* change in future versions of Open vSwitch.
* OVS will always send the notifications for a given flow table change before
- * the reply to a OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST request that precedes the flow table
- * change. Thus, if the controller does not receive an abbreviated
- * notification for a flow_mod before the next OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY, it will
- * never receive one. */
+ * the reply to a OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST request that follows the flow table
+ * change. Thus, if the controller does not receive an abbreviated (or
+ * unabbreviated) notification for a flow_mod before the next
+ * OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY, it will never receive one. */
struct nx_flow_update_abbrev {
ovs_be16 length; /* Length is 8. */
ovs_be16 event; /* NXFME_ABBREV. */