PSPP NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. Time-stamp: <2005-11-05 18:34:17 blp> Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. See the end for copying conditions. Please send PSPP bug reports to * Changes for patchlevel 37: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 36: ** Documentation fixes. * Changes for patchlevel 35: ** DO REPEAT works. ** Removed PC+ emulation; merged X and Wnd emulations. ** Many smaller bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 34: ** More DO REPEAT work. Does not compile. * Changes for patchlevel 33: ** Excised politically incorrect words. * Changes for patchlevel 32: ** Worked on fixing DO REPEAT problems. * Changes for patchlevel 31: ** Fixed packaging problems. * Changes for patchlevel 30: ** Looks for include files and data file relative to the syntax file directory, not the current working directory. * Changes for patchlevel 29: ** Add capability for PSPP syntax files to invoked as programs with `#!' notation. * Changes for patchlevels 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for version 0.1.0: ** Debian package support. * Changes for patchlevel 19: ** Bugfixes. ** Began PSPP FAQ list. * Changes for patchlevel 18: ** Scratch variables are fully implemented. They are deleted after every procedure. ** The virtual file manager has been completely rewritten. Although all known bugs have been fixed, the new object-oriented structure to vfm is so different that there are likely some that are as-yet-undiscovered. * Changes for patchlevel 14, 15, 16, 17: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevels 12, 13: ** Internationalization! * Changes for patchlevels 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 6: ** Removed the need for a `ps-fontmap' in the PostScript driver. This changes the options for the PostScript driver slightly. * Changes for new patchlevels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for interim releases x1, x2, x3: ** Package changed from `flat' to `deep' format. * Changes for patchlevel 193: ** No user-visible changes. * Changes for patchlevel 192: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 191: ** Reimplemented FREQUENCIES method of calculation--it should now be * acceptable to numerical analysts. * Changes for patchlevel 190: ** Implemented PROCESS IF to be compatible with PC+. ** Reimplemented DESCRIPTIVES method of calculation--it should now be acceptable to numerical analysts. ** DESCRIPTIVES is now correct and complete--please report any bugs immediately. ** Implemented SYSFILE INFO, although it is limited in the way it displays value labels. ** SAVE now records the number of cases in the system file. * Changes for patchlevels 189, 188, 187: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 186: ** Bazillions of bugfixes, and more to come. This version ought to be much more usable than any previous. ** Added RENAME VARIABLES command and tested it. * Changes for patchlevel 185: ** Added MODIFY VARS command; poorly tested. ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 184: ** Debianized and fixed a few packaging problems. ** First ALPHA release. ** Miscellaneous bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 182: * Added FILE LABEL, DOCUMENT, and DROP DOCUMENTS commands; not tested. * Changes for patchlevel 181: * Added FILTER command. * Changes for patchlevel 180: * SORT CASES bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 179: * SORT CASES implemented. * Changes for patchlevels 178, 177, 176, 175: * No user-visible changes; might not even compile. * Changes for patchlevel 174: ** AUTORECODE has been newly implemented. * Changes for patchlevel 173: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 172: ** SET has been reintroduced. It is somewhat incomplete. ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 171: ** Several bugfixes. ** Minor language improvements. * Changes for patchlevel 170: ** Input/output formats DOT, PCT, EDATE, SDATE are now supported but not tested. * Changes for patchlevel 169: ** Several bugfixes. ** Implemented custom currency formats (CCA ... CCE); not tested. * Changes for patchlevel 168: ** No user-visible changes. * Changes for patchlevel 167: ** Compression is now available on SAVE and XSAVE. * Changes for patchlevel 166: ** SAVE and XSAVE are implemented. Compression is not yet available. * Changes for patchlevel 165: ** GET is now fully implemented for both compressed and uncompressed system files. * Changes for patchlevel 164: ** GET now works on system files (uncompressed only). * Changes for patchlevels 163, 162, 161, 160, 159, 158: ** No user-visible changes. ** Supports keywords LOWEST and HIGHEST on MISSING VALUES. * Changes for patchlevel 157: ** Fixed longtime bug with cross-compilation. * Changes for patchlevel 156: ** Fixed the (known) bugs introduced in patchlevel 155. ** Fixed a longtime bug in RECODE that might have affected other transformations as well. * Changes for patchlevel 155: ** A few bugs fixed, probably several introduced. * Changes for patchlevel 154: ** FILE HANDLE now supports most of the SPSS/Wnd compatible features. * Changes for patchlevel 153: ** PRINT now supports OUTFILE. ** WRITE is now distinct from PRINT. ** RECODE, SAMPLE, SELECT IF are re-enabled. * Changes for patchlevel 152: ** Bugfixes for times & dates. ** Misc. bugfixes. ** System variables supported on expressions. * Changes for patchlevel 151: ** Newly implemented