+# Test that the procedure behaves sensibly when presented with
+# multiple dependent variables
+AT_SETUP([LINEAR REGRESSION multiple dependent variables])
+AT_DATA([regression.sps], [dnl
+set seed = 2.
+input program.
+loop #c = 1 to 200.
+ compute x0 = rv.normal (0, 1).
+ compute x1 = rv.normal (0, 2).
+ compute err = rv.normal (0, 0.8).
+ compute y = 2 - 1.5 * x0 + 8.4 * x1 + err.
+ compute ycopy = y.
+ end case.
+end loop.
+end file.
+end input program.
+ /variables = x0 x1
+ /dependent = y ycopy
+ /statistics = all
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv regression.sps > output], [0], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([head -16 output > first], [0], [])
+AT_CHECK([tail -16 output > second], [0], [])
+AT_CHECK([sed -e 's/ycopy/y/g' second | diff first -], [0], [])
# Tests the QR decomposition used by the REGRESSION command.
AT_SETUP([LINEAR REGRESSION test of QR decomposition])
AT_DATA([regression.sps], [dnl