From 06ac0c2d623e9ae54c3e22a2d6740219ab357b21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Pfaff <>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 08:52:59 -0800

 src/language/stats/ctables.c    |  34 +++---
 tests/language/stats/ | 189 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/language/stats/ctables.c b/src/language/stats/ctables.c
index 0ff1a4d41d..8acf76a5c9 100644
--- a/src/language/stats/ctables.c
+++ b/src/language/stats/ctables.c
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ ctables_table_parse_categories (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
     return false;
   struct ctables_categories *c = xmalloc (sizeof *c);
-  *c = (struct ctables_categories) { .n_refs = n_vars };
+  *c = (struct ctables_categories) { .n_refs = n_vars, .show_empty = true };
   for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vars; i++)
       struct ctables_categories **cp
@@ -3459,19 +3459,25 @@ ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (
   enum pivot_axis_type a, size_t a_idx)
   if (a >= PIVOT_N_AXES)
-    {
-    }
-  else if (!s->nests[a] || idx >= s->nests[a]->n)
-    {
-    }
+    ctables_cell_insert__ (s, c, cats);
+  else if (!s->nests[a] || a_idx >= s->nests[a]->n)
+    ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a + 1, 0);
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < s->nests[a]->n; i++)
+      const struct variable *var = s->nests[a]->vars[a_idx];
+      int width = var_get_width (var);
+      const struct hmap *occurrences = &s->occurrences[a][a_idx];
+      const struct ctables_section_value *sv;
+      HMAP_FOR_EACH (sv, struct ctables_section_value, node, occurrences)
+        {
+          union value *value = case_data_rw (c, var);
+          value_destroy (value, width);
+          value_clone (value, &sv->value, width);
+          cats[a][a_idx] = ctables_categories_match (
+            s->table->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)], value, var);
+          assert (cats[a][a_idx] != NULL);
+          ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a, a_idx + 1);
+        }
@@ -3498,7 +3504,8 @@ ctables_section_add_empty_categories (struct ctables_section *s)
   const struct ctables_category *cats[PIVOT_N_AXES][10]; /* XXX */
   struct ccase *c = case_create (dict_get_proto (s->table->ctables->dict));
-  ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, c, cats, a, 0);
+  ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, 0, 0);
+  case_unref (c);
 static bool
@@ -3783,6 +3790,7 @@ cmd_ctables (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds)
         .n_refs = n_vars,
         .cats = cat,
         .n_cats = 1,
+        .show_empty = true,
       struct ctables_categories **categories = xnmalloc (n_vars,
diff --git a/tests/language/stats/ b/tests/language/stats/
index f71a3c572e..e72d793fcc 100644
--- a/tests/language/stats/
+++ b/tests/language/stats/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ dnl   * OTHERNM
 dnl   * String values
 dnl   * Date values
 dnl   * Data-dependent sorting.
 dnl - SIGTEST
@@ -191,6 +190,100 @@ AT_CHECK([pspp ctables.sps -O box=unicode -O width=80], [0], [dnl
+AT_SETUP([CTABLES show or hide empty categories])
+AT_CHECK([ln $top_srcdir/examples/nhtsa.sav . || cp $top_srcdir/examples/nhtsa.sav .])
+[[GET 'nhtsa.sav'.
+IF (qn105ba = 2) qn105ba = 1.
+IF (qns3a = 1) qns3a = 2.
+CTABLES /TABLE qn105ba BY qns3a [COLPCT PCT8.0].
