# Written by Sorav Bansal <sbansal@stanford.edu>.
# Modified by Ben Pfaff <blp@cs.stanford.edu>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order bundling);
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
our $CSCOPE = $ENV{CSCOPE} || "cscope";
our $invoke_cscope = 0;
our $nth = 1;
our $checkbochs_log = "checkbochs.log";
our $btrace_file = "btrace";
our $kernel_o;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order bundling);
+my $phys_base = "0xc0000000";
sub usage {
my ($exitcode) = @_;
Usage: checkbochs [OPTION...]
--log=LOG Log file to read is LOG (default: checkbochs.log)
- --output=OUT File to write in cscope format is OUT (default: btrace)
--object=OBJECT Kernel object file (default: build/kernel.o or kernel.o)
- --cscope Invoke cscope on backtraces written to OUT
- -n, -nth=N Print a backtrace for the Nth warning (default: 1)
+ --phys-base=ADDR Value of PHYS_BASE (default: 0xc0000000)
+ -n, --nth=N Print a backtrace for the Nth warning (default: 1)
-h, --help Print this help message
exit $exitcode;
GetOptions ("log=s" => \$checkbochs_log,
- "output=s" => \$btrace_file,
"object=s" => \$kernel_o,
"n|nth=i" => \$nth,
- "cscope" => sub { $invoke_cscope = 1; },
+ "phys-base=s" => \$phys_base,
"h|help" => sub { usage (0); }
or exit 1;
+our ($PHYS_BASE) = hex ($phys_base);
-open (LOG, "<", $checkbochs_log) or die "$checkbochs_log: open: $!\n";
-our ($done, $loc);
-our ($count) = 0;
-while (<LOG>) {
- if (/Warning on location (.*), backtrace:/) {
- $count++;
- $loc = $1 if $count == $nth;
+# Find kernel.o.
+if (!defined $kernel_o) {
+ if (-e 'kernel.o') {
+ $kernel_o = 'kernel.o';
+ } elsif (-e 'build/kernel.o') {
+ $kernel_o = 'build/kernel.o';
+ } else {
+ print "can't find kernel.o or build/kernel.o\n";
+ return;
+} elsif (! -e $kernel_o) {
+ print "$kernel_o: stat: $!\n";
+ return;
-close LOG;
+# Allow Emacs' compile-mode to sync up with our directory.
+my ($build_dir) = realpath ($kernel_o);
+$build_dir =~ s%/[^/]+$%%;
+print "checkbochs-trace: Entering directory `$build_dir'\n\n";
+# Count race conditions.
+my ($count) = read_log ();
if ($count == 0) {
- print "No potential race conditions detected\n";
+ print "No potential race conditions detected.\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($nth > $count) {
- print "Only $count potential race conditions detected\n";
+ print "Only $count potential race conditions detected.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
- print "$count potential race conditions detected\n";
+ print "$count potential race conditions detected.\n";
+print "\n";
+# Get our race condition.
+my ($bts, $min_loc, $max_loc) = read_log ($nth);
+# Find out what threads are involved.
+our (%threads);
+$threads{hex $_} = 1 foreach $bts =~ /thread ([0-9a-f]+)/gi;
-my ($name) = lookup_symbol (hex ($loc));
-print "Potential race condition $nth on data at $loc";
+print "Information about potential race #$nth.\n";
+my $name = lookup_symbol (hex ($min_loc));
+my $byte_cnt = hex ($max_loc) - hex ($min_loc) + 1;
+print "Potential race condition on data in ", $byte_cnt, " byte";
+print "s" if $byte_cnt != 1;
+print " at $min_loc";
print " ($name)" if defined $name;
-print "\n";
+print ".\n\n";
+my (@lockset);
+my ($btnum) = 0;
+foreach (split ("\n", $bts)) {
+ my ($s1, $s2, $thread, $eips, $locks) =
+ /^([A-Z]+)(?:->([A-Z]+))?: thread ([^,]+), backtrace([^,]*), locks([^,]*)/;
-print "Writing backtraces to $btrace_file\n";
+ my (%state_map) = ('V' => 'Virgin',
+ 'E' => 'Exclusive',
+ 'S' => 'Shared',
+ 'SM' => 'Shared+Modified');
+ if (defined $s2) {
+ print "$state_map{$s1} -> $state_map{$s2} ";
+ } else {
+ print "Reduced lockset in $state_map{$s1} ";
+ }
+ print "in thread $thread.\n";
-$btnum = 0;
-open (LOG, "<", $checkbochs_log) or die "$checkbochs_log: open: $!\n";
-open (OUT, ">", $btrace_file) or die "$btrace_file: create: $!\n";
-while (<LOG>) {
- if (my ($op, $bt) = /^(.*) location $loc.*backtrace: (.*)$/) {
- if ($op =~ /Thread (\S+): Warning on/) {
