#! /usr/bin/env python3 import getopt import os.path import re import socket import subprocess import sys from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path def backquotes(command): output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, text=True) if output.endswith('\n'): output = output[:-1] return output def print_usage(): print("""\ %s, for building and testing PSPP usage: %s [OPTIONS] [TARBALL | REPO REFSPEC] where TARBALL is the name of a tarball produced by "make dist" or REPO and REFSPEC are a Git repo and refspec (e.g. branch) to clone. Options: --help Print this usage message and exit --no-binary Build source tarballs but no binaries. --batch Do not print progress to stdout.""" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(0) def run(command, id=None): if not try_run(command, id): fail() def try_run(command, id=None): LOG.write("%s\n" % command) p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) start = datetime.now() est_time = 0 if id is None else read_timing(id) lines = 0 for s in p.stdout: LOG.write(s) elapsed = (datetime.now() - start).seconds progress = "%d lines logged, %d s elapsed" % (lines, elapsed) lines += 1 if est_time > 0: left = est_time - elapsed if left > 0: progress += ", ETA %d s" % left if not batch: sys.stdout.write("\r%s%s\r" % (progress, " " * (79 - len(progress)))) if not batch: sys.stdout.write("\r%s\r" % (' ' * 79)) if id is not None: write_timing(id, (datetime.now() - start).seconds) rc = p.wait() if rc == 0: return True if rc < 0: sys.stderr.write("%s: child died with signal %d\n" % (command, -rc)) else: sys.stderr.write("%s: child exited with value %d\n" % (command, rc)) return False def read_timing(id): try: for s in open("%s/timings" % topdir): m = re.match('([^=]+)=(.*)', s.rstrip()) if m: key, value = m.groups() if key == id: try: return int(value) except ValueError: return 0 return 0 except FileNotFoundError: return 0 def write_timing(id, time): tmpname = "%s/timings.tmp%d" % (topdir, os.getpid()) NEWTIMINGS = open(tmpname, 'w') try: OLDTIMINGS = open("%s/timings" % topdir, "r") for s in OLDTIMINGS: m = re.match('([^=]+)=(.*)', s.rstrip()) if m: key, value = m.groups() if key == id: continue NEWTIMINGS.write(s) except FileNotFoundError: pass NEWTIMINGS.write("%s=%s\n" % (id, time)) NEWTIMINGS.close() os.rename(tmpname, "%s/timings" % topdir) def fail(): sys.stderr.write("Build failed, refer to:\n\t%s\nfor details.\n" % logfile) sys.exit(1) def start_step(msg): LOG.write(" \n%s\n" % msg) if not batch: print(msg) def set_var(var, value): VARS.write("%s=%s\n" % (var, value)) if not batch: print("\t%s=%s" % (var, value)) VAR = open("%s/vars/%s" % (resultsdir, var), "wt") VAR.write("%s\n" % value) VAR.close() def saved_result(name, product): start_step("Saving %s: %s" % (name, product)) def save_result(name, src, rm_src=False): basename = os.path.basename(src) dst = "%s/%s" % (resultsdir, basename) saved_result(name, basename) run("cp -R %s %s" % (src, dst)) if rm_src: run("rm %s" % src) return dst def save_result_if_exists(name, src, rm_src=False): if Path(src).exists(): save_result(name, src, rm_src) else: start_step("%s does not exist, cannot save" % src) def ref_to_commit(ref, repo='.'): return backquotes("cd %s && %s rev-parse %s" % (repo, GIT, ref)) try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:", ["help", "binary", "no-binary", "batch", "no-batch", "output=", "builder=", "build-number="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" sys.exit(1) build_binary = True batch = not os.isatty(1) builddir = None build_number = None builder = None for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print_usage() elif o == "--binary": build_binary = True elif o == "--no-binary": build_binary = False elif o == "--batch": batch = True elif o == "--no-batch": batch = False elif o in ("-o", "--output"): builddir = a elif o == "--builder": builder = a elif o == "--build-number": build_number = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" if builder is None: builder = socket.gethostname() if len(args) not in (1, 2): sys.stderr.write( "%s: exactly one or two nonoption arguments are required\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 1: tarball = os.path.abspath(args[0]) else: pass # Tarball will be generated later. # Select build number. if build_number is None: build_number = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") topdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if not topdir.startswith("/"): topdir = "%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(), topdir) # Create build directory. if builddir is None: builddir = "builds/%s" % build_number if not Path('builds').is_dir(): os.mkdir('builds') builddir = os.path.abspath(builddir) if not Path(builddir).is_dir(): os.mkdir(builddir) os.chdir(builddir) resultsdir = "%s/results" % builddir os.mkdir(resultsdir) os.mkdir("%s/vars" % resultsdir) varsfile = "%s/VARS" % resultsdir VARS = open(varsfile, "wt", buffering=1) logfile = "%s/LOG" % resultsdir LOG = open(logfile, "wt", buffering=1) set_var("builder", builder) set_var("build_number", build_number) GIT = "git --git-dir=%s/.git" % topdir # ssw = "https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/ssw/spread-sheet-widget-0.4.tar.gz" ssw = "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/ssw.git master" if ssw.endswith('.tar.gz'): ssw_basename = os.path.basename(ssw) ssw_file = '%s/%s' % (topdir, ssw_basename) ssw_dir = ssw_basename[:-7] else: ssw_dir = 'ssw' if len(args) == 2: repo, branch = args if ssw.endswith('.tar.gz'): if not Path(ssw_file).exists(): start_step("Retrieve spread-sheet-widget tarball %s" % ssw_file) run("wget -O %s %s" % (ssw_file, ssw)) start_step("Extract %s into %s" % (ssw_file, ssw_dir)) run("tar xzf %s" % ssw_file) elif ' ' in ssw: ssw_url, ssw_ref = ssw.split() start_step("Clone spread-sheet-widget into %s" % ssw_dir) run("git clone %s %s" % (ssw_url, ssw_dir)) start_step("Check out %s in ssw" % ssw_ref) run("cd %s && git checkout %s" % (ssw_dir, ssw_ref)) set_var("ssw_commit", ref_to_commit("HEAD", "ssw")) start_step("Bootstrap ssw") run("cd %s && ./bootstrap" % ssw_dir) else: assert False start_step("Configure spread-sheet-widget") run("cd %s && ./configure --prefix=''" % ssw_dir) start_step("Build spread-sheet-widget") run("cd %s && make -j$(nproc)" % ssw_dir) start_step("Install spread-sheet-widget") run("cd %s && make -j$(nproc) install DESTDIR=$PWD/inst" % ssw_dir) start_step("Fetch branch from Git") set_var("git_repo", repo) set_var("git_branch", branch) run("%s fetch %s +%s:refs/builds/%s/pspp" % (GIT, repo, branch, build_number)) # Get revision number. set_var("pspp_ref", "refs/builds/%s/pspp" % build_number) revision = ref_to_commit("refs/builds/%s/pspp" % build_number) set_var("pspp_commit", revision) abbrev_commit = revision[:6] # Extract source. start_step("Extract branch into source directory") run("%s archive --format=tar --prefix=pspp/ refs/builds/%s/pspp | tar xf -" % (GIT, build_number)) # Extract version number. start_step("Extract repository version number") fields = backquotes("cd pspp && autoconf -t AC_INIT").split(':') file, line, macro, package, repo_version = fields[:5] rest = fields[5:] set_var("repo_version", repo_version) # Is this a "gnits" mode tree? start_step("Checking Automake mode") am_mode = "gnu" for s in open("pspp/Makefile.am"): if "gnits" in s: am_mode = "gnits" break LOG.write("Automake mode is %s\n" % am_mode) # Generate version number for build. # We want to append -g012345, but if we're in Gnits mode and the # version number already has a hyphen, we have to omit it. start_step("Generate build version number") version = repo_version if '-' not in version: version += '-' version += 'g' + abbrev_commit set_var("version", version) # Append -g012345 to configure.ac version number. start_step("Updating version number in %s" % file) fullname = "pspp/%s" % file NEWFILE = open("%s.new" % fullname, "w") ln = 1 for s in open(fullname): if ln != int(line): NEWFILE.write(s) else: NEWFILE.write("AC_INIT([%s], [%s]" % (package, version)) for field in rest: NEWFILE.write(", [%s]" % field) NEWFILE.write(")\n") ln += 1 NEWFILE.close() os.rename("%s.new" % fullname, fullname) # Get Gnulib commit number. start_step("Reading README.Git to find Gnulib commit number") fullname = "pspp/README.Git" gnulib_commit = None for s in open(fullname): m = re.match(r'\s+commit ([0-9a-fA-F]{8,})', s) if m: gnulib_commit = m.group(1) break if gnulib_commit is None: sys.stderr.write("%s does not specify a Git commit number\n" % fullname) sys.exit(1) set_var("gnulib_commit", gnulib_commit) # Add note to beginning of NEWS (otherwise "make dist" fails). start_step("Updating NEWS") fullname = "pspp/NEWS" NEWFILE = open("%s.new" % fullname, "w") found_changes = False for s in open(fullname): if not found_changes and s.startswith('Changes'): found_changes = True NEWFILE.write("""\ Changes from %(repo_version)s to %(version)s: * Built from PSPP commit %(revision)s in branch %(branch)s on builder %(builder)s. * Built from Gnulib commit %(gnulib_commit)s. """ % {'repo_version': repo_version, 'version': version, 'revision': revision, 'branch': branch, 'builder': builder, 'gnulib_commit': gnulib_commit}) NEWFILE.write(s) NEWFILE.close() os.rename("%s.new" % fullname, fullname) # If we don't already have that Gnulib commit, update Gnulib. rc = os.system("%s rev-parse --verify --quiet %s^0 > /dev/null" % (GIT, gnulib_commit)) if rc: start_step("Updating Gnulib to obtain commit") run("%s fetch gnulib" % GIT) run("%s update-ref refs/builds/%s/gnulib %s" % (GIT, build_number, gnulib_commit)) set_var("gnulib_ref", "refs/builds/%s/gnulib" % build_number) # Extract gnulib source. start_step("Extract Gnulib source") run("%s archive --format=tar --prefix=gnulib/ %s | tar xf -" % (GIT, gnulib_commit)) # Bootstrap. start_step("Bootstrap (make -f Smake)") run("cd pspp && make -f Smake -j$(nproc)", "bootstrap") # Configure. start_step("Configure source") run("cd pspp && " "mkdir _build && " "cd _build && ../configure " "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PWD/../../%s/inst/lib/pkgconfig" % ssw_dir, "configure") # Distribute. start_step("Make source tarball") run("cd pspp/_build && make -j$(nproc) dist", "dist") tarname = "pspp-%s.tar.gz" % version tarball = save_result("source distribution", "pspp/_build/%s" % tarname, 1) # Save translation templates. potfile = "pspp/_build/po/pspp.pot" if not Path(potfile).exists(): potfile = "pspp/po/pspp.pot" save_result("translation templates", potfile) # Build examples for user manual. start_step("Build examples for user manual") run("cd pspp/_build && make -j$(nproc) figure-spvs figure-txts figure-texis figure-htmls") # Build user manual start_step("Build user manual") run("cd pspp && " "GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=%s %s/gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp.texi -I doc " "-I _build/doc -o %s/user-manual --email bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org " "pspp \"GNU PSPP User Manual\"" % (topdir, topdir, resultsdir), "user-manual") saved_result("User Manual", "user-manual") # Build developer's guide start_step("Build developers guide") run("cd pspp && " "GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=%s %s/gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp-dev.texi " "-I doc -o %s/dev-guide --email bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org " "pspp-dev \"GNU PSPP Developers Guide\"" % (topdir, topdir, resultsdir), "dev-guide") saved_result("Developers Guide", "dev-guide") else: start_step("Starting from %s" % tarball) if build_binary: start_step("Save tarball to Git") run("GIT_DIR=%s/.git %s/git-import-tar %s refs/builds/%s/dist" % (topdir, topdir, tarball, build_number), "git-dist") set_var("dist_ref", "refs/builds/%s/dist" % build_number) set_var("dist_commit", ref_to_commit("refs/builds/%s/dist" % build_number)) start_step("Determining %s target directory" % tarball) sample_filename = backquotes("zcat %s | tar tf - | head -1" % tarball) tarball_dir = re.match('(?:[./])*([^/]+)/', sample_filename).group(1) set_var("dist_dir", tarball_dir) start_step("Extracting source tarball") run("zcat %s | (cd %s && tar xf -)" % (tarball, builddir)) start_step("Extracting tar version") version_line = backquotes("cd %s/%s && ./configure --version | head -1" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) version = re.search(r'configure (\S+)$', version_line).group(1) set_var("dist_version", version) binary_version = "%s-%s-build%s" % (version, builder, build_number) set_var("binary_version", binary_version) start_step("Configuring") run("chmod -R a-w %s/%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) run("chmod u+w %s/%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) run("chmod -R u+w %s/%s/perl-module" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) run("mkdir %s/%s/_build" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) run("chmod a-w %s/%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) ok = try_run( "cd %(builddir)s/%(tarball_dir)s/_build && ../configure " "--with-perl-module --enable-relocatable --prefix='' " "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PWD/../../../source/%(ssw_dir)s/inst/lib/pkgconfig " "CPPFLAGS=\"-I$PWD/../../../source/%(ssw_dir)s/inst/include\" " "LDFLAGS=\"-L$PWD/../../../source/%(ssw_dir)s/inst/lib\"" % {"builddir": builddir, "tarball_dir": tarball_dir, "ssw_dir": ssw_dir}, "bin-configure") for basename in ("config.h", "config.log"): save_result_if_exists("build configuration", "%s/%s/_build/%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, basename)) if not ok: fail() start_step("Build") run("cd %s/%s/_build && make -j$(nproc)" % (builddir, tarball_dir), "build") run("cd %s/%s/_build/perl-module && perl Makefile.PL && make -j$(nproc)" % (builddir, tarball_dir), "build Perl module") start_step("Install") run("cd %s/%s/_build && make -j$(nproc) install DESTDIR=$PWD/pspp-%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version), "install") run("cd ../source/%s && make -j$(nproc) install DESTDIR=%s/%s/_build/pspp-%s" % (ssw_dir, builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version)) run("cd %s/%s/_build/perl-module && " "make -j$(nproc) install DESTDIR=%s/%s/_build/pspp-%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version), "install Perl module") run("cd %s/%s/_build/perl-module && " "make -j$(nproc) install DESTDIR=$PWD/inst" % (builddir, tarball_dir)) start_step("Make binary distribution") run("cd %s/%s/_build && tar cfz pspp-%s.tar.gz pspp-%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version, binary_version)) save_result("binary distribution", "%s/%s/_build/pspp-%s.tar.gz" % (builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version), 1) start_step("Check") ok = try_run("cd %s/%s/_build && make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)" % (builddir, tarball_dir), "check") for basename in ("tests/testsuite.log", "tests/testsuite.dir"): save_result_if_exists("test logs", "%s/%s/_build/%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, basename)) if not ok: fail() start_step("Uninstall") run("cd ../source/%s && make -j$(nproc) uninstall DESTDIR=%s/%s/_build/pspp-%s" % (ssw_dir, builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version)) run("cd %s/%s/_build && make -j$(nproc) uninstall DESTDIR=$PWD/pspp-%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version), "uninstall") start_step("Check uninstall") run("(cd %s/%s/_build/perl-module/inst && find -type f -print) | " "(cd %s/%s/_build/pspp-%s && xargs rm)" % (builddir, tarball_dir, builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version), "uninstall Perl module") run("cd %s/%s/_build && " "make -j$(nproc) distuninstallcheck distuninstallcheck_dir=$PWD/pspp-%s" % (builddir, tarball_dir, binary_version), "distuninstallcheck") # distcleancheck start_step("Success")