- VariableSets(TextRecord),
+ VariableSets(VariableSetRecord),
- LongStringValueLabels(LongStringValueLabelRecord),
- LongStringMissingValues(LongStringMissingValueRecord),
+ LongStringValueLabels(LongStringValueLabelRecord<RawString>),
+ LongStringMissingValues(LongStringMissingValueRecord<RawString, RawStr<8>>),
- ProductInfo(TextRecord),
- LongNames(TextRecord),
- VeryLongStrings(TextRecord),
- FileAttributes(TextRecord),
- VariableAttributes(TextRecord),
+ ProductInfo(ProductInfoRecord),
+ LongNames(LongNamesRecord),
+ VeryLongStrings(VeryLongStringsRecord),
+ FileAttributes(FileAttributeRecord),
+ VariableAttributes(VariableAttributeRecord),
+ Text(TextRecord),
impl Decoder {
+ fn warn(&self, error: Error) {
+ (self.warn)(error)
+ }
fn decode_slice<'a>(&self, input: &'a [u8]) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let (output, malformed) = self.encoding.decode_without_bom_handling(input);
if malformed {
- (self.warn)(Error::MalformedString {
+ self.warn(Error::MalformedString {
text: output.clone().into(),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongStringMissingValues {
+pub struct LongStringMissingValues<N, V>
+ N: Debug,
+ V: Debug,
/// Variable name.
- pub var_name: RawString,
+ pub var_name: N,
/// Missing values.
- pub missing_values: MissingValues<RawStr<8>>,
+ pub missing_values: MissingValues<V>,
+impl LongStringMissingValues<RawString, RawStr<8>> {
+ fn decode<'a>(&self, decoder: &Decoder) -> LongStringMissingValues<String, String> {
+ LongStringMissingValues {
+ var_name: decoder.decode(&self.var_name).to_string(),
+ missing_values: self.missing_values.decode(decoder),
+ }
+ }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongStringMissingValueRecord(pub Vec<LongStringMissingValues>);
+pub struct LongStringMissingValueRecord<N, V>(pub Vec<LongStringMissingValues<N, V>>)
+ N: Debug,
+ V: Debug;
-impl ExtensionRecord for LongStringMissingValueRecord {
+impl ExtensionRecord for LongStringMissingValueRecord<RawString, RawStr<8>> {
const SUBTYPE: u32 = 22;
const SIZE: Option<u32> = Some(1);
const COUNT: Option<u32> = None;
+impl LongStringMissingValueRecord<RawString, RawStr<8>> {
+ fn decode<'a>(&self, decoder: &Decoder) -> LongStringMissingValueRecord<String, String> {
+ LongStringMissingValueRecord(self.0.iter().map(|mv| mv.decode(decoder)).collect())
+ }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EncodingRecord(pub String);
pub struct TextRecord {
pub offsets: Range<u64>,
+ /// Type of record.
+ pub rec_type: TextRecordType,
/// The text content of the record.