- $op = "Thread $1: Potential race";
+ my (@locks) = sort {$a <=> $b} map (hex ($_), split (' ', $locks));
+ print_lockset ("Locks held", "none", @locks);
+ if ($s1 ne 'V') {
+ if ($btnum++ == 0) {
+ @lockset = @locks;
+ print_lockset ("Lockset", "empty", @lockset);
} else {
- $op = "Thread $op";
+ my (@old_lockset) = @lockset;
+ @lockset = intersect (\@lockset, \@locks);
+ if (@old_lockset != @lockset || @lockset == 0) {
+ print_lockset ("Lockset", "empty", @lockset);
+ } else {
+ print "Lockset unchanged.\n";
+ }
- open (BT, "backtrace kernel.o $bt |" );
- while (<BT>) {
- chomp;
- my ($addr, $func, $fn, $ln)
- = /^([a-f0-9]+): (\S+) \(([^:]+):([^\)]+)\)/
- or next;
- $fn =~ s%^(\.\./)+%%;
- print OUT "$fn $func $ln $op\n";
- $op = '.';
+ }
+ my ($btline) = 0;
+ open (BT, "backtrace kernel.o $eips |" );
+ while (<BT>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($addr, $func, $fn, $ln)
+ = /^([a-f0-9]+): (\S+) \(([^:]+):([^\)]+)\)/
+ or next;
+ print "$fn:$ln: ";
+ if ($btline++ == 0) {
+ print "occurred here in $func() at 0x$addr...\n";
+ } else {
+ print "...called from $func() at 0x$addr\n";
- close BT;
- $btnum++;
+ close BT;
+ print "\n";
-close OUT;
-close LOG;
-exec ("$CSCOPE -R -F$btrace_file") if $invoke_cscope;
+print "checkbochs-trace: Leaving directory `$build_dir'\n";
sub lookup_symbol {
- my ($address) = 0;
+ my ($address) = @_;
# Find nm.
my ($nm) = search_path ("i386-elf-nm") || search_path ("nm");
- # Find kernel.o.
- if (!defined $kernel_o) {
- if (-e 'kernel.o') {
- $kernel_o = 'kernel.o';
- } elsif (-e 'build/kernel.o') {
- $kernel_o = 'build/kernel.o';
- } else {
- print "can't find kernel.o or build/kernel.o\n";
- return;
- }
- } elsif (! -e $kernel_o) {
- print "$kernel_o: stat: $!\n";
- return;
- }
# Use nm to find name.
if (!open (NM, "$nm -S $kernel_o|")) {
print "nm: exec: $!\n";
while (<NM>) {
my ($h_start, $h_length, $type, $name)
- = /^([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9]+) \S (\S+)$/ or next;
+ = /^([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9]+) (\S) (\S+)$/ or next;
my ($start) = hex ($h_start);
my ($length) = hex ($h_length);
next if $address < $start || $address >= $start + $length;
return $name;
close (NM);
+ # Check whether the address is in a thread struct.
+ if ($address >= $PHYS_BASE && $address < $PHYS_BASE + 64 * 1024 * 1024) {
+ my ($page) = ($address - $PHYS_BASE) >> 12;
+ if (defined $threads{$page}) {
+ my ($pg_ofs) = $address & 0xfff;
+ return sprintf ("in thread %x %s", $page,
+ $pg_ofs >= 0x800 ? "stack" : "data");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
sub search_path {
return undef;
+sub read_log {
+ my ($nth) = @_;
+ open (LOG, "<", $checkbochs_log) or die "$checkbochs_log: open: $!\n";
+ my ($min_loc, $max_loc);
+ my ($count) = 0;
+ my ($bts) = '';
+ my ($last_bts) = '';
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ if (my ($loc) = /^Warning on location (.*):$/) {
+ $bts = '';
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ last if /^$/;
+ $bts .= $_;
+ }
+ if ($bts ne $last_bts || hex ($loc) != hex ($min_loc) + 1) {
+ last if defined ($nth) && $nth == $count;
+ $min_loc = $max_loc = $loc;
+ $last_bts = $bts;
+ $count++;
+ } else {
+ $max_loc = $loc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ return ($last_bts, $min_loc, $max_loc) if defined ($nth) && $nth == $count;
+ return ($count);
+sub intersect {
+ my ($set1, $set2) = @_;
+ my (%set);
+ $set{$_}++ foreach @$set1;
+ $set{$_}++ foreach @$set2;
+ my (@out);
+ $set{$_} == 2 && push (@out, $_) foreach keys %set;
+ return sort {$a <=> $b} @out;
+sub print_lockset {
+ my ($name, $empty, @locks) = @_;
+ print "$name:";
+ if (@locks) {
+ my ($if) = 0;
+ my ($lock_pfx) = 0;
+ foreach my $lock (@locks) {
+ if ($lock == 0xffff0001) {
+ $if = 1;
+ } elsif ($lock == 0xffff0002) {
+ $lock_pfx = 1;
+ } else {
+ printf " %x", $lock;
+ }
+ }
+ print " (interrupts disabled)" if $if;
+ print " (LOCK prefix)" if $lock_pfx;
+ print ".\n";
+ } else {
+ print " $empty.\n";
+ }