+CTABLES /TABLE qn105ba BY qns3a [COLPCT PCT8.0]
+CTABLES /TABLE qn105ba BY qns3a [COLPCT PCT8.0]
+CTABLES /TABLE qn105ba BY qns3a [COLPCT PCT8.0]
+AT_CHECK([pspp ctables.sps -O box=unicode -O width=80], [0], [dnl
+                                  Custom Tables
+│                                                              │  S3a. GENDER: │
+│                                                              ├───────┬───────┤
+│                                                              │  Male │ Female│
+│                                                              ├───────┼───────┤
+│                                                              │ Column│ Column│
+│                                                              │   %   │   %   │
+│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had   Almost     │      .│    32%│
+│too much to drink to drive safely will A. Get      certain    │       │       │
+│stopped by the police?                             Very likely│      .│     0%│
+│                                                   Somewhat   │      .│    40%│
+│                                                   likely     │       │       │
+│                                                   Somewhat   │      .│    19%│
+│                                                   unlikely   │       │       │
+│                                                   Very       │      .│     9%│
+│                                                   unlikely   │       │       │
+                                  Custom Tables
+│                                                              │  S3a. GENDER: │
+│                                                              ├───────┬───────┤
+│                                                              │  Male │ Female│
+│                                                              ├───────┼───────┤
+│                                                              │ Column│ Column│
+│                                                              │   %   │   %   │
+│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had   Almost     │      .│    32%│
+│too much to drink to drive safely will A. Get      certain    │       │       │
+│stopped by the police?                             Somewhat   │      .│    40%│
+│                                                   likely     │       │       │
+│                                                   Somewhat   │      .│    19%│
+│                                                   unlikely   │       │       │
+│                                                   Very       │      .│     9%│
+│                                                   unlikely   │       │       │
+                                  Custom Tables
+│                                                                    │   S3a.  │
+│                                                                    │ GENDER: │
+│                                                                    ├─────────┤
+│                                                                    │  Female │
+│                                                                    ├─────────┤
+│                                                                    │ Column %│
+│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had too    Almost      │      32%│
+│much to drink to drive safely will A. Get stopped by    certain     │         │
+│the police?                                             Very likely │       0%│
+│                                                        Somewhat    │      40%│
+│                                                        likely      │         │
+│                                                        Somewhat    │      19%│
+│                                                        unlikely    │         │
+│                                                        Very        │       9%│
+│                                                        unlikely    │         │
+                                  Custom Tables
+│                                                                    │   S3a.  │
+│                                                                    │ GENDER: │
+│                                                                    ├─────────┤
+│                                                                    │  Female │
+│                                                                    ├─────────┤
+│                                                                    │ Column %│
+│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had too    Almost      │      32%│
+│much to drink to drive safely will A. Get stopped by    certain     │         │
+│the police?                                             Somewhat    │      40%│
+│                                                        likely      │         │
+│                                                        Somewhat    │      19%│
+│                                                        unlikely    │         │
+│                                                        Very        │       9%│
+│                                                        unlikely    │         │
 AT_SETUP([CTABLES simple nesting])
 AT_CHECK([ln $top_srcdir/examples/nhtsa.sav . || cp $top_srcdir/examples/nhtsa.sav .])
@@ -402,7 +495,8 @@ AT_DATA([ctables.sps],
 [[GET 'nhtsa.sav'.
 CTABLES /TABLE=qnd1 > qn1 BY qns3a.
 CTABLES /TABLE=qnd1 [MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN] > qns3a > (qn26 + qn27).
-CTABLES /TABLE=qnsa1 > qn105ba [COLPCT] BY qns1.
+CTABLES /TABLE=qnsa1 > qn105ba [COLPCT] BY qns1
 CTABLES /TABLE=AgeGroup > qn20 [MEAN F8.1, STDDEV F8.1].
 AT_CHECK([pspp ctables.sps -O box=unicode -O width=80], [0], [dnl
@@ -452,27 +546,34 @@ AT_CHECK([pspp ctables.sps -O box=unicode -O width=80], [0], [dnl
                                   Custom Tables
-│                                  │S1. Including yourself, how many members of│
-│                                  │    this household are age 16 or older?    │
-│                                  ├──────┬───────┬──────┬──────┬───────┬──────┤
-│                                  │      │       │      │      │       │ 6 or │
-│                                  │   1  │   2   │   3  │   4  │   5   │ more │
-│                                  ├──────┼───────┼──────┼──────┼───────┼──────┤
-│                                  │Column│ Column│Column│Column│ Column│Column│
-│                                  │   %  │   %   │   %  │   %  │   %   │   %  │
-│Sa1.     RDD 105b. How    Almost  │  9.5%│   8.2%│ 12.4%│  9.9%│  20.0%│ 23.8%│
-│SAMPLE       likely is it certain │      │       │      │      │       │      │
-│SOURCE:      that drivers Very    │ 24.9%│  18.5%│ 24.0%│ 26.6%│  25.5%│ 33.3%│
-│             who have had likely  │      │       │      │      │       │      │
-│             too much to  Somewhat│ 38.3%│  41.9%│ 38.6%│ 37.5%│  36.4%│ 23.8%│
-│             drink to     likely  │      │       │      │      │       │      │
-│             drive safely Somewhat│ 18.1%│  21.7%│ 16.8%│ 16.7%│  10.9%│  9.5%│
