s = xmalloc (width);
buf_copy_rpad (s, width, e->string.string, e->string.length, ' ');
- struct ctables_cell_value cv = {
- .category = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (ctx->section->table->ctables->dict, ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e),
- .value = { .s = CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, s ? s : e->string.string) },
- };
- assert (cv.category != NULL);
+ const struct ctables_category *category
+ = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (
+ ctx->section->table->ctables->dict,
+ ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e);
+ assert (category != NULL);
+ struct ctables_cell_value cv = { .category = category };
+ if (category->type == CCT_NUMBER)
+ cv.value.f = category->number;
+ else if (category->type == CCT_STRING)
+ cv.value.s = CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, s ? s : e->string.string);
+ else
double retval = ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
free (s);
return retval;
dnl - Summary functions:
dnl * Separate summary functions for totals and subtotals.
dnl * )CILEVEL in summary label specification
-dnl * Date values
-dnl * THRU (numeric ranges)
-dnl * OTHERNM
-dnl - Date/time variables and values
-dnl - Test PCOMPUTE:
-dnl * dates
dnl - Summary functions:
dnl * U-prefix for unweighted summaries.
dnl * areaPCT.SUM and UareaPCT.SUM functions.
+AT_SETUP([CTABLES string and date and time])
+for gender in F M; do
+ for month in Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; do
+ for wkday in Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun; do
+ printf "$weight $gender $month $wkday\n"
+ weight=$(expr \( $weight + 3 \) % 7 + 2)
+ done
+ done
+done > ctables.txt
+ /w (F5.0) gender (A1) fmon (MONTH3) fday (WKDAY3).
+WEIGHT by w.
+VARIABLE LEVEL gender fmon fday (NOMINAL).
+ gender 'Gender'
+ fmon 'Favorite month'
+ fday 'Favorite day of the week'.
+VALUE LABELS /gender 'M' 'Male' 'F' 'Female'.
+ /PCOMPUTE &q2 = EXPR(['APR' THRU 'June'])
+ /PCOMPUTE &weekend = EXPR(['sun'] + ['Sat'])
+ /PPROPERTIES &weekend LABEL='Weekend'
+ /TABLE fmon BY gender > fday
+ 4 THRU 6, &q2,
+ 'JUL' THRU 'sep', SUBTOTAL="Q3",
+ /CATEGORIES VARIABLE=fday ['Sun', 2 THRU 6, 'Sat', &weekend] TOTAL=YES
+AT_CHECK([pspp ctables.sps -O box=unicode -O width=120], [0], [dnl
+ Custom Tables
+│ │ Gender │
+│ ├─────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────┤
+│ │ Male │ Female │
+│ ├─────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────┤
+│ │ Favorite day of the week │ Favorite day of the week │
+│ ├───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───────┬─────┼───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───────┬─────┤
+│Favorite month JAN│ 10│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 17│ 40│ 9│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 12│ 36│
+│ FEB│ 6│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 11│ 38│ 12│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 20│ 41│
+│ MAR│ 16│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 19│ 43│ 8│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 14│ 39│
+│ Q1 │ 32│ 17│ 18│ 12│ 13│ 14│ 15│ │ │ 29│ 12│ 13│ 14│ 15│ 16│ 17│ │ │
+│ APR│ 12│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 20│ 41│ 4│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 8│ 37│
+│ MAY│ 8│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 14│ 39│ 14│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 16│ 42│
+│ JUN│ 4│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 8│ 37│ 10│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 17│ 40│
+│ Q2 │ 24│ 13│ 14│ 15│ 16│ 17│ 18│ .│ │ 28│ 15│ 16│ 17│ 18│ 12│ 13│ .│ │
+│ JUL│ 14│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 16│ 42│ 6│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 11│ 38│
+│ AUG│ 10│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 17│ 40│ 16│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 19│ 43│
+│ SEP│ 6│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 11│ 38│ 12│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 20│ 41│
+│ Q3 │ 54│ 29│ 31│ 33│ 28│ 30│ 32│ │ │ 62│ 33│ 28│ 30│ 32│ 27│ 29│ │ │
+│ OCT│ 16│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 19│ 43│ 8│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 14│ 39│
+│ NOV│ 12│ 4│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 20│ 41│ 4│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 8│ 37│
+│ DEC│ 8│ 2│ 7│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 14│ 39│ 14│ 5│ 3│ 8│ 6│ 4│ 2│ 16│ 42│
+│ Q4 │ 36│ 12│ 13│ 14│ 15│ 16│ 17│ │ │ 26│ 14│ 15│ 16│ 17│ 18│ 12│ │ │
AT_CHECK([ln $top_srcdir/examples/nhtsa.sav . || cp $top_srcdir/examples/nhtsa.sav .])