input/output formats: Time/date output formats. Preliminary testing has been done on times & dates. * Changes for patchlevel 150: ** Newly implemented input/output formats Zoned decimal input/output format. Time/date input formats, but not output formats. All of these are untested. * Changes for patchlevel 149: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 148: ** Many bugfixes. ** Re-enabled the following transformations: LEAVE, NUMERIC, PRINT, PRINT EJECT, PRINT FORMATS, PRINT SPACE, STRING, TITLE, WRITE. * Changes for patchlevel 147: ** Crushed partial tables are much better. * Changes for patchlevel 146: ** Bugfixes. ** Crushed tables are working better! ** Still pretty broken. * Changes for patchlevel 145: ** Bugfixes. ** Broken stuff. * Changes for patchlevels 144, 143: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 142: ** LIST procedure is back, but not well-implemented. * Changes for patchlevel 141: ** No user-visible changes. * Changes for patchlevels 140, 139, 138: ** Worked on manual. ** Minor bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 136: ** Began revisions to manual. ** Changed default path for configuration files. * Changes for patchlevel 135: ** PostScript driver bugfixes. ** Many memory leaks eliminated. ** Miscellaneous Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 134: ** SPLIT FILE works again. ** Documentation changes in README. ** New documentation in LANGUAGE, BUGS. * Changes for patchlevel 133: ** PostScript driver supports encodings. It also works now, as opposed to the brokenness of the last patchlevel. * Changes for patchlevel 132: ** PostScript driver supports font changes! Not well tested. * Changes for patchlevel 131: ** Does not compile. * Changes for patchlevel 130: ** Generated PostScript code is smaller in size. This is because, as long as the PostScript option `optimize-line-size' is at least 1, individual contiguous short lines are consolidated into longer monster lines. * Changes for patchlevel 129: ** PostScript output much improved. Mirror no longer necessary. * Changes for patchlevel 128: ** Try out the PostScript driver, if you've got a mirror handy. * Changes for patchlevel 126: ** Does not compile. * Changes for patchlevel 125: ** No user-visible changes. * Changes for patchlevel 124: ** PostScript driver. Don't use it yet. ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 123: ** No user-visible changes. * Changes for patchlevel 122: ** FREQUENCIES procedure is more complete. It can now print out sorted frequency tables as well as all statistics except median. No percentiles. Full syntax. No integer mode. * Changes for patchlevel 121: ** Compiles again! ** FREQUENCIES procedure works but it is incomplete. * Changes for patchlevels 120, 119: ** Does not compile. * Changes for patchlevel 118: ** Does not compile. ** Bugfix regarding titles on LIST procedure. * Changes for patchlevel 117: ** LIST procedure implemented. ** Bugfix regarding unsupported REMARK utility. * Changes for patchlevel 116: ** Does not compile. * Changes for patchlevel 115: ** New output driver initialization interface. *** Changed option syntax. `-o driver' is the new syntax. The default driver is named `default'. *** The initialization file `output' has been renamed `devices'. *** Driver names actually specify categories. Each driver name specified can actually result in 0, 1, 2, or any greater number of actual drivers being used, depending solely on the contents of the `devices' output initialization file. *** The driver initialization file is read in a `termcap'-like manner. That is, it determines whether to use a driver based on the parameters passed to it, rather than mainly on the contents of the `devices' file plus some goofy hacks with command-line options. *** Macros defined in the `devices' file can be overridden. Do it by specifying a definition on the command line of form `KEY=VALUE'. See `devices' for details. ** Short form of option `--verbose' changed to `-V'. ** New option `-v' or `--verbose'. `-v' causes PSPP to display more info about what it's doing. Multiple `-v's display even more. ** Support for small 25-line screens. The ASCII driver minimum for page length is now 15 lines instead of 29. * Changes for patchlevel 114: ** Rich text now supported in the ascii driver. The style changes are done with overstriking or with defined sequences. ** New ascii output driver option `carriage-return-style'. This can be set to `cr' or to `bs', depending on whether returning to the left margin should be done with an ASCII CR or with multiple backspaces. * Changes for patchlevel 113: ** Table titles are more complete. Now they include a description of the table contents. * Changes for patchlevel 112: ** Tables now are preceded by a descriptive `title'. This line shows what procedure emitted it, etc. ** Some tables are now divided into multiple columns. These columns are displayed across the page in order to save vertical space. * Changes for patchlevel 111: ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 110: ** `stat' has now been renamed `Fiasco', for `Fiasco Implements Accurate Statistical COmputations'! Let's all celebrate the clever acronym! ** Bugfixes. * Changes for patchlevel 109: ** Bugfixes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright information: Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them. Local variables: version-control: never mode: text mode: outline-minor end: