-# $Id: srclist.txt,v 1.117 2006-03-01 14:28:40 karl Exp $
+# $Id: srclist.txt,v 1.118 2006-03-01 14:54:25 karl Exp $
# Files for which we are not the source. See ./srclistvars.sh for the
# variable definitions.
$GNUSTANDARDS/make-stds.texi doc
# The official forms for contributors to fill out, mentioned in maintain.
+$GNUORG/conditions.text doc/Copyright
$GNUORG/Copyright/request-assign.changes doc/Copyright
$GNUORG/Copyright/request-assign.future doc/Copyright
$GNUORG/Copyright/request-assign.program doc/Copyright
$GNUORG/Copyright/request-disclaim.changes doc/Copyright
+$GNUORG/assign.manual doc/Copyright
+$GNUORG/assign.translation.manual doc/Copyright
+$GNUORG/disclaim.manual doc/Copyright
+$GNUORG/disclaim.program doc/Copyright
$GETTEXT/gettext-runtime/libasprintf/asnprintf.c lib gpl
$GETTEXT/gettext-runtime/libasprintf/asprintf.c lib gpl
--- /dev/null
+The way to assign copyright on this manual to the Foundation is to
+sign an assignment contract.
+In addition, if you have made an agreement with an employer or school
+to give them rights to such work, or if it might be considered part of
+your job, then you and we need a signed piece of paper from your
+employer or school, disclaiming rights to the manual.
+The disclaimer should be signed by a vice president or general manager
+of the company. If you can't get at them, anyone else authorized to
+license works produced there will do. Here is a sample wording:
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation hereby disclaims all copyright interest
+ in the manual, "The Automatic Manual", written by Mr. Write, including
+ both the present version of the manual and his/her future changes and
+ enhancements to it. We do not consider it or them as a work made
+ for hire for us.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1987
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice, Digital Stimulation Corp.
+IMPORTANT: When you talk to your employer, *no matter what
+instructions they have given you*, don't fail to show them the sample
+disclaimer above. Companies are usually willing to sign a disclaimer
+without any fuss. If you vary the request, or make it less specific,
+you are liable to open a Pandora's Box and cause a long and
+unnecessary delay.
+Below is the assignment contract that we usually use. You would need
+to print it out, sign it, and snail it to me:
+Copyright Clerk
+Free Software Foundation
+59 Temple Place, Suite 330
+Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Snail me a copy of the employer's disclaimer as well.
+Please send me email about what you decide to do. If you have any
+questions, or would like something to be changed, ask me via email.
+ For $1 and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which I
+acknowledge, I, NAME OF PERSON, hereby transfer to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc. (the "Foundation") my entire right, title, and interest
+(including all rights under copyright) in my manual "NAME OF MANUAL" (the
+"Work"), subject to the conditions below. The work hereby assigned shall
+further include any future changes and/or enhancements hereafter made by me.
+ Upon thirty days' prior written notice, the Foundation agrees to grant me
+non-exclusive rights to use the Work as I see fit; (and the Foundation's
+rights shall otherwise continue unchanged).
+ For the purposes of this contract, a work "based on the Work" means any
+work that in whole or in part incorporates or is derived from all or part of
+the Work.
+ The Foundation promises that all distribution of the Work, or of any
+work "based on the Work", that takes place under the control of the
+Foundation or its agents or assignees, shall be on terms that explicitly and
+perpetually permit anyone possessing a copy of the work to which the terms
+apply, and possessing accurate notice of these terms, to redistribute copies
+of the work to anyone on the same terms. These terms shall not restrict which
+members of the public copies may be distributed to. These terms shall not
+require a member of the public to pay any royalty to the Foundation or to
+anyone else for any permitted use of the work they apply to, or to communicate
+with the Foundation or its agents in any way either when redistribution is
+performed or on any other occasion.
+ The Foundation promises that any work "based on the Work" which is
+a program, and which is offered to the public by the Foundation or its
+agents or assignees, shall be offered in the form of machine-readable
+source code, in addition to any other forms of the Foundation's
+choosing. However, the Foundation is free to choose at its
+convenience the media of distribution for machine-readable source
+ The Foundation promises to give or send me, upon reasonable prior notice
+and payment of a fee no more than twenty times the cost of the necessary
+materials and postage, a copy of any or all of the works "based on the
+Work" that it offers to the public or that it has offered within the past
+six months, or that it distributed for the first time within the past six
+months. For works that are programs, the machine-readable source code shall
+be included. My request shall detail whether I wish to receive all such works
+or specific works. My choice of works to request may affect the cost and
+therefore the fee.
+ I hereby represent and warrant that I am the sole copyright holder for the
+Work and that I have the right and power to enter into this contract. I
+hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Foundation, its officers, employees,
+and agents against any and all claims, actions or damages (including
+attorney's reasonable fees) asserted by or paid to any party on account of a
+breach or alleged breach of the foregoing warranty. I make no other express
+or implied warranty (including without limitation, in this disclaimer of
+Agreed: [signature and date]
+ACCEPTED: FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION - Thanks for contributing to the GNU project!
+Bradley Kuhn, Executive Director
+Please write down the answers to these questions, and snail this page
+with your assignment.
+[For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?]
+[What year were you born?]
+[What is your email address?]
+[Please write your snail address here, so we can snail a copy back to you.]
--- /dev/null
+The way to assign copyright to the Foundation is to sign an assignment
+contract. This is what legally makes the FSF the copyright holder so that
+we can register the copyright on the new version. I'm assuming that you
+did all the translating yourself; if other people wrote parts, we may need
+papers from them as well.
+If you are employed to do writing (even at a university), or have
+made an agreement with your employer or school saying it owns text
+you write, then you and we need a signed piece of paper from your
+employer disclaiming rights to your changes.
+The disclaimer should be signed by a vice president or general manager
+of the company. If you can't get at them, anyone else authorized to
+license manuals written there will do. Here is a sample wording:
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation hereby disclaims all copyright
+ interest in Hugh Heffner's translation of "The Seduction Manual",
+ also including any future revisions he makes to this translation.
+ We do not consider it or them as a work made for hire for us.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1987
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice, Digital Stimulation Corp.
+IMPORTANT: When you talk to your employer, *no matter what
+instructions they have given you*, don't fail to show them the sample
+disclaimer above, or a disclaimer with the details filled in for your
+specific case. Companies are usually willing to sign a disclaimer
+without any fuss. If you make your request less specific, you may
+open Pandora's box and cause a long and unnecessary delay.
+Below is the assignment contract that we usually use. You would need
+to print it out, sign it, and snail it to:
+Richard Stallman
+545 Tech Sq rm 425
+Cambridge, MA 02139
+Snail a copy of the employer's disclaimer as well.
+Please send me email about what you decide to do. If you have any
+questions, or would like something to be changed, ask rms@ai.mit.edu via email.
+ For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which I acknowledge, I,
+NAME OF PERSON, hereby transfer to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. (the
+"Foundation") my entire right, title, and interest (including all rights
+under copyright) in my translation of the manual "NAME OF MANUAL", subject
+to the conditions below. This translation is herein called the "Work".
+The work hereby assigned shall also include any future revisions of this
+translation hereafter made by me.
+ For the purposes of this contract, a work "based on the Work" means
+any work that in whole or in part incorporates or is derived from all or
+part of the Work.
+ The Foundation promises that all distribution of the Work, or of any
+work "based on the Work", that takes place under the control of the
+Foundation or its assignees, shall be on terms that explicitly and
+perpetually permit anyone possessing a copy of the work to which the terms
+apply, and possessing accurate notice of these terms, to redistribute
+copies of the work to anyone on the same terms. These terms shall not
+restrict which members of the public copies may be distributed to. These
+terms shall not require a member of the public to pay any royalty to the
+Foundation or to anyone else for any permitted use of the work they apply
+to, or to communicate with the Foundation or its agents in any way either
+when redistribution is performed or on any other occasion.
+ The Foundation promises to give or send me, upon reasonable prior notice
+and payment of a fee no more than twenty times the cost of the necessary
+materials and postage, a copy of any or all of the works "based on the
+Work" that it offers to the public or that it has offered within the
+past six months, or that it distributed for the first time within the past
+six months. My request shall detail whether I wish to receive all
+such works or specific works. My choice of works to request may affect the
+cost and therefore the fee.
+ I hereby represent and warrant that I am the sole copyright holder for the
+Work and that I have the right and power to enter into this contract. I
+hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Foundation, its officers, employees,
+and agents against any and all claims, actions or damages (including
+attorney's reasonable fees) asserted by or paid to any party on account of a
+breach or alleged breach of the foregoing warranty. I make no other express
+or implied warranty (including without limitation, in this disclaimer of
+Agreed: [signature] Date:
+For the Free Software Foundation,
+Richard Stallman, President:
+Please do not delete the control-l character before this line.
+Please print this as a separate page.
+[For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?
+What year were you born? Please write the information here; sending
+it separately (eg. in a message) makes extra clerical work for us.]
+[What is your email address?]
+[Please write your snail address here, so we can snail a copy back to you.]
--- /dev/null
+Legal Issues about Contributing Code to GNU last updated 3 Mar 98
+Project GNU has to be careful to obey intellectual property laws, even
+though these laws are wrong and people generally should share useful
+information without hesitation, because we are in the public eye.
+This means that if you want to contribute software, you have to do
+something to give us legal permission to use it. There are four ways
+this can be done:
+* Assign the copyright to the Free Software Foundation.
+This is what we prefer because it allows us to use the copyright law
+to prevent others from hoarding modified versions of the program.
+* Keep the copyright yourself and give us a suitable nonexclusive
+license. It will then be up to you to prevent any unauthorized
+hoarding of modified versions; we will be unable to act. (This
+alternative is impractical for us if the use for your work is to be
+merged into a preexisting GNU program.)
+* Keep the copyright and release the program yourself under the GNU
+GPL. (This alternative too is impractical for contributions to a
+preexisting GNU program.)
+* Put the code in the public domain. Then there is nothing to stop hoarding
+of modified versions, but we can still use the program in GNU.
+Most of these alternatives require a signed piece of paper to make it
+* Assigning copyright.
+Assigning the copyright means signing a contract that makes the Free
+Software Foundation the "owner" of the program according to the law.
+As the copyright holder, the Foundation can sue anyone who tries to
+distribute the program as a proprietary product. We are willing to
+keep your name on the program as the author for as long as the program
+remains recognizably distinct. ("Owner" is in quotes to show that we
+don't really believe in this kind of ownership. We are against the
+copyright law, because it is intended to assist information hoarding,
+but since we cannot get it repealed just yet, we use it to stop
+hoarding when we can.)
+The assignment contract commits the foundation to setting distribution
+terms that permit free redistribution.
+Often we don't want to do the work of starting to distribute a program
+right away. There are many things which we will need in order to have
+a complete system but which aren't really useful until the rest of the
+system is done. But signing the assignment does not stop you from
+distributing the program yourself--as long as you do so under the GNU
+terms. You don't have to wait for us to start distributing. You can
+start distributing as soon as you attach our standard copyleft to the
+files. (Ask for our advice on how to do this.)
+The assignment contract we normally use has a clause that permits you
+to use your code in proprietary programs, on 30 days' notice. (The 30
+days' notice is there because, through a legal technicality, it would
+improve our position in a suit against a hoarder.) Although we
+believe that proprietary software is wrong, we include this clause
+because it would serve no purpose to ask you to promise not to do it.
+You're giving us a gift in the first place.
+You don't need to invoke this clause in order to distribute copies as
+free software under the GNU GPL, since everyone is allowed to do that.
+* Keeping the copyright.
+Keeping the copyright and giving the Free Software Foundation a
+nonexclusive license also requires signing a contract. The license we
+need permits us to add our usual distribution terms; it recognizes
+possession of a copy with our distribution terms accurately stated as
+licensing anyone to redistribute on those terms. However, if someone
+violates these terms--for example, if he gets a copy from us, and uses
+it as a basis for a proprietary product in violation of our terms--we
+cannot sue him. You have to sue, or he gets away with it.
+The law doesn't recognize the idea that he, by doing this, is stealing
+rights from the public; it thinks that information exists to be
+hoarded and is concerned only with how the spoils are to be divided.
+* Releasing it yourself.
+You can release a program yourself under copyleft distribution terms
+such as the GNU GPL. (In order to accept the program as GNU software,
+we would have to be happy with your choice of terms.) This does not
+require a contract between you and the FSF, but we would appreciate
+having a signed piece of paper to confirm your decision.
+If someone violates your terms--for example, if someone gets a copy
+from us, and uses it as a basis for a proprietary product in violation
+of the terms--we cannot sue him. You would have to sue, or he gets
+away with it.
+* Public domain.
+If you put the program in the public domain, we prefer to have a signed
+piece of paper--a disclaimer of rights--from you confirming this. If the
+program is not very important, we can do without one; the worst that could
+happen is that we might some day be forced to stop using it.
+The law says that anyone can copyright a modified version of the public
+domain work. (This doesn't restrict the original, which remains in the
+public domain; only the changes are copyrighted.) If we make extensive
+changes, we will probably do this and add our usual copyleft. If we make
+small changes, we will leave the version we distribute in the public
+* What about your employer?
+If you are employed to do programming, or have made an agreement with your
+employer that says it owns programs you write, we need a signed piece of
+paper from your employer disclaiming rights to the program. It should be
+signed by a vice president or general manager of the company. If you
+can't get at them, it is almost as good to find someone who signs licenses
+for software that is purchased. Here is a sample wording:
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation hereby disclaims all copyright interest
+ in the program "seduce.el" (a program to direct assemblers to make passes
+ at compilers under GNU Emacs) written by Hugh Heffner.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1987
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice, Digital Stimulation Corp.
+The description of what the program does is just to make it clearer
+what the disclaimer covers.
+If what you did was change an existing program, it should say this:
+ ...in the changes and enhancements made by Hugh Heffner to the
+ program "seduce.el".
+* Did anyone else contribute?
+If someone else contributed more than a few lines here or there to the
+program, then that person too is an author, and that person too needs to
+sign papers just as you do. So may that person's employer. However, if
+his contribution is just a fraction of the whole work, it is satisfactory
+if he disclaims his own rights, even if you are assigning yours. (If just
+the minor contributors' work goes in the public domain, that doesn't leave
+much of a loophole for hoarders.)
+If you incorporated packages which you found floating around as "public
+domain", we might still want to track down their authors, to get
+disclaimers to reassure us that they really are in the public domain. So
+keep track of what these packages are and who wrote them.
+* A reminder:
+In working on a project for GNU, DO NOT study and follow any Unix
+sources or other non-free software that might have any bearing on the
+project. Don't refer to them at all, unless you are forced to for
+non-GNU reasons.
+Especially, if you are working on an imitation of a Unix utility, DO
+NOT refer to the source for that utility.
+It is not considered a serious problem if you have read Unix sources
+in the past for other purposes, provided you don't copy anything in
+particular from them. But referring to them while you do the work
+could cause us legal problems later.
--- /dev/null
+I'd like to ask you to sign a disclaimer for the manual, thus putting
+it in the public domain. (For a small manual such as this, it's not
+worth our trying to assert a copyleft.)
+ I, <name of person>, hereby disclaim all copyright interest in my
+ manual <manual> which does <one-line desription>.
+ I affirm that I have no other intellectual property interest
+ that would undermine this release, and will do nothing to undermine
+ it in the future. I represent that the work is my own and not
+ a copy of someone else's work.
+ <signature and date>
+*Don't forget to include the date.*
+Spell out the month name--don't use a number for the month. Dates
+using a number for the month are ambiguous; 2/8/95 means one thing in
+the US and another in Europe.
+If you are employed to do writing (even at a university), or have made
+an agreement with your employer or school saying it owns what you
+write, then we also need a signed disclaimer from your employer or
+This disclaimer should be signed by a vice president or general
+manager of the company. If you can't get at them, anyone else
+authorized to license software produced there will do. Here is a
+sample wording:
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation hereby disclaims all copyright interest
+ in the manual "seduce.tex" written by Hugh Heffner, including both the
+ present version of the program and his/her future changes and
+ enhancements to it. We do not consider it or them as a work made
+ for hire for us.
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation affirms that it has no other
+ intellectual property interest that would undermine this release,
+ and will do nothing to undermine it in the future.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1987
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice, Digital Stimulation Corp.
+If your employer says they do have an intellectual property claim that
+could conflict with the use of the manual, then please put me in touch
+with a suitable representative of the company, so that we can
+negotiate what to do about it.
+IMPORTANT: When you talk to your employer, *no matter what
+instructions they have given you*, don't fail to show them the sample
+disclaimer above, or a disclaimer with the details filled in for your
+specific case. Companies are usually willing to sign a disclaimer
+without any fuss. If you make your request less specific, you may
+open Pandora's box and cause a long and unnecessary delay.
+Please snail the signed disclaimers to:
+Attn: Disclaimer Clerk
+Free Software Foundation
+59 Temple Place, Suite 330
+Boston, MA 02111-1307
+Please print your email address on the printed disclaimer.
--- /dev/null
+I'd like to ask you to sign a disclaimer for the program, thus putting
+it in the public domain. (For a small program such as this, it's not
+worth our trying to assert a copyleft.)
+ I, <name of person>, hereby disclaim all copyright interest in my
+ program <program> which does <one-line desription>.
+ I affirm that I have no other intellectual property interest
+ that would undermine this release, and will do nothing to undermine
+ it in the future. I represent that the work is my own and not
+ a copy of someone else's work.
+ <signature and date>
+*Don't forget to include the date.*
+Spell out the month name--don't use a number for the month. Dates
+using a number for the month are ambiguous; 2/8/95 means one thing in
+the US and another in Europe.
+If you are employed to do programming (even at a university), or have
+made an agreement with your employer or school saying it owns programs
+you write, then we also need a signed disclaimer from your employer
+or school.
+This disclaimer should be signed by a vice president or general
+manager of the company. If you can't get at them, anyone else
+authorized to license software produced there will do. Here is a
+sample wording:
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation hereby disclaims all copyright interest
+ in the program "seduce" (a program to direct assemblers to make passes at
+ compilers under GNU Emacs) written by Hugh Heffner, including both the
+ present version of the program and his/her future changes and
+ enhancements to it. We do not consider it or them as a work made
+ for hire for us.
+ Digital Stimulation Corporation affirms that it has no other
+ intellectual property interest that would undermine this release,
+ and will do nothing to undermine it in the future.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1987
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice, Digital Stimulation Corp.
+If your employer says they do have an intellectual property claim that
+could conflict with the use of the program, then please put me in
+touch with a suitable representative of the company, so that we can
+negotiate what to do about it.
+IMPORTANT: When you talk to your employer, *no matter what
+instructions they have given you*, don't fail to show them the sample
+disclaimer above, or a disclaimer with the details filled in for your
+specific case. Companies are usually willing to sign a disclaimer
+without any fuss. If you make your request less specific, you may
+open Pandora's box and cause a long and unnecessary delay.
+Please snail the signed disclaimers to:
+Attn: Disclaimer Clerk
+Free Software Foundation
+59 Temple Place, Suite 330
+Boston, MA 02111-1307
+Please print your email address on the printed disclaimer.