my (@output) = get_core_output ($run, @$output);
fail "\u$run didn't produce any output" if !@output;
- if (exists $options{IGNORE_EXIT_CODES}) {
+ my $ignore_exit_codes = exists $options{IGNORE_EXIT_CODES};
+ if ($ignore_exit_codes) {
delete $options{IGNORE_EXIT_CODES};
@output = grep (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+: exit\(\d+\)$/, @output);
+ my $ignore_user_faults = exists $options{IGNORE_USER_FAULTS};
+ if ($ignore_user_faults) {
+ delete $options{IGNORE_USER_FAULTS};
+ @output = grep (!/^Page fault at.*in user context\.$/
+ && !/: dying due to interrupt 0x0e \(.*\).$/
+ && !/^Interrupt 0x0e \(.*\) at eip=/
+ && !/^ cr2=.* error=.*/
+ && !/^ eax=.* ebx=.* ecx=.* edx=.*/
+ && !/^ esi=.* edi=.* esp=.* ebp=.*/
+ && !/^ cs=.* ds=.* es=.* ss=.*/, @output);
+ }
die "unknown option " . (keys (%options))[0] . "\n" if %options;
my ($msg);
# Failed to match. Report failure.
+ $msg .= "\n(Process exit codes are excluded for matching purposes.)\n"
+ if $ignore_exit_codes;
+ $msg .= "\n(User fault messages are excluded for matching purposes.)\n"
+ if $ignore_user_faults;
fail "Test output failed to match any acceptable form.\n\n$msg";