--- /dev/null
+//! Pivot tables.
+//! Pivot tables are PSPP's primary form of output. They are analogous to the
+//! pivot tables you might be familiar with from spreadsheets and databases.
+//! See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pivot_table> for a brief introduction to
+//! the overall concept of a pivot table.
+//! In PSPP, the most important internal pieces of a pivot table are:
+//! - Title. Every pivot table has a title that is displayed above it. It also
+//! has an optional caption (displayed below it) and corner text (displayed in
+//! the upper left corner).
+//! - Dimensions. A dimension consists of zero or more categories. A category
+//! has a label, such as "df" or "Asymp. Sig." or 123 or a variable name. The
+//! categories are the leaves of a tree whose non-leaf nodes form groups of
+//! categories. The tree always has a root group whose label is the name of
+//! the dimension.
+//! - Axes. A table has three axes: column, row, and layer. Each dimension is
+//! assigned to an axis, and each axis has zero or more dimensions. When an
+//! axis has more than one dimension, they are ordered from innermost to
+//! outermost.
+//! - Data. A table's data consists of zero or more cells. Each cell maps from
+//! a category for each dimension to a value, which is commonly a number but
+//! could also be a variable name or an arbitrary text string.
+//! Creating a pivot table usually consists of the following steps:
+//! 1. Create the table with pivot_table_create(), passing in the title.
+//! 2. Optionally, set the format to use for "count" values with
+//! pivot_table_set_weight_var() or pivot_table_set_weight_format().
+//! 3. Create each dimension with pivot_dimension_create() and populate it with
+//! categories and, possibly, with groups that contain the categories. This
+//! call also assigns the dimension to an axis.
+//! In simple cases, only a call to pivot_dimension_create() is needed.
+//! Other functions such as pivot_category_create_group() can be used for
+//! hierarchies of categories.
+//! Sometimes it's easier to create categories in tandem with inserting data,
+//! for example by adding a category for a variable just before inserting the
+//! first cell for that variable. In that case, creating categories and
+//! inserting data can be interleaved.
+//! 4. Insert data. For each cell, supply the category indexes, which are
+//! assigned starting from 0 in the order in which the categories were
+//! created in step 2, and the value to go in the cell. If the table has a
+//! small, fixed number of dimensions, functions like, e.g.
+//! pivot_table_put3() for 3 dimensions, can be used. The general function
+//! pivot_table_put() works for other cases.
+//! 5. Output the table for user consumption. Use pivot_table_submit().
+use std::{collections::HashMap, ops::Range, sync::Arc};
+use enum_map::{Enum, EnumMap};
+use crate::format::Spec;
+/// Areas of a pivot table for styling purposes.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Area {
+ Title,
+ Caption,
+ /// Footnotes,
+ Footer,
+ // Top-left corner.
+ Corner,
+ ColumnLabels,
+ RowLabels,
+ Data,
+ /// Layer indication.
+ Layers,
+/// Table borders for styling purposes.
+pub enum Border {
+ Title,
+ OuterFrame(BoxBorder),
+ InnerFrame(BoxBorder),
+ Dimensions(RowColBorder),
+ Categories(RowColBorder),
+ DataLeft,
+ DataTop,
+/// The borders on a box.
+pub enum BoxBorder {
+ Left,
+ Top,
+ Right,
+ Bottom,
+/// Borders between rows and columns.
+pub enum RowColBorder {
+ RowHorz,
+ RowVert,
+ ColHorz,
+ ColVert,
+/// Sizing for rows or columns of a rendered table.
+/// The comments below talk about columns and their widths but they apply
+/// equally to rows and their heights.
+pub struct Sizing {
+ /// Specific column widths, in 1/96" units.
+ widths: Vec<i32>,
+ /// Specific page breaks: 0-based columns after which a page break must
+ /// occur, e.g. a value of 1 requests a break after the second column.
+ breaks: Vec<usize>,
+ /// Keeps: columns to keep together on a page if possible.
+ keeps: Vec<Range<usize>>,
+pub enum Axis {
+ Layer,
+ Row,
+ Column,
+/// An axis within a pivot table.
+pub struct TableAxis {
+ /// `dimensions[0]` is the innermost dimension.
+ dimensions: Vec<Dimension>,
+ /// The number of rows or columns along the axis, that is, the product of
+ /// `dimensions[*].n_leaves`. It is 0 if any dimension has 0 leaves.
+ extent: usize,
+ /// Sum of `dimensions[*].label_depth`.
+ label_depth: usize,
+/// Dimensions.
+/// A [Dimension] identifies the categories associated with a single dimension
+/// within a multidimensional pivot table.
+/// A dimension contains a collection of categories, which are the leaves in a
+/// tree of groups.
+/// (A dimension or a group can contain zero categories, but this is unusual.
+/// If a dimension contains no categories, then its table cannot contain any
+/// data.)
+pub struct Dimension {
+ axis_type: Axis,
+ level: usize,
+ top_index: usize,
+ /// Hierarchy of categories within the dimension. The groups and categories
+ /// are sorted in the order that should be used for display. This might be
+ /// different from the original order produced for output if the user
+ /// adjusted it.
+ ///
+ /// The root must always be a group, although it is allowed to have no
+ /// subcategories.
+ root: Arc<Category>,
+ /// All of the leaves reachable via the root.
