet->range.coli ||
-      state == PSPPIRE_SHEET_NORMAL)
-    psppire_sheet_real_select_range (sheet, &range);
-static gint
-psppire_sheet_entry_key_press (GtkWidget *widget,
-                          GdkEventKey *key)
-  gboolean focus;
-  g_signal_emit_by_name (widget, "key_press_event", key, &focus);
-  return focus;
-/* Number of rows in a step-increment */
-#define ROWS_PER_STEP 1
-static void
-page_vertical (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkScrollType dir)
-  gint old_row = sheet->active_cell.row ;
-  glong vpixel = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, old_row);
-  gint new_row;
-  vpixel -= psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
-                                    min_visible_row (sheet));
-  switch ( dir)
-    {
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
-                               sheet->vadjustment->value +
-                               sheet->vadjustment->page_increment);
-      break;
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
-                               sheet->vadjustment->value -
-                               sheet->vadjustment->page_increment);
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-      break;
-    }
-  vpixel += psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
-                                    min_visible_row (sheet));
-  new_row =  row_from_ypixel (sheet, vpixel);
-  change_active_cell (sheet, new_row,
-                          sheet->active_cell.col);
-static void
-step_sheet (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkScrollType dir)
-  gint current_row = sheet->active_cell.row;
-  gint current_col = sheet->active_cell.col;
-  PsppireSheetCell new_cell ;
-  gboolean forbidden = FALSE;
-  new_cell.row = current_row;
-  new_cell.col = current_col;
-  switch ( dir)
-    {
-      new_cell.row++;
-      break;
-      new_cell.row--;
-      break;
-      new_cell.col++;
-      break;
-      new_cell.col--;
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-      break;
-    }
-  g_signal_emit (sheet, sheet_signals[TRAVERSE], 0,
-                &sheet->active_cell,
-                &new_cell,
-                &forbidden);
-  if (forbidden)
-    return;
-  maximize_int (&new_cell.row, 0);
-  maximize_int (&new_cell.col, 0);
-  minimize_int (&new_cell.row,
-               psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1);
-  minimize_int (&new_cell.col,
-               psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1);
-  change_active_cell (sheet, new_cell.row, new_cell.col);
-  if ( new_cell.col > max_fully_visible_column (sheet))
-    {
-      glong hpos  =
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis,
-                                   new_cell.col + 1);
-      hpos -= sheet->hadjustment->page_size;
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->hadjustment,
-                               hpos);
-    }
-  else if ( new_cell.col < min_fully_visible_column (sheet))
-    {
-      glong hpos  =
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis,
-                                   new_cell.col);
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->hadjustment,
-                               hpos);
-    }
-  if ( new_cell.row > max_fully_visible_row (sheet))
-    {
-      glong vpos  =
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
-                                   new_cell.row + 1);
-      vpos -= sheet->vadjustment->page_size;
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
-                               vpos);
-    }
-  else if ( new_cell.row < min_fully_visible_row (sheet))
-    {
-      glong vpos  =
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis,
-                                   new_cell.row);
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
-                               vpos);
-    }
-  gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (sheet->entry_widget));
-static gboolean
-psppire_sheet_key_press (GtkWidget *widget,
-                    GdkEventKey *key)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  switch (key->keyval)
-    {
-    case GDK_Tab:
-    case GDK_Right:
-      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT);
-      break;
-    case GDK_ISO_Left_Tab:
-    case GDK_Left:
-      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT);
-      break;
-    case GDK_Return:
-    case GDK_Down:
-      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN);
-      break;
-    case GDK_Up:
-      step_sheet (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP);
-      break;
-    case GDK_Page_Down:
-      page_vertical (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN);
-      break;
-    case GDK_Page_Up:
-      page_vertical (sheet, GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP);
-      break;
-    case GDK_Home:
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
-                               sheet->vadjustment->lower);
-      change_active_cell (sheet,  0,
-                              sheet->active_cell.col);
-      break;
-    case GDK_End:
-      gtk_adjustment_set_value (sheet->vadjustment,
-                               sheet->vadjustment->upper -
-                               sheet->vadjustment->page_size -
-                               sheet->vadjustment->page_increment);
-      /*
-       change_active_cellx (sheet,
-       psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1,
-       sheet->active_cell.col);
-      */
-      break;
-    case GDK_Delete:
-      psppire_sheet_real_cell_clear (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row, sheet->active_cell.col);
-      break;
-    default:
-      return FALSE;
-      break;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_size_request (GtkWidget *widget,
-                       GtkRequisition *requisition)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
-  g_return_if_fail (requisition != NULL);
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  requisition->width = 3 * DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
-  requisition->height = 3 * DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
-  /* compute the size of the column title area */
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    requisition->height += sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  /* compute the size of the row title area */
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    requisition->width += sheet->row_title_area.width;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget,
-                        GtkAllocation *allocation)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet;
-  GtkAllocation sheet_allocation;
-  gint border_width;
-  g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (widget));
-  g_return_if_fail (allocation != NULL);
-  sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (widget);
-  widget->allocation = *allocation;
-  border_width = GTK_CONTAINER (widget)->border_width;
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
-    gdk_window_move_resize (widget->window,
-                           allocation->x + border_width,
-                           allocation->y + border_width,
-                           allocation->width - 2 * border_width,
-                           allocation->height - 2 * border_width);
-  sheet_allocation.x = 0;
-  sheet_allocation.y = 0;
-  sheet_allocation.width = allocation->width - 2 * border_width;
-  sheet_allocation.height = allocation->height - 2 * border_width;
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget))
-    gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->sheet_window,
-                           sheet_allocation.x,
-                           sheet_allocation.y,
-                           sheet_allocation.width,
-                           sheet_allocation.height);
-  /* position the window which holds the column title buttons */
-  sheet->column_title_area.x = 0;
-  sheet->column_title_area.y = 0;
-  sheet->column_title_area.width = sheet_allocation.width ;
-  /* position the window which holds the row title buttons */
-  sheet->row_title_area.x = 0;
-  sheet->row_title_area.y = 0;
-  sheet->row_title_area.height = sheet_allocation.height;
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    sheet->column_title_area.x += sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    sheet->row_title_area.y += sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget) && sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->column_title_window,
-                           sheet->column_title_area.x,
-                           sheet->column_title_area.y,
-                           sheet->column_title_area.width,
-                           sheet->column_title_area.height);
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget) && sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->row_title_window,
-                           sheet->row_title_area.x,
-                           sheet->row_title_area.y,
-                           sheet->row_title_area.width,
-                           sheet->row_title_area.height);
-  size_allocate_global_button (sheet);
-  if (sheet->haxis)
-    {
-      gint width = sheet->column_title_area.width;
-      if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-       width -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
-      g_object_set (sheet->haxis,
-                   "minimum-extent", width,
-                   NULL);
-    }
-  if (sheet->vaxis)
-    {
-      gint height = sheet->row_title_area.height;
-      if ( sheet->column_titles_visible)
-       height -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
-      g_object_set (sheet->vaxis,
-                   "minimum-extent", height,
-                   NULL);
-    }
-  /* set the scrollbars adjustments */
-  adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-static void
-draw_column_title_buttons (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint x, width;
-  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
-    return;
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, &width, NULL);
-  x = 0;
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    {
-      x = sheet->row_title_area.width;
-    }
-  if (sheet->column_title_area.width != width || sheet->column_title_area.x != x)
-    {
-      sheet->column_title_area.width = width;
-      sheet->column_title_area.x = x;
-      gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->column_title_window,
-                             sheet->column_title_area.x,
-                             sheet->column_title_area.y,
-                             sheet->column_title_area.width,
-                             sheet->column_title_area.height);
-    }
-  if (max_visible_column (sheet) ==
-      psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1)
-    gdk_window_clear_area (sheet->column_title_window,
-                          0, 0,
-                          sheet->column_title_area.width,
-                          sheet->column_title_area.height);
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (sheet)) return;
-  draw_column_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_column (sheet), 
-                                  max_visible_column (sheet));
-static void
-draw_row_title_buttons (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint y = 0;
-  gint height;
-  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
-    return;
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, NULL, &height);
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    {
-      y = sheet->column_title_area.height;
-    }
-  if (sheet->row_title_area.height != height || sheet->row_title_area.y != y)
-    {
-      sheet->row_title_area.y = y;
-      sheet->row_title_area.height = height;
-      gdk_window_move_resize (sheet->row_title_window,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.x,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.y,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.width,
-                             sheet->row_title_area.height);
-    }
-  if (max_visible_row (sheet) == psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1)
-    gdk_window_clear_area (sheet->row_title_window,
-                          0, 0,
-                          sheet->row_title_area.width,
-                          sheet->row_title_area.height);
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (sheet)) return;
-  draw_row_title_buttons_range (sheet, min_visible_row (sheet),
-                               max_visible_row (sheet));
-static void
-psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  GtkAllocation entry_alloc;
-  PsppireSheetCellAttr attributes = { 0 };
-  GtkEntry *sheet_entry;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  sheet_entry = psppire_sheet_get_entry (sheet);
-  if ( ! psppire_sheet_get_attributes (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row,
-                                  sheet->active_cell.col,
-                                  &attributes) )
-    return ;
-  if ( GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet->entry_widget) )
-    {
-      GtkStyle *style = GTK_WIDGET (sheet_entry)->style;
-      style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = attributes.background;
-      style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = attributes.foreground;
-      style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = attributes.foreground;
-      style->bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = attributes.background;
-      style->fg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = attributes.foreground;
