double econverge;
int iterations;
+ double rconverge;
/* Format */
double blank;
bool sort;
+static double
+initial_sv (const gsl_matrix *fm)
+ int j, k;
+ double sv = 0.0;
+ for (j = 0 ; j < fm->size2; ++j)
+ {
+ double l4s = 0;
+ double l2s = 0;
+ for (k = j + 1 ; k < fm->size2; ++k)
+ {
+ double lambda = gsl_matrix_get (fm, k, j);
+ double lambda_sq = lambda * lambda;
+ double lambda_4 = lambda_sq * lambda_sq;
+ l4s += lambda_4;
+ l2s += lambda_sq;
+ }
+ sv += ( fm->size1 * l4s - (l2s * l2s) ) / (fm->size1 * fm->size1 );
+ }
+ return sv;
static void
-rotate (const gsl_matrix *unrot, const gsl_vector *communalities, enum rotation_type rot_type,
+rotate (const struct cmd_factor *cf, const gsl_matrix *unrot,
+ const gsl_vector *communalities,
gsl_matrix *result,
gsl_vector *rotated_loadings
int j, k;
int i;
+ double prev_sv;
/* First get a normalised version of UNROT */
gsl_matrix *normalised = gsl_matrix_calloc (unrot->size1, unrot->size2);
gsl_matrix_free (h_sqrt_inv);
/* Now perform the rotation iterations */
- for (i = 0 ; i < 25 ; ++i)
+ prev_sv = initial_sv (normalised);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cf->iterations ; ++i)
+ double sv = 0.0;
for (j = 0 ; j < normalised->size2; ++j)
+ /* These variables relate to the convergence criterium */
+ double l4s = 0;
+ double l2s = 0;
for (k = j + 1 ; k < normalised->size2; ++k)
int p;
double d = 0.0;
double x, y;
double phi;
for (p = 0; p < normalised->size1; ++p)
double jv = gsl_matrix_get (normalised, p, j);
d += 2 * u * v;
- rotation_coeff [rot_type] (&x, &y, a, b, c, d, normalised);
+ rotation_coeff [cf->rotation] (&x, &y, a, b, c, d, normalised);
phi = atan2 (x, y) / 4.0 ;
+ /* Don't bother rotating if the angle is small */
+ if ( fabs (sin (phi) ) <= pow (10.0, -15.0))
+ continue;
for (p = 0; p < normalised->size1; ++p)
double *lambda0 = gsl_matrix_ptr (normalised, p, j);
double *lambda1 = gsl_matrix_ptr (normalised, p, k);
drot_go (phi, lambda0, lambda1);
+ /* Calculate the convergence criterium */
+ {
+ double lambda = gsl_matrix_get (normalised, k, j);
+ double lambda_sq = lambda * lambda;
+ double lambda_4 = lambda_sq * lambda_sq;
+ l4s += lambda_4;
+ l2s += lambda_sq;
+ }
+ sv += ( normalised->size1 * l4s - (l2s * l2s) ) / (normalised->size1 * normalised->size1 );
+ if ( fabs (sv - prev_sv) <= cf->rconverge)
+ break;
+ prev_sv = sv;
gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0,
factor.min_eigen = SYSMIS;
factor.iterations = 25;
factor.econverge = 0.001;
factor.blank = 0;
factor.sort = false;
factor.plot = 0;
factor.rotation = ROT_VARIMAX;
+ factor.rconverge = 0.0001;
factor.wv = dict_get_weight (dict);
lex_match (lexer, '/');
lex_force_match (lexer, ')');
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "RCONVERGE"))
+ {
+ if ( lex_force_match (lexer, '('))
+ {
+ lex_force_num (lexer);
+ factor.rconverge = lex_number (lexer);
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ lex_force_match (lexer, ')');
+ }
+ }
else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "ITERATE"))
if ( lex_force_match (lexer, '('))
rotated_factors = gsl_matrix_calloc (factor_matrix->size1, factor_matrix->size2);
rotated_loadings = gsl_vector_calloc (factor_matrix->size2);
- rotate (factor_matrix, extracted_communalities, factor->rotation, rotated_factors, rotated_loadings);
+ rotate (factor, factor_matrix, extracted_communalities, rotated_factors, rotated_loadings);
show_explained_variance (factor, idata, idata->eval, extracted_eigenvalues, rotated_loadings);
casereader_destroy (r);