#include <stdlib.h>
#include "data/data-out.h"
+#include "data/dictionary.h"
#include "data/settings.h"
#include "data/value.h"
#include "data/variable.h"
/* Puts VALUE in the cell in TABLE whose indexes are given by the N indexes in
- DINDEXES. N must be the number of dimensions in TABLE. Takes ownership of
+ DINDEXES. The order of the indexes is the same as the order in which the
+ dimensions were created. N must be the number of dimensions in TABLE.
+ Takes ownership of VALUE.
If VALUE is a numeric value without a specified format, this function checks
each of the categories designated by DINDEXES[] and takes the format from
free (ex);
+/* pivot_splits */
+struct pivot_splits_value
+ {
+ struct hmap_node hmap_node;
+ union value value;
+ int leaf;
+ };
+struct pivot_splits_var
+ {
+ struct pivot_dimension *dimension;
+ const struct variable *var;
+ int width;
+ struct hmap values;
+ };
+struct pivot_splits_dup
+ {
+ struct hmap_node hmap_node;
+ union value *values;
+ };
+struct pivot_splits
+ {
+ struct pivot_splits_var *vars;
+ size_t n;
+ char *encoding;
+ struct hmap dups;
+ size_t dindexes[MAX_SPLITS];
+ int warnings_left;
+ };
+/* Adds a dimension for each layered split file variable in DICT to PT on AXIS.
+ These dimensions should be the last dimensions added to PT (the
+ pivot_splits_put*() functions rely on this). Returns a new pivot_splits
+ structure if any dimensions were added, otherwise a null pointer.
+ See the large comment on split file handling in pivot-table.h for more
+ information. */
+struct pivot_splits *
+pivot_splits_create (struct pivot_table *pt,
+ enum pivot_axis_type axis,
+ const struct dictionary *dict)
+ if (dict_get_split_type (dict) != SPLIT_LAYERED)
+ return NULL;
+ size_t n = dict_get_n_splits (dict);
+ assert (n <= MAX_SPLITS);
+ const struct variable *const *vars = dict_get_split_vars (dict);
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvars = xnmalloc (n, sizeof *psvars);
+ for (size_t i = n - 1; i < n; i--)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = vars[i];
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &psvars[i];
+ struct pivot_dimension *d = pivot_dimension_create__ (
+ pt, axis, pivot_value_new_variable (var));
+ d->root->show_label = true;
+ *psvar = (struct pivot_splits_var) {
+ .width = var_get_width (var),
+ .values = HMAP_INITIALIZER (psvar->values),
+ .dimension = d,
+ .var = var,
+ };
+ }
+ struct pivot_splits *ps = xmalloc (sizeof *ps);
+ *ps = (struct pivot_splits) {
+ .vars = psvars,
+ .n = n,
+ .encoding = xstrdup (dict_get_encoding (dict)),
+ .dups = HMAP_INITIALIZER (ps->dups),
+ .dindexes = { [0] = SIZE_MAX },
+ .warnings_left = 5,
+ };
+ return ps;
+/* Destroys PS. */
+pivot_splits_destroy (struct pivot_splits *ps)
+ if (!ps)
+ return;
+ if (ps->warnings_left < 0)
+ msg (SW, ngettext ("Suppressed %d additional warning about duplicate "
+ "split values.",
+ "Suppressed %d additional warnings about duplicate "
+ "split values.", -ps->warnings_left),
+ -ps->warnings_left);
+ struct pivot_splits_dup *dup, *next_dup;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (dup, next_dup, struct pivot_splits_dup, hmap_node,
+ &ps->dups)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ value_destroy (&dup->values[i], ps->vars[i].width);
+ free (dup->values);
+ free (dup);
+ }
+ hmap_destroy (&ps->dups);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ {
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[i];
+ struct pivot_splits_value *psval, *next;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (psval, next, struct pivot_splits_value, hmap_node,
+ &psvar->values)
+ {
+ value_destroy (&psval->value, psvar->width);
+ hmap_delete (&psvar->values, &psval->hmap_node);
+ free (psval);
+ }
+ hmap_destroy (&psvar->values);
+ }
+ free (ps->vars);
+ free (ps->encoding);
+ free (ps);
+static struct pivot_splits_value *
+pivot_splits_value_find (struct pivot_splits_var *psvar,
+ const union value *value)
+ struct pivot_splits_value *psval;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (psval, struct pivot_splits_value, hmap_node,
+ value_hash (value, psvar->width, 0), &psvar->values)
+ if (value_equal (&psval->value, value, psvar->width))
+ return psval;
+ return NULL;
+static bool
+pivot_splits_find_dup (struct pivot_splits *ps, const struct ccase *example)
+ unsigned int hash = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ {
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (example, psvar->var);
+ hash = value_hash (value, psvar->width, hash);
+ }
+ struct pivot_splits_dup *dup;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (dup, struct pivot_splits_dup, hmap_node, hash,
+ &ps->dups)
+ {
+ bool equal = true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n && equal; i++)
+ {
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (example, psvar->var);
+ equal = value_equal (value, &dup->values[i], psvar->width);
+ }
+ if (equal)
+ return true;
+ }
+ union value *values = xmalloc (ps->n * sizeof *values);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ {
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (example, psvar->var);
+ value_clone (&values[i], value, psvar->width);
+ }
+ dup = xmalloc (sizeof *dup);
+ dup->values = values;
+ hmap_insert (&ps->dups, &dup->hmap_node, hash);
+ return false;
+/* Begins adding data for a new split file group to the pivot table associated
+ with PS. EXAMPLE should be a case from the new split file group.
+ This is a no-op if PS is NULL.
+ See the large comment on split file handling in pivot-table.h for more
+ information. */
+pivot_splits_new_split (struct pivot_splits *ps, const struct ccase *example)
+ if (!ps)
+ return;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ {
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (example, psvar->var);
+ struct pivot_splits_value *psval = pivot_splits_value_find (psvar, value);
+ if (!psval)
+ {
+ psval = xmalloc (sizeof *psval);
+ hmap_insert (&psvar->values, &psval->hmap_node,
+ value_hash (value, psvar->width, 0));
+ value_clone (&psval->value, value, psvar->width);
+ psval->leaf = pivot_category_create_leaf (
+ psvar->dimension->root,
+ pivot_value_new_var_value (psvar->var, value));
+ }
+ ps->dindexes[i] = psval->leaf;
+ }
+ if (pivot_splits_find_dup (ps, example))
+ {
+ if (ps->warnings_left-- > 0)
+ {
+ struct string s = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ {
+ if (i > 0)
+ ds_put_cstr (&s, ", ");
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (example, psvar->var);
+ ds_put_format (&s, "%s = ", var_get_name (psvar->var));
+ char *s2 = data_out (value, ps->encoding,
+ var_get_print_format (psvar->var),
+ settings_get_fmt_settings ());
+ ds_put_cstr (&s, s2 + strspn (s2, " "));
+ free (s2);
+ }
+ msg (SW, _("When SPLIT FILE is in effect, the input data must be "
+ "sorted by the split variables (for example, using SORT "
+ "CASES), but multiple runs of cases with the same split "
+ "values were found separated by cases with different "
+ "values. Each run will be analyzed separately. The "
+ "duplicate split values are: %s"), ds_cstr (&s));
+ ds_destroy (&s);
+ }
+ struct pivot_splits_var *psvar = &ps->vars[0];
+ const union value *value = case_data (example, psvar->var);
+ ps->dindexes[0] = pivot_category_create_leaf (
+ psvar->dimension->root,
+ pivot_value_new_var_value (psvar->var, value));
+ }
+static size_t
+pivot_splits_get_dindexes (const struct pivot_splits *ps, size_t *dindexes)
+ if (!ps)
+ return 0;
+ assert (ps->dindexes[0] != SIZE_MAX);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
+ dindexes[ps->n - i - 1] = ps->dindexes[i];
+ return ps->n;
+/* Puts VALUE in the cell in TABLE with index IDX1. TABLE must have 1
+ dimension plus the split file dimensions from PS (if nonnull). Takes
+ ownership of VALUE.
+ See the large comment on split file handling in pivot-table.h for more
+ information. */
+pivot_splits_put1 (struct pivot_splits *ps, struct pivot_table *table,
+ size_t idx1, struct pivot_value *value)
+ size_t dindexes[1 + MAX_SPLITS];
+ size_t *p = dindexes;
+ *p++ = idx1;
+ p += pivot_splits_get_dindexes (ps, p);
+ pivot_table_put (table, dindexes, p - dindexes, value);
+/* Puts VALUE in the cell in TABLE with index (IDX1, IDX2). TABLE must have 2
+ dimensions plus the split file dimensions from PS (if nonnull). Takes
+ ownership of VALUE.
+ See the large comment on split file handling in pivot-table.h for more
+ information. */
+pivot_splits_put2 (struct pivot_splits *ps, struct pivot_table *table,
+ size_t idx1, size_t idx2, struct pivot_value *value)
+ size_t dindexes[2 + MAX_SPLITS];
+ size_t *p = dindexes;
+ *p++ = idx1;
+ *p++ = idx2;
+ p += pivot_splits_get_dindexes (ps, p);
+ pivot_table_put (table, dindexes, p - dindexes, value);
+/* Puts VALUE in the cell in TABLE with index (IDX1, IDX2, IDX3). TABLE must
+ have 3 dimensions plus the split file dimensions from PS (if nonnull).
+ Takes ownership of VALUE.
+ See the large comment on split file handling in pivot-table.h for more
+ information. */
+pivot_splits_put3 (struct pivot_splits *ps, struct pivot_table *table,
+ size_t idx1, size_t idx2, size_t idx3,
+ struct pivot_value *value)
+ size_t dindexes[3 + MAX_SPLITS];
+ size_t *p = dindexes;
+ *p++ = idx1;
+ *p++ = idx2;
+ *p++ = idx3;
+ p += pivot_splits_get_dindexes (ps, p);
+ pivot_table_put (table, dindexes, p - dindexes, value);
+/* Puts VALUE in the cell in TABLE with index (IDX1, IDX2, IDX3, IDX4). TABLE
+ must have 4 dimensions plus the split file dimensions from PS (if nonnull).
+ Takes ownership of VALUE.
+ See the large comment on split file handling in pivot-table.h for more
+ information. */
+pivot_splits_put4 (struct pivot_splits *ps, struct pivot_table *table,
+ size_t idx1, size_t idx2, size_t idx3, size_t idx4,
+ struct pivot_value *value)
+ size_t dindexes[4 + MAX_SPLITS];
+ size_t *p = dindexes;
+ *p++ = idx1;
+ *p++ = idx2;
+ *p++ = idx3;
+ *p++ = idx4;
+ p += pivot_splits_get_dindexes (ps, p);
+ pivot_table_put (table, dindexes, p - dindexes, value);
#include "libpspp/hmap.h"
#include "output/table.h"
+struct ccase;
+struct dictionary;
struct pivot_value;
struct variable;
union value;
void pivot_dimension_dump (const struct pivot_dimension *,
const struct pivot_table *, int indentation);
+/* Split file handling with pivot tables.
+ When SPLIT FILE is in effect with the LAYERED option, values for the split
+ file variables need to be incorporated into pivot table output. These
+ functions make that easier.
+ To use them:
+ 1. After adding the rest of the dimensions to an output pivot table, call
+ pivot_splits_create(). If there are any and LAYERED mode is in use, then
+ pivot_splits_create() will add a dimension for each split file
+ variable and return a structure. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
+ 2. Before adding data to the pivot table for each SPLIT FILE group, call
+ pivot_splits_new_split(), passing in an example case from the group (the
+ first or last case is fine). This will the split file handler add
+ categories for the group to the split dimensions.
+ pivot_splits_new_split() does nothing if given a null pivot_splits, so
+ it's fine to call it unconditionally.
+ 3. Use pivot_splits_put*(), instead of pivot_table_put*(), to add data to
+ the pivot table. These functions automatically add the current group
+ leaf indexes after the indexes passed in, as a convenience.
+ These functions still work fine if given a null pivot_splits, so it's
+ fine to use them in all cases.
+ 4. Destroy the pivot_splits with pivot_splits_destroy() when the pivot table
+ has been fully constructed. */
+struct pivot_splits *pivot_splits_create (struct pivot_table *,
+ enum pivot_axis_type,
+ const struct dictionary *);
+void pivot_splits_destroy (struct pivot_splits *);
+void pivot_splits_new_split (struct pivot_splits *, const struct ccase *);
+void pivot_splits_put1 (struct pivot_splits *, struct pivot_table *,
+ size_t idx1, struct pivot_value *);
+void pivot_splits_put2 (struct pivot_splits *, struct pivot_table *,
+ size_t idx1, size_t idx2, struct pivot_value *);
+void pivot_splits_put3 (struct pivot_splits *, struct pivot_table *,
+ size_t idx1, size_t idx2, size_t idx3,
+ struct pivot_value *);
+void pivot_splits_put4 (struct pivot_splits *, struct pivot_table *,
+ size_t idx1, size_t idx2, size_t idx3, size_t idx4,
+ struct pivot_value *);
/* A pivot_category is a leaf (a category) or a group:
- For a leaf, neither index is SIZE_MAX.