#define _(msgid) gettext (msgid)
#define N_(msgid) (msgid)
-enum ctables_vlabel
- {
- };
enum ctables_weighting
#define N_CTWS 3
+/* CTABLES table areas. */
+enum ctables_area_type
+ {
+ /* Within a section, where stacked variables divide one section from
+ another.
+ parse_ctables_summary_function() parses correctly. */
+ CTAT_TABLE, /* All layers of a whole section. */
+ CTAT_LAYERROW, /* Row in one layer within a section. */
+ CTAT_LAYERCOL, /* Column in one layer within a section. */
+ CTAT_LAYER, /* One layer within a section. */
+ /* Within a subtable, where a subtable pairs an innermost row variable with
+ an innermost column variable within a single layer. */
+ CTAT_SUBTABLE, /* Whole subtable. */
+ CTAT_ROW, /* Row within a subtable. */
+ CTAT_COL, /* Column within a subtable. */
+#define N_CTATS 7
+ };
+static const char *ctables_area_type_name[N_CTATS] = {
+ [CTAT_ROW] = "ROW",
+ [CTAT_COL] = "COL",
+struct ctables_area
+ {
+ struct hmap_node node;
+ const struct ctables_cell *example;
+ size_t sequence;
+ double count[N_CTWS];
+ double valid[N_CTWS];
+ double total[N_CTWS];
+ struct ctables_sum *sums;
+ };
+struct ctables_sum
+ {
+ double sum[N_CTWS];
+ };
+/* CTABLES summary functions. */
enum ctables_function_type
#undef S
-enum ctables_area_type
- {
- /* Within a section, where stacked variables divide one section from
- another.
- parse_ctables_summary_function() parses correctly. */
- CTAT_TABLE, /* All layers of a whole section. */
- CTAT_LAYERROW, /* Row in one layer within a section. */
- CTAT_LAYERCOL, /* Column in one layer within a section. */
- CTAT_LAYER, /* One layer within a section. */
- /* Within a subtable, where a subtable pairs an innermost row variable with
- an innermost column variable within a single layer. */
- CTAT_SUBTABLE, /* Whole subtable. */
- CTAT_ROW, /* Row within a subtable. */
- CTAT_COL, /* Column within a subtable. */
-#define N_CTATS 7
+static struct fmt_spec
+ctables_summary_default_format (enum ctables_summary_function function,
+ const struct variable *var)
+ static const enum ctables_format default_formats[] = {
+#include "ctables.inc"
+#undef S
+ switch (default_formats[function])
+ {
+ case CTF_COUNT:
+ return (struct fmt_spec) { .type = FMT_F, .w = 40 };
-static const char *ctables_area_type_name[N_CTATS] = {
- [CTAT_ROW] = "ROW",
- [CTAT_COL] = "COL",
-struct ctables_area
- {
- struct hmap_node node;
- const struct ctables_cell *example;
+ return (struct fmt_spec) { .type = FMT_PCT, .w = 40, .d = 1 };
- size_t sequence;
- double count[N_CTWS];
- double valid[N_CTWS];
- double total[N_CTWS];
- struct ctables_sum *sums;
- };
+ return *var_get_print_format (var);
-struct ctables_sum
- {
- double sum[N_CTWS];
- };
+ default:
+ }
-enum ctables_summary_variant
- {
-#define N_CSVS 2
+static enum ctables_function_availability
+ctables_function_availability (enum ctables_summary_function f)
+ static enum ctables_function_availability availability[] = {
+#include "ctables.inc"
+#undef S
-struct ctables_cell
- {
- /* In struct ctables_section's 'cells' hmap. Indexed by all the values in
- all the axes (except the scalar variable, if any). */
- struct hmap_node node;
+ return availability[f];
- /* The areas that contain this cell. */
- uint32_t omit_areas;
- struct ctables_area *areas[N_CTATS];
+static bool
+parse_ctables_summary_function (struct lexer *lexer,
+ enum ctables_summary_function *function,
+ enum ctables_weighting *weighting,
+ enum ctables_area_type *area)
+ if (!lex_force_id (lexer))
+ return false;
- bool hide;
+ struct substring name = lex_tokss (lexer);
+ if (ss_ends_with_case (name, ss_cstr (".LCL"))
+ || ss_ends_with_case (name, ss_cstr (".UCL"))
+ || ss_ends_with_case (name, ss_cstr (".SE")))
+ {
+ lex_error (lexer, _("Support for LCL, UCL, and SE summary functions "
+ "is not yet implemented."));
+ return false;
+ }
- bool postcompute;
- enum ctables_summary_variant sv;
+ bool u = ss_match_byte (&name, 'U') || ss_match_byte (&name, 'u');
+ bool e = !u && (ss_match_byte (&name, 'E') || ss_match_byte (&name, 'e'));
- struct ctables_cell_axis
+ bool has_area = false;
+ *area = 0;
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ if (ss_match_string_case (&name, ss_cstr (ctables_area_type_name[at])))
- struct ctables_cell_value
+ has_area = true;
+ *area = at;
+ if (ss_equals_case (name, ss_cstr ("PCT")))
- const struct ctables_category *category;
- union value value;
+ /* Special case where .COUNT suffix is omitted. */
+ *function = CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT;
+ *weighting = CTW_EFFECTIVE;
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ return true;
- *cvs;
- int leaf;
+ break;
- axes[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- union ctables_summary *summaries;
- };
-struct ctables
- {
- const struct dictionary *dict;
- struct pivot_table_look *look;
- /* CTABLES has a number of extra formats that we implement via custom
- currency specifications on an alternate fmt_settings. */
- struct fmt_settings ctables_formats;
- /* If this is NULL, zeros are displayed using the normal print format.
- Otherwise, this string is displayed. */
- char *zero;
+ for (int f = 0; f < N_CTSF_FUNCTIONS; f++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_function_info *cfi = &ctables_function_info[f];
+ if (ss_equals_case (cfi->basename, name))
+ {
+ *function = f;
+ if ((u && !cfi->u_prefix) || (e && !cfi->e_prefix) || (has_area != cfi->is_area))
+ break;
- /* If this is NULL, missing values are displayed using the normal print
- format. Otherwise, this string is displayed. */
- char *missing;
+ *weighting = (e ? CTW_EFFECTIVE
+ : cfi->e_prefix ? CTW_DICTIONARY
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- /* Indexed by variable dictionary index. */
- enum ctables_vlabel *vlabels;
+ lex_error (lexer, _("Expecting summary function name."));
+ return false;
- struct hmap postcomputes; /* Contains "struct ctables_postcompute"s. */
+static const char *
+ctables_summary_function_name (enum ctables_summary_function function,
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting,
+ enum ctables_area_type area,
+ char *buffer, size_t bufsize)
+ const struct ctables_function_info *cfi = &ctables_function_info[function];
+ snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "%s%s%s",
+ (weighting == CTW_UNWEIGHTED ? "U"
+ : weighting == CTW_DICTIONARY ? ""
+ : cfi->e_prefix ? "E"
+ : ""),
+ cfi->is_area ? ctables_area_type_name[area] : "",
+ cfi->basename.string);
+ return buffer;
- bool mrsets_count_duplicates; /* MRSETS. */
- bool smissing_listwise; /* SMISSING. */
- struct variable *e_weight; /* WEIGHT. */
- int hide_threshold; /* HIDESMALLCOUNTS. */
+static const char *
+ctables_summary_function_label__ (enum ctables_summary_function function,
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting,
+ enum ctables_area_type area)
+ bool w = weighting != CTW_UNWEIGHTED;
+ bool d = weighting == CTW_DICTIONARY;
+ enum ctables_area_type a = area;
+ switch (function)
+ {
+ case CTSF_COUNT:
+ return (d ? N_("Count")
+ : w ? N_("Adjusted Count")
+ : N_("Unweighted Count"));
- struct ctables_table **tables;
- size_t n_tables;
- };
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table %") : N_("Unweighted Table %");
+ case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer %") : N_("Unweighted Layer %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column %");
+ case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable %");
+ case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row %") : N_("Unweighted Row %");
+ case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column %") : N_("Unweighted Column %");
+ }
-static struct ctables_postcompute *ctables_find_postcompute (struct ctables *,
- const char *name);
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Table Valid N %");
+ case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Valid N %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row Valid N %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column Valid N %");
+ case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable Valid N %");
+ case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Row Valid N %");
+ case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Column Valid N %");
+ }
-struct ctables_postcompute
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Table Total N %");
+ case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Total N %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row Total N %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column Total N %");
+ case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable Total N %");
+ case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Row Total N %");
+ case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Column Total N %");
+ }
+ case CTSF_MAXIMUM: return N_("Maximum");
+ case CTSF_MEAN: return w ? N_("Mean") : N_("Unweighted Mean");
+ case CTSF_MEDIAN: return w ? N_("Median") : N_("Unweighted Median");
+ case CTSF_MINIMUM: return N_("Minimum");
+ case CTSF_MISSING: return w ? N_("Missing") : N_("Unweighted Missing");
+ case CTSF_MODE: return w ? N_("Mode") : N_("Unweighted Mode");
+ case CTSF_RANGE: return N_("Range");
+ case CTSF_SEMEAN: return w ? N_("Std Error of Mean") : N_("Unweighted Std Error of Mean");
+ case CTSF_STDDEV: return w ? N_("Std Deviation") : N_("Unweighted Std Deviation");
+ case CTSF_SUM: return w ? N_("Sum") : N_("Unweighted Sum");
+ case CTSF_TOTALN: return (d ? N_("Total N")
+ : w ? N_("Adjusted Total N")
+ : N_("Unweighted Total N"));
+ case CTSF_VALIDN: return (d ? N_("Valid N")
+ : w ? N_("Adjusted Valid N")
+ : N_("Unweighted Valid N"));
+ case CTSF_VARIANCE: return w ? N_("Variance") : N_("Unweighted Variance");
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Table Sum %");
+ case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Sum %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row Sum %");
+ case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column Sum %");
+ case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable Sum %");
+ case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Row Sum %");
+ case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Column Sum %");
+ }
+ case CTSF_areaID:
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ /* Don't bother translating these: they are for developers only. */
+ case CTAT_TABLE: return "Table ID";
+ case CTAT_LAYER: return "Layer ID";
+ case CTAT_LAYERROW: return "Layer Row ID";
+ case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return "Layer Column ID";
+ case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return "Subtable ID";
+ case CTAT_ROW: return "Row ID";
+ case CTAT_COL: return "Column ID";
+ }
+ }
+static struct pivot_value *
+ctables_summary_function_label (enum ctables_summary_function function,
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting,
+ enum ctables_area_type area,
+ double percentile)
+ if (function == CTSF_PTILE)
+ {
+ char *s = (weighting != CTW_UNWEIGHTED
+ ? xasprintf (_("Percentile %.2f"), percentile)
+ : xasprintf (_("Unweighted Percentile %.2f"), percentile));
+ return pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (s);
+ }
+ else
+ return pivot_value_new_text (ctables_summary_function_label__ (
+ function, weighting, area));
+/* CTABLES summaries. */
+struct ctables_summary_spec
- struct hmap_node hmap_node; /* In struct ctables's 'pcompute' hmap. */
- char *name; /* Name, without leading &. */
+ /* The calculation to be performed.
- struct msg_location *location; /* Location of definition. */
- struct ctables_pcexpr *expr;
+ 'function' is the function to calculate. 'weighted' specifies whether
+ to use weighted or unweighted data (for functions that do not support a
+ choice, it must be true). 'calc_area' is the area over which the
+ calculation takes place (for functions that target only an individual
+ cell, it must be 0). For CTSF_PTILE only, 'percentile' is the
+ percentile between 0 and 100 (for other functions it must be 0). */
+ enum ctables_summary_function function;
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting;
+ enum ctables_area_type calc_area;
+ double percentile; /* CTSF_PTILE only. */
+ /* How to display the result of the calculation.
+ 'label' is a user-specified label, NULL if the user didn't specify
+ one.
+ 'user_area' is usually the same as 'calc_area', but when category labels
+ are rotated from one axis to another it swaps rows and columns.
+ 'format' is the format for displaying the output. If
+ 'is_ctables_format' is true, then 'format.type' is one of the special
+ CTEF_* formats instead of the standard ones. */
char *label;
- struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs;
- bool hide_source_cats;
+ enum ctables_area_type user_area;
+ struct fmt_spec format;
+ bool is_ctables_format; /* Is 'format' one of CTEF_*? */
+ size_t axis_idx;
+ size_t sum_var_idx;
+ };
+static void
+ctables_summary_spec_clone (struct ctables_summary_spec *dst,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *src)
+ *dst = *src;
+ dst->label = xstrdup_if_nonnull (src->label);
+static void
+ctables_summary_spec_uninit (struct ctables_summary_spec *s)
+ if (s)
+ free (s->label);
+/* Collections of summary functions. */
+struct ctables_summary_spec_set
+ {
+ struct ctables_summary_spec *specs;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t allocated;
+ /* The variable to which the summary specs are applied. */
+ struct variable *var;
+ /* Whether the variable to which the summary specs are applied is a scale
+ variable for the purpose of summarization.
+ (VALIDN and TOTALN act differently for summarizing scale and categorical
+ variables.) */
+ bool is_scale;
+ /* If any of these optional additional scale variables are missing, then
+ treat 'var' as if it's missing too. This is for implementing
+ struct variable **listwise_vars;
+ size_t n_listwise_vars;
+ };
+static void
+ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (struct ctables_summary_spec_set *dst,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *src)
+ struct ctables_summary_spec *specs
+ = (src->n ? xnmalloc (src->n, sizeof *specs) : NULL);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < src->n; i++)
+ ctables_summary_spec_clone (&specs[i], &src->specs[i]);
+ *dst = (struct ctables_summary_spec_set) {
+ .specs = specs,
+ .n = src->n,
+ .allocated = src->n,
+ .var = src->var,
+ .is_scale = src->is_scale,
+static void
+ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (struct ctables_summary_spec_set *set)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < set->n; i++)
+ ctables_summary_spec_uninit (&set->specs[i]);
+ free (set->listwise_vars);
+ free (set->specs);
+/* CTABLES postcompute expressions. */
struct ctables_pcexpr
* /
- +
- enum ctables_postcompute_op
+ enum ctables_pcexpr_op
/* Terminals. */
struct msg_location *location;
-static void ctables_pcexpr_destroy (struct ctables_pcexpr *);
static struct ctables_pcexpr *ctables_pcexpr_allocate_binary (
- enum ctables_postcompute_op, struct ctables_pcexpr *sub0,
+ enum ctables_pcexpr_op, struct ctables_pcexpr *sub0,
struct ctables_pcexpr *sub1);
-struct ctables_summary_spec_set
- {
- struct ctables_summary_spec *specs;
- size_t n;
- size_t allocated;
- /* The variable to which the summary specs are applied. */
- struct variable *var;
+typedef struct ctables_pcexpr *parse_recursively_func (struct lexer *,
+ struct dictionary *);
- /* Whether the variable to which the summary specs are applied is a scale
- variable for the purpose of summarization.
+static void
+ctables_pcexpr_destroy (struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
+ if (e)
+ {
+ switch (e->op)
+ {
+ ss_dealloc (&e->string);
+ break;
- (VALIDN and TOTALN act differently for summarizing scale and categorical
- variables.) */
- bool is_scale;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ ss_dealloc (&e->srange[i]);
+ break;
- /* If any of these optional additional scale variables are missing, then
- treat 'var' as if it's missing too. This is for implementing
- struct variable **listwise_vars;
- size_t n_listwise_vars;
- };
+ case CTPO_ADD:
+ case CTPO_SUB:
+ case CTPO_MUL:
+ case CTPO_DIV:
+ case CTPO_POW:
+ case CTPO_NEG:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ ctables_pcexpr_destroy (e->subs[i]);
+ break;
-static void ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (struct ctables_summary_spec_set *,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *);
-static void ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (struct ctables_summary_spec_set *);
+ break;
+ }
-/* A nested sequence of variables, e.g. a > b > c. */
-struct ctables_nest
- {
- struct variable **vars;
- size_t n;
- size_t scale_idx;
- size_t summary_idx;
- size_t *areas[N_CTATS];
- size_t n_areas[N_CTATS];
- size_t group_head;
- struct ctables_summary_spec_set specs[N_CSVS];
- };
-/* A stack of nestings, e.g. nest1 + nest2 + ... + nestN. */
-struct ctables_stack
- {
- struct ctables_nest *nests;
- size_t n;
- };
-static void ctables_stack_uninit (struct ctables_stack *);
-struct ctables_value
- {
- struct hmap_node node;
- union value value;
- int leaf;
- };
+ msg_location_destroy (e->location);
+ free (e);
+ }
-struct ctables_occurrence
- {
- struct hmap_node node;
- union value value;
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_allocate_binary (enum ctables_pcexpr_op op,
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *sub0,
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *sub1)
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *e = xmalloc (sizeof *e);
+ *e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
+ .op = op,
+ .subs = { sub0, sub1 },
+ .location = msg_location_merged (sub0->location, sub1->location),
+ return e;
-struct ctables_section
+/* How to parse an operator. */
+struct operator
- /* Settings. */
- struct ctables_table *table;
- struct ctables_nest *nests[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- /* Data. */
- struct hmap *occurrences[PIVOT_N_AXES]; /* "struct ctables_occurrence"s. */
- struct hmap cells; /* Contains "struct ctables_cell"s. */
- struct hmap areas[N_CTATS]; /* Contains "struct ctables_area"s. */
+ enum token_type token;
+ enum ctables_pcexpr_op op;
-static void ctables_section_uninit (struct ctables_section *);
-struct ctables_table
- {
- struct ctables *ctables;
- struct ctables_axis *axes[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- struct ctables_stack stacks[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- struct ctables_section *sections;
- size_t n_sections;
- enum pivot_axis_type summary_axis;
- struct ctables_summary_spec_set summary_specs;
- struct variable **sum_vars;
- size_t n_sum_vars;
- enum pivot_axis_type slabels_axis;
- bool slabels_visible;
+static const struct operator *
+ctables_pcexpr_match_operator (struct lexer *lexer,
+ const struct operator ops[], size_t n_ops)
+ for (const struct operator *op = ops; op < ops + n_ops; op++)
+ if (lex_token (lexer) == op->token)
+ {
+ if (op->token != T_NEG_NUM)
+ lex_get (lexer);
- /* The innermost category labels for axis 'a' appear on axis label_axis[a].
+ return op;
+ }
- Most commonly, label_axis[a] == a, and in particular we always have
+ return NULL;
- If ROWLABELS or COLLABELS is specified, then one of
- label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] or label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] can be the
- opposite axis or PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER. Only one of them will differ.
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators__ (
+ struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
+ const struct operator ops[], size_t n_ops,
+ parse_recursively_func *parse_next_level,
+ const char *chain_warning, struct ctables_pcexpr *lhs)
+ for (int op_count = 0; ; op_count++)
+ {
+ const struct operator *op
+ = ctables_pcexpr_match_operator (lexer, ops, n_ops);
+ if (!op)
+ {
+ if (op_count > 1 && chain_warning)
+ msg_at (SW, lhs->location, "%s", chain_warning);
- If any category labels are moved, then 'clabels_example' is one of the
- variables being moved (and it is otherwise NULL). All of the variables
- being moved have the same width, value labels, and categories, so this
- example variable can be used to find those out.
+ return lhs;
+ }
- The remaining members in this group are relevant only if category labels
- are moved.
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *rhs = parse_next_level (lexer, dict);
+ if (!rhs)
+ {
+ ctables_pcexpr_destroy (lhs);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- 'clabels_values_map' holds a "struct ctables_value" for all the values
- that appear in all of the variables in the moved categories. It is
- accumulated as the data is read. Once the data is fully read, its
- sorted values are put into 'clabels_values' and 'n_clabels_values'.
- */
- enum pivot_axis_type label_axis[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- enum pivot_axis_type clabels_from_axis;
- enum pivot_axis_type clabels_to_axis;
- const struct variable *clabels_example;
- struct hmap clabels_values_map;
- struct ctables_value **clabels_values;
- size_t n_clabels_values;
+ lhs = ctables_pcexpr_allocate_binary (op->op, lhs, rhs);
+ }
- /* Indexed by variable dictionary index. */
- struct ctables_categories **categories;
- size_t n_categories;
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (
+ struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
+ const struct operator ops[], size_t n_ops,
+ parse_recursively_func *parse_next_level, const char *chain_warning)
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *lhs = parse_next_level (lexer, dict);
+ if (!lhs)
+ return NULL;
- double cilevel;
+ return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators__ (lexer, dict, ops, n_ops,
+ parse_next_level,
+ chain_warning, lhs);
- char *caption;
- char *corner;
- char *title;
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *ctables_pcexpr_parse_add (struct lexer *,
+ struct dictionary *);
- struct ctables_chisq *chisq;
- struct ctables_pairwise *pairwise;
+static struct ctables_pcexpr
+ctpo_cat_nrange (double low, double high)
+ return (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
+ .nrange = { low, high },
-struct ctables_categories
- {
- size_t n_refs;
- struct ctables_category *cats;
- size_t n_cats;
- bool show_empty;
+static struct ctables_pcexpr
+ctpo_cat_srange (struct substring low, struct substring high)
+ return (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
+ .srange = { low, high },
-struct ctables_category
- {
- enum ctables_category_type
- {
- /* Explicit category lists. */
- CCT_NRANGE, /* Numerical range. */
- CCT_SRANGE, /* String range. */
- /* Totals and subtotals. */
- /* Implicit category lists. */
- /* For contributing to TOTALN. */
- }
- type;
- struct ctables_category *subtotal;
+static struct substring
+parse_substring (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
+ struct substring s = recode_substring_pool (
+ dict_get_encoding (dict), "UTF-8", lex_tokss (lexer), NULL);
+ ss_rtrim (&s, ss_cstr (" "));
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ return s;
- bool hide;
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_primary (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
+ struct ctables_pcexpr e;
+ if (lex_is_number (lexer))
+ {
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CONSTANT,
+ .number = lex_number (lexer) };
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ }
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "MISSING"))
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_MISSING };
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "OTHERNM"))
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_OTHERNM };
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "TOTAL"))
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_TOTAL };
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "SUBTOTAL"))
+ {
+ size_t subtotal_index = 0;
+ if (lex_match (lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_int_range (lexer, "SUBTOTAL", 1, LONG_MAX))
+ return NULL;
+ subtotal_index = lex_integer (lexer);
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RBRACK))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL,
+ .subtotal_index = subtotal_index };
+ }
+ else if (lex_match (lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ {
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LO"))
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
+ return false;
- union
- {
- double number; /* CCT_NUMBER. */
- struct substring string; /* CCT_STRING, in dictionary encoding. */
- double nrange[2]; /* CCT_NRANGE. */
- struct substring srange[2]; /* CCT_SRANGE. */
+ if (lex_is_string (lexer))
+ {
+ struct substring low = { .string = NULL };
+ struct substring high = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
+ e = ctpo_cat_srange (low, high);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_num (lexer))
+ return false;
+ e = ctpo_cat_nrange (-DBL_MAX, lex_number (lexer));
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lex_is_number (lexer))
+ {
+ double number = lex_number (lexer);
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
+ {
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
+ e = ctpo_cat_nrange (number, DBL_MAX);
+ else
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_num (lexer))
+ return false;
+ e = ctpo_cat_nrange (number, lex_number (lexer));
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_NUMBER,
+ .number = number };
+ }
+ else if (lex_is_string (lexer))
+ {
+ struct substring s = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- struct
- {
- char *total_label; /* CCT_SUBTOTAL, CCT_TOTAL. */
- bool hide_subcategories; /* CCT_SUBTOTAL. */
- };
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
+ {
+ struct substring high;
- struct
- {
- const struct ctables_postcompute *pc;
- enum fmt_type parse_format;
- };
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
+ high = (struct substring) { .string = NULL };
+ else
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
+ {
+ ss_dealloc (&s);
+ return false;
+ }
+ high = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
+ }
- struct
- {
- bool include_missing;
- bool sort_ascending;
+ e = ctpo_cat_srange (s, high);
+ }
+ else
+ e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_STRING, .string = s };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lex_error (lexer, NULL);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- enum ctables_summary_function sort_function;
- enum ctables_weighting weighting;
- enum ctables_area_type area;
- struct variable *sort_var;
- double percentile;
- };
- };
+ if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RBRACK))
+ {
+ if (e.op == CTPO_CAT_STRING)
+ ss_dealloc (&e.string);
+ else if (e.op == CTPO_CAT_SRANGE)
+ {
+ ss_dealloc (&e.srange[0]);
+ ss_dealloc (&e.srange[1]);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lex_match (lexer, T_LPAREN))
+ {
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *ep = ctables_pcexpr_parse_add (lexer, dict);
+ if (!ep)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RPAREN))
+ {
+ ctables_pcexpr_destroy (ep);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return ep;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lex_error (lexer, NULL);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- /* Source location. This is null for CCT_TOTAL, CCT_VALUE, CCT_LABEL,
- struct msg_location *location;
+ e.location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1);
+ return xmemdup (&e, sizeof e);
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_allocate_neg (struct ctables_pcexpr *sub,
+ struct lexer *lexer, int start_ofs)
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *e = xmalloc (sizeof *e);
+ *e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
+ .op = CTPO_NEG,
+ .subs = { sub },
+ .location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1),
+ return e;
-static void
-ctables_category_uninit (struct ctables_category *cat)
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_exp (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- if (!cat)
- return;
+ static const struct operator op = { T_EXP, CTPO_POW };
- msg_location_destroy (cat->location);
- switch (cat->type)
- {
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- break;
+ const char *chain_warning =
+ _("The exponentiation operator (`**') is left-associative: "
+ "`a**b**c' equals `(a**b)**c', not `a**(b**c)'. "
+ "To disable this warning, insert parentheses.");
- case CCT_STRING:
- ss_dealloc (&cat->string);
- break;
+ if (lex_token (lexer) != T_NEG_NUM || lex_next_token (lexer, 1) != T_EXP)
+ return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (lexer, dict, &op, 1,
+ ctables_pcexpr_parse_primary,
+ chain_warning);
- case CCT_SRANGE:
- ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[0]);
- ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[1]);
- break;
+ /* Special case for situations like "-5**6", which must be parsed as
+ -(5**6). */
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- free (cat->total_label);
- break;
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *lhs = xmalloc (sizeof *lhs);
+ *lhs = (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
+ .number = -lex_tokval (lexer),
+ .location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer)),
+ };
+ lex_get (lexer);
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
- break;
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *node = ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators__ (
+ lexer, dict, &op, 1,
+ ctables_pcexpr_parse_primary, chain_warning, lhs);
+ if (!node)
+ return NULL;
- break;
- }
+ return ctables_pcexpr_allocate_neg (node, lexer, start_ofs);
-static bool
-nullable_substring_equal (const struct substring *a,
- const struct substring *b)
+/* Parses the unary minus level. */
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_neg (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- return !a->string ? !b->string : b->string && ss_equals (*a, *b);
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
+ if (!lex_match (lexer, T_DASH))
+ return ctables_pcexpr_parse_exp (lexer, dict);
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *inner = ctables_pcexpr_parse_neg (lexer, dict);
+ if (!inner)
+ return NULL;
+ return ctables_pcexpr_allocate_neg (inner, lexer, start_ofs);
-static bool
-ctables_category_equal (const struct ctables_category *a,
- const struct ctables_category *b)
+/* Parses the multiplication and division level. */
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_mul (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- if (a->type != b->type)
- return false;
- switch (a->type)
+ static const struct operator ops[] =
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- return a->number == b->number;
+ };
- case CCT_STRING:
- return ss_equals (a->string, b->string);
+ return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (lexer, dict, ops,
+ sizeof ops / sizeof *ops,
+ ctables_pcexpr_parse_neg, NULL);
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- return a->nrange[0] == b->nrange[0] && a->nrange[1] == b->nrange[1];
+/* Parses the addition and subtraction level. */
+static struct ctables_pcexpr *
+ctables_pcexpr_parse_add (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
+ static const struct operator ops[] =
+ {
+ };
- case CCT_SRANGE:
- return (nullable_substring_equal (&a->srange[0], &b->srange[0])
- && nullable_substring_equal (&a->srange[1], &b->srange[1]));
+ return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (lexer, dict,
+ ops, sizeof ops / sizeof *ops,
+ ctables_pcexpr_parse_mul, NULL);
+/* CTABLES axis expressions. */
- return true;
- return a->pc == b->pc;
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- return !strcmp (a->total_label, b->total_label);
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
- return (a->include_missing == b->include_missing
- && a->sort_ascending == b->sort_ascending
- && a->sort_function == b->sort_function
- && a->sort_var == b->sort_var
- && a->percentile == b->percentile);
- return true;
- }
-static void
-ctables_categories_unref (struct ctables_categories *c)
- if (!c)
- return;
- assert (c->n_refs > 0);
- if (--c->n_refs)
- return;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c->n_cats; i++)
- ctables_category_uninit (&c->cats[i]);
- free (c->cats);
- free (c);
-static bool
-ctables_categories_equal (const struct ctables_categories *a,
- const struct ctables_categories *b)
- if (a->n_cats != b->n_cats || a->show_empty != b->show_empty)
- return false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < a->n_cats; i++)
- if (!ctables_category_equal (&a->cats[i], &b->cats[i]))
- return false;
- return true;
-/* Chi-square test (SIGTEST). */
-struct ctables_chisq
- {
- double alpha;
- bool include_mrsets;
- bool all_visible;
- };
+/* CTABLES has a number of extra formats that we implement via custom
+ currency specifications on an alternate fmt_settings. */
-/* Pairwise comparison test (COMPARETEST). */
-struct ctables_pairwise
+enum ctables_summary_variant
- enum { PROP, MEAN } type;
- double alpha[2];
- bool include_mrsets;
- bool meansvariance_allcats;
- bool all_visible;
- enum { BONFERRONI = 1, BH } adjust;
- bool merge;
- bool apa_style;
- bool show_sig;
+#define N_CSVS 2
struct ctables_axis
struct msg_location *loc;
-static void ctables_axis_destroy (struct ctables_axis *);
-struct ctables_summary_spec
- {
- /* The calculation to be performed.
- 'function' is the function to calculate. 'weighted' specifies whether
- to use weighted or unweighted data (for functions that do not support a
- choice, it must be true). 'calc_area' is the area over which the
- calculation takes place (for functions that target only an individual
- cell, it must be 0). For CTSF_PTILE only, 'percentile' is the
- percentile between 0 and 100 (for other functions it must be 0). */
- enum ctables_summary_function function;
- enum ctables_weighting weighting;
- enum ctables_area_type calc_area;
- double percentile; /* CTSF_PTILE only. */
- /* How to display the result of the calculation.
- 'label' is a user-specified label, NULL if the user didn't specify
- one.
- 'user_area' is usually the same as 'calc_area', but when category labels
- are rotated from one axis to another it swaps rows and columns.
- 'format' is the format for displaying the output. If
- 'is_ctables_format' is true, then 'format.type' is one of the special
- CTEF_* formats instead of the standard ones. */
- char *label;
- enum ctables_area_type user_area;
- struct fmt_spec format;
- bool is_ctables_format; /* Is 'format' one of CTEF_*? */
- size_t axis_idx;
- size_t sum_var_idx;
- };
-static void
-ctables_summary_spec_clone (struct ctables_summary_spec *dst,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *src)
- *dst = *src;
- dst->label = xstrdup_if_nonnull (src->label);
static void
-ctables_summary_spec_uninit (struct ctables_summary_spec *s)
+ctables_axis_destroy (struct ctables_axis *axis)
- if (s)
- free (s->label);
+ if (!axis)
+ return;
-static void
-ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (struct ctables_summary_spec_set *dst,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *src)
- struct ctables_summary_spec *specs
- = (src->n ? xnmalloc (src->n, sizeof *specs) : NULL);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < src->n; i++)
- ctables_summary_spec_clone (&specs[i], &src->specs[i]);
+ switch (axis->op)
+ {
+ case CTAO_VAR:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CSVS; i++)
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (&axis->specs[i]);
+ break;
- *dst = (struct ctables_summary_spec_set) {
- .specs = specs,
- .n = src->n,
- .allocated = src->n,
- .var = src->var,
- .is_scale = src->is_scale,
- };
+ case CTAO_STACK:
+ case CTAO_NEST:
+ ctables_axis_destroy (axis->subs[0]);
+ ctables_axis_destroy (axis->subs[1]);
+ break;
+ }
+ msg_location_destroy (axis->loc);
+ free (axis);
-static void
-ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (struct ctables_summary_spec_set *set)
+static struct ctables_axis *
+ctables_axis_new_nonterminal (enum ctables_axis_op op,
+ struct ctables_axis *sub0,
+ struct ctables_axis *sub1,
+ struct lexer *lexer, int start_ofs)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < set->n; i++)
- ctables_summary_spec_uninit (&set->specs[i]);
- free (set->listwise_vars);
- free (set->specs);
+ struct ctables_axis *axis = xmalloc (sizeof *axis);
+ *axis = (struct ctables_axis) {
+ .op = op,
+ .subs = { sub0, sub1 },
+ .loc = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1),
+ };
+ return axis;
-static bool
-parse_col_width (struct lexer *lexer, const char *name, double *width)
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "DEFAULT"))
- *width = SYSMIS;
- else if (lex_force_num_range_closed (lexer, name, 0, DBL_MAX))
- {
- *width = lex_number (lexer);
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- else
- return false;
- return true;
+struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx
+ {
+ struct lexer *lexer;
+ struct dictionary *dict;
+ };
-static bool
-parse_bool (struct lexer *lexer, bool *b)
+static struct pivot_value *
+ctables_summary_label (const struct ctables_summary_spec *spec, double cilevel)
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "NO"))
- *b = false;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "YES"))
- *b = true;
+ if (!spec->label)
+ return ctables_summary_function_label (spec->function, spec->weighting,
+ spec->user_area, spec->percentile);
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "YES", "NO");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ struct substring in = ss_cstr (spec->label);
+ struct substring target = ss_cstr (")CILEVEL");
-static enum ctables_function_availability
-ctables_function_availability (enum ctables_summary_function f)
- static enum ctables_function_availability availability[] = {
-#include "ctables.inc"
-#undef S
- };
+ struct string out = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ size_t chunk = ss_find_substring (in, target);
+ ds_put_substring (&out, ss_head (in, chunk));
+ ss_advance (&in, chunk);
+ if (!in.length)
+ return pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (ds_steal_cstr (&out));
- return availability[f];
+ ss_advance (&in, target.length);
+ ds_put_format (&out, "%g", cilevel);
+ }
+ }
static bool
-parse_ctables_summary_function (struct lexer *lexer,
- enum ctables_summary_function *function,
- enum ctables_weighting *weighting,
- enum ctables_area_type *area)
+add_summary_spec (struct ctables_axis *axis,
+ enum ctables_summary_function function,
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting,
+ enum ctables_area_type area, double percentile,
+ const char *label, const struct fmt_spec *format,
+ bool is_ctables_format, const struct msg_location *loc,
+ enum ctables_summary_variant sv)
- if (!lex_force_id (lexer))
- return false;
- struct substring name = lex_tokss (lexer);
- if (ss_ends_with_case (name, ss_cstr (".LCL"))
- || ss_ends_with_case (name, ss_cstr (".UCL"))
- || ss_ends_with_case (name, ss_cstr (".SE")))
+ if (axis->op == CTAO_VAR)
- lex_error (lexer, _("Support for LCL, UCL, and SE summary functions "
- "is not yet implemented."));
- return false;
- }
+ char function_name[128];
+ ctables_summary_function_name (function, weighting, area,
+ function_name, sizeof function_name);
+ const char *var_name = var_get_name (axis->var);
+ switch (ctables_function_availability (function))
+ {
+#if 0
+ msg_at (SE, loc, _("Summary function %s applies only to multiple "
+ "response sets."), function_name);
+ msg_at (SN, axis->loc, _("'%s' is not a multiple response set."),
+ var_name);
+ return false;
- bool u = ss_match_byte (&name, 'U') || ss_match_byte (&name, 'u');
- bool e = !u && (ss_match_byte (&name, 'E') || ss_match_byte (&name, 'e'));
+ case CTFA_SCALE:
+ if (!axis->scale && sv != CSV_TOTAL)
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, loc,
+ _("Summary function %s applies only to scale variables."),
+ function_name);
+ msg_at (SN, axis->loc, _("'%s' is not a scale variable."),
+ var_name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
- bool has_area = false;
- *area = 0;
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- if (ss_match_string_case (&name, ss_cstr (ctables_area_type_name[at])))
- {
- has_area = true;
- *area = at;
+ case CTFA_ALL:
+ break;
+ }
- if (ss_equals_case (name, ss_cstr ("PCT")))
- {
- /* Special case where .COUNT suffix is omitted. */
- *function = CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT;
- *weighting = CTW_EFFECTIVE;
- lex_get (lexer);
- return true;
- }
- break;
- }
+ struct ctables_summary_spec_set *set = &axis->specs[sv];
+ if (set->n >= set->allocated)
+ set->specs = x2nrealloc (set->specs, &set->allocated,
+ sizeof *set->specs);
- for (int f = 0; f < N_CTSF_FUNCTIONS; f++)
+ struct ctables_summary_spec *dst = &set->specs[set->n++];
+ *dst = (struct ctables_summary_spec) {
+ .function = function,
+ .weighting = weighting,
+ .calc_area = area,
+ .user_area = area,
+ .percentile = percentile,
+ .label = xstrdup_if_nonnull (label),
+ .format = (format ? *format
+ : ctables_summary_default_format (function, axis->var)),
+ .is_ctables_format = is_ctables_format,
+ };
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
- const struct ctables_function_info *cfi = &ctables_function_info[f];
- if (ss_equals_case (cfi->basename, name))
- {
- *function = f;
- if ((u && !cfi->u_prefix) || (e && !cfi->e_prefix) || (has_area != cfi->is_area))
- break;
- *weighting = (e ? CTW_EFFECTIVE
- : cfi->e_prefix ? CTW_DICTIONARY
- lex_get (lexer);
- return true;
- }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ if (!add_summary_spec (axis->subs[i], function, weighting, area,
+ percentile, label, format, is_ctables_format,
+ loc, sv))
+ return false;
+ return true;
- lex_error (lexer, _("Expecting summary function name."));
- return false;
-static void
-ctables_axis_destroy (struct ctables_axis *axis)
- if (!axis)
- return;
+static struct ctables_axis *ctables_axis_parse_stack (
+ struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *);
- switch (axis->op)
+static struct ctables_axis *
+ctables_axis_parse_primary (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
+ if (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_LPAREN))
- case CTAO_VAR:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CSVS; i++)
- ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (&axis->specs[i]);
- break;
+ struct ctables_axis *sub = ctables_axis_parse_stack (ctx);
+ if (!sub || !lex_force_match (ctx->lexer, T_RPAREN))
+ {
+ ctables_axis_destroy (sub);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return sub;
+ }
- case CTAO_STACK:
- case CTAO_NEST:
- ctables_axis_destroy (axis->subs[0]);
- ctables_axis_destroy (axis->subs[1]);
- break;
+ if (!lex_force_id (ctx->lexer))
+ return NULL;
+ if (lex_tokcstr (ctx->lexer)[0] == '$')
+ {
+ lex_error (ctx->lexer,
+ _("Multiple response set support not implemented."));
+ return NULL;
- msg_location_destroy (axis->loc);
- free (axis);
-static struct ctables_axis *
-ctables_axis_new_nonterminal (enum ctables_axis_op op,
- struct ctables_axis *sub0,
- struct ctables_axis *sub1,
- struct lexer *lexer, int start_ofs)
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
+ struct variable *var = parse_variable (ctx->lexer, ctx->dict);
+ if (!var)
+ return NULL;
struct ctables_axis *axis = xmalloc (sizeof *axis);
- *axis = (struct ctables_axis) {
- .op = op,
- .subs = { sub0, sub1 },
- .loc = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1),
- };
+ *axis = (struct ctables_axis) { .op = CTAO_VAR, .var = var };
+ axis->scale = (lex_match_phrase (ctx->lexer, "[S]") ? true
+ : lex_match_phrase (ctx->lexer, "[C]") ? false
+ : var_get_measure (var) == MEASURE_SCALE);
+ axis->loc = lex_ofs_location (ctx->lexer, start_ofs,
+ lex_ofs (ctx->lexer) - 1);
+ if (axis->scale && var_is_alpha (var))
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, axis->loc, _("Cannot use string variable %s as a scale "
+ "variable."),
+ var_get_name (var));
+ ctables_axis_destroy (axis);
+ return NULL;
+ }
return axis;
-struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx
- {
- struct lexer *lexer;
- struct dictionary *dict;
- struct ctables *ct;
- struct ctables_table *t;
- };
-static struct fmt_spec
-ctables_summary_default_format (enum ctables_summary_function function,
- const struct variable *var)
+static bool
+has_digit (const char *s)
- static const enum ctables_format default_formats[] = {
-#include "ctables.inc"
-#undef S
- };
- switch (default_formats[function])
- {
- case CTF_COUNT:
- return (struct fmt_spec) { .type = FMT_F, .w = 40 };
+ return s[strcspn (s, "0123456789")] != '\0';
- return (struct fmt_spec) { .type = FMT_PCT, .w = 40, .d = 1 };
+static bool
+parse_ctables_format_specifier (struct lexer *lexer, struct fmt_spec *format,
+ bool *is_ctables_format)
+ char type[FMT_TYPE_LEN_MAX + 1];
+ if (!parse_abstract_format_specifier__ (lexer, type, &format->w, &format->d))
+ return false;
- return *var_get_print_format (var);
+ if (!strcasecmp (type, "NEGPAREN"))
+ format->type = CTEF_NEGPAREN;
+ else if (!strcasecmp (type, "NEQUAL"))
+ format->type = CTEF_NEQUAL;
+ else if (!strcasecmp (type, "PAREN"))
+ format->type = CTEF_PAREN;
+ else if (!strcasecmp (type, "PCTPAREN"))
+ format->type = CTEF_PCTPAREN;
+ else
+ {
+ *is_ctables_format = false;
+ return (parse_format_specifier (lexer, format)
+ && fmt_check_output (format)
+ && fmt_check_type_compat (format, VAL_NUMERIC));
+ }
- default:
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ if (format->w < 2)
+ {
+ lex_next_error (lexer, -1, -1,
+ _("Output format %s requires width 2 or greater."), type);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (format->d > format->w - 1)
+ {
+ lex_next_error (lexer, -1, -1, _("Output format %s requires width "
+ "greater than decimals."), type);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *is_ctables_format = true;
+ return true;
-static const char *
-ctables_summary_label__ (const struct ctables_summary_spec *spec)
+static struct ctables_axis *
+ctables_axis_parse_postfix (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
- bool w = spec->weighting != CTW_UNWEIGHTED;
- bool d = spec->weighting == CTW_DICTIONARY;
- enum ctables_area_type a = spec->user_area;
- switch (spec->function)
+ struct ctables_axis *sub = ctables_axis_parse_primary (ctx);
+ if (!sub || !lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ return sub;
+ enum ctables_summary_variant sv = CSV_CELL;
+ for (;;)
- case CTSF_COUNT:
- return (d ? N_("Count")
- : w ? N_("Adjusted Count")
- : N_("Unweighted Count"));
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
- case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
- switch (a)
- {
- case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table %") : N_("Unweighted Table %");
- case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer %") : N_("Unweighted Layer %");
- case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row %");
- case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column %");
- case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable %");
- case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row %") : N_("Unweighted Row %");
- case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column %") : N_("Unweighted Column %");
- }
+ /* Parse function. */
+ enum ctables_summary_function function;
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting;
+ enum ctables_area_type area;
+ if (!parse_ctables_summary_function (ctx->lexer, &function, &weighting,
+ &area))
+ goto error;
- case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
- switch (a)
+ /* Parse percentile. */
+ double percentile = 0;
+ if (function == CTSF_PTILE)
- case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Table Valid N %");
- case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Valid N %");
- case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row Valid N %");
- case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column Valid N %");
- case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable Valid N %");
- case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Row Valid N %");
- case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column Valid N %") : N_("Unweighted Column Valid N %");
+ if (!lex_force_num_range_closed (ctx->lexer, "PTILE", 0, 100))
+ goto error;
+ percentile = lex_number (ctx->lexer);
+ lex_get (ctx->lexer);
- case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
- switch (a)
+ /* Parse label. */
+ char *label = NULL;
+ if (lex_is_string (ctx->lexer))
- case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Table Total N %");
- case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Total N %");
- case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row Total N %");
- case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column Total N %");
- case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable Total N %");
- case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Row Total N %");
- case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column Total N %") : N_("Unweighted Column Total N %");
+ label = ss_xstrdup (lex_tokss (ctx->lexer));
+ lex_get (ctx->lexer);
- case CTSF_MAXIMUM: return N_("Maximum");
- case CTSF_MEAN: return w ? N_("Mean") : N_("Unweighted Mean");
- case CTSF_MEDIAN: return w ? N_("Median") : N_("Unweighted Median");
- case CTSF_MINIMUM: return N_("Minimum");
- case CTSF_MISSING: return w ? N_("Missing") : N_("Unweighted Missing");
- case CTSF_MODE: return w ? N_("Mode") : N_("Unweighted Mode");
- case CTSF_RANGE: return N_("Range");
- case CTSF_SEMEAN: return w ? N_("Std Error of Mean") : N_("Unweighted Std Error of Mean");
- case CTSF_STDDEV: return w ? N_("Std Deviation") : N_("Unweighted Std Deviation");
- case CTSF_SUM: return w ? N_("Sum") : N_("Unweighted Sum");
- case CTSF_TOTALN: return (d ? N_("Total N")
- : w ? N_("Adjusted Total N")
- : N_("Unweighted Total N"));
- case CTSF_VALIDN: return (d ? N_("Valid N")
- : w ? N_("Adjusted Valid N")
- : N_("Unweighted Valid N"));
- case CTSF_VARIANCE: return w ? N_("Variance") : N_("Unweighted Variance");
- case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
- switch (a)
+ /* Parse format. */
+ struct fmt_spec format;
+ const struct fmt_spec *formatp;
+ bool is_ctables_format = false;
+ if (lex_token (ctx->lexer) == T_ID
+ && has_digit (lex_tokcstr (ctx->lexer)))
- case CTAT_TABLE: return w ? N_("Table Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Table Sum %");
- case CTAT_LAYER: return w ? N_("Layer Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Sum %");
- case CTAT_LAYERROW: return w ? N_("Layer Row Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Row Sum %");
- case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return w ? N_("Layer Column Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Layer Column Sum %");
- case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return w ? N_("Subtable Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Subtable Sum %");
- case CTAT_ROW: return w ? N_("Row Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Row Sum %");
- case CTAT_COL: return w ? N_("Column Sum %") : N_("Unweighted Column Sum %");
+ if (!parse_ctables_format_specifier (ctx->lexer, &format,
+ &is_ctables_format))
+ {
+ free (label);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ formatp = &format;
+ else
+ formatp = NULL;
- case CTSF_areaID:
- switch (a)
+ struct msg_location *loc = lex_ofs_location (ctx->lexer, start_ofs,
+ lex_ofs (ctx->lexer) - 1);
+ add_summary_spec (sub, function, weighting, area, percentile, label,
+ formatp, is_ctables_format, loc, sv);
+ free (label);
+ msg_location_destroy (loc);
+ lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_COMMA);
+ if (sv == CSV_CELL && lex_match_id (ctx->lexer, "TOTALS"))
- /* Don't bother translating these: they are for developers only. */
- case CTAT_TABLE: return "Table ID";
- case CTAT_LAYER: return "Layer ID";
- case CTAT_LAYERROW: return "Layer Row ID";
- case CTAT_LAYERCOL: return "Layer Column ID";
- case CTAT_SUBTABLE: return "Subtable ID";
- case CTAT_ROW: return "Row ID";
- case CTAT_COL: return "Column ID";
+ if (!lex_force_match (ctx->lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ goto error;
+ sv = CSV_TOTAL;
+ }
+ else if (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_RBRACK))
+ {
+ if (sv == CSV_TOTAL && !lex_force_match (ctx->lexer, T_RBRACK))
+ goto error;
+ return sub;
+ ctables_axis_destroy (sub);
+ return NULL;
-static struct pivot_value *
-ctables_summary_label (const struct ctables_summary_spec *spec, double cilevel)
+static const struct ctables_axis *
+find_scale (const struct ctables_axis *axis)
- if (!spec->label)
+ if (!axis)
+ return NULL;
+ else if (axis->op == CTAO_VAR)
+ return axis->scale ? axis : NULL;
+ else
- if (spec->function == CTSF_PTILE)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- double p = spec->percentile;
- char *s = (spec->weighting != CTW_UNWEIGHTED
- ? xasprintf (_("Percentile %.2f"), p)
- : xasprintf (_("Unweighted Percentile %.2f"), p));
- return pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (s);
+ const struct ctables_axis *scale = find_scale (axis->subs[i]);
+ if (scale)
+ return scale;
- else
- return pivot_value_new_text (ctables_summary_label__ (spec));
+ return NULL;
+static const struct ctables_axis *
+find_categorical_summary_spec (const struct ctables_axis *axis)
+ if (!axis)
+ return NULL;
+ else if (axis->op == CTAO_VAR)
+ return !axis->scale && axis->specs[CSV_CELL].n ? axis : NULL;
- struct substring in = ss_cstr (spec->label);
- struct substring target = ss_cstr (")CILEVEL");
- struct string out = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
- for (;;)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- size_t chunk = ss_find_substring (in, target);
- ds_put_substring (&out, ss_head (in, chunk));
- ss_advance (&in, chunk);
- if (!in.length)
- return pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (ds_steal_cstr (&out));
- ss_advance (&in, target.length);
- ds_put_format (&out, "%g", cilevel);
+ const struct ctables_axis *sum
+ = find_categorical_summary_spec (axis->subs[i]);
+ if (sum)
+ return sum;
+ return NULL;
-static const char *
-ctables_summary_function_name (enum ctables_summary_function function,
- enum ctables_weighting weighting,
- enum ctables_area_type area,
- char *buffer, size_t bufsize)
+static struct ctables_axis *
+ctables_axis_parse_nest (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
- const struct ctables_function_info *cfi = &ctables_function_info[function];
- snprintf (buffer, bufsize, "%s%s%s",
- (weighting == CTW_UNWEIGHTED ? "U"
- : weighting == CTW_DICTIONARY ? ""
- : cfi->e_prefix ? "E"
- : ""),
- cfi->is_area ? ctables_area_type_name[area] : "",
- cfi->basename.string);
- return buffer;
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
+ struct ctables_axis *lhs = ctables_axis_parse_postfix (ctx);
+ if (!lhs)
+ return NULL;
-static bool
-add_summary_spec (struct ctables_axis *axis,
- enum ctables_summary_function function,
- enum ctables_weighting weighting,
- enum ctables_area_type area, double percentile,
- const char *label, const struct fmt_spec *format,
- bool is_ctables_format, const struct msg_location *loc,
- enum ctables_summary_variant sv)
- if (axis->op == CTAO_VAR)
+ while (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_GT))
- char function_name[128];
- ctables_summary_function_name (function, weighting, area,
- function_name, sizeof function_name);
- const char *var_name = var_get_name (axis->var);
- switch (ctables_function_availability (function))
+ struct ctables_axis *rhs = ctables_axis_parse_postfix (ctx);
+ if (!rhs)
-#if 0
- msg_at (SE, loc, _("Summary function %s applies only to multiple "
- "response sets."), function_name);
- msg_at (SN, axis->loc, _("'%s' is not a multiple response set."),
- var_name);
- return false;
+ ctables_axis_destroy (lhs);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- case CTFA_SCALE:
- if (!axis->scale && sv != CSV_TOTAL)
- {
- msg_at (SE, loc,
- _("Summary function %s applies only to scale variables."),
- function_name);
- msg_at (SN, axis->loc, _("'%s' is not a scale variable."),
- var_name);
- return false;
- }
- break;
+ struct ctables_axis *nest = ctables_axis_new_nonterminal (
+ CTAO_NEST, lhs, rhs, ctx->lexer, start_ofs);
- case CTFA_ALL:
- break;
+ const struct ctables_axis *outer_scale = find_scale (lhs);
+ const struct ctables_axis *inner_scale = find_scale (rhs);
+ if (outer_scale && inner_scale)
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, nest->loc, _("Cannot nest scale variables."));
+ msg_at (SN, outer_scale->loc, _("This is an outer scale variable."));
+ msg_at (SN, inner_scale->loc, _("This is an inner scale variable."));
+ ctables_axis_destroy (nest);
+ return NULL;
- struct ctables_summary_spec_set *set = &axis->specs[sv];
- if (set->n >= set->allocated)
- set->specs = x2nrealloc (set->specs, &set->allocated,
- sizeof *set->specs);
+ const struct ctables_axis *outer_sum = find_categorical_summary_spec (lhs);
+ if (outer_sum)
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, nest->loc,
+ _("Summaries may only be requested for categorical variables "
+ "at the innermost nesting level."));
+ msg_at (SN, outer_sum->loc,
+ _("This outer categorical variable has a summary."));
+ ctables_axis_destroy (nest);
+ return NULL;
+ }
- struct ctables_summary_spec *dst = &set->specs[set->n++];
- *dst = (struct ctables_summary_spec) {
- .function = function,
- .weighting = weighting,
- .calc_area = area,
- .user_area = area,
- .percentile = percentile,
- .label = xstrdup_if_nonnull (label),
- .format = (format ? *format
- : ctables_summary_default_format (function, axis->var)),
- .is_ctables_format = is_ctables_format,
- };
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- if (!add_summary_spec (axis->subs[i], function, weighting, area,
- percentile, label, format, is_ctables_format,
- loc, sv))
- return false;
- return true;
+ lhs = nest;
-static struct ctables_axis *ctables_axis_parse_stack (
- struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *);
+ return lhs;
static struct ctables_axis *
-ctables_axis_parse_primary (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
+ctables_axis_parse_stack (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
- if (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_LPAREN))
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
+ struct ctables_axis *lhs = ctables_axis_parse_nest (ctx);
+ if (!lhs)
+ return NULL;
+ while (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_PLUS))
- struct ctables_axis *sub = ctables_axis_parse_stack (ctx);
- if (!sub || !lex_force_match (ctx->lexer, T_RPAREN))
+ struct ctables_axis *rhs = ctables_axis_parse_nest (ctx);
+ if (!rhs)
- ctables_axis_destroy (sub);
+ ctables_axis_destroy (lhs);
return NULL;
- return sub;
+ lhs = ctables_axis_new_nonterminal (CTAO_STACK, lhs, rhs,
+ ctx->lexer, start_ofs);
- if (!lex_force_id (ctx->lexer))
- return NULL;
+ return lhs;
- if (lex_tokcstr (ctx->lexer)[0] == '$')
- {
- lex_error (ctx->lexer,
- _("Multiple response set support not implemented."));
- return NULL;
- }
+static bool
+ctables_axis_parse (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
+ struct ctables_axis **axisp)
+ *axisp = NULL;
+ if (lex_token (lexer) == T_BY
+ || lex_token (lexer) == T_SLASH
+ || lex_token (lexer) == T_ENDCMD)
+ return true;
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
- struct variable *var = parse_variable (ctx->lexer, ctx->dict);
- if (!var)
- return NULL;
+ struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx ctx = {
+ .lexer = lexer,
+ .dict = dict,
+ };
+ *axisp = ctables_axis_parse_stack (&ctx);
+ return *axisp;
+/* CTABLES categories. */
- struct ctables_axis *axis = xmalloc (sizeof *axis);
- *axis = (struct ctables_axis) { .op = CTAO_VAR, .var = var };
+struct ctables_categories
+ {
+ size_t n_refs;
+ struct ctables_category *cats;
+ size_t n_cats;
+ bool show_empty;
+ };
- axis->scale = (lex_match_phrase (ctx->lexer, "[S]") ? true
- : lex_match_phrase (ctx->lexer, "[C]") ? false
- : var_get_measure (var) == MEASURE_SCALE);
- axis->loc = lex_ofs_location (ctx->lexer, start_ofs,
- lex_ofs (ctx->lexer) - 1);
- if (axis->scale && var_is_alpha (var))
+struct ctables_category
+ {
+ enum ctables_category_type
+ {
+ /* Explicit category lists. */
+ CCT_NRANGE, /* Numerical range. */
+ CCT_SRANGE, /* String range. */
+ /* Totals and subtotals. */
+ /* Implicit category lists. */
+ /* For contributing to TOTALN. */
+ }
+ type;
+ struct ctables_category *subtotal;
+ bool hide;
+ union
+ {
+ double number; /* CCT_NUMBER. */
+ struct substring string; /* CCT_STRING, in dictionary encoding. */
+ double nrange[2]; /* CCT_NRANGE. */
+ struct substring srange[2]; /* CCT_SRANGE. */
+ struct
+ {
+ char *total_label; /* CCT_SUBTOTAL, CCT_TOTAL. */
+ bool hide_subcategories; /* CCT_SUBTOTAL. */
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ const struct ctables_postcompute *pc;
+ enum fmt_type parse_format;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ bool include_missing;
+ bool sort_ascending;
+ enum ctables_summary_function sort_function;
+ enum ctables_weighting weighting;
+ enum ctables_area_type area;
+ struct variable *sort_var;
+ double percentile;
+ };
+ };
+ /* Source location. This is null for CCT_TOTAL, CCT_VALUE, CCT_LABEL,
+ struct msg_location *location;
+ };
+static void
+ctables_category_uninit (struct ctables_category *cat)
+ if (!cat)
+ return;
+ msg_location_destroy (cat->location);
+ switch (cat->type)
- msg_at (SE, axis->loc, _("Cannot use string variable %s as a scale "
- "variable."),
- var_get_name (var));
- ctables_axis_destroy (axis);
- return NULL;
- }
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ break;
- return axis;
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ ss_dealloc (&cat->string);
+ break;
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[0]);
+ ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[1]);
+ break;
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ free (cat->total_label);
+ break;
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
static bool
-has_digit (const char *s)
+nullable_substring_equal (const struct substring *a,
+ const struct substring *b)
- return s[strcspn (s, "0123456789")] != '\0';
+ return !a->string ? !b->string : b->string && ss_equals (*a, *b);
static bool
-parse_ctables_format_specifier (struct lexer *lexer, struct fmt_spec *format,
- bool *is_ctables_format)
+ctables_category_equal (const struct ctables_category *a,
+ const struct ctables_category *b)
- char type[FMT_TYPE_LEN_MAX + 1];
- if (!parse_abstract_format_specifier__ (lexer, type, &format->w, &format->d))
+ if (a->type != b->type)
return false;
- if (!strcasecmp (type, "NEGPAREN"))
- format->type = CTEF_NEGPAREN;
- else if (!strcasecmp (type, "NEQUAL"))
- format->type = CTEF_NEQUAL;
- else if (!strcasecmp (type, "PAREN"))
- format->type = CTEF_PAREN;
- else if (!strcasecmp (type, "PCTPAREN"))
- format->type = CTEF_PCTPAREN;
- else
+ switch (a->type)
- *is_ctables_format = false;
- return (parse_format_specifier (lexer, format)
- && fmt_check_output (format)
- && fmt_check_type_compat (format, VAL_NUMERIC));
- }
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ return a->number == b->number;
- lex_get (lexer);
- if (format->w < 2)
- {
- lex_next_error (lexer, -1, -1,
- _("Output format %s requires width 2 or greater."), type);
- return false;
- }
- else if (format->d > format->w - 1)
- {
- lex_next_error (lexer, -1, -1, _("Output format %s requires width "
- "greater than decimals."), type);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- *is_ctables_format = true;
- return true;
- }
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ return ss_equals (a->string, b->string);
-static struct ctables_axis *
-ctables_axis_parse_postfix (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
- struct ctables_axis *sub = ctables_axis_parse_primary (ctx);
- if (!sub || !lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_LBRACK))
- return sub;
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ return a->nrange[0] == b->nrange[0] && a->nrange[1] == b->nrange[1];
- enum ctables_summary_variant sv = CSV_CELL;
- for (;;)
- {
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
- /* Parse function. */
- enum ctables_summary_function function;
- enum ctables_weighting weighting;
- enum ctables_area_type area;
- if (!parse_ctables_summary_function (ctx->lexer, &function, &weighting,
- &area))
- goto error;
- /* Parse percentile. */
- double percentile = 0;
- if (function == CTSF_PTILE)
- {
- if (!lex_force_num_range_closed (ctx->lexer, "PTILE", 0, 100))
- goto error;
- percentile = lex_number (ctx->lexer);
- lex_get (ctx->lexer);
- }
- /* Parse label. */
- char *label = NULL;
- if (lex_is_string (ctx->lexer))
- {
- label = ss_xstrdup (lex_tokss (ctx->lexer));
- lex_get (ctx->lexer);
- }
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ return (nullable_substring_equal (&a->srange[0], &b->srange[0])
+ && nullable_substring_equal (&a->srange[1], &b->srange[1]));
- /* Parse format. */
- struct fmt_spec format;
- const struct fmt_spec *formatp;
- bool is_ctables_format = false;
- if (lex_token (ctx->lexer) == T_ID
- && has_digit (lex_tokcstr (ctx->lexer)))
- {
- if (!parse_ctables_format_specifier (ctx->lexer, &format,
- &is_ctables_format))
- {
- free (label);
- goto error;
- }
- formatp = &format;
- }
- else
- formatp = NULL;
+ return true;
- struct msg_location *loc = lex_ofs_location (ctx->lexer, start_ofs,
- lex_ofs (ctx->lexer) - 1);
- add_summary_spec (sub, function, weighting, area, percentile, label,
- formatp, is_ctables_format, loc, sv);
- free (label);
- msg_location_destroy (loc);
+ return a->pc == b->pc;
- lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_COMMA);
- if (sv == CSV_CELL && lex_match_id (ctx->lexer, "TOTALS"))
- {
- if (!lex_force_match (ctx->lexer, T_LBRACK))
- goto error;
- sv = CSV_TOTAL;
- }
- else if (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_RBRACK))
- {
- if (sv == CSV_TOTAL && !lex_force_match (ctx->lexer, T_RBRACK))
- goto error;
- return sub;
- }
- }
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ return !strcmp (a->total_label, b->total_label);
- ctables_axis_destroy (sub);
- return NULL;
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ return (a->include_missing == b->include_missing
+ && a->sort_ascending == b->sort_ascending
+ && a->sort_function == b->sort_function
+ && a->sort_var == b->sort_var
+ && a->percentile == b->percentile);
-static const struct ctables_axis *
-find_scale (const struct ctables_axis *axis)
- if (!axis)
- return NULL;
- else if (axis->op == CTAO_VAR)
- return axis->scale ? axis : NULL;
- else
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- const struct ctables_axis *scale = find_scale (axis->subs[i]);
- if (scale)
- return scale;
- }
- return NULL;
+ return true;
-static const struct ctables_axis *
-find_categorical_summary_spec (const struct ctables_axis *axis)
- if (!axis)
- return NULL;
- else if (axis->op == CTAO_VAR)
- return !axis->scale && axis->specs[CSV_CELL].n ? axis : NULL;
- else
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- const struct ctables_axis *sum
- = find_categorical_summary_spec (axis->subs[i]);
- if (sum)
- return sum;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
-static struct ctables_axis *
-ctables_axis_parse_nest (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
+static void
+ctables_categories_unref (struct ctables_categories *c)
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
- struct ctables_axis *lhs = ctables_axis_parse_postfix (ctx);
- if (!lhs)
- return NULL;
- while (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_GT))
- {
- struct ctables_axis *rhs = ctables_axis_parse_postfix (ctx);
- if (!rhs)
- {
- ctables_axis_destroy (lhs);
- return NULL;
- }
- struct ctables_axis *nest = ctables_axis_new_nonterminal (
- CTAO_NEST, lhs, rhs, ctx->lexer, start_ofs);
- const struct ctables_axis *outer_scale = find_scale (lhs);
- const struct ctables_axis *inner_scale = find_scale (rhs);
- if (outer_scale && inner_scale)
- {
- msg_at (SE, nest->loc, _("Cannot nest scale variables."));
- msg_at (SN, outer_scale->loc, _("This is an outer scale variable."));
- msg_at (SN, inner_scale->loc, _("This is an inner scale variable."));
- ctables_axis_destroy (nest);
- return NULL;
- }
- const struct ctables_axis *outer_sum = find_categorical_summary_spec (lhs);
- if (outer_sum)
- {
- msg_at (SE, nest->loc,
- _("Summaries may only be requested for categorical variables "
- "at the innermost nesting level."));
- msg_at (SN, outer_sum->loc,
- _("This outer categorical variable has a summary."));
- ctables_axis_destroy (nest);
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (!c)
+ return;
- lhs = nest;
- }
+ assert (c->n_refs > 0);
+ if (--c->n_refs)
+ return;
- return lhs;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c->n_cats; i++)
+ ctables_category_uninit (&c->cats[i]);
+ free (c->cats);
+ free (c);
-static struct ctables_axis *
-ctables_axis_parse_stack (struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx *ctx)
+static bool
+ctables_categories_equal (const struct ctables_categories *a,
+ const struct ctables_categories *b)
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (ctx->lexer);
- struct ctables_axis *lhs = ctables_axis_parse_nest (ctx);
- if (!lhs)
- return NULL;
- while (lex_match (ctx->lexer, T_PLUS))
- {
- struct ctables_axis *rhs = ctables_axis_parse_nest (ctx);
- if (!rhs)
- {
- ctables_axis_destroy (lhs);
- return NULL;
- }
+ if (a->n_cats != b->n_cats || a->show_empty != b->show_empty)
+ return false;
- lhs = ctables_axis_new_nonterminal (CTAO_STACK, lhs, rhs,
- ctx->lexer, start_ofs);
- }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a->n_cats; i++)
+ if (!ctables_category_equal (&a->cats[i], &b->cats[i]))
+ return false;
- return lhs;
+ return true;
+/* CTABLES variable nesting and stacking. */
-static bool
-ctables_axis_parse (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
- struct ctables *ct, struct ctables_table *t,
- enum pivot_axis_type a)
- if (lex_token (lexer) == T_BY
- || lex_token (lexer) == T_SLASH
- || lex_token (lexer) == T_ENDCMD)
- return true;
+/* A nested sequence of variables, e.g. a > b > c. */
+struct ctables_nest
+ {
+ struct variable **vars;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t scale_idx;
+ size_t summary_idx;
+ size_t *areas[N_CTATS];
+ size_t n_areas[N_CTATS];
+ size_t group_head;
- struct ctables_axis_parse_ctx ctx = {
- .lexer = lexer,
- .dict = dict,
- .ct = ct,
- .t = t
+ struct ctables_summary_spec_set specs[N_CSVS];
- t->axes[a] = ctables_axis_parse_stack (&ctx);
- return t->axes[a] != NULL;
-static void
-ctables_chisq_destroy (struct ctables_chisq *chisq)
- free (chisq);
+/* A stack of nestings, e.g. nest1 + nest2 + ... + nestN. */
+struct ctables_stack
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nests;
+ size_t n;
+ };
static void
-ctables_pairwise_destroy (struct ctables_pairwise *pairwise)
+ctables_nest_uninit (struct ctables_nest *nest)
- free (pairwise);
+ free (nest->vars);
+ for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (&nest->specs[sv]);
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ free (nest->areas[at]);
static void
-ctables_table_destroy (struct ctables_table *t)
+ctables_stack_uninit (struct ctables_stack *stack)
- if (!t)
- return;
+ if (stack)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < stack->n; i++)
+ ctables_nest_uninit (&stack->nests[i]);
+ free (stack->nests);
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_sections; i++)
- ctables_section_uninit (&t->sections[i]);
- free (t->sections);
+static struct ctables_stack
+nest_fts (struct ctables_stack s0, struct ctables_stack s1)
+ if (!s0.n)
+ return s1;
+ else if (!s1.n)
+ return s0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_categories; i++)
- ctables_categories_unref (t->categories[i]);
- free (t->categories);
+ struct ctables_stack stack = { .nests = xnmalloc (s0.n, s1.n * sizeof *stack.nests) };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s0.n; i++)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < s1.n; j++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *a = &s0.nests[i];
+ const struct ctables_nest *b = &s1.nests[j];
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- ctables_axis_destroy (t->axes[a]);
- ctables_stack_uninit (&t->stacks[a]);
- }
- free (t->summary_specs.specs);
+ size_t allocate = a->n + b->n;
+ struct variable **vars = xnmalloc (allocate, sizeof *vars);
+ size_t n = 0;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < a->n; k++)
+ vars[n++] = a->vars[k];
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < b->n; k++)
+ vars[n++] = b->vars[k];
+ assert (n == allocate);
- struct ctables_value *ctv, *next_ctv;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ctv, next_ctv, struct ctables_value, node,
- &t->clabels_values_map)
- {
- value_destroy (&ctv->value, var_get_width (t->clabels_example));
- hmap_delete (&t->clabels_values_map, &ctv->node);
- free (ctv);
- }
- hmap_destroy (&t->clabels_values_map);
- free (t->clabels_values);
+ const struct ctables_nest *summary_src;
+ if (!a->specs[CSV_CELL].var)
+ summary_src = b;
+ else if (!b->specs[CSV_CELL].var)
+ summary_src = a;
+ else
- free (t->sum_vars);
- free (t->caption);
- free (t->corner);
- free (t->title);
- ctables_chisq_destroy (t->chisq);
- ctables_pairwise_destroy (t->pairwise);
- free (t);
+ struct ctables_nest *new = &stack.nests[stack.n++];
+ *new = (struct ctables_nest) {
+ .vars = vars,
+ .scale_idx = (a->scale_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->scale_idx
+ : b->scale_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->n + b->scale_idx
+ : SIZE_MAX),
+ .summary_idx = (a->summary_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->summary_idx
+ : b->summary_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->n + b->summary_idx
+ : SIZE_MAX),
+ .n = n,
+ };
+ for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&new->specs[sv], &summary_src->specs[sv]);
+ }
+ ctables_stack_uninit (&s0);
+ ctables_stack_uninit (&s1);
+ return stack;
-static void
-ctables_destroy (struct ctables *ct)
+static struct ctables_stack
+stack_fts (struct ctables_stack s0, struct ctables_stack s1)
- if (!ct)
- return;
- struct ctables_postcompute *pc, *next_pc;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (pc, next_pc, struct ctables_postcompute, hmap_node,
- &ct->postcomputes)
+ struct ctables_stack stack = { .nests = xnmalloc (s0.n + s1.n, sizeof *stack.nests) };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s0.n; i++)
+ stack.nests[stack.n++] = s0.nests[i];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s1.n; i++)
- free (pc->name);
- msg_location_destroy (pc->location);
- ctables_pcexpr_destroy (pc->expr);
- free (pc->label);
- if (pc->specs)
- {
- ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (pc->specs);
- free (pc->specs);
- }
- hmap_delete (&ct->postcomputes, &pc->hmap_node);
- free (pc);
+ stack.nests[stack.n] = s1.nests[i];
+ stack.nests[stack.n].group_head += s0.n;
+ stack.n++;
- hmap_destroy (&ct->postcomputes);
- fmt_settings_uninit (&ct->ctables_formats);
- pivot_table_look_unref (ct->look);
- free (ct->zero);
- free (ct->missing);
- free (ct->vlabels);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
- ctables_table_destroy (ct->tables[i]);
- free (ct->tables);
- free (ct);
+ assert (stack.n == s0.n + s1.n);
+ free (s0.nests);
+ free (s1.nests);
+ return stack;
-static struct ctables_category
-cct_nrange (double low, double high)
+static struct ctables_stack
+var_fts (const struct ctables_axis *a)
- return (struct ctables_category) {
- .type = CCT_NRANGE,
- .nrange = { low, high }
- };
+ struct variable **vars = xmalloc (sizeof *vars);
+ *vars = a->var;
-static struct ctables_category
-cct_srange (struct substring low, struct substring high)
- return (struct ctables_category) {
- .type = CCT_SRANGE,
- .srange = { low, high }
+ bool is_summary = a->specs[CSV_CELL].n || a->scale;
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = xmalloc (sizeof *nest);
+ *nest = (struct ctables_nest) {
+ .vars = vars,
+ .n = 1,
+ .scale_idx = a->scale ? 0 : SIZE_MAX,
+ .summary_idx = is_summary ? 0 : SIZE_MAX,
+ if (is_summary)
+ for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
+ {
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&nest->specs[sv], &a->specs[sv]);
+ nest->specs[sv].var = a->var;
+ nest->specs[sv].is_scale = a->scale;
+ }
+ return (struct ctables_stack) { .nests = nest, .n = 1 };
-static bool
-ctables_table_parse_subtotal (struct lexer *lexer, bool hide_subcategories,
- struct ctables_category *cat)
+static struct ctables_stack
+enumerate_fts (enum pivot_axis_type axis_type, const struct ctables_axis *a)
- char *total_label;
- if (lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS))
+ if (!a)
+ return (struct ctables_stack) { .n = 0 };
+ switch (a->op)
- if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
- return false;
+ case CTAO_VAR:
+ return var_fts (a);
- total_label = ss_xstrdup (lex_tokss (lexer));
- lex_get (lexer);
+ case CTAO_STACK:
+ return stack_fts (enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[0]),
+ enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[1]));
+ case CTAO_NEST:
+ /* This should consider any of the scale variables found in the result to
+ be linked to each other listwise for SMISSING=LISTWISE. */
+ return nest_fts (enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[0]),
+ enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[1]));
- else
- total_label = xstrdup (_("Subtotal"));
- *cat = (struct ctables_category) {
- .type = CCT_SUBTOTAL,
- .hide_subcategories = hide_subcategories,
- .total_label = total_label
- };
- return true;
+enum ctables_vlabel
+ {
+ };
-static struct substring
-parse_substring (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- struct substring s = recode_substring_pool (
- dict_get_encoding (dict), "UTF-8", lex_tokss (lexer), NULL);
- ss_rtrim (&s, ss_cstr (" "));
- lex_get (lexer);
- return s;
+struct ctables_cell
+ {
+ /* In struct ctables_section's 'cells' hmap. Indexed by all the values in
+ all the axes (except the scalar variable, if any). */
+ struct hmap_node node;
-static bool
-ctables_table_parse_explicit_category (struct lexer *lexer,
- struct dictionary *dict,
- struct ctables *ct,
- struct ctables_category *cat)
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "OTHERNM"))
- *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_OTHERNM };
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "MISSING"))
- *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_MISSING };
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "SUBTOTAL"))
- return ctables_table_parse_subtotal (lexer, false, cat);
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HSUBTOTAL"))
- return ctables_table_parse_subtotal (lexer, true, cat);
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LO"))
- {
- if (!lex_force_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- return false;
- if (lex_is_string (lexer))
- {
- struct substring sr0 = { .string = NULL };
- struct substring sr1 = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- *cat = cct_srange (sr0, sr1);
- }
- else if (lex_force_num (lexer))
- {
- *cat = cct_nrange (-DBL_MAX, lex_number (lexer));
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- else if (lex_is_number (lexer))
- {
- double number = lex_number (lexer);
- lex_get (lexer);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- {
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
- *cat = cct_nrange (number, DBL_MAX);
- else
- {
- if (!lex_force_num (lexer))
- return false;
- *cat = cct_nrange (number, lex_number (lexer));
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- }
- else
- *cat = (struct ctables_category) {
- .type = CCT_NUMBER,
- .number = number
- };
- }
- else if (lex_is_string (lexer))
- {
- struct substring s = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- {
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
- {
- struct substring sr1 = { .string = NULL };
- *cat = cct_srange (s, sr1);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
- {
- ss_dealloc (&s);
- return false;
- }
- struct substring sr1 = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- *cat = cct_srange (s, sr1);
- }
- }
- else
- *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_STRING, .string = s };
- }
- else if (lex_match (lexer, T_AND))
- {
- if (!lex_force_id (lexer))
- return false;
- struct ctables_postcompute *pc = ctables_find_postcompute (
- ct, lex_tokcstr (lexer));
- if (!pc)
- {
- struct msg_location *loc = lex_get_location (lexer, -1, 0);
- msg_at (SE, loc, _("Unknown postcompute &%s."),
- lex_tokcstr (lexer));
- msg_location_destroy (loc);
- return false;
- }
- lex_get (lexer);
+ /* The areas that contain this cell. */
+ uint32_t omit_areas;
+ struct ctables_area *areas[N_CTATS];
- *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_POSTCOMPUTE, .pc = pc };
- }
- else
- {
- lex_error (lexer, NULL);
- return false;
- }
+ bool hide;
- return true;
+ bool postcompute;
+ enum ctables_summary_variant sv;
-static bool
-parse_category_string (struct msg_location *location,
- struct substring s, const struct dictionary *dict,
- enum fmt_type format, double *n)
- union value v;
- char *error = data_in (s, dict_get_encoding (dict), format,
- settings_get_fmt_settings (), &v, 0, NULL);
- if (error)
- {
- msg_at (SE, location,
- _("Failed to parse category specification as format %s: %s."),
- fmt_name (format), error);
- free (error);
- return false;
- }
+ struct ctables_cell_axis
+ {
+ struct ctables_cell_value
+ {
+ const struct ctables_category *category;
+ union value value;
+ }
+ *cvs;
+ int leaf;
+ }
+ axes[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- *n = v.f;
- return true;
+ union ctables_summary *summaries;
+ };
-static struct ctables_category *
-ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (const struct ctables_categories *cats,
- const struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
- struct ctables_category *best = NULL;
- size_t n_subtotals = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < cats->n_cats; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_category *cat = &cats->cats[i];
- switch (e->op)
- {
- if (cat->type == CCT_NUMBER && cat->number == e->number)
- best = cat;
- break;
+struct ctables_postcompute
+ {
+ struct hmap_node hmap_node; /* In struct ctables's 'pcompute' hmap. */
+ char *name; /* Name, without leading &. */
- if (cat->type == CCT_STRING && ss_equals (cat->string, e->string))
- best = cat;
- break;
+ struct msg_location *location; /* Location of definition. */
+ struct ctables_pcexpr *expr;
+ char *label;
+ struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs;
+ bool hide_source_cats;
+ };
- if (cat->type == CCT_NRANGE
- && cat->nrange[0] == e->nrange[0]
- && cat->nrange[1] == e->nrange[1])
- best = cat;
- break;
+struct ctables
+ {
+ const struct dictionary *dict;
+ struct pivot_table_look *look;
- if (cat->type == CCT_SRANGE
- && nullable_substring_equal (&cat->srange[0], &e->srange[0])
- && nullable_substring_equal (&cat->srange[1], &e->srange[1]))
- best = cat;
- break;
+ /* For CTEF_* formats. */
+ struct fmt_settings ctables_formats;
- if (cat->type == CCT_MISSING)
- best = cat;
- break;
+ /* If this is NULL, zeros are displayed using the normal print format.
+ Otherwise, this string is displayed. */
+ char *zero;
- if (cat->type == CCT_OTHERNM)
- best = cat;
- break;
+ /* If this is NULL, missing values are displayed using the normal print
+ format. Otherwise, this string is displayed. */
+ char *missing;
- if (cat->type == CCT_SUBTOTAL)
- {
- n_subtotals++;
- if (e->subtotal_index == n_subtotals)
- return cat;
- else if (e->subtotal_index == 0)
- best = cat;
- }
- break;
+ /* Indexed by variable dictionary index. */
+ enum ctables_vlabel *vlabels;
- if (cat->type == CCT_TOTAL)
- return cat;
- break;
+ struct hmap postcomputes; /* Contains "struct ctables_postcompute"s. */
- case CTPO_ADD:
- case CTPO_SUB:
- case CTPO_MUL:
- case CTPO_DIV:
- case CTPO_POW:
- case CTPO_NEG:
- }
- }
- if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL && e->subtotal_index == 0 && n_subtotals > 1)
- return NULL;
- return best;
+ bool mrsets_count_duplicates; /* MRSETS. */
+ bool smissing_listwise; /* SMISSING. */
+ struct variable *e_weight; /* WEIGHT. */
+ int hide_threshold; /* HIDESMALLCOUNTS. */
-static struct ctables_category *
-ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (const struct dictionary *dict,
- const struct ctables_categories *cats,
- enum fmt_type parse_format,
- const struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
- if (parse_format != FMT_F)
- {
- if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_STRING)
- {
- double number;
- if (!parse_category_string (e->location, e->string, dict,
- parse_format, &number))
- return NULL;
+ struct ctables_table **tables;
+ size_t n_tables;
+ };
- struct ctables_pcexpr e2 = {
- .number = number,
- .location = e->location,
- };
- return ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (cats, &e2);
- }
- else if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SRANGE)
- {
- double nrange[2];
- if (!e->srange[0].string)
- nrange[0] = -DBL_MAX;
- else if (!parse_category_string (e->location, e->srange[0], dict,
- parse_format, &nrange[0]))
- return NULL;
+static struct ctables_postcompute *ctables_find_postcompute (struct ctables *,
+ const char *name);
- if (!e->srange[1].string)
- nrange[1] = DBL_MAX;
- else if (!parse_category_string (e->location, e->srange[1], dict,
- parse_format, &nrange[1]))
- return NULL;
+struct ctables_value
+ {
+ struct hmap_node node;
+ union value value;
+ int leaf;
+ };
- struct ctables_pcexpr e2 = {
- .nrange = { nrange[0], nrange[1] },
- .location = e->location,
- };
- return ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (cats, &e2);
- }
- }
- return ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (cats, e);
+struct ctables_occurrence
+ {
+ struct hmap_node node;
+ union value value;
+ };
-static bool
-ctables_recursive_check_postcompute (struct dictionary *dict,
- const struct ctables_pcexpr *e,
- struct ctables_category *pc_cat,
- const struct ctables_categories *cats,
- const struct msg_location *cats_location)
- switch (e->op)
- {
- {
- struct ctables_category *cat = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (
- dict, cats, pc_cat->parse_format, e);
- if (!cat)
- {
- if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL && e->subtotal_index == 0)
- {
- size_t n_subtotals = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < cats->n_cats; i++)
- n_subtotals += cats->cats[i].type == CCT_SUBTOTAL;
- if (n_subtotals > 1)
- {
- msg_at (SE, cats_location,
- ngettext ("These categories include %zu instance "
- "of SUBTOTAL or HSUBTOTAL, so references "
- "from computed categories must refer to "
- "subtotals by position, "
- "e.g. SUBTOTAL[1].",
- "These categories include %zu instances "
- "of SUBTOTAL or HSUBTOTAL, so references "
- "from computed categories must refer to "
- "subtotals by position, "
- "e.g. SUBTOTAL[1].",
- n_subtotals),
- n_subtotals);
- msg_at (SN, e->location,
- _("This is the reference that lacks a position."));
- return NULL;
- }
- }
+struct ctables_section
+ {
+ /* Settings. */
+ struct ctables_table *table;
+ struct ctables_nest *nests[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- msg_at (SE, pc_cat->location,
- _("Computed category &%s references a category not included "
- "in the category list."),
- pc_cat->pc->name);
- msg_at (SN, e->location, _("This is the missing category."));
- if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL)
- msg_at (SN, cats_location,
- _("To fix the problem, add subtotals to the "
- "list of categories here."));
- else if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_TOTAL)
- msg (SN, _("To fix the problem, add TOTAL=YES to the variable's "
- "CATEGORIES specification."));
- else
- msg_at (SN, cats_location,
- _("To fix the problem, add the missing category to the "
- "list of categories here."));
- return false;
- }
- if (pc_cat->pc->hide_source_cats)
- cat->hide = true;
- return true;
- }
+ /* Data. */
+ struct hmap *occurrences[PIVOT_N_AXES]; /* "struct ctables_occurrence"s. */
+ struct hmap cells; /* Contains "struct ctables_cell"s. */
+ struct hmap areas[N_CTATS]; /* Contains "struct ctables_area"s. */
+ };
- return true;
+static void ctables_section_uninit (struct ctables_section *);
- case CTPO_ADD:
- case CTPO_SUB:
- case CTPO_MUL:
- case CTPO_DIV:
- case CTPO_POW:
- case CTPO_NEG:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- if (e->subs[i] && !ctables_recursive_check_postcompute (
- dict, e->subs[i], pc_cat, cats, cats_location))
- return false;
- return true;
+struct ctables_table
+ {
+ struct ctables *ctables;
+ struct ctables_axis *axes[PIVOT_N_AXES];
+ struct ctables_stack stacks[PIVOT_N_AXES];
+ struct ctables_section *sections;
+ size_t n_sections;
+ enum pivot_axis_type summary_axis;
+ struct ctables_summary_spec_set summary_specs;
+ struct variable **sum_vars;
+ size_t n_sum_vars;
+ enum pivot_axis_type slabels_axis;
+ bool slabels_visible;
+ /* The innermost category labels for axis 'a' appear on axis label_axis[a].
+ Most commonly, label_axis[a] == a, and in particular we always have
+ If ROWLABELS or COLLABELS is specified, then one of
+ label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] or label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] can be the
+ opposite axis or PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER. Only one of them will differ.
+ If any category labels are moved, then 'clabels_example' is one of the
+ variables being moved (and it is otherwise NULL). All of the variables
+ being moved have the same width, value labels, and categories, so this
+ example variable can be used to find those out.
+ The remaining members in this group are relevant only if category labels
+ are moved.
+ 'clabels_values_map' holds a "struct ctables_value" for all the values
+ that appear in all of the variables in the moved categories. It is
+ accumulated as the data is read. Once the data is fully read, its
+ sorted values are put into 'clabels_values' and 'n_clabels_values'.
+ */
+ enum pivot_axis_type label_axis[PIVOT_N_AXES];
+ enum pivot_axis_type clabels_from_axis;
+ enum pivot_axis_type clabels_to_axis;
+ const struct variable *clabels_example;
+ struct hmap clabels_values_map;
+ struct ctables_value **clabels_values;
+ size_t n_clabels_values;
+ /* Indexed by variable dictionary index. */
+ struct ctables_categories **categories;
+ size_t n_categories;
+ double cilevel;
+ char *caption;
+ char *corner;
+ char *title;
+ struct ctables_chisq *chisq;
+ struct ctables_pairwise *pairwise;
+ };
+/* Chi-square test (SIGTEST). */
+struct ctables_chisq
+ {
+ double alpha;
+ bool include_mrsets;
+ bool all_visible;
+ };
+/* Pairwise comparison test (COMPARETEST). */
+struct ctables_pairwise
+ {
+ enum { PROP, MEAN } type;
+ double alpha[2];
+ bool include_mrsets;
+ bool meansvariance_allcats;
+ bool all_visible;
+ enum { BONFERRONI = 1, BH } adjust;
+ bool merge;
+ bool apa_style;
+ bool show_sig;
+ };
+static bool
+parse_col_width (struct lexer *lexer, const char *name, double *width)
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "DEFAULT"))
+ *width = SYSMIS;
+ else if (lex_force_num_range_closed (lexer, name, 0, DBL_MAX))
+ {
+ *width = lex_number (lexer);
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ else
+ return false;
+ return true;
static bool
-all_strings (struct variable **vars, size_t n_vars,
- const struct ctables_category *cat)
+parse_bool (struct lexer *lexer, bool *b)
- for (size_t j = 0; j < n_vars; j++)
- if (var_is_numeric (vars[j]))
- {
- msg_at (SE, cat->location,
- _("This category specification may be applied only to string "
- "variables, but this subcommand tries to apply it to "
- "numeric variable %s."),
- var_get_name (vars[j]));
- return false;
- }
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "NO"))
+ *b = false;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "YES"))
+ *b = true;
+ else
+ {
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "YES", "NO");
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
-static bool
-ctables_table_parse_categories (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
- struct ctables *ct, struct ctables_table *t)
+static void
+ctables_chisq_destroy (struct ctables_chisq *chisq)
- if (!lex_match_id (lexer, "VARIABLES"))
- return false;
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ free (chisq);
- struct variable **vars;
- size_t n_vars;
- if (!parse_variables (lexer, dict, &vars, &n_vars, PV_NO_SCRATCH))
- return false;
+static void
+ctables_pairwise_destroy (struct ctables_pairwise *pairwise)
+ free (pairwise);
- const struct fmt_spec *common_format = var_get_print_format (vars[0]);
- for (size_t i = 1; i < n_vars; i++)
+static void
+ctables_table_destroy (struct ctables_table *t)
+ if (!t)
+ return;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_sections; i++)
+ ctables_section_uninit (&t->sections[i]);
+ free (t->sections);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_categories; i++)
+ ctables_categories_unref (t->categories[i]);
+ free (t->categories);
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- const struct fmt_spec *f = var_get_print_format (vars[i]);
- if (f->type != common_format->type)
- {
- common_format = NULL;
- break;
- }
+ ctables_axis_destroy (t->axes[a]);
+ ctables_stack_uninit (&t->stacks[a]);
- bool parse_strings
- = (common_format
- && (fmt_get_category (common_format->type)
+ free (t->summary_specs.specs);
- struct ctables_categories *c = xmalloc (sizeof *c);
- *c = (struct ctables_categories) { .n_refs = n_vars, .show_empty = true };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vars; i++)
+ struct ctables_value *ctv, *next_ctv;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ctv, next_ctv, struct ctables_value, node,
+ &t->clabels_values_map)
- struct ctables_categories **cp
- = &t->categories[var_get_dict_index (vars[i])];
- ctables_categories_unref (*cp);
- *cp = c;
+ value_destroy (&ctv->value, var_get_width (t->clabels_example));
+ hmap_delete (&t->clabels_values_map, &ctv->node);
+ free (ctv);
+ hmap_destroy (&t->clabels_values_map);
+ free (t->clabels_values);
- size_t allocated_cats = 0;
- int cats_start_ofs = -1;
- int cats_end_ofs = -1;
- if (lex_match (lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ free (t->sum_vars);
+ free (t->caption);
+ free (t->corner);
+ free (t->title);
+ ctables_chisq_destroy (t->chisq);
+ ctables_pairwise_destroy (t->pairwise);
+ free (t);
+static void
+ctables_destroy (struct ctables *ct)
+ if (!ct)
+ return;
+ struct ctables_postcompute *pc, *next_pc;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (pc, next_pc, struct ctables_postcompute, hmap_node,
+ &ct->postcomputes)
- cats_start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
- do
+ free (pc->name);
+ msg_location_destroy (pc->location);
+ ctables_pcexpr_destroy (pc->expr);
+ free (pc->label);
+ if (pc->specs)
- if (c->n_cats >= allocated_cats)
- c->cats = x2nrealloc (c->cats, &allocated_cats, sizeof *c->cats);
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (pc->specs);
+ free (pc->specs);
+ }
+ hmap_delete (&ct->postcomputes, &pc->hmap_node);
+ free (pc);
+ }
+ hmap_destroy (&ct->postcomputes);
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
- struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[c->n_cats];
- if (!ctables_table_parse_explicit_category (lexer, dict, ct, cat))
- goto error;
- cat->location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1);
- c->n_cats++;
+ fmt_settings_uninit (&ct->ctables_formats);
+ pivot_table_look_unref (ct->look);
+ free (ct->zero);
+ free (ct->missing);
+ free (ct->vlabels);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
+ ctables_table_destroy (ct->tables[i]);
+ free (ct->tables);
+ free (ct);
- lex_match (lexer, T_COMMA);
- }
- while (!lex_match (lexer, T_RBRACK));
- cats_end_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer) - 1;
+static struct ctables_category
+cct_nrange (double low, double high)
+ return (struct ctables_category) {
+ .type = CCT_NRANGE,
+ .nrange = { low, high }
+ };
+static struct ctables_category
+cct_srange (struct substring low, struct substring high)
+ return (struct ctables_category) {
+ .type = CCT_SRANGE,
+ .srange = { low, high }
+ };
+static bool
+ctables_table_parse_subtotal (struct lexer *lexer, bool hide_subcategories,
+ struct ctables_category *cat)
+ char *total_label;
+ if (lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS))
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
+ return false;
+ total_label = ss_xstrdup (lex_tokss (lexer));
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ else
+ total_label = xstrdup (_("Subtotal"));
- struct ctables_category cat = {
- .type = CCT_VALUE,
- .include_missing = false,
- .sort_ascending = true,
+ *cat = (struct ctables_category) {
+ .type = CCT_SUBTOTAL,
+ .hide_subcategories = hide_subcategories,
+ .total_label = total_label
- bool show_totals = false;
- char *total_label = NULL;
- bool totals_before = false;
- while (lex_token (lexer) != T_SLASH && lex_token (lexer) != T_ENDCMD)
+ return true;
+static bool
+ctables_table_parse_explicit_category (struct lexer *lexer,
+ struct dictionary *dict,
+ struct ctables *ct,
+ struct ctables_category *cat)
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "OTHERNM"))
+ *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_OTHERNM };
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "MISSING"))
+ *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_MISSING };
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "SUBTOTAL"))
+ return ctables_table_parse_subtotal (lexer, false, cat);
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HSUBTOTAL"))
+ return ctables_table_parse_subtotal (lexer, true, cat);
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LO"))
- if (!c->n_cats && lex_match_id (lexer, "ORDER"))
+ if (!lex_force_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
+ return false;
+ if (lex_is_string (lexer))
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "A"))
- cat.sort_ascending = true;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "D"))
- cat.sort_ascending = false;
+ struct substring sr0 = { .string = NULL };
+ struct substring sr1 = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
+ *cat = cct_srange (sr0, sr1);
+ }
+ else if (lex_force_num (lexer))
+ {
+ *cat = cct_nrange (-DBL_MAX, lex_number (lexer));
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (lex_is_number (lexer))
+ {
+ double number = lex_number (lexer);
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
+ {
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
+ *cat = cct_nrange (number, DBL_MAX);
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "A", "D");
- goto error;
+ if (!lex_force_num (lexer))
+ return false;
+ *cat = cct_nrange (number, lex_number (lexer));
+ lex_get (lexer);
- else if (!c->n_cats && lex_match_id (lexer, "KEY"))
+ else
+ *cat = (struct ctables_category) {
+ .type = CCT_NUMBER,
+ .number = number
+ };
+ }
+ else if (lex_is_string (lexer))
+ {
+ struct substring s = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer) - 1;
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "VALUE"))
- cat.type = CCT_VALUE;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LABEL"))
- cat.type = CCT_LABEL;
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
+ {
+ struct substring sr1 = { .string = NULL };
+ *cat = cct_srange (s, sr1);
+ }
- cat.type = CCT_FUNCTION;
- if (!parse_ctables_summary_function (lexer, &cat.sort_function,
- &cat.weighting, &cat.area))
- goto error;
- if (lex_match (lexer, T_LPAREN))
- {
- cat.sort_var = parse_variable (lexer, dict);
- if (!cat.sort_var)
- goto error;
- if (cat.sort_function == CTSF_PTILE)
- {
- lex_match (lexer, T_COMMA);
- if (!lex_force_num_range_closed (lexer, "PTILE", 0, 100))
- goto error;
- cat.percentile = lex_number (lexer);
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RPAREN))
- goto error;
- }
- else if (ctables_function_availability (cat.sort_function)
+ if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
- bool UNUSED b = lex_force_match (lexer, T_LPAREN);
- goto error;
+ ss_dealloc (&s);
+ return false;
- lex_ofs_error (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1,
- _("Data-dependent sorting is not implemented."));
- goto error;
+ struct substring sr1 = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
+ *cat = cct_srange (s, sr1);
- else if (!c->n_cats && lex_match_id (lexer, "MISSING"))
+ else
+ *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_STRING, .string = s };
+ }
+ else if (lex_match (lexer, T_AND))
+ {
+ if (!lex_force_id (lexer))
+ return false;
+ struct ctables_postcompute *pc = ctables_find_postcompute (
+ ct, lex_tokcstr (lexer));
+ if (!pc)
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "INCLUDE"))
- cat.include_missing = true;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "EXCLUDE"))
- cat.include_missing = false;
- else
- {
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "INCLUDE", "EXCLUDE");
- goto error;
- }
+ struct msg_location *loc = lex_get_location (lexer, -1, 0);
+ msg_at (SE, loc, _("Unknown postcompute &%s."),
+ lex_tokcstr (lexer));
+ msg_location_destroy (loc);
+ return false;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "TOTAL"))
- {
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (!parse_bool (lexer, &show_totals))
- goto error;
- }
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LABEL"))
- {
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
- goto error;
- free (total_label);
- total_label = ss_xstrdup (lex_tokss (lexer));
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "POSITION"))
- {
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "BEFORE"))
- totals_before = true;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "AFTER"))
- totals_before = false;
- else
- {
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "BEFORE", "AFTER");
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "EMPTY"))
- {
- lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "INCLUDE"))
- c->show_empty = true;
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "EXCLUDE"))
- c->show_empty = false;
- else
- {
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "INCLUDE", "EXCLUDE");
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!c->n_cats)
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "ORDER", "KEY", "MISSING",
- else
- lex_error_expecting (lexer, "TOTAL", "LABEL", "POSITION", "EMPTY");
- goto error;
- }
- }
+ lex_get (lexer);
- if (!c->n_cats)
- {
- if (c->n_cats >= allocated_cats)
- c->cats = x2nrealloc (c->cats, &allocated_cats, sizeof *c->cats);
- c->cats[c->n_cats++] = cat;
+ *cat = (struct ctables_category) { .type = CCT_POSTCOMPUTE, .pc = pc };
- if (show_totals)
+ else
- if (c->n_cats >= allocated_cats)
- c->cats = x2nrealloc (c->cats, &allocated_cats, sizeof *c->cats);
+ lex_error (lexer, NULL);
+ return false;
+ }
- struct ctables_category *totals;
- if (totals_before)
- {
- insert_element (c->cats, c->n_cats, sizeof *c->cats, 0);
- totals = &c->cats[0];
- }
- else
- totals = &c->cats[c->n_cats];
- c->n_cats++;
+ return true;
- *totals = (struct ctables_category) {
- .type = CCT_TOTAL,
- .total_label = total_label ? total_label : xstrdup (_("Total")),
- };
+static bool
+parse_category_string (struct msg_location *location,
+ struct substring s, const struct dictionary *dict,
+ enum fmt_type format, double *n)
+ union value v;
+ char *error = data_in (s, dict_get_encoding (dict), format,
+ settings_get_fmt_settings (), &v, 0, NULL);
+ if (error)
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, location,
+ _("Failed to parse category specification as format %s: %s."),
+ fmt_name (format), error);
+ free (error);
+ return false;
- struct ctables_category *subtotal = NULL;
- for (size_t i = totals_before ? 0 : c->n_cats;
- totals_before ? i < c->n_cats : i-- > 0;
- totals_before ? i++ : 0)
+ *n = v.f;
+ return true;
+static struct ctables_category *
+ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (const struct ctables_categories *cats,
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
+ struct ctables_category *best = NULL;
+ size_t n_subtotals = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cats->n_cats; i++)
- struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[i];
- switch (cat->type)
+ struct ctables_category *cat = &cats->cats[i];
+ switch (e->op)
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- case CCT_STRING:
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- case CCT_SRANGE:
- cat->subtotal = subtotal;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_NUMBER && cat->number == e->number)
+ best = cat;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_STRING && ss_equals (cat->string, e->string))
+ best = cat;
- subtotal = cat;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_NRANGE
+ && cat->nrange[0] == e->nrange[0]
+ && cat->nrange[1] == e->nrange[1])
+ best = cat;
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
+ if (cat->type == CCT_SRANGE
+ && nullable_substring_equal (&cat->srange[0], &e->srange[0])
+ && nullable_substring_equal (&cat->srange[1], &e->srange[1]))
+ best = cat;
+ break;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_MISSING)
+ best = cat;
+ break;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_OTHERNM)
+ best = cat;
+ break;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_SUBTOTAL)
+ {
+ n_subtotals++;
+ if (e->subtotal_index == n_subtotals)
+ return cat;
+ else if (e->subtotal_index == 0)
+ best = cat;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_TOTAL)
+ return cat;
+ case CTPO_ADD:
+ case CTPO_SUB:
+ case CTPO_MUL:
+ case CTPO_DIV:
+ case CTPO_POW:
+ case CTPO_NEG:
+ if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL && e->subtotal_index == 0 && n_subtotals > 1)
+ return NULL;
+ return best;
- if (cats_start_ofs != -1)
+static struct ctables_category *
+ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (const struct dictionary *dict,
+ const struct ctables_categories *cats,
+ enum fmt_type parse_format,
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
+ if (parse_format != FMT_F)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c->n_cats; i++)
+ if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_STRING)
- struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[i];
- switch (cat->type)
- {
- cat->parse_format = parse_strings ? common_format->type : FMT_F;
- struct msg_location *cats_location
- = lex_ofs_location (lexer, cats_start_ofs, cats_end_ofs);
- bool ok = ctables_recursive_check_postcompute (
- dict, cat->pc->expr, cat, c, cats_location);
- msg_location_destroy (cats_location);
- if (!ok)
- goto error;
- break;
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- for (size_t j = 0; j < n_vars; j++)
- if (var_is_alpha (vars[j]))
- {
- msg_at (SE, cat->location,
- _("This category specification may be applied "
- "only to numeric variables, but this "
- "subcommand tries to apply it to string "
- "variable %s."),
- var_get_name (vars[j]));
- goto error;
- }
- break;
+ double number;
+ if (!parse_category_string (e->location, e->string, dict,
+ parse_format, &number))
+ return NULL;
- case CCT_STRING:
- if (parse_strings)
- {
- double n;
- if (!parse_category_string (cat->location, cat->string, dict,
- common_format->type, &n))
- goto error;
+ struct ctables_pcexpr e2 = {
+ .number = number,
+ .location = e->location,
+ };
+ return ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (cats, &e2);
+ }
+ else if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SRANGE)
+ {
+ double nrange[2];
+ if (!e->srange[0].string)
+ nrange[0] = -DBL_MAX;
+ else if (!parse_category_string (e->location, e->srange[0], dict,
+ parse_format, &nrange[0]))
+ return NULL;
- ss_dealloc (&cat->string);
+ if (!e->srange[1].string)
+ nrange[1] = DBL_MAX;
+ else if (!parse_category_string (e->location, e->srange[1], dict,
+ parse_format, &nrange[1]))
+ return NULL;
- cat->type = CCT_NUMBER;
- cat->number = n;
- }
- else if (!all_strings (vars, n_vars, cat))
- goto error;
- break;
- case CCT_SRANGE:
- if (parse_strings)
- {
- double n[2];
- if (!cat->srange[0].string)
- n[0] = -DBL_MAX;
- else if (!parse_category_string (cat->location,
- cat->srange[0], dict,
- common_format->type, &n[0]))
- goto error;
+ struct ctables_pcexpr e2 = {
+ .nrange = { nrange[0], nrange[1] },
+ .location = e->location,
+ };
+ return ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (cats, &e2);
+ }
+ }
+ return ctables_find_category_for_postcompute__ (cats, e);
- if (!cat->srange[1].string)
- n[1] = DBL_MAX;
- else if (!parse_category_string (cat->location,
- cat->srange[1], dict,
- common_format->type, &n[1]))
- goto error;
+static bool
+ctables_recursive_check_postcompute (struct dictionary *dict,
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr *e,
+ struct ctables_category *pc_cat,
+ const struct ctables_categories *cats,
+ const struct msg_location *cats_location)
+ switch (e->op)
+ {
+ {
+ struct ctables_category *cat = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (
+ dict, cats, pc_cat->parse_format, e);
+ if (!cat)
+ {
+ if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL && e->subtotal_index == 0)
+ {
+ size_t n_subtotals = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cats->n_cats; i++)
+ n_subtotals += cats->cats[i].type == CCT_SUBTOTAL;
+ if (n_subtotals > 1)
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, cats_location,
+ ngettext ("These categories include %zu instance "
+ "of SUBTOTAL or HSUBTOTAL, so references "
+ "from computed categories must refer to "
+ "subtotals by position, "
+ "e.g. SUBTOTAL[1].",
+ "These categories include %zu instances "
+ "of SUBTOTAL or HSUBTOTAL, so references "
+ "from computed categories must refer to "
+ "subtotals by position, "
+ "e.g. SUBTOTAL[1].",
+ n_subtotals),
+ n_subtotals);
+ msg_at (SN, e->location,
+ _("This is the reference that lacks a position."));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
- ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[0]);
- ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[1]);
+ msg_at (SE, pc_cat->location,
+ _("Computed category &%s references a category not included "
+ "in the category list."),
+ pc_cat->pc->name);
+ msg_at (SN, e->location, _("This is the missing category."));
+ if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL)
+ msg_at (SN, cats_location,
+ _("To fix the problem, add subtotals to the "
+ "list of categories here."));
+ else if (e->op == CTPO_CAT_TOTAL)
+ msg (SN, _("To fix the problem, add TOTAL=YES to the variable's "
+ "CATEGORIES specification."));
+ else
+ msg_at (SN, cats_location,
+ _("To fix the problem, add the missing category to the "
+ "list of categories here."));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pc_cat->pc->hide_source_cats)
+ cat->hide = true;
+ return true;
+ }
- cat->type = CCT_NRANGE;
- cat->nrange[0] = n[0];
- cat->nrange[1] = n[1];
- }
- else if (!all_strings (vars, n_vars, cat))
- goto error;
- break;
+ return true;
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
- break;
- }
- }
+ case CTPO_ADD:
+ case CTPO_SUB:
+ case CTPO_MUL:
+ case CTPO_DIV:
+ case CTPO_POW:
+ case CTPO_NEG:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ if (e->subs[i] && !ctables_recursive_check_postcompute (
+ dict, e->subs[i], pc_cat, cats, cats_location))
+ return false;
+ return true;
- free (vars);
- return true;
- free (vars);
- return false;
-static void
-ctables_nest_uninit (struct ctables_nest *nest)
+static bool
+all_strings (struct variable **vars, size_t n_vars,
+ const struct ctables_category *cat)
- free (nest->vars);
- for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
- ctables_summary_spec_set_uninit (&nest->specs[sv]);
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- free (nest->areas[at]);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < n_vars; j++)
+ if (var_is_numeric (vars[j]))
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, cat->location,
+ _("This category specification may be applied only to string "
+ "variables, but this subcommand tries to apply it to "
+ "numeric variable %s."),
+ var_get_name (vars[j]));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
-static void
-ctables_stack_uninit (struct ctables_stack *stack)
+static bool
+ctables_table_parse_categories (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
+ struct ctables *ct, struct ctables_table *t)
- if (stack)
+ if (!lex_match_id (lexer, "VARIABLES"))
+ return false;
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ struct variable **vars;
+ size_t n_vars;
+ if (!parse_variables (lexer, dict, &vars, &n_vars, PV_NO_SCRATCH))
+ return false;
+ const struct fmt_spec *common_format = var_get_print_format (vars[0]);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < n_vars; i++)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < stack->n; i++)
- ctables_nest_uninit (&stack->nests[i]);
- free (stack->nests);
+ const struct fmt_spec *f = var_get_print_format (vars[i]);
+ if (f->type != common_format->type)
+ {
+ common_format = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ bool parse_strings
+ = (common_format
+ && (fmt_get_category (common_format->type)
-static struct ctables_stack
-nest_fts (struct ctables_stack s0, struct ctables_stack s1)
- if (!s0.n)
- return s1;
- else if (!s1.n)
- return s0;
+ struct ctables_categories *c = xmalloc (sizeof *c);
+ *c = (struct ctables_categories) { .n_refs = n_vars, .show_empty = true };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vars; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_categories **cp
+ = &t->categories[var_get_dict_index (vars[i])];
+ ctables_categories_unref (*cp);
+ *cp = c;
+ }
- struct ctables_stack stack = { .nests = xnmalloc (s0.n, s1.n * sizeof *stack.nests) };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < s0.n; i++)
- for (size_t j = 0; j < s1.n; j++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *a = &s0.nests[i];
- const struct ctables_nest *b = &s1.nests[j];
+ size_t allocated_cats = 0;
+ int cats_start_ofs = -1;
+ int cats_end_ofs = -1;
+ if (lex_match (lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ {
+ cats_start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
+ do
+ {
+ if (c->n_cats >= allocated_cats)
+ c->cats = x2nrealloc (c->cats, &allocated_cats, sizeof *c->cats);
- size_t allocate = a->n + b->n;
- struct variable **vars = xnmalloc (allocate, sizeof *vars);
- size_t n = 0;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < a->n; k++)
- vars[n++] = a->vars[k];
- for (size_t k = 0; k < b->n; k++)
- vars[n++] = b->vars[k];
- assert (n == allocate);
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
+ struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[c->n_cats];
+ if (!ctables_table_parse_explicit_category (lexer, dict, ct, cat))
+ goto error;
+ cat->location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1);
+ c->n_cats++;
- const struct ctables_nest *summary_src;
- if (!a->specs[CSV_CELL].var)
- summary_src = b;
- else if (!b->specs[CSV_CELL].var)
- summary_src = a;
- else
+ lex_match (lexer, T_COMMA);
+ }
+ while (!lex_match (lexer, T_RBRACK));
+ cats_end_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer) - 1;
+ }
- struct ctables_nest *new = &stack.nests[stack.n++];
- *new = (struct ctables_nest) {
- .vars = vars,
- .scale_idx = (a->scale_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->scale_idx
- : b->scale_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->n + b->scale_idx
- : SIZE_MAX),
- .summary_idx = (a->summary_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->summary_idx
- : b->summary_idx != SIZE_MAX ? a->n + b->summary_idx
- : SIZE_MAX),
- .n = n,
- };
- for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
- ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&new->specs[sv], &summary_src->specs[sv]);
- }
- ctables_stack_uninit (&s0);
- ctables_stack_uninit (&s1);
- return stack;
-static struct ctables_stack
-stack_fts (struct ctables_stack s0, struct ctables_stack s1)
- struct ctables_stack stack = { .nests = xnmalloc (s0.n + s1.n, sizeof *stack.nests) };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < s0.n; i++)
- stack.nests[stack.n++] = s0.nests[i];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < s1.n; i++)
- {
- stack.nests[stack.n] = s1.nests[i];
- stack.nests[stack.n].group_head += s0.n;
- stack.n++;
- }
- assert (stack.n == s0.n + s1.n);
- free (s0.nests);
- free (s1.nests);
- return stack;
-static struct ctables_stack
-var_fts (const struct ctables_axis *a)
- struct variable **vars = xmalloc (sizeof *vars);
- *vars = a->var;
- bool is_summary = a->specs[CSV_CELL].n || a->scale;
- struct ctables_nest *nest = xmalloc (sizeof *nest);
- *nest = (struct ctables_nest) {
- .vars = vars,
- .n = 1,
- .scale_idx = a->scale ? 0 : SIZE_MAX,
- .summary_idx = is_summary ? 0 : SIZE_MAX,
- };
- if (is_summary)
- for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
- {
- ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&nest->specs[sv], &a->specs[sv]);
- nest->specs[sv].var = a->var;
- nest->specs[sv].is_scale = a->scale;
- }
- return (struct ctables_stack) { .nests = nest, .n = 1 };
-static struct ctables_stack
-enumerate_fts (enum pivot_axis_type axis_type, const struct ctables_axis *a)
- if (!a)
- return (struct ctables_stack) { .n = 0 };
- switch (a->op)
- {
- case CTAO_VAR:
- return var_fts (a);
- case CTAO_STACK:
- return stack_fts (enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[0]),
- enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[1]));
- case CTAO_NEST:
- /* This should consider any of the scale variables found in the result to
- be linked to each other listwise for SMISSING=LISTWISE. */
- return nest_fts (enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[0]),
- enumerate_fts (axis_type, a->subs[1]));
- }
-union ctables_summary
- {
- double count;
- struct
- {
- double min;
- double max;
- };
- struct moments1 *moments;
- struct
- {
- struct casewriter *writer;
- double ovalid;
- double ovalue;
- };
- };
-static void
-ctables_summary_init (union ctables_summary *s,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss)
- switch (ss->function)
- {
- case CTSF_COUNT:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
- s->count = 0;
- break;
- case CTSF_areaID:
- break;
- case CTSF_RANGE:
- s->min = s->max = SYSMIS;
- break;
- case CTSF_MEAN:
- case CTSF_SUM:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
- s->moments = moments1_create (MOMENT_MEAN);
- break;
- s->moments = moments1_create (MOMENT_VARIANCE);
- break;
- case CTSF_MODE:
- case CTSF_PTILE:
- {
- struct caseproto *proto = caseproto_create ();
- proto = caseproto_add_width (proto, 0);
- proto = caseproto_add_width (proto, 0);
- struct subcase ordering;
- subcase_init (&ordering, 0, 0, SC_ASCEND);
- s->writer = sort_create_writer (&ordering, proto);
- subcase_uninit (&ordering);
- caseproto_unref (proto);
- s->ovalid = 0;
- s->ovalue = SYSMIS;
- }
- break;
- }
-static void
-ctables_summary_uninit (union ctables_summary *s,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss)
- switch (ss->function)
- {
- case CTSF_COUNT:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
- break;
- case CTSF_areaID:
- break;
- case CTSF_RANGE:
- break;
- case CTSF_MEAN:
- case CTSF_SUM:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
- moments1_destroy (s->moments);
- break;
- case CTSF_MODE:
- case CTSF_PTILE:
- casewriter_destroy (s->writer);
- break;
- }
-static void
-ctables_summary_add (union ctables_summary *s,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss,
- const union value *value,
- bool is_missing, bool is_included,
- double weight)
- /* To determine whether a case is included in a given table for a particular
- kind of summary, consider the following charts for the variable being
- summarized. Only if "yes" appears is the case counted.
- Categorical variables: VALIDN other TOTALN
- Valid values in included categories yes yes yes
- Missing values in included categories --- yes yes
- Missing values in excluded categories --- --- yes
- Valid values in excluded categories --- --- ---
- Scale variables: VALIDN other TOTALN
- Valid value yes yes yes
- Missing value --- yes yes
- Missing values include both user- and system-missing. (The system-missing
- value is always in an excluded category.)
- One way to interpret the above table is that scale variables are like
- categorical variables in which all values are in included categories.
- */
- switch (ss->function)
- {
- case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
- s->count += weight;
- break;
- case CTSF_COUNT:
- case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
- if (is_included)
- s->count += weight;
- break;
- case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
- if (!is_missing)
- s->count += weight;
- break;
- case CTSF_areaID:
- break;
- if (is_missing)
- s->count += weight;
- break;
- case CTSF_RANGE:
- if (!is_missing)
- {
- if (s->min == SYSMIS || value->f < s->min)
- s->min = value->f;
- if (s->max == SYSMIS || value->f > s->max)
- s->max = value->f;
- }
- break;
- case CTSF_MEAN:
- case CTSF_SUM:
- if (!is_missing)
- moments1_add (s->moments, value->f, weight);
- break;
- case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
- if (!is_missing)
- moments1_add (s->moments, value->f, weight);
- break;
- case CTSF_MODE:
- case CTSF_PTILE:
- if (!is_missing)
- {
- s->ovalid += weight;
- struct ccase *c = case_create (casewriter_get_proto (s->writer));
- *case_num_rw_idx (c, 0) = value->f;
- *case_num_rw_idx (c, 1) = weight;
- casewriter_write (s->writer, c);
- }
- break;
- }
-static double
-ctables_summary_value (const struct ctables_cell *cell,
- union ctables_summary *s,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss)
- switch (ss->function)
- {
- case CTSF_COUNT:
- return s->count;
- case CTSF_areaID:
- return cell->areas[ss->calc_area]->sequence;
- case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
- {
- const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
- double a_count = a->count[ss->weighting];
- return a_count ? s->count / a_count * 100 : SYSMIS;
- }
- case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
- {
- const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
- double a_valid = a->valid[ss->weighting];
- return a_valid ? s->count / a_valid * 100 : SYSMIS;
- }
- case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
- {
- const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
- double a_total = a->total[ss->weighting];
- return a_total ? s->count / a_total * 100 : SYSMIS;
- }
- return s->count;
- return s->max;
- return s->min;
- case CTSF_RANGE:
- return s->max != SYSMIS && s->min != SYSMIS ? s->max - s->min : SYSMIS;
- case CTSF_MEAN:
- {
- double mean;
- moments1_calculate (s->moments, NULL, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- return mean;
- }
- {
- double weight, variance;
- moments1_calculate (s->moments, &weight, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL);
- return calc_semean (variance, weight);
- }
- {
- double variance;
- moments1_calculate (s->moments, NULL, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL);
- return variance != SYSMIS ? sqrt (variance) : SYSMIS;
- }
- case CTSF_SUM:
- {
- double weight, mean;
- moments1_calculate (s->moments, &weight, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- return weight != SYSMIS && mean != SYSMIS ? weight * mean : SYSMIS;
- }
- {
- double variance;
- moments1_calculate (s->moments, NULL, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL);
- return variance;
- }
- case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
- {
- double weight, mean;
- moments1_calculate (s->moments, &weight, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (weight == SYSMIS || mean == SYSMIS)
- return SYSMIS;
- const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
- const struct ctables_sum *sum = &a->sums[ss->sum_var_idx];
- double denom = sum->sum[ss->weighting];
- return denom != 0 ? weight * mean / denom * 100 : SYSMIS;
- }
- case CTSF_PTILE:
- if (s->writer)
- {
- struct casereader *reader = casewriter_make_reader (s->writer);
- s->writer = NULL;
- struct percentile *ptile = percentile_create (
- ss->function == CTSF_PTILE ? ss->percentile : 0.5, s->ovalid);
- struct order_stats *os = &ptile->parent;
- order_stats_accumulate_idx (&os, 1, reader, 1, 0);
- s->ovalue = percentile_calculate (ptile, PC_HAVERAGE);
- statistic_destroy (&ptile->parent.parent);
- }
- return s->ovalue;
- case CTSF_MODE:
- if (s->writer)
- {
- struct casereader *reader = casewriter_make_reader (s->writer);
- s->writer = NULL;
- struct mode *mode = mode_create ();
- struct order_stats *os = &mode->parent;
- order_stats_accumulate_idx (&os, 1, reader, 1, 0);
- s->ovalue = mode->mode;
- statistic_destroy (&mode->parent.parent);
- }
- return s->ovalue;
- }
-struct ctables_cell_sort_aux
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest;
- enum pivot_axis_type a;
+ struct ctables_category cat = {
+ .type = CCT_VALUE,
+ .include_missing = false,
+ .sort_ascending = true,
-static int
-ctables_cell_compare_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_, const void *aux_)
- const struct ctables_cell_sort_aux *aux = aux_;
- struct ctables_cell *const *ap = a_;
- struct ctables_cell *const *bp = b_;
- const struct ctables_cell *a = *ap;
- const struct ctables_cell *b = *bp;
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = aux->nest;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
- const struct ctables_cell_value *a_cv = &a->axes[aux->a].cvs[i];
- const struct ctables_cell_value *b_cv = &b->axes[aux->a].cvs[i];
- if (a_cv->category != b_cv->category)
- return a_cv->category > b_cv->category ? 1 : -1;
- const union value *a_val = &a_cv->value;
- const union value *b_val = &b_cv->value;
- switch (a_cv->category->type)
- {
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- case CCT_STRING:
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- /* Must be equal. */
- continue;
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- case CCT_SRANGE:
+ bool show_totals = false;
+ char *total_label = NULL;
+ bool totals_before = false;
+ while (lex_token (lexer) != T_SLASH && lex_token (lexer) != T_ENDCMD)
+ {
+ if (!c->n_cats && lex_match_id (lexer, "ORDER"))
+ {
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "A"))
+ cat.sort_ascending = true;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "D"))
+ cat.sort_ascending = false;
+ else
- int cmp = value_compare_3way (a_val, b_val, var_get_width (var));
- if (cmp)
- return cmp;
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "A", "D");
+ goto error;
- break;
- case CCT_VALUE:
+ }
+ else if (!c->n_cats && lex_match_id (lexer, "KEY"))
+ {
+ int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer) - 1;
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "VALUE"))
+ cat.type = CCT_VALUE;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LABEL"))
+ cat.type = CCT_LABEL;
+ else
- int cmp = value_compare_3way (a_val, b_val, var_get_width (var));
- if (cmp)
- return a_cv->category->sort_ascending ? cmp : -cmp;
- }
- break;
+ cat.type = CCT_FUNCTION;
+ if (!parse_ctables_summary_function (lexer, &cat.sort_function,
+ &cat.weighting, &cat.area))
+ goto error;
- case CCT_LABEL:
- {
- const char *a_label = var_lookup_value_label (var, a_val);
- const char *b_label = var_lookup_value_label (var, b_val);
- int cmp;
- if (a_label)
+ if (lex_match (lexer, T_LPAREN))
- if (!b_label)
- return -1;
- cmp = strcmp (a_label, b_label);
+ cat.sort_var = parse_variable (lexer, dict);
+ if (!cat.sort_var)
+ goto error;
+ if (cat.sort_function == CTSF_PTILE)
+ {
+ lex_match (lexer, T_COMMA);
+ if (!lex_force_num_range_closed (lexer, "PTILE", 0, 100))
+ goto error;
+ cat.percentile = lex_number (lexer);
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ }
+ if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RPAREN))
+ goto error;
- else
+ else if (ctables_function_availability (cat.sort_function)
- if (b_label)
- return 1;
- cmp = value_compare_3way (a_val, b_val, var_get_width (var));
+ bool UNUSED b = lex_force_match (lexer, T_LPAREN);
+ goto error;
- if (cmp)
- return a_cv->category->sort_ascending ? cmp : -cmp;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int
-ctables_cell_compare_leaf_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_,
- const void *aux UNUSED)
- struct ctables_cell *const *ap = a_;
- struct ctables_cell *const *bp = b_;
- const struct ctables_cell *a = *ap;
- const struct ctables_cell *b = *bp;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type axis = 0; axis < PIVOT_N_AXES; axis++)
- {
- int al = a->axes[axis].leaf;
- int bl = b->axes[axis].leaf;
- if (al != bl)
- return al > bl ? 1 : -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static struct ctables_area *
-ctables_area_insert (struct ctables_section *s, struct ctables_cell *cell,
- enum ctables_area_type area)
- size_t hash = 0;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n_areas[area]; i++)
+ lex_ofs_error (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1,
+ _("Data-dependent sorting is not implemented."));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!c->n_cats && lex_match_id (lexer, "MISSING"))
- size_t v_idx = nest->areas[area][i];
- struct ctables_cell_value *cv = &cell->axes[a].cvs[v_idx];
- hash = hash_pointer (cv->category, hash);
- if (cv->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && cv->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && cv->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
- hash = value_hash (&cv->value,
- var_get_width (nest->vars[v_idx]), hash);
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "INCLUDE"))
+ cat.include_missing = true;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "EXCLUDE"))
+ cat.include_missing = false;
+ else
+ {
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "INCLUDE", "EXCLUDE");
+ goto error;
+ }
- }
- struct ctables_area *a;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (a, struct ctables_area, node, hash, &s->areas[area])
- {
- const struct ctables_cell *df = a->example;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "TOTAL"))
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n_areas[area]; i++)
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (!parse_bool (lexer, &show_totals))
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LABEL"))
+ {
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
+ goto error;
+ free (total_label);
+ total_label = ss_xstrdup (lex_tokss (lexer));
+ lex_get (lexer);
+ }
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "POSITION"))
+ {
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "BEFORE"))
+ totals_before = true;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "AFTER"))
+ totals_before = false;
+ else
- size_t v_idx = nest->areas[area][i];
- struct ctables_cell_value *cv1 = &df->axes[a].cvs[v_idx];
- struct ctables_cell_value *cv2 = &cell->axes[a].cvs[v_idx];
- if (cv1->category != cv2->category
- || (cv1->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && cv1->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && cv1->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
- && !value_equal (&cv1->value, &cv2->value,
- var_get_width (nest->vars[v_idx]))))
- goto not_equal;
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "BEFORE", "AFTER");
+ goto error;
- return a;
- not_equal: ;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "EMPTY"))
+ {
+ lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
+ if (lex_match_id (lexer, "INCLUDE"))
+ c->show_empty = true;
+ else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "EXCLUDE"))
+ c->show_empty = false;
+ else
+ {
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "INCLUDE", "EXCLUDE");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!c->n_cats)
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "ORDER", "KEY", "MISSING",
+ else
+ lex_error_expecting (lexer, "TOTAL", "LABEL", "POSITION", "EMPTY");
+ goto error;
+ }
- struct ctables_sum *sums = (s->table->n_sum_vars
- ? xzalloc (s->table->n_sum_vars * sizeof *sums)
- : NULL);
- a = xmalloc (sizeof *a);
- *a = (struct ctables_area) { .example = cell, .sums = sums };
- hmap_insert (&s->areas[area], &a->node, hash);
- return a;
+ if (!c->n_cats)
+ {
+ if (c->n_cats >= allocated_cats)
+ c->cats = x2nrealloc (c->cats, &allocated_cats, sizeof *c->cats);
+ c->cats[c->n_cats++] = cat;
+ }
-static struct substring
-rtrim_value (const union value *v, const struct variable *var)
- struct substring s = ss_buffer (CHAR_CAST (char *, v->s),
- var_get_width (var));
- ss_rtrim (&s, ss_cstr (" "));
- return s;
+ if (show_totals)
+ {
+ if (c->n_cats >= allocated_cats)
+ c->cats = x2nrealloc (c->cats, &allocated_cats, sizeof *c->cats);
-static bool
-in_string_range (const union value *v, const struct variable *var,
- const struct substring *srange)
- struct substring s = rtrim_value (v, var);
- return ((!srange[0].string || ss_compare (s, srange[0]) >= 0)
- && (!srange[1].string || ss_compare (s, srange[1]) <= 0));
+ struct ctables_category *totals;
+ if (totals_before)
+ {
+ insert_element (c->cats, c->n_cats, sizeof *c->cats, 0);
+ totals = &c->cats[0];
+ }
+ else
+ totals = &c->cats[c->n_cats];
+ c->n_cats++;
-static const struct ctables_category *
-ctables_categories_match (const struct ctables_categories *c,
- const union value *v, const struct variable *var)
- if (var_is_numeric (var) && v->f == SYSMIS)
- return NULL;
+ *totals = (struct ctables_category) {
+ .type = CCT_TOTAL,
+ .total_label = total_label ? total_label : xstrdup (_("Total")),
+ };
+ }
- const struct ctables_category *othernm = NULL;
- for (size_t i = c->n_cats; i-- > 0; )
+ struct ctables_category *subtotal = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = totals_before ? 0 : c->n_cats;
+ totals_before ? i < c->n_cats : i-- > 0;
+ totals_before ? i++ : 0)
- const struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[i];
+ struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[i];
switch (cat->type)
- if (cat->number == v->f)
- return cat;
- break;
- if (ss_equals (cat->string, rtrim_value (v, var)))
- return cat;
- break;
- if ((cat->nrange[0] == -DBL_MAX || v->f >= cat->nrange[0])
- && (cat->nrange[1] == DBL_MAX || v->f <= cat->nrange[1]))
- return cat;
- break;
- if (in_string_range (v, var, cat->srange))
- return cat;
- break;
- if (var_is_value_missing (var, v))
- return cat;
+ cat->subtotal = subtotal;
- if (!othernm)
- othernm = cat;
+ subtotal = cat;
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ }
+ }
+ if (cats_start_ofs != -1)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c->n_cats; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[i];
+ switch (cat->type)
+ {
+ cat->parse_format = parse_strings ? common_format->type : FMT_F;
+ struct msg_location *cats_location
+ = lex_ofs_location (lexer, cats_start_ofs, cats_end_ofs);
+ bool ok = ctables_recursive_check_postcompute (
+ dict, cat->pc->expr, cat, c, cats_location);
+ msg_location_destroy (cats_location);
+ if (!ok)
+ goto error;
+ break;
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < n_vars; j++)
+ if (var_is_alpha (vars[j]))
+ {
+ msg_at (SE, cat->location,
+ _("This category specification may be applied "
+ "only to numeric variables, but this "
+ "subcommand tries to apply it to string "
+ "variable %s."),
+ var_get_name (vars[j]));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ if (parse_strings)
+ {
+ double n;
+ if (!parse_category_string (cat->location, cat->string, dict,
+ common_format->type, &n))
+ goto error;
+ ss_dealloc (&cat->string);
+ cat->type = CCT_NUMBER;
+ cat->number = n;
+ }
+ else if (!all_strings (vars, n_vars, cat))
+ goto error;
+ break;
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ if (parse_strings)
+ {
+ double n[2];
+ if (!cat->srange[0].string)
+ n[0] = -DBL_MAX;
+ else if (!parse_category_string (cat->location,
+ cat->srange[0], dict,
+ common_format->type, &n[0]))
+ goto error;
+ if (!cat->srange[1].string)
+ n[1] = DBL_MAX;
+ else if (!parse_category_string (cat->location,
+ cat->srange[1], dict,
+ common_format->type, &n[1]))
+ goto error;
+ ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[0]);
+ ss_dealloc (&cat->srange[1]);
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
- return (cat->include_missing || !var_is_value_missing (var, v) ? cat
- : NULL);
+ cat->type = CCT_NRANGE;
+ cat->nrange[0] = n[0];
+ cat->nrange[1] = n[1];
+ }
+ else if (!all_strings (vars, n_vars, cat))
+ goto error;
+ break;
- break;
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ break;
+ }
- return var_is_value_missing (var, v) ? NULL : othernm;
+ free (vars);
+ return true;
-static const struct ctables_category *
-ctables_categories_total (const struct ctables_categories *c)
- const struct ctables_category *first = &c->cats[0];
- const struct ctables_category *last = &c->cats[c->n_cats - 1];
- return (first->type == CCT_TOTAL ? first
- : last->type == CCT_TOTAL ? last
- : NULL);
+ free (vars);
+ return false;
+union ctables_summary
+ {
+ double count;
-static struct ctables_cell *
-ctables_cell_insert__ (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES])
+ struct
+ {
+ double min;
+ double max;
+ };
+ struct moments1 *moments;
+ struct
+ {
+ struct casewriter *writer;
+ double ovalid;
+ double ovalue;
+ };
+ };
+static void
+ctables_summary_init (union ctables_summary *s,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss)
- size_t hash = 0;
- enum ctables_summary_variant sv = CSV_CELL;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ switch (ss->function)
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- hash = hash_pointer (cats[a][i], hash);
- if (cats[a][i]->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
- hash = value_hash (case_data (c, nest->vars[i]),
- var_get_width (nest->vars[i]), hash);
- else
- sv = CSV_TOTAL;
- }
- }
+ case CTSF_COUNT:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
+ s->count = 0;
+ break;
- struct ctables_cell *cell;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, hash, &s->cells)
- {
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx
- && (cats[a][i] != cell->axes[a].cvs[i].category
- || (cats[a][i]->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
- && !value_equal (case_data (c, nest->vars[i]),
- &cell->axes[a].cvs[i].value,
- var_get_width (nest->vars[i])))))
- goto not_equal;
- }
+ case CTSF_areaID:
+ break;
- return cell;
+ case CTSF_RANGE:
+ s->min = s->max = SYSMIS;
+ break;
- not_equal: ;
- }
+ case CTSF_MEAN:
+ case CTSF_SUM:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
+ s->moments = moments1_create (MOMENT_MEAN);
+ break;
- cell = xmalloc (sizeof *cell);
- cell->hide = false;
- cell->sv = sv;
- cell->omit_areas = 0;
- cell->postcompute = false;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- cell->axes[a].cvs = (nest->n
- ? xnmalloc (nest->n, sizeof *cell->axes[a].cvs)
- : NULL);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- {
- const struct ctables_category *cat = cats[a][i];
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
- const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct ctables_category *subtotal = cat->subtotal;
- if (cat->hide || (subtotal && subtotal->hide_subcategories))
- cell->hide = true;
+ s->moments = moments1_create (MOMENT_VARIANCE);
+ break;
- if (cat->type == CCT_TOTAL
- || cat->type == CCT_SUBTOTAL
- || cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
- {
- switch (a)
- {
- cell->omit_areas |= ((1u << CTAT_TABLE) |
- (1u << CTAT_LAYER) |
- (1u << CTAT_LAYERCOL) |
- (1u << CTAT_SUBTABLE) |
- (1u << CTAT_COL));
- break;
- cell->omit_areas |= ((1u << CTAT_TABLE) |
- (1u << CTAT_LAYER) |
- (1u << CTAT_LAYERROW) |
- (1u << CTAT_SUBTABLE) |
- (1u << CTAT_ROW));
- break;
- cell->omit_areas |= ((1u << CTAT_TABLE) |
- (1u << CTAT_LAYER));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
- cell->postcompute = true;
- }
+ case CTSF_MODE:
+ case CTSF_PTILE:
+ {
+ struct caseproto *proto = caseproto_create ();
+ proto = caseproto_add_width (proto, 0);
+ proto = caseproto_add_width (proto, 0);
- cell->axes[a].cvs[i].category = cat;
- value_clone (&cell->axes[a].cvs[i].value, value, var_get_width (var));
- }
- }
+ struct subcase ordering;
+ subcase_init (&ordering, 0, 0, SC_ASCEND);
+ s->writer = sort_create_writer (&ordering, proto);
+ subcase_uninit (&ordering);
+ caseproto_unref (proto);
- const struct ctables_nest *ss = s->nests[s->table->summary_axis];
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &ss->specs[cell->sv];
- cell->summaries = xmalloc (specs->n * sizeof *cell->summaries);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
- ctables_summary_init (&cell->summaries[i], &specs->specs[i]);
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- cell->areas[at] = ctables_area_insert (s, cell, at);
- hmap_insert (&s->cells, &cell->node, hash);
- return cell;
+ s->ovalid = 0;
+ s->ovalue = SYSMIS;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
-static bool
-is_listwise_missing (const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs,
- const struct ccase *c)
+static void
+ctables_summary_uninit (union ctables_summary *s,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n_listwise_vars; i++)
+ switch (ss->function)
- const struct variable *var = specs->listwise_vars[i];
- if (var_is_num_missing (var, case_num (c, var)))
- return true;
+ case CTSF_COUNT:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
+ break;
+ case CTSF_areaID:
+ break;
+ case CTSF_RANGE:
+ break;
+ case CTSF_MEAN:
+ case CTSF_SUM:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
+ moments1_destroy (s->moments);
+ break;
+ case CTSF_MODE:
+ case CTSF_PTILE:
+ casewriter_destroy (s->writer);
+ break;
- return false;
static void
-add_weight (double dst[N_CTWS], const double src[N_CTWS])
+ctables_summary_add (union ctables_summary *s,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss,
+ const union value *value,
+ bool is_missing, bool is_included,
+ double weight)
- for (enum ctables_weighting wt = 0; wt < N_CTWS; wt++)
- dst[wt] += src[wt];
+ /* To determine whether a case is included in a given table for a particular
+ kind of summary, consider the following charts for the variable being
+ summarized. Only if "yes" appears is the case counted.
