The @subcmd{MISSING} subcommand determines the handling of missing
-If @subcmd{INCLUDE} is set, then user-missing values are included in the
-calculations, but system-missing values are not.
-If @subcmd{EXCLUDE} is set, which is the default, user-missing
-values are excluded as well as system-missing values.
-This is the default.
+If @subcmd{INCLUDE} is set then, for the purposes of GLM analysis,
+only system-missing values are considered
+to be missing; user-missing values are not regarded as missing.
+If @subcmd{EXCLUDE} is set, which is the default, then user-missing
+values are considered to be missing as well as system-missing values.
+A case for which any dependent variable or any factor
+variable has a missing value is excluded from the analysis.
+AT_SETUP([GLM missing values])
+AT_DATA([], [dnl
+1 1 6 3.5
+1 2 2 8.9
+1 3 3 9.6
+1 4 4 10.5
+1 5 5 3.1
+1 6 1 5.9
+2 1 2 4.2
+2 2 6 1.9
+2 3 5 3.7
+2 4 3 10.2
+2 5 1 7.2
+2 6 4 7.6
+3 1 1 6.7
+3 2 4 5.8
+3 3 6 -2.7
+3 4 2 4.6
+3 5 3 4.0
+3 6 5 -0.7
+4 1 4 6.6
+4 2 1 4.5
+4 3 2 3.7
+4 4 5 3.7
+4 5 6 -3.3
+4 6 3 3.0
+5 1 3 4.1
+5 2 5 2.4
+5 3 4 6.0
+5 4 1 5.1
+5 5 2 3.5
+5 6 6 4.0
+6 1 5 3.8
+6 2 3 5.8
+6 3 1 7.0
+6 4 6 3.8
+6 5 4 5.0
+6 6 2 8.6
+AT_DATA([glm-miss.sps], [dnl
+set format = F20.3.
+data list file='' notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2).
+do if a=6.
+recode y (else=SYSMIS).
+end if.
+glm y by b a c
+ /criteria=alpha(.05)
+ /design = a b c
+ .
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv glm-miss.sps], [0], [dnl
+Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
+Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
+Corrected Model,251.621,14,17.973,4.969,.002
+Corrected Total,305.874,29,,,
+AT_DATA([glm-miss2.sps], [dnl
+set format = F20.3.
+data list file='' notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2).
+select if a <> 6.
+glm y by b a c
+ /criteria=alpha(.05)
+ /design = a b c
+ .
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv glm-miss2.sps], [0], [dnl
+Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
+Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
+Corrected Model,251.621,14,17.973,4.969,.002
+Corrected Total,305.874,29,,,
+dnl Now for some missing values in the factor variables.
+AT_DATA([glm-miss3.sps], [dnl
+set format = F20.3.
+data list notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2).
+do if a=6.
+recode a (else=SYSMIS).
+end if.
+glm y by b a c
+ /criteria=alpha(.05)
+ /design = a b c
+ .
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv glm-miss3.sps], [0], [dnl
+Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
+Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
+Corrected Model,251.621,14,17.973,4.969,.002
+Corrected Total,305.874,29,,,