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+ <TITLE> Partition types: List of partition identifiers for PCs</TITLE>
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+<H2><A NAME="s1">1. List of partition identifiers for PCs</A></H2>
+<P>Below a list of the known partition IDs (system indicators)
+of the various operating systems, file systems, boot managers, etc.
+For the various systems, short descriptions are given,
+in the cases where I have some info.
+There seem to be two other major such lists: Ralf Brown's
+<A HREF="http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/ralf/pub/WWW/files.html">interrupt list</A> under
+<A HREF="http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-2270.htm">Int 19</A>)
+<A HREF="http://ata-atapi.com/hiwtab.htm">Hale Landis'</A>
+but the present one is more correct and more complete.
+(However, these two URLs are a valuable source for other information.)
+See also the
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest table</A>
+and the
+<A HREF="http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_tables.html">specification for DOS-type partition tables</A>.
+<P>Copyright (C) Andries E. Brouwer 1995-2004.
+Link to this list - do not copy it.
+It is being updated regularly.
+Additions, corrections, explanations are welcome.
+(Mail to
+<A HREF="mailto:aeb@cwi.nl">aeb@cwi.nl</A>.)
+<DT><B>ID Name</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>00 Empty</B><DD><P>To be precise: this is not used to designate unused area
+on the disk, but marks an unused partition table entry.
+(All other fields should be zero as well.)
+Unused area is not designated.
+<A HREF="#plan9label">Plan9</A>
+assumes that it can use everything not claimed for other systems
+in the partition table.
+<DT><B>01 DOS 12-bit FAT</B><DD><P>DOS is a family of single-user operating systems for PCs.
+86-DOS (`QDOS' - Quick and Dirty OS) was a CP/M-like operating
+system written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products (1979).
+Microsoft bought it, renamed it to MS-DOS 1.0 and sold it to IBM (1980)
+to be delivered together with the first IBM PCs (1981).
+MS-DOS 2.0 (1983) was rather different, and designed to be somewhat
+Unix-like. It supported a hard disk (up to 16MB; up to 32MB for version 2.1).
+Version 3.3+ added the concept of partitions, where each partition is
+at most 32MB. (Compaq DOS 3.31 relaxed this restriction.)
+Since version 4.0 partitions can be 512 MB.
+Version 5.0 supports partitions up to 2 GB.
+Several clones exist:
+<A HREF="http://www.drdos.com/">DR-DOS</A>
+(from Digital Research, later part of Novell and called NovellDOS or
+<A HREF="http://support.novell.com/products/ndos7/">NDOS</A>,
+then owned by Caldera and called
+<A HREF="ftp://ftp.lineo.com/pub/drdos/OpenDOS.701/">OpenDOS</A>,
+then by its subsidiary Lineo who named it back to DR-DOS.
+<A HREF="http://www.drdos.com/">http://www.drdos.com/</A>),
+<A HREF="http://www-4.ibm.com/software/os/dos/">PC-DOS</A>
+(from IBM),
+<A HREF="http://www.freedos.org/">FreeDOS</A>, ...
+<A HREF="http://www.powerload.fsnet.co.uk/o_dos.htm">Types of DOS</A>.
+See comp.os.msdos.* and
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q69/9/12.asp">MSDOS partitioning summary</A>.
+The type <B>01</B> is for partitions up to 15 MB.
+<DT><B>02 XENIX root</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>03 XENIX /usr</B><DD><P>Xenix is an old port of Unix V7.
+Microsoft Xenix OS was announced August 1980, a portable and commercial
+version of the Unix operating system for the Intel 8086, Zilog Z8000,
+Motorola M68000 and Digital Equipment PDP-11.
+Microsoft introduces XENIX 3.0 in April 1983.
+<A HREF="http://www.islandnet.com/~kpolsson/comphist/comp1977.htm">Timeline of Microcomputers</A>)
+SCO delivered its first Xenix for 8088/8086 in 1983.
+See comp.unix.xenix.sco.
+<DT><B>04 DOS 3.0+ 16-bit FAT (up to 32M)</B><DD><P>Matthias Paul writes: Some old DOS versions have had a bug which requires this
+partition to be located in the 1st physical 32 MB of the hard disk, hence
+for compatibility with these old issues, partitions located elsewhere
+should better be assigned the ID FAT16B (06h).
+<DT><B>05 DOS 3.3+ Extended Partition</B><DD><P>Supports at most 8.4 GB disks: with type <B>05</B> DOS/Windows will not use
+the extended BIOS call, even if it is available. See type <B>0f</B> below.
+Using type <B>05</B> for extended partitions beyond 8 GB may lead
+to data corruption with MSDOS.
+<P>An extended partition is a box containing a linked list of logical
+partitions. This chain (linked list) can have arbitrary length, but
+some FDISK versions refuse to make more logical partitions than there
+are drive letters available (e.g. MS-DOS LASTDRIVE=26 is good for at
+most 24 disk partitions; Novell DOS 7+ allows LASTDRIVE=32).
+<DT><B>06 DOS 3.31+ 16-bit FAT (over 32M)</B><DD><P>Partitions, or at least the FAT16 filesystems created on them,
+are at most 2 GB for DOS and Windows 95/98 (at most 65536 clusters,
+each at most 32 KB).
+Windows NT can create up to 4 GB FAT16 filesystems (using 64 KB clusters),
+but these cause problems for DOS and Windows 95/98.
+Note that VFAT is 16-bit FAT with long filenames; FAT32 is a different
+<DT><B>07 OS/2 IFS (e.g., HPFS)</B><DD><P>IFS = Installable File System. The best known example is HPFS.
+OS/2 will only look at partitions with ID 7 for any installed
+IFS (that's why the EXT2.IFS packet includes a special "Linux
+partition filter" device driver to fool OS/2 into thinking Linux
+partitions have ID 07). (Kai Henningsen (<CODE>kai@khms.westfalen.de</CODE>))
+<DT><B>07 Windows NT NTFS</B><DD><P>It is rumoured that the Windows NT boot partition must be primary,
+and within the first 2 GB of the disk.
+<DT><B>07 Advanced Unix</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>07 QNX2.x pre-1988 (see below under IDs 4d-4f)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>08 OS/2 (v1.0-1.3 only)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>08 AIX boot partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>08 SplitDrive</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>08 Commodore DOS</B><DD><P>Matthias Paul writes: "This indicates a Commodore MS-DOS 3.x
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored FAT</A> partition."
+<DT><B>08 DELL partition spanning multiple drives</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>08 QNX 1.x and 2.x ("qny")</B><DD><P>(according to
+<A HREF="http://www.qnx.com/literature/qnx_sysarch/fsys.html#RAWVOLUMES">QNX Partitions</A>)
+<DT><B>09 AIX data partition</B><DD><P>Some reports interchange AIX boot & data.
+AIX is IBM's version of Unix. See comp.unix.aix.
+<DT><B>09 Coherent filesystem</B><DD><P>Coherent was a UNIX-type OS for the 286-386-486, marketed by
+Mark Williams Company led by Bob Swartz, renowned for its good
+documentation. It was introduced in 1980 and died 1 Feb 1995.
+The last versions are V3.2 for 286-386-486 and V4.0
+(May 1992, using protected mode) for 386-486 only.
+It sold for $99 a copy, and the FAQ says that 40000 copies have been sold.
+See comp.os.coherent and
+<A HREF="http://personales.mundivia.es/varel/coherent/">this page</A>.
+A Coherent partition has to be primary.
+<DT><B>09 QNX 1.x and 2.x ("qnz")</B><DD><P>(according to
+<A HREF="http://www.qnx.com/literature/qnx_sysarch/fsys.html#RAWVOLUMES">QNX Partitions</A>)
+<DT><B>0a OS/2 Boot Manager</B><DD><P>OS/2 is the operating system designed by Microsoft and IBM to be
+the successor of MS-DOS. Dropped by Microsoft. See comp.os.os2.
+Windows 2000 actively tries to destroy OS/2 Boot Manager.
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#w2kandos2bm">below</A>.
+<DT><B>0a Coherent swap partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>0a OPUS</B><DD><P>Open Parallel Unisys Server.
+<A HREF="http://www.unisys.com/">Unisys</A>.
+<DT><B>0b WIN95 OSR2 FAT32</B><DD><P>Partitions up to 2047GB. See
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/msdn/sdk/platforms/doc/sdk/win32/95guide/src/fat32ovr_4.asp">Partition Types</A><P>
+<DT><B>0c WIN95 OSR2 FAT32, LBA-mapped</B><DD><P>Extended-INT13 equivalent of <B>0b</B>.
+<DT><B>0e WIN95: DOS 16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>0f WIN95: Extended partition, LBA-mapped</B><DD><P>Windows 95 uses <B>0e</B> and <B>0f</B> as the extended-INT13 equivalents
+of <B>06</B> and <B>05</B>.
+For the problems this causes, see
+<A HREF="http://www.firmware.com/pb4ts/w95fdisk.htm">Windows 95 fdisk problems</A> and
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/peropsys/win95/q148821.asp">Possible data loss with LBA and INT13 extensions</A>.
+(Especially when going back and forth between MSDOS and Windows 95,
+strange things may happen with a type <B>0e</B> or <B>0f</B> partition.)
+Windows NT does not recognize the four W95 types <B>0b</B>, <B>0c</B>,
+<B>0e</B>, <B>0f</B>
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q151/4/14.asp">Win95 Partition Types Not Recognized by Windows NT</A>).
+DRDOS 7.03 does not support this type (but DRDOS 7.04 does).
+<DT><B>10 OPUS (?)</B><DD><P>Maybe decimal, for type <B>0a</B>.
+<DT><B>11 Hidden DOS 12-bit FAT</B><DD><P>When it boots a DOS partition, OS/2 Boot Manager will hide
+all primary DOS partitions except the one that is booted,
+by changing its ID: <B>01</B>, <B>04</B>, <B>06</B> becomes
+<B>11</B>, <B>14</B>, <B>16</B>. Also <B>07</B> becomes <B>17</B>.
+<DT><B>11 Leading Edge DOS 3.x
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored FAT</A></B><DD><P>(According to Matthias Paul.)
+<DT><B>12 Configuration/diagnostics partition</B><DD><P>ID 12 (decimal 18) is used by Compaq for their configuration utility
+partition. It is a FAT-compatible partition (about 6 MB) that boots
+into their utilities, and can be added to a LILO menu as if it were MS-DOS.
+(David C. Niemi)
+Stephen Collins reports a 12 MB partition with ID 12 on a Compaq 7330T.
+Tigran A. Aivazian reports a 40 MB partition with ID 12 on a
+64 MB Compaq Proliant 1600.
+ID 12 is used by the Compaq Contura to denote its hibernation partition.
+<P>NCR has used ID 0x12 MS-DOS partitions for diagnostics and
+firmware support on their WorldMark systems since the mid-90s.
+DataLight's ROM-DOS has replaced MS-DOS on more recent systems.
+Partition sizes were once 72M (MS-DOS) but are now 40M (ROM-DOS).
+<P>Intel has begun offering ROM-DOS based "Service Partition" support
+on many OEM systems. This support initially used ID 0x98 but has
+recently changed to ID 0x12. Intel provides their own support for
+this partition in the form of a System Resource CD. Partition size
+has remained constant at 40M. See e.g.
+<A HREF="www.km-elba.cz/pdf/sds2.pdf">sds2.pdf</A>.
+(Chuck Rouillard)
+<DT><B>14 Hidden DOS 16-bit FAT <32M</B><DD><P>(Ralf Brown's interrupt list adds: `ID 14 resulted from using Novell
+DOS 7.0 FDISK to delete Linux Native partition')
+<DT><B>14 AST DOS with
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored FAT</A></B><DD><P>AST MS-DOS 3.x was an OEM version supporting 8 instead of the usual 4
+partition entries in the MBR. These special MBRs can be detected
+by another signature in the MBR stored in front of the partition table.
+<DT><B>16 Hidden DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>17 Hidden IFS (e.g., HPFS)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>18 AST SmartSleep Partition</B><DD><P>Ascentia laptops have a `Zero Volt Suspend Partition'
+or `SmartSleep Partition' of size 2MB+memory size.
+<A HREF="http://www.ast.com/">AST</A>.
+Ralf Brown calls this the "AST Windows swapfile".
+<DT><B>19 Unused</B><DD><P>Claimed for Willowtech Photon coS (completely optimized system)
+by Willow Schlanger <CODE>willow@dezine.net</CODE>. See dejanews.
+<DT><B>1b Hidden WIN95 OSR2 FAT32</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>1c Hidden WIN95 OSR2 FAT32, LBA-mapped</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>1e Hidden WIN95 16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>20 Unused</B><DD><P>Rumoured to be used by Willowsoft Overture File System (OFS1),
+if there is such a thing.
+<DT><B>21 Reserved</B><DD><P>(according to
+<A HREF="http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/rbinter/it/49/5.html">delorie</A>). And
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>
+writes `Officially listed as reserved (HP Volume Expansion,
+SpeedStor variant)'. See also ID <B>a1</B>.)
+<DT><B>21 Unused</B><DD><P>Claimed for FSo2 (Oxygen File System) by Dave Poirier
+See dejanews.
+<DT><B>22 Unused</B><DD><P>Claimed for Oxygen Extended Partition Table by <CODE>ekstazya@sprint.ca</CODE>.
+See dejanews.
+<DT><B>23 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>24 NEC DOS 3.x</B><DD><P>This is NEC MS-DOS 3.30
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored FAT</A>.
+Similar to type <B>14</B> above, the MBR could have up to 8
+partition entries.
+<DT><B>26 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>2a AtheOS File System (AFS)</B><DD><P>AtheOS is an open source operating system written by Kurt Skauen.
+It is dead now - for a single page, see
+<A HREF="http://www.atheos.cx/">www.atheos.cx</A> or
+<A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/projects/atheos/">sourceforge</A>.
+For the history, see
+<A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AtheOS">wikipedia</A>.
+When progress seemed to stop, the project forked and the
+<A HREF="http://www.syllable.org/">Syllable OS</A>
+was started by Kristian van der Vliet (2002). See also
+<A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syllable_%28operating_system%29">wikipedia</A>.
+It uses the same filesystem, AthFS or AFS, an extension of BeFS, the
+filesystem of BeOS. There is an attempt at a Linux driver at
+<A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/projects/athfs/">sourceforge</A>.
+<DT><B>2b SyllableSecure (SylStor)</B><DD><P>A variation on AthFS is
+<A HREF="http://wiki.isaksson.tk/cgi-bin/zwiki.pl?id=RFCs/Access_Control_Lists/SylStor&sid=">Sylstor</A>,
+with added security.
+<DT><B>31 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>32 NOS</B><DD><P>Simon Butcher (<CODE>simonb@alien.net.au</CODE>) writes:
+This type is being used by an operating system being developed
+by Alien Internet Services in Melbourne Australia called NOS.
+The id '32' was chosen not only because it's one of the few
+that are left available, but 32k is the size of the
+EEPROM the OS was originally targetted for.
+<DT><B>33 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>34 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>35 JFS on OS/2 or eCS </B><DD><P>David van Enckevort (<CODE>david@mensys.nl</CODE>) writes:
+<I>Type 0x35 is used by OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business,
+OS/2 Convenience Pack (aka version 4.5) and
+<A HREF="http://www.ecomstation.com">eComStation</A>
+(eCS, an OEM version of OS/2 Convenience Pack) for the OS/2 implementation
+of JFS (IBM AIX Journaling Filesystem).</I>
+Since JFS is a non-bootable file system, you cannot install eCS
+to a JFS partition.
+<DT><B>36 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>38 THEOS ver 3.2 2gb partition</B><DD><P>
+<A NAME="plan9label"></A> <P>
+<DT><B>39 Plan 9 partition</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9dist/index.html">Plan 9</A>
+is an operating system developed at Bell Labs for many architectures.
+Source is available. See comp.os.plan9.
+Originally Plan 9 used an unallocated portion at the end of the disk.
+Plan 9 3rd edition uses partitions of
+<A HREF="http://plan9.bell-labs.com/magic/man2html/8/prep">type 0x39</A>, subdivided into subpartitions described in
+the Plan 9 partition table in the second sector of the partition.
+<DT><B>39 THEOS ver 4 spanned partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>3a THEOS ver 4 4gb partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>3b THEOS ver 4 extended partition</B><DD><P>THEOS is a multiuser multitasking OS for PCs founded by Timothy Williams
+in 1983. Current release 4.0, previous release 3.2. They say about
+themselves: `THEOS with over 150,000 customers and over 1,000,000 users
+around the world brings a mainframe look and feel to computers
+without the complexity and high maintenance costs.
+Hundreds of applications exist with networking and Windows integration.'
+<A HREF="http://www.theos-software.com/">the Theos home page</A><P>
+<DT><B>3c PartitionMagic recovery partition</B><DD><P>Cody Batt (<CODE>codyb@powerquest.com</CODE>) writes:
+When a
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com">PowerQuest</A>
+product like
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/en/partitionmagic/index.html">PartitionMagic</A> or
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/en/driveimage/index.html">Drive Image</A> makes changes to the disk,
+it first changes the type flag to 0x3C so that the OS won't try to
+modify it etc. At the end of the process, it gets changed back to
+what it was at first. So, the only time you should see a 0x3C type flag
+is if the process was interrupted somehow (power outage, user reboot etc).
+If you change it back manually with a partition table editor or something
+then most of the time everything is okay.
+<DT><B>3d Hidden NetWare</B><DD><P>According to
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>.
+<DT><B>40 Venix 80286</B><DD><P>A very old Unix-like operating system for PCs.
+<DT><B>41 Linux/MINIX (sharing disk with DRDOS)</B><DD><P>Very old FAQs recommended to use <B>41</B> etc instead of <B>81</B> etc
+on a disk shared with DRDOS because DRDOS allegedly disregards
+the high order bit of the partition type.
+These types are not used anymore today.
+Roger Wolff (<CODE>R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl</CODE>) confirms:
+<I>I remember installing DRDOS, and getting a few extra drive letters
+that I didn't expect. Turns out those are my Minix partitions.
+It is looking at them as a FAT filesystem. Looks like a big mess.
+After finding no other possibility than to just "not touch those drive
+letters" I continue with the install. After a few minutes DRDOS
+automatically decides to write a copy of the FAT into a file on one
+of my MINIX partitions. Bye bye Minix partition.</I>
+<DT><B>41 Personal RISC Boot</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>41 PPC PReP (Power PC Reference Platform) Boot</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>42 Linux swap (sharing disk with DRDOS)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>42 SFS (Secure Filesystem)</B><DD><P>SFS is an encrypted filesystem driver for DOS on 386+ PCs, written
+by Peter Gutmann.
+<DT><B>42 Windows 2000 dynamic extended partition marker</B><DD><P>If a partition table entry of type 0x42 is present in the legacy
+partition table, then W2K ignores the legacy partition table
+and uses a proprietary partition table and a proprietary partitioning
+scheme (LDM or DDM). As the Microsoft KnowledgeBase writes:
+<I>Pure dynamic disks (those not containing any
+hard-linked partitions) have only a single
+partition table entry (type <B>42</B>) to define the
+entire disk. Dynamic disks store their volume
+configuration in a database located in a 1-MB
+private region at the end of each dynamic disk.</I>
+<DT><B>43 Linux native (sharing disk with DRDOS)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>44 GoBack partition</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.goback.com">GoBack</A>
+is a utility that records changes made to the disk,
+allowing you to view or go back to some earlier state.
+It takes over disk I/O like a Disk Manager would,
+and stores its logs in its own partition.
+<DT><B>45 Boot-US boot manager</B><DD><P>Ulrich Straub (<CODE>ustraub@boot-us.de</CODE>) writes:
+The boot manager can be installed to MBR, a separate primary partition or
+diskette. When installed to a primary partition this partition gets
+the ID 45h. This partition does not contain a file system, it contains
+only the boot manager and occupies a single cylinder (below 8 GB).
+<A HREF="http://www.boot-us.com">www.boot-us.com</A>.
+<DT><B>45 Priam</B><DD><P>According to
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>.
+See also ID 5c.
+<DT><B>45 EUMEL/Elan </B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>46 EUMEL/Elan </B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>47 EUMEL/Elan </B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>48 EUMEL/Elan </B><DD><P>Eumel, and later Ergos L3, are multiuser multitasking systems
+developed by Jochen Liedtke at GMD.
+It was used at German schools for the computer science education.
+<A HREF="http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4/l3elan.html">Elan</A> was the programming language used.)
+<DT><B>4a Mark Aitchison's ALFS/THIN lightweight filesystem for DOS</B><DD><P>According to
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>.
+<DT><B>4a AdaOS Aquila (Withdrawn)</B><DD><P>Nick Roberts at some point in time announced that he would use <B>4a</B>
+for Aquila, but now plans to use the AODPS <B>7f</B>.
+<DT><B>4c Oberon partition</B><DD><P>See
+<A HREF="http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/betadocu.html#PM">http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/betadocu.html</A>.
+This partition type (decimal 76) is used for the Aos filesystem.
+Type <B>4f</B> is used for the Nat filesystem.
+One may have several partitions of this type.
+<DT><B>4d QNX4.x</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>4e QNX4.x 2nd part</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>4f QNX4.x 3rd part</B><DD><P>QNX is a POSIX-certified, microkernel, distributed, fault-tolerant
+OS for the 386 and up, including support for the 386EX in embedded
+applications. For info see
+<A HREF="http://www.qnx.com/">http://www.qnx.com/</A> or
+<A HREF="ftp://ftp.qnx.com">ftp.qnx.com</A>.
+See also comp.os.qnx.
+ID 7 is outdated - QNX2 used <B>07</B>, QNX4.x uses 77,
+and optionally 78 and 79 for additional QNX partitions
+on a single drive.
+These values 77, 78, 79 seem to be the decimal values in view of
+<A HREF="http://www.qnx.com/literature/qnx_sysarch/fsys.html#RAWVOLUMES">QNX Partitions</A> and
+<A HREF="http://www.qnx.com/literature/nto_sysarch/fsys.html">Neutrino filesystems</A>.
+<DT><B>4f Oberon partition</B><DD><P>See
+<A HREF="http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/native/">http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/native/</A>.
+(The partition ID is given in
+<A HREF="http://www.dejanews.com/getdoc.xp?AN=384857457">this posting</A> in comp.lang.oberon. The
+<A HREF="http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/install.html#ID1">install instructions</A> say that at most one partition
+can have this type (decimal 79), and that one needs a different type,
+like <B>50</B> (decimal 80) for a second Oberon system. Moreover, that users
+of System Commander must avoid types containing the 0x10 bit.)
+See also type <B>4c</B> (decimal 76) above.
+<DT><B>50 OnTrack Disk Manager (older versions) RO</B><DD><P>Disk Manager is a program of OnTrack, to enable people to use
+IDE disks that are larger than 504MB under DOS.
+For info see
+<A HREF="http://www.ontrack.com">http://www.ontrack.com</A>.
+Linux kernel versions older than 1.3.14 do not coexist with DM.
+<DT><B>50 Lynx RTOS</B><DD><P>"Beginning with version 3.0, LynxOS gives users the ability to
+place up to 14 partitions of 2 GB each on both SCSI and IDE drives,
+for a total of up to 28 GB of file system space."
+<A HREF="http://www.lynuxworks.com/">www.lynuxworks.com</A>.
+<DT><B>50 Native Oberon (alt)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>51 OnTrack Disk Manager RW (DM6 Aux1)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>51 Novell</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>52 CP/M</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>52 Microport SysV/AT</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>53 Disk Manager 6.0 Aux3</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>54 Disk Manager 6.0 Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>55 EZ-Drive</B><DD><P>EZ-Drive is another disk manager (by MicroHouse, 1992).
+Linux kernel versions older than 1.3.29 do not coexist with EZD.
+(On 990323 MicroHouse International was acquired by EarthWeb;
+MicroHouse Solutions split off and changed its name into
+<A HREF="http://www.storagesoft.com/">StorageSoft</A>.
+MicroHouse Development split off and changed its name into
+<A HREF="http://www.imagecast.com">ImageCast</A>.
+It is StorageSoft that now markets EZDrive and DrivePro.)
+<DT><B>56 Golden Bow VFeature Partitioned Volume.</B><DD><P>This is a Non-Standard DOS Volume.
+(Disk Manager type utility software)
+<DT><B>56 DM converted to EZ-BIOS</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>56 AT&T MS-DOS 3.x
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored FAT</A>.</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>57 DrivePro</B><DD><P>Doug Anderson (<CODE>DougA@ImageCast.com</CODE>), with his brother Steve cofounder
+of MicroHouse (1989), writes: We actually use three different partition types:
+$55: `StorageSoft EZ-BIOS' - EZ-Drive, Maxtor, MaxBlast, and DriveGuide install
+this type if the drive needs to be handled by our INT13 redirector.
+$56: `StorageSoft EZ-BIOS DM Conversion' - Same as $55 but used
+when a DiskManager "skewed" partition has been converted to EZ-BIOS.
+$57: `StorageSoft DrivePro' - Used by our DrivePro product.
+<DT><B>57 VNDI Partition</B><DD><P>(According to <CODE>disk.c</CODE> in the Netware source.
+Not in actual use.)
+<DT><B>5c Priam EDisk</B><DD><P>Priam EDisk Partitioned Volume.
+This is a Non-Standard DOS Volume.
+(Disk Manager type utility software)
+<DT><B>61 SpeedStor</B><DD><P>Storage Dimensions SpeedStor Volume.
+This is a Non-Standard DOS Volume.
+(Disk Manager type utility software)
+<DT><B>63 Unix System V (SCO, ISC Unix, UnixWare, ...), Mach, GNU Hurd</B><DD><P>A Unixware 7.1 partition must start below the 4GB limit.
+(If the /stand/stage3.blm is located past this limit, booting
+will fail with "FATAL BOOT ERROR: Can't load stage3".)
+<DT><B>64 PC-ARMOUR protected partition</B><DD><P>Used by PC-ARMOUR, a disk protection by Dr. A.Solomon,
+intended to keep the disk inaccessible until the right
+password was given (and then an int13 hook was loaded
+above top-of-memory that showed c/h/s 0/0/2, with a copy
+of the real partition table, when 0/0/1 was requested).
+<DT><B>64 Novell Netware 286, 2.xx</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>65 Novell Netware 386, 3.xx or 4.xx</B><DD><P>(Novell Netware used to be the main Network Operating System available.
+Netware 68 or S-Net (1983) was for a Motorola 68000,
+Netware 86 for an Intel 8086 or 8088.
+Netware 286 was for an Intel 80286 and existed in various
+versions that were later merged to Netware 2.2.
+Netware 386 was a rewrite in C for the Intel 386,
+later renamed 3.x - it existed at least in versions
+3.0, 3.1, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12. Its successor Netware 4.xx had
+versions 4.00, 4.01, 4.02, 4.10, 4.11. Then came Intranetware.)
+Netware >= 3.0 uses one partition per drive. It allocates
+logical Volumes inside these partitions. The volumes can be
+split over several drives. The filesystem used is called
+"Turbo FAT"; it only very vaguely resembles the DOS FAT file system.
+(Kai Henningsen (<CODE>kai@khms.westfalen.de</CODE>))
+<DT><B>66 Novell Netware SMS Partition</B><DD><P>According to <CODE>disk.c</CODE> in the Netware source.
+SMS: Storage Management Services. No longer used.
+<DT><B>67 Novell</B><DD><P>Roman Gruber reports: this code has frozen my version of norton disk-editor
+(so I think it has to be something special).
+Jeff Merkey says: 67 is for Wolf Mountain.
+<DT><B>68 Novell</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>69 Novell Netware 5+, Novell Netware NSS Partition</B><DD><P>According to <CODE>disk.c</CODE> in the Netware source.
+NSS = Novell Storage Services.
+<DT><B>6e ??</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.linuxsa.org.au/mailing-list/1999-03/108.html">Reported once.</A><P>
+<DT><B>70 DiskSecure Multi-Boot</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>71 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>73 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>74 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>74 Scramdisk partition</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.scramdisk.clara.net">Scramdisk</A>
+is freeware and shareware disk encryption software.
+It supports container files, dedicated partitions (type 0x74) and
+disks hidden in WAV audio files.
+(Shaun Hollingworth (<CODE>moatlane@btconnect.com</CODE>))
+<DT><B>75 IBM PC/IX</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>76 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>77 M2FS/M2CS partition</B><DD><P>Jeff Merkey writes: 77 is one we are using internally for M2FS/M2CS partitions.
+<DT><B>77 VNDI Partition</B><DD><P>(According to <CODE>disk.c</CODE> in the Netware source. Not in actual use.)
+<DT><B>78 XOSL FS</B><DD><P>XOSL Bootloader filesystem, see
+<A HREF="http://www.xosl.org/">www.xosl.org</A>.
+<DT><B>7e Unused</B><DD><P>Claimed for F.I.X. by <CODE>gruberr@kapsch.net</CODE>. See dejanews.
+<DT><B>7f Unused</B><DD><P>Proposed for the
+<A HREF="http://www.adaos.net/aodps/aodps.html">Alt-OS-Development Partition Standard</A>.
+<DT><B>80 MINIX until 1.4a</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>81 MINIX since 1.4b, early Linux</B><DD><P>Minix is a Unix-like operating system written by Andy Tanenbaum
+and students at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, around 1989-1991.
+It runs on PCs (8086 and up), MacIntosh, Atari, Amiga, Sparc.
+Ref: Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
+Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-637406-9
+Since 950601 Minix is freely available - site:
+<A HREF="ftp://ftp.cs.vu.nl/pub/minix">ftp.cs.vu.nl</A>.
+See also comp.os.minix.
+<DT><B>81 Mitac disk manager</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>82 Prime</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>82 Solaris x86</B><DD><P>Solaris creates a single partition with id 0x82, then uses Sun disk labels
+within the partition to split it further.
+(Brandon S. Allbery (<CODE>allbery@kf8nh.apk.net</CODE>))
+Starting from 2005, newly installed systems will use 0xbf.
+<DT><B>82 Linux swap</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>83 Linux native partition</B><DD><P>Linux is a Unix-like operating system written by Linus Torvalds
+and many others on the internet since Fall 1991.
+It runs on PCs (386 and up) and a variety of other hardware.
+It is distributed under GPL.
+Software can be found numerous places, like ftp.funet.fi,
+metalab.unc.edu and tsx-11.mit.edu.
+See also comp.os.linux.* and
+<A HREF="http://www.linux.org/">http://www.linux.org/</A>.
+Various filesystem types like xiafs, ext2, ext3, reiserfs, etc.
+all use ID 83. Some systems mistakenly assume that 83 must mean ext2.
+<DT><B>84 OS/2 hidden C: drive</B><DD><P>OS/2-renumbered type <B>04</B> partition.
+<DT><B>84 Hibernation partition</B><DD><P>(following Appendix E of the Microsoft APM 1.1f specification).
+Reported for various laptop models.
+E.g., used on Dell Latitudes (with Dell BIOS) that use the MKS2D utility.
+APM 1.2 hibernation partitions can be used by Windows 98 or higher.
+<DT><B>85 Linux extended partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>86 Old Linux RAID partition superblock</B><DD><P>See <B>fd</B>.
+<DT><B>86 NTFS volume set</B><DD><P>Legacy Fault Tolerant FAT16 volume.
+Windows NT 4.0 or earlier will add 0x80 to the partition type
+for partitions that are part of a Fault Tolerant set (mirrored
+or in a RAID-5 volume). Thus, one gets types <B>86</B>, <B>87</B>,
+<B>8b</B>, <B>8c</B>. See also
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q114/8/41.asp">Windows NT Boot Process and Hard Disk Constraints</A>.
+<DT><B>87 NTFS volume set</B><DD><P>Legacy Fault Tolerant NTFS volume.
+HPFS Fault-Tolerant mirrored partition.
+<DT><B>88 Linux plaintext partition table</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>8a Linux Kernel Partition (used by AiR-BOOT)</B><DD><P>Martin Kiewitz (<CODE>KiWi@vision.fido.de</CODE>) writes:
+I'm currently writing a pretty nice boot-loader.
+For this I'm using Linux Boot Loader ID A0h, and partitition
+type 8Ah for the partition holding the kernel image.
+<DT><B>8b Legacy Fault Tolerant FAT32 volume</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>8c Legacy Fault Tolerant FAT32 volume using BIOS extd INT 13h</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>8d Free FDISK hidden Primary DOS FAT12 partitition</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.23cc.com/free-fdisk/">Free FDISK</A> is the
+FDISK used by
+<A HREF="http://www.freedos.org/">FreeDOS</A>.
+It hides types <B>01</B>, <B>04</B>, <B>05</B>, <B>06</B>,
+<B>0b</B>, <B>0c</B>, <B>0e</B>, <B>0f</B> by adding
+decimal 140 (0x8c).
+<DT><B>8e Linux Logical Volume Manager partition</B><DD><P>See
+<A HREF="http://linux.msede.com/lvm/man/man2html.cgi?pvcreate:8">pvcreate(8)</A> as found under
+<A HREF="http://linux.msede.com/lvm">http://linux.msede.com/lvm</A>.
+(For a while this was 0xfe.)
+<DT><B>90 Free FDISK hidden Primary DOS FAT16 partitition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>91 Free FDISK hidden DOS extended partitition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>92 Free FDISK hidden Primary DOS large FAT16 partitition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>93 Hidden Linux native partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>93 Amoeba</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>94 Amoeba bad block table</B><DD><P>Amoeba is a distributed operating system written by Andy Tanenbaum,
+together with Frans Kaashoek, Sape Mullender, Robert van Renesse
+and others since 1981.
+It runs on PCs (386 and up), Sun3, Sparc, 68030.
+It is free for universities for research/teaching purposes.
+For information, see
+<A HREF="ftp://ftp.cs.vu.nl/pub/amoeba">ftp.cs.vu.nl</A>.
+<DT><B>95 MIT EXOPC native partitions</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/exo/">http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/exo/</A>
+(Andrew Purtell, <CODE>Andrew_Purtell@NAI.com</CODE>)
+<DT><B>97 Free FDISK hidden Primary DOS FAT32 partitition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>98 Free FDISK hidden Primary DOS FAT32 partitition (LBA)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>98 Datalight ROM-DOS Super-Boot Partition</B><DD><P>See
+<A HREF="http://www.datalight.com/rom-dos-v.htm">www.datalight.com</A>, and type <B>12</B> above.
+<DT><B>99 DCE376 logical drive</B><DD><P>No, it's not a hibernation partition; it's closest to a DOS extended
+partition. It's used by the Mylex DCE376 EISA SCSI adaptor for partitions
+which are beyond the 1024th cylinder of a drive. I've only seen references
+to type <B>99</B> with the DCE376.
+(Christian Carey, <CODE>ccarey@CapAccess.ORG</CODE>)
+<DT><B>9a Free FDISK hidden Primary DOS FAT16 partitition (LBA)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>9b Free FDISK hidden DOS extended partitition (LBA)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>9f BSD/OS</B><DD><P>Current sysid for BSDI. The types <B>b7</B> and <B>b8</B> given below
+are for an older version of the filesystem used in pre-v3.0 versions of the OS.
+These days the system is v4.1 BSD/OS.
+BSDI reports 2.1 million installed servers and 12 million licenses sold.
+<A HREF="http://www.bsdi.com/">http://www.bsdi.com/</A>.
+<DT><B>a0 Laptop hibernation partition</B><DD><P>Reported for various laptops like IBM Thinkpad, Phoenix NoteBIOS, Toshiba
+under names like zero-volt suspend partition, suspend-to-disk partition,
+save-to-disk partition, power-management partition, hibernation partition.
+Usually at the start or end of the disk area.
+(This is also the number used by Sony on the VAIO. Recent VAIOs
+can also hibernate to a file in the filesystem,
+the choice being made from the BIOS setup screen.)
+<DT><B>a1 Laptop hibernation partition</B><DD><P>Reportedly used as "Save-to-Disk" partition on a NEC 6000H notebook.
+Types <B>a0</B> and <B>a1</B> are used on systems with Phoenix BIOS;
+the Phoenix PHDISK utility is used with these.
+<DT><B>a1 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>IDs 21, a1, a3, a4, a6, b1, b3, b4, b6 are for HP Volume Expansion
+(SpeedStor variant).
+<DT><B>a3 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>a4 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>a5 BSD/386, 386BSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD</B><DD><P>386BSD is a Unix-like operating system, a port of 4.3BSD Net/2
+to the PC done by Bill Jolitz around 1991. When Jolitz seemed to
+stop development, an updated version was called FreeBSD (1992).
+The outcome of a Novell vs. UCB law suit was that Net/2 contained
+AT&T code, and hence was not free, but that 4.4BSD-Lite was free.
+After that, FreeBSD and NetBSD were restructured, and FreeBSD 2.0
+and NetBSD 1.0 are based on 4.4BSD-Lite.
+FreeBSD runs on PCs. See
+<A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/FreeBSD.html">http://www.freebsd.org/FreeBSD.html</A>.
+For NetBSD, see below - it changed partition type to <B>a9</B>.
+386BSD seems to be dead now. The kernel source is being published - see
+<A HREF="http://www.peer-to-peer.com/catalog/opsrc.html">Operating System Source Code Secrets</A> by Bill and Lynne Jolitz.
+See comp.os.386bsd.*.
+<A HREF="http://www.paranoia.com/~vax/boot.html">http://www.paranoia.com/~vax/boot.html</A> for NetBSD
+boot and partitioning info.
+<DT><B>a6 OpenBSD</B><DD><P>OpenBSD, led by Theo de Raadt, split off from NetBSD.
+It tries to emphasize on security. See
+<A HREF="http://www.openbsd.org/">http://www.openbsd.org/</A>.
+<DT><B>a6 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>a7 NeXTStep</B><DD><P>Based on Mach 2.6 and features of Mach 3.0, is a true
+object-oriented operating system and user environment.
+<A HREF="http://www.next.com/">http://www.next.com/</A>.
+<DT><B>a8 Mac OS-X</B><DD><P>Apple's OS-X (
+<A HREF="http://www.darwinfo.org/howto/intel.shtml">Darwin Intel</A>) uses this type for its filesystem partition
+(a UFS file system, in NeXT flavour, only differing from the *BSD formats
+in the first 8 KB). See also type <B>ab</B>.
+<DT><B>a9 NetBSD</B><DD><P>NetBSD is one of the children of *BSD (see above).
+It runs on PCs and a variety of other hardware.
+Since 19-Feb-98 NetBSD uses <B>a9</B> instead of <B>a5</B>.
+<A HREF="http://www.netbsd.org/">http://www.netbsd.org/</A>.
+It is freely obtainable - see
+<A HREF="http://www.netbsd.org/Sites/net.html">http://www.netbsd.org/Sites/net.html</A>.
+<DT><B>aa Olivetti Fat 12 1.44MB Service Partition</B><DD><P>Contains a bare DOS 6.22 and a utility to exchange types
+<B>06</B> and <B>aa</B> in the partition table. (<CODE>loekw@worldonline.nl</CODE>)
+<DT><B>ab Mac OS-X Boot partition</B><DD><P>Apple's OS-X (Darwin Intel) uses this type for its boot partition.
+The image (<CODE>/usr/standalone/i386/boot</CODE>) starts at sector 1.
+See also type <B>a8</B>.
+<DT><B>ab GO! partition</B><DD><P>Unused. Claimed by Stanislav Karchebny for his
+<A HREF="http://goos.sourceforge.net/">GO! OS</A>.
+<DT><B>ae ShagOS filesystem</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>af ShagOS swap partition</B><DD><P>Unused. Claimed by Frank Barrus for his
+<A HREF="http://www.csh.rit.edu/~shaggy/software.html">ShagOS</A>.
+<DT><B>b0 BootStar Dummy</B><DD><P>The boot manager BootStar manages its own partition table,
+with up to 15 primary partitions. It fills unused entries in the
+MBR with BootStar Dummy values.
+<A HREF="http://www.star-tools.com/english/">www.star-tools.com</A>.
+If you use this, don't use a disk manager, do not put LILO in the MBR
+and do not use fdisk.
+<DT><B>b1 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b3 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b4 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b6 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b6 Corrupted Windows NT mirror set (master), FAT16 file system</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b7 Corrupted Windows NT mirror set (master), NTFS file system</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b7 BSDI BSD/386 filesystem</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>b8 BSDI BSD/386 swap partition</B><DD><P>BSDI (Berkeley Software Design, Inc.) was founded by former CSRG
+(UCB Computer Systems Research Group) members.
+Their operating system, based on Net/2, was called BSD/386.
+After the USL (Unix System Laboratories, Inc./Novell Corp.) vs. BSDI
+lawsuit, new releases were based on BSD4.4-Lite.
+Now they are announcing BSD/OS V2.0.1. This is an operating for PCs
+(386 and up), boasting 3000 customers. (That was long ago. The current
+partition id is <B>9f</B>, see above.)
+<DT><B>bb Boot Wizard hidden</B><DD><P>(PTS) BootWizard 4.0 and its new version Acronis OS Selector 5.0
+use this id (i) when hiding partitions with types other than
+<B>01</B>, <B>04</B>, <B>06</B>, <B>07</B>, <B>0b</B>,
+<B>0c</B>, <B>0e</B>, and (ii) when creating a partition
+without file system.
+<A HREF="http://www.PhysTechSoft.com/en/ptsdos/">www.PhysTechSoft.com</A>. The boot software was purchased
+on 2001-01-05 by SWsoft. See
+<A HREF="http://www.acronis.com/en/">www.acronis.com</A>.
+<DT><B>be Solaris 8 boot partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>bf New Solaris x86 partition</B><DD><P>The old 0x82 id conflicted with Linux swap. New Solaris installations
+will use the id 0xbf. (Larry Lee <CODE><lclee@west.sun.com></CODE>)
+<DT><B>c0 CTOS</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>c0 REAL/32 secure small partition</B><DD><P>See d0 below.
+<DT><B>c0 NTFT Partition</B><DD><P>According to <CODE>disk.c</CODE> in the Netware source.
+<DT><B>c0 DR-DOS/Novell DOS secured partition</B><DD><P>DR-DOS 7.02+ / OpenDOS 7.01 / Novell DOS 7 secured partition.
+<DT><B>c1 DRDOS/secured (FAT-12)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>c2 Unused</B><DD><P>According to
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>
+IDs <B>c2</B>, <B>c3</B>, <B>c8</B>, <B>c9</B>, <B>ca</B>,
+<B>cd</B> are reserved for DR-DOS 7+.
+According to Matthias Paul <B>c2</B>, <B>c3</B>, <B>cd</B>
+are no longer reserved for DR-DOS.
+<DT><B>c2 Hidden Linux</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>c3 Hidden Linux swap</B><DD><P>Benedict Chong (<CODE>bchong@blueskyinnovations.com</CODE>) writes:
+<A HREF="http://www.blueskyinnovations.com">BlueSky Innovations LLC</A> does a boot manager product
+called Power Boot and we use, in addition,
+0C2h and 0C3h for hidden Linux partitions (swap and ext2fs).
+See also ID c2.
