/* Returns the size of PAGE along AXIS. (This might be larger than the page
size specified in the parameters passed to render_page_create(). Use a
render_break to break up a render_page into page-sized chunks.) */
+static int
render_page_get_size (const struct render_page *page, enum table_axis axis)
return page->cp[axis][page->n[axis] * 2 + 1];
+static int
render_page_get_best_breakpoint (const struct render_page *page, int height)
int y;
/* Renders PAGE, by calling the 'draw_line' and 'draw_cell' functions from the
render_params provided to render_page_create(). */
+static void
render_page_draw (const struct render_page *page, int ofs[TABLE_N_AXES])
int bb[TABLE_N_AXES][2];
/* Renders the cells of PAGE that intersect (X,Y)-(X+W,Y+H), by calling the
'draw_line' and 'draw_cell' functions from the render_params provided to
render_page_create(). */
+static void
render_page_draw_region (const struct render_page *page,
int ofs[TABLE_N_AXES], int clip[TABLE_N_AXES][2])