my $debconf_owner = 'openflow-switch';
my $default = '/etc/default/openflow-switch';
+my $template = '/usr/share/openflow/switch/default.template';
my $etc = '/etc/openflow-switch';
my $rundir = '/var/run';
my $privkey_file = "$etc/of0-privkey.pem";
local $_ = $oldconfig{$key};
&{$map{$key}}() if defined && !/^\s*$/;
+} elsif (-e $template) {
+ %oldconfig = load_config($template);
my $cacert_preverified = -e $cacert_file;
+++ /dev/null
-# This is a POSIX shell fragment -*- sh -*-
-# To configure the secure channel, fill in the following properly and
-# uncomment them. Afterward, the secure channel will come up
-# automatically at boot time. It can be started immediately with
-# /etc/init.d/openflow-switch start
-# Alternatively, use the ofp-switch-setup program (from the
-# openflow-switch-config package) to do everything automatically.
-# NETDEVS: Which network devices should the OpenFlow switch include?
-# List the network devices that should become part of the OpenFlow
-# switch, separated by spaces. At least two devices must be selected
-# for this machine to be a useful switch. Unselecting all network
-# devices will disable the OpenFlow switch entirely.
-# The network devices that you select should not be configured with IP
-# or IPv6 addresses, even if the switch contacts the controller over
-# one of the selected network devices. This is because a running
-# OpenFlow switch takes over network devices at a low level: they
-# become part of the switch and cannot be used for other purposes.
-# MODE: The OpenFlow switch has three modes that determine how it
-# reaches the controller:
-# * in-band with discovery: A single network is used for OpenFlow
-# traffic and other data traffic; that is, the switch contacts the
-# controller over one of the network devices selected as OpenFlow
-# switch ports. The switch automatically determines the location of
-# the controller using a DHCP request with an OpenFlow-specific
-# vendor option. This is the most common case.
-# * in-band: As above, but the location of the controller is manually
-# configured.
-# * out-of-band: OpenFlow traffic uses a network separate from the
-# data traffic that it controls. If this is the case, the control
-# network must already be configured on a network device other than
-# one of those selected as an OpenFlow switch port in the previous
-# question.
-# Set MODE to 'discovery', 'in-band', or 'out-of-band' for these
-# respective cases.
-# SWITCH_IP: In 'in-band' mode, the switch's IP address may be
-# configured statically or dynamically:
-# * For static configuration, specify the switch's IP address as a
-# string. In this case you may also set SWITCH_NETMASK and
-# SWITCH_GATEWAY appropriately.
-# * For dynamic configuration with DHCP (the most common case),
-# specify "dhcp". Configuration with DHCP will only work reliably
-# if the network topology allows the switch to contact the DHCP
-# server before it connects to the OpenFlow controller.
-# This setting has no effect unless MODE is set to 'in-band'.
-# CONTROLLER: Location of controller.
-# One of the following formats:
-# tcp:HOST[:PORT] via TCP to PORT (default: 6633) on HOST
-# ssl:HOST[:PORT] via SSL to PORT (default: 6633) on HOST
-# The default below assumes that the controller is running locally.
-# This setting has no effect when MODE is set to 'discovery'.
-# PRIVKEY: Name of file containing switch's private key.
-# Required if SSL enabled.
-# CERT: Name of file containing certificate for private key.
-# Required if SSL enabled.
-# CACERT: Name of file containing controller CA certificate.
-# Required if SSL enabled.
-# CACERT_MODE: Two modes are available:
-# * secure: The controller CA certificate named in CACERT above must exist.
-# (You must copy it manually from the PKI server or another trusted source.)
-# * bootstrap: If the controller CA certificate named in CACERT above does
-# not exist, the switch will obtain it from the controller the first time
-# it connects and save a copy to the file named in CACERT. This is insecure,
-# in the same way that initial connections with ssh are insecure, but
-# it is convenient.
-# Set CACERT_MODE to 'secure' or 'bootstrap' for these respective cases.
-# MGMT_VCONNS: List of vconns (space-separated) on which secchan
-# should listen for management connections from dpctl, etc.
-# openflow-switchui by default connects to
-# unix:/var/run/secchan.mgmt, so do not disable this if you want to
-# use openflow-switchui.
-# MONITOR_VCONN: Name of vconn on which secchan should listen for
-# monitoring connections from dpctl.
-# COMMANDS: Access control list for the commands that can be executed
-# remotely over the OpenFlow protocol, as a comma-separated list of
-# shell glob patterns. Negative patterns (beginning with !) act as a
-# blacklist. To be executable, a command name must match one positive
-# pattern and not match any negative patterns.
-# DAEMON_OPTS: Additional options to pass to secchan, e.g. "--fail=open"
-# CORE_LIMIT: Maximum size for core dumps.
-# Leaving this unset will use the system default. Setting it to 0
-# will disable core dumps. Setting it to "unlimited" will dump all
-# core files regardless of size.
-# DATAPATH_ID: Identifier for this switch.
-# By default, the switch generates a new, random datapath ID every time
-# it starts up. By setting this value, the datapath ID will be consistent
-# from one run to the next.
-# Set DATAPATH_ID to a MAC address in the form XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX where each
-# X is a hexadecimal digit (0-9 or a-f).
--- /dev/null
+# postinst script for openflow-switch
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <postinst> `configure' <most-recently-configured-version>
+# * <old-postinst> `abort-upgrade' <new version>
+# * <conflictor's-postinst> `abort-remove' `in-favour' <package>
+# <new-version>
+# * <postinst> `abort-remove'
+# * <deconfigured's-postinst> `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
+# <failed-install-package> <version> `removing'
+# <conflicting-package> <version>
+# for details, see or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+ configure)
+ DEFAULT=/etc/default/openflow-switch
+ TEMPLATE=/usr/share/openflow/switch/default.template
+ if ! test -e $DEFAULT; then
+ elif ! grep DATAPATH_ID $DEFAULT; then
+ echo >> $DEFAULT
+ fi
+ ;;
+ abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# postrm script for openflow-switch
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <postrm> `remove'
+# * <postrm> `purge'
+# * <old-postrm> `upgrade' <new-version>
+# * <new-postrm> `failed-upgrade' <old-version>
+# * <new-postrm> `abort-install'
+# * <new-postrm> `abort-install' <old-version>
+# * <new-postrm> `abort-upgrade' <old-version>
+# * <disappearer's-postrm> `disappear' <overwriter>
+# <overwriter-version>
+# for details, see or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+ purge)
+ rm -f /etc/default/openflow-switch
+ ;;
+ remove|upgrade|failed-upgrade|abort-install|abort-upgrade|disappear)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "postrm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# This is a POSIX shell fragment -*- sh -*-
+# To configure the secure channel, fill in the following properly and
+# uncomment them. Afterward, the secure channel will come up
+# automatically at boot time. It can be started immediately with
+# /etc/init.d/openflow-switch start
+# Alternatively, use the ofp-switch-setup program (from the
+# openflow-switch-config package) to do everything automatically.
+# NETDEVS: Which network devices should the OpenFlow switch include?
+# List the network devices that should become part of the OpenFlow
+# switch, separated by spaces. At least two devices must be selected
+# for this machine to be a useful switch. Unselecting all network
+# devices will disable the OpenFlow switch entirely.
+# The network devices that you select should not be configured with IP
+# or IPv6 addresses, even if the switch contacts the controller over
+# one of the selected network devices. This is because a running
+# OpenFlow switch takes over network devices at a low level: they
+# become part of the switch and cannot be used for other purposes.
+# MODE: The OpenFlow switch has three modes that determine how it
+# reaches the controller:
+# * in-band with discovery: A single network is used for OpenFlow
+# traffic and other data traffic; that is, the switch contacts the
+# controller over one of the network devices selected as OpenFlow
+# switch ports. The switch automatically determines the location of
+# the controller using a DHCP request with an OpenFlow-specific
+# vendor option. This is the most common case.
+# * in-band: As above, but the location of the controller is manually
+# configured.
+# * out-of-band: OpenFlow traffic uses a network separate from the
+# data traffic that it controls. If this is the case, the control
+# network must already be configured on a network device other than
+# one of those selected as an OpenFlow switch port in the previous
+# question.
+# Set MODE to 'discovery', 'in-band', or 'out-of-band' for these
+# respective cases.
+# SWITCH_IP: In 'in-band' mode, the switch's IP address may be
+# configured statically or dynamically:
+# * For static configuration, specify the switch's IP address as a
+# string. In this case you may also set SWITCH_NETMASK and
+# SWITCH_GATEWAY appropriately.
+# * For dynamic configuration with DHCP (the most common case),
+# specify "dhcp". Configuration with DHCP will only work reliably
+# if the network topology allows the switch to contact the DHCP
+# server before it connects to the OpenFlow controller.
+# This setting has no effect unless MODE is set to 'in-band'.
+# CONTROLLER: Location of controller.
+# One of the following formats:
+# tcp:HOST[:PORT] via TCP to PORT (default: 6633) on HOST
+# ssl:HOST[:PORT] via SSL to PORT (default: 6633) on HOST
+# The default below assumes that the controller is running locally.
+# This setting has no effect when MODE is set to 'discovery'.
+# PRIVKEY: Name of file containing switch's private key.
+# Required if SSL enabled.
+# CERT: Name of file containing certificate for private key.
+# Required if SSL enabled.
+# CACERT: Name of file containing controller CA certificate.
+# Required if SSL enabled.
+# CACERT_MODE: Two modes are available:
+# * secure: The controller CA certificate named in CACERT above must exist.
+# (You must copy it manually from the PKI server or another trusted source.)
+# * bootstrap: If the controller CA certificate named in CACERT above does
+# not exist, the switch will obtain it from the controller the first time
+# it connects and save a copy to the file named in CACERT. This is insecure,
+# in the same way that initial connections with ssh are insecure, but
+# it is convenient.
+# Set CACERT_MODE to 'secure' or 'bootstrap' for these respective cases.
+# MGMT_VCONNS: List of vconns (space-separated) on which secchan
+# should listen for management connections from dpctl, etc.
+# openflow-switchui by default connects to
+# unix:/var/run/secchan.mgmt, so do not disable this if you want to
+# use openflow-switchui.
+# MONITOR_VCONN: Name of vconn on which secchan should listen for
+# monitoring connections from dpctl.
+# COMMANDS: Access control list for the commands that can be executed
+# remotely over the OpenFlow protocol, as a comma-separated list of
+# shell glob patterns. Negative patterns (beginning with !) act as a
+# blacklist. To be executable, a command name must match one positive
+# pattern and not match any negative patterns.
+# DAEMON_OPTS: Additional options to pass to secchan, e.g. "--fail=open"
+# CORE_LIMIT: Maximum size for core dumps.
+# Leaving this unset will use the system default. Setting it to 0
+# will disable core dumps. Setting it to "unlimited" will dump all
+# core files regardless of size.
+# DATAPATH_ID: Identifier for this switch.
+# By default, the switch generates a new, random datapath ID every time
+# it starts up. By setting this value, the datapath ID will be consistent
+# from one run to the next.
+# Set DATAPATH_ID to a MAC address in the form XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX where each
+# X is a hexadecimal digit (0-9 or a-f).
dh_installdirs -s
$(MAKE) -C _debian DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/openflow install
cp debian/openflow-switch-config.overrides debian/openflow-switch-config/usr/share/lintian/overrides/openflow-switch-config
+ cp debian/openflow-switch.template debian/openflow-switch/usr/share/openflow/switch/default.template
dh_install -s