It is important that Pintos and its loader use the same serial speed, so
that a terminal program connected to a serial port can be set to a sane
speed. The ideal choice would be 115200 bps, for maximum speed, but the
Pintos loader uses the BIOS to do serial output, and the BIOS supports a
maximum speed of 9600 bps.
From Godmar, crossported from his usb-integration-aug08 branch.
ASSERT (mode == UNINIT);
outb (IER_REG, 0); /* Turn off all interrupts. */
outb (FCR_REG, 0); /* Disable FIFO. */
- set_serial (115200); /* 115.2 kbps, N-8-1. */
+ set_serial (9600); /* 9.6 kbps, N-8-1. */
outb (MCR_REG, MCR_OUT2); /* Required to enable interrupts. */
intq_init (&txq);
mode = POLL;