.SS "NetFlow v5 Flow Logging"
NetFlow provides a number of details about terminating flows, such as the
principals involved and duration. A bridge may be configured to send
-NetFlow v5 records to up to eight collectors when flows end. To enable,
-define the key \fBnetflow.\fIbridge\fB.host\fR for each NetFlow collector
-in the form \fIhost\fB:\fIport\fR. Records from \fIbridge\fR will be sent
-to each \fIhost\fR on UDP \fIport\fR.
+NetFlow v5 records to NetFlow collectors when flows end. To enable,
+define the key \fBnetflow.\fIbridge\fB.host\fR for each collector in the
+form \fIhost\fB:\fIport\fR. Records from \fIbridge\fR will be sent to
+each \fIhost\fR on UDP \fIport\fR.
The following syntax sends NetFlow records for \fBmybr\fR to the NetFlow
collector \fBnflow.example.com\fR on UDP port \fB9995\fR: