.so lib/dpif.man
-The optional \fIcontroller\fR arguments specify how to connect to
-the OpenFlow controller. It takes one of the following forms:
+The optional \fIcontroller\fR arguments specify how to connect to the
+OpenFlow controller or controllers. Each takes one of the following
.so lib/vconn-active.man
+When multiple controllers are configured, \fBovs\-openflowd\fR
+connects to all of them simultaneously. OpenFlow 1.0 does not specify
+how multiple controllers coordinate in interacting with a single
+switch, so more than one controller should be specified only if the
+controllers are themselves designed to coordinate with each other.
+(The Nicira-defined \fBNXT_ROLE\fR OpenFlow vendor extension may be
+useful for this.)
If no \fIcontroller\fR is specified, \fBovs\-openflowd\fR attempts to
discover the location of a controller automatically (see below).
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
- if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) {
- ovs_fatal(0, "need one or two non-option arguments; "
+ if (argc < 1) {
+ ovs_fatal(0, "need at least one non-option arguments; "
"use --help for usage");