-      style->text[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = attributes.foreground;
-    }
-  rectangle_from_cell (sheet, sheet->active_cell.row,
-                      sheet->active_cell.col, &entry_alloc);
-  entry_alloc.width -= BORDER_WIDTH ;
-  entry_alloc.height -= BORDER_WIDTH ;
-  entry_alloc.x += DIV_RND_UP (BORDER_WIDTH, 2);
-  entry_alloc.y += DIV_RND_UP (BORDER_WIDTH, 2);
-  gtk_widget_set_size_request (sheet->entry_widget, entry_alloc.width,
-                              entry_alloc.height);
-  gtk_widget_size_allocate (sheet->entry_widget, &entry_alloc);
-/* Copy the sheet's font to the entry widget */
-static void
-set_entry_widget_font (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  GtkRcStyle *style = gtk_widget_get_modifier_style (sheet->entry_widget);
-  pango_font_description_free (style->font_desc);
-  style->font_desc = pango_font_description_copy (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->font_desc);
-  gtk_widget_modify_style (sheet->entry_widget, style);
-static void
-create_sheet_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  if (sheet->entry_widget)
-    {
-      gtk_widget_unparent (sheet->entry_widget);
-    }
-  sheet->entry_widget = g_object_new (sheet->entry_type, NULL);
-  g_object_ref_sink (sheet->entry_widget);
-  gtk_widget_size_request (sheet->entry_widget, NULL);
-  if ( GTK_IS_ENTRY (sheet->entry_widget))
-    {
-      g_object_set (sheet->entry_widget,
-                   "has-frame", FALSE,
-                   NULL);
-    }
-  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
-    {
-      gtk_widget_set_parent_window (sheet->entry_widget, sheet->sheet_window);
-      gtk_widget_set_parent (sheet->entry_widget, GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-      gtk_widget_realize (sheet->entry_widget);
-    }
-  g_signal_connect_swapped (sheet->entry_widget, "key_press_event",
-                           G_CALLBACK (psppire_sheet_entry_key_press),
-                           sheet);
-  set_entry_widget_font (sheet);
-  gtk_widget_show (sheet->entry_widget);
-/* Finds the last child widget that happens to be of type GtkEntry */
-static void
-find_entry (GtkWidget *w, gpointer user_data)
-  GtkWidget **entry = user_data;
-  if ( GTK_IS_ENTRY (w))
-    {
-      *entry = w;
-    }
-GtkEntry *
-psppire_sheet_get_entry (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  GtkWidget *w = sheet->entry_widget;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), NULL);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet->entry_widget != NULL, NULL);
-  while (! GTK_IS_ENTRY (w))
-    {
-      GtkWidget *entry = NULL;
-      if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (w))
-       {
-         gtk_container_forall (GTK_CONTAINER (w), find_entry, &entry);
-         if (NULL == entry)
-           break;
-         w = entry;
-       }
-    }
-  return GTK_ENTRY (w);
-static void
-draw_button (PsppireSheet *sheet, GdkWindow *window,
-                      PsppireSheetButton *button, gboolean is_sensitive,
-                      GdkRectangle allocation)
-  GtkShadowType shadow_type;
-  gint text_width = 0, text_height = 0;
-  PangoAlignment align = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
-  gboolean rtl ;
-  gint state = 0;
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (button != NULL);
-  rtl = gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL;
-  gdk_window_clear_area (window,
-                        allocation.x, allocation.y,
-                        allocation.width, allocation.height);
-  gtk_widget_ensure_style (sheet->button);
-  gtk_paint_box (sheet->button->style, window,
-                &allocation, GTK_WIDGET (sheet->button),
-                "buttondefault",
-                allocation.x, allocation.y,
-                allocation.width, allocation.height);
-  state = button->state;
-  if (!is_sensitive) state = GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE;
-  if (state == GTK_STATE_ACTIVE)
-    shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_IN;
-  else
-    shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
-  if (state != GTK_STATE_NORMAL && state != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
-    gtk_paint_box (sheet->button->style, window,
-                  button->state, shadow_type,
-                  &allocation, GTK_WIDGET (sheet->button),
-                  "button",
-                  allocation.x, allocation.y,
-                  allocation.width, allocation.height);
-  if (button->label_visible)
-    {
-      text_height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT -
-      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->fg_gc[button->state],
-                                &allocation);
-      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->white_gc,
-                                &allocation);
-      allocation.y += 2 * sheet->button->style->ythickness;
-      if (button->label && strlen (button->label) > 0)
-       {
-         PangoRectangle rect;
-         gchar *line = button->label;
-         PangoLayout *layout = NULL;
-         gint real_x = allocation.x;
-         gint real_y = allocation.y;
-         layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (GTK_WIDGET (sheet), line);
-         pango_layout_get_extents (layout, NULL, &rect);
-         text_width = PANGO_PIXELS (rect.width);
-         switch (button->justification)
-           {
-           case GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:
-             real_x = allocation.x + COLUMN_TITLES_HEIGHT;
-             align = rtl ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT : PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
-             break;
-           case GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
-             real_x = allocation.x + allocation.width - text_width - COLUMN_TITLES_HEIGHT;
-             align = rtl ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT : PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT;
-             break;
-           case GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER:
-           default:
-             real_x = allocation.x + (allocation.width - text_width)/2;
-             align = rtl ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT : PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
-             pango_layout_set_justify (layout, TRUE);
-           }
-         pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, align);
-         gtk_paint_layout (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style,
-                           window,
-                           state,
-                           FALSE,
-                           &allocation,
-                           GTK_WIDGET (sheet),
-                           "label",
-                           real_x, real_y,
-                           layout);
-         g_object_unref (layout);
-       }
-      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->fg_gc[button->state],
-                                NULL);
-      gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->white_gc, NULL);
-    }
-  psppire_sheet_button_free (button);
-/* Draw the column title buttons FIRST through to LAST */
-static void
-draw_column_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint last)
-  GdkRectangle rect;
-  gint col;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) return;
-  g_return_if_fail (first >= min_visible_column (sheet));
-  g_return_if_fail (last <= max_visible_column (sheet));
-  rect.y = 0;
-  rect.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  rect.x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, first) + CELL_SPACING;
-  rect.width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, last) + CELL_SPACING
-    + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, last);
-  rect.x -= sheet->hadjustment->value;
-  minimize_int (&rect.width, sheet->column_title_area.width);
-  maximize_int (&rect.x, 0);
-  gdk_window_begin_paint_rect (sheet->column_title_window, &rect);
-  for (col = first ; col <= last ; ++col)
-    {
-      GdkRectangle allocation;
-      gboolean is_sensitive = FALSE;
-      PsppireSheetButton *
-       button = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_button (sheet->model, col);
-      allocation.y = 0;
-      allocation.x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, col)
-       + CELL_SPACING;
-      allocation.x -= sheet->hadjustment->value;
-      allocation.height = sheet->column_title_area.height;
-      allocation.width = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, col);
-      is_sensitive = psppire_sheet_model_get_column_sensitivity (sheet->model, col);
-      draw_button (sheet, sheet->column_title_window,
-                  button, is_sensitive, allocation);
-    }
-  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->column_title_window);
-static void
-draw_row_title_buttons_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint first, gint last)
-  GdkRectangle rect;
-  gint row;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (sheet))) return;
-  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) return;
-  g_return_if_fail (first >= min_visible_row (sheet));
-  g_return_if_fail (last <= max_visible_row (sheet));
-  rect.x = 0;
-  rect.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  rect.y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, first) + CELL_SPACING;
-  rect.height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, last) + CELL_SPACING
-    + psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, last);
-  rect.y -= sheet->vadjustment->value;
-  minimize_int (&rect.height, sheet->row_title_area.height);
-  maximize_int (&rect.y, 0);
-  gdk_window_begin_paint_rect (sheet->row_title_window, &rect);
-  for (row = first; row <= last; ++row)
-    {
-      GdkRectangle allocation;
-      gboolean is_sensitive = FALSE;
-      PsppireSheetButton *button =
-       psppire_sheet_model_get_row_button (sheet->model, row);
-      allocation.x = 0;
-      allocation.y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, row)
-       + CELL_SPACING;
-      allocation.y -= sheet->vadjustment->value;
-      allocation.width = sheet->row_title_area.width;
-      allocation.height = psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, row);
-      is_sensitive = psppire_sheet_model_get_row_sensitivity (sheet->model, row);
-      draw_button (sheet, sheet->row_title_window,
-                  button, is_sensitive, allocation);
-    }
-  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->row_title_window);
- *
- * functions:
- * adjust_scrollbars
- * vadjustment_value_changed
- * hadjustment_value_changed */
-static void
-update_adjustment (GtkAdjustment *adj, PsppireAxis *axis, gint page_size)
-  double position =
-    (adj->value + adj->page_size)
-    /
-    (adj->upper - adj->lower);
-  const glong last_item = psppire_axis_unit_count (axis) - 1;
-  if (isnan (position) || position < 0)
-    position = 0;
-  adj->upper =
-    psppire_axis_start_pixel (axis, last_item)
-    +
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (axis, last_item)
-    ;
-  adj->lower = 0;
-  adj->page_size = page_size;
-#if 0
-  adj->value = position * (adj->upper - adj->lower) - adj->page_size;
-  if ( adj->value < adj->lower)
-    adj->value = adj->lower;
-  gtk_adjustment_changed (adj);
-static void
-adjust_scrollbars (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint width, height;
-    return;
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window, &width, &height);
-  if ( sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    width -= sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    height -= sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  if (sheet->vadjustment)
-    {
-      glong last_row = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis) - 1;
-      sheet->vadjustment->step_increment =
-       ROWS_PER_STEP *
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, last_row);
-      sheet->vadjustment->page_increment =
-       height -
-       sheet->column_title_area.height -
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, last_row);
-      update_adjustment (sheet->vadjustment, sheet->vaxis, height);
-    }
-  if (sheet->hadjustment)
-    {
-      gint last_col = psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis) - 1;
-      sheet->hadjustment->step_increment = 1;
-      sheet->hadjustment->page_increment = width;
-      sheet->hadjustment->upper =
-       psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, last_col)
-       +
-       psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, last_col)
-       ;
-      update_adjustment (sheet->hadjustment, sheet->haxis, width);
-    }
-/* Subtracts the region of WIDGET from REGION */
-static void
-subtract_widget_region (GdkRegion *region, GtkWidget *widget)
-  GdkRectangle rect;
-  GdkRectangle intersect;
-  GdkRegion *region2;
-  gdk_region_get_clipbox (region, &rect);
-  gtk_widget_intersect (widget,
-                       &rect,
-                       &intersect);
-  region2 = gdk_region_rectangle (&intersect);
-  gdk_region_subtract (region, region2);
-  gdk_region_destroy (region2);
-static void
-vadjustment_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
-                          gpointer data)
-  GdkRegion *region;
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  g_return_if_fail (adjustment != NULL);
-  if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet)) return;
-  gtk_widget_hide (sheet->entry_widget);
-  region =
-    gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (GDK_DRAWABLE (sheet->sheet_window));
-  subtract_widget_region (region, sheet->button);
-  gdk_window_begin_paint_region (sheet->sheet_window, region);
-  draw_sheet_region (sheet, region);
-  draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
-  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
-  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->sheet_window);
-  gdk_region_destroy (region);
-static void
-hadjustment_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
-                          gpointer data)
-  GdkRegion *region;
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  g_return_if_fail (adjustment != NULL);
-  if ( ! GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet)) return;
-  gtk_widget_hide (sheet->entry_widget);
-  region =
-    gdk_drawable_get_visible_region (GDK_DRAWABLE (sheet->sheet_window));
-  subtract_widget_region (region, sheet->button);
-  gdk_window_begin_paint_region (sheet->sheet_window, region);
-  draw_sheet_region (sheet, region);
-  draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
-  psppire_sheet_draw_active_cell (sheet);
-  gdk_window_end_paint (sheet->sheet_window);
-  gdk_region_destroy (region);
-static void
-draw_xor_vline (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint height;
-  gint xpos = sheet->x_drag;
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window,
-                        NULL, &height);
-  if (sheet->row_titles_visible)
-    xpos += sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  gdk_draw_line (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->window, sheet->xor_gc,
-                xpos,
-                sheet->column_title_area.height,
-                xpos,
-                height + CELL_SPACING);
-static void
-draw_xor_hline (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint width;
-  gint ypos = sheet->y_drag;
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window,
-                        &width, NULL);
-  if (sheet->column_titles_visible)
-    ypos += sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  gdk_draw_line (GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->window, sheet->xor_gc,
-                sheet->row_title_area.width,
-                ypos,
-                width + CELL_SPACING,
-                ypos);
-static void
-draw_xor_rectangle (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange range)
-  gint i = 0;
-  GdkRectangle clip_area, area;
-  GdkGCValues values;
-  area.x = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range.col0);
-  area.y = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range.row0);
-  area.width = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->haxis, range.coli)- area.x+
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->haxis, range.coli);
-  area.height = psppire_axis_start_pixel (sheet->vaxis, range.rowi)- area.y +
-    psppire_axis_unit_size (sheet->vaxis, range.rowi);
-  clip_area.x = sheet->row_title_area.width;
-  clip_area.y = sheet->column_title_area.height;
-  gdk_drawable_get_size (sheet->sheet_window,
-                        &clip_area.width, &clip_area.height);
-  if (!sheet->row_titles_visible) clip_area.x = 0;
-  if (!sheet->column_titles_visible) clip_area.y = 0;
-  if (area.x < 0)
-    {
-      area.width = area.width + area.x;
-      area.x = 0;
-    }
-  if (area.width > clip_area.width) area.width = clip_area.width + 10;
-  if (area.y < 0)
-    {
-      area.height = area.height + area.y;
-      area.y = 0;
-    }
-  if (area.height > clip_area.height) area.height = clip_area.height + 10;
-  clip_area.x--;
-  clip_area.y--;
-  clip_area.width += 3;
-  clip_area.height += 3;
-  gdk_gc_get_values (sheet->xor_gc, &values);
-  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->xor_gc, &clip_area);
-  gdk_draw_rectangle (sheet->sheet_window,
-                     sheet->xor_gc,
-                     FALSE,
-                     area.x + i, area.y + i,
-                     area.width - 2 * i, area.height - 2 * i);
-  gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (sheet->xor_gc, NULL);
-  gdk_gc_set_foreground (sheet->xor_gc, &values.foreground);
-static void
-set_column_width (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                 gint column,
-                 gint width)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (column < 0 || column >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->haxis))
-    return;
-  if ( width <= 0)
-    return;
-  psppire_axis_resize (sheet->haxis, column, width);
-    {
-      draw_column_title_buttons (sheet);
-      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-      psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (sheet);
-      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
-    }
-static void
-set_row_height (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-               gint row,
-               gint height)
-  g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet));
-  if (row < 0 || row >= psppire_axis_unit_count (sheet->vaxis))
-    return;
-  if (height <= 0)
-    return;
-  psppire_axis_resize (sheet->vaxis, row, height);
-    {
-      draw_row_title_buttons (sheet);
-      adjust_scrollbars (sheet);
-      psppire_sheet_size_allocate_entry (sheet);
-      redraw_range (sheet, NULL);
-    }
-psppire_sheet_get_attributes (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col,
-                         PsppireSheetCellAttr *attr)
-  GdkColor *fg, *bg;
-  const GtkJustification *j ;
-  GdkColormap *colormap;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (sheet != NULL, FALSE);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), FALSE);
-  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return FALSE;
-  attr->foreground = GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->black;
-  attr->background = sheet->color[BG_COLOR];
-  attr->border.width = 0;
-  attr->border.line_style = GDK_LINE_SOLID;
-  attr->border.cap_style = GDK_CAP_NOT_LAST;
-  attr->border.join_style = GDK_JOIN_MITER;
-  attr->border.mask = 0;
-  attr->border.color = GTK_WIDGET (sheet)->style->black;
-  attr->is_editable = psppire_sheet_model_is_editable (sheet->model, row, col);
-  colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (sheet));
-  fg = psppire_sheet_model_get_foreground (sheet->model, row, col);
-  if ( fg )
-    {
-      gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, fg, TRUE, TRUE);
-      attr->foreground = *fg;
-    }
-  bg = psppire_sheet_model_get_background (sheet->model, row, col);
-  if ( bg )
-    {
-      gdk_colormap_alloc_color (colormap, bg, TRUE, TRUE);
-      attr->background = *bg;
-    }
-  attr->justification =
-    psppire_sheet_model_get_column_justification (sheet->model, col);
-  j = psppire_sheet_model_get_justification (sheet->model, row, col);
-  if (j)
-    attr->justification = *j;
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-psppire_sheet_button_size_request       (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                 const PsppireSheetButton *button,
-                                 GtkRequisition *button_requisition)
-  GtkRequisition requisition;
-  GtkRequisition label_requisition;
-  label_requisition.height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
-  label_requisition.width = COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH;
-  requisition.height = DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT;
-  requisition.width = COLUMN_MIN_WIDTH;
-  *button_requisition = requisition;
-  button_requisition->width = MAX (requisition.width, label_requisition.width);
-  button_requisition->height = MAX (requisition.height, label_requisition.height);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_forall (GtkContainer *container,
-                 gboolean include_internals,
-                 GtkCallback callback,
-                 gpointer callback_data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (container);
-  g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);
-  if (sheet->button && sheet->button->parent)
-    (* callback) (sheet->button, callback_data);
-  if (sheet->entry_widget && GTK_IS_CONTAINER (sheet->entry_widget))
-    (* callback) (sheet->entry_widget, callback_data);
-PsppireSheetModel *
-psppire_sheet_get_model (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  g_return_val_if_fail (PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET (sheet), NULL);
-  return sheet->model;
-PsppireSheetButton *
-psppire_sheet_button_new (void)
-  PsppireSheetButton *button = g_malloc (sizeof (PsppireSheetButton));
-  button->state = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
-  button->label = NULL;
-  button->label_visible = TRUE;
-  button->justification = GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL;
-  return button;
-psppire_sheet_button_free (PsppireSheetButton *button)
-  if (!button) return ;
-  g_free (button->label);
-  g_free (button);
-static void
-append_cell_text (GString *string, const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint r, gint c)
-  gchar *celltext = psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (sheet, r, c);
-  if ( NULL == celltext)
-    return;
-  g_string_append (string, celltext);
-  g_free (celltext);
-static GString *
-range_to_text (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint r, c;
-  GString *string;
-  if ( !psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
-    return NULL;
-  string = g_string_sized_new (80);
-  for (r = sheet->range.row0; r <= sheet->range.rowi; ++r)
-    {
-      for (c = sheet->range.col0; c < sheet->range.coli; ++c)
-       {
-         append_cell_text (string, sheet, r, c);
-         g_string_append (string, "\t");
-       }
-      append_cell_text (string, sheet, r, c);
-      if ( r < sheet->range.rowi)
-       g_string_append (string, "\n");
-    }
-  return string;
-static GString *
-range_to_html (const PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  gint r, c;
-  GString *string;
-  if ( !psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
-    return NULL;
-  string = g_string_sized_new (480);
-  g_string_append (string, "<html>\n");
-  g_string_append (string, "<body>\n");
-  g_string_append (string, "<table>\n");
-  for (r = sheet->range.row0; r <= sheet->range.rowi; ++r)
-    {
-      g_string_append (string, "<tr>\n");
-      for (c = sheet->range.col0; c <= sheet->range.coli; ++c)
-       {
-         g_string_append (string, "<td>");
-         append_cell_text (string, sheet, r, c);
-         g_string_append (string, "</td>\n");
-       }
-      g_string_append (string, "</tr>\n");
-    }
-  g_string_append (string, "</table>\n");
-  g_string_append (string, "</body>\n");
-  g_string_append (string, "</html>\n");
-  return string;
-enum {
-static void
-primary_get_cb (GtkClipboard     *clipboard,
-               GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
-               guint             info,
-               gpointer          data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-  GString *string = NULL;
-  switch (info)
-    {
-    case SELECT_FMT_TEXT:
-      string = range_to_text (sheet);
-      break;
-    case SELECT_FMT_HTML:
-      string = range_to_html (sheet);
-      break;
-    default:
-      g_assert_not_reached ();
-    }
-  gtk_selection_data_set (selection_data, selection_data->target,
-                         8,
-                         (const guchar *) string->str, string->len);
-  g_string_free (string, TRUE);
-static void
-primary_clear_cb (GtkClipboard *clipboard,
-                 gpointer      data)
-  PsppireSheet *sheet = PSPPIRE_SHEET (data);
-    return;
-  psppire_sheet_real_unselect_range (sheet, NULL);
-static void
-psppire_sheet_update_primary_selection (PsppireSheet *sheet)
-  static const GtkTargetEntry targets[] = {
-    { "UTF8_STRING",   0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
-    { "STRING",        0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
-    { "TEXT",          0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
-    { "text/plain;charset=utf-8", 0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
-    { "text/plain",    0, SELECT_FMT_TEXT },
-    { "text/html",     0, SELECT_FMT_HTML }
-  };
-  GtkClipboard *clipboard;
-  if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (sheet))
-    return;
-  clipboard = gtk_widget_get_clipboard (GTK_WIDGET (sheet),
-                                       GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY);
-  if (psppire_sheet_range_isvisible (sheet, &sheet->range))
-    {
-      if (!gtk_clipboard_set_with_owner (clipboard, targets,
-                                        G_N_ELEMENTS (targets),
-                                        primary_get_cb, primary_clear_cb,
-                                        G_OBJECT (sheet)))
-       primary_clear_cb (clipboard, sheet);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (gtk_clipboard_get_owner (clipboard) == G_OBJECT (sheet))
-       gtk_clipboard_clear (clipboard);
-    }
diff --git a/lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.h b/lib/gtksheet/psppire-sheet.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 82de87b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-   Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation
-   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- This file is derived from the gtksheet.c and extensively modified for the
- requirements of PSPPIRE.  The changes are copyright by the
- Free Software Foundation.  The copyright notice for the original work is
- below.