+ ///
+ /// The indexing for presentation_leaves is presentation order, thus
+ /// `presentation_leaves[i]->presentation_index == i`. This order is the
+ /// same as would be produced by an in-order traversal of the groups. It
+ /// is the order into which the user reordered or sorted the categories.
+ ///
+ /// The indexing for `data_leaves` is that used for `idx` in [Cell], thus
+ /// `data_leaves[i]->data_index == i`. This might differ from what an
+ /// in-order traversal of `root` would yield, if the user reordered
+ /// categories.
+ data_leaves: Vec<Arc<Category>>,
+ presentation_leaves: Vec<Arc<Category>>,
+ /// Display.
+ hide_all_labels: bool,
+ /// Number of rows or columns needed to express the labels.
+ label_depth: usize,
+/// A pivot_category is a leaf (a category) or a group.
+pub struct Category {
+ name: Value,
+ label_depth: usize,
+ extra_depth: usize,
+ type_: CategoryType,
+pub enum CategoryType {
+ Group {
+ /// The child categories.
+ ///
+ /// A group usually has multiple children, but it is allowed to have
+ /// only one or even (pathologically) none.
+ children: Vec<Box<Category>>,
+ /// Display a label for the group itself?
+ show_label: bool,
+ show_label_in_corner: bool,
+ },
+ Leaf {
+ group_index: usize,
+ data_index: usize,
+ presentation_index: usize,
+ /// Default format for values in this category.
+ format: Spec,
+ /// Honor [Table]'s `small` setting?
+ honor_small: bool,
+ },
+/// Styling for a pivot table.
+/// The division between this and the style information in [Table] seems fairly
+/// arbitrary. The ultimate reason for the division is simply because that's
+/// how SPSS documentation and file formats do it.
+struct Look {
+ name: Option<String>,
+ omit_empty: bool,
+ row_labels_in_corner: bool,
+ /// Range of column widths for columns in the row headings and corner , in 1/96"
+ /// units.
+ row_heading_widths: Range<usize>,
+ /// Range of column widths for columns in the column headings , in 1/96"
+ /// units.
+ col_heading_widths: Range<usize>,
+ /// Kind of markers to use for footnotes.
+ footnote_marker_type: FootnoteMarkerType,
+ /// Where to put the footnote markers.
+ footnote_marker_position: FootnoteMarkerPosition,
+ // XXX and so on
+pub enum FootnoteMarkerType {
+ /// a, b, c, ...
+ Alphabetic,
+ /// 1, 2, 3, ...
+ Numeric,
+pub enum FootnoteMarkerPosition {
+ /// Subscripts.
+ Subscript,
+ /// Superscripts.
+ Superscript,
+pub struct Table {
+ look: Arc<Look>,
+ rotate_inner_column_labels: bool,
+ rotate_outer_row_labels: bool,
+ show_grid_lines: bool,
+ show_title: bool,
+ show_caption: bool,
+ show_value: Option<ValueShow>,
+ show_variables: Option<ValueShow>,
+ weight_format: Spec,
+ /// Current layer indexes, with axes[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER].n_dimensions
+ /// elements. current_layer[i] is an offset into
+ /// axes[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER].dimensions[i]->data_leaves[], EXCEPT that a
+ /// dimension can have zero leaves, in which case current_layer[i] is zero
+ /// and there's no corresponding leaf.
+ current_layer: Vec<usize>,
+ /// Column sizing and page breaks.
+ column_sizing: Sizing,
+ /// Row sizing and page breaks.
+ row_sizing: Sizing,
+ // XXX format settings
+ /// Numeric grouping character (usually `.` or `,`).
+ grouping: char,
+ small: f64,
+ command_local: Option<String>,
+ command_c: Option<String>,
+ language: Option<String>,
+ locale: Option<String>,
+ dataset: Option<String>,
+ datafile: Option<String>,
+ //XXX date
+ footnotes: Vec<Footnote>,
+ title: Value,
+ subtype: Value,
+ corner_text: Value,
+ caption: Value,
+ notes: Option<String>,
+ dimensions: Vec<Dimension>,
+ axes: EnumMap<Axis, TableAxis>,
+ cells: HashMap<u64, Value>,
+/// Whether to show variable or value labels or the underlying value or variable name.
+pub enum ValueShow {
+ /// Value or variable name only.
+ Value,
+ /// Label only.
+ Label,
+ /// Value and label.
+ Both,
+pub struct Footnote {
+ content: Value,
+ marker: Value,
+ show: bool,
+pub struct Value {
+ styling: Option<Box<ValueStyle>>,
+ inner: ValueInner,
+pub enum ValueInner {
+ Numeric {
+ show: ValueShow,
+ format: Spec,
+ honor_small: bool,
+ value: f64,
+ var_name: Option<String>,
+ value_label: Option<String>,
+ },
+ String {
+ show: ValueShow,
+ hex: bool,
+ s: Option<String>,
+ var_name: Option<String>,
+ value_label: Option<String>,
+ },
+ Variable {
+ show: ValueShow,
+ var_name: Option<String>,
+ value_label: Option<String>,
+ },
+ Text {
+ user_provided: bool,
+ /// Localized.
+ local: String,
+ /// English.
+ c: String,
+ /// Identifier.
+ id: String,
+ },
+ Template {
+ args: Vec<Vec<Value>>,
+ local: String,
+ id: String,
+ },
+pub struct ValueStyle {
+ // XXX