--- /dev/null
+dist_noinst_DATA = make-builder.as dist-pspp.as #build-pspp.as
+dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = make-builder
+dist_noinst_DATA += dist-pspp.in #build-pspp.in
+AUTOM4TE = autom4te
+make-builder.in: make-builder.as
+ $(AUTOM4TE) --language M4sh make-builder.as -o $@
+dist-pspp.in: dist-pspp.as build-pspp.m4
+ $(AUTOM4TE) --language build-pspp dist-pspp.as -o $@
+#build-pspp.in: build-pspp.as build-pspp.m4
+# $(AUTOM4TE) --language build-pspp build-pspp.as -o $@
+edit = sed \
+ -e 's|@VERSION[@]|$(VERSION)|g' \
+ -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|$(PACKAGE_NAME)|g' \
+ -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $@.in; do not edit by hand.|g'
+make-builder: make-builder.in
+ rm -f $@ $@.tmp
+ srcdir=''; \
+ test -f ./$@.in || srcdir=$(srcdir)/; \
+ $(edit) $${srcdir}$@.in >$@.tmp
+ chmod +x $@.tmp
+ chmod a-w $@.tmp
+ mv $@.tmp $@
--- /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env perl
-use Cwd;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Spec;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_ignore_case);
-use IO::Handle;
-use POSIX;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $help = 0;
-my $build_binary = 1;
-my $batch = 0;
-my $builddir;
-my $build_number;
-GetOptions ("h|help" => \$help,
- "binary!" => \$build_binary,
- "batch!" => \$batch,
- "o|output=s" => \$builddir,
- "build-number=i" => \$build_number);
-usage () if $help;
-die "$0: exactly one or two nonoption arguments are required\n"
- if @ARGV != 1 && @ARGV != 2;
-my $tarball;
-if (@ARGV == 1) {
- $tarball = File::Spec->rel2abs ($ARGV[0]);
-} else {
- # Tarball will be generated later.
-# Select build number.
-if (!defined ($build_number)) {
- $build_number = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime);
-my $topdir = dirname ($0);
-$topdir = cwd () . "/$topdir" if $topdir !~ m%^/%;
-# Create build directory.
-if (!defined ($builddir)) {
- $builddir = "builds/$build_number";
- mkdir "builds" or die "builds: mkdir: $!\n" if ! -d "builds";
-$builddir = File::Spec->rel2abs ($builddir);
--d $builddir or mkdir $builddir or die "$builddir: mkdir: $!\n";
-chdir ($builddir) or die "$builddir: chdir: $!\n";
-our $resultsdir = "$builddir/results";
-mkdir $resultsdir or die "$resultsdir: mkdir: $!\n";
-mkdir "$resultsdir/vars" or die "$resultsdir/vars: mkdir: $!\n";
-my $varsfile = "$resultsdir/VARS";
-open (VARS, '>', $varsfile) or die "creating $varsfile failed: $!\n";
-VARS->autoflush (1);
-our $logfile = "$resultsdir/LOG";
-open (LOG, '>', $logfile) or die "creating $logfile failed: $!\n";
-my $build_host = `hostname`;
-chomp $build_host;
-set_var ("build_host", $build_host);
-set_var ("build_number", $build_number);
-our $GIT = "git --git-dir=$topdir/.git";
-sub start_step {
- my ($msg) = @_;
- print LOG "\f\n$msg\n";
- print "$msg\n" unless $batch;
-sub set_var {
- my ($var, $value) = @_;
- print VARS "$var=$value\n";
- print "\t$var=$value\n" unless $batch;
- open (VAR, '>', "$resultsdir/vars/$var")
- or die "creating $resultsdir/$var failed: $!\n";
- print VAR "$value\n";
- close VAR;
-sub saved_result {
- my ($name, $product) = @_;
- start_step ("Saving $name: $product");
-sub save_result {
- my ($name, $src, $rm_src) = @_;
- my ($basename) = $src;
- $basename =~ s(^.*/)();
- my ($dst) = "$resultsdir/$basename";
- saved_result ($name, $basename);
- run ("cp -R $src $dst");
- if (defined ($rm_src) && $rm_src) {
- run ("rm $src");
- }
- return $dst;
-sub save_result_if_exists {
- my ($name, $src, $rm_src) = @_;
- if (-e $src) {
- save_result (@_);
- } else {
- start_step ("$src does not exist, cannot save");
- }
-sub ref_to_commit {
- my ($ref) = @_;
- my $commit = `$GIT rev-parse $ref`;
- chomp $commit;
- return $commit;
-if (@ARGV == 2) {
- my ($repo, $branch) = @ARGV;
- start_step ("Fetch branch from Git");
- set_var ("git_repo", $repo);
- set_var ("git_branch", $branch);
- run ("$GIT fetch $repo +$branch:refs/builds/$build_number/pspp");
- # Get revision number.
