cov->dim += categoricals_df_total (cov->categoricals);
cov->n_cm = (cov->dim * (cov->dim - 1) ) / 2;
- cov->cm = xcalloc (sizeof *cov->cm, cov->n_cm);
+ cov->cm = xcalloc (cov->n_cm, sizeof *cov->cm);
/* Grow the moment matrices so that they're large enough to accommodate the
categorical elements */
+AT_SETUP([ONEWAY crash on single category independent variable])
+input program.
+loop #i = 1 to 10.
+compute test = #i.
+end case.
+end loop.
+end file.
+end input program.
+compute x = 1.
+oneway test by x.
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv crash.sps], [0], [ignore])
\ No newline at end of file