--- /dev/null
+# This program tests ....
+# ensure that top_srcdir is absolute
+cd $top_srcdir; top_srcdir=`pwd`
+export STAT_CONFIG_PATH=$top_srcdir/config
+ rm -rf $TEMPDIR
+ echo $activity
+ echo FAILED
+ cleanup;
+ exit 1;
+ echo $activity
+ echo NO RESULT;
+ cleanup;
+ exit 2;
+ cleanup;
+ exit 0;
+mkdir -p $TEMPDIR
+activity="create program"
+cat > $TEMPDIR/weight.stat <<EOF
+data list file='$here/weighting.data'/AVAR 1-5 BVAR 6-10.
+weight by BVAR.
+descriptives AVAR /statistics all /format serial.
+frequencies AVAR /statistics all /format condensed.
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="run program"
+$here/../src/pspp --testing-mode -o raw-ascii $TEMPDIR/weight.stat
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
+activity="compare results"
+diff -B -b $TEMPDIR/pspp.list - <<EOF
+1.1 DATA LIST. Reading 1 record from file "/tmp/pspp/tests/weighting.data".
+|AVAR | 1| 1- 5|F5.0 |
+|BVAR | 1| 6- 10|F5.0 |
+2.1(1) DESCRIPTIVES. Valid cases = 730; cases with missing value(s) = 0.
+|Variable#Valid N|Missing N| Mean |S E Mean|Std Dev|Variance|Kurtosis|S E Kurt|
+|AVAR # 730| 0|31.515| .405| 10.937| 119.608|2548.162| .181|
+2.1(2) DESCRIPTIVES. Valid cases = 730; cases with missing value(s) = 0.
+|Variable#Skewness|S E Skew| Range|Minimum|Maximum| Sum |
+|AVAR # 1.345| .090|76.000| 18.000| 94.000|23006.000|
+| | | |Cum|
+| Value | Freq |Pct|Pct|
+| 18| 1| 0| 0|
+| 19| 7| 1| 1|
+| 20| 26| 4| 5|
+| 21| 76| 10| 15|
+| 22| 57| 8| 23|
+| 23| 58| 8| 31|
+| 24| 38| 5| 36|
+| 25| 38| 5| 41|
+| 26| 30| 4| 45|
+| 27| 21| 3| 48|
+| 28| 23| 3| 51|
+| 29| 24| 3| 55|
+| 30| 23| 3| 58|
+| 31| 14| 2| 60|
+| 32| 21| 3| 63|
+| 33| 21| 3| 65|
+| 34| 14| 2| 67|
+| 35| 14| 2| 69|
+| 36| 17| 2| 72|
+| 37| 11| 2| 73|
+| 38| 16| 2| 75|
+| 39| 14| 2| 77|
+| 40| 15| 2| 79|
+| 41| 14| 2| 81|
+| 42| 14| 2| 83|
+| 43| 8| 1| 84|
+| 44| 15| 2| 86|
+| 45| 10| 1| 88|
+| 46| 12| 2| 89|
+| 47| 13| 2| 91|
+| 48| 13| 2| 93|
+| 49| 5| 1| 94|
+| 50| 5| 1| 94|
+| 51| 3| 0| 95|
+| 52| 7| 1| 96|
+| 53| 6| 1| 96|
+| 54| 2| 0| 97|
+| 55| 2| 0| 97|
+| 56| 2| 0| 97|
+| 57| 3| 0| 98|
+| 58| 1| 0| 98|
+| 59| 3| 0| 98|
+| 61| 1| 0| 98|
+| 62| 3| 0| 99|
+| 63| 1| 0| 99|
+| 64| 1| 0| 99|
+| 65| 2| 0| 99|
+| 70| 1| 0| 99|
+| 78| 1| 0|100|
+| 79| 1| 0|100|
+| 80| 1| 0|100|
+| 94| 1| 0|100|
+Mean 31.515
+S.E. Mean .405
+Median .000
+Mode .000
+Std Dev 10.937
+Variance 119.608
+Kurtosis 2.411
+S.E. Kurt .181
+Skewness 1.345
+S.E. Skew .090
+Range 76.000
+Minimum 18.000
+Maximum 94.000
+Sum 23006.000
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi