-static void
-separators_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
- int i;
- ds_put_cstr (s, " /DELIMITERS=\"");
- if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (get_widget_assert (ia->text_builder, "tab"))))
- ds_put_cstr (s, "\\t");
- for (i = 0; i < SEPARATOR_CNT; i++)
- {
- const struct separator *seps = &separators[i];
- GtkWidget *button = get_widget_assert (ia->text_builder, seps->name);
- if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)))
- {
- if (seps->c == '\t')
- continue;
- ds_put_byte (s, seps->c);
- }
- }
- ds_put_cstr (s, "\"\n");
- if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ia->quote_cb)))
- {
- GtkComboBoxText *cbt = GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (ia->quote_combo);
- gchar *quotes = gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text (cbt);
- if (quotes && *quotes)
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, " /QUALIFIER=%sq\n", quotes);
- free (quotes);
- }
-static void
-formats_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
- int i;
- int var_cnt;
- g_return_if_fail (ia->dict);
- ds_put_cstr (s, " /VARIABLES=\n");
- var_cnt = dict_get_var_cnt (ia->dict);
- for (i = 0; i < var_cnt; i++)
- {
- struct variable *var = dict_get_var (ia->dict, i);
- char format_string[FMT_STRING_LEN_MAX + 1];
- fmt_to_string (var_get_print_format (var), format_string);
- ds_put_format (s, " %s %s%s\n",
- var_get_name (var), format_string,
- i == var_cnt - 1 ? "." : "");
- }
-static void
-first_line_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
- gint first_case = 0;
- g_object_get (ia->delimiters_model, "first-line", &first_case, NULL);
- if (first_case > 0)
- ds_put_format (s, " /FIRSTCASE=%d\n", first_case + 1);
-static void
-intro_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
- gint first_line = 0;
- g_object_get (ia->delimiters_model, "first-line", &first_line, NULL);
- if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ia->n_cases_button)))
- ds_put_format (s, "SELECT IF ($CASENUM <= %d).\n",
- gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (ia->n_cases_spin)) - first_line);
- else if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ia->percent_button)))
- ds_put_format (s, "SAMPLE %.4g.\n",
- gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (ia->percent_spin)) / 100.0);
-/* Emits PSPP syntax to S that applies the dictionary attributes
- (such as missing values and value labels) of the variables in
- DICT. */
-static void
-apply_dict (const struct dictionary *dict, struct string *s)
- size_t var_cnt = dict_get_var_cnt (dict);
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < var_cnt; i++)
- {
- struct variable *var = dict_get_var (dict, i);
- const char *name = var_get_name (var);
- enum val_type type = var_get_type (var);
- int width = var_get_width (var);
- enum measure measure = var_get_measure (var);
- enum var_role role = var_get_role (var);
- enum alignment alignment = var_get_alignment (var);
- const struct fmt_spec *format = var_get_print_format (var);
- if (var_has_missing_values (var))
- {
- const struct missing_values *mv = var_get_missing_values (var);
- size_t j;
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "MISSING VALUES %ss (", name);
- for (j = 0; j < mv_n_values (mv); j++)
- {
- if (j)
- ds_put_cstr (s, ", ");
- syntax_gen_value (s, mv_get_value (mv, j), width, format);
- }
- if (mv_has_range (mv))
- {
- double low, high;
- if (mv_has_value (mv))
- ds_put_cstr (s, ", ");
- mv_get_range (mv, &low, &high);
- syntax_gen_num_range (s, low, high, format);
- }
- ds_put_cstr (s, ").\n");
- }
- if (var_has_value_labels (var))
- {
- const struct val_labs *vls = var_get_value_labels (var);
- const struct val_lab **labels = val_labs_sorted (vls);
- size_t n_labels = val_labs_count (vls);
- size_t i;
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VALUE LABELS %ss", name);
