--- /dev/null
+/* PSPP - a program for statistical analysis.
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <libpspp/assertion.h>
+#include <libpspp/start-date.h>
+#include <libpspp/version.h>
+#include <output/afm.h>
+#include <output/chart.h>
+#include <output/manager.h>
+#include <output/output.h>
+#include <cairo/cairo-pdf.h>
+#include <cairo/cairo-ps.h>
+#include <cairo/cairo-svg.h>
+#include <cairo/cairo.h>
+#include <pango/pango-font.h>
+#include <pango/pango-layout.h>
+#include <pango/pango.h>
+#include <pango/pangocairo.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "error.h"
+#include "intprops.h"
+#include "minmax.h"
+#include "xalloc.h"
+#include "gettext.h"
+#define _(msgid) gettext (msgid)
+/* Cairo driver options: (defaults listed first)
+ output-file="pspp.pdf"
+ output-type=pdf|ps|png|svg
+ paper-size=letter (see "papersize" file)
+ orientation=portrait|landscape
+ headers=on|off
+ left-margin=0.5in
+ right-margin=0.5in
+ top-margin=0.5in
+ bottom-margin=0.5in
+ prop-font=Times-Roman
+ emph-font=Times-Italic
+ fixed-font=Courier
+ font-size=10000
+ line-gutter=1pt
+ line-spacing=1pt
+ line-width=0.5pt
+ */
+/* Measurements. We use the same scale as Pango, for simplicity. */
+#define XR_INCH (XR_POINT * 72)
+/* Output types. */
+enum xr_output_type
+ {
+ XR_PS,
+ };
+/* A font for use with Cairo. */
+struct xr_font
+ {
+ char *string;
+ PangoFontDescription *desc;
+ PangoLayout *layout;
+ PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
+ };
+/* Cairo output driver extension record. */
+struct xr_driver_ext
+ {
+ char *file_name; /* Output file name. */
+ enum xr_output_type file_type; /* Type of output file. */
+ cairo_t *cairo;
+ bool draw_headers; /* Draw headers at top of page? */
+ int page_number; /* Current page number. */
+ bool portrait; /* Portrait mode? */
+ int paper_width; /* Width of paper before dropping margins. */
+ int paper_length; /* Length of paper before dropping margins. */
+ int left_margin; /* Left margin in XR units. */
+ int right_margin; /* Right margin in XR units. */
+ int top_margin; /* Top margin in XR units. */
+ int bottom_margin; /* Bottom margin in XR units. */
+ int line_gutter; /* Space around lines. */
+ int line_space; /* Space between lines. */
+ int line_width; /* Width of lines. */
+ struct xr_font fonts[OUTP_FONT_CNT];
+ };
+static bool handle_option (struct outp_driver *this, const char *key,
+ const struct string *val);
+static void draw_headers (struct outp_driver *this);
+static bool load_font (struct outp_driver *this, struct xr_font *);
+static void free_font (struct xr_font *);
+/* Driver initialization. */
+static bool
+xr_open_driver (struct outp_driver *this, struct substring options)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ cairo_status_t status;
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x;
+ double width_pt, length_pt;
+ size_t i;
+ this->width = this->length = 0;
+ this->font_height = XR_POINT * 10;
+ this->ext = x = xmalloc (sizeof *x);
+ x->file_name = xstrdup ("pspp.pdf");
+ x->file_type = XR_PDF;
+ x->draw_headers = true;
+ x->page_number = 0;
+ x->portrait = true;
+ outp_get_paper_size ("", &x->paper_width, &x->paper_length);
+ x->left_margin = XR_INCH / 2;
+ x->right_margin = XR_INCH / 2;
+ x->top_margin = XR_INCH / 2;
+ x->bottom_margin = XR_INCH / 2;
+ x->line_gutter = XR_POINT;
+ x->line_space = XR_POINT;
+ x->line_width = XR_POINT / 2;
+ x->fonts[OUTP_FIXED].string = xstrdup ("monospace");
+ x->fonts[OUTP_PROPORTIONAL].string = xstrdup ("serif");
+ x->fonts[OUTP_EMPHASIS].string = xstrdup ("serif italic");
+ for (i = 0; i < OUTP_FONT_CNT; i++)
+ {
+ struct xr_font *font = &x->fonts[i];
+ font->desc = NULL;
+ font->metrics = NULL;
+ font->layout = NULL;
+ }
+ outp_parse_options (options, handle_option, this);
+ if (x->portrait)
+ {
+ this->width = x->paper_width;
+ this->length = x->paper_length;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->width = x->paper_length;
+ this->length = x->paper_width;
+ }
+ if (x->draw_headers)
+ x->top_margin += 3 * this->font_height;
+ this->width -= x->left_margin + x->right_margin;
+ this->length -= x->top_margin + x->bottom_margin;
+ width_pt = x->paper_width / (double) XR_POINT;
+ length_pt = x->paper_length / (double) XR_POINT;
+ if (x->file_type == XR_PDF)
+ surface = cairo_pdf_surface_create (x->file_name, width_pt, length_pt);
+ else if (x->file_type == XR_PS)
+ surface = cairo_ps_surface_create (x->file_name, width_pt, length_pt);
+ else if (x->file_type == XR_SVG)
+ surface = cairo_svg_surface_create (x->file_name, width_pt, length_pt);
+ else
+ status = cairo_surface_status (surface);
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ error (0, 0, _("opening output file \"%s\": %s"),
+ x->file_name, cairo_status_to_string (status));
+ cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ x->cairo = cairo_create (surface);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
+ cairo_scale (x->cairo, 1.0 / PANGO_SCALE, 1.0 / PANGO_SCALE);
+ cairo_translate (x->cairo, x->left_margin, x->top_margin);
+ for (i = 0; i < OUTP_FONT_CNT; i++)
+ if (!load_font (this, &x->fonts[i]))
+ goto error;
+ if (this->length / this->font_height < 15)
+ {
+ error (0, 0, _("The defined page is not long "
+ "enough to hold margins and headers, plus least 15 "
+ "lines of the default fonts. In fact, there's only "
+ "room for %d lines."),
+ this->length / this->font_height);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ this->fixed_width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width (
+ x->fonts[OUTP_FIXED].metrics);
+ this->prop_em_width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width (
+ x->fonts[OUTP_PROPORTIONAL].metrics);
+ this->horiz_line_width[OUTP_L_NONE] = 0;
+ this->horiz_line_width[OUTP_L_SINGLE] = 2 * x->line_gutter + x->line_width;
+ this->horiz_line_width[OUTP_L_DOUBLE] = (2 * x->line_gutter + x->line_space
+ + 2 * x->line_width);
+ memcpy (this->vert_line_width, this->horiz_line_width,
+ sizeof this->vert_line_width);
+ return true;
+ error:
+ this->class->close_driver (this);
+ return false;
+static bool
+xr_close_driver (struct outp_driver *this)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x = this->ext;
+ bool ok = true;
+ size_t i;
+ if (x->cairo != NULL)
+ {
+ cairo_status_t status;
+ cairo_surface_finish (cairo_get_target (x->cairo));
+ status = cairo_status (x->cairo);
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ error (0, 0, _("writing output file \"%s\": %s"),
+ x->file_name, cairo_status_to_string (status));
+ cairo_destroy (x->cairo);
+ }
+ free (x->file_name);
+ for (i = 0; i < OUTP_FONT_CNT; i++)
+ free_font (&x->fonts[i]);
+ free (x);
+ return ok;
+/* Generic option types. */
+ output_file_arg,
+ output_type_arg,
+ paper_size_arg,
+ orientation_arg,
+ line_style_arg,
+ boolean_arg,
+ dimension_arg,
+ string_arg,
+ nonneg_int_arg
+/* All the options that the Cairo driver supports. */
+static const struct outp_option option_tab[] =
+ {"output-file", output_file_arg,0},
+ {"output-type", output_type_arg,0},
+ {"paper-size", paper_size_arg, 0},
+ {"orientation", orientation_arg,0},
+ {"headers", boolean_arg, 1},
+ {"prop-font", string_arg, OUTP_PROPORTIONAL},
+ {"emph-font", string_arg, OUTP_EMPHASIS},
+ {"fixed-font", string_arg, OUTP_FIXED},
+ {"left-margin", dimension_arg, 0},
+ {"right-margin", dimension_arg, 1},
+ {"top-margin", dimension_arg, 2},
+ {"bottom-margin", dimension_arg, 3},
+ {"font-size", dimension_arg, 4},
+ {"line-width", dimension_arg, 5},
+ {"line-gutter", dimension_arg, 6},
+ {"line-width", dimension_arg, 7},
+ {NULL, 0, 0},
+static bool
+handle_option (struct outp_driver *this, const char *key,
+ const struct string *val)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x = this->ext;
+ int subcat;
+ char *value = ds_cstr (val);
+ switch (outp_match_keyword (key, option_tab, &subcat))
+ {
+ case -1:
+ error (0, 0,
+ _("unknown configuration parameter `%s' for Cairo device "
+ "driver"), key);
+ break;
+ case output_file_arg:
+ free (x->file_name);
+ x->file_name = xstrdup (value);
+ break;
+ case output_type_arg:
+ if (!strcmp (value, "pdf"))
+ x->file_type = XR_PDF;
+ else if (!strcmp (value, "ps"))
+ x->file_type = XR_PS;
+ else if (!strcmp (value, "svg"))
+ x->file_type = XR_SVG;
+ else
+ {
+ error (0, 0, _("unknown Cairo output type \"%s\""), value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case paper_size_arg:
+ outp_get_paper_size (value, &x->paper_width, &x->paper_length);
+ break;
+ case orientation_arg:
+ if (!strcmp (value, "portrait"))
+ x->portrait = true;
+ else if (!strcmp (value, "landscape"))
+ x->portrait = false;
+ else
+ error (0, 0, _("unknown orientation `%s' (valid orientations are "
+ "`portrait' and `landscape')"), value);
+ break;
+ case boolean_arg:
+ if (!strcmp (value, "on") || !strcmp (value, "true")
+ || !strcmp (value, "yes") || atoi (value))
+ x->draw_headers = true;
+ else if (!strcmp (value, "off") || !strcmp (value, "false")
+ || !strcmp (value, "no") || !strcmp (value, "0"))
+ x->draw_headers = false;
+ else
+ {
+ error (0, 0, _("boolean value expected for %s"), key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case dimension_arg:
+ {
+ int dimension = outp_evaluate_dimension (value);
+ if (dimension <= 0)
+ break;
+ switch (subcat)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ x->left_margin = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ x->right_margin = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x->top_margin = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ x->bottom_margin = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this->font_height = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ x->line_width = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ x->line_gutter = dimension;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ x->line_width = dimension;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case string_arg:
+ free (x->fonts[subcat].string);
+ x->fonts[subcat].string = ds_xstrdup (val);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return true;
+/* Basic file operations. */
+static void
+xr_open_page (struct outp_driver *this)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x = this->ext;
+ x->page_number++;
+ if (x->draw_headers)
+ draw_headers (this);
+static void
+xr_close_page (struct outp_driver *this)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x = this->ext;
+ cairo_show_page (x->cairo);
+static void
+xr_submit (struct outp_driver *this UNUSED, struct som_entity *s)
+ switch (s->type)
+ {
+ case SOM_CHART:
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+/* Draws a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1). */
+static void
+dump_line (struct outp_driver *this, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x = this->ext;
+ cairo_new_path (x->cairo);
+ cairo_move_to (x->cairo, x0, y0);
+ cairo_line_to (x->cairo, x1, y1);
+ cairo_stroke (x->cairo);
+/* Draws a horizontal line X0...X2 at Y if LEFT says so,
+ shortening it to X0...X1 if SHORTEN is true.
+ Draws a horizontal line X1...X3 at Y if RIGHT says so,
+ shortening it to X2...X3 if SHORTEN is true. */
+static void
+horz_line (struct outp_driver *this,
+ int x0, int x1, int x2, int x3, int y,
+ enum outp_line_style left, enum outp_line_style right,
+ bool shorten)
+ if (left != OUTP_L_NONE && right != OUTP_L_NONE && !shorten)
+ dump_line (this, x0, y, x3, y);
+ else
+ {
+ if (left != OUTP_L_NONE)
+ dump_line (this, x0, y, shorten ? x1 : x2, y);
+ if (right != OUTP_L_NONE)
+ dump_line (this, shorten ? x2 : x1, y, x3, y);
+ }
+/* Draws a vertical line Y0...Y2 at X if TOP says so,
+ shortening it to Y0...Y1 if SHORTEN is true.
+ Draws a vertical line Y1...Y3 at X if BOTTOM says so,
+ shortening it to Y2...Y3 if SHORTEN is true. */
+static void
+vert_line (struct outp_driver *this,
+ int y0, int y1, int y2, int y3, int x,
+ enum outp_line_style top, enum outp_line_style bottom,
+ bool shorten)
+ if (top != OUTP_L_NONE && bottom != OUTP_L_NONE && !shorten)
+ dump_line (this, x, y0, x, y3);
+ else
+ {
+ if (top != OUTP_L_NONE)
+ dump_line (this, x, y0, x, shorten ? y1 : y2);
+ if (bottom != OUTP_L_NONE)
+ dump_line (this, x, shorten ? y2 : y1, x, y3);
+ }
+/* Draws a generalized intersection of lines in the rectangle
+ (X0,Y0)-(X3,Y3). The line coming from the top to the center
+ is of style TOP, from left to center of style LEFT, from
+ bottom to center of style BOTTOM, and from right to center of
+ style RIGHT. */
+static void
+xr_line (struct outp_driver *this,
+ int x0, int y0, int x3, int y3,
+ enum outp_line_style top, enum outp_line_style left,
+ enum outp_line_style bottom, enum outp_line_style right)
+ /* The algorithm here is somewhat subtle, to allow it to handle
+ all the kinds of intersections that we need.
+ Three additional ordinates are assigned along the x axis. The
+ first is xc, midway between x0 and x3. The others are x1 and
+ x2; for a single vertical line these are equal to xc, and for
+ a double vertical line they are the ordinates of the left and
+ right half of the double line.
+ yc, y1, and y2 are assigned similarly along the y axis.
+ The following diagram shows the coordinate system and output
+ for double top and bottom lines, single left line, and no
+ right line:
+ x0 x1 xc x2 x3
+ y0 ________________________
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ y1 = y2 = yc |######### # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ y3 |________#_____#_______|
+ */
+ struct xr_driver_ext *ext = this->ext;
+ /* Offset from center of each line in a pair of double lines. */
+ int double_line_ofs = (ext->line_space + ext->line_width) / 2;
+ /* Are the lines along each axis single or double?
+ (It doesn't make sense to have different kinds of line on the
+ same axis, so we don't try to gracefully handle that case.) */
+ bool double_vert = top == OUTP_L_DOUBLE || bottom == OUTP_L_DOUBLE;
+ bool double_horz = left == OUTP_L_DOUBLE || right == OUTP_L_DOUBLE;
+ /* When horizontal lines are doubled,
+ the left-side line along y1 normally runs from x0 to x2,
+ and the right-side line along y1 from x3 to x1.
+ If the top-side line is also doubled, we shorten the y1 lines,
+ so that the left-side line runs only to x1,
+ and the right-side line only to x2.
+ Otherwise, the horizontal line at y = y1 below would cut off
+ the intersection, which looks ugly:
+ x0 x1 x2 x3
+ y0 ________________________
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ | # # |
+ y1 |######### ########|
+ | |
+ | |
+ y2 |######################|
+ | |
+ | |
+ y3 |______________________|
+ It is more of a judgment call when the horizontal line is
+ single. We actually choose to cut off the line anyhow, as
+ shown in the first diagram above.
+ */
+ bool shorten_y1_lines = top == OUTP_L_DOUBLE;
+ bool shorten_y2_lines = bottom == OUTP_L_DOUBLE;
+ bool shorten_yc_line = shorten_y1_lines && shorten_y2_lines;
+ int horz_line_ofs = double_vert ? double_line_ofs : 0;
+ int xc = (x0 + x3) / 2;
+ int x1 = xc - horz_line_ofs;
+ int x2 = xc + horz_line_ofs;
+ bool shorten_x1_lines = left == OUTP_L_DOUBLE;
+ bool shorten_x2_lines = right == OUTP_L_DOUBLE;
+ bool shorten_xc_line = shorten_x1_lines && shorten_x2_lines;
+ int vert_line_ofs = double_horz ? double_line_ofs : 0;
+ int yc = (y0 + y3) / 2;
+ int y1 = yc - vert_line_ofs;
+ int y2 = yc + vert_line_ofs;
+ if (!double_horz)
+ horz_line (this, x0, x1, x2, x3, yc, left, right, shorten_yc_line);
+ else
+ {
+ horz_line (this, x0, x1, x2, x3, y1, left, right, shorten_y1_lines);
+ horz_line (this, x0, x1, x2, x3, y2, left, right, shorten_y2_lines);
+ }
+ if (!double_vert)
+ vert_line (this, y0, y1, y2, y3, xc, top, bottom, shorten_xc_line);
+ else
+ {
+ vert_line (this, y0, y1, y2, y3, x1, top, bottom, shorten_x1_lines);
+ vert_line (this, y0, y1, y2, y3, x2, top, bottom, shorten_x2_lines);
+ }
+/* Writes STRING at location (X,Y) trimmed to the given MAX_WIDTH
+ and with the given JUSTIFICATION for THIS driver. */
+static int
+draw_text (struct outp_driver *this,
+ const char *string, int x, int y, int max_width,
+ enum outp_justification justification)
+ struct outp_text text;
+ int width;
+ text.font = OUTP_PROPORTIONAL;
+ text.justification = justification;
+ text.string = ss_cstr (string);
+ text.h = max_width;
+ text.v = this->font_height;
+ text.x = x;
+ text.y = y;
+ this->class->text_metrics (this, &text, &width, NULL);
+ this->class->text_draw (this, &text);
+ return width;
+/* Writes LEFT left-justified and RIGHT right-justified within
+ (X0...X1) at Y. LEFT or RIGHT or both may be null. */
+static void
+draw_header_line (struct outp_driver *this,
+ const char *left, const char *right,
+ int x0, int x1, int y)
+ int right_width = 0;
+ if (right != NULL)
+ right_width = (draw_text (this, right, x0, y, x1 - x0, OUTP_RIGHT)
+ + this->prop_em_width);
+ if (left != NULL)
+ draw_text (this, left, x0, y, x1 - x0 - right_width, OUTP_LEFT);
+/* Draw top of page headers for THIS driver. */
+static void
+draw_headers (struct outp_driver *this)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *ext = this->ext;
+ char *r1, *r2;
+ int x0, x1;
+ int y;
+ y = -3 * this->font_height;
+ x0 = this->prop_em_width;
+ x1 = this->width - this->prop_em_width;
+ /* Draw box. */
+ /* XXX coordinates below might not be right, both in terms of
+ the Y transformation and width/height versus x2/y2. */
+ cairo_rectangle (ext->cairo, 0, y,
+ this->width, 2 * this->font_height + ext->line_gutter);
+ cairo_save (ext->cairo);
+ cairo_set_source_rgb (ext->cairo, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
+ cairo_fill_preserve (ext->cairo);
+ cairo_restore (ext->cairo);
+ cairo_stroke (ext->cairo);
+ y += ext->line_width + ext->line_gutter;
+ r1 = xasprintf (_("%s - Page %d"), get_start_date (), ext->page_number);
+ r2 = xasprintf ("%s - %s", version, host_system);
+ draw_header_line (this, outp_title, r1, x0, x1, y);
+ y += this->font_height;
+ draw_header_line (this, outp_subtitle, r2, x0, x1, y);
+ free (r1);
+ free (r2);
+/* Format TEXT on THIS driver.
+ If DRAW is nonzero, draw the text.
+ The width of the widest line is stored into *WIDTH, if WIDTH
+ is nonnull.
+ The total height of the text written is stored into *HEIGHT,
+ if HEIGHT is nonnull. */
+static void
+text (struct outp_driver *this, const struct outp_text *text, bool draw,
+ int *width, int *height)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *ext = this->ext;
+ struct xr_font *font = &ext->fonts[text->font];
+ pango_layout_set_text (font->layout,
+ text->string.string, text->string.length);
+ pango_layout_set_alignment (
+ font->layout,
+ (text->justification == OUTP_RIGHT ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT
+ : text->justification == OUTP_LEFT ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT
+ pango_layout_set_width (font->layout, text->h == INT_MAX ? -1 : text->h);
+ pango_layout_set_wrap (font->layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);
+ /* XXX need to limit number of lines to those that fit in text->v. */
+ if (draw)
+ {
+ int x = text->x;
+ if (text->justification != OUTP_LEFT && text->h != INT_MAX)
+ {
+ int w, h, excess;
+ pango_layout_get_size (font->layout, &w, &h);
+ excess = text->h - w;
+ if (excess > 0)
+ {
+ if (text->justification == OUTP_CENTER)
+ x += excess / 2;
+ else
+ x += excess;
+ }
+ }
+ cairo_save (ext->cairo);
+ cairo_translate (ext->cairo, text->x, text->y);
+ cairo_scale (ext->cairo, PANGO_SCALE, PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_cairo_show_layout (ext->cairo, font->layout);
+ cairo_restore (ext->cairo);
+ pango_cairo_update_layout (ext->cairo, font->layout);
+ }
+ if (width != NULL || height != NULL)
+ {
+ int w, h;
+ pango_layout_get_size (font->layout, &w, &h);
+ if (width != NULL)
+ *width = w;
+ if (height != NULL)
+ *height = h;
+ }
+static void
+xr_text_metrics (struct outp_driver *this, const struct outp_text *t,
+ int *width, int *height)
+ text (this, t, false, width, height);
+static void
+xr_text_draw (struct outp_driver *this, const struct outp_text *t)
+ assert (this->page_open);
+ text (this, t, true, NULL, NULL);
+static void
+xr_chart_initialise (struct outp_driver *this UNUSED, struct chart *ch UNUSED)
+#ifdef NO_CHARTS
+ ch->lp = NULL;
+ /* XXX libplot doesn't support Cairo yet. */
+static void
+xr_chart_finalise (struct outp_driver *this UNUSED, struct chart *ch UNUSED)
+#ifndef NO_CHARTS
+ /* XXX libplot doesn't support Cairo yet. */
+/* Attempts to load FONT, initializing its other members based on
+ its 'string' member and the information in THIS. Returns true
+ if successful, otherwise false. */
+static bool
+load_font (struct outp_driver *this, struct xr_font *font)
+ struct xr_driver_ext *x = this->ext;
+ PangoContext *context;
+ PangoLanguage *language;
+ font->desc = pango_font_description_from_string (font->string);
+ if (font->desc == NULL)
+ {
+ error (0, 0, _("\"%s\": bad font specification"), font->string);
+ return false;
+ }
+ pango_font_description_set_size (font->desc, this->font_height * 5 / 6);
+ font->layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (x->cairo);
+ pango_layout_set_font_description (font->layout, font->desc);
+ pango_layout_set_spacing (font->layout, this->font_height / 6);
+ language = pango_language_get_default ();
+ context = pango_layout_get_context (font->layout);
+ font->metrics = pango_context_get_metrics (context, font->desc, language);
+ return true;
+/* Frees FONT. */
+static void
+free_font (struct xr_font *font)
+ free (font->string);
+ if (font->desc != NULL)
+ pango_font_description_free (font->desc);
+ pango_font_metrics_unref (font->metrics);
+ g_object_unref (font->layout);
+/* Cairo driver class. */
+const struct outp_class cairo_class =
+ "cairo",
+ 0,
+ xr_open_driver,
+ xr_close_driver,
+ xr_open_page,
+ xr_close_page,
+ xr_submit,
+ xr_line,
+ xr_text_metrics,
+ xr_text_draw,
+ xr_chart_initialise,
+ xr_chart_finalise