-static void
-ctables_cell_add__ (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES],
- bool is_included, double weight[N_CTWS])
- struct ctables_cell *cell = ctables_cell_insert__ (s, c, cats);
- const struct ctables_nest *ss = s->nests[s->table->summary_axis];
+ Categorical variables: VALIDN other TOTALN
+ Valid values in included categories yes yes yes
+ Missing values in included categories --- yes yes
+ Missing values in excluded categories --- --- yes
+ Valid values in excluded categories --- --- ---
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &ss->specs[cell->sv];
- const union value *value = case_data (c, specs->var);
- bool is_missing = var_is_value_missing (specs->var, value);
- bool is_scale_missing
- = is_missing || (specs->is_scale && is_listwise_missing (specs, c));
+ Scale variables: VALIDN other TOTALN
+ Valid value yes yes yes
+ Missing value --- yes yes
- for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
- ctables_summary_add (&cell->summaries[i], &specs->specs[i], value,
- is_scale_missing, is_included,
- weight[specs->specs[i].weighting]);
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- if (!(cell->omit_areas && (1u << at)))
- {
- struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[at];
+ Missing values include both user- and system-missing. (The system-missing
+ value is always in an excluded category.)
- add_weight (a->total, weight);
- if (is_included)
- add_weight (a->count, weight);
- if (!is_missing)
- {
- add_weight (a->valid, weight);
+ One way to interpret the above table is that scale variables are like
+ categorical variables in which all values are in included categories.
+ */
+ switch (ss->function)
+ {
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
+ s->count += weight;
+ break;
- if (!is_scale_missing)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < s->table->n_sum_vars; i++)
- {
- const struct variable *var = s->table->sum_vars[i];
- double addend = case_num (c, var);
- if (!var_is_num_missing (var, addend))
- for (enum ctables_weighting wt = 0; wt < N_CTWS; wt++)
- a->sums[i].sum[wt] += addend * weight[wt];
- }
- }
- }
+ case CTSF_COUNT:
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
+ if (is_included)
+ s->count += weight;
+ break;
-static void
-recurse_totals (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES],
- bool is_included, double weight[N_CTWS],
- enum pivot_axis_type start_axis, size_t start_nest)
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = start_axis; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = start_nest; i < nest->n; i++)
- {
- if (i == nest->scale_idx)
- continue;
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
+ if (!is_missing)
+ s->count += weight;
+ break;
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ case CTSF_areaID:
+ break;
- const struct ctables_category *total = ctables_categories_total (
- s->table->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)]);
- if (total)
- {
- const struct ctables_category *save = cats[a][i];
- cats[a][i] = total;
- ctables_cell_add__ (s, c, cats, is_included, weight);
- recurse_totals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, a, i + 1);
- cats[a][i] = save;
- }
+ if (is_missing)
+ s->count += weight;
+ break;
+ case CTSF_RANGE:
+ if (!is_missing)
+ {
+ if (s->min == SYSMIS || value->f < s->min)
+ s->min = value->f;
+ if (s->max == SYSMIS || value->f > s->max)
+ s->max = value->f;
- start_nest = 0;
- }
+ break;
-static void
-recurse_subtotals (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES],
- bool is_included, double weight[N_CTWS],
- enum pivot_axis_type start_axis, size_t start_nest)
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = start_axis; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = start_nest; i < nest->n; i++)
+ case CTSF_MEAN:
+ case CTSF_SUM:
+ if (!is_missing)
+ moments1_add (s->moments, value->f, weight);
+ break;
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
+ if (!is_missing)
+ moments1_add (s->moments, value->f, weight);
+ break;
+ case CTSF_MODE:
+ case CTSF_PTILE:
+ if (!is_missing)
- if (i == nest->scale_idx)
- continue;
+ s->ovalid += weight;
- const struct ctables_category *save = cats[a][i];
- if (save->subtotal)
- {
- cats[a][i] = save->subtotal;
- ctables_cell_add__ (s, c, cats, is_included, weight);
- recurse_subtotals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, a, i + 1);
- cats[a][i] = save;
- }
+ struct ccase *c = case_create (casewriter_get_proto (s->writer));
+ *case_num_rw_idx (c, 0) = value->f;
+ *case_num_rw_idx (c, 1) = weight;
+ casewriter_write (s->writer, c);
- start_nest = 0;
+ break;
-static void
-ctables_add_occurrence (const struct variable *var,
- const union value *value,
- struct hmap *occurrences)
+static double
+ctables_summary_value (const struct ctables_cell *cell,
+ union ctables_summary *s,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss)
- int width = var_get_width (var);
- unsigned int hash = value_hash (value, width, 0);
+ switch (ss->function)
+ {
+ case CTSF_COUNT:
+ return s->count;
- struct ctables_occurrence *o;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (o, struct ctables_occurrence, node, hash,
- occurrences)
- if (value_equal (value, &o->value, width))
- return;
+ case CTSF_areaID:
+ return cell->areas[ss->calc_area]->sequence;
- o = xmalloc (sizeof *o);
- value_clone (&o->value, value, width);
- hmap_insert (occurrences, &o->node, hash);
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_COUNT:
+ {
+ const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
+ double a_count = a->count[ss->weighting];
+ return a_count ? s->count / a_count * 100 : SYSMIS;
+ }
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_VALIDN:
+ {
+ const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
+ double a_valid = a->valid[ss->weighting];
+ return a_valid ? s->count / a_valid * 100 : SYSMIS;
+ }
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_TOTALN:
+ {
+ const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
+ double a_total = a->total[ss->weighting];
+ return a_total ? s->count / a_total * 100 : SYSMIS;
+ }
+ return s->count;
+ return s->max;
+ return s->min;
+ case CTSF_RANGE:
+ return s->max != SYSMIS && s->min != SYSMIS ? s->max - s->min : SYSMIS;
+ case CTSF_MEAN:
+ {
+ double mean;
+ moments1_calculate (s->moments, NULL, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return mean;
+ }
+ {
+ double weight, variance;
+ moments1_calculate (s->moments, &weight, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL);
+ return calc_semean (variance, weight);
+ }
+ {
+ double variance;
+ moments1_calculate (s->moments, NULL, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL);
+ return variance != SYSMIS ? sqrt (variance) : SYSMIS;
+ }
+ case CTSF_SUM:
+ {
+ double weight, mean;
+ moments1_calculate (s->moments, &weight, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return weight != SYSMIS && mean != SYSMIS ? weight * mean : SYSMIS;
+ }
-static void
-ctables_cell_insert (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
- double weight[N_CTWS])
- const struct ctables_category *layer_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER]->n];
- const struct ctables_category *row_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW]->n];
- const struct ctables_category *column_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN]->n];
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES] =
- {
- [PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER] = layer_cats,
- [PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] = row_cats,
- [PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] = column_cats,
- };
+ {
+ double variance;
+ moments1_calculate (s->moments, NULL, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL);
+ return variance;
+ }
- bool is_included = true;
+ case CTSF_areaPCT_SUM:
+ {
+ double weight, mean;
+ moments1_calculate (s->moments, &weight, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (weight == SYSMIS || mean == SYSMIS)
+ return SYSMIS;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
- const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
+ const struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[ss->calc_area];
+ const struct ctables_sum *sum = &a->sums[ss->sum_var_idx];
+ double denom = sum->sum[ss->weighting];
+ return denom != 0 ? weight * mean / denom * 100 : SYSMIS;
+ }
- cats[a][i] = ctables_categories_match (
- s->table->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)], value, var);
- if (!cats[a][i])
- {
- if (i != nest->summary_idx)
- return;
+ case CTSF_PTILE:
+ if (s->writer)
+ {
+ struct casereader *reader = casewriter_make_reader (s->writer);
+ s->writer = NULL;
- if (!var_is_value_missing (var, value))
- return;
+ struct percentile *ptile = percentile_create (
+ ss->function == CTSF_PTILE ? ss->percentile : 0.5, s->ovalid);
+ struct order_stats *os = &ptile->parent;
+ order_stats_accumulate_idx (&os, 1, reader, 1, 0);
+ s->ovalue = percentile_calculate (ptile, PC_HAVERAGE);
+ statistic_destroy (&ptile->parent.parent);
+ }
+ return s->ovalue;
- static const struct ctables_category cct_excluded_missing = {
- .hide = true,
- };
- cats[a][i] = &cct_excluded_missing;
- is_included = false;
- }
+ case CTSF_MODE:
+ if (s->writer)
+ {
+ struct casereader *reader = casewriter_make_reader (s->writer);
+ s->writer = NULL;
+ struct mode *mode = mode_create ();
+ struct order_stats *os = &mode->parent;
+ order_stats_accumulate_idx (&os, 1, reader, 1, 0);
+ s->ovalue = mode->mode;
+ statistic_destroy (&mode->parent.parent);
+ return s->ovalue;
- if (is_included)
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
- const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, value, &s->occurrences[a][i]);
- }
- }
- ctables_cell_add__ (s, c, cats, is_included, weight);
- recurse_totals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, 0, 0);
- recurse_subtotals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, 0, 0);
-struct merge_item
+struct ctables_cell_sort_aux
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *set;
- size_t ofs;
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest;
+ enum pivot_axis_type a;
static int
-merge_item_compare_3way (const struct merge_item *a, const struct merge_item *b)
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *as = &a->set->specs[a->ofs];
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *bs = &b->set->specs[b->ofs];
- if (as->function != bs->function)
- return as->function > bs->function ? 1 : -1;
- else if (as->weighting != bs->weighting)
- return as->weighting > bs->weighting ? 1 : -1;
- else if (as->calc_area != bs->calc_area)
- return as->calc_area > bs->calc_area ? 1 : -1;
- else if (as->percentile != bs->percentile)
- return as->percentile < bs->percentile ? 1 : -1;
- const char *as_label = as->label ? as->label : "";
- const char *bs_label = bs->label ? bs->label : "";
- return strcmp (as_label, bs_label);
-static void
-ctables_category_format_number (double number, const struct variable *var,
- struct string *s)
- struct pivot_value *pv = pivot_value_new_var_value (
- var, &(union value) { .f = number });
- pivot_value_format (pv, NULL, s);
- pivot_value_destroy (pv);
-static void
-ctables_category_format_string (struct substring string,
- const struct variable *var, struct string *out)
- int width = var_get_width (var);
- char *s = xmalloc (width);
- buf_copy_rpad (s, width, string.string, string.length, ' ');
- struct pivot_value *pv = pivot_value_new_var_value (
- var, &(union value) { .s = CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, s) });
- pivot_value_format (pv, NULL, out);
- pivot_value_destroy (pv);
- free (s);
-static bool
-ctables_category_format_label (const struct ctables_category *cat,
- const struct variable *var,
- struct string *s)
+ctables_cell_compare_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_, const void *aux_)
- switch (cat->type)
- {
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- ctables_category_format_number (cat->number, var, s);
- return true;
+ const struct ctables_cell_sort_aux *aux = aux_;
+ struct ctables_cell *const *ap = a_;
+ struct ctables_cell *const *bp = b_;
+ const struct ctables_cell *a = *ap;
+ const struct ctables_cell *b = *bp;
- case CCT_STRING:
- ctables_category_format_string (cat->string, var, s);
- return true;
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = aux->nest;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *a_cv = &a->axes[aux->a].cvs[i];
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *b_cv = &b->axes[aux->a].cvs[i];
+ if (a_cv->category != b_cv->category)
+ return a_cv->category > b_cv->category ? 1 : -1;
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- ctables_category_format_number (cat->nrange[0], var, s);
- ds_put_format (s, " THRU ");
- ctables_category_format_number (cat->nrange[1], var, s);
- return true;
+ const union value *a_val = &a_cv->value;
+ const union value *b_val = &b_cv->value;
+ switch (a_cv->category->type)
+ {
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ /* Must be equal. */
+ continue;
- case CCT_SRANGE:
- ctables_category_format_string (cat->srange[0], var, s);
- ds_put_format (s, " THRU ");
- ctables_category_format_string (cat->srange[1], var, s);
- return true;
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ {
+ int cmp = value_compare_3way (a_val, b_val, var_get_width (var));
+ if (cmp)
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ break;
- ds_put_cstr (s, "MISSING");
- return true;
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ {
+ int cmp = value_compare_3way (a_val, b_val, var_get_width (var));
+ if (cmp)
+ return a_cv->category->sort_ascending ? cmp : -cmp;
+ }
+ break;
- ds_put_cstr (s, "OTHERNM");
- return true;
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ {
+ const char *a_label = var_lookup_value_label (var, a_val);
+ const char *b_label = var_lookup_value_label (var, b_val);
+ int cmp;
+ if (a_label)
+ {
+ if (!b_label)
+ return -1;
+ cmp = strcmp (a_label, b_label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (b_label)
+ return 1;
+ cmp = value_compare_3way (a_val, b_val, var_get_width (var));
+ }
+ if (cmp)
+ return a_cv->category->sort_ascending ? cmp : -cmp;
+ }
+ break;
- ds_put_format (s, "&%s", cat->pc->name);
- return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- ds_put_cstr (s, cat->total_label);
- return true;
+static int
+ctables_cell_compare_leaf_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_,
+ const void *aux UNUSED)
+ struct ctables_cell *const *ap = a_;
+ struct ctables_cell *const *bp = b_;
+ const struct ctables_cell *a = *ap;
+ const struct ctables_cell *b = *bp;
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
- return false;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type axis = 0; axis < PIVOT_N_AXES; axis++)
+ {
+ int al = a->axes[axis].leaf;
+ int bl = b->axes[axis].leaf;
+ if (al != bl)
+ return al > bl ? 1 : -1;
- return false;
+ return 0;
-static struct pivot_value *
-ctables_postcompute_label (const struct ctables_categories *cats,
- const struct ctables_category *cat,
- const struct variable *var)
+static struct ctables_area *
+ctables_area_insert (struct ctables_section *s, struct ctables_cell *cell,
+ enum ctables_area_type area)
- struct substring in = ss_cstr (cat->pc->label);
- struct substring target = ss_cstr (")LABEL[");
+ size_t hash = 0;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n_areas[area]; i++)
+ {
+ size_t v_idx = nest->areas[area][i];
+ struct ctables_cell_value *cv = &cell->axes[a].cvs[v_idx];
+ hash = hash_pointer (cv->category, hash);
+ if (cv->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && cv->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && cv->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ hash = value_hash (&cv->value,
+ var_get_width (nest->vars[v_idx]), hash);
+ }
+ }
- struct string out = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
- for (;;)
+ struct ctables_area *a;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (a, struct ctables_area, node, hash, &s->areas[area])
- size_t chunk = ss_find_substring (in, target);
- if (chunk == SIZE_MAX)
+ const struct ctables_cell *df = a->example;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (ds_is_empty (&out))
- return pivot_value_new_user_text (in.string, in.length);
- else
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n_areas[area]; i++)
- ds_put_substring (&out, in);
- return pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (ds_steal_cstr (&out));
+ size_t v_idx = nest->areas[area][i];
+ struct ctables_cell_value *cv1 = &df->axes[a].cvs[v_idx];
+ struct ctables_cell_value *cv2 = &cell->axes[a].cvs[v_idx];
+ if (cv1->category != cv2->category
+ || (cv1->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && cv1->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && cv1->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
+ && !value_equal (&cv1->value, &cv2->value,
+ var_get_width (nest->vars[v_idx]))))
+ goto not_equal;
+ return a;
- ds_put_substring (&out, ss_head (in, chunk));
- ss_advance (&in, chunk + target.length);
- struct substring idx_s;
- if (!ss_get_until (&in, ']', &idx_s))
- goto error;
- char *tail;
- long int idx = strtol (idx_s.string, &tail, 10);
- if (idx < 1 || idx > cats->n_cats || tail != ss_end (idx_s))
- goto error;
- struct ctables_category *cat2 = &cats->cats[idx - 1];
- if (!ctables_category_format_label (cat2, var, &out))
- goto error;
+ not_equal: ;
- ds_destroy (&out);
- return pivot_value_new_user_text (cat->pc->label, SIZE_MAX);
+ struct ctables_sum *sums = (s->table->n_sum_vars
+ ? xzalloc (s->table->n_sum_vars * sizeof *sums)
+ : NULL);
-static struct pivot_value *
-ctables_category_create_value_label (const struct ctables_categories *cats,
- const struct ctables_category *cat,
- const struct variable *var,
- const union value *value)
- return (cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE && cat->pc->label
- ? ctables_postcompute_label (cats, cat, var)
- : cat->type == CCT_TOTAL || cat->type == CCT_SUBTOTAL
- ? pivot_value_new_user_text (cat->total_label, SIZE_MAX)
- : pivot_value_new_var_value (var, value));
+ a = xmalloc (sizeof *a);
+ *a = (struct ctables_area) { .example = cell, .sums = sums };
+ hmap_insert (&s->areas[area], &a->node, hash);
+ return a;
-static struct ctables_value *
-ctables_value_find__ (struct ctables_table *t, const union value *value,
- int width, unsigned int hash)
+static struct substring
+rtrim_value (const union value *v, const struct variable *var)
- struct ctables_value *clv;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (clv, struct ctables_value, node,
- hash, &t->clabels_values_map)
- if (value_equal (value, &clv->value, width))
- return clv;
- return NULL;
+ struct substring s = ss_buffer (CHAR_CAST (char *, v->s),
+ var_get_width (var));
+ ss_rtrim (&s, ss_cstr (" "));
+ return s;
-static void
-ctables_value_insert (struct ctables_table *t, const union value *value,
- int width)
+static bool
+in_string_range (const union value *v, const struct variable *var,
+ const struct substring *srange)
- unsigned int hash = value_hash (value, width, 0);
- struct ctables_value *clv = ctables_value_find__ (t, value, width, hash);
- if (!clv)
- {
- clv = xmalloc (sizeof *clv);
- value_clone (&clv->value, value, width);
- hmap_insert (&t->clabels_values_map, &clv->node, hash);
- }
+ struct substring s = rtrim_value (v, var);
+ return ((!srange[0].string || ss_compare (s, srange[0]) >= 0)
+ && (!srange[1].string || ss_compare (s, srange[1]) <= 0));
-static struct ctables_value *
-ctables_value_find (struct ctables_table *t,
- const union value *value, int width)
+static const struct ctables_category *
+ctables_categories_match (const struct ctables_categories *c,
+ const union value *v, const struct variable *var)
- return ctables_value_find__ (t, value, width,
- value_hash (value, width, 0));
+ if (var_is_numeric (var) && v->f == SYSMIS)
+ return NULL;
-static void
-ctables_table_add_section (struct ctables_table *t, enum pivot_axis_type a,
- size_t ix[PIVOT_N_AXES])
- if (a < PIVOT_N_AXES)
- {
- size_t limit = MAX (t->stacks[a].n, 1);
- for (ix[a] = 0; ix[a] < limit; ix[a]++)
- ctables_table_add_section (t, a + 1, ix);
- }
- else
+ const struct ctables_category *othernm = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = c->n_cats; i-- > 0; )
- struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[t->n_sections++];
- *s = (struct ctables_section) {
- .table = t,
- .cells = HMAP_INITIALIZER (s->cells),
- };
- for (a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (t->stacks[a].n)
- {
- struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[ix[a]];
- s->nests[a] = nest;
- s->occurrences[a] = xnmalloc (nest->n, sizeof *s->occurrences[a]);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- hmap_init (&s->occurrences[a][i]);
- }
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- hmap_init (&s->areas[at]);
- }
+ const struct ctables_category *cat = &c->cats[i];
+ switch (cat->type)
+ {
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ if (cat->number == v->f)
+ return cat;
+ break;
-static double
-ctpo_add (double a, double b)
- return a + b;
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ if (ss_equals (cat->string, rtrim_value (v, var)))
+ return cat;
+ break;
-static double
-ctpo_sub (double a, double b)
- return a - b;
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ if ((cat->nrange[0] == -DBL_MAX || v->f >= cat->nrange[0])
+ && (cat->nrange[1] == DBL_MAX || v->f <= cat->nrange[1]))
+ return cat;
+ break;
-static double
-ctpo_mul (double a, double b)
- return a * b;
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ if (in_string_range (v, var, cat->srange))
+ return cat;
+ break;
-static double
-ctpo_div (double a, double b)
- return b ? a / b : SYSMIS;
+ if (var_is_value_missing (var, v))
+ return cat;
+ break;
-static double
-ctpo_pow (double a, double b)
- int save_errno = errno;
- errno = 0;
- double result = pow (a, b);
- if (errno)
- result = SYSMIS;
- errno = save_errno;
- return result;
+ break;
-static double
-ctpo_neg (double a, double b UNUSED)
- return -a;
+ if (!othernm)
+ othernm = cat;
+ break;
-struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx
- {
- const struct ctables_cell *cell;
- const struct ctables_section *section;
- const struct ctables_categories *cats;
- enum pivot_axis_type pc_a;
- size_t pc_a_idx;
- size_t summary_idx;
- enum fmt_type parse_format;
- };
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ break;
-static double ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (
- const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *, const struct ctables_pcexpr *);
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ return (cat->include_missing || !var_is_value_missing (var, v) ? cat
+ : NULL);
-static double
-ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (
- const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *ctx,
- const struct ctables_pcexpr *e, size_t n_args,
- double evaluate (double, double))
- double args[2] = { 0, 0 };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n_args; i++)
- {
- args[i] = ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (ctx, e->subs[i]);
- if (!isfinite (args[i]) || args[i] == SYSMIS)
- return SYSMIS;
+ break;
+ }
- return evaluate (args[0], args[1]);
+ return var_is_value_missing (var, v) ? NULL : othernm;
-static double
-ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *ctx,
- const struct ctables_cell_value *pc_cv)
+static const struct ctables_category *
+ctables_categories_total (const struct ctables_categories *c)
- const struct ctables_section *s = ctx->section;
+ const struct ctables_category *first = &c->cats[0];
+ const struct ctables_category *last = &c->cats[c->n_cats - 1];
+ return (first->type == CCT_TOTAL ? first
+ : last->type == CCT_TOTAL ? last
+ : NULL);
+static struct ctables_cell *
+ctables_cell_insert__ (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES])
size_t hash = 0;
+ enum ctables_summary_variant sv = CSV_CELL;
for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- const struct ctables_cell_value *cv
- = (a == ctx->pc_a && i == ctx->pc_a_idx ? pc_cv
- : &ctx->cell->axes[a].cvs[i]);
- hash = hash_pointer (cv->category, hash);
- if (cv->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && cv->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && cv->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
- hash = value_hash (&cv->value,
+ hash = hash_pointer (cats[a][i], hash);
+ if (cats[a][i]->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ hash = value_hash (case_data (c, nest->vars[i]),
var_get_width (nest->vars[i]), hash);
+ else
+ sv = CSV_TOTAL;
- struct ctables_cell *tc;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (tc, struct ctables_cell, node, hash, &s->cells)
+ struct ctables_cell *cell;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, hash, &s->cells)
for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct ctables_cell_value *p_cv
- = (a == ctx->pc_a && i == ctx->pc_a_idx ? pc_cv
- : &ctx->cell->axes[a].cvs[i]);
- const struct ctables_cell_value *t_cv = &tc->axes[a].cvs[i];
- if (p_cv->category != t_cv->category
- || (p_cv->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && p_cv->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && p_cv->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
- && !value_equal (&p_cv->value,
- &t_cv->value,
- var_get_width (nest->vars[i]))))
- goto not_equal;
- }
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx
+ && (cats[a][i] != cell->axes[a].cvs[i].category
+ || (cats[a][i]->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && cats[a][i]->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
+ && !value_equal (case_data (c, nest->vars[i]),
+ &cell->axes[a].cvs[i].value,
+ var_get_width (nest->vars[i])))))
+ goto not_equal;
- goto found;
+ return cell;
not_equal: ;
- return 0;
-found: ;
- const struct ctables_table *t = s->table;
- const struct ctables_nest *specs_nest = s->nests[t->summary_axis];
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &specs_nest->specs[tc->sv];
- return ctables_summary_value (tc, &tc->summaries[ctx->summary_idx],
- &specs->specs[ctx->summary_idx]);
+ cell = xmalloc (sizeof *cell);
+ cell->hide = false;
+ cell->sv = sv;
+ cell->omit_areas = 0;
+ cell->postcompute = false;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ cell->axes[a].cvs = (nest->n
+ ? xnmalloc (nest->n, sizeof *cell->axes[a].cvs)
+ : NULL);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_category *cat = cats[a][i];
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_category *subtotal = cat->subtotal;
+ if (cat->hide || (subtotal && subtotal->hide_subcategories))
+ cell->hide = true;
+ if (cat->type == CCT_TOTAL
+ || cat->type == CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ || cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ {
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ cell->omit_areas |= ((1u << CTAT_TABLE) |
+ (1u << CTAT_LAYER) |
+ (1u << CTAT_LAYERCOL) |
+ (1u << CTAT_SUBTABLE) |
+ (1u << CTAT_COL));
+ break;
+ cell->omit_areas |= ((1u << CTAT_TABLE) |
+ (1u << CTAT_LAYER) |
+ (1u << CTAT_LAYERROW) |
+ (1u << CTAT_SUBTABLE) |
+ (1u << CTAT_ROW));
+ break;
+ cell->omit_areas |= ((1u << CTAT_TABLE) |
+ (1u << CTAT_LAYER));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ cell->postcompute = true;
+ }
+ cell->axes[a].cvs[i].category = cat;
+ value_clone (&cell->axes[a].cvs[i].value, value, var_get_width (var));
+ }
+ }
+ const struct ctables_nest *ss = s->nests[s->table->summary_axis];
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &ss->specs[cell->sv];
+ cell->summaries = xmalloc (specs->n * sizeof *cell->summaries);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
+ ctables_summary_init (&cell->summaries[i], &specs->specs[i]);
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ cell->areas[at] = ctables_area_insert (s, cell, at);
+ hmap_insert (&s->cells, &cell->node, hash);
+ return cell;
+static bool
+is_listwise_missing (const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs,
+ const struct ccase *c)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n_listwise_vars; i++)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = specs->listwise_vars[i];
+ if (var_is_num_missing (var, case_num (c, var)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static void
+add_weight (double dst[N_CTWS], const double src[N_CTWS])
+ for (enum ctables_weighting wt = 0; wt < N_CTWS; wt++)
+ dst[wt] += src[wt];
+static void
+ctables_cell_add__ (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES],
+ bool is_included, double weight[N_CTWS])
+ struct ctables_cell *cell = ctables_cell_insert__ (s, c, cats);
+ const struct ctables_nest *ss = s->nests[s->table->summary_axis];
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &ss->specs[cell->sv];
+ const union value *value = case_data (c, specs->var);
+ bool is_missing = var_is_value_missing (specs->var, value);
+ bool is_scale_missing
+ = is_missing || (specs->is_scale && is_listwise_missing (specs, c));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
+ ctables_summary_add (&cell->summaries[i], &specs->specs[i], value,
+ is_scale_missing, is_included,
+ weight[specs->specs[i].weighting]);
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ if (!(cell->omit_areas && (1u << at)))
+ {
+ struct ctables_area *a = cell->areas[at];
+ add_weight (a->total, weight);
+ if (is_included)
+ add_weight (a->count, weight);
+ if (!is_missing)
+ {
+ add_weight (a->valid, weight);
+ if (!is_scale_missing)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s->table->n_sum_vars; i++)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = s->table->sum_vars[i];
+ double addend = case_num (c, var);
+ if (!var_is_num_missing (var, addend))
+ for (enum ctables_weighting wt = 0; wt < N_CTWS; wt++)
+ a->sums[i].sum[wt] += addend * weight[wt];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+recurse_totals (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES],
+ bool is_included, double weight[N_CTWS],
+ enum pivot_axis_type start_axis, size_t start_nest)
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = start_axis; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = start_nest; i < nest->n; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == nest->scale_idx)
+ continue;
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ const struct ctables_category *total = ctables_categories_total (
+ s->table->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)]);
+ if (total)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_category *save = cats[a][i];
+ cats[a][i] = total;
+ ctables_cell_add__ (s, c, cats, is_included, weight);
+ recurse_totals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, a, i + 1);
+ cats[a][i] = save;
+ }
+ }
+ start_nest = 0;
+ }
-static double
-ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *ctx,
- const struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
+static void
+recurse_subtotals (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES],
+ bool is_included, double weight[N_CTWS],
+ enum pivot_axis_type start_axis, size_t start_nest)
- switch (e->op)
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = start_axis; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- return e->number;
- {
- struct ctables_cell_value cv = {
- .category = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (ctx->section->table->ctables->dict, ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e)
- };
- assert (cv.category != NULL);
- struct hmap *occurrences = &ctx->section->occurrences[ctx->pc_a][ctx->pc_a_idx];
- const struct ctables_occurrence *o;
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = start_nest; i < nest->n; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == nest->scale_idx)
+ continue;
- double sum = 0.0;
- const struct variable *var = ctx->section->nests[ctx->pc_a]->vars[ctx->pc_a_idx];
- HMAP_FOR_EACH (o, struct ctables_occurrence, node, occurrences)
- if (ctables_categories_match (ctx->cats, &o->value, var) == cv.category)
+ const struct ctables_category *save = cats[a][i];
+ if (save->subtotal)
- cv.value = o->value;
- sum += ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
+ cats[a][i] = save->subtotal;
+ ctables_cell_add__ (s, c, cats, is_included, weight);
+ recurse_subtotals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, a, i + 1);
+ cats[a][i] = save;
- return sum;
- }
- {
- struct ctables_cell_value cv = {
- .category = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (ctx->section->table->ctables->dict, ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e),
- .value = { .f = e->number },
- };
- assert (cv.category != NULL);
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
- }
- {
- int width = var_get_width (ctx->section->nests[ctx->pc_a]->vars[ctx->pc_a_idx]);
- char *s = NULL;
- if (width > e->string.length)
- {
- s = xmalloc (width);
- buf_copy_rpad (s, width, e->string.string, e->string.length, ' ');
- }
+ }
+ start_nest = 0;
+ }
- const struct ctables_category *category
- = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (
- ctx->section->table->ctables->dict,
- ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e);
- assert (category != NULL);
+static void
+ctables_add_occurrence (const struct variable *var,
+ const union value *value,
+ struct hmap *occurrences)
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ unsigned int hash = value_hash (value, width, 0);
- struct ctables_cell_value cv = { .category = category };
- if (category->type == CCT_NUMBER)
- cv.value.f = category->number;
- else if (category->type == CCT_STRING)
- cv.value.s = CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, s ? s : e->string.string);
- else
+ struct ctables_occurrence *o;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (o, struct ctables_occurrence, node, hash,
+ occurrences)
+ if (value_equal (value, &o->value, width))
+ return;
- double retval = ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
- free (s);
- return retval;
- }
+ o = xmalloc (sizeof *o);
+ value_clone (&o->value, value, width);
+ hmap_insert (occurrences, &o->node, hash);
- case CTPO_ADD:
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_add);
+static void
+ctables_cell_insert (struct ctables_section *s, const struct ccase *c,
+ double weight[N_CTWS])
+ const struct ctables_category *layer_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER]->n];
+ const struct ctables_category *row_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW]->n];
+ const struct ctables_category *column_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN]->n];
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES] =
+ {
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER] = layer_cats,
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] = row_cats,
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] = column_cats,
+ };
- case CTPO_SUB:
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_sub);
+ bool is_included = true;
- case CTPO_MUL:
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_mul);
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
- case CTPO_DIV:
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_div);
+ cats[a][i] = ctables_categories_match (
+ s->table->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)], value, var);
+ if (!cats[a][i])
+ {
+ if (i != nest->summary_idx)
+ return;
- case CTPO_POW:
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_pow);
+ if (!var_is_value_missing (var, value))
+ return;
- case CTPO_NEG:
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 1, ctpo_neg);
+ static const struct ctables_category cct_excluded_missing = {
+ .hide = true,
+ };
+ cats[a][i] = &cct_excluded_missing;
+ is_included = false;
+ }
+ }
-static const struct ctables_category *
-ctables_cell_postcompute (const struct ctables_section *s,
- const struct ctables_cell *cell,
- enum pivot_axis_type *pc_a_p,
- size_t *pc_a_idx_p)
- assert (cell->postcompute);
- const struct ctables_category *pc_cat = NULL;
- for (enum pivot_axis_type pc_a = 0; pc_a < PIVOT_N_AXES; pc_a++)
- for (size_t pc_a_idx = 0; pc_a_idx < s->nests[pc_a]->n; pc_a_idx++)
+ if (is_included)
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- const struct ctables_cell_value *cv = &cell->axes[pc_a].cvs[pc_a_idx];
- if (cv->category->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
- {
- if (pc_cat)
- {
- /* Multiple postcomputes cross each other. The value is
- undefined. */
- return NULL;
- }
- pc_cat = cv->category;
- if (pc_a_p)
- *pc_a_p = pc_a;
- if (pc_a_idx_p)
- *pc_a_idx_p = pc_a_idx;
- }
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, value, &s->occurrences[a][i]);
+ }
- assert (pc_cat != NULL);
- return pc_cat;
+ ctables_cell_add__ (s, c, cats, is_included, weight);
+ recurse_totals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, 0, 0);
+ recurse_subtotals (s, c, cats, is_included, weight, 0, 0);
-static double
-ctables_cell_calculate_postcompute (const struct ctables_section *s,
- const struct ctables_cell *cell,
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss,
- struct fmt_spec *format,
- bool *is_ctables_format,
- size_t summary_idx)
- enum pivot_axis_type pc_a = 0;
- size_t pc_a_idx = 0;
- const struct ctables_category *pc_cat = ctables_cell_postcompute (
- s, cell, &pc_a, &pc_a_idx);
- if (!pc_cat)
- return SYSMIS;
- const struct ctables_postcompute *pc = pc_cat->pc;
- if (pc->specs)
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pc->specs->n; i++)
- {
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss2 = &pc->specs->specs[i];
- if (ss->function == ss2->function
- && ss->weighting == ss2->weighting
- && ss->calc_area == ss2->calc_area
- && ss->percentile == ss2->percentile)
- {
- *format = ss2->format;
- *is_ctables_format = ss2->is_ctables_format;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- const struct variable *var = s->nests[pc_a]->vars[pc_a_idx];
- const struct ctables_categories *cats = s->table->categories[
- var_get_dict_index (var)];
- struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx ctx = {
- .cell = cell,
- .section = s,
- .cats = cats,
- .pc_a = pc_a,
- .pc_a_idx = pc_a_idx,
- .summary_idx = summary_idx,
- .parse_format = pc_cat->parse_format,
+struct merge_item
+ {
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *set;
+ size_t ofs;
- return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (&ctx, pc->expr);
+static int
+merge_item_compare_3way (const struct merge_item *a, const struct merge_item *b)
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *as = &a->set->specs[a->ofs];
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *bs = &b->set->specs[b->ofs];
+ if (as->function != bs->function)
+ return as->function > bs->function ? 1 : -1;
+ else if (as->weighting != bs->weighting)
+ return as->weighting > bs->weighting ? 1 : -1;
+ else if (as->calc_area != bs->calc_area)
+ return as->calc_area > bs->calc_area ? 1 : -1;
+ else if (as->percentile != bs->percentile)
+ return as->percentile < bs->percentile ? 1 : -1;
+ const char *as_label = as->label ? as->label : "";
+ const char *bs_label = bs->label ? bs->label : "";
+ return strcmp (as_label, bs_label);
-static char *
-ctables_format (double d, const struct fmt_spec *format,
- const struct fmt_settings *settings)
+static void
+ctables_category_format_number (double number, const struct variable *var,
+ struct string *s)
- const union value v = { .f = d };
- char *s = data_out_stretchy (&v, "UTF-8", format, settings, NULL);
- /* The custom-currency specifications for NEQUAL, PAREN, and PCTPAREN don't
- produce the results we want for negative numbers, putting the negative
- sign in the wrong spot, before the prefix instead of after it. We can't,
- in fact, produce the desired results using a custom-currency
- specification. Instead, we postprocess the output, moving the negative
- sign into place:
- NEQUAL: "-N=3" => "N=-3"
- PAREN: "-(3)" => "(-3)"
- PCTPAREN: "-(3%)" => "(-3%)"
+ struct pivot_value *pv = pivot_value_new_var_value (
+ var, &(union value) { .f = number });
+ pivot_value_format (pv, NULL, s);
+ pivot_value_destroy (pv);
- This transformation doesn't affect NEGPAREN. */
- char *minus_src = strchr (s, '-');
- if (minus_src && (minus_src == s || minus_src[-1] != 'E'))
- {
- char *n_equals = strstr (s, "N=");
- char *lparen = strchr (s, '(');
- char *minus_dst = n_equals ? n_equals + 1 : lparen;
- if (minus_dst)
- move_element (s, minus_dst - s + 1, 1, minus_src - s, minus_dst - s);
- }
- return s;
+static void
+ctables_category_format_string (struct substring string,
+ const struct variable *var, struct string *out)
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ char *s = xmalloc (width);
+ buf_copy_rpad (s, width, string.string, string.length, ' ');
+ struct pivot_value *pv = pivot_value_new_var_value (
+ var, &(union value) { .s = CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, s) });
+ pivot_value_format (pv, NULL, out);
+ pivot_value_destroy (pv);
+ free (s);
static bool
-all_hidden_vlabels (const struct ctables_table *t, enum pivot_axis_type a)
+ctables_category_format_label (const struct ctables_category *cat,
+ const struct variable *var,
+ struct string *s)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->stacks[a].n; i++)
+ switch (cat->type)
- struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[i];
- if (nest->n != 1 || nest->scale_idx != 0)
- return false;
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ ctables_category_format_number (cat->number, var, s);
+ return true;
- enum ctables_vlabel vlabel
- = t->ctables->vlabels[var_get_dict_index (nest->vars[0])];
- if (vlabel != CTVL_NONE)
- return false;
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ ctables_category_format_string (cat->string, var, s);
+ return true;
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ ctables_category_format_number (cat->nrange[0], var, s);
+ ds_put_format (s, " THRU ");
+ ctables_category_format_number (cat->nrange[1], var, s);
+ return true;
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ ctables_category_format_string (cat->srange[0], var, s);
+ ds_put_format (s, " THRU ");
+ ctables_category_format_string (cat->srange[1], var, s);
+ return true;
+ ds_put_cstr (s, "MISSING");
+ return true;
+ ds_put_cstr (s, "OTHERNM");
+ return true;
+ ds_put_format (s, "&%s", cat->pc->name);
+ return true;
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ ds_put_cstr (s, cat->total_label);
+ return true;
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ return false;
- return true;
+ return false;
-static void
-ctables_table_output (struct ctables *ct, struct ctables_table *t)
+static struct pivot_value *
+ctables_postcompute_label (const struct ctables_categories *cats,
+ const struct ctables_category *cat,
+ const struct variable *var)
- struct pivot_table *pt = pivot_table_create__ (
- (t->title
- ? pivot_value_new_user_text (t->title, SIZE_MAX)
- : pivot_value_new_text (N_("Custom Tables"))),
- "Custom Tables");
- if (t->caption)
- pivot_table_set_caption (
- pt, pivot_value_new_user_text (t->caption, SIZE_MAX));
- if (t->corner)
- pivot_table_set_corner_text (
- pt, pivot_value_new_user_text (t->corner, SIZE_MAX));
- bool summary_dimension = (t->summary_axis != t->slabels_axis
- || (!t->slabels_visible
- && t->summary_specs.n > 1));
- if (summary_dimension)
- {
- struct pivot_dimension *d = pivot_dimension_create (
- pt, t->slabels_axis, N_("Statistics"));
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &t->summary_specs;
- if (!t->slabels_visible)
- d->hide_all_labels = true;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
- pivot_category_create_leaf (
- d->root, ctables_summary_label (&specs->specs[i], t->cilevel));
- }
+ struct substring in = ss_cstr (cat->pc->label);
+ struct substring target = ss_cstr (")LABEL[");
- bool categories_dimension = t->clabels_example != NULL;
- if (categories_dimension)
+ struct string out = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
+ for (;;)
- struct pivot_dimension *d = pivot_dimension_create (
- pt, t->label_axis[t->clabels_from_axis],
- t->clabels_from_axis == PIVOT_AXIS_ROW
- ? N_("Row Categories")
- : N_("Column Categories"));
- const struct variable *var = t->clabels_example;
- const struct ctables_categories *c = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_clabels_values; i++)
+ size_t chunk = ss_find_substring (in, target);
+ if (chunk == SIZE_MAX)
- const struct ctables_value *value = t->clabels_values[i];
- const struct ctables_category *cat = ctables_categories_match (c, &value->value, var);
- assert (cat != NULL);
- pivot_category_create_leaf (
- d->root, ctables_category_create_value_label (c, cat,
- t->clabels_example,
- &value->value));
+ if (ds_is_empty (&out))
+ return pivot_value_new_user_text (in.string, in.length);
+ else
+ {
+ ds_put_substring (&out, in);
+ return pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (ds_steal_cstr (&out));
+ }
- }
- pivot_table_set_look (pt, ct->look);
- struct pivot_dimension *d[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- static const char *names[] = {
- [PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] = N_("Rows"),
- [PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] = N_("Columns"),
- [PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER] = N_("Layers"),
- };
- d[a] = (t->axes[a] || a == t->summary_axis
- ? pivot_dimension_create (pt, a, names[a])
- : NULL);
- if (!d[a])
- continue;
+ ds_put_substring (&out, ss_head (in, chunk));
+ ss_advance (&in, chunk + target.length);
- assert (t->axes[a]);
+ struct substring idx_s;
+ if (!ss_get_until (&in, ']', &idx_s))
+ goto error;
+ char *tail;
+ long int idx = strtol (idx_s.string, &tail, 10);
+ if (idx < 1 || idx > cats->n_cats || tail != ss_end (idx_s))
+ goto error;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->stacks[a].n; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[i];
- struct ctables_section **sections = xnmalloc (t->n_sections,
- sizeof *sections);
- size_t n_sections = 0;
+ struct ctables_category *cat2 = &cats->cats[idx - 1];
+ if (!ctables_category_format_label (cat2, var, &out))
+ goto error;
+ }
- size_t n_total_cells = 0;
- size_t max_depth = 0;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
- if (t->sections[j].nests[a] == nest)
- {
- struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[j];
- sections[n_sections++] = s;
- n_total_cells += hmap_count (&s->cells);
+ ds_destroy (&out);
+ return pivot_value_new_user_text (cat->pc->label, SIZE_MAX);
- size_t depth = s->nests[a]->n;
- max_depth = MAX (depth, max_depth);
- }
+static struct pivot_value *
+ctables_category_create_value_label (const struct ctables_categories *cats,
+ const struct ctables_category *cat,
+ const struct variable *var,
+ const union value *value)
+ return (cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE && cat->pc->label
+ ? ctables_postcompute_label (cats, cat, var)
+ : cat->type == CCT_TOTAL || cat->type == CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ ? pivot_value_new_user_text (cat->total_label, SIZE_MAX)
+ : pivot_value_new_var_value (var, value));
- struct ctables_cell **sorted = xnmalloc (n_total_cells,
- sizeof *sorted);
- size_t n_sorted = 0;
+static struct ctables_value *
+ctables_value_find__ (struct ctables_table *t, const union value *value,
+ int width, unsigned int hash)
+ struct ctables_value *clv;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (clv, struct ctables_value, node,
+ hash, &t->clabels_values_map)
+ if (value_equal (value, &clv->value, width))
+ return clv;
+ return NULL;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < n_sections; j++)
- {
- struct ctables_section *s = sections[j];
+static void
+ctables_value_insert (struct ctables_table *t, const union value *value,
+ int width)
+ unsigned int hash = value_hash (value, width, 0);
+ struct ctables_value *clv = ctables_value_find__ (t, value, width, hash);
+ if (!clv)
+ {
+ clv = xmalloc (sizeof *clv);
+ value_clone (&clv->value, value, width);
+ hmap_insert (&t->clabels_values_map, &clv->node, hash);
+ }
- struct ctables_cell *cell;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
- if (!cell->hide)
- sorted[n_sorted++] = cell;
- assert (n_sorted <= n_total_cells);
- }
+static struct ctables_value *
+ctables_value_find (struct ctables_table *t,
+ const union value *value, int width)
+ return ctables_value_find__ (t, value, width,
+ value_hash (value, width, 0));
- struct ctables_cell_sort_aux aux = { .nest = nest, .a = a };
- sort (sorted, n_sorted, sizeof *sorted, ctables_cell_compare_3way, &aux);
+static void
+ctables_table_add_section (struct ctables_table *t, enum pivot_axis_type a,
+ size_t ix[PIVOT_N_AXES])
+ if (a < PIVOT_N_AXES)
+ {
+ size_t limit = MAX (t->stacks[a].n, 1);
+ for (ix[a] = 0; ix[a] < limit; ix[a]++)
+ ctables_table_add_section (t, a + 1, ix);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[t->n_sections++];
+ *s = (struct ctables_section) {
+ .table = t,
+ .cells = HMAP_INITIALIZER (s->cells),
+ };
+ for (a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ if (t->stacks[a].n)
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[ix[a]];
+ s->nests[a] = nest;
+ s->occurrences[a] = xnmalloc (nest->n, sizeof *s->occurrences[a]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ hmap_init (&s->occurrences[a][i]);
+ }
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ hmap_init (&s->areas[at]);
+ }
- struct ctables_level
- {
- enum ctables_level_type
- {
- CTL_VAR, /* Variable label for nest->vars[var_idx]. */
- CTL_CATEGORY, /* Category for nest->vars[var_idx]. */
- CTL_SUMMARY, /* Summary functions. */
- }
- type;
+static double
+ctpo_add (double a, double b)
+ return a + b;
- enum settings_value_show vlabel; /* CTL_VAR only. */
- size_t var_idx;
- };
- struct ctables_level *levels = xnmalloc (1 + 2 * max_depth, sizeof *levels);
- size_t n_levels = 0;
- for (size_t k = 0; k < nest->n; k++)
- {
- enum ctables_vlabel vlabel = ct->vlabels[var_get_dict_index (nest->vars[k])];
- if (vlabel == CTVL_NONE && nest->scale_idx == k)
- vlabel = CTVL_NAME;
- if (vlabel != CTVL_NONE)
- {
- levels[n_levels++] = (struct ctables_level) {
- .type = CTL_VAR,
- .vlabel = (enum settings_value_show) vlabel,
- .var_idx = k,
- };
- }
+static double
+ctpo_sub (double a, double b)
+ return a - b;
- if (nest->scale_idx != k
- && (k != nest->n - 1 || t->label_axis[a] == a))
- {
- levels[n_levels++] = (struct ctables_level) {
- .type = CTL_CATEGORY,
- .var_idx = k,
- };
- }
- }
+static double
+ctpo_mul (double a, double b)
+ return a * b;
- if (!summary_dimension && a == t->slabels_axis)
- {
- levels[n_levels++] = (struct ctables_level) {
- .type = CTL_SUMMARY,
- .var_idx = SIZE_MAX,
- };
- }
+static double
+ctpo_div (double a, double b)
+ return b ? a / b : SYSMIS;
- /* Pivot categories:
+static double
+ctpo_pow (double a, double b)
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ errno = 0;
+ double result = pow (a, b);
+ if (errno)
+ result = SYSMIS;
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return result;
- - variable label for nest->vars[0], if vlabel != CTVL_NONE
- - category for nest->vars[0], if nest->scale_idx != 0
- - variable label for nest->vars[1], if vlabel != CTVL_NONE
- - category for nest->vars[1], if nest->scale_idx != 1
- ...
- - variable label for nest->vars[n - 1], if vlabel != CTVL_NONE
- - category for nest->vars[n - 1], if t->label_axis[a] == a && nest->scale_idx != n - 1.
- - summary function, if 'a == t->slabels_axis && a ==
- t->summary_axis'.
+static double
+ctpo_neg (double a, double b UNUSED)
+ return -a;
- Additional dimensions:
+struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx
+ {
+ const struct ctables_cell *cell;
+ const struct ctables_section *section;
+ const struct ctables_categories *cats;
+ enum pivot_axis_type pc_a;
+ size_t pc_a_idx;
+ size_t summary_idx;
+ enum fmt_type parse_format;
+ };
- - If 'a == t->slabels_axis && a != t->summary_axis', add a summary
- dimension.
- - If 't->label_axis[b] == a' for some 'b != a', add a category
- dimension to 'a'.
- */
+static double ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *, const struct ctables_pcexpr *);
+static double
+ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *ctx,
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr *e, size_t n_args,
+ double evaluate (double, double))
+ double args[2] = { 0, 0 };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_args; i++)
+ {
+ args[i] = ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (ctx, e->subs[i]);
+ if (!isfinite (args[i]) || args[i] == SYSMIS)
+ return SYSMIS;
+ }
+ return evaluate (args[0], args[1]);
- struct pivot_category **groups = xnmalloc (1 + 2 * max_depth, sizeof *groups);
- int prev_leaf = 0;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < n_sorted; j++)
- {
- struct ctables_cell *cell = sorted[j];
- struct ctables_cell *prev = j > 0 ? sorted[j - 1] : NULL;
+static double
+ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *ctx,
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *pc_cv)
+ const struct ctables_section *s = ctx->section;
- size_t n_common = 0;
- if (j > 0)
- {
- for (; n_common < n_levels; n_common++)
- {
- const struct ctables_level *level = &levels[n_common];
- if (level->type == CTL_CATEGORY)
- {
- size_t var_idx = level->var_idx;
- const struct ctables_category *c = cell->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].category;
- if (prev->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].category != c)
- break;
- else if (c->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
- && c->type != CCT_TOTAL
- && c->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
- && !value_equal (&prev->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].value,
- &cell->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].value,
- var_get_type (nest->vars[var_idx])))
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ size_t hash = 0;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *cv
+ = (a == ctx->pc_a && i == ctx->pc_a_idx ? pc_cv
+ : &ctx->cell->axes[a].cvs[i]);
+ hash = hash_pointer (cv->category, hash);
+ if (cv->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && cv->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && cv->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ hash = value_hash (&cv->value,
+ var_get_width (nest->vars[i]), hash);
+ }
+ }
- for (size_t k = n_common; k < n_levels; k++)
- {
- const struct ctables_level *level = &levels[k];
- struct pivot_category *parent = k ? groups[k - 1] : d[a]->root;
- if (level->type == CTL_SUMMARY)
- {
- assert (k == n_levels - 1);
+ struct ctables_cell *tc;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (tc, struct ctables_cell, node, hash, &s->cells)
+ {
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *p_cv
+ = (a == ctx->pc_a && i == ctx->pc_a_idx ? pc_cv
+ : &ctx->cell->axes[a].cvs[i]);
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *t_cv = &tc->axes[a].cvs[i];
+ if (p_cv->category != t_cv->category
+ || (p_cv->category->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && p_cv->category->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && p_cv->category->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
+ && !value_equal (&p_cv->value,
+ &t_cv->value,
+ var_get_width (nest->vars[i]))))
+ goto not_equal;
+ }
+ }
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &t->summary_specs;
- for (size_t m = 0; m < specs->n; m++)
- {
- int leaf = pivot_category_create_leaf (
- parent, ctables_summary_label (&specs->specs[m],
- t->cilevel));
- if (!m)
- prev_leaf = leaf;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[level->var_idx];
- struct pivot_value *label;
- if (level->type == CTL_VAR)
- {
- label = pivot_value_new_variable (var);
- label->variable.show = level->vlabel;
- }
- else if (level->type == CTL_CATEGORY)
- {
- const struct ctables_cell_value *cv = &cell->axes[a].cvs[level->var_idx];
- label = ctables_category_create_value_label (
- t->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)],
- cv->category, var, &cv->value);
- }
- else
+ goto found;
- if (k == n_levels - 1)
- prev_leaf = pivot_category_create_leaf (parent, label);
- else
- groups[k] = pivot_category_create_group__ (parent, label);
- }
- }
+ not_equal: ;
+ }
+ return 0;
- cell->axes[a].leaf = prev_leaf;
- }
- free (sorted);
- free (groups);
- free (levels);
- free (sections);
+found: ;
+ const struct ctables_table *t = s->table;
+ const struct ctables_nest *specs_nest = s->nests[t->summary_axis];
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &specs_nest->specs[tc->sv];
+ return ctables_summary_value (tc, &tc->summaries[ctx->summary_idx],
+ &specs->specs[ctx->summary_idx]);
- }
+static double
+ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (const struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx *ctx,
+ const struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
+ switch (e->op)
+ {
+ return e->number;
- d[a]->hide_all_labels = all_hidden_vlabels (t, a);
- }
+ {
+ struct ctables_cell_value cv = {
+ .category = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (ctx->section->table->ctables->dict, ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e)
+ };
+ assert (cv.category != NULL);
- {
- size_t n_total_cells = 0;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
- n_total_cells += hmap_count (&t->sections[j].cells);
+ struct hmap *occurrences = &ctx->section->occurrences[ctx->pc_a][ctx->pc_a_idx];
+ const struct ctables_occurrence *o;
- struct ctables_cell **sorted = xnmalloc (n_total_cells, sizeof *sorted);
- size_t n_sorted = 0;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
+ double sum = 0.0;
+ const struct variable *var = ctx->section->nests[ctx->pc_a]->vars[ctx->pc_a_idx];
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (o, struct ctables_occurrence, node, occurrences)
+ if (ctables_categories_match (ctx->cats, &o->value, var) == cv.category)
+ {
+ cv.value = o->value;
+ sum += ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
+ }
+ return sum;
+ }
- const struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[j];
- struct ctables_cell *cell;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
- if (!cell->hide)
- sorted[n_sorted++] = cell;
+ struct ctables_cell_value cv = {
+ .category = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (ctx->section->table->ctables->dict, ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e),
+ .value = { .f = e->number },
+ };
+ assert (cv.category != NULL);
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
- assert (n_sorted <= n_total_cells);
- sort (sorted, n_sorted, sizeof *sorted, ctables_cell_compare_leaf_3way,
- NULL);
- size_t ids[N_CTATS];
- memset (ids, 0, sizeof ids);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < n_sorted; j++)
- struct ctables_cell *cell = sorted[j];
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ int width = var_get_width (ctx->section->nests[ctx->pc_a]->vars[ctx->pc_a_idx]);
+ char *s = NULL;
+ if (width > e->string.length)
- struct ctables_area *area = cell->areas[at];
- if (!area->sequence)
- area->sequence = ++ids[at];
+ s = xmalloc (width);
+ buf_copy_rpad (s, width, e->string.string, e->string.length, ' ');
+ const struct ctables_category *category
+ = ctables_find_category_for_postcompute (
+ ctx->section->table->ctables->dict,
+ ctx->cats, ctx->parse_format, e);
+ assert (category != NULL);
+ struct ctables_cell_value cv = { .category = category };
+ if (category->type == CCT_NUMBER)
+ cv.value.f = category->number;
+ else if (category->type == CCT_STRING)
+ cv.value.s = CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, s ? s : e->string.string);
+ else
+ double retval = ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_category (ctx, &cv);
+ free (s);
+ return retval;
- free (sorted);
- }
+ case CTPO_ADD:
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_add);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_sections; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[i];
+ case CTPO_SUB:
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_sub);
- struct ctables_cell *cell;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
- {
- if (cell->hide)
- continue;
+ case CTPO_MUL:
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_mul);
- const struct ctables_nest *specs_nest = s->nests[t->summary_axis];
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &specs_nest->specs[cell->sv];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < specs->n; j++)
- {
- size_t dindexes[5];
- size_t n_dindexes = 0;
+ case CTPO_DIV:
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_div);
- if (summary_dimension)
- dindexes[n_dindexes++] = specs->specs[j].axis_idx;
+ case CTPO_POW:
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 2, ctpo_pow);
- if (categories_dimension)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *clabels_nest = s->nests[t->clabels_from_axis];
- const struct variable *var = clabels_nest->vars[clabels_nest->n - 1];
- const union value *value = &cell->axes[t->clabels_from_axis].cvs[clabels_nest->n - 1].value;
- const struct ctables_value *ctv = ctables_value_find (t, value, var_get_width (var));
- if (!ctv)
- continue;
- dindexes[n_dindexes++] = ctv->leaf;
- }
+ case CTPO_NEG:
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_nonterminal (ctx, e, 1, ctpo_neg);
+ }
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (d[a])
- {
- int leaf = cell->axes[a].leaf;
- if (a == t->summary_axis && !summary_dimension)
- leaf += j;
- dindexes[n_dindexes++] = leaf;
- }
- const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss = &specs->specs[j];
+static const struct ctables_category *
+ctables_cell_postcompute (const struct ctables_section *s,
+ const struct ctables_cell *cell,
+ enum pivot_axis_type *pc_a_p,
+ size_t *pc_a_idx_p)
+ assert (cell->postcompute);
+ const struct ctables_category *pc_cat = NULL;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type pc_a = 0; pc_a < PIVOT_N_AXES; pc_a++)
+ for (size_t pc_a_idx = 0; pc_a_idx < s->nests[pc_a]->n; pc_a_idx++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *cv = &cell->axes[pc_a].cvs[pc_a_idx];
+ if (cv->category->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ {
+ if (pc_cat)
+ {
+ /* Multiple postcomputes cross each other. The value is
+ undefined. */
+ return NULL;
+ }
- struct fmt_spec format = specs->specs[j].format;
- bool is_ctables_format = ss->is_ctables_format;
- double d = (cell->postcompute
- ? ctables_cell_calculate_postcompute (
- s, cell, ss, &format, &is_ctables_format, j)
- : ctables_summary_value (cell, &cell->summaries[j],
- ss));
+ pc_cat = cv->category;
+ if (pc_a_p)
+ *pc_a_p = pc_a;
+ if (pc_a_idx_p)
+ *pc_a_idx_p = pc_a_idx;
+ }
+ }
- struct pivot_value *value;
- if (ct->hide_threshold != 0
- && d < ct->hide_threshold
- && ss->function == CTSF_COUNT)
- {
- value = pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (
- xasprintf ("<%d", ct->hide_threshold));
- }
- else if (d == 0 && ct->zero)
- value = pivot_value_new_user_text (ct->zero, SIZE_MAX);
- else if (d == SYSMIS && ct->missing)
- value = pivot_value_new_user_text (ct->missing, SIZE_MAX);
- else if (is_ctables_format)
- value = pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (
- ctables_format (d, &format, &ct->ctables_formats));
- else
- {
- value = pivot_value_new_number (d);
- value->numeric.format = format;
- }
- /* XXX should text values be right-justified? */
- pivot_table_put (pt, dindexes, n_dindexes, value);
+ assert (pc_cat != NULL);
+ return pc_cat;
+static double
+ctables_cell_calculate_postcompute (const struct ctables_section *s,
+ const struct ctables_cell *cell,
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss,
+ struct fmt_spec *format,
+ bool *is_ctables_format,
+ size_t summary_idx)
+ enum pivot_axis_type pc_a = 0;
+ size_t pc_a_idx = 0;
+ const struct ctables_category *pc_cat = ctables_cell_postcompute (
+ s, cell, &pc_a, &pc_a_idx);
+ if (!pc_cat)
+ return SYSMIS;
+ const struct ctables_postcompute *pc = pc_cat->pc;
+ if (pc->specs)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pc->specs->n; i++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss2 = &pc->specs->specs[i];
+ if (ss->function == ss2->function
+ && ss->weighting == ss2->weighting
+ && ss->calc_area == ss2->calc_area
+ && ss->percentile == ss2->percentile)
+ {
+ *format = ss2->format;
+ *is_ctables_format = ss2->is_ctables_format;
+ break;
- pivot_table_submit (pt);
+ const struct variable *var = s->nests[pc_a]->vars[pc_a_idx];
+ const struct ctables_categories *cats = s->table->categories[
+ var_get_dict_index (var)];
+ struct ctables_pcexpr_evaluate_ctx ctx = {
+ .cell = cell,
+ .section = s,
+ .cats = cats,
+ .pc_a = pc_a,
+ .pc_a_idx = pc_a_idx,
+ .summary_idx = summary_idx,
+ .parse_format = pc_cat->parse_format,
+ };
+ return ctables_pcexpr_evaluate (&ctx, pc->expr);
-static bool
-ctables_check_label_position (struct ctables_table *t, enum pivot_axis_type a)
+static char *
+ctables_format (double d, const struct fmt_spec *format,
+ const struct fmt_settings *settings)
- enum pivot_axis_type label_pos = t->label_axis[a];
- if (label_pos == a)
- return true;
+ const union value v = { .f = d };
+ char *s = data_out_stretchy (&v, "UTF-8", format, settings, NULL);
- const char *subcommand_name = a == PIVOT_AXIS_ROW ? "ROWLABELS" : "COLLABELS";
