AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv latin.sps | sed 's/329.62[[678]]/329.62/'], [0],
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
Corrected Model,263.064,15,17.538,5.269,.000
AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv 2by2.sps ], [0],
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
Corrected Model,8667.053,3,2889.018,5.043,.012
AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv type1.sps], [0],
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type I Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
Corrected Model,216.017,7,30.860,5.046,.001
Corrected Total,399.474,37,,,
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type I Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
Corrected Model,216.017,7,30.860,5.046,.001
AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv type2.sps], [0],
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type II Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
Corrected Model,216.017,7,30.860,5.046,.001
AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv intercept-exclude.sps], [0],
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
-warning: GLM is experimental. Do not rely on these results.
Table: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source,Type III Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Sig.
Corrected Model,98.568,1,98.568,5.246,.034