"1.0-1.1": (OFP10_VERSION, OFP11_VERSION),
- "1.0-1.2": (OFP10_VERSION, OFP12_VERSION)}
+ "1.0-1.2": (OFP10_VERSION, OFP12_VERSION),
+ "<all>": (0x01, 0xff)}
def get_line():
global line
comment += ' %s' % line.lstrip('* \t').rstrip(' \t\r\n')
comment = comment[:-2].rstrip()
- m = re.match(r'([A-Z]+) ([-.+\d]+) \((\d+)\): ([^.]+)\.$', comment)
+ m = re.match(r'([A-Z]+) ([-.+\d]+|<all>) \((\d+)\): ([^.]+)\.$', comment)
if not m:
fatal("unexpected syntax between messages")
type_, versions, number, contents = m.groups()
* to <member>" indicates this, e.g. "struct ofp11_packet_in up to data".
enum ofpraw {
-/* Standard messages. */
+/* Immutable standard messages.
+ *
+ * The OpenFlow standard promises to preserve these messages and their numbers
+ * in future versions, so we mark them as <all>, which covers every OpenFlow
+ * version numbered 0x01...0xff, rather than as OF1.0+, which covers only
+ * OpenFlow versions that we otherwise implement.
+ *
+ * Without <all> here, then we would fail to decode "hello" messages that
+ * announce a version higher than we understand, even though there still could
+ * be a version in common with the peer that we do understand. The <all>
+ * keyword is less useful for the other messages, because our OpenFlow channels
+ * accept only OpenFlow messages with a previously negotiated version.
+ */
- /* OFPT 1.0+ (0): uint8_t[]. */
+ /* OFPT <all> (0): uint8_t[]. */
- /* OFPT 1.0+ (1): struct ofp_error_msg, uint8_t[]. */
+ /* OFPT <all> (1): struct ofp_error_msg, uint8_t[]. */
- /* OFPT 1.0+ (2): uint8_t[]. */
+ /* OFPT <all> (2): uint8_t[]. */
- /* OFPT 1.0+ (3): uint8_t[]. */
+ /* OFPT <all> (3): uint8_t[]. */
+/* Other standard messages.
+ *
+ * The meanings of these messages can (and often do) change from one version
+ * of OpenFlow to another. */
/* OFPT 1.0+ (5): void. */