From: Ben Pfaff <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 04:15:37 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: data-in: Convert tests for time input formats to Autotest framework.

data-in: Convert tests for time input formats to Autotest framework.

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 0ee684d426..30c3138dc4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ TESTS_ENVIRONMENT += LC_ALL=C
 dist_TESTS = \
-	tests/formats/ \
 TESTS = $(dist_TESTS) $(nodist_TESTS)
diff --git a/tests/data/ b/tests/data/
index 56cc09486a..bfdf9ef502 100644
--- a/tests/data/
+++ b/tests/data/
@@ -185,7 +185,92 @@ sub maybe_print_space {
 sub pick {
-   return $_[int (my_rand ($#_ + 1))];
+   return $_[int (my_rand ($#_
+                           + 1))];
+time_in () {
+  data_in_prng
+  cat > << 'EOF'
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+do '';
+my ($skip, $fmt_name, @templates) = @ARGV;
+my_rand (1) foreach 1...$skip;
+my @times = (#  D  HH  MM     SS
+	     [  0,  0,  0,  0.00],
+	     [  1,  4, 50, 38.68],
+	     [  5, 12, 31, 35.82],
+	     [  0, 12, 47, 53.41],
+	     [  3,  1, 26,  0.69],
+	     [  1, 20, 58, 11.19],
+	     [ 12,  7, 36,  5.98],
+	     [ 52, 15, 43, 49.27],
+	     [  7,  4, 25,  9.24],
+	     [  0,  6, 49, 27.89],
+	     [ 20,  2, 57, 52.56],
+	     [555, 16, 45, 44.12],
+	     [120, 21, 30, 57.27],
+	     [  0,  4, 25,  9.98],
+	     [  3,  6, 49, 27.24],
+	     [  5,  2, 57, 52.13],
+	     [  0, 16, 45, 44.35],
+	     [  1, 21, 30, 57.32],
+	     [ 10, 22, 30,  4.27],
+	     [ 22,  1, 56, 51.18]);
+open (SYNTAX, '>', "$fmt_name.sps") or die "$fmt_name.sps: create: $!\n";
+print SYNTAX "DATA LIST NOTABLE FILE='$'/$fmt_name 1-40 ($fmt_name).\n";
+print SYNTAX "PRINT OUTFILE='$fmt_name.out'/$fmt_name (F16.2).\n";
+print SYNTAX "EXECUTE.\n";
+close (SYNTAX);
+my ($fn) = "$";
+open (DATA, '>', $fn) or die "$fn: create: $!\n";
+select DATA;
+for my $template (@templates) {
+    for my $time (@times) {
+	print_time_with_template ($time, $template) for 1...10;
+    }
+close (DATA);
+sub print_time_with_template {
+    my ($time, $template) = @_;
+    my ($day, $hour, $minute, $second) = @$time;
+    for my $c (split ('', $template)) {
+	if ($c eq '+') {
+	    print +pick ('', '-', '+');
+	} elsif ($c eq 'D') {
+	    printf (+pick ('%d', '%02d'), $day);
+	    $day = 0;
+	} elsif ($c eq 'H') {
+	    printf (+pick ('%d', '%02d'), $hour + 24 * $day);
+	} elsif ($c eq 'M') {
+	    printf (+pick ('%d', '%02d'), $minute);
+	} elsif ($c eq 'S') {
+	    printf (+pick ('%.0f', '%02.0f', '%.1f', '%.2f'), $second);
+	} elsif ($c eq ':') {
+	    print +pick (' ', ':');
+	} elsif ($c eq ' ') {
+	    print ' ';
+	} else {
+	    die;
+	}
+    }
+    print "\n";
+sub pick {
+   return $_[int (my_rand ($#_ 
+                           + 1)) ];
@@ -2502,6 +2587,829 @@ AT_CHECK([cat datetime.out], [0], [dnl
+AT_SETUP([TIME input format])
+AT_CHECK([$PERL 0 time +H:M +H:M:S])
+AT_CHECK([test -s time.sps])
+AT_CHECK([test -s])
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv time.sps])
+AT_CHECK([cat time.out], [0], [dnl
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+       -103800.00
+        103800.00
+        103800.00
+       -103800.00
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+        103800.00
+       -103800.00
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+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+       -477060.00
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+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+       -477060.00
+         46020.00
+        -46020.00
+        -46020.00
+        -46020.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+        -46020.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+        -46020.00
+        264360.00
+        264360.00
+       -264360.00
+       -264360.00
+        264360.00
+       -264360.00
+        264360.00
+       -264360.00
+       -264360.00
+       -264360.00
+        161880.00
+        161880.00
+        161880.00
+        161880.00
+        161880.00
+       -161880.00
+        161880.00
+        161880.00
+        161880.00
+       -161880.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+      -1064160.00
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+       1064160.00
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+      -4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+      -4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+       4549380.00
+        620700.00
+       -620700.00
+        620700.00
+        620700.00
+       -620700.00
+        620700.00
+       -620700.00
+       -620700.00
+        620700.00
+        620700.00
+         24540.00
+        -24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+      -1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+      48012300.00
+     -48012300.00
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+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+      10445400.00
+     -10445400.00
+     -10445400.00
+      10445400.00
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+     -10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+     -10445400.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+        -15900.00
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+        -15900.00
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+         15900.00
+         15900.00
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+        283740.00
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+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+         60300.00
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+        -60300.00
+        -60300.00
+        163800.00
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+        163800.00
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+        945000.00
+       -945000.00
+       -945000.00
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+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+       -945000.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+      -1907760.00
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+      -1907760.00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+        103839.00
+        103838.68
+       -103838.70
+       -103838.68
+        103838.70
+        103838.68
+       -103839.00
+        103838.68
+        103838.70
+       -103839.00
+        477095.82
+        477096.00
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+        477095.82
+        477095.82
+        477095.82
+        477095.80
+       -477095.80
+        477095.82
+       -477095.82
+        -46073.00
+        -46073.40
+         46073.00
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+         46073.40
+         46073.00
+        -46073.00
+         46073.00
+         46073.00
+         46073.00
+        264360.69
+       -264360.70
+        264361.00
+        264360.70
+        264360.69
+        264360.70
+        264361.00
+        264360.70
+       -264361.00
+        264361.00
+        161891.00
+       -161891.20
+       -161891.00
+        161891.00
+       -161891.00
+        161891.20
+       -161891.20
+       -161891.20
+        161891.20
+       -161891.19
+      -1064166.00
+       1064165.98
+      -1064166.00
+      -1064166.00
+      -1064165.98
+       1064166.00
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+      -1064166.00
+      -1064165.98
+       1064166.00
+       4549429.00
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.27
+      -4549429.30
+       4549429.00
+      -4549429.00
+       4549429.00
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.00
+       4549429.30
+        620709.00
+       -620709.24
+        620709.24
+        620709.24
+        620709.24
+        620709.20
+       -620709.24
+        620709.20
+        620709.24
+        620709.24
+         24567.90
+         24567.89
+         24567.90
+         24568.00
+         24567.90
+         24568.00
+         24568.00
+        -24567.90
+         24567.90
+         24568.00
+       1738672.56
+       1738673.00
+      -1738672.60
+      -1738672.56
+       1738673.00
+       1738673.00
+       1738673.00
+       1738672.60
+      -1738672.56
+       1738672.60
+     -48012344.10
+      48012344.12
+     -48012344.10
+     -48012344.00
+     -48012344.00
+      48012344.00
+     -48012344.00
+     -48012344.00
+     -48012344.00
+      48012344.00
+      10445457.27
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.30
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.27
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.27
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+     -10445457.30
+        -15909.98
+         15910.00
+        -15910.00
+         15910.00
+        -15909.98
+         15910.00
+        -15909.98
+         15909.98
+         15910.00
+         15909.98
+       -283767.00
+        283767.20
+        283767.20
+        283767.00
+       -283767.00
+        283767.00
+        283767.24
+        283767.00
+        283767.24
+        283767.00
+       -442672.00
+        442672.13
+        442672.00
+        442672.13
+        442672.00
+        442672.00
+        442672.00
+        442672.00
+       -442672.00
+        442672.13
+        -60344.40
+        -60344.00
+         60344.00
+         60344.35
+         60344.00
+         60344.40
+         60344.40
+        -60344.00
+         60344.00
+         60344.40
+        163857.00
+        163857.00
+        163857.00
+        163857.00
+        163857.30
+       -163857.30
+        163857.30
+       -163857.00
+       -163857.00
+        163857.30
+        945004.30
+        945004.00
+        945004.27
+        945004.30
+        945004.30
+        945004.00
+        945004.30
+        945004.00
+        945004.00
+        945004.00
+       1907811.00
+       1907811.00
+      -1907811.00
+       1907811.18
+       1907811.20
+       1907811.00
+      -1907811.00
+       1907811.18
+      -1907811.00
+      -1907811.00
+AT_SETUP([DTIME input format])
+AT_CHECK([$PERL 2000 dtime '+D H:M' '+D H:M:S'])
+AT_CHECK([test -s dtime.sps])
+AT_CHECK([test -s])
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv dtime.sps])
+AT_CHECK([cat dtime.out], [0], [dnl
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+        103800.00
+        103800.00
+       -103800.00
+        103800.00
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+       -103800.00
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+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+        477060.00
+       -477060.00
+       -477060.00
+       -477060.00
+        477060.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+        -46020.00
+        -46020.00
+        -46020.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+         46020.00
+        264360.00
+        264360.00
+       -264360.00
+        264360.00
+        264360.00
+        264360.00
+        264360.00
+       -264360.00
+       -264360.00
+       -264360.00
+       -161880.00
+       -161880.00
+        161880.00
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+        161880.00
+       -161880.00
+        161880.00
+       -161880.00
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+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+       1064160.00
+      -1064160.00
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+      -4549380.00
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+      -4549380.00
+      -4549380.00
+      -4549380.00
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+       -620700.00
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+       -620700.00
+        620700.00
+        620700.00
+        620700.00
+       -620700.00
+        620700.00
+        620700.00
+        -24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+        -24540.00
+         24540.00
+         24540.00
+        -24540.00
+         24540.00
+        -24540.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+       1738620.00
+      -1738620.00
+      -1738620.00
+      -1738620.00
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+       1738620.00
+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+     -48012300.00
+     -48012300.00
+      48012300.00
+     -48012300.00
+     -48012300.00
+     -10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+     -10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+      10445400.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+        -15900.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+         15900.00
+       -283740.00
+        283740.00
+       -283740.00
+       -283740.00
+        283740.00
+        283740.00
+        283740.00
+        283740.00
+        283740.00
+       -283740.00
+        442620.00
+       -442620.00
+       -442620.00
+        442620.00
+        442620.00
+       -442620.00
+       -442620.00
+       -442620.00
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+         60300.00
+        -60300.00
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+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+         60300.00
+        163800.00
+        163800.00
+       -163800.00
+        163800.00
+       -163800.00
+       -163800.00
+       -163800.00
+        163800.00
+        163800.00
+       -163800.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+       -945000.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+        945000.00
+       -945000.00
+      -1907760.00
+       1907760.00
+       1907760.00
+       1907760.00
+      -1907760.00
+      -1907760.00
+      -1907760.00
+       1907760.00
+      -1907760.00
+      -1907760.00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+              .00
+        103838.70
+        103838.70
+        103839.00
+        103838.68
+        103838.70
+        103839.00
+        103838.70
+       -103839.00
+        103839.00
+        103839.00
+        477095.80
+        477095.80
+       -477095.80
+        477095.82
+        477095.82
+        477095.82
+       -477095.82
+        477095.82
+        477096.00
+       -477096.00
+        -46073.00
+         46073.00
+        -46073.00
+         46073.41
+         46073.00
+         46073.40
+         46073.00
+         46073.41
+         46073.41
+        -46073.00
+        264360.70
+        264360.70
+        264360.69
+        264361.00
+       -264360.70
+        264360.69
+       -264360.70
+        264360.69
+       -264361.00
+        264360.69
+        161891.00
+       -161891.20
+       -161891.19
+        161891.19
+        161891.00
+        161891.20
+        161891.20
+        161891.00
+        161891.00
+        161891.20
+      -1064165.98
+       1064166.00
+       1064166.00
+       1064166.00
+       1064165.98
+       1064166.00
+       1064166.00
+      -1064165.98
+       1064165.98
+      -1064166.00
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.00
+       4549429.27
+      -4549429.27
+       4549429.00
+       4549429.27
+       4549429.27
+       -620709.00
+        620709.20
+        620709.00
+       -620709.20
+       -620709.24
+       -620709.00
+        620709.00
+        620709.24
+       -620709.24
+        620709.00
+        -24567.89
+         24567.90
+         24568.00
+         24567.89
+         24568.00
+         24568.00
+         24567.90
+        -24568.00
+        -24567.89
+        -24568.00
+       1738672.56
+      -1738672.56
+       1738672.56
+      -1738672.60
+      -1738673.00
+       1738672.56
+       1738673.00
+      -1738672.60
+       1738672.60
+       1738672.56
+      48012344.00
+     -48012344.12
+     -48012344.00
+      48012344.12
+     -48012344.12
+     -48012344.00
+      48012344.12
+     -48012344.00
+     -48012344.00
+     -48012344.00
+     -10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+     -10445457.00
+     -10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+      10445457.00
+     -10445457.30
+        -15909.98
+         15910.00
+        -15909.98
+         15910.00
+         15910.00
+        -15910.00
+        -15910.00
+        -15910.00
+        -15910.00
+         15909.98
+       -283767.24
+        283767.20
+        283767.24
+        283767.24
+        283767.00
+        283767.20
+        283767.20
+        283767.24
+       -283767.00
+        283767.24
+        442672.13
+       -442672.13
+        442672.00
+        442672.13
+        442672.10
+        442672.00
+        442672.00
+       -442672.10
+        442672.00
+       -442672.10
+        -60344.35
+         60344.00
+         60344.00
+        -60344.00
+         60344.00
+         60344.35
+         60344.00
+         60344.35
+         60344.00
+         60344.00
+       -163857.00
+       -163857.00
+        163857.32
+        163857.00
+       -163857.30
+       -163857.00
+        163857.30
+        163857.00
+        163857.00
+       -163857.00
+       -945004.00
+       -945004.30
+        945004.27
+        945004.27
+       -945004.27
+       -945004.27
+       -945004.00
+       -945004.27
+       -945004.00
+        945004.30
+       1907811.00
+       1907811.00
+       1907811.00
+       1907811.00
+       1907811.20
+       1907811.18
+       1907811.18
+       1907811.18
+       1907811.18
+       1907811.00
 AT_SETUP([binary and hexadecimal input (IB, PIB, and PIBHEX formats)])
 AT_CHECK([$PERL -e 'print pack "n", $_ foreach 0...65535' >])
diff --git a/tests/formats/ b/tests/formats/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0c9a7195c5..0000000000
--- a/tests/formats/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-mkdir -p $TEMPDIR
-trap 'cd /; rm -rf $TEMPDIR' 0
-# ensure that top_builddir  are absolute
-if [ -z "$top_builddir" ] ; then top_builddir=. ; fi
-if [ -z "$top_srcdir" ] ; then top_srcdir=. ; fi
-top_builddir=`cd $top_builddir; pwd`
-: ${PERL:=perl}
-# ensure that top_srcdir is absolute
-top_srcdir=`cd $top_srcdir; pwd`
-    echo $activity
-    echo FAILED
-    exit 1;
-    echo $activity
-    echo NO RESULT;
-    exit 2;
-    exit 0;
-activity="write PRNG fragment"
-cat > <<'EOF'
-# This random number generator and the test for it below are drawn
-# from Park and Miller, "Random Number Generators: Good Ones are Hard
-# to Come By", Communications of the ACM 31:10 (October 1988).  It is
-# documented to function properly on systems with a 46-bit or longer
-# real significand, which includes systems that have 64-bit IEEE reals
-# (with 53-bit significand).  The test should catch any systems for
-# which this is not true, in any case.
-our ($seed) = 1;
-sub my_rand {
-  my ($modulo) = @_;
-  my ($a) = 16807;
-  my ($m) = 2147483647;
-  my ($tmp) = $a * $seed;
-  $seed = $tmp - $m * int ($tmp / $m);
-  return $seed % $modulo;
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
-activity="write PRNG test program"
-cat > <<'EOF'
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-do '';
-my_rand (1) foreach 1...10000;
-our $seed;
-die $seed if $seed != 1043618065;
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
-activity="test PRNG"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
-activity="write program to generate PSPP syntax and data"
-cat > <<'EOF'
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-do '';
-my @formats = (["time", "+H:M", "+H:M:S"],
-	       ["dtime", "+D H:M", "+D H:M:S"]);
-my @times = (#  D  HH  MM     SS
-	     [  0,  0,  0,  0.00],
-	     [  1,  4, 50, 38.68],
-	     [  5, 12, 31, 35.82],
-	     [  0, 12, 47, 53.41],
-	     [  3,  1, 26,  0.69],
-	     [  1, 20, 58, 11.19],
-	     [ 12,  7, 36,  5.98],
-	     [ 52, 15, 43, 49.27],
-	     [  7,  4, 25,  9.24],
-	     [  0,  6, 49, 27.89],
-	     [ 20,  2, 57, 52.56],
-	     [555, 16, 45, 44.12],
-	     [120, 21, 30, 57.27],
-	     [  0,  4, 25,  9.98],
-	     [  3,  6, 49, 27.24],
-	     [  5,  2, 57, 52.13],
-	     [  0, 16, 45, 44.35],
-	     [  1, 21, 30, 57.32],
-	     [ 10, 22, 30,  4.27],
-	     [ 22,  1, 56, 51.18]);
-open (SYNTAX, '>', 'time-in.pspp') or die "time-in.pspp: create: $!\n";
-for my $format (@formats) {
-    my ($name) = @$format;
-    print SYNTAX "DATA LIST file='$'/$name 1-40 ($name).\n";
-    print SYNTAX "PRINT OUTFILE='$name.out'/$name (F16.2).\n";
-    print SYNTAX "EXECUTE.\n";
-close (SYNTAX);
-for my $format (@formats) {
-    my ($fmt_name, @templates) = @$format;
-    my ($fn) = "$";
-    open (DATA, '>', $fn) or die "$fn: create: $!\n";
-    select DATA;
-    for my $template (@templates) {
-	for my $time (@times) {
-	    print_time_with_template ($time, $template) for 1...10;
-	}
-    }
-    close (DATA);
-sub print_time_with_template {
-    my ($time, $template) = @_;
-    my ($day, $hour, $minute, $second) = @$time;
-    for my $c (split ('', $template)) {
-	if ($c eq '+') {
-	    print +pick ('', '-', '+');
-	} elsif ($c eq 'D') {
-	    printf (+pick ('%d', '%02d'), $day);
-	    $day = 0;
-	} elsif ($c eq 'H') {
-	    printf (+pick ('%d', '%02d'), $hour + 24 * $day);
-	} elsif ($c eq 'M') {
-	    printf (+pick ('%d', '%02d'), $minute);
-	} elsif ($c eq 'S') {
-	    printf (+pick ('%.0f', '%02.0f', '%.1f', '%.2f'), $second);
-	} elsif ($c eq ':') {
-	    print +pick (' ', ':');
-	} elsif ($c eq ' ') {
-	    print ' ';
-	} else {
-	    die;
-	}
-    }
-    print "\n";
-sub pick {
-   return $_[int (my_rand ($#_ + 1))];
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
-activity="generate PSPP syntax and data"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
-activity="run program"
-$SUPERVISOR $PSPP -o pspp.csv time-in.pspp
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
-activity="compare time.out output"
-diff -u time.out - <<EOF
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-       -477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-       -477060.00
-         46020.00
-        -46020.00
-        -46020.00
-        -46020.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-        -46020.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-        -46020.00
-        264360.00
-        264360.00
-       -264360.00
-       -264360.00
-        264360.00
-       -264360.00
-        264360.00
-       -264360.00
-       -264360.00
-       -264360.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-       -161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-       -161880.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-      -1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-      -4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-      -4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-        620700.00
-       -620700.00
-        620700.00
-        620700.00
-       -620700.00
-        620700.00
-       -620700.00
-       -620700.00
-        620700.00
-        620700.00
-         24540.00
-        -24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-      -1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-      48012300.00
-     -48012300.00
-     -48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      10445400.00
-     -10445400.00
-     -10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-     -10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-     -10445400.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-        -15900.00
-         15900.00
-        -15900.00
-        -15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-        283740.00
-       -283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-       -283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-       -283740.00
-        283740.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-       -442620.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-        -60300.00
-        -60300.00
-         60300.00
-        -60300.00
-        -60300.00
-        163800.00
-       -163800.00
-       -163800.00
-       -163800.00
-        163800.00
-        163800.00
-        163800.00
-        163800.00
-       -163800.00
-        163800.00
-        945000.00
-       -945000.00
-       -945000.00
-       -945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-       -945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-      -1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-        103839.00
-        103838.68
-       -103838.70
-       -103838.68
-        103838.70
-        103838.68
-       -103839.00
-        103838.68
-        103838.70
-       -103839.00
-        477095.82
-        477096.00
-        477096.00
-        477095.82
-        477095.82
-        477095.82
-        477095.80
-       -477095.80
-        477095.82
-       -477095.82
-        -46073.00
-        -46073.40
-         46073.00
-         46073.40
-         46073.40
-         46073.00
-        -46073.00
-         46073.00
-         46073.00
-         46073.00
-        264360.69
-       -264360.70
-        264361.00
-        264360.70
-        264360.69
-        264360.70
-        264361.00
-        264360.70
-       -264361.00
-        264361.00
-        161891.00
-       -161891.20
-       -161891.00
-        161891.00
-       -161891.00
-        161891.20
-       -161891.20
-       -161891.20
-        161891.20
-       -161891.19
-      -1064166.00
-       1064165.98
-      -1064166.00
-      -1064166.00
-      -1064165.98
-       1064166.00
-       1064166.00
-      -1064166.00
-      -1064165.98
-       1064166.00
-       4549429.00
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.27
-      -4549429.30
-       4549429.00
-      -4549429.00
-       4549429.00
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.00
-       4549429.30
-        620709.00
-       -620709.24
-        620709.24
-        620709.24
-        620709.24
-        620709.20
-       -620709.24
-        620709.20
-        620709.24
-        620709.24
-         24567.90
-         24567.89
-         24567.90
-         24568.00
-         24567.90
-         24568.00
-         24568.00
-        -24567.90
-         24567.90
-         24568.00
-       1738672.56
-       1738673.00
-      -1738672.60
-      -1738672.56
-       1738673.00
-       1738673.00
-       1738673.00
-       1738672.60
-      -1738672.56
-       1738672.60
-     -48012344.10
-      48012344.12
-     -48012344.10
-     -48012344.00
-     -48012344.00
-      48012344.00
-     -48012344.00
-     -48012344.00
-     -48012344.00
-      48012344.00
-      10445457.27
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.30
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.27
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.27
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-     -10445457.30
-        -15909.98
-         15910.00
-        -15910.00
-         15910.00
-        -15909.98
-         15910.00
-        -15909.98
-         15909.98
-         15910.00
-         15909.98
-       -283767.00
-        283767.20
-        283767.20
-        283767.00
-       -283767.00
-        283767.00
-        283767.24
-        283767.00
-        283767.24
-        283767.00
-       -442672.00
-        442672.13
-        442672.00
-        442672.13
-        442672.00
-        442672.00
-        442672.00
-        442672.00
-       -442672.00
-        442672.13
-        -60344.40
-        -60344.00
-         60344.00
-         60344.35
-         60344.00
-         60344.40
-         60344.40
-        -60344.00
-         60344.00
-         60344.40
-        163857.00
-        163857.00
-        163857.00
-        163857.00
-        163857.30
-       -163857.30
-        163857.30
-       -163857.00
-       -163857.00
-        163857.30
-        945004.30
-        945004.00
-        945004.27
-        945004.30
-        945004.30
-        945004.00
-        945004.30
-        945004.00
-        945004.00
-        945004.00
-       1907811.00
-       1907811.00
-      -1907811.00
-       1907811.18
-       1907811.20
-       1907811.00
-      -1907811.00
-       1907811.18
-      -1907811.00
-      -1907811.00
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi
-activity="compare dtime.out output"
-diff -u dtime.out - <<EOF
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-        103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        103800.00
-       -103800.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-        477060.00
-       -477060.00
-       -477060.00
-       -477060.00
-        477060.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-        -46020.00
-        -46020.00
-        -46020.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-         46020.00
-        264360.00
-        264360.00
-       -264360.00
-        264360.00
-        264360.00
-        264360.00
-        264360.00
-       -264360.00
-       -264360.00
-       -264360.00
-       -161880.00
-       -161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-        161880.00
-       -161880.00
-        161880.00
-       -161880.00
-        161880.00
-       -161880.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-      -1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-       1064160.00
-      -4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-      -4549380.00
-      -4549380.00
-      -4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       4549380.00
-       -620700.00
-        620700.00
-        620700.00
-       -620700.00
-        620700.00
-        620700.00
-        620700.00
-       -620700.00
-        620700.00
-        620700.00
-        -24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-        -24540.00
-         24540.00
-         24540.00
-        -24540.00
-         24540.00
-        -24540.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-      -1738620.00
-      -1738620.00
-      -1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-       1738620.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-     -48012300.00
-     -48012300.00
-      48012300.00
-     -48012300.00
-     -48012300.00
-     -10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-     -10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-      10445400.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-        -15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-         15900.00
-       -283740.00
-        283740.00
-       -283740.00
-       -283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-        283740.00
-       -283740.00
-        442620.00
-       -442620.00
-       -442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-       -442620.00
-       -442620.00
-       -442620.00
-        442620.00
-        442620.00
-         60300.00
-        -60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-         60300.00
-        163800.00
-        163800.00
-       -163800.00
-        163800.00
-       -163800.00
-       -163800.00
-       -163800.00
-        163800.00
-        163800.00
-       -163800.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-       -945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-        945000.00
-       -945000.00
-      -1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-       1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-      -1907760.00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-              .00
-        103838.70
-        103838.70
-        103839.00
-        103838.68
-        103838.70
-        103839.00
-        103838.70
-       -103839.00
-        103839.00
-        103839.00
-        477095.80
-        477095.80
-       -477095.80
-        477095.82
-        477095.82
-        477095.82
-       -477095.82
-        477095.82
-        477096.00
-       -477096.00
-        -46073.00
-         46073.00
-        -46073.00
-         46073.41
-         46073.00
-         46073.40
-         46073.00
-         46073.41
-         46073.41
-        -46073.00
-        264360.70
-        264360.70
-        264360.69
-        264361.00
-       -264360.70
-        264360.69
-       -264360.70
-        264360.69
-       -264361.00
-        264360.69
-        161891.00
-       -161891.20
-       -161891.19
-        161891.19
-        161891.00
-        161891.20
-        161891.20
-        161891.00
-        161891.00
-        161891.20
-      -1064165.98
-       1064166.00
-       1064166.00
-       1064166.00
-       1064165.98
-       1064166.00
-       1064166.00
-      -1064165.98
-       1064165.98
-      -1064166.00
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.00
-       4549429.27
-      -4549429.27
-       4549429.00
-       4549429.27
-       4549429.27
-       -620709.00
-        620709.20
-        620709.00
-       -620709.20
-       -620709.24
-       -620709.00
-        620709.00
-        620709.24
-       -620709.24
-        620709.00
-        -24567.89
-         24567.90
-         24568.00
-         24567.89
-         24568.00
-         24568.00
-         24567.90
-        -24568.00
-        -24567.89
-        -24568.00
-       1738672.56
-      -1738672.56
-       1738672.56
-      -1738672.60
-      -1738673.00
-       1738672.56
-       1738673.00
-      -1738672.60
-       1738672.60
-       1738672.56
-      48012344.00
-     -48012344.12
-     -48012344.00
-      48012344.12
-     -48012344.12
-     -48012344.00
-      48012344.12
-     -48012344.00
-     -48012344.00
-     -48012344.00
-     -10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-     -10445457.00
-     -10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-      10445457.00
-     -10445457.30
-        -15909.98
-         15910.00
-        -15909.98
-         15910.00
-         15910.00
-        -15910.00
-        -15910.00
-        -15910.00
-        -15910.00
-         15909.98
-       -283767.24
-        283767.20
-        283767.24
-        283767.24
-        283767.00
-        283767.20
-        283767.20
-        283767.24
-       -283767.00
-        283767.24
-        442672.13
-       -442672.13
-        442672.00
-        442672.13
-        442672.10
-        442672.00
-        442672.00
-       -442672.10
-        442672.00
-       -442672.10
-        -60344.35
-         60344.00
-         60344.00
-        -60344.00
-         60344.00
-         60344.35
-         60344.00
-         60344.35
-         60344.00
-         60344.00
-       -163857.00
-       -163857.00
-        163857.32
-        163857.00
-       -163857.30
-       -163857.00
-        163857.30
-        163857.00
-        163857.00
-       -163857.00
-       -945004.00
-       -945004.30
-        945004.27
-        945004.27
-       -945004.27
-       -945004.27
-       -945004.00
-       -945004.27
-       -945004.00
-        945004.30
-       1907811.00
-       1907811.00
-       1907811.00
-       1907811.00
-       1907811.20
-       1907811.18
-       1907811.18
-       1907811.18
-       1907811.18
-       1907811.00
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