use strict;
use warnings;
-my (@rubric) = read_text_file (shift);
-my (@pass) = @ARGV;
-my (@grade);
-our ($possible_overall, $score_overall) = (0, 0);
-our ($possible, $score) = (0, 0);
-for my $i (0...$#rubric) {
- local ($_) = $rubric[$i];
- if (/^\S/ || /^\s*$/) {
- end_section ();
- push (@grade, $_);
- } elsif (my ($value, $name, $desc) = /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+):\s+(.*)$/) {
- $possible += $value;
- my ($marker);
- if (grep ($_ eq $name, @pass)) {
- $score += $value;
- $marker = ' ';
- } else {
- $marker = '-';
- }
- push (@grade, " $marker$value $name: $desc");
- } else {
- die;
+@ARGV == 3 || die;
+my ($src_dir, $results_file, $grading_file) = @ARGV;
+# Read pass/file verdicts from $results_file.
+open (RESULTS, '<', $results_file) || die "$results_file: open: $!\n";
+my (%verdicts, %verdict_counts);
+while (<RESULTS>) {
+ my ($verdict, $test) = /^(pass|FAIL) (.*)$/ or die;
+ $verdicts{$test} = $verdict eq 'pass';
+close RESULTS;
+my (@failures);
+my (@overall, @rubrics, @summary);
+my ($pct_actual, $pct_possible) = (0, 0);
+# Read grading file.
+my (@items);
+open (GRADING, '<', $grading_file) || die "$grading_file: open: $!\n";
+while (<GRADING>) {
+ s/#.*//;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ my ($max_pct, $rubric_suffix) = /^\s*(\d+)%\t(.*)/ or die;
+ my ($dir) = $rubric_suffix =~ /^(.*)\//;
+ my ($rubric_file) = "$src_dir/$rubric_suffix";
+ open (RUBRIC, '<', $rubric_file) or die "$rubric_file: open: $!\n";
+ # Rubric file must begin with title line.
+ my $title = <RUBRIC>;
+ chomp $title;
+ $title =~ s/:$// or die;
+ $title .= " ($rubric_suffix):";
+ push (@rubrics, $title);
+ my ($score, $possible) = (0, 0);
+ my ($cnt, $passed) = (0, 0);
+ my ($was_score) = 0;
+ while (<RUBRIC>) {
+ chomp;
+ push (@rubrics, "\t$_"), next if /^-/;
+ push (@rubrics, ""), next if /^\s*$/;
+ my ($poss, $name) = /^(\d+)\t(.*)$/ or die;
+ my ($test) = "$dir/$name";
+ my ($points) = 0;
+ if (!defined $verdicts{$test}) {
+ push (@overall, "warning: $test not tested, assuming failure");
+ } elsif ($verdicts{$test}) {
+ $points = $poss;
+ $passed++;
+ }
+ push (@failures, $test) if !$points;
+ $verdict_counts{$test}++;
+ push (@rubrics, sprintf ("\t%4s%2d/%2d %s",
+ $points ? '' : '**', $points, $poss, $test));
+ $score += $points;
+ $possible += $poss;
+ $cnt++;
+ close (RUBRIC);
+ push (@rubrics, "");
+ push (@rubrics, "\t- Section summary.");
+ push (@rubrics, sprintf ("\t%4s%3d/%3d %s",
+ '', $passed, $cnt, 'tests passed'));
+ push (@rubrics, sprintf ("\t%4s%3d/%3d %s",
+ '', $score, $possible, 'points subtotal'));
+ push (@rubrics, '');
+ my ($pct) = ($score / $possible) * $max_pct;
+ push (@summary, sprintf ("%-40s %3d/%3d %5.1f%%/%5.1f%%",
+ $rubric_suffix,
+ $score, $possible,
+ $pct, $max_pct));
+ $pct_actual += $pct;
+ $pct_possible += $max_pct;
-end_section ();
+close GRADING;
-push (@grade, "", "TESTING TOTAL: $score_overall of $possible_overall points");
+my ($sum_line)
+ = "---------------------------------------- --- --- ------ ------";
+unshift (@summary,
+ '',
+ sprintf ("%-40s %3s %3s %6s %6s",
+ "Test Set", "Pts", "Max", "% Ttl", "% Max"),
+ $sum_line);
+push (@summary,
+ $sum_line,
+ sprintf ("%-40s %3s %3s %5.1f%%/%5.1f%%",
+ 'Total', '', '', $pct_actual, $pct_possible));
-print map ("$_\n", @grade);
+unshift (@rubrics,
+ '');
-sub end_section {
- return if !$possible;
- push (@grade, "Subtotal: $score of $possible points");
- $possible_overall += $possible;
- $score_overall += $score;
- $possible = $score = 0;
+foreach my $name (keys (%verdicts)) {
+ my ($count) = $verdict_counts{$name};
+ if (!defined ($count) || $count != 1) {
+ if (!defined ($count) || !$count) {
+ push (@overall, "warning: test $name doesn't count for grading");
+ } else {
+ push (@overall,
+ "warning: test $name counted $count times in grading");
+ }
+ }
+push (@overall, sprintf ("TOTAL TESTING SCORE: %.1f%%", $pct_actual));
+my (@divider) = ('', '- ' x 38, '');
-sub read_text_file {
- my ($file_name) = @_;
- open (FILE, '<', $file_name) or die "$file_name: open: $!\n";
- my (@content) = <FILE>;
- chomp (@content);
- close (FILE);
- return @content;
+print map ("$_\n", @overall, @divider, @summary, @divider, @rubrics);
+for my $test (@failures) {
+ open (RESULT, '<', "$test.result") or next;
+ print map ("$_\n", @divider);
+ print "DETAILS OF $test FAILURE:\n\n";
+ my $first_line = <RESULT>;
+ my ($cnt) = 0;
+ while (<RESULT>) {
+ print;
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ close (RESULT);
+ if ($cnt == 0) {
+ open (OUTPUT, '<', "$test.output") or next;
+ my ($panics) = 0;
+ while (<OUTPUT>) {
+ if (/PANIC/ && ++$panics > 2) {
+ print "[...details of additional panic(s) omitted...]\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ print;
+ }
+ close (OUTPUT);
+ }