$status = $?;
alarm 0;
+ my ($ok);
if ($@) {
die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
print "Timed out: ";
print "Waiting for $pid to die" if $i == 0;
print ".";
- $status = 0;
- }
+ $ok = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (WIFSIGNALED ($status)) {
+ my ($signal) = WTERMSIG ($status);
+ die "Interrupted\n" if $signal == SIGINT;
+ print "Child terminated with signal $signal\n";
+ }
- if (WIFSIGNALED ($status)) {
- my ($signal) = WTERMSIG ($status);
- die "Interrupted\n" if $signal == SIGINT;
- print "Child terminated with signal $signal\n";
+ my ($exp_status) = !defined ($options{EXPECT}) ? 0 : $options{EXPECT};
+ $ok = WIFEXITED ($status) && WEXITSTATUS ($status) == $exp_status;
- my ($expected_exit) = !defined ($options{EXPECT}) ? 0 : $options{EXPECT};
- my ($ok) = WIFEXITED ($status) && WEXITSTATUS ($status) == $expected_exit;
unlink ("output/$log.err") if defined ($log) && $ok;
- die $options{DIE} if $status != 0 && defined $options{DIE};
+ die $options{DIE} if !$ok && defined $options{DIE};
return $ok;