+<DT><B>c4 DRDOS/secured (FAT-16, < 32M)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>c5 DRDOS/secured (extended)</B><DD><P>This ID may also be used in obscure trickery:
+on a shared MS-DOS / DR-DOS machine with DR-DOS 6.0-7.03 (so that
+the DR_DOS does not understand type <B>0f</B> and the MS-DOS
+does not understand type <B>c5</B>) one may have two extended
+partitions, where each operating system sees only one.
+<DT><B>c6 DRDOS/secured (FAT-16, >= 32M)</B><DD><P>DR-DOS 6.0 and higher (NetWare PalmDOS 1.0, Novell DOS 7, OpenDOS 7.01,
+DR-DOS 7.02+) will add 0xc0 to the partition type for
+a LOGIN.EXE-secured partition (so that people cannot avoid
+the password check by booting from an MS-DOS floppy).
+Otherwise it seems that the types <B>c1</B>, <B>c4</B>, <B>c5</B>,
+<B>c6</B> and <B>d1</B>, <B>d4</B>, <B>d5</B>, <B>d6</B>
+are used precisely like <B>01</B>, <B>04</B>, <B>05</B>, <B>06</B>
+(but are accepted only when booting from disk).
+<DT><B>c6 Windows NT corrupted FAT16 volume/stripe set</B><DD><P>NTFS will add 0xc0 to the partition type for disabled parts
+of a Fault Tolerant set. Thus, one gets types <B>c6</B>, <B>c7</B>.
+See also
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q114/8/41.asp">Windows NT Boot Process and Hard Disk Constraints</A> and
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q80/5/70.asp">Switching from DR-DOS 6.0 to MS-DOS 5.0</A>.
+<DT><B>c7 Windows NT corrupted NTFS volume/stripe set</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>c7 Syrinx boot</B><DD><P>Primary partition only.
+<DT><B>c8 Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>c9 Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>ca Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>cb DR-DOS 7.04+ secured FAT32 (CHS)/</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>cc DR-DOS 7.04+ secured FAT32 (LBA)/</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>cd CTOS Memdump? </B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>ce DR-DOS 7.04+ FAT16X (LBA)/</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>cf DR-DOS 7.04+ secured EXT DOS (LBA)/</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>d0 REAL/32 secure big partition</B><DD><P>REAL/32 is a continuation of DR Multiuser DOS.
+It supports FAT12, FAT16 and REAL/32 7.90 also supports FAT32.
+Andrew Freeman (<CODE>afreeman@imsltd.com</CODE>) writes:
+For partitions which have been marked as secure we use
+0xC0 and 0xD0 as partition markers (C0 < 32mb, D0 >= 32mb).
+REAL/32 is an advanced 32-bit multitasking & multi-user
+MS-DOS & Windows compatible operating system.
+Home page is
+<A HREF="http://www.imsltd.com">www.imsltd.com</A>.
+<DT><B>d0 Multiuser DOS secured partition</B><DD><P>This applies to the whole MDOS family range, Digital Research
+DR Multiuser DOS and Novell DR Multiuser DOS, as well as to
+Concurrent Controls Multiuser DOS, Datapaq Australasia System Manager 7,
+and IMS Multiuser DOS.
+<DT><B>d1 Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT12</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>d4 Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT16 <32M</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>d5 Old Multiuser DOS secured extended partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>d6 Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT16 >=32M</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>d8 CP/M-86</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>da Non-FS Data</B><DD><P>Added on request of John Hardin (<CODE>johnh@aproposretail.com</CODE>).
+<DT><B>db Digital Research CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurrent DOS</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>db CTOS (Convergent Technologies OS -Unisys)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>db KDG Telemetry SCPU boot</B><DD><P>Mark Morgan Lloyd (<CODE>markMLl.in@telemetry.co.uk</CODE>) writes:
+<A HREF="http://www.telemetry.co.uk/">KDG Telemetry</A>
+uses type 0xdb to store a protected-mode binary image of the code
+to be run on a 'x86-based SCPU (Supervisory CPU) module from the DT800 range.
+<DT><B>dd Hidden CTOS Memdump? </B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>de Dell PowerEdge Server utilities (FAT fs)</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>df DG/UX virtual disk manager partition</B><DD><P>Glenn Steen (<CODE>glenn.steen@ap1.se</CODE>) writes:
+When I made an old Aviion 2000 triple-boot (DOS, DG/UX and Linux)
+I saw that Linux fdisk reported the DG/UX virtual disk manager
+partition as type 0xdf.
+<DT><B>df BootIt EMBRM</B><DD><P>The boot manager BootIt manages its own partition table,
+with up to 255 primary partitions. See
+<A HREF="http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/oldsite/BOOTIT.HTM">www.terabyteunlimited.com</A>.
+If you use this, don't use a disk manager, do not put LILO in the MBR
+and do not use fdisk. Reference for the ID: BOOTIT.TXT.
+<DT><B>e0 Reserved by
+<A HREF="http://www.st.com">STMicroelectronics</A> for a filesystem called ST AVFS.</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>e1 DOS access or SpeedStor 12-bit FAT extended partition</B><DD><P>Kevin Cummings reports in alt.os.linux:
+it's a SSTOR partition on cylinders > 1023.
+<DT><B>e3 DOS R/O or SpeedStor</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>e4 SpeedStor 16-bit FAT extended partition < 1024 cyl.</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>e5 Tandy MSDOS with
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored FAT</A></B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>e6 Storage Dimensions SpeedStor</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>eb BeOS BFS</B><DD><P>BeOS is an operating system that runs on Power PCs and on Intel PCs.
+<A HREF="http://www.bebits.com/app/2680">Version 5</A>
+(the last version) is distributed freely to individuals.
+The system was sold to Palm and is not developed any more.
+<A HREF="http://www.openbeos.org/">OpenBeOS</A>
+tries to create an open source version.
+<DT><B>ec SkyOS SkyFS</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.skyos.org/">SkyOS</A>
+is an operating system written by Robert Szeleney.
+Its filesystem SkyFS is based on OpenBeFS.
+<DT><B>ed Unused</B><DD><P>Matthias Paul plans to use this for an OS called Sprytix.
+<DT><B>ee Indication that this legacy MBR is followed by an EFI header</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>ef Partition that contains an EFI file system</B><DD><P>Bob Griswold (<CODE>rogris@Exchange.Microsoft.com</CODE>) writes:
+MS plans on using EE and EF in the future for support of
+non-legacy BIOS booting.
+Mark Doran (<CODE>mark.doran@intel.com</CODE>) adds: these types are used to
+support the Extensible Firmware Interface specification (EFI); go to
+<A HREF="http://developer.intel.com/">developer.intel.com</A>
+and search for EFI.
+(For the types <B>ee</B> and <B>ef</B>, see Tables 16-6 and 16-7 of
+the EFI specification, EFISpec_091.pdf.)
+<DT><B>f0 Linux/PA-RISC boot loader</B><DD><P>Paul Bame (<CODE>bame@debian.org</CODE>) writes: the F0 partition will be
+located in the first 2GB of a drive and used to store the
+<A HREF="http://www.parisc-linux.org/">Linux/PA-RISC</A>
+boot loader and boot command line, optionally including a kernel and ramdisk.
+<DT><B>f1 Storage Dimensions SpeedStor</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>f2 DOS 3.3+ secondary partition</B><DD><P>Matthias Paul writes:
+"This ID was originally used by Sperry IT MS-DOS 3.xx for a
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html#logsectfat">logically sectored</A> variant of FAT.
+When Sperry IT became part of Unisys, the operating system was called
+Unisys MS-DOS 3.3. Digital Research's DOS Plus 2.1 (for OEM machines
+such as the Amstrad/Schneider PC1512, the T.R.A.N. Jasmin Turbo (Speed 8M),
+or the Acorn BBC Master 512 also supports this ID and logs it in, as
+if this would be either a type 01h FAT12 or a type 04h FAT16 partition."
+<DT><B>f3 Reserved</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>
+writes: Storage Dimensions SpeedStor.
+<DT><B>f4 SpeedStor large partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>f4 Prologue single-volume partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>f5 Prologue multi-volume partition</B><DD><P>The type F4 partition contains one volume, and is not used anymore.
+The type F5 partition contains 1 to 10 volumes (called MD0 to MD9).
+It supports one or more systems (Prologue 3, 4, 5, Twin Server).
+Each volume can have as file system the NGF file system or TwinFS file system.
+NGF (old): volume size at most 512 MB, at most 895 files per directory,
+at most 256 directories per volume.
+TwinFS (new): volume size up to 4 GB.
+No limit in number of files and directories.
+<A HREF="http://www.prologue-software.com/">Prologue</A>.
+<DT><B>f6 Storage Dimensions SpeedStor</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>f7 Unused</B><DD><P>Maybe Natalia Portillo plans to use this for O.S.G. EFAT
+("Enhanced File Allocation Techniques").
+<DT><B>f9 pCache</B><DD><P>Ed Sawicki writes: "We propose using the F9 partition type as
+a pCache partition, which is our name for an "ext2/ext3 persistent
+cache partition". See
+<A HREF="http://www.alcpress.com/articles/pcache.html">www.alcpress.com</A>.
+<DT><B>fa Bochs</B><DD><P>Rob Judd writes: MandrakeSoft's
+<A HREF="http://bochs.sourceforge.net">Bochs</A> x86 emulator
+(similar to VMWare) uses <B>fa</B> as a partition identifier.
+<DT><B>fb VMware File System partition</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>fc VMware Swap partition</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="http://www.vmware.com/">VMware</A>
+offers virtual machines in which one can run Linux, Windows, FreeBSD.
+These partition IDs announced by Dan Scales
+<DT><B>fd Linux raid partition with autodetect using persistent superblock</B><DD><P>See the
+<A HREF="http://ostenfeld.dk/~jakob/Software-RAID.HOWTO/">HOWTO</A>
+and the
+<A HREF="ftp://ftp.fi.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/alpha/">kernel patches</A>.
+Earlier, <B>86</B> was used instead of <B>fd</B>.
+<A HREF="http://www.powerquest.com/support/primus/id233.html">Powerquest</A>
+writes: Reserved for FreeDOS
+<A HREF="http://www.freedos.org">www.freedos.org</A>),
+but it seems FreeDOS never used this ID.
+<DT><B>fe SpeedStor > 1024 cyl.</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>fe LANstep</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>fe IBM PS/2 IML (Initial Microcode Load) partition,
+located at the end of the disk.</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>fe Windows NT Disk Administrator hidden partition</B><DD><P>Mark Morgan Lloyd (<CODE>markMLl.in@telemetry.co.uk</CODE>) writes:
+Windows NT Disk Administrator marks hidden partitions (i.e. present but
+not to be accessed) as type 0xfe. A primary partition of this type is also
+used by IBM to hold an image of the "Reference Diskettes" on many of their
+machines, particularly newer PS/2 systems (at a rough guess, anything built
+after about 1994). This clash can cause major confusion and grief
+if running NT on IBM kit.
