+ 'outer: for record in headers
+ .very_long_strings
+ .drain(..)
+ .flat_map(|record| record.0.into_iter())
+ {
+ let Some(index) = dictionary.variables.get_index_of(&record.short_name.0) else {
+ warn(Error::TBD);
+ continue;
+ };
+ let width = VarWidth::String(record.length);
+ let n_segments = width.n_segments();
+ if n_segments == 1 {
+ warn(Error::TBD);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if index + n_segments > dictionary.variables.len() {
+ warn(Error::TBD);
+ continue;
+ }
+ let mut short_names = Vec::with_capacity(n_segments);
+ for i in 0..n_segments {
+ let alloc_width = width.segment_alloc_width(i);
+ let segment = &dictionary.variables[index + i];
+ short_names.push(segment.short_names[0].clone());
+ let segment_width = segment.width.as_string_width().unwrap_or(0);
+ if segment_width.next_multiple_of(8) != alloc_width.next_multiple_of(8) {
+ warn(Error::TBD);
+ continue 'outer;
+ }
+ }
+ dictionary.delete_vars(index + 1..index + n_segments);
+ let variable = dictionary.variables.get_index_mut2(index).unwrap();
+ variable.short_names = short_names;
+ variable.width = width;
+ }
if headers.long_names.is_empty() {
// There are no long variable names. Use the short variable names,
// converted to lowercase, as the long variable names.
pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {
+ pub fn is_very_long(&self) -> bool {
+ match *self {
+ VarWidth::Numeric => false,
+ VarWidth::String(width) => width >= 256,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Number of bytes per segment by which the amount of space for very long
+ /// string variables is allocated.
+ const EFFECTIVE_VLS_CHUNK: usize = 252;
+ /// Returns the number of "segments" used for writing case data for a
+ /// variable with this width. A segment is a physical variable in the
+ /// system file that represents some piece of a logical variable as seen by
+ /// a PSPP user. Only very long string variables have more than one
+ /// segment.
+ pub fn n_segments(&self) -> usize {
+ if self.is_very_long() {
+ self.as_string_width()
+ .unwrap()
+ .div_ceil(Self::EFFECTIVE_VLS_CHUNK)
+ } else {
+ 1
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the width to allocate to the segment with the given
+ /// `segment_idx` within this variable. A segment is a physical variable in
+ /// the system file that represents some piece of a logical variable as seen
+ /// by a PSPP user.
+ pub fn segment_alloc_width(&self, segment_idx: usize) -> usize {
+ debug_assert!(segment_idx < self.n_segments());
+ debug_assert!(self.is_very_long());
+ if segment_idx < self.n_segments() - 1 {
+ 255
+ } else {
+ self.as_string_width().unwrap() - segment_idx * Self::EFFECTIVE_VLS_CHUNK
+ }
+ }
impl From<VarWidth> for VarType {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VeryLongStringsRecord(Vec<VeryLongString>);
+pub struct VeryLongStringsRecord(pub Vec<VeryLongString>);
impl VeryLongStringsRecord {
fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> Self {