.SS "OpenFlow controller connectivity"
If a remote manager is not configured, \fBvswitchd\fR will perform
-all configured bridging and switching locally. It can also be configured
+all configured bridging and switching locally. It can be configured
to connect a given bridge to an external OpenFlow controller, such as
NOX, by setting \fBbridge.\fIname\fB.controller\fR to one of the
following forms:
The Unix domain server socket named \fIfile\fR.
+If the \fBbridge.\fIname\fB.controller\fR key is set without a value,
+the bridge \fIname\fR will ignore a controller setting specified by
+\fBmgmt.controller\fR. Instead, it will perform all configured bridging
+and switching locally.
When an external controller is configured,
\fBbridge.\fIname\fB.secchan.options\fR may be used to pass arbitrary
additional options to \fBsecchan\fR. Each value for this option is
information on this terminology), the local bridge port must
configured with an IP address by some entity outside \fBvswitch\fR,
which will not itself configure an IP address on it.
.BR vswitchd (8).