+# Test to ensure that the /SAVE subcommand works properly when SPLIT is active
+# Generate some test data based on a linear model
+AT_DATA([gen-data.sps], [dnl
+set seed = 1.
+input program.
+loop #c = 1 to 20.
+ compute x0 = rv.normal (0,1).
+ compute x1 = rv.normal (0,2).
+ compute err = rv.normal (0,0.1).
+ compute y = 4 - 2 * x0 + 3 * x1 + err.
+ compute g = (#c > 10).
+ end case.
+end loop.
+end file.
+end input program.
+print outfile='regdata.txt' /g x0 x1 y err *.
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv gen-data.sps], [0], [ignore])
+# Use our test data to create a predictor and a residual variable
+# for G == 0
+AT_DATA([regression0.sps], [dnl
+data list notable file='regdata.txt' list /g x0 x1 y err *.
+select if (g = 0).
+ /variables = x0 x1
+ /dependent = y
+ /statistics = all
+ /save = pred resid.
+ .
+print outfile='outdata-g0.txt' /g x0 x1 y err res1 pred1 *.
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv regression0.sps], [0], [ignore])
+# Use our test data to create a predictor and a residual variable
+# for G == 1
+AT_DATA([regression1.sps], [dnl
+data list notable file='regdata.txt' list /g x0 x1 y err *.
+select if (g = 1).
+ /variables = x0 x1
+ /dependent = y
+ /statistics = all
+ /save = pred resid.
+ .
+print outfile='outdata-g1.txt' /g x0 x1 y err res1 pred1 *.
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv regression1.sps], [0], [ignore])
+# Use our test data to create a predictor and a residual variable
+# The data is split on G
+AT_DATA([regression-split.sps], [dnl
+data list notable file='regdata.txt' list /g x0 x1 y err *.
+split file by g.
+ /variables = x0 x1
+ /dependent = y
+ /statistics = all
+ /save = pred resid.
+ .
+print outfile='outdata-split.txt' /g x0 x1 y err res1 pred1 *.
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv regression-split.sps], [0], [ignore])
+# The concatenation of G==0 and G==1 should be identical to the SPLIT data
+AT_CHECK([cat outdata-g0.txt outdata-g1.txt | diff outdata-split.txt - ], [0], [])
# Tests the QR decomposition used by the REGRESSION command.
AT_SETUP([LINEAR REGRESSION test of QR decomposition])
AT_DATA([regression.sps], [dnl