'boolean': 'bool ',
'string': 'char *'}[type]
+def typeIsOptionalPointer(type):
+ return (type.min == 0 and type.max == 1 and not type.value
+ and (type.key == 'string'
+ or (type.key == 'uuid' and type.keyRefTable)))
+def cDeclComment(type):
+ if type.min == 1 and type.max == 1 and type.key == "string":
+ return "\t/* Always nonnull. */"
+ else:
+ return ""
def printCIDLHeader(schema):
prefix = schema.idlPrefix
print '''\
#include "uuid.h"''' % {'prefix': prefix.upper()}
for tableName, table in schema.tables.iteritems():
- if table.comment != None:
- print "/* %s table (%s). */" % (tableName, table.comment)
- else:
- print "/* %s table. */" % (tableName)
+ print "/* %s table. */" % tableName
structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
print "struct %s {" % structName
print "\tstruct ovsdb_idl_row header_;"
pointer = ''
singleton = False
- pointer = '*'
+ if typeIsOptionalPointer(type):
+ pointer = ''
+ else:
+ pointer = '*'
if type.value:
- print "\tkey_%s%s%s;" % (cBaseType(prefix, type.key, type.keyRefTable), pointer, columnName)
- print "\tvalue_%s%s%s;" % (cBaseType(prefix, type.value, type.valueRefTable), pointer, columnName)
+ print "\t%s%skey_%s;" % (cBaseType(prefix, type.key, type.keyRefTable), pointer, columnName)
+ print "\t%s%svalue_%s;" % (cBaseType(prefix, type.value, type.valueRefTable), pointer, columnName)
- print "\t%s%s%s;" % (cBaseType(prefix, type.key, type.keyRefTable), pointer, columnName)
- if not singleton:
+ print "\t%s%s%s;%s" % (cBaseType(prefix, type.key, type.keyRefTable), pointer, columnName, cDeclComment(type))
+ if not singleton and not typeIsOptionalPointer(type):
print "\tsize_t n_%s;" % columnName
- print '''
+ print '''\
const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *);
printEnum(["%sTABLE_%s" % (prefix.upper(), tableName.upper()) for tableName in schema.tables] + ["%sN_TABLES" % prefix.upper()])
print "\nstatic struct ovsdb_idl_table_class %stable_classes[%sN_TABLES];" % (prefix, prefix.upper())
+ # Cast functions.
+ for tableName, table in schema.tables.iteritems():
+ structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
+ print '''
+static struct %(s)s *
+%(s)s_cast(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row)
+ return row ? CONTAINER_OF(row, struct %(s)s, header_) : NULL;
+''' % {'s': structName}
for tableName, table in schema.tables.iteritems():
structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
print "\f"
+ ["%s_N_COLUMNS" % structName.upper()])
# Parse function.
- print '''
+ print '''\
static void
%s_parse(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row_)
- struct %s *row = (struct %s *) row_;
+ struct %s *row = %s_cast(row_);
const struct ovsdb_datum *datum;
size_t i UNUSED;
keyVar = "row->%s" % columnName
valueVar = None
- if type.min == 1 and type.max == 1:
+ if (type.min == 1 and type.max == 1) or typeIsOptionalPointer(type):
print " if (datum->n >= 1) {"
if not refKey:
print " %s = datum->keys[0].%s;" % (keyVar, type.key)
- print " %s = (struct %s%s *) ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->keys[0].uuid);" % (keyVar, prefix, type.keyRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.keyRefTable.upper())
+ print " %s = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->keys[0].uuid));" % (keyVar, prefix, type.keyRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.keyRefTable.upper())
if valueVar:
if refValue:
print " %s = datum->values[0].%s;" % (valueVar, type.value)
- print " %s = (struct %s%s *) ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->values[0].uuid);" % (valueVar, prefix, type.valueRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.valueRefTable.upper())
+ print " %s = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->values[0].uuid));" % (valueVar, prefix, type.valueRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.valueRefTable.upper())
+ if (not typeIsOptionalPointer(type) and
+ (type.key == "string" or type.value == "string")):
+ print " } else {"
+ if type.key == "string":
+ print " %s = \"\";" % keyVar
+ if type.value == "string":
+ print " %s = \"\";" % valueVar
print " }"
if type.max != 'unlimited':
nMax = "MIN(%d, datum->n)" % type.max
print " for (i = 0; i < %s; i++) {" % nMax
refs = []
if refKey:
- print " struct %s%s *keyRow = (struct %s%s *) ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->keys[i].uuid);" % (prefix, type.keyRefTable.lower(), prefix, type.keyRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.keyRefTable.upper())
+ print " struct %s%s *keyRow = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->keys[i].uuid));" % (prefix, type.keyRefTable.lower(), prefix, type.keyRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.keyRefTable.upper())
keySrc = "keyRow"
keySrc = "datum->keys[i].%s" % type.key
if refValue:
- print " struct %s%s *valueRow = (struct %s%s *) ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->values[i].uuid);" % (prefix, type.valueRefTable.lower(), prefix, type.valueRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.valueRefTable.upper())
+ print " struct %s%s *valueRow = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->values[i].uuid));" % (prefix, type.valueRefTable.lower(), prefix, type.valueRefTable.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.valueRefTable.upper())
valueSrc = "valueRow"
elif valueVar:
print "%sif (!row->n_%s) {" % (indent, columnName)
print "%s %s = xmalloc(%s * sizeof *%s);" % (indent, keyVar, nMax, keyVar)
if valueVar:
- print "%s %s = xmalloc(%s * sizeof %%s);" % (indent, valueVar, nMax, valueVar)
+ print "%s %s = xmalloc(%s * sizeof %s);" % (indent, valueVar, nMax, valueVar)
print "%s}" % indent
print "%s%s[row->n_%s] = %s;" % (indent, keyVar, columnName, keySrc)
if valueVar:
- print "%s[row->n_%s] = %s;" % (indent, valueVar, columnName, valueSrc)
+ print "%s%s[row->n_%s] = %s;" % (indent, valueVar, columnName, valueSrc)
print "%srow->n_%s++;" % (indent, columnName)
if refs:
print " }"
nArrays = 0
for columnName, column in table.columns.iteritems():
type = column.type
- if type.min != 1 or type.max != 1:
+ if (type.min != 1 or type.max != 1) and not typeIsOptionalPointer(type):
if not nArrays:
print '''
static void
%s_unparse(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row_)
- struct %s *row = (struct %s *) row_;
+ struct %s *row = %s_cast(row_);
''' % (structName, structName, structName)
if type.value:
keyVar = "row->key_%s" % columnName
# First, next functions.
print '''
-const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *idl)
+const struct %(s)s *
+%(s)s_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *idl)
- return (const struct %(s)s *) ovsdb_idl_first_row(idl, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s]);
+ return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_first_row(idl, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s]));
-const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_next(const struct %(s)s *row)
+const struct %(s)s *
+%(s)s_next(const struct %(s)s *row)
- return (const struct %(s)s *) ovsdb_idl_next_row(&row->header_);
+ return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_next_row(&row->header_));
}''' % {'s': structName, 'p': prefix, 'P': prefix.upper(), 'T': tableName.upper()}
# Table columns.