- set_var ("pspp_ref", "refs/builds/$build_number/pspp");
- my $revision = ref_to_commit ("refs/builds/$build_number/pspp");
- set_var ("pspp_commit", $revision);
- my $abbrev_commit = substr ($revision, 0, 6);
- # Extract source.
- start_step ("Extract branch into source directory");
- run ("$GIT archive --format=tar --prefix=pspp/ refs/builds/$build_number/pspp | tar xf -");
- # Extract version number.
- start_step ("Extract repository version number");
- my $trace = `cd pspp && autoconf -t AC_INIT`;
- chomp $trace;
- my ($file, $line, $macro, $package, $repo_version, @rest)
- = split (':', $trace);
- set_var ("repo_version", $repo_version);
- # Is this a "gnits" mode tree?
- start_step ("Checking Automake mode");
- open (MAKEFILE_AM, '<', "pspp/Makefile.am");
- my $am_mode = "gnu";
- while (<MAKEFILE_AM>) {
- if (/gnits/) {
- $am_mode = "gnits";
- last;
- }
- }
- close (MAKEFILE_AM);
- print LOG "Automake mode is $am_mode\n";
- # Generate version number for build.
- # We want to append -g012345, but if we're in Gnits mode and the
- # version number already has a hyphen, we have to omit it.
- start_step ("Generate build version number");
- my $version = $repo_version;
- $version .= '-' unless $version =~ /-/;
- $version .= "g$abbrev_commit";
- set_var ("version", $version);
- # Append -g012345 to configure.ac version number.
- start_step ("Updating version number in $file");
- my $fullname = "pspp/$file";
- open (OLDFILE, '<', $fullname)
- or die "opening $fullname failed: $!\n";
- open (NEWFILE, '>', "$fullname.new")
- or die "creating $fullname.new failed: $!\n";
- while (<OLDFILE>) {
- if ($. != $line) {
- print NEWFILE $_;
- } else {
- print NEWFILE "AC_INIT([$package], [$version]";
- print NEWFILE ", [$_]" foreach @rest;
- print NEWFILE ")\n";
- }
- }
- close (NEWFILE);
- close (OLDFILE);
- rename ("$fullname.new", $fullname)
- or die "rename $fullname.new to $fullname failed: $!\n";
- # Get Gnulib commit number.
- start_step ("Reading README.Git to find Gnulib commit number");
- my $gnulib_commit;
- $fullname = "pspp/README.Git";
- open (README_GIT, '<', $fullname)
- or die "opening $fullname failed: $!\n";
- while (<README_GIT>) {
- ($gnulib_commit) = /^\s+commit ([0-9a-fA-F]{8,})/ and last;
- }
- die "$fullname does not specify a Git commit number\n"
- if !defined ($gnulib_commit);
- set_var ("gnulib_commit", $gnulib_commit);
- # Add note to beginning of NEWS (otherwise "make dist" fails).
- start_step ("Updating NEWS");
- $fullname = "pspp/NEWS";
- open (OLDFILE, '<', $fullname)
- or die "opening $fullname failed: $!\n";
- open (NEWFILE, '>', "$fullname.new")
- or die "creating $fullname.new failed: $!\n";
- my $found_changes = 0;
- while (<OLDFILE>) {
- if (!$found_changes && /^Changes/) {
- $found_changes = 1;
- print NEWFILE <<EOF;
-Changes from $repo_version to $version:
- * Built from PSPP commit $revision
- in branch $branch on host $build_host.
- * Built from Gnulib commit $gnulib_commit.