- GtkSheet widget for Gtk+.
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Adrian E. Feiguin <>
- *
- * Based on GtkClist widget by Jay Painter, but major changes.
- * Memory allocation routines inspired on SC (Spreadsheet Calculator)
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- */
-#ifndef __PSPPIRE_SHEET_H__
-#define __PSPPIRE_SHEET_H__
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include "gtkextra-sheet.h"
-#include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-sheetmodel.h>
-#include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-axis.h>
-/* sheet->state */
-#define PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_RANGE (psppire_sheet_range_get_type ())
-#define PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET_CELL (psppire_sheet_cell_get_type ())
-#define PSPPIRE_TYPE_SHEET (psppire_sheet_get_type ())
-#define PSPPIRE_SHEET(obj)          GTK_CHECK_CAST (obj, psppire_sheet_get_type (), PsppireSheet)
-#define PSPPIRE_SHEET_CLASS(klass)  GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST (klass, psppire_sheet_get_type (), PsppireSheetClass)
-#define PSPPIRE_IS_SHEET(obj)       GTK_CHECK_TYPE (obj, psppire_sheet_get_type ())
-typedef struct _PsppireSheetClass PsppireSheetClass;
-typedef struct _PsppireSheetCellAttr     PsppireSheetCellAttr;
-typedef struct _PsppireSheetHoverTitle PsppireSheetHoverTitle;
-struct _PsppireSheetCellAttr
-  GtkJustification justification;
-  GdkColor foreground;
-  GdkColor background;
-  PsppireSheetCellBorder border;
-  gboolean is_editable;
-struct _PsppireSheetHoverTitle
-  GtkWidget *window;
-  GtkWidget *label;
-  gint row, column;
-  {
-    BG_COLOR,
-    n_COLORS
-  };
-struct _PsppireSheet
-  GtkBin parent;
-  gboolean dispose_has_run;
-  PsppireAxis *haxis;
-  PsppireAxis *vaxis;
-  guint16 flags;
-  PsppireSheetModel *model;
-  GtkSelectionMode selection_mode;
-  /* Component colors */
-  GdkColor color[n_COLORS];
-  gboolean show_grid;
-  /* active cell */
-  PsppireSheetCell active_cell;
-  /* The GtkEntry used for editing the cells */
-  GtkWidget *entry_widget;
-  /* The type of entry_widget */
-  GtkType entry_type;
-  /* expanding selection */
-  PsppireSheetCell selection_cell;
-  /* global selection button */
-  GtkWidget *button;
-  /* sheet state */
-  gint state;
-  /* selected range */
-  PsppireSheetRange range;
-  /* the scrolling window and its height and width to
-   * make things a little speedier */
-  GdkWindow *sheet_window;
-  /* border shadow style */
-  GtkShadowType shadow_type;
-  /* Column Titles */
-  GdkRectangle column_title_area;
-  GdkWindow *column_title_window;
-  gboolean column_titles_visible;
-  /* TRUE if the cursor is over the column title window */
-  gboolean column_title_under;
-  /* Row Titles */
-  GdkRectangle row_title_area;
-  GdkWindow *row_title_window;
-  gboolean row_titles_visible;
-  /* TRUE if the cursor is over the row title window */
-  gboolean row_title_under;
-  /*scrollbars*/
-  GtkAdjustment *hadjustment;
-  GtkAdjustment *vadjustment;
-  /* xor GC for the verticle drag line */
-  GdkGC *xor_gc;
-  /* gc for drawing unselected cells */
-  GdkGC *fg_gc;
-  GdkGC *bg_gc;
-  /* cursor used to indicate dragging */
-  GdkCursor *cursor_drag;
-  /* the current x-pixel location of the xor-drag vline */
-  gint x_drag;
-  /* the current y-pixel location of the xor-drag hline */
-  gint y_drag;
-  /* current cell being dragged */
-  PsppireSheetCell drag_cell;
-  /* current range being dragged */
-  PsppireSheetRange drag_range;
-  /* Used for the subtitle (popups) */
-  gint motion_timer;
-  PsppireSheetHoverTitle *hover_window;
-  gulong update_handler_id;
-struct _PsppireSheetClass
-  GtkBinClass parent_class;
- gboolean (*set_scroll_adjustments) (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
-                                GtkAdjustment *vadjustment);
- void (*select_row)            (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row);
- void (*select_column)                 (PsppireSheet *sheet, gint column);
- void (*select_range)          (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range);
- void (*resize_range)          (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                               PsppireSheetRange *old_range,
-                               PsppireSheetRange *new_range);
- void (*move_range)                    (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                               PsppireSheetRange *old_range,
-                               PsppireSheetRange *new_range);
- gboolean (*traverse)          (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                               gint row, gint column,
-                               gint *new_row, gint *new_column);
- gboolean (*activate)          (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                               gint row, gint column);
- void (*changed)               (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                               gint row, gint column);
-GType psppire_sheet_get_type (void);
-GtkType psppire_sheet_range_get_type (void);
-/* create a new sheet */
-GtkWidget * psppire_sheet_new (PsppireSheetModel *model);
-/* create a new sheet with custom entry */
-GtkWidget *
-psppire_sheet_new_with_custom_entry (GtkType entry_type);
