This option prevents gimp from loading patterns, gradients, palettes,
and brushes. I think that these are mostly for interactive use. I didn't
see any difference in output quality.
On my system this sped up "make -f Smake -j128 icons" from 1.8 to 1.6
seconds. On other systems I guess it will make a bigger difference.
echo "Converting" $1 "to" $3 "size" $width"x"$width
comment=`cat $2`
-gimp -i -b "\
+gimp -i -d -b "\
(let* ((image (car (file-svg-load 1 \"$1\" \"$1\" 90 $width $width 0 ))))
(gimp-image-attach-parasite image '(\"gimp-comment\" 0 \"$comment\"))
(gimp-file-save 1 image (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))