+When this Reference Partition is activated, it changes its type into 1
+(FAT12) and hides all other partitions by adding 0x10 to the type.
+<DT><B>fe Linux Logical Volume Manager partition (old)</B><DD><P>This has been in use since the early LVM days back in 1997,
+and has now (Sept. 1999) been renamed 0x8e.
+<DT><B>ff Xenix Bad Block Table</B><DD><P>
+<A HREF="partition_types-2.html">Next</A>
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+ <TITLE> Partition types: Properties of partition tables.</TITLE>
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+<A HREF="partition_types.html#toc2">Contents</A>
+<H2><A NAME="s2">2. Properties of partition tables.</A></H2>
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1 Why partitions?</A>
+<P>The partition table of a disk cuts it into 'logical disks'.
+There are several reasons for wanting to do this.
+DOS does not support filesystems larger than 2 GB, so
+partitioning is required to break this '2 GB barrier'.
+Different partitions may carry different operating systems
+or different filesystems (FAT, HPFS, NTFS, ext2, ...) to be used by one
+operating system. Sometimes small partitions are used for special purposes
+(OS/2 Boot Manager uses a small partition for itself, various laptops
+have a 'hibernation' partition where the state of the system is stored
+when it goes asleep). Some 'reliable' systems have backup partitions.
+For backup purposes, say to tape, it is often convenient to have
+partitions of a size such that the entire partition can be written
+to a single tape.
+<P>It is a good idea to keep your own things (say under /home)
+and privately installed packages (say under /usr/local)
+separate from the software installed from a distribution.
+In case these are on a different partition, it is easier
+to do a complete reinstall (or switch to a different distribution)
+without losing your own stuff.
+<P>For well-designed systems it is often possible to have all basic
+system software on a read-only partition, thus diminishing the probability
+of corruption and saving backup time.
+There is also a security aspect; for example on a Unix system one
+might mount all filesystems other than the root filesystem 'nosuid,nodev',
+and have /tmp, /home, /var not on the root filesystem, to minimize the
+possibility that some suid program is tricked into overwriting a
+vital system file via a hard link to it.
+<P>Finally there is the old BIOS problem that can make it impossible to boot
+a system that lives past cylinder 1024. This may mean that one has to
+have a partition that ends before the 1024 cylinder limit where the
+stuff needed at boot time is stored.
+<P>Some reasons why you want to avoid Disk Managers are given on
+<A HREF="http://www.morgan-cybersys.com/lcd.html">The Invircible Anti-virus Manual, Appendix C</A>.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2 What does a partition table look like?</A>
+<P>One may have an arbitrary number of partitions on a disk.
+However, the Master Boot Record (MBR, sector 0 of the disk)
+only holds descriptors for 4 partitions, called the <I>primary</I>
+partitions. Usually the BIOS can boot only from a primary partition.
+(Of course it can boot a boot loader that itself is able to access
+nonprimary partitions or other disks.)
+The descriptors for the remaining partitions, called <I>logical</I> partitions,
+are scattered along the disk in a linked list of partition table sectors,
+starting with the MBR.
+<P>Each partition table sector contains 4 partition descriptors.
+A partition descriptor may be of type <B>05</B> (DOS extended partition),
+<B>0f</B> (W95 extended partition), <B>85</B> (Linux extended partition),
+or <B>c5</B> (DRDOS/secured extended partition),
+in which case it points to another partition table sector.
+In this way, we obtain a quaternary tree of partitions.
+Linux accepts <B>85</B> as a synonym for <B>05</B> - this is useful if one
+wants to have extended partitions past the 1024 cylinder limit
+(to prevent DOS fdisk from crashing or hanging).
+Windows 95 uses <B>0f</B> for LBA mapped extended partitions.
+Thus, an extended partition is not a partition containing data,
+but is a box containing other partitions.
+Nevertheless, the partition table sector that starts an extended partition
+has enough room left to contain a boot loader like LILO, so that it is
+possible to boot an extended partition.
+<P>Most operating systems severely restrict the accepted trees.
+Usually branching is not allowed, and one gets a linear chain of
+partition table sectors.
+Linux will accept several extended primary partitions.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.3">2.3 Partition descriptors</A>
+<P>A partition table entry is 16 bytes long and contains 6 items
+(not listed in order).
+1. A byte that is 0x80 or 0 denoting 'bootable' or not.
+The standard DOS MBR will not boot a partition unless it is the unique
+bootable primary partition. For nonprimary partitions this byte is
+2. A byte that gives the type.
+3. A 4-byte starting sector number.
+4. A 4-byte length (in sectors).
+5. A 3-byte starting sector given in C/H/S (cylinder/head/sector) format.
+6. A 3-byte final sector given in C/H/S format.
+Linux only uses items 2-4, and hence is not interested in the 'geometry'
+of the disk, and can use disks with up to 2^32 sectors (4 TB).
+DOS uses 5-6 instead of 3-4, and this leads to the well-known problems
+with geometry, with the 1024 cylinder limit, the 500 MB limit, the 8 GB
+limit. For some details, see the
+<A HREF="http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/largedisk.html">large disk HOWTO</A>.
+<P>For an extended partition, only the first sector is important -
+it contains the descriptors for its logical partitions.
+There are various conventions about how the descriptor of an
+extended partition (different from the outer one) should look like.
+There is the paradigm of 'nested boxes', where each extended partition
+covers a disk area containing all the logical partitions inside.
+There is also the paradigm of 'chained boxes', where each extended
+partition (except possibly the outer one) just contains the next
+logical partition.
+I don't know which systems follow which paradigms.
+(David A. Burton <CODE><dburton@burtonsys.com></CODE> reports
+that System Commander uses the nested style.)
+However, for the outer (primary) extended partition it is common
+to contain all logical partitions inside (i.e., have a start and length
+field that describes a piece of the disk that contains all logical
+Of course the 'chained boxes' paradigm is more flexible since it
+allows logical partitions with a primary partition in between.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.4">2.4 Partition hiding</A>
+<P>The OS/2 Boot Manager does not want you to have more than one
+primary DOS partition (MS-DOS itself does not mind), and will
+change the type from <B>01</B>, <B>04</B>, <B>06</B>, <B>07</B>
+to <B>11</B>, <B>14</B>, <B>16</B>, <B>17</B>.
+<P>Also other programs or systems use this 'partition hiding'.
+For example,
+<A HREF="http://www.v-com.com/syscomm.html">System Commander</A> will OR the type with 0x10,
+changing the Linux <B>83</B> into the Amoeba <B>93</B>.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.5">2.5 CHS vs LBA</A>
+<P>Some partition IDs imply a particular method of disk access.
+In particular, IDs <B>0c</B>, <B>0e</B>, <B>0f</B>
+(the LBA versions of <B>0b</B>, <B>06</B>, <B>05</B>)
+go with partition table entries that have C/H/S = 1023/255/63
+and expect access via the extended INT-13 functions (AH=4x)
+of the BIOS.
+<H2><A NAME="logsectfat"></A> <A NAME="ss2.6">2.6 Logically sectored FAT</A>
+<P>Some systems use a filesystem that is fully compatible with
+a standard FAT12 or FAT16 partition, except for using a
+sector size larger than the usual 512 bytes, up to 8192 bytes.
+This is what is meant by "logically sectored FAT" in the above.
+<P>Logically sectored FATs have been a way to circumvent the dreaded 32 MB
+partition size limit before the introduction of DOS 3.31. Since the
+count of sectors was restricted to 16-bit on FAT16 (type 04h) the only
+way to grow the partition above the 32 MB limit in a reasonably compatible
+fashion was to increase the sector size instead. Physical sectors at
+ROM BIOS INT 13h level are always 512 bytes in size, but other devices
+may require support for other sector sizes in the operating system.
+Hence, when DOS logs in drives during bootstrap it will record the
+sector size values indicated in each partition it finds and if it
+is larger than the previously recorded value, it will slide up the
+maximum supported sector size to the found value. Very old DOS versions
+seem to have started with an initial value of 128 (showing some
+CP/M heritance here), but recent DOS versions use an initial value
+of 512 bytes. Once DOS has logged in all drives (including those
+not represented on INT 13h level, for example, SCSI disk, RAM disk
+or such), it will set up its internal buffering logic to use the
+maximum sector size found. This mechanism is present in all
+DOS versions (although it was partially broken in DOS 5.0 - 6.22).
+<P>(Matthias Paul)
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.7">2.7 What does FDISK /MBR do?</A>
+<P>People often recommend the undocumented DOS command FDISK /MBR
+to solve problems with the MBR. This command however does not
+rewrite the entire MBR - it just rewrites the boot code, the first
+446 bytes of the MBR, but leaves the 64-byte partition information
+alone. Thus, it won't help when the partition table has problems.
+Moreover, it can be dangerous to restore the boot code to its
+original state:
+if the cause of the problems was a boot sector virus, then
+vital information may have been stored elsewhere by the virus,
+and killing the virus may mean killing access to this information.
+(For example, the stoned.empire.monkey virus encrypts the original
+MBR to sector 0/0/3.)
+However, people who want to uninstall LILO, and do not know that
+LILO has a -u option, can use FDISK /MBR for this purpose.
+<P>In a Linux environment, one can wipe all of the MBR with a command
+like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda count=1 bs=512".
+If only the boot code must be removed, but not the partition table,
+then "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda count=1 bs=446" will do.
+Be very careful with such commands. Usually one regrets them later.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.8">2.8 Structure of the MBR - OS additions</A>
+<P>As we saw, the structure of the MBR (Master Boot Record, sector 0)
+is as follows:
+First 446 bytes boot loader code, then 64 bytes partition table
+(starting at offset 0x1be = 446), finally 2 bytes signature 0xaa55.
+<P>Just before the partition table some operating systems save some
+interesting stuff. For example, DRDOS stores a password starting
+at offset 0x1b6.
+<P>Windows NT stores a 4-byte "disk signature" or "volume ID"
+starting at offset 0x1b8. It is used to map drive letters to disks:
+in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices registry item
+the drive letter is coupled with this disk signature.
+It is used as a disk label to map disk info to disks
+in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\DISK registry item.
+This signature is generated by the Disk Administrator when it
+initializes the disk, unless there already was a nonzero value there.
+<P>Grub had a 4-byte stage2 start address at 0x1b8, and a 2-byte
+version at 0x1bc, but recent versions preserve 0x1b8-0x1bd.
+Also LILO v20 and later preserves this area.
+<P>Some operating systems are reported to have 8 instead of 4
+partition descriptors in the MBR. Cf. AST DOS under <B>14</B>
+and NEC DOS under <B>24</B> above.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.9">2.9 The Advanced Active Partition of PTS</A>
+<P>As mentioned above, the DOS MBR boot code will boot the
+(unique) primary partition that has been marked active.
+Usually, in a multi-boot situation, the boot manager toggles
+the active bit of the partition that is to be booted.
+PTS chose a different solution.
+<P>Matthias Paul writes:
+"So far the only DOS being able to boot out of a logical drive
+in an extended partition is PTS-DOS by use of so called
+"Advanced Active Partition" entries in the MBR. In order to
+remain as compatible as possible with existing DOS standards,
+this works a little bit different and requires a special 5th
+partition entry in front of the other four entries in the MBR
+and corresponding AAP-aware MBR bootstrap code. If the MBR
+contains a special AAP signature and this special entry exists
+and is flagged bootable, the MBR will use this instead of one
+of the other four entries. The entry may either point to the
+bootsector of a logical drive or to a 512 bytes long file
+(with system-attribute, so it won't be moved around during
+disk defragmentation) somewhere inside the filesystem, which
+makes up a boot sector (same "IBM" signature, same load address,
+same register interface). In contrast to the usual MBR code,
+this MBR code interprets the boot flag byte as physical drive
+unit (80h..FEh), instead of using it only as a active flag
+(80h or 00h in older DOS issues or bit 7 set or cleared in
+newer DOS issues). This way, the AAP MBR could even load a
+boot sector from other than the first harddisk."
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.10">2.10 Naming</A>
+<P>DOS uses drive letters A: and B: for floppy disk drives, and
+assigns drive letters C: ... Z: in the order: first all primary
+DOS partitions on the first disk, then all primary DOS partitions
+on the second disk, ..., then all logical DOS partitions on first
+disk, etc. DOS will stop investigating logical partitions in a given
+extended partition as soon as a non-DOS partition is encountered.
+(DOS recognizes partition types 1, 4, 6 and 5 for extended.)
+<P>Systems like Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and OS/2
+follow a similar convention, but recognize different partition types.
+Thus, a drive can have a different drive letter for each of these
+operating systems. For details, see the Microsoft KnowledgeBase, e.g.
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q93/3/73.ASP">Drive letters in Windows NT</A>,
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q254/9/66.ASP">Drive letters in Windows 2000 for unsupported partition types</A>.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.11">2.11 Limits</A>
+<P>The partition table describes the location of partitions both
+in 1-dimensional ('LBA') and in 3-dimensional (CHS) form.
+The former is easy enough, but for the latter one needs to
+know the disk geometry. Note that these days this geometry
+is entirely fake, and different systems use different faked
+geometries for the same disk, giving lots of problems.
+(For example, a modern disk may have 2 or 4 heads, but will
+probably report 15 or 16 heads to the BIOS, which in turn may
+report 255 heads to DOS or Windows.)
+<DT><B>ATA Specification (for IDE disks) - the 137 GB limit</B><DD><P>At most 65536 cylinders (numbered 0-65535), 16 heads (numbered 0-15),
+255 sectors/track (numbered 1-255), for a maximum total capacity of
+267386880 sectors (of 512 bytes each), that is, 136902082560 bytes (137 GB).
+<DT><B>BIOS Int 13 - the 8.4 GB limit</B><DD><P>At most 1024 cylinders (numbered 0-1023), 256 heads (numbered 0-255),
+63 sectors/track (numbered 1-63) for a maximum total capacity of
+8455716864 bytes (8.4 GB). This is a serious limitation today.
+It means that DOS cannot use present day large disks.
+<DT><B>The DOS 528 MB limit</B><DD><P>If the same values for c,h,s are used for the BIOS Int 13 call and
+for the IDE disk I/O, then both limitations combine, and one can
+use at most 1024 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors/track, for a
+maximum total capacity of 528482304 bytes (528MB), the infamous
+504 MB limit (if one takes M=2^20).
+This was already a problem many years ago, and all kinds of software,
+firmware and hardware solutions were invented. On the software side,
+there are Disk Managers, that circumvent the BIOS and go directly to
+the hardware. On the firmware side there are translating BIOSes,
+that use one geometry when talking to the disk, and another one
+when talking to the user program. (At best, this again allows access
+to 8.4 GB.) On the hardware side, there is LBA disk access,
+that no longer uses (c,h,s).
+<DT><B>The 2.1 GB limit</B><DD><P>Some older BIOSes only allocate 12 bits for the field in CMOS RAM that
+gives the number of cylinders. Consequently, this number can be at most
+4095, and only 4095*16*63*512=2113413120 bytes are accessible.
+<A HREF="http://www.firmware.com/support/bios/over2gb.htm">over2gb.htm</A>.
+<DT><B>The 3.2 GB limit</B><DD><P>There was a bug in the Phoenix 4.03 and 4.04 BIOS firmware that would
+cause the system to lock up in the CMOS setup for drives with a capacity
+over 3277 MB. See
+<A HREF="http://www.firmware.com/support/bios/over3gb.htm">over3gb.htm</A>.
+<DT><B>The 4.2 GB limit</B><DD><P>Simple BIOS translation (ECHS=Extended CHS, sometimes called 'Large
+disk support' or just 'Large')
+works by repeatedly doubling the number of heads and halving the number
+of cylinders shown to DOS, until the number of cylinders is at most 1024.
+Now DOS and Windows 95 cannot handle 256 heads or more,
+and in the common case that the disk reports 16 heads, this means that
+this simple mechanism only works up to 8192*16*63*512=4227858432 bytes
+(with a fake geometry with 1024 cylinders, 128 heads, 63 sectors/track).
+Note that ECHS does not change the number of sectors per track, so if
+that is not 63, the limit will be lower.
+<A HREF="http://www.firmware.com/support/bios/over2gb.htm">over4gb.htm</A>.
+<DT><B>The 7.9 GB limit</B><DD><P>Slightly smarter BIOSes avoid the previous problem by first adjusting the
+number of heads to 15 ('revised ECHS'), so that a fake geometry with
+240 heads can be obtained, good for 1024*240*63*512=7927234560 bytes.
+<DT><B>The 8.4 GB limit</B><DD><P>Finally, if the BIOS does all it can to make this translation a success,
+and uses 255 heads and 63 sectors/track ('assisted LBA' or just 'LBA')
+it may reach 1024*255*63*512=8422686720 bytes, slightly less than the
+earlier 8.4 GB limit because the geometries with 256 heads must be avoided.
+(This translation will use for the number of heads the first value H
+in the sequence 16, 32, 64, 128, 255 for which the total disk capacity
+fits in 1024*H*63*512, and then computes the number of cylinders C as
+total capacity divided by (H*63*512).)
+<DT><B>The 33.8 GB limit</B><DD><P>Large disks report 16 heads, 63 sectors/track and 16383 cylinders.
+Many BIOSes compute an actual number of cylinders by dividing
+the total capacity by 16*63. For disks larger than 33.8 GB this
+leads to a number of cylinders larger than 65535. Now the BIOS
+crashes or hangs. The solution is to upgrade the BIOS. If that is
+impossible, it sometimes helps to take the disk out of the BIOS,
+but that won't work if one has to boot from the disk, and may also
+fail because the BIOS already hangs during initial probing.
+Usually one can use a jumper to make the disk appear smaller.
+Also many operating systems have problems - only the most recent
+versions work with these disks.
+<DT><B>The 137 GB limit</B><DD><P>As already noted, the old ATA specification does not allow access
+to all of a disk that is larger than 137 GB. Indeed, it uses only
+28 bits to specify a sector number. However, ATA-6 defines an extension
+with 48-bit sector number. The first disks needing the extension were
+Maxtor 160 GB disks, that came to market in Fall 2001.
+<P>For another discussion of this topic, see
+<A HREF="http://www.maxtor.com/products/DiamondMax/techsupport/Q&A/30004.html">Breaking the Barriers</A>, and, with more details,
+<A HREF="http://www.maxtor.com/technology/whitepapers/63001.html">IDE Hard Drive Capacity Barriers</A>.
+<P>Hard drives over 8.4 GB are supposed to report their geometry as 16383/16/63.
+This in effect means that the 'geometry' is obsolete, and the total disk
+size can no longer be computed from the geometry.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.12">2.12 Details for various operating systems</A>
+<P>Early MSDOS filled the partition table starting at the end.
+In particular, in the case of only one partition, the descriptor
+was stored in the fourth primary slot. These days DOS FDISK
+starts at the beginning, but other systems, like Unixware, still
+start at the end.
+Also Iomega writes the single partition of a ZIP disk
+in the last entry (so that it has to be mounted as /dev/sda4 or
+/dev/hdc4 or so).
+<P>MSDOS 6.22 FDISK creates the four entries in the partition table sector
+that starts an extended partition as 1. a data partition (or empty),
+2. the next extended partition, 3. and 4. empty.
+(But old versions of MS-DOS start at the end, and first fill entry 4.)
+If the first logical partition (that is not the last one) is removed,
+only the link in position 2 remains.
+An extended partition table sector can describe only a single
+data partition (the first one encountered). When reading a table,
+FDISK accepts the entries in any order and position, but it will
+write the sector normalized as described.
+<P>DRDOS on the other hand expects zero to four entries in an extended
+partition table sector. Data partitions,
+possibly followed by the link to the next extended partition.
+Thus, this link is always the last significant entry, and will
+be the first entry if there is no data partition (because
+it has been deleted).
+<P>Many systems are willing to accept more than two nonempty parts
+in an extended partition, but will not create such themselves.
+<P>It is rumoured that the outer extended partition should be the 4th
+in the MBR, but I don't know any systems that have this restriction.
+DRDOS FDISK always puts the extended partition in the fourth entry
+no matter how many other entries you may have.
+<P>MSDOS fdisk shows 4 primary partitions, and of the logical partitions
+only those that have a DOS type (1, 4 or 6). It will list the type of
+a logical partition as 'Unknown' if the partition is not formatted.
+<P>It is rumoured that DRDOS ignores the high-order bit of the ID
+(and that is the reason for the additional Linux IDs 41, 42, 43),
+but I don't know whether that is true (and for which versions of DRDOS).
+It is also rumoured that DRDOS will write 1 sector past the end
+of a partition - I have never seen this either. Confirmation?
+It is however true, that DRDOS fdisk only looks at the last 4 bits
+when printing a type, so that types 11, 21, etc are printed as DOS 2.0,
+but such types are not acceptable for DRDOS itself.
+<P>The OS/2 Warp fdisk is very instable, and hangs or crashes with
+general protection fault as soon as the partition table is somewhat
+unusual, cf.
+<A HREF="http://www.teamos2.org/pharmacy/FDISKbug.html">Cannot set an installable partition with FDISK</A>.
+<P>The Windows NT Disk Administrator will corrupt your disk
+when it writes a signature on a disk with two or more
+logical partitions. See
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q135/3/08.asp">Disk Administrator Corrupts Partitions</A>.
+<P>The use of Win95/Win98 FDISK in a mixed system is dangerous.
+It will delete a non-FAT logical partition when you had actually
+told it to delete a FAT partition somewhere farther down the chain
+of logical partitions. See
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q179/1/44.asp">Cannot View NTFS Logical Drive After Using FDISK</A>.
+<P>The system partition in Windows NT 4 must be contained in the first
+7.8 GB of the disk (or less, in case the BIOS geometry does not have
+255 heads and 63 sectors/track; the actual restriction is that all of it
+must be accessible using BIOS Int 13).
+It must not be larger than 4 GB because Windows NT 4 first installs
+into a FAT16 partition and then converts it into NTFS during
+the second phase of the installation.
+It must start before the 4 GB mark (bug fixed in Service Pack 5).
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q224/5/26.ASP">Windows NT 4.0 Supports Maximum of 7.8-GB System Partition</A>
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q138/3/64.asp">Windows NT Partitioning Rules During Setup</A>
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q119/4/97.ASP">Boot Partition Created During Setup Limited to 4 Gigabytes</A>
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q197/2/95.ASP">Windows NT Does Not Boot to a Partition That Starts More Than 4 GB into Disk</A>.
+<P>Windows NT and Windows 2000 use for SCSI disks whatever the BIOS says
+(usually C/H/S=C/255/63) for the boot drive, and C/64/32
+for all other SCSI drives. See
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q161/5/63.asp">How Windows NT Handles Drive Translation</A>.
+<P>Windows 2000 seems to require that the partition order agrees
+with the disk order.
+<P>The OS/2 fdisk writes some strange length in the descriptor of the
+last extended partition. This is probably a bug.
+OS/2 fdisk fails to update the length of the (outer) extended partition
+when a primary partition is created in the free space (space not used
+by a logical partition) at the end of this extended partition.
+This can lead to overlapping partitions.
+<P>OS/2 FDISK does not know about type f, but accepts DOS Extended Partitions
+extending beyond cylinder 1023. When some other partition handler,
+like Partition Magic 4.0, changes the type of a large extended
+partition from 05 to 0f, OS/2 loses access.
+<P>OS/2 Boot Manager keeps a private copy of the partition table data.
+This leads to problems when changing the partition table
+with 3rd party tools.
+<A NAME="w2kandos2bm"></A>
+Windows 2000 tries to destroy OS/2 Boot Manager. Upon boot it ignores
+the 0a partition ID, and sees something resembling a FAT boot sector
+describing 2 FAT copies. When FASTFAT.SYS marks this partition as clean
+in the first reserved FAT entry, the mirror (2nd) FAT sector is also updated.
+However, there is no mirror FAT, and FASTFAT.SYS writes into the middle of
+the OS/2 Boot Manager code. This aggression was built into FASTFAT.SYS
+at a fairly late stage, and prerelease versions work without problems.
+See also
+<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;265003">kb/q265003</A>.
+<A NAME="above1024chs"></A>
+Then there is the problem of what to write in
+(<I>c</I>,<I>h</I>,<I>s</I>) if the numbers
+do not fit. The main strategies seem to be
+<P>1. Mark (<I>c</I>,<I>h</I>,<I>s</I>) as invalid by writing
+some fixed value.
+<P>1a. Write (1023,255,63) for any nonrepresentable CHS.
+<P>1b. Write (1022,254,63) for any nonrepresentable CHS.
+<P>1c. Write (1023,0,1) for the begin CHS of a partition that
+starts at or past cylinder 1024, and write (1023,255,63) for the end.
+<P>2. Leave <I>h</I>, <I>s</I> but do something to <I>c</I>.
+Of course, these fail if <I>h</I> or <I>s</I> does not fit.
+<P>2a. Truncate <I>c</I> to 1023, writing
+(1023, #heads-1, #sectors).
+<P>2b. Truncate <I>c</I> to 1022, writing
+(1022, #heads-1, #sectors).
+<P>2c. Reduce <I>c</I> mod 1024, writing only its last 10 bits.
+<P>Solaris 8 follows 1b or 2b.
+Andreas Jellinghaus reports that Partition Magic follows 1c
+and detects a problem if start CHS is set to (1023,255,63).
+Jeff Merkey reports that Novell Netware follows 2b.
+He writes: <I>If you do not use their methods on NetWare
+partitions, NetWare will not recognize the partition entries correctly,
+and will attempt to reinitialize the entire partition table on a system
+if they are wrong (Ouch!).</I>
+Some versions of Linux fdisk used 2a or 2c, and this confuses OS/2 fdisk - cf.
+<A HREF="http://www.os2forum.or.at/pharmacy/HDDlinux.html">Linux, OS/2 and >1024 Cylinder HDDs</A>.
+David A. Burton <CODE><dburton@burtonsys.com></CODE> reports
+that System Commander Deluxe (from
+<A HREF="http://www.v-com.com/">V Communications</A>) uses
+<P>1c. Mark (<I>c</I>,<I>h</I>,<I>s</I>) as invalid by writing
+(Maybe this is really 2b?)
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.13">2.13 Partition Magic</A>
+<P>A very convenient tool for manipulating partitions is Partition Magic,
+a commercial program from PowerQuest. Below a description of some of
+its error numbers. (The URL that gave this information no longer exists.)
+This is of interest also for those who do not have this program: it indicates
+what conditions the PowerQuest people think a partition table should satisfy.
+<P>(Not all of these conditions are complied with by DRDOS or OS/2 or Linux
+or Windows NT on Alpha, so a partition manipulator should accept a much
+wider range of partition tables, but such a program might try to follow
+these rules when creating partitions.)
+<DT><B>100 - A forked extended partition</B><DD><P>The MBR or some EPBR contains two extended partitions.
+(PowerQuest uses the acronym EPBR for a link in the chain of
+extended partition table sectors.)
+(Linux comment: there are three partition types indicating an
+extended partition, namely 0x5, 0xf, 0x85. DOS only recognizes the first.
+Recent Windows only recognizes the first two. Linux will accept
+two or more extended partitions in the MBR, and often it is useful
+to have a 0x5 chain for use by DOS (where this chain
+stays below the 1024 cylinder boundary) and a 0x85 chain for use by Linux.
+Nothing is wrong with having both 0x85 and one of 0x5, 0xf in the MBR.
+However, it is bad to have both 0x5 and 0xf. This is sometimes seen when
+people use some fdisk-type program that does not yet know about 0xf on a
+disk that already contains such an extended partition.)
+<DT><B>104 - Partition contains no sectors</B><DD><P>The LBA Number of sectors value in the partition table is 0.
+<DT><B>105 - Partition does not start on cylinder boundary</B><DD><P>The Head value of CHS begin is not 0 or 1.
+PartitionMagic expects all FAT, HPFS and NTFS partitions to start
+and end on cylinder boundaries.
+(Comment: Windows NT on Alpha does not comply with this rule, and
+can create partitions starting on arbitrary sectors. There is no
+known operating system that requires this restriction. However,
+there exists software that tries to guess the disk geometry by
+looking at the CHS start and end values in a partition table.
+Note that with large disks CHS values are entirely meaningless.)
+<DT><B>106 - Partition does not start with sector 1</B><DD><P>The Sector value of CHS begin is not 1. (Same comment.)
+<DT><B>107 - Partition begins beyond the end of the disk</B><DD><P>The Cylinder value of CHS begin is larger than the number
+of cylinders that the BIOS reports.
+(Comment: Usually this means that programs or operating systems
+that use the BIOS cannot use this partition. It may help to
+change the BIOS translation. For Linux it does not matter,
+except that the <CODE>/boot</CODE> partition containing LILO stuff
+should be accessible.)
+<DT><B>108 - Partition does not end on cylinder boundary</B><DD><P>The Head value of CHS end is not one less than the number of
+heads that the BIOS reports, or the Sector value of CHS end
+is not equal to the number of sectors per track that the BIOS reports.
+(See above under 105.)
+<DT><B>109 - Partition ends after end of disk</B><DD><P>The Cylinder value of CHS end is larger than the number
+of cylinders that the BIOS reports.
+<DT><B>110 - Partition has different CHS and LBA lengths</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>111 - Logical partition starts outside extended</B><DD><P>(Comment: the model here is that the extended partition is one
+big box, taking a consecutive piece of disk area, containing
+the logical partitions. Linux allows the logical partitions
+to be anywhere on the disk, also with primary partitions in between.)
+<DT><B>112 - Logical partition ends outside extended</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>113 - Partitions overlap</B><DD><P>A partition ends past the start of another. If the filesystems
+don't actually overlap, which they rarely do, then this can be
+fixed by truncating the overlapping partition.
+(Sometimes overlapping partitions are created by OS/2 fdisk:
+if there is still room in an extended partition it allows the creation
+of a primary partition that overlaps the end of the extended partition.
+Now if someone afterwards creates a logical partition inside the
+extended partition, data loss might occur.)
+<DT><B>114 - Logical partition does not start one head away from EPBR</B><DD><P>If the EPBR is found at sector N, and there are 63 sectors per track,
+then Partition Magic expects the logical partition to start at sector
+<DT><B>115 - Logical partition does not end where Partition Magic expects</B><DD><P>(Comment: Partition Magic expects the extended partition to be
+a big box containing a chain of pairwise disjoint boxes.
+Here each logical partition except for the first one has the
+same ending sector as the surrounding box.
+Another model one finds is a big box containing a smaller
+box, containing a smaller box ... In that model all EPBR extended
+partition entries will show the same end sector.
+In reality the end sector of an EPBR does not play a role anywhere.)
+<DT><B>116 - Partition has different CHS and LBA begin</B><DD><P>
+<DT><B>120 - Logical partitions not in ascending order</B><DD><P>PowerQuest states: DOS, OS/2, Windows 95 and Windows NT require
+that logical partitions occur in the chain in the on-disk order.
+(Comment: Linux does not require this. However, reordering the
+links in the chain is trivial (for example with sfdisk). Note
+that disk names will be different after reordering.)
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.14">2.14 Acknowledgements</A>
+<P>A lot of useful information was supplied by various people:
+Thomas Wolfram (<CODE>thomas@aeon.in-berlin.de</CODE>) - the author of os-bs,
+Peter Gutmann (<CODE>pgut01@cs.auckland.ac.nz</CODE>) - the author of SFS,
+Cody Batt (<CODE>codyb@powerquest.com</CODE>),
+Christian Carey (<CODE>ccarey@CapAccess.ORG</CODE>),
+Dan Fandrich (<CODE>dan@fch.wimsey.bc.ca</CODE>),
+David Faulks (<CODE>david@santana.ca</CODE>),
+Kai Henningsen (<CODE>kai@khms.westfalen.de</CODE>),
+Dan Hildebrand (<CODE>danh@qnx.com</CODE>),
+Todd Larason (<CODE>jtl@molehill.org</CODE>),
+Mark Morgan Lloyd (<CODE>markMLl.in@telemetry.co.uk</CODE>).
+Marek Michalkiewicz (<CODE>marekm@i17linuxb.ists.pwr.wroc.pl</CODE>),
+David C. Niemi (<CODE>niemidc@clark.net</CODE>),
+Matthias Paul (<CODE>Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de</CODE>),
+Loek Weerd (<CODE>loekw@worldonline.nl</CODE>),
+S. Widlake (<CODE>s.widlake@rl.ac.uk</CODE>).
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