DEF_CMD (S_ANY, F_TESTING, "DEBUG XFORM FAIL", cmd_debug_xform_fail)
/* Unimplemented commands. */
+UNIMPL_CMD ("2SLS", "Two stage least squares regression")
UNIMPL_CMD ("ACF", "Autocorrelation function")
UNIMPL_CMD ("ADD FILES", "Add files to dictionary")
UNIMPL_CMD ("ALSCAL", "Multidimensional scaling")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("ANACOR", "Correspondence analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("ANOVA", "Factorial analysis of variance")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CASEPLOT", "Plot time series")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CASESTOVARS", "Restructure complex data")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CATPCA", "Categorical principle components analysis")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CATREG", "Categorical regression")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CCF", "Time series cross correlation")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CD", "Change working directory")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS", "Clears transformations from active file")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CLUSTER", "Hierachial clustering")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CONJOINT", "Analyse full concept data")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CORRESPONDENCE", "Show correspondence")
UNIMPL_CMD ("COXREG", "Cox proportional hazards regression")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CREATE", "Create time series data")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CSDESCRIPTIVES", "Complex samples descriptives")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CSGLM", "Complex samples GLM")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CSLOGISTIC", "Complex samples logistic regression")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CSPLAN", "Complex samples design")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CSSELECT", "Select complex samples")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CSTABULATE", "Tabulate complex samples")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("CTABLES", "Display complex samples")
UNIMPL_CMD ("CURVEFIT", "Fit curve to line plot")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("DATAFILE ATTRIBUTE", "User defined datafile attributes")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("DATASET", "Alternate data set")
UNIMPL_CMD ("DATE", "Create time series data")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("DEFINE", "Syntax macros")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("DETECTANOMALY", "Find unusual cases")
UNIMPL_CMD ("DISCRIMINANT", "Linear discriminant analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("EDIT", "obsolete")
UNIMPL_CMD ("END FILE TYPE", "Ends complex data input")
UNIMPL_CMD ("FACTOR", "Factor analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("FILE TYPE", "Complex data input")
UNIMPL_CMD ("FIT", "Goodness of Fit")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("GENLOG", "Categorical model fitting")
UNIMPL_CMD ("GET TRANSLATE", "Read other file formats")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("GGRAPH", "Custom defined graphs")
UNIMPL_CMD ("GLM", "General Linear Model")
UNIMPL_CMD ("GRAPH", "Draw graphs")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("HILOGLINEAR", "Hierarchial loglinear models")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("HOMALS", "Homogeneity analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("IGRAPH", "Interactive graphs")
UNIMPL_CMD ("INFO", "Local Documentation")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("INSERT", "Insert file")
UNIMPL_CMD ("KEYED DATA LIST", "Read nonsequential data")
UNIMPL_CMD ("KM", "Kaplan-Meier")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("LOGLINEAR", "General model fitting")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MANOVA", "Multivariate analysis of variance")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MAPS", "Geographical display")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MATRIX", "Matrix processing")
UNIMPL_CMD ("MCONVERT", "Convert covariance/correlation matrices")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MIXED", "Mixed linear models")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MODEL CLOSE ", "Close server connection")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MODEL HANDLE", "Define server connection")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MODEL LIST ", "Show existing models")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MODEL NAME ", "Specify model label")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MRSETS", "Multiple response sets")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("MULTIPLE CORRESPONDENCE", "Multiple correspondence analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("MULT RESPONSE", "Multiple reponse analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("MVA", "Missing value analysis")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("NAIVEBAYES", "Small sample bayesian prediction")
UNIMPL_CMD ("NLR", "Non Linear Regression")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("NOMREG", "Multinomial logistic regression")
UNIMPL_CMD ("NONPAR CORR", "Nonparametric correlation")
UNIMPL_CMD ("NPAR TESTS", "Nonparametric tests")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("OLAP CUBES", "On-line analytical processing")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("OMS", "Output management")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("ORTHOPLAN", "Orthogonal effects design")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("OVERALS", "Nonlinear canonical correlation")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PACF", "Partial autocorrelation")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PARTIAL CORR", "Partial correlation")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("PLANCARDS", "Conjoint analysis planning")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("PLUM", "Estimate ordinal regression models")
UNIMPL_CMD ("POINT", "Marker in keyed file")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PPLOT", "Plot time series variables")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PREDICT", "Specify forecast period")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("PREFSCAL", "Multidimensional unfolding")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PRESERVE", "Push settings")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("PRINCALS", "PCA by alternating least squares")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PROBIT", "Probit analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PROCEDURE OUTPUT", "Specify output file")
UNIMPL_CMD ("PROXIMITIES", "Pairwise similarity")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("PROXSCAL", "Multidimensional scaling of proximity data")
UNIMPL_CMD ("QUICK CLUSTER", "Fast clustering")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("RATIO STATISTICS", "Descriptives of ratios")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("READ MODEL", "Read new model")
UNIMPL_CMD ("RECORD TYPE", "Defines a type of record within FILE TYPE")
UNIMPL_CMD ("REFORMAT", "Read obsolete files")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("RELIABILITY", "Reliability estimates")
UNIMPL_CMD ("REPEATING DATA", "Specify multiple cases per input record")
UNIMPL_CMD ("REPORT", "Pretty print working file")
UNIMPL_CMD ("RESTORE", "Restore settings")
UNIMPL_CMD ("ROC", "Receiver operating characteristic")
UNIMPL_CMD ("SAVE TRANSLATE", "Save to foriegn format")
UNIMPL_CMD ("SCRIPT", "Run script file")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("SEASON", "Estimate seasonal factors")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("SELECTPRED", "Select predictor variables")
UNIMPL_CMD ("SPCHART", "Plot control charts")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("SPECTRA", "Plot spectral density")
UNIMPL_CMD ("SUMMARIZE", "Univariate statistics")
UNIMPL_CMD ("SURVIVAL", "Survival analysis")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("TDISPLAY", "Display active models")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("TREE", "Create classification tree")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("TSAPPLY", "Apply time series model")
UNIMPL_CMD ("TSET", "Set time sequence variables")
UNIMPL_CMD ("TSHOW", "Show time sequence variables")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("TSMODEL", "Estimate time series model")
UNIMPL_CMD ("TSPLOT", "Plot time sequence variables")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("TWOSTEP CLUSTER", "Cluster observations")
UNIMPL_CMD ("UNIANOVA", "Univariate analysis")
UNIMPL_CMD ("UPDATE", "Update working file")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("VALIDATEDATA", "Identify suspicious cases")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("VARCOMP", "Estimate variance")
UNIMPL_CMD ("VARSTOCASES", "Restructure complex data")
UNIMPL_CMD ("VERIFY", "Report time series")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("WLS", "Weighted least squares regression")
+UNIMPL_CMD ("XGRAPH", "High resolution charts")