- }
- print NEWFILE $_;
- }
- close (NEWFILE);
- close (OLDFILE);
- rename ("$fullname.new", $fullname)
- or die "rename $fullname.new to $fullname failed: $!\n";
- # If we don't already have that Gnulib commit, update Gnulib.
- system ("$GIT rev-parse --verify --quiet $gnulib_commit^0 > /dev/null");
- if ($? != 0) {
- start_step ("Updating Gnulib to obtain commit");
- run ("$GIT fetch gnulib");
- }
- run ("$GIT update-ref refs/builds/$build_number/gnulib $gnulib_commit");
- set_var ("gnulib_ref", "refs/builds/$build_number/gnulib");
- # Extract gnulib source.
- start_step ("Extract Gnulib source");
- run ("$GIT archive --format=tar --prefix=gnulib/ $gnulib_commit | tar xf -");
- # Bootstrap.
- start_step ("Bootstrap (make -f Smake)");
- run ("cd pspp && make -f Smake", "bootstrap");
- # Configure.
- start_step ("Configure source");
- run ("cd pspp && mkdir _build && cd _build && ../configure", "configure");
- # Distribute.
- start_step ("Make source tarball");
- run ("cd pspp/_build && make dist", "dist");
- my $tarname = "pspp-$version.tar.gz";
- $tarball = save_result ("source distribution", "pspp/_build/$tarname", 1);
- # Save translation templates.
- my $potfile = "pspp/_build/po/pspp.pot";
- $potfile = "pspp/po/pspp.pot" if ! -e $potfile;
- save_result ("translation templates", $potfile);
- # Build user manual
- start_step ("Build user manual");
- run ("cd pspp && cp _build/doc/*.texi doc/");
- run ("cd pspp && GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=$topdir $topdir/gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp.texinfo -o $resultsdir/user-manual --email bug-gnu-pspp\@gnu.org pspp \"GNU PSPP User Manual\"", "user-manual");
- saved_result ("User Manual", "user-manual");
- # Build developer's guide
- start_step ("Build developers guide");
- run ("cd pspp && GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=$topdir $topdir/gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp-dev.texinfo -o $resultsdir/dev-guide --email bug-gnu-pspp\@gnu.org pspp-dev \"GNU PSPP Developers Guide\"", "dev-guide");
- saved_result ("Developers Guide", "dev-guide");
-} else {
- $tarball = saved_result ("source distribution", $tarball);
-if ($build_binary) {
- start_step ("Save tarball to Git");
- run ("GIT_DIR=$topdir/.git $topdir/git-import-tar $tarball refs/builds/$build_number/dist", "git-dist");
- set_var ("dist_ref", "refs/builds/$build_number/dist");
- set_var ("dist_commit", ref_to_commit ("refs/builds/$build_number/dist"));
- start_step ("Determining $tarball target directory");
- my $sample_filename = `zcat $tarball | tar tf - | head -1`;
- my ($tarball_dir) = $sample_filename =~ m%^(?:[./])*([^/]+)/%;
- set_var ("dist_dir", $tarball_dir);
- start_step ("Extracting source tarball");
- run ("zcat $tarball | (cd $builddir && tar xf -)");
- start_step ("Extracting tar version");
- my ($version) = `cd $builddir/$tarball_dir && ./configure --version | head -1`
- =~ /configure (\S+)$/;
- set_var ("dist_version", $version);
- my ($binary_version) = "$version-$build_host-build$build_number";
- set_var ("binary_version", $binary_version);
- start_step ("Configuring");
- run ("chmod -R a-w $builddir/$tarball_dir");
- run ("chmod u+w $builddir/$tarball_dir");
- run ("mkdir $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build");
- run ("chmod a-w $builddir/$tarball_dir");
- my $ok = try_run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && ../configure --enable-relocatable --prefix=''", "bin-configure");
- for my $basename ("config.h", "config.log") {
- save_result_if_exists ("build configuration",
- "$builddir/$tarball_dir/_build/$basename");
- }
- fail () if !$ok;
- start_step ("Build");
- run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && make", "build");
- start_step ("Install");
- run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && make install DESTDIR=\$PWD/pspp-$binary_version", "install");
- start_step ("Make binary distribution");
- run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && tar cfz pspp-$binary_version.tar.gz pspp-$binary_version");
- save_result ("binary distribution", "$builddir/$tarball_dir/_build/pspp-$binary_version.tar.gz", 1);
- start_step ("Check");
- $ok = try_run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && make check", "check");
- for my $basename ("tests/testsuite.log", "tests/testsuite.dir") {
- save_result_if_exists ("test logs", "$builddir/$tarball_dir/_build/$basename");
- }
- fail () if !$ok;
- start_step ("Uninstall");
- run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && make uninstall DESTDIR=\$PWD/pspp-$binary_version", "uninstall");
- start_step ("Check uninstall");
- run ("cd $builddir/$tarball_dir/_build && make distuninstallcheck distuninstallcheck_dir=\$PWD/pspp-$binary_version", "distuninstallcheck");
- # distcleancheck
-start_step ("Success");
-sub usage {
- print <<EOF;
-$0, for building and testing PSPP
-where TARBALL is the name of a tarball produced by "make dist"
- or REPO and REFSPEC are a Git repo and refspec (e.g. branch) to clone.
- --help Print this usage message and exit
- --no-binary Build source tarballs but no binaries.
- --batch Do not print progress to stdout.
- exit(0);
-sub run {
- fail () if !try_run (@_);
-sub try_run {
- my ($command, $id) = @_;
- print LOG "$command\n";
- my $pid = open (COMMAND, '-|');
- if (!defined ($pid)) {
- die "fork failed: $!\n";
- } elsif (!$pid) {
- dup2 (1, 2);
- exec ($command);
- die "$command: exec failed: $!\n";
- }
- my ($start) = time ();
- my ($est_time) = (defined ($id) ? read_timing ($id) : 0);
- local ($|) = 1;
- my $lines = 0;
- while (<COMMAND>) {
- print LOG $_;
- my $elapsed = time () - $start;
- my $progress = sprintf "%d lines logged, %d s elapsed",
- $lines++, $elapsed;
- if ($est_time > 0) {
- my $left = $est_time - $elapsed;
- if ($left > 0) {
- $progress .= sprintf ", ETA %d s", $left;
- }
- }
- print "\r$progress", " " x (79 - length ($progress)), "\r"
- unless $batch;
- }
- close (COMMAND);
- print "\r", " " x 79, "\r" unless $batch;
- write_timing ($id, time () - $start) if defined ($id);
- return 1 if !$?;
- if ($? & 127) {
- printf STDERR "%s: child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
- $command, ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
- } else {
- printf STDERR "%s: child exited with value %d\n", $command, $? >> 8;
- }
- return 0;
-sub read_timing {
- my ($id) = @_;
- open (TIMINGS, "<", "$topdir/timings") or return 0;
- while (<TIMINGS>) {
- chomp;
- my ($key, $value) = /^([^=]+)=(.*)/ or next;
- return $value if $key eq $id;
- }
- close (TIMINGS);
- return 0;
-sub write_timing {
- my ($id, $time) = @_;
- open (NEWTIMINGS, ">", "$topdir/timings.tmp$$") or return;
- if (open (OLDTIMINGS, "<", "$topdir/timings")) {
- while (<OLDTIMINGS>) {
- if (my ($key, $value) = /^([^=]+)=(.*)/) {
- next if $key eq $id;
- }
- print NEWTIMINGS $_;
- }
- close (OLDTIMINGS);
- }
- print NEWTIMINGS "$id=$time\n";
- close (NEWTIMINGS);
- rename ("$topdir/timings.tmp$$", "$topdir/timings");
-sub fail {
- die "Build failed, refer to:\n\t$logfile\nfor details.\n";
--- /dev/null
+m4_define([_m4_divert(INIT_PREPARE)], 300)
+# ------------------
+# Initializes and starts logging to LOGFILE.
+# -----------------------
+# Initialize the log file descriptor and write header to it.
+[m4_define([BP_LOG_FILE], [$1])
+m4_define([AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD], 5)dnl
+cat >$1 <<_BPEOF
+This file is a build log.
+Invocation command line was
+ $ $[0] $[@]
+])])# _BP_INIT_LOG
+m4_define([BP_VARS_FD], 6)dnl
+exec BP_VARS_FD>results/VARS
+# -----------------
+test -n "$DJDIR" || exec AS_ORIGINAL_STDIN_FD<&0 </dev/null
+exec AS_MESSAGE_FD>&1
+ [AS_ECHO(["$1"])
+ [m4_if([$2], [], [], [$1='$2'
+AS_ECHO(["$1=$[$1]"]) >&BP_VARS_FD
+AS_ECHO(["$as_me:$LINENO: $1=$[$1]"]) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+AS_ECHO([" $1=$[$1]"])])
+[BP_START_STEP([Saving `AS_BASENAME([$2])`: $1])])
+[BP_OUTPUT([$1], [$2])
+BP_RUN([mv $2 results/ >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])])
+[BP_OUTPUT([$1], [$2])
+BP_RUN([cp -R $2 results/ >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])])
+$as_me:$LINENO: $1
+if test $_bp_status != 0; then
+ AS_ECHO(["Build failed, refer to BP_LOG_FILE for details"])
+ AS_ECHO(["$as_me:$LINENO: command exited with status $_bp_status"]) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+ AS_EXIT([1])
--- /dev/null
+AC_INIT([build-pspp], [1])
--- /dev/null
+# -* autoconf -*-
+ABBREV_COMMIT=`expr "$COMMIT" : '\(......\)'`
+BP_START_STEP([Extracting Git sources])
+tar xzf pspp-$COMMIT.tar.gz
+BP_START_STEP([Extract repository version number])
+(cd pspp-$COMMIT && autoconf -t AC_INIT) > tmp$$
+BP_START_STEP([Checking Automake mode])
+if grep gnits pspp-$COMMIT/Makefile.am >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ AM_MODE=gnits
+ AM_MODE=gnu
+BP_START_STEP([Generate build version number])
+case $AM_MODE-$REPO_VERSION in # (
+ gnits-*-*)
+ # We want to append -g012345, but we're in Gnits mode and the
+ # version number already has a hyphen, so we have to omit the
+ # second hyphen.
+ ;; # (
+ *)
+ ;;
+BP_START_STEP([Update version number in configure.ac])
+echo "AC_INIT([[$PACKAGE], [$VERSION], [$BUG_REPORT], [$TARNAME], [$URL]])" > tmp$$
+sed -n "${LINE}r tmp$$
+$LINE!p" < pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE > pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE.new
+mv pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE.new pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE
+ sed -n '/^Changes/q;p' pspp-$COMMIT/NEWS
+cat <<_BP_EOF
+Changes from $REPO_VERSION to $VERSION:
+ * Built from PSPP commit $COMMIT
+ in branch $BRANCH on host `hostname`.
+ * Built from Gnulib commit $GNULIB_COMMIT.
+ sed -n '/^Changes/,$p' pspp-$COMMIT/NEWS
+} > NEWS.new
+mv NEWS.new pspp-$COMMIT/NEWS
+BP_START_STEP([Extract Gnulib source])
+BP_RUN([tar xzf gnulib-$GNULIB_COMMIT.tar.gz >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_START_STEP([Bootstrap (make -f Smake)])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && make -f Smake GNULIB=../gnulib-$GNULIB_COMMIT) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT/_build && ../configure @CONFIGUREFLAGS@) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_START_STEP([Make source tarball])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT/_build && make dist) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_MOVE_OUTPUT([source distribution], [pspp-$COMMIT/_build/pspp-$VERSION.tar.gz])
+if test ! -e $potfile; then
+ potfile=pspp-$COMMIT/po/pspp.pot
+BP_COPY_OUTPUT([translation templates], [$potfile])
+BP_START_STEP([Build user manual])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && cp _build/doc/*.texi doc/) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=.. ../gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp.texinfo -o results/user-manual --email bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org pspp "GNU PSPP User Manual") >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_OUTPUT([User Manual], [user-manual])
+BP_START_STEP([Build developers guide])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=.. ../gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp-dev.texinfo -o results/dev-guide --email bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org pspp-dev "GNU PSPP Developers Guide") >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_OUTPUT([Developers Guide], [dev-guide])
--- /dev/null
+# -* autoconf -*-
+ABBREV_COMMIT=`expr "$COMMIT" : '\(......\)'`
+BP_START_STEP([Extracting Git sources])
+tar xzf pspp-$COMMIT.tar.gz
+BP_START_STEP([Extract repository version number])
+(cd pspp-$COMMIT && autoconf -t AC_INIT) > tmp$$
+BP_START_STEP([Checking Automake mode])
+if grep gnits pspp-$COMMIT/Makefile.am >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ AM_MODE=gnits
+ AM_MODE=gnu
+BP_START_STEP([Generate build version number])
+case $AM_MODE-$REPO_VERSION in # (
+ gnits-*-*)
+ # We want to append -g012345, but we're in Gnits mode and the
+ # version number already has a hyphen, so we have to omit the
+ # second hyphen.
+ ;; # (
+ *)
+ ;;
+BP_START_STEP([Update version number in configure.ac])
+echo "AC_INIT([[$PACKAGE], [$VERSION], [$BUG_REPORT], [$TARNAME], [$URL]])" > tmp$$
+sed -n "${LINE}r tmp$$
+$LINE!p" < pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE > pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE.new
+mv pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE.new pspp-$COMMIT/$FILE
+ sed -n '/^Changes/q;p' pspp-$COMMIT/NEWS
+cat <<_BP_EOF
+Changes from $REPO_VERSION to $VERSION:
+ * Built from PSPP commit $COMMIT
+ in branch $BRANCH on host `hostname`.
+ * Built from Gnulib commit $GNULIB_COMMIT.
+ sed -n '/^Changes/,$p' pspp-$COMMIT/NEWS
+} > NEWS.new
+mv NEWS.new pspp-$COMMIT/NEWS
+BP_START_STEP([Extract Gnulib source])
+BP_RUN([tar xzf gnulib-$GNULIB_COMMIT.tar.gz >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_START_STEP([Bootstrap (make -f Smake)])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && make -f Smake GNULIB=../gnulib-$GNULIB_COMMIT) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT/_build && ../configure @CONFIGUREFLAGS@) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_START_STEP([Make source tarball])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT/_build && make dist) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_MOVE_OUTPUT([source distribution], [pspp-$COMMIT/_build/pspp-$VERSION.tar.gz])
+if test ! -e $potfile; then
+ potfile=pspp-$COMMIT/po/pspp.pot
+BP_COPY_OUTPUT([translation templates], [$potfile])
+BP_START_STEP([Build user manual])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && cp _build/doc/*.texi doc/) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=.. ../gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp.texinfo -o results/user-manual --email bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org pspp "GNU PSPP User Manual") >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_OUTPUT([User Manual], [user-manual])
+BP_START_STEP([Build developers guide])
+BP_RUN([(cd pspp-$COMMIT && GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=.. ../gendocs.sh -s doc/pspp-dev.texinfo -o results/dev-guide --email bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org pspp-dev "GNU PSPP Developers Guide") >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>&1])
+BP_OUTPUT([Developers Guide], [dev-guide])
--- /dev/null
+AS_INIT[]dnl -*- shell-script -*-
+# @configure_input@
+# make-builder -- create PSPP build scripts
+# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
+# 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+m4_divert_pop([HEADER-COPYRIGHT])dnl back to BODY
+where REPO and BRANCH are a Git repository and branch to clone.
+ -h, --help Print this usage message and exit
+ -b, --build=NUMBER Set build number (default: next available)
+ -o, --output=DIRECTORY Set build directory (default: build\$BUILDNR)
+ -f, --force Overwrite files in existing directory
+Report bugs to <bug-gnu-pspp@gnu.org>.
+GNU PSPP: <http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/>.
+General help using GNU software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>."]
+make-builder (@PACKAGE_NAME@) @VERSION@
+Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+License GPLv3+/Autoconf: GNU GPL version 3 or later
+<http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>, <http://gnu.org/licenses/exceptions.html>
+This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
+There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
+Written by Ben Pfaff."]
+Try \`$as_me --help' for more information."
+ m4_bpatsubst([AS_ERROR([option `$[1]' requires an argument$as_nl$help])],
+ ['], ['\\''])'
+# restore font-lock: '
+# Variables.
+# Parse command line.
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+ option=[`expr "x$1" : 'x\(--[^=]*\)' \| \
+ "x$1" : 'x\(-.\)'`]
+ optarg=[`expr "x$1" : 'x--[^=]*=\(.*\)' \| \
+ "x$1" : 'x-.\(.*\)'`]
+ case $1 in
+ --version | -V )
+ echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+ --help | -h )
+ AS_ECHO(["$usage"]); exit ;;
+ --verbose | -v )
+ verbose=:
+ autom4te_options="$autom4te_options $1"; shift ;;
+ --output=* | -o?* )
+ outdir=$optarg
+ shift ;;
+ --output | -o )
+ test $# = 1 && eval "$exit_missing_arg"
+ outdir=$2
+ shift; shift ;;
+ --build=* | -b?* )
+ buildnr=$optarg
+ shift ;;
+ --build | -b )
+ test $# = 1 && eval "$exit_missing_arg"
+ buildnr=$2
+ shift; shift ;;
+ --force | -f )
+ overwrite=true ;;
+ -- ) # Stop option processing
+ shift; break ;;
+ - ) # Use stdin as input.
+ break ;;
+ -* )
+ exec >&2
+ AS_ERROR([invalid option `$[1]'$as_nl$help]) ;; #`
+ * )
+ break ;;
+ esac
+# Find the input file.
+case $# in
+ 2)
+ repository=$1
+ branch=$2
+ ;;
+ *) exec >&2
+ AS_ERROR([invalid number of arguments$as_nl$help]) ;;
+# Choose build number.
+if test "x$buildnr" = x; then
+ lock_file () {
+ echo $$ > $[1].$$
+ if ln $[1].$$ $[1].lock; then
+ rm $[1].$$
+ return 0
+ fi
+ pid=`cat $[1].lock`
+ if kill -0 pid; then
+ :
+ else
+ rm -f $[1].lock
+ fi
+ return 1
+ }
+ until lock_file build_number; do
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if test -e buildnr; then
+ buildnr=`cat buildnr`
+ else
+ buildnr=1
+ fi
+ echo `expr $buildnr + 1` > buildnr
+ rm build_number.lock
+# Check that build number is a number.
+if expr "X$buildnr" : '[X[0-9][0-9]*$]' >/dev/null; then
+ :
+ exec >&2
+ AS_ERROR([invalid build number `$buildnr'$as_nl$help]) #`
+# Ensure that git repository exists.
+export GIT_DIR
+git init
+# Fetch PSPP source.
+git fetch $repository +$branch:refs/builds/$buildnr/pspp
+# Get PSPP commit number.
+pspp_commit=`git rev-parse refs/builds/$buildnr/pspp`
+# Get gnulib commit number.
+ git show refs/builds/$buildnr/pspp:README.Git | \
+ sed -n 's/^[[ ]]*commit \([[0-9a-fA-F]]\{8,\}\)$/\1/p' | \
+ head -1`
+# Fetch Gnulib source.
+if git rev-parse --verify --quiet $gnulib_commit^0 > /dev/null; then
+ :
+ # We don't have the right commit yet, update Gnulib.
+ git fetch git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gnulib/*
+git update-ref refs/builds/$buildnr/gnulib $gnulib_commit
+# Choose and create output directory.
+test -z "$outdir" && outdir=build$buildnr
+if test -e "$outdir" && test $overwrite = false; then
+ exec >&2
+ AS_ERROR([$outdir exists and --force not specified$as_nl$help])
+# Make source tarballs.
+git archive --format=tar --prefix=pspp-$pspp_commit/ $pspp_commit \
+ | gzip > $outdir/pspp-$pspp_commit.tar.gz
+git archive --format=tar --prefix=gnulib-$gnulib_commit/ $gnulib_commit \
+ | gzip > $outdir/gnulib-$gnulib_commit.tar.gz
+# Make build scripts.
+sed < dist-pspp.in > "$outdir/dist-pspp" "
+chmod +x "$outdir/dist-pspp"
+# Copy in scripts.
+cp gendocs.sh gendocs_template gendocs_template_min "$outdir/"
+open (HTACCESS, '>', '.htaccess');
+print HTACCESS <<EOF;
+DirectorySlash off
open (CSS, '>', "build.css");
print CSS <<EOF;
body {