- const char *pos_name = label_pos == PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER ? "LAYER" : "OPPOSITE";
+ /* The custom-currency specifications for NEQUAL, PAREN, and PCTPAREN don't
+ produce the results we want for negative numbers, putting the negative
+ sign in the wrong spot, before the prefix instead of after it. We can't,
+ in fact, produce the desired results using a custom-currency
+ specification. Instead, we postprocess the output, moving the negative
+ sign into place:
- const struct ctables_stack *stack = &t->stacks[a];
- if (!stack->n)
- return true;
+ NEQUAL: "-N=3" => "N=-3"
+ PAREN: "-(3)" => "(-3)"
+ PCTPAREN: "-(3%)" => "(-3%)"
- const struct ctables_nest *n0 = &stack->nests[0];
- if (n0->n == 0)
+ This transformation doesn't affect NEGPAREN. */
+ char *minus_src = strchr (s, '-');
+ if (minus_src && (minus_src == s || minus_src[-1] != 'E'))
- assert (stack->n == 1);
- return true;
+ char *n_equals = strstr (s, "N=");
+ char *lparen = strchr (s, '(');
+ char *minus_dst = n_equals ? n_equals + 1 : lparen;
+ if (minus_dst)
+ move_element (s, minus_dst - s + 1, 1, minus_src - s, minus_dst - s);
+ return s;
- const struct variable *v0 = n0->vars[n0->n - 1];
- struct ctables_categories *c0 = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (v0)];
- t->clabels_example = v0;
+static bool
+all_hidden_vlabels (const struct ctables_table *t, enum pivot_axis_type a)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->stacks[a].n; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[i];
+ if (nest->n != 1 || nest->scale_idx != 0)
+ return false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < c0->n_cats; i++)
- if (c0->cats[i].type == CCT_FUNCTION)
- {
- msg (SE, _("%s=%s is not allowed with sorting based "
- "on a summary function."),
- subcommand_name, pos_name);
+ enum ctables_vlabel vlabel
+ = t->ctables->vlabels[var_get_dict_index (nest->vars[0])];
+ if (vlabel != CTVL_NONE)
return false;
- }
- if (n0->n - 1 == n0->scale_idx)
- {
- msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be moved to be categorical, "
- "but %s is a scale variable."),
- subcommand_name, pos_name, var_get_name (v0));
- return false;
+ return true;
- for (size_t i = 1; i < stack->n; i++)
+static void
+ctables_table_output (struct ctables *ct, struct ctables_table *t)
+ struct pivot_table *pt = pivot_table_create__ (
+ (t->title
+ ? pivot_value_new_user_text (t->title, SIZE_MAX)
+ : pivot_value_new_text (N_("Custom Tables"))),
+ "Custom Tables");
+ if (t->caption)
+ pivot_table_set_caption (
+ pt, pivot_value_new_user_text (t->caption, SIZE_MAX));
+ if (t->corner)
+ pivot_table_set_corner_text (
+ pt, pivot_value_new_user_text (t->corner, SIZE_MAX));
+ bool summary_dimension = (t->summary_axis != t->slabels_axis
+ || (!t->slabels_visible
+ && t->summary_specs.n > 1));
+ if (summary_dimension)
- const struct ctables_nest *ni = &stack->nests[i];
- assert (ni->n > 0);
- const struct variable *vi = ni->vars[ni->n - 1];
- struct ctables_categories *ci = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (vi)];
+ struct pivot_dimension *d = pivot_dimension_create (
+ pt, t->slabels_axis, N_("Statistics"));
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &t->summary_specs;
+ if (!t->slabels_visible)
+ d->hide_all_labels = true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
+ pivot_category_create_leaf (
+ d->root, ctables_summary_label (&specs->specs[i], t->cilevel));
+ }
- if (ni->n - 1 == ni->scale_idx)
- {
- msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be moved to be "
- "categorical, but %s is a scale variable."),
- subcommand_name, pos_name, var_get_name (vi));
- return false;
- }
- if (var_get_width (v0) != var_get_width (vi))
- {
- msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be "
- "moved to have the same width, but %s has "
- "width %d and %s has width %d."),
- subcommand_name, pos_name,
- var_get_name (v0), var_get_width (v0),
- var_get_name (vi), var_get_width (vi));
- return false;
- }
- if (!val_labs_equal (var_get_value_labels (v0),
- var_get_value_labels (vi)))
- {
- msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be "
- "moved to have the same value labels, but %s "
- "and %s have different value labels."),
- subcommand_name, pos_name,
- var_get_name (v0), var_get_name (vi));
- return false;
- }
- if (!ctables_categories_equal (c0, ci))
+ bool categories_dimension = t->clabels_example != NULL;
+ if (categories_dimension)
+ {
+ struct pivot_dimension *d = pivot_dimension_create (
+ pt, t->label_axis[t->clabels_from_axis],
+ t->clabels_from_axis == PIVOT_AXIS_ROW
+ ? N_("Row Categories")
+ : N_("Column Categories"));
+ const struct variable *var = t->clabels_example;
+ const struct ctables_categories *c = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_clabels_values; i++)
- msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be "
- "moved to have the same category "
- "specifications, but %s and %s have different "
- "category specifications."),
- subcommand_name, pos_name,
- var_get_name (v0), var_get_name (vi));
- return false;
+ const struct ctables_value *value = t->clabels_values[i];
+ const struct ctables_category *cat = ctables_categories_match (c, &value->value, var);
+ assert (cat != NULL);
+ pivot_category_create_leaf (
+ d->root, ctables_category_create_value_label (c, cat,
+ t->clabels_example,
+ &value->value));
- return true;
+ pivot_table_set_look (pt, ct->look);
+ struct pivot_dimension *d[PIVOT_N_AXES];
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ static const char *names[] = {
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] = N_("Rows"),
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] = N_("Columns"),
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER] = N_("Layers"),
+ };
+ d[a] = (t->axes[a] || a == t->summary_axis
+ ? pivot_dimension_create (pt, a, names[a])
+ : NULL);
+ if (!d[a])
+ continue;
-static size_t
-add_sum_var (struct variable *var,
- struct variable ***sum_vars, size_t *n, size_t *allocated)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < *n; i++)
- if (var == (*sum_vars)[i])
- return i;
+ assert (t->axes[a]);
- if (*n >= *allocated)
- *sum_vars = x2nrealloc (*sum_vars, allocated, sizeof **sum_vars);
- (*sum_vars)[*n] = var;
- return (*n)++;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->stacks[a].n; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[i];
+ struct ctables_section **sections = xnmalloc (t->n_sections,
+ sizeof *sections);
+ size_t n_sections = 0;
-static enum ctables_area_type
-rotate_area (enum ctables_area_type area)
- return area;
- switch (area)
- {
- case CTAT_TABLE:
- case CTAT_LAYER:
- return area;
+ size_t n_total_cells = 0;
+ size_t max_depth = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
+ if (t->sections[j].nests[a] == nest)
+ {
+ struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[j];
+ sections[n_sections++] = s;
+ n_total_cells += hmap_count (&s->cells);
+ size_t depth = s->nests[a]->n;
+ max_depth = MAX (depth, max_depth);
+ }
+ struct ctables_cell **sorted = xnmalloc (n_total_cells,
+ sizeof *sorted);
+ size_t n_sorted = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < n_sections; j++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_section *s = sections[j];
+ struct ctables_cell *cell;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
+ if (!cell->hide)
+ sorted[n_sorted++] = cell;
+ assert (n_sorted <= n_total_cells);
+ }
- case CTAT_ROW:
- return CTAT_COL;
+ struct ctables_cell_sort_aux aux = { .nest = nest, .a = a };
+ sort (sorted, n_sorted, sizeof *sorted, ctables_cell_compare_3way, &aux);
- case CTAT_COL:
- return CTAT_ROW;
- }
+ struct ctables_level
+ {
+ enum ctables_level_type
+ {
+ CTL_VAR, /* Variable label for nest->vars[var_idx]. */
+ CTL_CATEGORY, /* Category for nest->vars[var_idx]. */
+ CTL_SUMMARY, /* Summary functions. */
+ }
+ type;
+ enum settings_value_show vlabel; /* CTL_VAR only. */
+ size_t var_idx;
+ };
+ struct ctables_level *levels = xnmalloc (1 + 2 * max_depth, sizeof *levels);
+ size_t n_levels = 0;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < nest->n; k++)
+ {
+ enum ctables_vlabel vlabel = ct->vlabels[var_get_dict_index (nest->vars[k])];
+ if (vlabel == CTVL_NONE && nest->scale_idx == k)
+ vlabel = CTVL_NAME;
+ if (vlabel != CTVL_NONE)
+ {
+ levels[n_levels++] = (struct ctables_level) {
+ .type = CTL_VAR,
+ .vlabel = (enum settings_value_show) vlabel,
+ .var_idx = k,
+ };
+ }
-static void
-enumerate_sum_vars (const struct ctables_axis *a,
- struct variable ***sum_vars, size_t *n, size_t *allocated)
- if (!a)
- return;
+ if (nest->scale_idx != k
+ && (k != nest->n - 1 || t->label_axis[a] == a))
+ {
+ levels[n_levels++] = (struct ctables_level) {
+ .type = CTL_CATEGORY,
+ .var_idx = k,
+ };
+ }
+ }
- switch (a->op)
- {
- case CTAO_VAR:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CSVS; i++)
- for (size_t j = 0; j < a->specs[i].n; j++)
- {
- struct ctables_summary_spec *spec = &a->specs[i].specs[j];
- if (spec->function == CTSF_areaPCT_SUM)
- spec->sum_var_idx = add_sum_var (a->var, sum_vars, n, allocated);
- }
- break;
+ if (!summary_dimension && a == t->slabels_axis)
+ {
+ levels[n_levels++] = (struct ctables_level) {
+ .type = CTL_SUMMARY,
+ .var_idx = SIZE_MAX,
+ };
+ }
- case CTAO_STACK:
- case CTAO_NEST:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- enumerate_sum_vars (a->subs[i], sum_vars, n, allocated);
- break;
- }
+ /* Pivot categories:
-static bool
-ctables_prepare_table (struct ctables_table *t)
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (t->axes[a])
- {
- t->stacks[a] = enumerate_fts (a, t->axes[a]);
+ - variable label for nest->vars[0], if vlabel != CTVL_NONE
+ - category for nest->vars[0], if nest->scale_idx != 0
+ - variable label for nest->vars[1], if vlabel != CTVL_NONE
+ - category for nest->vars[1], if nest->scale_idx != 1
+ ...
+ - variable label for nest->vars[n - 1], if vlabel != CTVL_NONE
+ - category for nest->vars[n - 1], if t->label_axis[a] == a && nest->scale_idx != n - 1.
+ - summary function, if 'a == t->slabels_axis && a ==
+ t->summary_axis'.
- for (size_t j = 0; j < t->stacks[a].n; j++)
- {
- struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[j];
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- {
- nest->areas[at] = xmalloc (nest->n * sizeof *nest->areas[at]);
- nest->n_areas[at] = 0;
+ Additional dimensions:
- enum pivot_axis_type ata, atb;
- if (at == CTAT_ROW || at == CTAT_LAYERROW)
- {
- }
- else if (at == CTAT_COL || at == CTAT_LAYERCOL)
- {
- }
+ - If 'a == t->slabels_axis && a != t->summary_axis', add a summary
+ dimension.
+ - If 't->label_axis[b] == a' for some 'b != a', add a category
+ dimension to 'a'.
+ */
- if (at == CTAT_LAYER
- ? a != PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER && t->label_axis[a] == PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER
- ? a == atb && t->label_axis[a] != a
- : false)
- {
- for (size_t k = nest->n - 1; k < nest->n; k--)
- if (k != nest->scale_idx)
+ struct pivot_category **groups = xnmalloc (1 + 2 * max_depth, sizeof *groups);
+ int prev_leaf = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < n_sorted; j++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_cell *cell = sorted[j];
+ struct ctables_cell *prev = j > 0 ? sorted[j - 1] : NULL;
+ size_t n_common = 0;
+ if (j > 0)
+ {
+ for (; n_common < n_levels; n_common++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_level *level = &levels[n_common];
+ if (level->type == CTL_CATEGORY)
- nest->areas[at][nest->n_areas[at]++] = k;
- break;
+ size_t var_idx = level->var_idx;
+ const struct ctables_category *c = cell->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].category;
+ if (prev->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].category != c)
+ break;
+ else if (c->type != CCT_SUBTOTAL
+ && c->type != CCT_TOTAL
+ && c->type != CCT_POSTCOMPUTE
+ && !value_equal (&prev->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].value,
+ &cell->axes[a].cvs[var_idx].value,
+ var_get_type (nest->vars[var_idx])))
+ break;
- continue;
- }
+ }
+ }
- if (at == CTAT_LAYER ? a != PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER
- : at == CTAT_LAYERROW || at == CTAT_LAYERCOL ? a == atb
- : at == CTAT_TABLE ? true
- : false)
- continue;
+ for (size_t k = n_common; k < n_levels; k++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_level *level = &levels[k];
+ struct pivot_category *parent = k ? groups[k - 1] : d[a]->root;
+ if (level->type == CTL_SUMMARY)
+ {
+ assert (k == n_levels - 1);
- for (size_t k = 0; k < nest->n; k++)
- if (k != nest->scale_idx)
- nest->areas[at][nest->n_areas[at]++] = k;
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &t->summary_specs;
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < specs->n; m++)
+ {
+ int leaf = pivot_category_create_leaf (
+ parent, ctables_summary_label (&specs->specs[m],
+ t->cilevel));
+ if (!m)
+ prev_leaf = leaf;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[level->var_idx];
+ struct pivot_value *label;
+ if (level->type == CTL_VAR)
+ {
+ label = pivot_value_new_variable (var);
+ label->variable.show = level->vlabel;
+ }
+ else if (level->type == CTL_CATEGORY)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_cell_value *cv = &cell->axes[a].cvs[level->var_idx];
+ label = ctables_category_create_value_label (
+ t->categories[var_get_dict_index (var)],
+ cv->category, var, &cv->value);
+ }
+ else
- int n_drop;
- switch (at)
- {
- n_drop = (t->clabels_from_axis == L ? a != L
- : t->clabels_to_axis == L ? (t->clabels_from_axis == a ? -1 : a != L)
- : t->clabels_from_axis == a ? 2
- : 0);
-#undef L
- break;
+ if (k == n_levels - 1)
+ prev_leaf = pivot_category_create_leaf (parent, label);
+ else
+ groups[k] = pivot_category_create_group__ (parent, label);
+ }
+ }
- n_drop = a == ata && t->label_axis[ata] == atb;
- break;
+ cell->axes[a].leaf = prev_leaf;
+ }
+ free (sorted);
+ free (groups);
+ free (levels);
+ free (sections);
- case CTAT_ROW:
- case CTAT_COL:
- n_drop = (a == ata ? t->label_axis[ata] == atb
- : a != atb ? 0
- : t->clabels_from_axis == atb ? -1
- : t->clabels_to_axis != atb ? 1
- : 0);
- break;
+ }
- case CTAT_LAYER:
- case CTAT_TABLE:
- n_drop = 0;
- break;
- }
+ d[a]->hide_all_labels = all_hidden_vlabels (t, a);
+ }
- if (n_drop < 0)
- {
- size_t n = nest->n_areas[at];
- if (n > 1)
- {
- nest->areas[at][n - 2] = nest->areas[at][n - 1];
- nest->n_areas[at]--;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < n_drop; i++)
- if (nest->n_areas[at] > 0)
- nest->n_areas[at]--;
- }
- }
- }
+ {
+ size_t n_total_cells = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
+ n_total_cells += hmap_count (&t->sections[j].cells);
+ struct ctables_cell **sorted = xnmalloc (n_total_cells, sizeof *sorted);
+ size_t n_sorted = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[j];
+ struct ctables_cell *cell;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
+ if (!cell->hide)
+ sorted[n_sorted++] = cell;
- else
+ assert (n_sorted <= n_total_cells);
+ sort (sorted, n_sorted, sizeof *sorted, ctables_cell_compare_leaf_3way,
+ NULL);
+ size_t ids[N_CTATS];
+ memset (ids, 0, sizeof ids);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < n_sorted; j++)
- struct ctables_nest *nest = xmalloc (sizeof *nest);
- *nest = (struct ctables_nest) {
- .n = 0,
- .scale_idx = SIZE_MAX,
- .summary_idx = SIZE_MAX
- };
- t->stacks[a] = (struct ctables_stack) { .nests = nest, .n = 1 };
- /* There's no point in moving labels away from an axis that has no
- labels, so avoid dealing with the special cases around that. */
- t->label_axis[a] = a;
+ struct ctables_cell *cell = sorted[j];
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_area *area = cell->areas[at];
+ if (!area->sequence)
+ area->sequence = ++ids[at];
+ }
- struct ctables_stack *stack = &t->stacks[t->summary_axis];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < stack->n; i++)
+ free (sorted);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_sections; i++)
- struct ctables_nest *nest = &stack->nests[i];
- if (!nest->specs[CSV_CELL].n)
- {
- struct ctables_summary_spec_set *ss = &nest->specs[CSV_CELL];
- ss->specs = xmalloc (sizeof *ss->specs);
- ss->n = 1;
+ struct ctables_section *s = &t->sections[i];
- enum ctables_summary_function function
- = ss->is_scale ? CTSF_MEAN : CTSF_COUNT;
+ struct ctables_cell *cell;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
+ {
+ if (cell->hide)
+ continue;
- if (!ss->var)
+ const struct ctables_nest *specs_nest = s->nests[t->summary_axis];
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &specs_nest->specs[cell->sv];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < specs->n; j++)
- nest->summary_idx = nest->n - 1;
- ss->var = nest->vars[nest->summary_idx];
- }
- *ss->specs = (struct ctables_summary_spec) {
- .function = function,
- .weighting = ss->is_scale ? CTW_EFFECTIVE : CTW_DICTIONARY,
- .format = ctables_summary_default_format (function, ss->var),
- };
+ size_t dindexes[5];
+ size_t n_dindexes = 0;
- ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&nest->specs[CSV_TOTAL],
- &nest->specs[CSV_CELL]);
- }
- else if (!nest->specs[CSV_TOTAL].n)
- ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&nest->specs[CSV_TOTAL],
- &nest->specs[CSV_CELL]);
+ if (summary_dimension)
+ dindexes[n_dindexes++] = specs->specs[j].axis_idx;
- if (t->label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] == PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN
- || t->label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] == PIVOT_AXIS_ROW)
- {
- for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->specs[sv].n; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_summary_spec *ss = &nest->specs[sv].specs[i];
- const struct ctables_function_info *cfi =
- &ctables_function_info[ss->function];
- if (cfi->is_area)
- ss->calc_area = rotate_area (ss->calc_area);
- }
- }
+ if (categories_dimension)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *clabels_nest = s->nests[t->clabels_from_axis];
+ const struct variable *var = clabels_nest->vars[clabels_nest->n - 1];
+ const union value *value = &cell->axes[t->clabels_from_axis].cvs[clabels_nest->n - 1].value;
+ const struct ctables_value *ctv = ctables_value_find (t, value, var_get_width (var));
+ if (!ctv)
+ continue;
+ dindexes[n_dindexes++] = ctv->leaf;
+ }
- if (t->ctables->smissing_listwise)
- {
- struct variable **listwise_vars = NULL;
- size_t n = 0;
- size_t allocated = 0;
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ if (d[a])
+ {
+ int leaf = cell->axes[a].leaf;
+ if (a == t->summary_axis && !summary_dimension)
+ leaf += j;
+ dindexes[n_dindexes++] = leaf;
+ }
- for (size_t j = nest->group_head; j < stack->n; j++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *other_nest = &stack->nests[j];
- if (other_nest->group_head != nest->group_head)
- break;
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec *ss = &specs->specs[j];
- if (nest != other_nest && other_nest->scale_idx < other_nest->n)
+ struct fmt_spec format = specs->specs[j].format;
+ bool is_ctables_format = ss->is_ctables_format;
+ double d = (cell->postcompute
+ ? ctables_cell_calculate_postcompute (
+ s, cell, ss, &format, &is_ctables_format, j)
+ : ctables_summary_value (cell, &cell->summaries[j],
+ ss));
+ struct pivot_value *value;
+ if (ct->hide_threshold != 0
+ && d < ct->hide_threshold
+ && ss->function == CTSF_COUNT)
- if (n >= allocated)
- listwise_vars = x2nrealloc (listwise_vars, &allocated,
- sizeof *listwise_vars);
- listwise_vars[n++] = other_nest->vars[other_nest->scale_idx];
+ value = pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (
+ xasprintf ("<%d", ct->hide_threshold));
- }
- for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
- {
- if (sv > 0)
- listwise_vars = xmemdup (listwise_vars,
- n * sizeof *listwise_vars);
- nest->specs[sv].listwise_vars = listwise_vars;
- nest->specs[sv].n_listwise_vars = n;
+ else if (d == 0 && ct->zero)
+ value = pivot_value_new_user_text (ct->zero, SIZE_MAX);
+ else if (d == SYSMIS && ct->missing)
+ value = pivot_value_new_user_text (ct->missing, SIZE_MAX);
+ else if (is_ctables_format)
+ value = pivot_value_new_user_text_nocopy (
+ ctables_format (d, &format, &ct->ctables_formats));
+ else
+ {
+ value = pivot_value_new_number (d);
+ value->numeric.format = format;
+ }
+ /* XXX should text values be right-justified? */
+ pivot_table_put (pt, dindexes, n_dindexes, value);
- struct ctables_summary_spec_set *merged = &t->summary_specs;
- struct merge_item *items = xnmalloc (N_CSVS * stack->n, sizeof *items);
- size_t n_left = 0;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < stack->n; j++)
+ pivot_table_submit (pt);
+static bool
+ctables_check_label_position (struct ctables_table *t, enum pivot_axis_type a)
+ enum pivot_axis_type label_pos = t->label_axis[a];
+ if (label_pos == a)
+ return true;
+ const char *subcommand_name = a == PIVOT_AXIS_ROW ? "ROWLABELS" : "COLLABELS";
+ const char *pos_name = label_pos == PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER ? "LAYER" : "OPPOSITE";
+ const struct ctables_stack *stack = &t->stacks[a];
+ if (!stack->n)
+ return true;
+ const struct ctables_nest *n0 = &stack->nests[0];
+ if (n0->n == 0)
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = &stack->nests[j];
- if (nest->n)
- for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
- items[n_left++] = (struct merge_item) { .set = &nest->specs[sv] };
+ assert (stack->n == 1);
+ return true;
- while (n_left > 0)
+ const struct variable *v0 = n0->vars[n0->n - 1];
+ struct ctables_categories *c0 = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (v0)];
+ t->clabels_example = v0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < c0->n_cats; i++)
+ if (c0->cats[i].type == CCT_FUNCTION)
+ {
+ msg (SE, _("%s=%s is not allowed with sorting based "
+ "on a summary function."),
+ subcommand_name, pos_name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (n0->n - 1 == n0->scale_idx)
- struct merge_item min = items[0];
- for (size_t j = 1; j < n_left; j++)
- if (merge_item_compare_3way (&items[j], &min) < 0)
- min = items[j];
+ msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be moved to be categorical, "
+ "but %s is a scale variable."),
+ subcommand_name, pos_name, var_get_name (v0));
+ return false;
+ }
- if (merged->n >= merged->allocated)
- merged->specs = x2nrealloc (merged->specs, &merged->allocated,
- sizeof *merged->specs);
- merged->specs[merged->n++] = min.set->specs[min.ofs];
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < stack->n; i++)
+ {
+ const struct ctables_nest *ni = &stack->nests[i];
+ assert (ni->n > 0);
+ const struct variable *vi = ni->vars[ni->n - 1];
+ struct ctables_categories *ci = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (vi)];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < n_left; )
+ if (ni->n - 1 == ni->scale_idx)
+ {
+ msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be moved to be "
+ "categorical, but %s is a scale variable."),
+ subcommand_name, pos_name, var_get_name (vi));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (var_get_width (v0) != var_get_width (vi))
+ {
+ msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be "
+ "moved to have the same width, but %s has "
+ "width %d and %s has width %d."),
+ subcommand_name, pos_name,
+ var_get_name (v0), var_get_width (v0),
+ var_get_name (vi), var_get_width (vi));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!val_labs_equal (var_get_value_labels (v0),
+ var_get_value_labels (vi)))
- if (merge_item_compare_3way (&items[j], &min) == 0)
- {
- struct merge_item *item = &items[j];
- item->set->specs[item->ofs].axis_idx = merged->n - 1;
- if (++item->ofs >= item->set->n)
- {
- items[j] = items[--n_left];
- continue;
- }
- }
- j++;
+ msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be "
+ "moved to have the same value labels, but %s "
+ "and %s have different value labels."),
+ subcommand_name, pos_name,
+ var_get_name (v0), var_get_name (vi));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!ctables_categories_equal (c0, ci))
+ {
+ msg (SE, _("%s=%s requires the variables to be "
+ "moved to have the same category "
+ "specifications, but %s and %s have different "
+ "category specifications."),
+ subcommand_name, pos_name,
+ var_get_name (v0), var_get_name (vi));
+ return false;
- free (items);
- size_t allocated_sum_vars = 0;
- enumerate_sum_vars (t->axes[t->summary_axis],
- &t->sum_vars, &t->n_sum_vars, &allocated_sum_vars);
+ return true;
- return (ctables_check_label_position (t, PIVOT_AXIS_ROW)
- && ctables_check_label_position (t, PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN));
+static size_t
+add_sum_var (struct variable *var,
+ struct variable ***sum_vars, size_t *n, size_t *allocated)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < *n; i++)
+ if (var == (*sum_vars)[i])
+ return i;
+ if (*n >= *allocated)
+ *sum_vars = x2nrealloc (*sum_vars, allocated, sizeof **sum_vars);
+ (*sum_vars)[*n] = var;
+ return (*n)++;
-static void
-ctables_insert_clabels_values (struct ctables_table *t, const struct ccase *c,
- enum pivot_axis_type a)
+static enum ctables_area_type
+rotate_area (enum ctables_area_type area)
- struct ctables_stack *stack = &t->stacks[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < stack->n; i++)
+ return area;
+ switch (area)
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = &stack->nests[i];
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[nest->n - 1];
- const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
+ case CTAT_TABLE:
+ case CTAT_LAYER:
+ return area;
- if (var_is_numeric (var) && value->f == SYSMIS)
- continue;
- if (ctables_categories_match (t->categories [var_get_dict_index (var)],
- value, var))
- ctables_value_insert (t, value, var_get_width (var));
+ case CTAT_ROW:
+ return CTAT_COL;
+ case CTAT_COL:
+ return CTAT_ROW;
-static int
-compare_clabels_values_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_, const void *width_)
- const struct ctables_value *const *ap = a_;
- const struct ctables_value *const *bp = b_;
- const struct ctables_value *a = *ap;
- const struct ctables_value *b = *bp;
- const int *width = width_;
- return value_compare_3way (&a->value, &b->value, *width);
static void
-ctables_sort_clabels_values (struct ctables_table *t)
+enumerate_sum_vars (const struct ctables_axis *a,
+ struct variable ***sum_vars, size_t *n, size_t *allocated)
- const struct variable *v0 = t->clabels_example;
- int width = var_get_width (v0);
+ if (!a)
+ return;
- struct ctables_categories *c0 = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (v0)];
- if (c0->show_empty)
+ switch (a->op)
- const struct val_labs *val_labs = var_get_value_labels (v0);
- for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
- vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
- if (ctables_categories_match (c0, &vl->value, v0))
- ctables_value_insert (t, &vl->value, width);
+ case CTAO_VAR:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CSVS; i++)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < a->specs[i].n; j++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_summary_spec *spec = &a->specs[i].specs[j];
+ if (spec->function == CTSF_areaPCT_SUM)
+ spec->sum_var_idx = add_sum_var (a->var, sum_vars, n, allocated);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CTAO_STACK:
+ case CTAO_NEST:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ enumerate_sum_vars (a->subs[i], sum_vars, n, allocated);
+ break;
- size_t n = hmap_count (&t->clabels_values_map);
- t->clabels_values = xnmalloc (n, sizeof *t->clabels_values);
+static bool
+ctables_prepare_table (struct ctables_table *t)
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ if (t->axes[a])
+ {
+ t->stacks[a] = enumerate_fts (a, t->axes[a]);
- struct ctables_value *clv;
- size_t i = 0;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH (clv, struct ctables_value, node, &t->clabels_values_map)
- t->clabels_values[i++] = clv;
- t->n_clabels_values = n;
- assert (i == n);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < t->stacks[a].n; j++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = &t->stacks[a].nests[j];
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ {
+ nest->areas[at] = xmalloc (nest->n * sizeof *nest->areas[at]);
+ nest->n_areas[at] = 0;
- sort (t->clabels_values, n, sizeof *t->clabels_values,
- compare_clabels_values_3way, &width);
+ enum pivot_axis_type ata, atb;
+ if (at == CTAT_ROW || at == CTAT_LAYERROW)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (at == CTAT_COL || at == CTAT_LAYERCOL)
+ {
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
- t->clabels_values[i]->leaf = i;
+ if (at == CTAT_LAYER
+ ? a != PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER && t->label_axis[a] == PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER
+ ? a == atb && t->label_axis[a] != a
+ : false)
+ {
+ for (size_t k = nest->n - 1; k < nest->n; k--)
+ if (k != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ nest->areas[at][nest->n_areas[at]++] = k;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
-static void
-ctables_add_category_occurrences (const struct variable *var,
- struct hmap *occurrences,
- const struct ctables_categories *cats)
- const struct val_labs *val_labs = var_get_value_labels (var);
+ if (at == CTAT_LAYER ? a != PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER
+ : at == CTAT_LAYERROW || at == CTAT_LAYERCOL ? a == atb
+ : at == CTAT_TABLE ? true
+ : false)
+ continue;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < cats->n_cats; i++)
- {
- const struct ctables_category *c = &cats->cats[i];
- switch (c->type)
- {
- case CCT_NUMBER:
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &(const union value) { .f = c->number },
- occurrences);
- break;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < nest->n; k++)
+ if (k != nest->scale_idx)
+ nest->areas[at][nest->n_areas[at]++] = k;
- case CCT_STRING:
- {
- int width = var_get_width (var);
- union value value;
- value_init (&value, width);
- value_copy_buf_rpad (&value, width,
- CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, c->string.string),
- c->string.length, ' ');
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &value, occurrences);
- value_destroy (&value, width);
- }
- break;
+ int n_drop;
+ switch (at)
+ {
+ n_drop = (t->clabels_from_axis == L ? a != L
+ : t->clabels_to_axis == L ? (t->clabels_from_axis == a ? -1 : a != L)
+ : t->clabels_from_axis == a ? 2
+ : 0);
+#undef L
+ break;
- case CCT_NRANGE:
- assert (var_is_numeric (var));
- for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
- vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
- if (vl->value.f >= c->nrange[0] && vl->value.f <= c->nrange[1])
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
- break;
+ n_drop = a == ata && t->label_axis[ata] == atb;
+ break;
- case CCT_SRANGE:
- assert (var_is_alpha (var));
- for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
- vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
- if (in_string_range (&vl->value, var, c->srange))
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
- break;
+ case CTAT_ROW:
+ case CTAT_COL:
+ n_drop = (a == ata ? t->label_axis[ata] == atb
+ : a != atb ? 0
+ : t->clabels_from_axis == atb ? -1
+ : t->clabels_to_axis != atb ? 1
+ : 0);
+ break;
+ case CTAT_LAYER:
+ case CTAT_TABLE:
+ n_drop = 0;
+ break;
+ }
- for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
- vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
- if (var_is_value_missing (var, &vl->value))
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
- break;
+ if (n_drop < 0)
+ {
+ size_t n = nest->n_areas[at];
+ if (n > 1)
+ {
+ nest->areas[at][n - 2] = nest->areas[at][n - 1];
+ nest->n_areas[at]--;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_drop; i++)
+ if (nest->n_areas[at] > 0)
+ nest->n_areas[at]--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = xmalloc (sizeof *nest);
+ *nest = (struct ctables_nest) {
+ .n = 0,
+ .scale_idx = SIZE_MAX,
+ .summary_idx = SIZE_MAX
+ };
+ t->stacks[a] = (struct ctables_stack) { .nests = nest, .n = 1 };
- for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
- vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
- break;
+ /* There's no point in moving labels away from an axis that has no
+ labels, so avoid dealing with the special cases around that. */
+ t->label_axis[a] = a;
+ }
- break;
+ struct ctables_stack *stack = &t->stacks[t->summary_axis];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < stack->n; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = &stack->nests[i];
+ if (!nest->specs[CSV_CELL].n)
+ {
+ struct ctables_summary_spec_set *ss = &nest->specs[CSV_CELL];
+ ss->specs = xmalloc (sizeof *ss->specs);
+ ss->n = 1;
- case CCT_TOTAL:
- break;
+ enum ctables_summary_function function
