--- /dev/null
+# This program tests the PRINT transformation
+# ensure that top_srcdir is absolute
+cd $top_srcdir; top_srcdir=`pwd`
+export STAT_CONFIG_PATH=$top_srcdir/config
+ rm -rf $TEMPDIR
+ echo $activity
+ echo FAILED
+ cleanup;
+ exit 1;
+ echo $activity
+ echo NO RESULT;
+ cleanup;
+ exit 2;
+ cleanup;
+ exit 0;
+mkdir -p $TEMPDIR
+# Copy this file --- it's shared with another test
+activity="create data"
+cp $here/data-list.data $TEMPDIR
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="create program"
+cat > $TEMPFILE/print.stat <<EOF_print
+title 'Test PRINT transformation'.
+remark EOF
+There is no test for DATA LIST FIXED since it is imagined that the
+rest of the tests give it a pretty good workout.
+remark EOF
+Testing use of DATA LIST FREE.
+data list free table file='$TEMPDIR/data-list.data'/A B C D.
+print outfile="foo" table/A(f8.2) '/' B(e8.2) '/' C(n10) '/' D(rbhex16) '/'.
+print space a.
+print outfile="foo" /a b c d.
+remark EOF
+Testing use of DATA LIST LIST.
+data list list table file='$TEMPDIR/data-list.data'/A B C D.
+print table/A B C D.
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="run program"
+$here/../src/pspp -o raw-ascii $TEMPFILE/print.stat > $TEMPDIR/errs
+# Note vv --- there are errors in input. Therefore, the command must FAIL
+if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then fail ; fi
+activity="compare error messages"
+diff -w $TEMPDIR/errs - <<EOF
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:1: error: (columns 1-5, field type F8.0)
+ Field does not form a valid floating-point constant.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:1: warning: LIST: The expression on PRINT
+ SPACE evaluated to -2147483648. It's not possible to PRINT SPACE a
+ negative number of lines.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:2: error: (columns 1-8, field type F8.0)
+ Field does not form a valid floating-point constant.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:4: warning: LIST: The expression on PRINT
+ SPACE evaluated to -2147483648. It's not possible to PRINT SPACE a
+ negative number of lines.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:4: error: (columns 3-12, field type F8.0)
+ Field does not form a valid floating-point constant.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:6: warning: LIST: The expression on PRINT
+ SPACE evaluated to -2147483648. It's not possible to PRINT SPACE a
+ negative number of lines.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:1: error: (columns 1-5, field type F8.0)
+ Field does not form a valid floating-point constant.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:2: error: (columns 1-8, field type F8.0)
+ Field does not form a valid floating-point constant.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:2: warning: LIST: Missing value(s) for all
+ variables from C onward. These will be filled with the system-missing
+ value or blanks, as appropriate.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:3: warning: LIST: Missing value(s) for all
+ variables from B onward. These will be filled with the system-missing
+ value or blanks, as appropriate.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:4: error: (columns 3-12, field type F8.0)
+ Field does not form a valid floating-point constant.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:4: warning: LIST: Missing value(s) for all
+ variables from C onward. These will be filled with the system-missing
+ value or blanks, as appropriate.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:5: warning: LIST: Missing value(s) for all
+ variables from C onward. These will be filled with the system-missing
+ value or blanks, as appropriate.
+$TEMPDIR/data-list.data:6: warning: LIST: Missing value(s) for all
+ variables from B onward. These will be filled with the system-missing
+ value or blanks, as appropriate.
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi
+cp $TEMPDIR/pspp.list /tmp/out
+activity="compare output"
+diff -b -B $TEMPDIR/pspp.list - << EOF
+There is no test for DATA LIST FIXED since it is imagined that the
+rest of the tests give it a pretty good workout.
+Testing use of DATA LIST FREE.
+1.1 DATA LIST. Reading free-form data from file
+|A |F8.0 |
+|B |F8.0 |
+|C |F8.0 |
+|D |F8.0 |
+2.1 PRINT. Writing 1 records to file "foo".
+|Variable|Record|Columns| Format|
+|A | 1| 1- 8|F8.2 |
+|"/" | 1| 9- 9|A1 |
+|B | 1| 10- 17|E8.2 |
+|"/" | 1| 18- 18|A1 |
+|C | 1| 19- 28|N10.0 |
+|"/" | 1| 29- 29|A1 |
+|D | 1| 30- 45|RBHEX16|
+|"/" | 1| 46- 46|A1 |
+ A B C D
+-------- -------- -------- --------
+ . 2.00 3.00 4.00
+ . 6.00 7.00 8.00
+ . 10.00 11.00 12.00
+Testing use of DATA LIST LIST.
+3.1 DATA LIST. Reading free-form data from file
+|A |F8.0 |
+|B |F8.0 |
+|C |F8.0 |
+|D |F8.0 |
+4.1 PRINT. Writing 1 records to the listing file.
+|A | 1| 1- 8|F8.2 |
+|B | 1| 10- 17|F8.2 |
+|C | 1| 19- 26|F8.2 |
+|D | 1| 28- 35|F8.2 |
+ . 2.00 3.00 4.00
+ A B C D
+-------- -------- -------- --------
+ . 2.00 3.00 4.00
+ . 6.00 . .
+ . 6.00 . .
+ 7.00 . . .
+ 7.00 . . .
+ 8.00 . . .
+ 8.00 . . .
+ 10.00 11.00 . .
+ 10.00 11.00 . .
+ 12.00 . . .
+ 12.00 . . .
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi
+activity="compare print out"
+diff $TEMPDIR/foo - << EOF
+ . /2.00E+00/0000000003/0000000000001040/
+ . 2.00 3.00 4.00
+ . /6.00E+00/0000000007/0000000000002040/
+ . 6.00 7.00 8.00
+ . /1.00E+01/0000000011/0000000000002840/
+ . 10.00 11.00 12.00
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi
--- /dev/null
+# This program tests that tab characters can be used in string input
+# ensure that top_srcdir is absolute
+cd $top_srcdir; top_srcdir=`pwd`
+export STAT_CONFIG_PATH=$top_srcdir/config
+ rm -rf $TEMPDIR
+ echo $activity
+ echo FAILED
+ cleanup;
+ exit 1;
+ echo $activity
+ echo NO RESULT;
+ cleanup;
+ exit 2;
+ cleanup;
+ exit 0;
+mkdir -p $TEMPDIR
+activity="create program 1"
+cat > $TEMPDIR/tabs.stat <<EOF
+data list /x 1-80 (a).
+begin data.
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="create program 2"
+printf "\t1\t12\t123\t1234\t12345\t123456\t\t1234567\t12345678\tasdf\tjkl\n" >> $TEMPDIR/tabs.stat
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="create program 3"
+cat >> $TEMPDIR/tabs.stat <<EOF
+end data.
+print /x.
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="run program"
+$here/../src/pspp -o raw-ascii $TEMPDIR/tabs.stat
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+diff -B -b $TEMPDIR/pspp.list - << EOF
+1.1 DATA LIST. Reading 1 record from the command file.
+|X | 1| 1- 80|A80 |
+ 1 12 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi