/* PSPPIRE - a graphical user interface for PSPP.
- Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Free Software Foundation
+ Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 Free Software Foundation
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
ds_destroy (&ia->quotes);
dict_unref (ia->dict);
+ dict_unref (ia->casereader_dict);
g_object_unref (ia->builder);
ia->file_name = NULL;
ia->spreadsheet = NULL;
+ ia->dict = NULL;
+ ia->casereader_dict = NULL;
ia->main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, TRUE);
GValue value = {0};
gtk_tree_model_get_value (tm, &iter, i + 1, &value);
- const struct variable *var = dict_get_var (ia->dict, i);
+ const struct variable *var = dict_get_var (ia->casereader_dict, i);
const gchar *ss = g_value_get_string (&value);
if (ss)
union value *v = case_data_rw (c, var);
+ /* In this reader we derive the union value from the
+ string in the tree_model. We retrieve the width and format
+ from a dictionary which is stored directly after
+ the reader creation. Changes in ia->dict in the
+ variable window are not reflected here and therefore
+ this is always compatible with the width in the
+ caseproto. See bug #58298 */
char *xx = data_in (ss_cstr (ss),
var_get_write_format (var)->type,
free (fg);
struct casereader *cr = casereader_create_random (proto, n_rows, &my_casereader_class, ia);
+ /* Store the dictionary at this point when the casereader is created.
+ my_read depends on the dictionary to interpret the strings in the treeview.
+ This guarantees that the union value is produced according to the
+ caseproto in the reader. */
+ ia->casereader_dict = dict_clone (ia->dict);
caseproto_unref (proto);
return cr;
+/* When during import the variable type is changed, the reader is reinitialized
+ based on the new dictionary with a fresh caseprototype. The default behaviour
+ when a variable type is changed and the column is resized is that the union
+ value is interpreted with new variable type and an overlay for that column
+ is generated. Here we reinit to the original reader based on strings.
+ As a result you can switch from string to numeric to string without loosing
+ the string information. */
+static void
+ia_variable_changed_cb (GObject *obj, gint var_num, guint what,
+ const struct variable *oldvar, gpointer data)
+ PsppireImportAssistant *ia = PSPPIRE_IMPORT_ASSISTANT (data);
+ struct caseproto *proto = caseproto_create();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dict_get_var_cnt (ia->dict); i++)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = dict_get_var (ia->dict, i);
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ proto = caseproto_add_width (proto, width);
+ }
+ gint n_rows = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (ia->delimiters_model), NULL);
+ PsppireDataStore *store = NULL;
+ g_object_get (ia->data_sheet, "data-model", &store, NULL);
+ struct casereader *cr = casereader_create_random (proto, n_rows,
+ &my_casereader_class, ia);
+ psppire_data_store_set_reader (store, cr);
+ dict_unref (ia->casereader_dict);
+ ia->casereader_dict = dict_clone (ia->dict);
/* Called just before the formats page of the assistant is
displayed. */
PsppireDict *dict = psppire_dict_new_from_dict (ia->dict);
PsppireDataStore *store = psppire_data_store_new (dict);
psppire_data_store_set_reader (store, reader);
+ g_signal_connect (dict, "variable-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (ia_variable_changed_cb),
+ ia);
g_object_set (ia->data_sheet, "data-model", store, NULL);
g_object_set (ia->var_sheet, "data-model", dict, NULL);