- for (i = 0; i < n_labels; i++)
- {
- const struct val_lab *vl = labels[i];
- ds_put_cstr (s, "\n ");
- syntax_gen_value (s, &vl->value, width, format);
- ds_put_byte (s, ' ');
- syntax_gen_string (s, ss_cstr (val_lab_get_escaped_label (vl)));
- }
- free (labels);
- ds_put_cstr (s, ".\n");
- }
- if (var_has_label (var))
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE LABELS %ss %sq.\n",
- name, var_get_label (var));
- if (measure != var_default_measure (type))
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE LEVEL %ss (%ss).\n",
- name, measure_to_syntax (measure));
- if (role != ROLE_INPUT)
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE ROLE /%ss %ss.\n",
- var_role_to_syntax (role), name);
- if (alignment != var_default_alignment (type))
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE ALIGNMENT %ss (%ss).\n",
- name, alignment_to_syntax (alignment));
- if (var_get_display_width (var) != var_default_display_width (width))
- syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE WIDTH %ss (%d).\n",
- name, var_get_display_width (var));
- }
static void
sheet_spec_gen_syntax (PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
if (!ia->spreadsheet)
- gchar *file_name = NULL;
- gchar *encoding = NULL;
- g_object_get (ia->text_file,
- "file-name", &file_name,
- "encoding", &encoding,
- NULL);
- if (file_name == NULL)
- return NULL;
- syntax_gen_pspp (&s,
- "\n /TYPE=TXT"
- "\n /FILE=%sq\n",
- file_name);
- if (encoding && strcmp (encoding, "Auto"))
- syntax_gen_pspp (&s, " /ENCODING=%sq\n", encoding);
- ds_put_cstr (&s,
- " /DELCASE=LINE\n");
- first_line_append_syntax (ia, &s);
- separators_append_syntax (ia, &s);
- formats_append_syntax (ia, &s);
- apply_dict (ia->dict, &s);
- intro_append_syntax (ia, &s);
+ text_spec_gen_syntax (ia, &s);
#include "data/casereader-provider.h"
#include "data/data-in.h"
#include "data/format-guesser.h"
+#include "data/value-labels.h"
#include "builder-wrapper.h"
g_object_set (ia->data_sheet, "data-model", store, NULL);
g_object_set (ia->var_sheet, "data-model", dict, NULL);
+static void
+first_line_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
+ gint first_case = 0;
+ g_object_get (ia->delimiters_model, "first-line", &first_case, NULL);
+ if (first_case > 0)
+ ds_put_format (s, " /FIRSTCASE=%d\n", first_case + 1);
+/* Emits PSPP syntax to S that applies the dictionary attributes
+ (such as missing values and value labels) of the variables in
+ DICT. */
+static void
+apply_dict (const struct dictionary *dict, struct string *s)
+ size_t var_cnt = dict_get_var_cnt (dict);
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < var_cnt; i++)
+ {
+ struct variable *var = dict_get_var (dict, i);
+ const char *name = var_get_name (var);
+ enum val_type type = var_get_type (var);
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ enum measure measure = var_get_measure (var);
+ enum var_role role = var_get_role (var);
+ enum alignment alignment = var_get_alignment (var);
+ const struct fmt_spec *format = var_get_print_format (var);
+ if (var_has_missing_values (var))
+ {
+ const struct missing_values *mv = var_get_missing_values (var);
+ size_t j;
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "MISSING VALUES %ss (", name);
+ for (j = 0; j < mv_n_values (mv); j++)
+ {
+ if (j)
+ ds_put_cstr (s, ", ");
+ syntax_gen_value (s, mv_get_value (mv, j), width, format);
+ }
+ if (mv_has_range (mv))
+ {
+ double low, high;
+ if (mv_has_value (mv))
+ ds_put_cstr (s, ", ");
+ mv_get_range (mv, &low, &high);
+ syntax_gen_num_range (s, low, high, format);
+ }
+ ds_put_cstr (s, ").\n");
+ }
+ if (var_has_value_labels (var))
+ {
+ const struct val_labs *vls = var_get_value_labels (var);
+ const struct val_lab **labels = val_labs_sorted (vls);
+ size_t n_labels = val_labs_count (vls);
+ size_t i;
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VALUE LABELS %ss", name);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_labels; i++)
+ {
+ const struct val_lab *vl = labels[i];
+ ds_put_cstr (s, "\n ");
+ syntax_gen_value (s, &vl->value, width, format);
+ ds_put_byte (s, ' ');
+ syntax_gen_string (s, ss_cstr (val_lab_get_escaped_label (vl)));
+ }
+ free (labels);
+ ds_put_cstr (s, ".\n");
+ }
+ if (var_has_label (var))
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE LABELS %ss %sq.\n",
+ name, var_get_label (var));
+ if (measure != var_default_measure (type))
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE LEVEL %ss (%ss).\n",
+ name, measure_to_syntax (measure));
+ if (role != ROLE_INPUT)
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE ROLE /%ss %ss.\n",
+ var_role_to_syntax (role), name);
+ if (alignment != var_default_alignment (type))
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE ALIGNMENT %ss (%ss).\n",
+ name, alignment_to_syntax (alignment));
+ if (var_get_display_width (var) != var_default_display_width (width))
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, "VARIABLE WIDTH %ss (%d).\n",
+ name, var_get_display_width (var));
+ }
+static void
+intro_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
+ gint first_line = 0;
+ g_object_get (ia->delimiters_model, "first-line", &first_line, NULL);
+ if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ia->n_cases_button)))
+ ds_put_format (s, "SELECT IF ($CASENUM <= %d).\n",
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (ia->n_cases_spin)) - first_line);
+ else if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ia->percent_button)))
+ ds_put_format (s, "SAMPLE %.4g.\n",
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (ia->percent_spin)) / 100.0);
+static void
+formats_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
+ int i;
+ int var_cnt;
+ g_return_if_fail (ia->dict);
+ ds_put_cstr (s, " /VARIABLES=\n");
+ var_cnt = dict_get_var_cnt (ia->dict);
+ for (i = 0; i < var_cnt; i++)
+ {
+ struct variable *var = dict_get_var (ia->dict, i);
+ char format_string[FMT_STRING_LEN_MAX + 1];
+ fmt_to_string (var_get_print_format (var), format_string);
+ ds_put_format (s, " %s %s%s\n",
+ var_get_name (var), format_string,
+ i == var_cnt - 1 ? "." : "");
+ }
+static void
+separators_append_syntax (const PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
+ int i;
+ ds_put_cstr (s, " /DELIMITERS=\"");
+ if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (get_widget_assert (ia->text_builder, "tab"))))
+ ds_put_cstr (s, "\\t");
+ for (i = 0; i < SEPARATOR_CNT; i++)
+ {
+ const struct separator *seps = &separators[i];
+ GtkWidget *button = get_widget_assert (ia->text_builder, seps->name);
+ if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)))
+ {
+ if (seps->c == '\t')
+ continue;
+ ds_put_byte (s, seps->c);
+ }
+ }
+ ds_put_cstr (s, "\"\n");
+ if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ia->quote_cb)))
+ {
+ GtkComboBoxText *cbt = GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (ia->quote_combo);
+ gchar *quotes = gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text (cbt);
+ if (quotes && *quotes)
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, " /QUALIFIER=%sq\n", quotes);
+ free (quotes);
+ }
+text_spec_gen_syntax (PsppireImportAssistant *ia, struct string *s)
+ gchar *file_name = NULL;
+ gchar *encoding = NULL;
+ g_object_get (ia->text_file,
+ "file-name", &file_name,
+ "encoding", &encoding,
+ NULL);
+ if (file_name == NULL)
+ return;
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s,
+ "\n /TYPE=TXT"
+ "\n /FILE=%sq\n",
+ file_name);
+ if (encoding && strcmp (encoding, "Auto"))
+ syntax_gen_pspp (s, " /ENCODING=%sq\n", encoding);
+ ds_put_cstr (s,
+ " /DELCASE=LINE\n");
+ first_line_append_syntax (ia, s);
+ separators_append_syntax (ia, s);
+ formats_append_syntax (ia, s);
+ apply_dict (ia->dict, s);
+ intro_append_syntax (ia, s);