7 include ../../Make.config
9 include ../../tests/Make.tests
11 # Compiler and assembler options.
12 os.dsk: CPPFLAGS += -I$(SRCDIR)/lib/kernel
15 threads_SRC = threads/init.c # Main program.
16 threads_SRC += threads/thread.c # Thread management core.
17 threads_SRC += threads/switch.S # Thread switch routine.
18 threads_SRC += threads/interrupt.c # Interrupt core.
19 threads_SRC += threads/intr-stubs.S # Interrupt stubs.
20 threads_SRC += threads/synch.c # Synchronization.
21 threads_SRC += threads/palloc.c # Page allocator.
22 threads_SRC += threads/malloc.c # Subpage allocator.
23 threads_SRC += threads/start.S # Startup code.
26 devices_SRC = devices/timer.c # Timer device.
27 devices_SRC += devices/kbd.c # Keyboard device.
28 devices_SRC += devices/vga.c # Video device.
29 devices_SRC += devices/serial.c # Serial port device.
30 devices_SRC += devices/disk.c # IDE disk device.
31 devices_SRC += devices/input.c # Serial and keyboard input.
32 devices_SRC += devices/intq.c # Interrupt queue.
34 # Library code shared between kernel and user programs.
35 lib_SRC = lib/debug.c # Debug helpers.
36 lib_SRC += lib/random.c # Pseudo-random numbers.
37 lib_SRC += lib/stdio.c # I/O library.
38 lib_SRC += lib/stdlib.c # Utility functions.
39 lib_SRC += lib/string.c # String functions.
40 lib_SRC += lib/arithmetic.c
42 # Kernel-specific library code.
43 lib/kernel_SRC = lib/kernel/debug.c # Debug helpers.
44 lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/list.c # Doubly-linked lists.
45 lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/bitmap.c # Bitmaps.
46 lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/hash.c # Hash tables.
47 lib/kernel_SRC += lib/kernel/console.c # printf(), putchar().
50 userprog_SRC = userprog/process.c # Process loading.
51 userprog_SRC += userprog/pagedir.c # Page directories.
52 userprog_SRC += userprog/exception.c # User exception handler.
53 userprog_SRC += userprog/syscall.c # System call handler.
54 userprog_SRC += userprog/gdt.c # GDT initialization.
55 userprog_SRC += userprog/tss.c # TSS management.
57 # No virtual memory code yet.
58 #vm_SRC = vm/file.c # Some file.
61 filesys_SRC = filesys/filesys.c # Filesystem core.
62 filesys_SRC += filesys/free-map.c # Free sector bitmap.
63 filesys_SRC += filesys/file.c # Files.
64 filesys_SRC += filesys/directory.c # Directories.
65 filesys_SRC += filesys/inode.c # File headers.
66 filesys_SRC += filesys/fsutil.c # Utilities.
68 SOURCES = $(foreach dir,$(KERNEL_SUBDIRS),$($(dir)_SRC))
69 OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(SOURCES)))
70 DEPENDS = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJECTS))
72 threads/kernel.lds.s: CPPFLAGS += -P
73 threads/kernel.lds.s: threads/kernel.lds.S threads/loader.h
75 kernel.o: threads/kernel.lds.s $(OBJECTS)
76 $(LD) -T $< -o $@ $(OBJECTS)
79 $(OBJCOPY) -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S $< $@.tmp
80 dd if=$@.tmp of=$@ bs=4096 conv=sync
83 threads/loader.o: threads/loader.S kernel.bin
84 $(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(ASFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -DKERNEL_LOAD_PAGES=`perl -e 'print +(-s "kernel.bin") / 4096;'`
86 loader.bin: threads/loader.o
87 $(LD) -N -e start -Ttext 0x7c00 --oformat binary -o $@ $<
89 os.dsk: loader.bin kernel.bin
93 rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(DEPENDS)
94 rm -f threads/loader.o threads/kernel.lds.s threads/loader.d
95 rm -f kernel.o kernel.lds.s
96 rm -f kernel.bin loader.bin os.dsk
97 rm -f bochsout.txt bochsrc.txt
100 Makefile: $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.build