+=head2 Reading data
+Data can be read from a system file or other source:
+ use PSPP;
+ my $sf = PSPP::Reader->open ("foo.sav");
+ my $dict = $sf->get_dict ();
+Once opened, the dictionary can be used like any other.
+ for ($v = 0 ; $v < $dict->get_var_cnt() ; $v++)
+ {
+ my $var = $dict->get_var ($v);
+ # Print the variables
+ my $name = $var->get_name ();
+ my $label = $var->get_label ();
+ print "Var: $name, Label: $label\n";
+ # Retrieve and print the value labels
+ my $vl = $var->get_value_labels ();
+ print "$_: $vl->{$_}\n" for keys %$vl;
+ }
+Reading of data must be done sequentially using the C<get_next_case> method.
+ while (my $c = $sf->get_next_case () )
+ {
+ my $v;
+ for ($v = 0; $v < $dict->get_var_cnt(); $v++)
+ {
+ print "val$v: @$c[$v] ";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file