5 -4 pt-grow-stack: stack should be able to grow beyond one page
6 -1 pt-big-stk-obj: stack should be able to handle large objects
7 -3 pt-bad-addr: accesses to invalid virtual memory should fault
8 -1 pt-write-code: should not be able to write to the code segment
12 -4 page-linear: sequentially read/modify/write memory twice then read it back
13 -2 page-parallel: write then read lots of memory--3 processes at once
14 -2 page-merge-seq: sequential merge sort of large data set
15 -1 page-merge-par: parallel merge sort of large data set
16 -3 page-shuffle: shuffle content of large static buffer
20 -4 mmap-read: use mmap to read a file, munmap
21 -1 mmap-close: use mmap, close file, read from mapping, munmap
22 -1 mmap-unmap: after munmap virtual memory area should be invalid
23 -1 mmap-overlap: try to mmap files in overlapping virtual memory areas
24 -2 mmap-twice: mmap'ing same file twice should work
25 -4 mmap-write: after mmap-modify-munmap a read should reflect changes
26 -4 mmap-exit: after mmap-modify-exit a read should reflect changes
27 -2 mmap-shuffle: shuffle content of mapped file