-/* Change entry */
-void psppire_sheet_change_entry                (PsppireSheet *sheet, GtkType entry_type);
-GtkEntry *psppire_sheet_get_entry    (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-void psppire_sheet_get_selected_range (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                        PsppireSheetRange *range);
-void psppire_sheet_show_grid     (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                        gboolean show);
-gboolean psppire_sheet_grid_visible   (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-/* scroll the viewing area of the sheet to the given column
- * and row; row_align and col_align are between 0-1 representing the
- * location the row should appear on the screen, 0.0 being top or left,
- * 1.0 being bottom or right; if row or column is negative then there
- * is no change */
-void psppire_sheet_moveto (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                 gint row,
-                 gint column,
-                 gfloat row_align,
-                  gfloat col_align);
-void psppire_sheet_show_row_titles             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-void psppire_sheet_hide_row_titles             (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-void psppire_sheet_show_column_titles       (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-void psppire_sheet_hide_column_titles  (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-/* select the row. The range is then highlighted, and the bounds are stored
- * in sheet->range  */
-void psppire_sheet_select_row    (PsppireSheet * sheet,  gint row);
-/* select the column. The range is then highlighted, and the bounds are stored
- * in sheet->range  */
-void psppire_sheet_select_column (PsppireSheet * sheet,  gint column);
-/* highlight the selected range and store bounds in sheet->range */
-void psppire_sheet_select_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, const PsppireSheetRange *range);
-void psppire_sheet_get_visible_range (PsppireSheet *sheet, PsppireSheetRange *range);
-/* obvious */
-void psppire_sheet_unselect_range              (PsppireSheet *sheet);
-/* set active cell where the entry will be displayed */
-void psppire_sheet_set_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                               gint row, gint column);
-/* Sets *ROW and *COLUMN to be the coordinates of the active cell.
-   ROW and/or COLUMN may be null if the caller is not interested in their
-   values */
-void psppire_sheet_get_active_cell (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                       gint *row, gint *column);
-/* get cell contents */
-gchar *psppire_sheet_cell_get_text (const PsppireSheet *sheet, gint row, gint col);
-/* get cell attributes of the given cell */
-/* TRUE means that the cell is currently allocated */
-gboolean psppire_sheet_get_attributes       (const PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                       gint row, gint col,
-                                       PsppireSheetCellAttr *attributes);
-void psppire_sheet_set_model (PsppireSheet *sheet,
-                                  PsppireSheetModel *model);
-PsppireSheetModel * psppire_sheet_get_model (const PsppireSheet *sheet);
-#endif /* __PSPPIRE_SHEET_H__ */
index e3480d7a43196dae6c212ece519b5ad5ed3d3e34..57d9163ce120ba84b9ef943f44ce48b7540a0e8b 100644 (file)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ src_ui_gui_psppire_LDADD = \
        -dlopen src/ui/gui/ \
        src/ui/gui/ \
         src/ui/gui/sheet/ \
-       lib/gtksheet/libgtksheet.a \
+       lib/gtk-contrib/libgtksheet.a \
        src/ui/ \
        src/ \
        src/ \
index 6963a4244804c7e8cfcea1f20364342b40131543..00e227ecc922a465b939779000a31e69b359ea5e 100644 (file)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <config.h>
 #include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <gtksheet/gtkextra-sheet.h>
+#include <gtk-contrib/gtkextra-sheet.h>
 #include "psppire-data-editor.h"
 #include "psppire-var-sheet.h"
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include <ui/gui/sheet/psppire-axis-impl.h>
 #include "helper.h"
-#include <gtksheet/gtkxpaned.h>
+#include <gtk-contrib/gtkxpaned.h>
 #include <gettext.h>
 #define _(msgid) gettext (msgid)
 #define N_(msgid) msgid
index 79f911c887dba4772d7d634bd87d7f50901c017e..b996275c70404e94ea09e4c79a046d2783796dcb 100644 (file)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <glib-object.h>
-#include <gtksheet/psppire-sheet.h>
+#include <gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.h>
 #include "val-labs-dialog.h"
 #include "missing-val-dialog.h"
 #include "var-type-dialog.h"
index 11f37e99d0a8bd465502bfa026552b44aff20685..7869791e206d562ddbfc0455397a97ffd901b95d 100644 (file)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include <glib-object.h>
 #include <gdk/gdk.h>
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <gtksheet/gtkextra-sheet.h>
+#include <gtk-contrib/gtkextra-sheet.h>
index 92e3f893026ad110499eb45eb949e450356b6c45..a82a81a121d5654f435e6fdd8f54516ed9fb5137 100644 (file)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include <errno.h>
-#include <gtksheet/psppire-sheet.h>
+#include <gtk-contrib/psppire-sheet.h>
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>