-│             will A. Get  unlikely│      │       │      │      │       │      │
-│             stopped by   Very    │  9.2%│   9.7%│  8.2%│  9.4%│   7.3%│  9.5%│
-│             the police?  unlikely│      │       │      │      │       │      │
+│                             │S1. Including yourself, how many members of this│
+│                             │         household are age 16 or older?         │
+│                             ├──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┤
+│                             │      │      │      │      │      │      │ 6 or │
+│                             │ None │   1  │   2  │   3  │   4  │   5  │ more │
+│                             ├──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┤
+│                             │Column│Column│Column│Column│Column│Column│Column│
+│                             │   %  │   %  │   %  │   %  │   %  │   %  │   %  │
+│Sa1.    RDD 105b.    Almost  │     .│  9.5%│  8.2%│ 12.4%│  9.9%│ 20.0%│ 23.8%│
+│SAMPLE      How      certain │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│SOURCE:     likely           │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            is it    Very    │     .│ 24.9%│ 18.5%│ 24.0%│ 26.6%│ 25.5%│ 33.3%│
+│            that     likely  │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            drivers          │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            who have         │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            had too  Somewhat│     .│ 38.3%│ 41.9%│ 38.6%│ 37.5%│ 36.4%│ 23.8%│
+│            much to  likely  │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            drink to         │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            drive            │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            safely   Somewhat│     .│ 18.1%│ 21.7%│ 16.8%│ 16.7%│ 10.9%│  9.5%│
+│            will A.  unlikely│      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            Get              │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            stopped  Very    │     .│  9.2%│  9.7%│  8.2%│  9.4%│  7.3%│  9.5%│
+│            by the   unlikely│      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
+│            police?          │      │      │      │      │      │      │      │
                                   Custom Tables
@@ -657,26 +758,28 @@ AT_CHECK([pspp ctables.sps -O box=unicode -O width=120], [0], [dnl
                                                       Custom Tables
-│                                                            │     S1. Including yourself, how many members of this    │
-│                                                            │              household are age 16 or older?             │
-│                                                            ├─────────┬────────┬─────────┬────────┬─────────┬─────────┤
-│                                                            │    1    │    2   │    3    │    4   │    5    │6 or more│
-│                                                            ├─────────┼────────┼─────────┼────────┼─────────┼─────────┤
-│                                                            │ Column %│Column %│ Column %│Column %│ Column %│ Column %│
-│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had Almost     │     9.5%│    8.2%│    12.4%│    9.9%│    20.0%│    23.8%│
-│too much to drink to drive safely will A. Get    certain    │         │        │         │        │         │         │
-│stopped by the police?                           Very likely│    24.9%│   18.5%│    24.0%│   26.6%│    25.5%│    33.3%│
-│                                                 Somewhat   │    38.3%│   41.9%│    38.6%│   37.5%│    36.4%│    23.8%│
-│                                                 likely     │         │        │         │        │         │         │
-│                                                 Subtotal   │    72.8%│   68.6%│    75.0%│   74.0%│    81.8%│    81.0%│
-│                                                 Somewhat   │    18.1%│   21.7%│    16.8%│   16.7%│    10.9%│     9.5%│
-│                                                 unlikely   │         │        │         │        │         │         │
-│                                                 Very       │     9.2%│    9.7%│     8.2%│    9.4%│     7.3%│     9.5%│
-│                                                 unlikely   │         │        │         │        │         │         │
-│                                                 Subtotal   │    27.2%│   31.4%│    25.0%│   26.0%│    18.2%│    19.0%│
+│                                                        │  S1. Including yourself, how many members of this household │
+│                                                        │                     are age 16 or older?                    │
+│                                                        ├────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬───────┬────────┬────────┤
+│                                                        │        │        │        │        │       │        │  6 or  │
+│                                                        │  None  │    1   │    2   │    3   │   4   │    5   │  more  │
+│                                                        ├────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┼───────┼────────┼────────┤
+│                                                        │        │        │        │        │ Column│        │        │
+│                                                        │Column %│Column %│Column %│Column %│   %   │Column %│Column %│
+│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have Almost     │       .│    9.5%│    8.2%│   12.4%│   9.9%│   20.0%│   23.8%│
+│had too much to drink to drive safely will   certain    │        │        │        │        │       │        │        │
+│A. Get stopped by the police?                Very likely│       .│   24.9%│   18.5%│   24.0%│  26.6%│   25.5%│   33.3%│
+│                                             Somewhat   │       .│   38.3%│   41.9%│   38.6%│  37.5%│   36.4%│   23.8%│
+│                                             likely     │        │        │        │        │       │        │        │
+│                                             Subtotal   │        │   72.8%│   68.6%│   75.0%│  74.0%│   81.8%│   81.0%│
+│                                             Somewhat   │       .│   18.1%│   21.7%│   16.8%│  16.7%│   10.9%│    9.5%│
+│                                             unlikely   │        │        │        │        │       │        │        │
+│                                             Very       │       .│    9.2%│    9.7%│    8.2%│   9.4%│    7.3%│    9.5%│
+│                                             unlikely   │        │        │        │        │       │        │        │
+│                                             Subtotal   │        │   27.2%│   31.4%│   25.0%│  26.0%│   18.2%│   19.0%│
                                                       Custom Tables