+ = ss->is_scale ? CTSF_MEAN : CTSF_COUNT;
- case CCT_VALUE:
- case CCT_LABEL:
- for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
- vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
- if (c->include_missing || !var_is_value_missing (var, &vl->value))
- ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
- break;
+ if (!ss->var)
+ {
+ nest->summary_idx = nest->n - 1;
+ ss->var = nest->vars[nest->summary_idx];
+ }
+ *ss->specs = (struct ctables_summary_spec) {
+ .function = function,
+ .weighting = ss->is_scale ? CTW_EFFECTIVE : CTW_DICTIONARY,
+ .format = ctables_summary_default_format (function, ss->var),
+ };
- break;
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&nest->specs[CSV_TOTAL],
+ &nest->specs[CSV_CELL]);
- }
+ else if (!nest->specs[CSV_TOTAL].n)
+ ctables_summary_spec_set_clone (&nest->specs[CSV_TOTAL],
+ &nest->specs[CSV_CELL]);
-static void
-ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (
- struct ctables_section *s,
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES], struct ccase *c,
- enum pivot_axis_type a, size_t a_idx)
- if (a >= PIVOT_N_AXES)
- ctables_cell_insert__ (s, c, cats);
- else if (!s->nests[a] || a_idx >= s->nests[a]->n)
- ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a + 1, 0);
- else
- {
- const struct variable *var = s->nests[a]->vars[a_idx];
- const struct ctables_categories *categories = s->table->categories[
- var_get_dict_index (var)];
- int width = var_get_width (var);
- const struct hmap *occurrences = &s->occurrences[a][a_idx];
- const struct ctables_occurrence *o;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH (o, struct ctables_occurrence, node, occurrences)
+ if (t->label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] == PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN
+ || t->label_axis[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] == PIVOT_AXIS_ROW)
- union value *value = case_data_rw (c, var);
- value_destroy (value, width);
- value_clone (value, &o->value, width);
- cats[a][a_idx] = ctables_categories_match (categories, value, var);
- assert (cats[a][a_idx] != NULL);
- ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a, a_idx + 1);
+ for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->specs[sv].n; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_summary_spec *ss = &nest->specs[sv].specs[i];
+ const struct ctables_function_info *cfi =
+ &ctables_function_info[ss->function];
+ if (cfi->is_area)
+ ss->calc_area = rotate_area (ss->calc_area);
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < categories->n_cats; i++)
+ if (t->ctables->smissing_listwise)
- const struct ctables_category *cat = &categories->cats[i];
- if (cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ struct variable **listwise_vars = NULL;
+ size_t n = 0;
+ size_t allocated = 0;
+ for (size_t j = nest->group_head; j < stack->n; j++)
- cats[a][a_idx] = cat;
- ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a, a_idx + 1);
+ const struct ctables_nest *other_nest = &stack->nests[j];
+ if (other_nest->group_head != nest->group_head)
+ break;
+ if (nest != other_nest && other_nest->scale_idx < other_nest->n)
+ {
+ if (n >= allocated)
+ listwise_vars = x2nrealloc (listwise_vars, &allocated,
+ sizeof *listwise_vars);
+ listwise_vars[n++] = other_nest->vars[other_nest->scale_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
+ {
+ if (sv > 0)
+ listwise_vars = xmemdup (listwise_vars,
+ n * sizeof *listwise_vars);
+ nest->specs[sv].listwise_vars = listwise_vars;
+ nest->specs[sv].n_listwise_vars = n;
-static void
-ctables_section_add_empty_categories (struct ctables_section *s)
- bool show_empty = false;
- for (size_t a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (s->nests[a])
- for (size_t k = 0; k < s->nests[a]->n; k++)
- if (k != s->nests[a]->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct variable *var = s->nests[a]->vars[k];
- const struct ctables_categories *cats = s->table->categories[
- var_get_dict_index (var)];
- if (cats->show_empty)
- {
- show_empty = true;
- ctables_add_category_occurrences (var, &s->occurrences[a][k], cats);
- }
- }
- if (!show_empty)
- return;
- const struct ctables_category *layer_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER]->n];
- const struct ctables_category *row_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW]->n];
- const struct ctables_category *column_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN]->n];
- const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES] =
- {
- [PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER] = layer_cats,
- [PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] = row_cats,
- [PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] = column_cats,
- };
- struct ccase *c = case_create (dict_get_proto (s->table->ctables->dict));
- ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, 0, 0);
- case_unref (c);
-static void
-ctables_section_clear (struct ctables_section *s)
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ struct ctables_summary_spec_set *merged = &t->summary_specs;
+ struct merge_item *items = xnmalloc (N_CSVS * stack->n, sizeof *items);
+ size_t n_left = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < stack->n; j++)
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- {
- const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
- int width = var_get_width (var);
- struct ctables_occurrence *o, *next;
- struct hmap *map = &s->occurrences[a][i];
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (o, next, struct ctables_occurrence, node, map)
- {
- value_destroy (&o->value, width);
- hmap_delete (map, &o->node);
- free (o);
- }
- hmap_shrink (map);
- }
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = &stack->nests[j];
+ if (nest->n)
+ for (enum ctables_summary_variant sv = 0; sv < N_CSVS; sv++)
+ items[n_left++] = (struct merge_item) { .set = &nest->specs[sv] };
- struct ctables_cell *cell, *next_cell;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (cell, next_cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
+ while (n_left > 0)
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- if (i != nest->scale_idx)
- value_destroy (&cell->axes[a].cvs[i].value,
- var_get_width (nest->vars[i]));
- free (cell->axes[a].cvs);
- }
- const struct ctables_nest *ss = s->nests[s->table->summary_axis];
- const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &ss->specs[cell->sv];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
- ctables_summary_uninit (&cell->summaries[i], &specs->specs[i]);
- free (cell->summaries);
+ struct merge_item min = items[0];
+ for (size_t j = 1; j < n_left; j++)
+ if (merge_item_compare_3way (&items[j], &min) < 0)
+ min = items[j];
- hmap_delete (&s->cells, &cell->node);
- free (cell);
- }
- hmap_shrink (&s->cells);
+ if (merged->n >= merged->allocated)
+ merged->specs = x2nrealloc (merged->specs, &merged->allocated,
+ sizeof *merged->specs);
+ merged->specs[merged->n++] = min.set->specs[min.ofs];
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- {
- struct ctables_area *area, *next_area;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (area, next_area, struct ctables_area, node,
- &s->areas[at])
- {
- free (area->sums);
- hmap_delete (&s->areas[at], &area->node);
- free (area);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < n_left; )
+ {
+ if (merge_item_compare_3way (&items[j], &min) == 0)
+ {
+ struct merge_item *item = &items[j];
+ item->set->specs[item->ofs].axis_idx = merged->n - 1;
+ if (++item->ofs >= item->set->n)
+ {
+ items[j] = items[--n_left];
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
- hmap_shrink (&s->areas[at]);
-static void
-ctables_section_uninit (struct ctables_section *s)
- ctables_section_clear (s);
+ free (items);
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- {
- struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
- hmap_destroy (&s->occurrences[a][i]);
- free (s->occurrences[a]);
- }
+ size_t allocated_sum_vars = 0;
+ enumerate_sum_vars (t->axes[t->summary_axis],
+ &t->sum_vars, &t->n_sum_vars, &allocated_sum_vars);
- hmap_destroy (&s->cells);
- for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- hmap_destroy (&s->areas[at]);
+ return (ctables_check_label_position (t, PIVOT_AXIS_ROW)
+ && ctables_check_label_position (t, PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN));
static void
-ctables_table_clear (struct ctables_table *t)
+ctables_insert_clabels_values (struct ctables_table *t, const struct ccase *c,
+ enum pivot_axis_type a)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_sections; i++)
- ctables_section_clear (&t->sections[i]);
- if (t->clabels_example)
+ struct ctables_stack *stack = &t->stacks[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < stack->n; i++)
- int width = var_get_width (t->clabels_example);
- struct ctables_value *value, *next_value;
- HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (value, next_value, struct ctables_value, node,
- &t->clabels_values_map)
- {
- value_destroy (&value->value, width);
- hmap_delete (&t->clabels_values_map, &value->node);
- free (value);
- }
- hmap_shrink (&t->clabels_values_map);
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = &stack->nests[i];
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[nest->n - 1];
+ const union value *value = case_data (c, var);
- free (t->clabels_values);
- t->clabels_values = NULL;
- t->n_clabels_values = 0;
+ if (var_is_numeric (var) && value->f == SYSMIS)
+ continue;
+ if (ctables_categories_match (t->categories [var_get_dict_index (var)],
+ value, var))
+ ctables_value_insert (t, value, var_get_width (var));
-static bool
-ctables_execute (struct dataset *ds, struct casereader *input,
- struct ctables *ct)
+static int
+compare_clabels_values_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_, const void *width_)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_table *t = ct->tables[i];
- t->sections = xnmalloc (MAX (1, t->stacks[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW].n) *
- MAX (1, t->stacks[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN].n) *
- MAX (1, t->stacks[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER].n),
- sizeof *t->sections);
- size_t ix[PIVOT_N_AXES];
- ctables_table_add_section (t, 0, ix);
- }
+ const struct ctables_value *const *ap = a_;
+ const struct ctables_value *const *bp = b_;
+ const struct ctables_value *a = *ap;
+ const struct ctables_value *b = *bp;
+ const int *width = width_;
+ return value_compare_3way (&a->value, &b->value, *width);
- struct dictionary *dict = dataset_dict (ds);
+static void
+ctables_sort_clabels_values (struct ctables_table *t)
+ const struct variable *v0 = t->clabels_example;
+ int width = var_get_width (v0);
- bool splitting = dict_get_split_type (dict) == SPLIT_SEPARATE;
- struct casegrouper *grouper
- = (splitting
- ? casegrouper_create_splits (input, dict)
- : casegrouper_create_vars (input, NULL, 0));
- struct casereader *group;
- while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper, &group))
+ struct ctables_categories *c0 = t->categories[var_get_dict_index (v0)];
+ if (c0->show_empty)
- if (splitting)
- {
- struct ccase *c = casereader_peek (group, 0);
- if (c != NULL)
- {
- output_split_file_values (ds, c);
- case_unref (c);
- }
- }
- bool warn_on_invalid = true;
- for (struct ccase *c = casereader_read (group); c;
- case_unref (c), c = casereader_read (group))
- {
- double d_weight = dict_get_rounded_case_weight (dict, c, &warn_on_invalid);
- double e_weight = (ct->e_weight
- ? var_force_valid_weight (ct->e_weight,
- case_num (c, ct->e_weight),
- &warn_on_invalid)
- : d_weight);
- double weight[] = {
- [CTW_DICTIONARY] = d_weight,
- [CTW_EFFECTIVE] = e_weight,
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_table *t = ct->tables[i];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
- ctables_cell_insert (&t->sections[j], c, weight);
- for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (t->label_axis[a] != a)
- ctables_insert_clabels_values (t, c, a);
- }
- }
- casereader_destroy (group);
+ const struct val_labs *val_labs = var_get_value_labels (v0);
+ for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
+ vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
+ if (ctables_categories_match (c0, &vl->value, v0))
+ ctables_value_insert (t, &vl->value, width);
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
- {
- struct ctables_table *t = ct->tables[i];
+ size_t n = hmap_count (&t->clabels_values_map);
+ t->clabels_values = xnmalloc (n, sizeof *t->clabels_values);
- if (t->clabels_example)
- ctables_sort_clabels_values (t);
+ struct ctables_value *clv;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (clv, struct ctables_value, node, &t->clabels_values_map)
+ t->clabels_values[i++] = clv;
+ t->n_clabels_values = n;
+ assert (i == n);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
- ctables_section_add_empty_categories (&t->sections[j]);
+ sort (t->clabels_values, n, sizeof *t->clabels_values,
+ compare_clabels_values_3way, &width);
- ctables_table_output (ct, t);
- ctables_table_clear (t);
- }
- }
- return casegrouper_destroy (grouper);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ t->clabels_values[i]->leaf = i;
-/* Postcomputes. */
-typedef struct ctables_pcexpr *parse_recursively_func (struct lexer *,
- struct dictionary *);
static void
-ctables_pcexpr_destroy (struct ctables_pcexpr *e)
+ctables_add_category_occurrences (const struct variable *var,
+ struct hmap *occurrences,
+ const struct ctables_categories *cats)
- if (e)
+ const struct val_labs *val_labs = var_get_value_labels (var);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cats->n_cats; i++)
- switch (e->op)
+ const struct ctables_category *c = &cats->cats[i];
+ switch (c->type)
- ss_dealloc (&e->string);
+ case CCT_NUMBER:
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &(const union value) { .f = c->number },
+ occurrences);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- ss_dealloc (&e->srange[i]);
+ case CCT_STRING:
+ {
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ union value value;
+ value_init (&value, width);
+ value_copy_buf_rpad (&value, width,
+ CHAR_CAST (uint8_t *, c->string.string),
+ c->string.length, ' ');
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &value, occurrences);
+ value_destroy (&value, width);
+ }
- case CTPO_ADD:
- case CTPO_SUB:
- case CTPO_MUL:
- case CTPO_DIV:
- case CTPO_POW:
- case CTPO_NEG:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- ctables_pcexpr_destroy (e->subs[i]);
+ case CCT_NRANGE:
+ assert (var_is_numeric (var));
+ for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
+ vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
+ if (vl->value.f >= c->nrange[0] && vl->value.f <= c->nrange[1])
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
+ case CCT_SRANGE:
+ assert (var_is_alpha (var));
+ for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
+ vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
+ if (in_string_range (&vl->value, var, c->srange))
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
- }
- msg_location_destroy (e->location);
- free (e);
- }
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_allocate_binary (enum ctables_postcompute_op op,
- struct ctables_pcexpr *sub0,
- struct ctables_pcexpr *sub1)
- struct ctables_pcexpr *e = xmalloc (sizeof *e);
- *e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
- .op = op,
- .subs = { sub0, sub1 },
- .location = msg_location_merged (sub0->location, sub1->location),
- };
- return e;
+ for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
+ vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
+ if (var_is_value_missing (var, &vl->value))
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
+ break;
-/* How to parse an operator. */
-struct operator
- {
- enum token_type token;
- enum ctables_postcompute_op op;
- };
+ for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
+ vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
+ break;
-static const struct operator *
-ctables_pcexpr_match_operator (struct lexer *lexer,
- const struct operator ops[], size_t n_ops)
- for (const struct operator *op = ops; op < ops + n_ops; op++)
- if (lex_token (lexer) == op->token)
- {
- if (op->token != T_NEG_NUM)
- lex_get (lexer);
+ break;
- return op;
- }
+ case CCT_TOTAL:
+ break;
- return NULL;
+ case CCT_VALUE:
+ case CCT_LABEL:
+ for (const struct val_lab *vl = val_labs_first (val_labs); vl;
+ vl = val_labs_next (val_labs, vl))
+ if (c->include_missing || !var_is_value_missing (var, &vl->value))
+ ctables_add_occurrence (var, &vl->value, occurrences);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators__ (
- struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
- const struct operator ops[], size_t n_ops,
- parse_recursively_func *parse_next_level,
- const char *chain_warning, struct ctables_pcexpr *lhs)
+static void
+ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (
+ struct ctables_section *s,
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES], struct ccase *c,
+ enum pivot_axis_type a, size_t a_idx)
- for (int op_count = 0; ; op_count++)
+ if (a >= PIVOT_N_AXES)
+ ctables_cell_insert__ (s, c, cats);
+ else if (!s->nests[a] || a_idx >= s->nests[a]->n)
+ ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a + 1, 0);
+ else
- const struct operator *op
- = ctables_pcexpr_match_operator (lexer, ops, n_ops);
- if (!op)
+ const struct variable *var = s->nests[a]->vars[a_idx];
+ const struct ctables_categories *categories = s->table->categories[
+ var_get_dict_index (var)];
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ const struct hmap *occurrences = &s->occurrences[a][a_idx];
+ const struct ctables_occurrence *o;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (o, struct ctables_occurrence, node, occurrences)
- if (op_count > 1 && chain_warning)
- msg_at (SW, lhs->location, "%s", chain_warning);
- return lhs;
+ union value *value = case_data_rw (c, var);
+ value_destroy (value, width);
+ value_clone (value, &o->value, width);
+ cats[a][a_idx] = ctables_categories_match (categories, value, var);
+ assert (cats[a][a_idx] != NULL);
+ ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a, a_idx + 1);
- struct ctables_pcexpr *rhs = parse_next_level (lexer, dict);
- if (!rhs)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < categories->n_cats; i++)
- ctables_pcexpr_destroy (lhs);
- return NULL;
+ const struct ctables_category *cat = &categories->cats[i];
+ if (cat->type == CCT_POSTCOMPUTE)
+ {
+ cats[a][a_idx] = cat;
+ ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, a, a_idx + 1);
+ }
- lhs = ctables_pcexpr_allocate_binary (op->op, lhs, rhs);
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (
- struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict,
- const struct operator ops[], size_t n_ops,
- parse_recursively_func *parse_next_level, const char *chain_warning)
- struct ctables_pcexpr *lhs = parse_next_level (lexer, dict);
- if (!lhs)
- return NULL;
- return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators__ (lexer, dict, ops, n_ops,
- parse_next_level,
- chain_warning, lhs);
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *ctables_pcexpr_parse_add (struct lexer *,
- struct dictionary *);
-static struct ctables_pcexpr
-ctpo_cat_nrange (double low, double high)
+static void
+ctables_section_add_empty_categories (struct ctables_section *s)
- return (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
- .nrange = { low, high },
- };
+ bool show_empty = false;
+ for (size_t a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ if (s->nests[a])
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < s->nests[a]->n; k++)
+ if (k != s->nests[a]->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = s->nests[a]->vars[k];
+ const struct ctables_categories *cats = s->table->categories[
+ var_get_dict_index (var)];
+ if (cats->show_empty)
+ {
+ show_empty = true;
+ ctables_add_category_occurrences (var, &s->occurrences[a][k], cats);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!show_empty)
+ return;
-static struct ctables_pcexpr
-ctpo_cat_srange (struct substring low, struct substring high)
- return (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
- .srange = { low, high },
- };
+ const struct ctables_category *layer_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER]->n];
+ const struct ctables_category *row_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW]->n];
+ const struct ctables_category *column_cats[s->nests[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN]->n];
+ const struct ctables_category **cats[PIVOT_N_AXES] =
+ {
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER] = layer_cats,
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_ROW] = row_cats,
+ [PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN] = column_cats,
+ };
+ struct ccase *c = case_create (dict_get_proto (s->table->ctables->dict));
+ ctables_section_recurse_add_empty_categories (s, cats, c, 0, 0);
+ case_unref (c);
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_primary (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
+static void
+ctables_section_clear (struct ctables_section *s)
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
- struct ctables_pcexpr e;
- if (lex_is_number (lexer))
- {
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CONSTANT,
- .number = lex_number (lexer) };
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "MISSING"))
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_MISSING };
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "OTHERNM"))
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_OTHERNM };
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "TOTAL"))
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_TOTAL };
- else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "SUBTOTAL"))
- {
- size_t subtotal_index = 0;
- if (lex_match (lexer, T_LBRACK))
- {
- if (!lex_force_int_range (lexer, "SUBTOTAL", 1, LONG_MAX))
- return NULL;
- subtotal_index = lex_integer (lexer);
- lex_get (lexer);
- if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RBRACK))
- return NULL;
- }
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_SUBTOTAL,
- .subtotal_index = subtotal_index };
- }
- else if (lex_match (lexer, T_LBRACK))
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "LO"))
- {
- if (!lex_force_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- return false;
- if (lex_is_string (lexer))
- {
- struct substring low = { .string = NULL };
- struct substring high = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- e = ctpo_cat_srange (low, high);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!lex_force_num (lexer))
- return false;
- e = ctpo_cat_nrange (-DBL_MAX, lex_number (lexer));
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- }
- else if (lex_is_number (lexer))
- {
- double number = lex_number (lexer);
- lex_get (lexer);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- {
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
- e = ctpo_cat_nrange (number, DBL_MAX);
- else
- {
- if (!lex_force_num (lexer))
- return false;
- e = ctpo_cat_nrange (number, lex_number (lexer));
- lex_get (lexer);
- }
- }
- else
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_NUMBER,
- .number = number };
- }
- else if (lex_is_string (lexer))
- {
- struct substring s = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "THRU"))
- {
- struct substring high;
- if (lex_match_id (lexer, "HI"))
- high = (struct substring) { .string = NULL };
- else
- {
- if (!lex_force_string (lexer))
- {
- ss_dealloc (&s);
- return false;
- }
- high = parse_substring (lexer, dict);
- }
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ {
+ const struct variable *var = nest->vars[i];
+ int width = var_get_width (var);
+ struct ctables_occurrence *o, *next;
+ struct hmap *map = &s->occurrences[a][i];
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (o, next, struct ctables_occurrence, node, map)
+ {
+ value_destroy (&o->value, width);
+ hmap_delete (map, &o->node);
+ free (o);
+ }
+ hmap_shrink (map);
+ }
+ }
- e = ctpo_cat_srange (s, high);
- }
- else
- e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) { .op = CTPO_CAT_STRING, .string = s };
- }
- else
+ struct ctables_cell *cell, *next_cell;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (cell, next_cell, struct ctables_cell, node, &s->cells)
+ {
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
- lex_error (lexer, NULL);
- return NULL;
+ const struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ if (i != nest->scale_idx)
+ value_destroy (&cell->axes[a].cvs[i].value,
+ var_get_width (nest->vars[i]));
+ free (cell->axes[a].cvs);
- if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RBRACK))
- {
- if (e.op == CTPO_CAT_STRING)
- ss_dealloc (&e.string);
- else if (e.op == CTPO_CAT_SRANGE)
- {
- ss_dealloc (&e.srange[0]);
- ss_dealloc (&e.srange[1]);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
+ const struct ctables_nest *ss = s->nests[s->table->summary_axis];
+ const struct ctables_summary_spec_set *specs = &ss->specs[cell->sv];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->n; i++)
+ ctables_summary_uninit (&cell->summaries[i], &specs->specs[i]);
+ free (cell->summaries);
+ hmap_delete (&s->cells, &cell->node);
+ free (cell);
- else if (lex_match (lexer, T_LPAREN))
+ hmap_shrink (&s->cells);
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
- struct ctables_pcexpr *ep = ctables_pcexpr_parse_add (lexer, dict);
- if (!ep)
- return NULL;
- if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RPAREN))
+ struct ctables_area *area, *next_area;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (area, next_area, struct ctables_area, node,
+ &s->areas[at])
- ctables_pcexpr_destroy (ep);
- return NULL;
+ free (area->sums);
+ hmap_delete (&s->areas[at], &area->node);
+ free (area);
- return ep;
- }
- else
- {
- lex_error (lexer, NULL);
- return NULL;
+ hmap_shrink (&s->areas[at]);
- e.location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1);
- return xmemdup (&e, sizeof e);
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_allocate_neg (struct ctables_pcexpr *sub,
- struct lexer *lexer, int start_ofs)
+static void
+ctables_section_uninit (struct ctables_section *s)
- struct ctables_pcexpr *e = xmalloc (sizeof *e);
- *e = (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
- .op = CTPO_NEG,
- .subs = { sub },
- .location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer) - 1),
- };
- return e;
+ ctables_section_clear (s);
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_nest *nest = s->nests[a];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nest->n; i++)
+ hmap_destroy (&s->occurrences[a][i]);
+ free (s->occurrences[a]);
+ }
+ hmap_destroy (&s->cells);
+ for (enum ctables_area_type at = 0; at < N_CTATS; at++)
+ hmap_destroy (&s->areas[at]);
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_exp (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
+static void
+ctables_table_clear (struct ctables_table *t)
- static const struct operator op = { T_EXP, CTPO_POW };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < t->n_sections; i++)
+ ctables_section_clear (&t->sections[i]);
- const char *chain_warning =
- _("The exponentiation operator (`**') is left-associative: "
- "`a**b**c' equals `(a**b)**c', not `a**(b**c)'. "
- "To disable this warning, insert parentheses.");
+ if (t->clabels_example)
+ {
+ int width = var_get_width (t->clabels_example);
+ struct ctables_value *value, *next_value;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (value, next_value, struct ctables_value, node,
+ &t->clabels_values_map)
+ {
+ value_destroy (&value->value, width);
+ hmap_delete (&t->clabels_values_map, &value->node);
+ free (value);
+ }
+ hmap_shrink (&t->clabels_values_map);
- if (lex_token (lexer) != T_NEG_NUM || lex_next_token (lexer, 1) != T_EXP)
- return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (lexer, dict, &op, 1,
- ctables_pcexpr_parse_primary,
- chain_warning);
+ free (t->clabels_values);
+ t->clabels_values = NULL;
+ t->n_clabels_values = 0;
+ }
- /* Special case for situations like "-5**6", which must be parsed as
- -(5**6). */
+static bool
+ctables_execute (struct dataset *ds, struct casereader *input,
+ struct ctables *ct)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_table *t = ct->tables[i];
+ t->sections = xnmalloc (MAX (1, t->stacks[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW].n) *
+ MAX (1, t->stacks[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN].n) *
+ MAX (1, t->stacks[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER].n),
+ sizeof *t->sections);
+ size_t ix[PIVOT_N_AXES];
+ ctables_table_add_section (t, 0, ix);
+ }
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
- struct ctables_pcexpr *lhs = xmalloc (sizeof *lhs);
- *lhs = (struct ctables_pcexpr) {
- .number = -lex_tokval (lexer),
- .location = lex_ofs_location (lexer, start_ofs, lex_ofs (lexer)),
- };
- lex_get (lexer);
+ struct dictionary *dict = dataset_dict (ds);
- struct ctables_pcexpr *node = ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators__ (
- lexer, dict, &op, 1,
- ctables_pcexpr_parse_primary, chain_warning, lhs);
- if (!node)
- return NULL;
+ bool splitting = dict_get_split_type (dict) == SPLIT_SEPARATE;
+ struct casegrouper *grouper
+ = (splitting
+ ? casegrouper_create_splits (input, dict)
+ : casegrouper_create_vars (input, NULL, 0));
+ struct casereader *group;
+ while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper, &group))
+ {
+ if (splitting)
+ {
+ struct ccase *c = casereader_peek (group, 0);
+ if (c != NULL)
+ {
+ output_split_file_values (ds, c);
+ case_unref (c);
+ }
+ }
- return ctables_pcexpr_allocate_neg (node, lexer, start_ofs);
+ bool warn_on_invalid = true;
+ for (struct ccase *c = casereader_read (group); c;
+ case_unref (c), c = casereader_read (group))
+ {
+ double d_weight = dict_get_rounded_case_weight (dict, c, &warn_on_invalid);
+ double e_weight = (ct->e_weight
+ ? var_force_valid_weight (ct->e_weight,
+ case_num (c, ct->e_weight),
+ &warn_on_invalid)
+ : d_weight);
+ double weight[] = {
+ [CTW_DICTIONARY] = d_weight,
+ [CTW_EFFECTIVE] = e_weight,
+ };
-/* Parses the unary minus level. */
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_neg (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- int start_ofs = lex_ofs (lexer);
- if (!lex_match (lexer, T_DASH))
- return ctables_pcexpr_parse_exp (lexer, dict);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_table *t = ct->tables[i];
- struct ctables_pcexpr *inner = ctables_pcexpr_parse_neg (lexer, dict);
- if (!inner)
- return NULL;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
+ ctables_cell_insert (&t->sections[j], c, weight);
- return ctables_pcexpr_allocate_neg (inner, lexer, start_ofs);
+ for (enum pivot_axis_type a = 0; a < PIVOT_N_AXES; a++)
+ if (t->label_axis[a] != a)
+ ctables_insert_clabels_values (t, c, a);
+ }
+ }
+ casereader_destroy (group);
-/* Parses the multiplication and division level. */
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_mul (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- static const struct operator ops[] =
- {
- };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ct->n_tables; i++)
+ {
+ struct ctables_table *t = ct->tables[i];
- return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (lexer, dict, ops,
- sizeof ops / sizeof *ops,
- ctables_pcexpr_parse_neg, NULL);
+ if (t->clabels_example)
+ ctables_sort_clabels_values (t);
-/* Parses the addition and subtraction level. */
-static struct ctables_pcexpr *
-ctables_pcexpr_parse_add (struct lexer *lexer, struct dictionary *dict)
- static const struct operator ops[] =
- {
- };
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < t->n_sections; j++)
+ ctables_section_add_empty_categories (&t->sections[j]);
- return ctables_pcexpr_parse_binary_operators (lexer, dict,
- ops, sizeof ops / sizeof *ops,
- ctables_pcexpr_parse_mul, NULL);
+ ctables_table_output (ct, t);
+ ctables_table_clear (t);
+ }
+ }
+ return casegrouper_destroy (grouper);
static struct ctables_postcompute *
ctables_find_postcompute (struct ctables *ct, const char *name)
lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
int expr_start = lex_ofs (lexer);
- if (!ctables_axis_parse (lexer, dataset_dict (ds), ct, t, PIVOT_AXIS_ROW))
+ if (!ctables_axis_parse (lexer, dataset_dict (ds),
+ &t->axes[PIVOT_AXIS_ROW]))
goto error;
if (lex_match (lexer, T_BY))
if (!ctables_axis_parse (lexer, dataset_dict (ds),
+ &t->axes[PIVOT_AXIS_COLUMN]))
goto error;
if (lex_match (lexer, T_BY))
if (!ctables_axis_parse (lexer, dataset_dict (ds),
+ &t->axes[PIVOT_AXIS_LAYER]))
goto error;