+% force letter size (default is A4)
% from http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/bibliog/latex/floats.html
%A category including the fourth, optional field follows...
%\category{D.2.8}{Software Engineering}{Metrics}[complexity measures, performance measures]
-%\terms{Fill in terms here if we need them}
+% http://www.cs.arizona.edu/groups/sigcse09/format.html#reqs suggests
+\category{K.3.2}{Computers and Education}{Computer and Information Science Education}
+\terms{Design, Experimentation}
-%\keywords{Fill in keywords here if we need them}
+\keywords{Pintos, instructional operating system, instructional kernel}
+{ \small
+\vskip .2in
\bibliography{sigcse2009} % sigproc.bib is the name of the Bibliography in this case