pub text: RawString,
-impl From<Extension> for TextRecord {
- fn from(source: Extension) -> Self {
- TextRecord {
- offsets: source.offsets,
- text:,
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub enum TextRecordType {
+ VariableSets,
+ ProductInfo,
+ LongNames,
+ VeryLongStrings,
+ FileAttributes,
+ VariableAttributes,
+impl TextRecord {
+ fn new(extension: Extension, rec_type: TextRecordType) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ offsets: extension.offsets,
+ rec_type,
+ text:,
+ }
+ }
+ fn decode<'a>(&self, decoder: &Decoder) -> Result<Option<Record>, Error> {
+ match self.rec_type {
+ TextRecordType::VariableSets => Ok(Some(Record::VariableSets(
+ VariableSetRecord::decode(self, decoder),
+ ))),
+ TextRecordType::ProductInfo => Ok(Some(Record::ProductInfo(
+ ProductInfoRecord::decode(self, decoder),
+ ))),
+ TextRecordType::LongNames => Ok(Some(Record::LongNames(LongNamesRecord::decode(
+ self, decoder,
+ )))),
+ TextRecordType::VeryLongStrings => Ok(Some(Record::VeryLongStrings(
+ VeryLongStringsRecord::decode(self, decoder),
+ ))),
+ TextRecordType::FileAttributes => {
+ Ok(FileAttributeRecord::decode(self, decoder).map(|fa| Record::FileAttributes(fa)))
+ }
+ TextRecordType::VariableAttributes => {
+ Ok(Some(Record::VariableAttributes(
+VariableAttributeRecord::decode(self, decoder))))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct VeryLongString {
+ pub short_name: String,
+ pub length: u16,
+impl VeryLongString {
+ fn parse(decoder: &Decoder, input: &str) -> Result<VeryLongString, Error> {
+ let Some((short_name, length)) = input.split_once('=') else {
+ return Err(Error::TBD);
+ };
+ let length = length.parse().map_err(|_| Error::TBD)?;
+ Ok(VeryLongString {
+ short_name: short_name.into(),
+ length,
+ })
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Attribute {
+ pub name: String,
+ pub values: Vec<String>,
+impl Attribute {
+ fn parse<'a>(decoder: &Decoder, input: &'a str) -> Result<(Attribute, &'a str), Error> {
+ let Some((name, mut input)) = input.split_once('(') else {
+ return Err(Error::TBD);
+ };
+ let mut values = Vec::new();
+ loop {
+ let Some((value, rest)) = input.split_once('\n') else {
+ return Err(Error::TBD);
+ };
+ if let Some(stripped) = value
+ .strip_prefix('\'')
+ .and_then(|value| value.strip_suffix('\''))
+ {
+ values.push(stripped.into());
+ } else {
+ decoder.warn(Error::TBD);
+ values.push(value.into());
+ }
+ if let Some(rest) = rest.strip_prefix(')') {
+ let attribute = Attribute {
+ name: name.into(),
+ values,
+ };
+ return Ok((attribute, rest));
+ };
+ input = rest;
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct AttributeSet(pub Vec<Attribute>);
+impl AttributeSet {
+ fn parse<'a>(
+ decoder: &Decoder,
+ mut input: &'a str,
+ sentinel: Option<char>,
+ ) -> Result<(AttributeSet, &'a str), Error> {
+ let mut attributes = Vec::new();
+ let rest = loop {
+ match input.chars().next() {
+ None => break input,
+ c if c == sentinel => break &input[1..],
+ _ => {
+ let (attribute, rest) = Attribute::parse(decoder, input)?;
+ attributes.push(attribute);
+ input = rest;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Ok((AttributeSet(attributes), rest))
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct FileAttributeRecord(AttributeSet);
+impl FileAttributeRecord {
+ fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> Option<Self> {
+ let input = decoder.decode(&source.text);
+ match AttributeSet::parse(decoder, &input, None).warn_on_error(&decoder.warn) {
+ Some((set, rest)) => {
+ if !rest.is_empty() {
+ decoder.warn(Error::TBD);
+ }
+ Some(FileAttributeRecord(set))
+ }
+ None => None,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct VarAttributeSet {
+ pub long_var_name: String,
+ pub attributes: AttributeSet,
+impl VarAttributeSet {
+ fn parse<'a>(decoder: &Decoder, input: &'a str) -> Result<(VarAttributeSet, &'a str), Error> {
+ let Some((long_var_name, rest)) = input.split_once(':') else {
+ return Err(Error::TBD);
+ };
+ let (attributes, rest) = AttributeSet::parse(decoder, rest, Some('/'))?;
+ let var_attribute = VarAttributeSet {
+ long_var_name: long_var_name.into(),
+ attributes,
+ };
+ Ok((var_attribute, rest))
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct VariableAttributeRecord(Vec<VarAttributeSet>);
+impl VariableAttributeRecord {
+ fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> Self {
+ let decoded = decoder.decode(&source.text);
+ let mut input = decoded.as_ref();
+ let mut var_attribute_sets = Vec::new();
+ while !input.is_empty() {
+ let Some((var_attribute, rest)) =
+ VarAttributeSet::parse(decoder, &input).warn_on_error(&decoder.warn)
+ else {
+ break;
+ };
+ var_attribute_sets.push(var_attribute);
+ input = rest.into();
+ }
+ VariableAttributeRecord(var_attribute_sets)
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct VeryLongStringsRecord(Vec<VeryLongString>);
+impl VeryLongStringsRecord {
+ fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> Self {
+ let input = decoder.decode(&source.text);
+ let mut very_long_strings = Vec::new();
+ for tuple in input
+ .split('\0')
+ .map(|s| s.trim_end_matches('\t'))
+ .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
+ {
+ if let Some(vls) = VeryLongString::parse(decoder, tuple).warn_on_error(&decoder.warn) {
+ very_long_strings.push(vls)
+ }
+ }
+ VeryLongStringsRecord(very_long_strings)
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct LongName {
+ pub short_name: String,
+ pub long_name: String,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct LongNamesRecord(Vec<LongName>);
+impl LongNamesRecord {
+ fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> Self {
+ let input = decoder.decode(&source.text);
+ let mut names = Vec::new();
+ for pair in input.split('\t').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) {
+ if let Some((short_name, long_name)) = pair.split_once('=') {
+ names.push(LongName {
+ short_name: short_name.into(),
+ long_name: long_name.into(),
+ });
+ } else {
+ decoder.warn(Error::TBD)
+ }
+ }
+ LongNamesRecord(names)
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct ProductInfoRecord(pub String);
+impl ProductInfoRecord {
+ const NAME: &'static str = "extra product info";
+ fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> Self {
+ Self(decoder.decode(&source.text).into())
+ }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct VariableSet {
pub name: String,
impl VariableSetRecord {
- fn decode<'a>(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> VariableSetRecord {
+ fn decode(source: &TextRecord, decoder: &Decoder) -> VariableSetRecord {
let mut sets = Vec::new();
let input = decoder.decode(&source.text);
for line in input.lines() {
EncodingRecord::SUBTYPE => EncodingRecord::parse(&extension, endian),
NumberOfCasesRecord::SUBTYPE => NumberOfCasesRecord::parse(&extension, endian),
- 5 => Ok(Record::VariableSets(extension.into())),
- 10 => Ok(Record::ProductInfo(extension.into())),
- 13 => Ok(Record::LongNames(extension.into())),
- 14 => Ok(Record::VeryLongStrings(extension.into())),
- 17 => Ok(Record::FileAttributes(extension.into())),
- 18 => Ok(Record::VariableAttributes(extension.into())),
+ 5 => Ok(Record::Text(TextRecord::new(
+ extension,
+ TextRecordType::VariableSets,
+ ))),
+ 10 => Ok(Record::Text(TextRecord::new(
+ extension,
+ TextRecordType::ProductInfo,
+ ))),
+ 13 => Ok(Record::Text(TextRecord::new(
+ extension,
+ TextRecordType::LongNames,
+ ))),
+ 14 => Ok(Record::Text(TextRecord::new(
+ extension,
+ TextRecordType::VeryLongStrings,
+ ))),
+ 17 => Ok(Record::Text(TextRecord::new(
+ extension,
+ TextRecordType::FileAttributes,
+ ))),
+ 18 => Ok(Record::Text(TextRecord::new(
+ extension,
+ TextRecordType::VariableAttributes,
+ ))),
_ => Ok(Record::OtherExtension(extension)),
match result {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongStringValueLabels {
- pub var_name: RawString,
+pub struct LongStringValueLabels<S>
+ S: Debug,
+ pub var_name: S,
pub width: u32,
/// `(value, label)` pairs, where each value is `width` bytes.
- pub labels: Vec<(RawString, RawString)>,
+ pub labels: Vec<(S, S)>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongStringValueLabelRecord(pub Vec<LongStringValueLabels>);
+pub struct LongStringValueLabelRecord<S>(pub Vec<LongStringValueLabels<S>>)
+ S: Debug;
-impl ExtensionRecord for LongStringValueLabelRecord {
+impl ExtensionRecord for LongStringValueLabelRecord<RawString> {
const SUBTYPE: u32 = 21;
const SIZE: Option<u32> = Some(1);
const COUNT: Option<u32> = None;